Let’s learn some italian
words about music and art :)!
Art = Arte
Painter = Pittore
Painting = Quadro
Paint brush = Pennello
Palette = Tavolozza
Drawing = Disegno
Sculpturor = Scultore
Sculpture = Scultura
Here you can find the pronunciation
of some letters that could be difficoult
for you to read !
Verbs you can use in this field:
To paint = Dipingere
To draw = Disegnare
To sculpt = Scolpire
To design (for example a
sculpture) = Progettare
To build = Costruire
Music = Musica
Instrument = Strumento
Sound = Suono
Melody = Melodia
Play an instrument = Suonare
Concert = Concerto
To arrange = Comporre
Microphone = Microfono
Some names of instruments:
Guitar = Chitarra
Piano = Pianoforte
Bass = Basso
Violin = Violino
Drums = Batteria
A single drum = Tamburo
Trumpet = Tromba
Flute = Flauto
Saxophone = Sassofono
Presentation made by Giulia Melara and Francesca
Carullo 4G

Let`s learn some italian words about music and