The semantic level: Information types Semantic Unit A Ontological type R Extended Qualia Structure M F E O E L N A Domain A T T U I R Event Type O Synonymy G S Derivation E E N M S S U Semantic properties Regular Polysemy alt. Nilda Ruimy S Predicative Representation lexical predicate arguments: sem. role; sem. restr. Link to syntactic unit Semantic information vaporizzatore atomizer semantic type: Instrument supertype: Artifact gloss: apparecchio usato per ridurre in minuscole particelle un liquido example: un vaporizzatore per piante ontological type gloss and example eventype: ===== event type domain: cleaning, gardening, cosmetics semantic features synonymy: nebulizzatore morpho. derivation: eventverb vaporizzare semantic relations formal: constitutive: agentive: telic: Extended Qualia Structure regular polysemy vaporizzatore isa apparecchio vaporizzatore has_as_part pulsante vaporizzatore created_by fabbricare vaporizzatore used_for atomizzare regular polysemy: ===== predicative representation semantic predicate: PRED_vaporizzare type of link: instrument nominalization arguments description: range arg0 semantic role Protoagent select. restrictions Human/Instrument Nilda Ruimy arg1 Protopatient +liquid arg2 Location Concrete_entity Semantic information spaventare to frighten semantic type: Cause_Experience_Event unif_path: Psychological_event-Causeagentive gloss: incutere spavento, atterrire example: la tua partenza mi spaventa eventype: process / state ontological type gloss and example domain: ==== event type semantic class: emotion agentive_cause: yes connotation: negative semantic features semantic relations synonymy: impaurire Extended Qualia Structure formal: spaventare isa causare constitutive: spaventare has_as_effect spavento regular polysemy regular polysemy: Experience_Event-Cause_Experience_Event predicative representation semantic predicate: PRED_spaventare type of link: master arguments description: range arg0 semantic role Protoagent select. restrictions Entity arg1 Protopatient Animate correspondence semantic-syntactic frame: iso bivalent Nilda Ruimy Semantic information spaventarsi to be frightened semantic type: Experience_Event unif_path: Psychological_event-Agentive gloss: essere preso da spavento, impaurirsi example: Leo si è spaventato per l'accaduto eventype: process / state ontological type gloss and example domain: ==== event type semantic class: emotion agentive_experience: yes connotation: negative semantic features semantic relations synonymy: impaurirsi Extended Qualia Structure formal: spaventarsi isa constitutive: spaventarsi feeling regular polysemy provare spavento regular polysemy: Experience_Event-Cause_Experience_Event predicative representation semantic predicate: PRED_spaventare type of link: master arguments description: range arg0 semantic role Protoagent select. restrictions Entity arg1 Protopatient Animate correspondence semantic-syntactic frame: crossed bivalent Nilda Ruimy Semantic information immenso huge semantic type: Physical_Property supertype: Extensional gloss: senza limiti, così esteso da non poter essere misurato example: casa immensa, spazio immenso ontological type adjective_type: subsective syntactic_type: attributive_predicative gloss and example duration: persistent scalar: no meaning component: Dimension_Positive semantic features constitutive features synonymy: enorme synonymy: sconfinato semantic relations Extended Qualia Relations formal: immenso antonym_grad minuscolo predicative representation semantic predicate: PRED_immenso type of link: master arguments description: range arg0 underspecified semantic role Concrete_Entity select. restrictions correspondence semantic-syntactic frame: iso_monovalent Nilda Ruimy Semantic information precedente former semantic type: Temporal supertype: Intensional gloss: che precede, che viene prima example: il precedente governo ontological type syntactic_type: attributive gloss and example ontological type temporality_type: durative aspect: past scalar: no meaning component: Past_Neutral semantic features constitutive features synonymy: anteriore synonymy: antecedente semantic relations Extended Qualia Relations formal: precedente antonym_comp successivo predicative representation semantic predicate: PRED_precedere type of link: VerbPresentParticiple arguments description: range semantic role select. restrictions arg0 Protoagent Entity arg1 Protopatient Entity correspondence semantic-syntactic frame: iso_bivalent Nilda Ruimy