LA MATEMATICA IN MARIA MONTESSORI MATHEMATICS IN MARIA MONTESSORI SCHOOL LEONARDO DA VINCI TRAPANI - INS. Francesca Minaudo Children are the living messages sent in a special world that we will not see. In this sentence that Dr. Maria Montessori said in one of the many conferences that she kept, are contained all the doubts and hopes that every educator should ask when it comes into contact with the world of children. EDUCAZIONE DELL’OCCHIO ALLE DIMENSIONI GRANDE - PICCOLO EDUCATION OF THE EYE TO THE SIZE BIG - SMALL GROSSO - FINO BIG - TILL IL BAMBINO ESTRAE I BLOCCHI DAGLI INCASTRI EXTRACTS BLOCKS FROM THE CHILD JOINTS I BAMBINI ESPLORANO, MANIPOLANO ED INTERIORIZZANO LE VARIE DIMENSIONI The children explore, manipulate and internalize the various sizes SENSO STEREOGNOSTICO stereognostic sense IL BAMBINO CONOSCE GLI OGGETTI E ATTRAVERSO LA MANIPOLAZIONE AL BUIO LI RICONOSCE E LI NOMINA. OBJECTS AND THE CHILD KNOWS THE DARK THROUGH THE HANDLING THEM UNDERSTAND AND APPOINT THEM.