Punto di partenza
The imperativo is the form of a verb that is used for
commands, requests, suggestions, and for giving
directions or instructions. The informal imperative
consists of the tu, noi, and voi forms only.
Porta fuori la spazzatura!
Take out the trash!
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Mettete l’acqua nella caffettiera.
Put the water in the coffee maker.
The affirmative imperative forms of regular verbs are
identical to the present tense, except that the tu form of
-are verbs ends in -a rather than -i.
Lava i piatti, Mariarosa!
Wash the dishes, Mariarosa!
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Usate il forno, ragazzi!
Use the oven, guys!
The noi imperative corresponds to English
expressions with Let’s.
Finiamo questo lavoro!
Let’s finish this work!
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Sparecchiamo la tavola!
Let’s clear the table!
Essere and avere are irregular in the
informal imperative.
Abbiate pazienza!
Be patient!
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Sii buono, Giovanni!
Be good, Giovanni!
A few verbs have irregular tu forms that can be
used interchangeably with the regular present-tense
forms. Dire has an irregular form only.
va’ (vai)
da’ (dai)
fa’ (fai)
sta’ (stai)
Va’ (Vai) a letto subito!
Go to bed immediately!
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Su, fa’ (fai) le faccende!
Come on, do the chores!
Attach object and reflexive pronouns to the end of
the informal imperative form.
Ecco la pizza. Mangiala!
Here is the pizza. Eat it!
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Lavatevi le mani, bambini!
Wash your hands, children!
When using the commands va’, da’, di’, fa’, and
sta’ with attached object pronouns, drop the
apostrophe and double the initial letter of the
pronoun, except in the case of gli.
Hai un segreto? Dimmelo!
You have a secret? Tell it to me!
Non hai fatto il letto? Fallo subito!
You didn’t make your bed? Do it
at once!
Antonio, dove sei?
Stammi vicino.
Antonio, where are you? Stay
close to me.
Lucia non ha la scopa? Dagliela!
Lucia doesn’t have the broom? Give it
to her!
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To form the negative voi and noi imperative forms,
simply place non before the verb.
Non dormite fino a tardi.
Don’t sleep late.
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Non facciamo niente stasera!
Let’s not do anything tonight!
The negative tu imperative, however, is expressed
differently. To form it, place non before the infinitive
form of the verb.
Sergio, non bere troppo!
Sergio, don’t drink too much!
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Non sporcare la terrazza, Luca.
Don’t dirty the terrace, Luca.
With the negative imperative forms, either place object
and reflexive pronouns before the verb or attach them to
the end. Because the negative tu form is an infinitive,
remember to drop the final -e when attaching pronouns
to it.
Va bene, non dirmelo/ non me
lo dire!
OK, don’t tell it to me!
È un porcile. Non ci entrate/
Non entrateci.
It’s a pigsty. Don’t go in there.
Non beviamolo./Non lo beviamo.
Let’s not drink it.
Non portargliela./
Non gliela portare!
Don’t bring it to them!
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Scegli la forma corretta dell’imperativo informale
per completare ogni frase.
1. Ragazzi, (guarda / guardate) la televisione nel soggiorno.
2. Mamma, (prepari / prepara) il ferro per stirare.
3. Francesco, (mi aiuti / aiutami) a pulire la stanza.
4. Fabio, (trasloca / traslochi) nella casa accanto alla nostra.
5. Gino, (subaffitti / subaffitta) l’appartamento insieme a noi.
6. Beatrice e Daniela, (porti / portate) fuori la spazzatura prima di cena.
7. Senti, Teresa, (vendiamo / vende) quel divano; è orribile.
8. Chiara, (ti siedi / siediti) su quella poltrona.
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7B.1 The informal imperative