Oggi è mercoledì il sette maggio! 1. Mettete la forma giusta 1) del partitivo #1-10 2. I libretti SWBAT express “some” using the partitivo, write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant and acquire verbs having to do with dining. IL COMPITO Finish the partitive handout #11-25 SWBAT express “some” using the partitivo, write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant and acquire verbs having to do with dining. J. COMPOSITION 1. QUESTIONS/PROBLEMS? 2. FINAL DRAFT IN PAIRS SWBAT express “some” using the partitivo, write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant and acquire verbs having to do with dining.. PAIRS Pd 5- Francisco, Giancarlo * Tyler and Elijah Valerie and Mariana * Anderson and Roman Aryana with Ana Maria * Noelia and Siann Tony with Joe * David and Anne Cristyam and Luis *Michael and Moussa SWBAT express “some” using the partitivo, write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant and acquire verbs having to do with dining. PAIRS Pd 7- Dylan and Daniela * Kaylah and Luis Matthew and Lucas * Kelly, Sabrina and Jeffrey Alexandra and Angel * Moises and Brendan Vanessa with Tiffani Melina and Justin SWBAT express “some” using the partitivo, write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant and acquire verbs having to do with dining. LA PRATICA Condividete una frase dalla scrittura SWBAT express “some” using the partitivo, write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant and acquire verbs having to do with dining. Mangiare Bere Ordinare Brindersi Servirsi Salutarsi Cucinare To eat To drink To order To cheers To help oneself To greet one another To cook SWBAT express “some” using the partitivo, write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant and acquire verbs having to do with dining. Passare Mettere Pulire Apparecchiare Sparecchiare Sedersi tagliare To pass To put/place To clean To set To clear (the table) To sit down To cut SWBAT express “some” using the partitivo, write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant and acquire verbs having to do with dining. SWBAT express “some” using the partitivo, write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant and acquire verbs having to do with dining. Oggi è l’otto maggio 1.Ascoltate bene!!!: Tre amici al barpagina QQ(Percorsi wb capitolo 4) 2. I libretti SWBAT analyze a dialog in a café, acquire the irregular verb volere and useful terms in order to create a dialog on planning a party. Ripassiamo il compito Finish the partitive handout #11-25 Writing task- hand forward! SWBAT analyze a dialog in a café, acquire the irregular verb volere and useful terms in order to create a dialog on planning a party. IL COMPITO • Food quiz 2- Next Friday, May 16th –Table setting –Partitivo (del, della, degli ecc.) –New verbs having to do with food including irregular verb volere –Restaurant vocabulary SWBAT analyze a dialog in a café, acquire the irregular verb volere and useful terms in order to create a dialog on planning a party. Volere Io voglio Noi vogliamo Tu vuoi Voi volete Lui/lei vuole Loro vogliono SWBAT analyze a dialog in a café, acquire the irregular verb volere and useful terms in order to create a dialog on planning a party. La pratica Last page of packet- volere SS part A SWBAT analyze a dialog in a café, acquire the irregular verb volere and useful terms in order to create a dialog on planning a party. PRIMA DI COMMINCIARE ... Espressioni utili: SWBAT analyze a dialog in a Pronto! Con chi parlo? café, acquire the irregular verb volere and useful terms in order Vieni con me... to create a dialog on planning a party. Grazie...Prego È delizioso Vorrei- I would like, Vorresti- you would like PRIMA DI COMMINCIARE ... Allergies? Sign up sheet for next Tuesday, May 13th SWBAT analyze a dialog in a café, acquire the irregular verb volere and useful terms in order to create a dialog on planning a party. SWBAT analyze a dialog in a café, acquire the irregular verb volere and useful terms in order to create a dialog on planning a party. Planning and attending a party: C’è una festa per un amico/un’amica sabato sera a casa sua. Telefoni ad un task: compagno per invitarlo. The You will call a friend to invite them to a party You will discuss the date and time You will discuss the type of party You will discuss who they can bring You will discuss what they should bring (drink, food, utensils) *Each person should have at least 10 lines (20 lines total) *You should act it out ( I will bring in a telephone or you can use your cell phone) • It should be memorized • You will present Tuesday, May 13th LA PRATICA Condividete una frase dal dialogo SWBAT analyze a dialog in a café, acquire the irregular verb volere and useful terms in order to create a dialog on planning a party. Oggi è il nove maggio 1. Numerate 1-5 2. Ascoltate bene!!!: SWBAT respond to questions about dining habits, continue to create a dialog on planning a party and draw a place setting. SWBAT respond to questions about dining habits, continue to create a dialog on planning a party and draw a place setting. IL COMPITO • Dialog presentations on Tuesday • Food quiz 2- Next Friday, May 16th –Table setting –Partitivo (del, della, degli ecc.) –New verbs having to do with food including irregular verb volere –Restaurant vocabulary Ti piace la maionese? • Rispondete alle domande sulla scheda SWBAT respond to questions about dining habits, continue to create a dialog on planning a party and draw a place setting. SWBAT respond to questions about dining habits, continue to create a dialog on planning a party and draw a place setting. Planning and attending a party: The task: You will call a friend to invite them to a party You will discuss the date and time You will discuss the type of party You will discuss who they can bring You will discuss what they should bring (drink, food, utensils) *Each person should have at least 10 lines (20 lines total) *You should act it out ( I will bring in a telephone or you can use your cell phone) • It should be memorized • You will present Tuesday, May 13th Il dolce: SWBAT respond to questions about dining habits, continue to create a dialog on planning a party and draw a place setting. Prendete un mini lavagna: Draw the place setting on your borad according to these directions: -Metti il piatto in centro -Metti un cuchiaio a destra -Metti un coltello a sinistra -Metti un tovagliolo sotto il coltello, listening 1. Dopo di sparecchiare la tavola, cosa fa mamma? 2. Cosa ti piace ordinare alla pizzeria? 3. A che cosa ti brindi? 4. I tuoi genitori cucinano? O solo una persona nella famiglia? 5. Cosa usi per tagliare il vitello? Oggi è il dodici maggio SWBAT draw place settings and continue to create and practice a dialog on planning a party. Prendete un mini lavagna: Il coperto e volere Draw the place setting on your board according to these directions: -Metti il piatto in centro -Metti un cuchiaio a destra -Metti un coltello a sinistra -Metti un tovagliolo sotto il coltello, SWBAT draw place settings and continue to create and practice a dialog on planning a party. IL COMPITO • Purple Packet- page G #1-5 and H 9.22due Wednesday • Dialog presentation- tomorrowprepare your index card • Food quiz 2- Friday –Table setting –Partitivo (del, della, degli ecc.) –New verbs having to do with food including irregular verb volere I gruppi-pd 7 • • • • • Melina e Brendan Lucas, Jeffrey Alexandra, Vanessa Kaylah, Tiffani Sabrina, Dylan • • • • WednesdayKelly, Daniela e Luis Justin, Angel Moises, Matthew PRIMA DI COMMINCIARE ... Espressioni utili: Pronto! Con chi parlo? Vieni con me... *Cosa devo portare…? Grazie...Prego * Io posso- I can È delizioso * Tu puoi portare…?-can you bring? • • • • • Vorrei- I would like, Vorresti- you would like Cosa porti?- what will you bring? Io posso fare…( I can make…) You will call a friend to invite them to a party You will discuss the date and time You will discuss the type of party SWBAT draw place settings and You will discuss who they can bring continue to create and practice a You will discuss what they should bring (drink, food, utensils) dialog on planning a party. SWBAT draw place settings and continue to create and practice a dialog on planning a party. Planning and attending a party: The task: You will call a friend to invite them to a party You will discuss the date and time You will discuss the type of party You will discuss who they can bring You will discuss what they should bring (drink, food, utensils) *Each person should have at least 10 lines (20 lines total) *You should act it out ( I will bring in a telephone or you can use your cell phone) • It should be memorized • You will present tomorrow SWBAT draw place settings and continue to create and practice a dialog on planning a party. Il dolce Condividete una frase dal dialogo -Exit ticket= SHOW ME YOUR FINAL DRAFT, NEAT COPY THAT YOU WILL HAND TO ME WHEN YOU PRESENT Oggi è martedì il tredici maggio! Da fare ora: Avete 10 minuti per praticare per il dialogo SWBAT present a dialog on planning a party and analyze other dialogs. SWBAT present a dialog on planning a party and analyze other dialogs. IL COMPITO • Packet page page G #1-5 and H 9.22- due tomorrow • Food quiz 2- Friday –Table setting –Partitivo (del, della, degli ecc.) –New verbs having to do with food including irregular verb volere –Restaurant vocabulary PRIMA DI COMMINCIARE... Espressioni utili: Mi passi... Grazie...Prego SWBAT present a dialog on planning a party and analyze other dialogs. È delizioso Ho preparato…/Hai preparato... SWBAT present a dialog on planning a party and analyze other dialogs. I dialoghi Durante i dialoghi, riempite la scheda. Facciamo i dialoghi. Dopo di presentare, andate a prendere qualcosa da mangiare e da bere. Discultiamo SWBAT present a dialog on planning a party and analyze other dialogs. UN PRANZO NELL’AULA 1) Apparecchiamo la tavola! 2) Mangiamo insieme! Non dimenticate di parlare in Italiano!!!