Socio-Economic Research Centre ELFitness – LLP KA3 ICT KICK OFF MEETING Rome, 3-5 February 2011 1 ◊ Funded in 1963 as a non-profit organization, Ceres research centre focuses its activities on economic and social issues. ◊ Ceres is member of International networks that cooperate in numerous projects and conferences and is well connected with national and international institutions. ◊ The methodology used by Ceres involves both work on desk and work in the field. Ceres uses advanced techniques of modern econometrics, managing large longitudinal, cross section and panel datasets. 2 ◊ The research carried out by Ceres in the last fifteen years involve aspects specific to the structure and the quality of employment. In its research, Ceres analyses microdata and macrodata, harmonizing different data sources and suggesting strategies to improve data collection at national and international level. ◊ The research activity also focuses on the impact of technological, organizational, and market changes on the well being of workers in order to identify policies adequate to reduce/control such problems. 4 ◊ Ceres is composed of members from the Universities of Rome “La Sapienza”, Parma and Viterbo and coordinates working groups of Italian and foreign scholars in the implementation of its projects. ◊ Ceres carries out research study for the job placement offices of the Universities of Rome Sapienza and Roma III (SOUL system). ◊ Ceres also has a close and constant contact with many international institutions in Europe. 5 ◊ During the course of its activities, Ceres published various reviews dealing, directly or indirectly, with the relationship between education, training and labour. ◊ Quaderni di economia del lavoro (Labour Economics Workbooks) is a four-monthly magazine in which the basic results of the research conducted by Ceres’ collaborators are published. Every issue of the review is distributed to subscribers and to scholars and experts of Labour Economics and politics, trade unionists, entrepreneurs, public officials, at national or international level, and at local or regional level. 7 KIND OF ACTIVITIES Ceres Dissemination: Seminars publications Questionnaires Constr/adaptation Interviews Discussion group Comparative studies Sociolabour research in Italy CERES - centro ricerche economiche e sociali E-learning courses 6 CERES - centro ricerche economiche e sociali 7 “THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION” CERES VIA Nomentana nuova 25 ROME TEL. 0039068541016 Fax 0039068173016