L10 – QM in 3 dimensions 1 V(r): separation of variables 2 3 The angular equation 4 The angular equation - f 5 The angular equation - q Pl are the Legendre polynomials, defined by the Rodrigues formula: 6 7 8 Spherical harmonics e = (-1)m for m>=0 and e=1 for m<0. The Y are orthogonal, so 9 The radial equation 10 L11 – The H atom u(r) = rR(r) 11 Asymptotic behavior u(r) = rR(r) 12 The radial solution u(r) = rR(r) n>l is the q-th Laguerre polynomial. 13 The radial solution: energy 14 Ground state 15 n>1 16 n > 1 (continued) Since they are eigenvectors for different eigenvalues 17 Example 18 Graphs 19 Angular momentum Poiche’ Poiche’ , l’equazione in f si puo’ scrivere 20 21 22 23