UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Corso di laurea specialistica in Editoria e Comunicazione Multimediale Journalists and blogs complementarity of resources and messages Relatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Paolo COSTA Correlatore. Chiar.mo Prof. Fabio MUZZIO A. A. 2010/2011 Tesi di Laurea di ROSSELLA BURGIO What is a blog? WEBLOG TITLE POST & COMMENTS What kind of blog? • Personal blog • Thematic (fashion, sports, technology ...) • Current affairs or political • Photoblog • Video-blog • Blog "window" to advertise a new book or film About blogs and the blogosphere Overall, 6.7 million people publish blogs on blogging websites, and another 12 million write blogs using their social networks. Bloggers: who are they? • Women make up the majority of bloggers, and half of bloggers are aged 18-34. • Bloggers are well-educated: 7 out of 10 bloggers have gone to college, a majority of whom are graduates. • About 1 in 3 bloggers are Moms, and 52% of bloggers are parents with kids under 18 years-old in their household. • Bloggers are active across social media. The Italian blogosphere •1,448 personal blogs •194 blogs that are part of nanopublishing networks (blogo, blogosfere, nanopress, Isayblog!, etc…) •53 “journalists blogs” hosted by news sites (Espresso, la Stampa, il Sole 24 Ore, ecc…) •68 are blogs but legally registered as news sites, 217 are inactives. How was Journalism? Before web 2.0 evolution “MONOMEDIAL” JOURNALISM SOURCE JOURNALISM AUDIENCE How is Journalism? After web 2.0 evolution “CROSSMEDIAL” JOURNALISM SOURCE JOURNALISM AUDIENCE Content, skills and processes begin and end in a single medium (newspapers, radio,TV). News production has a linear time “MONOMEDIAL” JOURNALISM “CROSSMEDIAL” There are no more time constraints. The editor can use various media to publish the news and accept comments from readers. Two-way interaction sender-receiver "Credibility is not a moral or personal qualities but a report, and as such has always intentional dimension, communicative and symbolic reference to another entity with which it is attached.“ (Gili G. , 2006) CREDIBILITY Responsibility Trustworthiness Reputation Reliability Italian newspaper and blogs. Italian newspapers distribution Web site daily newspaper visitors, september/december Average circulation of daily newspapers, 2001 24000 Avvenire 107432 680000 Corriere della Sera 482800 236000 Corriere dello Sport 185694 607000 Gazzetta dello Sport Il Fatto Quotidiano Il Giornale 75963 0 299929 62000 155455 136000 105796 Il Messaggero 310000 Il Sole 24 Ore La Nazione 266596 58000 121557 159000 La Stampa Libero 273806 69000 105796 1057000 Repubblica Tutto Sport 438695 126000 103758 Italian newspaper and blogs. Blogs of the major Italian newspapers respect the editorial line. Most popular blogs are those of the most popular and influential journalists. In these blogs, there are many comments from readers and loyal. In other blogs, however, decreases the number of comments. The topics discussed include politics, sports and technology. Magazines and blogs. One of its blog, “Piovono rane" (Alessandro Gilioli), is one of the most widely read in Italy. The topics discussed: economics, politics, current events, in line with the vocation of the magazine. Their sites are not followed, so even blogs with few comments Some other blogs The most read blog in Italy. It is a registered newspaper; home to over 70 blog, updated and very frequentati.Le news is full of links to explore, to compare. There are so many comments. Some other blogs Born not long ago, it provides readers with a young but serious editorial staff. Many insights, many opini ons, paid by the many comments from readers. The columnistses are all experts, academics, parliamentarians, consultants of important nongovernmental organizations. The topics covered range especially in the economic - legal - political. Conclusions. Journalism has a real chance to recover the centrality of social and interpretation that seemed have lost over the years. Blogs realize the promises inherent in the genetic era of Web 2.0. Furthermore, even redefine the classic roles of producers and consumers of information. Conclusions. Many online media have included the communication format of blogs in their logic of publication, and begin to look to blogs as an effective way to expand the offering of information, maintain its credibility and reader loyalty. Conclusions. The blog might be considered: - a professional gym; - a showcase for the journalist; - another source. The blog is not therefore opposed to journalism. rather, it’s COMPLEMENTARY . Thank you for your kind attention. ARRIVEDERCI!