Algoritmo! -1000 +1000 TSS Dato ciascun TSS, calcolare quante sequenze mappano tra -1000 e +1000 bp rispetto al TSS Contare quante sequenze mappano a -1000, -999, -998...-1,0 +1,+2,...+998,+999,+1000 Sommare per tutti i TSS i conteggi a ciascuna distanza (-1000, -999, -998,...,-1,0,+1,+2,...+998,+999,+1000) Attenzione! -1000 +1000 TSS +1000 -1000 TSS Le coordinate rispetto al TSS dipendono dalla direzione della trascrizione!! Read count (peak height) Output: histone modifications at TSS -1000 0 +1000 Distance from TSS I risultati! PolII is found bound to DNA at the TSS of transcribed genes H3K4me3 is found just before and after the TSS of transcribed genes H3K4me2 (not me3!) is found just before and after the TSS of transcribed genes, but farther away than H3K4me3 H3K4me1 is found just before and after the TSS of transcribed genes, but farther away than H3K4me3 and H3K4me2 H3K27me3 covers the whole locus of “silent” genes - no transcription here H3K27me1 (not me3!) is vice versa associated before and after loci of transcribed genes H3K36me3 is found within the transcribed region - a bit downstream of the TSS as if it “lets” polymerase proceed with transcription H3K9me1 is similar in profile to H3K4me3 Barski et. al. High-Resolution Profiling of Histone Methylations in the Human Genome, Cell 129(4) Read count (peak height) Histone modifications at transcribed regions High Low Expression level What you should always remember What you should always remember