I. ci ( there) is used to replace expressions of location which
are often preceded by the preposition a, in, su, or da
* Quando vai a Roma? ( When are you going to Rome?)
-Ci vado quest’estate. ( I’m going there this summer.)
* Siete andate in biblioteca? No. non ci siamo andate
( we didn’t go there)
* Sei andato dal dentista? - Si, ci sono stato ieri.
(Yes, I was there)
II. Ci can also replace phrase beginning with a.
** -Andate a sentire il concerto a Spoleto?
( -Are you going to the concert in Spoleto?)
-Ci andiamo. ( -we’re going (there).
** Vai a parlare con il professore?
- Ci vado oggi. ( I’m going there today)
** Credo
al amore a prima vista? ( -I believe in love at first
- Ci credo.
( -Yes, I believe in it.)
Pensa sempre ai compiti. (-She is always thinking about the HW)
- Ci pensa sempre.
(- She is always thinking about them.)
III. Ci precede a conjugated verb
Andiamo spesso al cinema.= Ci andiamo spesso.
IV.Used with an infinitive, ci attaches to the end of
the infinitive; the final e of the infinitive is dropped.
Pensano di andare a Spoleto. Pensano di andarci.
V. If the infinitive is preceded by a modal verb (
volere, dovere, or potere), it may either attached to
the infinitive or precede the conjugated verb.
Vorrei andare in Europa quest’estate.
Vorrei andarci quest’estate/
Ci vorrei andare quest’estate.
I. Ne – means some, or any.
* Hai dello shampoo?
Ne hai?
(Do you have any shampoo? ) ( Do you have any?)
II. Ne – can also means of it/ of them when replacing nouns used with
expression of quantity and a quantity is usually specified in the response.
**Quanti cugini hai? ( -How many cousins do you have?)
-Ne ho quindici.
( I have fifteen ( of them)
** -Ecco un po’di acqua minerale. ( -Here’s some mineral water.)
- Quanta ne vuoi?
( - How much (of it) do you want?)
- Ne voglio un po’.
( I’d like some(of it).
III. Ne can also replace nouns and nouns phrases introduced by di.
*** - Parla della sua famiglia?
( -Does he talk about his family?)
- Si, ne parla sempre.
( -He always talks about them)
- Parli sempre di politica?
Ne parli sempre?
( Do you always talk about it)
IV. Ne usually directly precedes the conjugated verb. If
the statement in negative, ne follows non.
-Ecco le mele! Ne compro un chilo.( -Here are apples. I’ll buy
a kilo of them)
ne vuoi di più? ( - Don’t you want any more of them.)
-Voglio comprarne un chilo. ( I want to buy a kilo(of them).
V. Ne is often used in expressions pertaining to the
date and to people’s ages.
-Quanti anni ha tuo padre? ( -How old is your father?)
-Ne ha cinquantatré.
( -He’s fifty-three.)
