Carrelli rigidi Bogies Carrelli (bogies) Caratteristiche funzionali Vincoli Carrello tradizionale Piastra di guida Trave oscillante Pendini SP Sospensione secondaria Boccola Longherone Piastre di guida SS Pendino Bilanciere Sosp. Primaria Arresti Longherone Traversa telaio Appoggio laterale cassa Ralla portante Sala Trave oscillante Carrello Fiat per carrozze - fronte Carrello Fiat per carrozze - pianta Carrello Fiat con frenatura mista Carrello AV Carrello AV Movimenti del carrello Sussulto Beccheggio Rollio Serpeggio Bolster bogie Bolsterless boogie Schema di carrello ferroviario gruppo riduttore longheroni Boccole cuscinetti a rulli. traversa sala montata dischi freno molle a elica ammortizzatore verticale boccola posteriore sedi sospensione secondaria braccio boccola anteriore Elemento superiore ammortizzatori laterali trave oscillante molle a elica ammortizzatori verticali Bolster bogie Traction transfer device Bolster spring Brake disc for trailing bogie Bogie frame Lateral dumper Traction motor Brake disc Axle bearing Axle spring Wheelset Gear Bogie H frame Cross beam Side beam Bogie parts with description Wheel Slide Protection System Lead to Axlebox. Where a Bogie Frame. Steel plate or cast steel. Here is a modern Brake disc. Each wheel is provided with a brake disc on Bogie Transom. Transverse structural member of bogie Motor Suspension Tube. Many motors are suspended Motor. Normally, each axle has its own motor. It drives Primary Suspension Coil. A steel coil spring, two of Brake Cylinder. When air isthe admitted into them, the Shock Absorber. To reduce of air vibration Lifting Lug. Allows the bogie toeffects be lifted Secondary Suspension Air Bag. Rubber suspension Wheel Gearbox. Slide This Protection contains (WSP) the pinion system and is gearwheel fitted, axleboxes which are design of welded steel box format where the structure is each side and a brake pad actuated by the brake cylinder. frame (usually two off) which also supports the car body between the transom and the axle. This motor is called "nose the axle through the gearbox. Some designs, which are to each axle box in chains this design. They internal piston moves attached to the piston andcarry occurring asfitted a result of links the wheel/rail interface. by a crane without the need to tie bags are the secondary suspension system. The air is tube fitted connects with the speed drive sensors. from the These armature arerequired connected toper thewheel axle. byfor means of formed into hollow sections of the shape. Some bogies have two brake cylinders guidance parts and the traction motors. suspended" because it is hung between the suspension particularly on tramcars, use a motor to drive two axles the weight of the bogie frame and anything attached to it. causes the brake pads to press against the discs. or ropes around the frame. supplied from the train's compressed air on system. a cable attached to the WSP box cover the axlethe end. heavy duty braking requirements. and a single mounting on the bogie transom called nose. Various axle box suspensions IS type Axle beam type Axle spring with cylindrical laminated rubber Conical laminated rubber type Roll rubber type Roll rubber Axle box Transmissions Nose suspension device Lateral view Hollow-axle parallel cardan driving device Parallel cardan driving device M traction motor K flexible coupling Right angle cardan driving device M traction motor K flexible coupling Rubber axlebox suspension Plate frame bogie suspension Primary suspension Equaliser bar bogie US cast steel bogie suspension Section A- A Bogie with steel primary and air bag secundary sospension Air bag secundary sospension Carrelli sterzabili Steering bogies On very sharp the wheel flangesthis (bordini) contact the If the axles arecurves, allowed some freedom wear and noise rails at an angle, an notatonly do they wear each other but is reduced, but safety speed is also reduced. they also produce a lot of unpleasant noise and vibration. Conventional and steering truck Less wear on flanges and rails occurs at the expense of a more complicated suspension system, with more joints in the bogie mechanism Flexible in longitudinal direction Conventional and steering truck Carrello sterzabile/Steering bogie Alignment of link-type forced steering bogie Bogie frame Steering beam Steering lever and linkage Maximum lateral force kN 60 50 40 30 50 60 70 Non steering bogie Steering bogie 80 90 100 110 speed km/h Radius of curvature 302 m Wheel flange wear Radial steering bogies standard “stiff” bogies Advantages based on experience State-of-the-art radial self-steering bogies are able to steer approx radially in curves of R= 400-600 m. However, on many networks such curves are decisive for the accumulated wheel and rail wear. This is proved in practical trains services to reduce lateral forces, to heavily reduce wheel and rail wear and to increase lateral curving acceleration. With appropriate damping (especially hydraulic yaw damping) running stability is assured at various values of eq. conicity. At the highest speeds (250 km/h + 10 %) conicity should be limited to 0.3 à 0.4(UIC 518 requires 0.3). Testing and experience confirm theory and simulations. Limitations High tractive forces may limit the radial steering capability, because radial self-steering is depending on a certain amount of friction (creep) forces. In high-adhesion locomotives radial self steering can not always be managed. In local/regional trains with adhesion utilization of 15 -17 % the radial performance will be appropriate in practice, because high adhesion is only applied occasionally at acceleration at low speed. Future outlook Marginal cost for track deterioration should be included in the track access charges on a number of European railway networks. This sharpens the need for ”trackfriendly” bogies. Ongoing development seems to widen the application of self-steering bogies to higher speed (250 km/h and up). Many high-speed trains will be running on various track standards at various speeds, in particular tilting trains. Actively controlled radial steering–”Mechatronic bogies”may be considered as an appropriate mean to achieve still higher performance and track-friendliness. Once active control is robust, fail-safe and affordable, such solutions may be very attractive. Freni a ceppi e a disco Prestazioni dei freni ad attrito Il freno è composto da un elemento mobile (tamburo o disco) calettato rigidamente alla ruota (o al cerchione o all’asse porta ruota) e da un elemento fisso solidale al telaio del veicolo. L’applicazione della forza normale P1 alla superficie di contatto fra i due elementi provoca il sorgere di una forza di attrito tangenziale Ft fra di loro. Tipi di freni a ceppi Disco bullonato - fronte Disco bullonato - sezione Elementi del disco Tipi di dischi Tipi di palettatura per la ventilazione(sab-wabco Dischi per montaggio frontale su ruota Schema di freno a ceppi S a b = a/b rapporto di moltiplicazione b P f’ H Ft f Fx f’ coefficiente di attrito fra ceppo D e cerchione f coefficiente di attrito fra binario e cerchione