UNIDROIT PRINCIPLES Università degli Studi di Parma International Markets and Organizations Law 1 ORIGINS SCOPE AND MEMBERSHIP The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit) is an independent intergovernmental Organisation: 2 studies needs and methods for modernising, harmonising and co-ordinating private and in particular commercial law as between States and groups of States, formulates uniform law instruments, principles and rules to achieve those objectives. ORIGINS SCOPE AND MEMBERSHIP Set up in 1926 as an auxiliary organ of the League of Nations. Re-established in 1940 on the basis of a multilateral agreement. Membership of Unidroit is restricted to States acceding to the Unidroit Statute. 3 Unidroit's 63 member States are drawn from the five continents and represent a variety of different legal, economic and political systems as well as different cultural backgrounds. STRUCTURE The Secretariat Governing Council General Assembly 1. 2. 3. 4 LEX MERCATORIA Lex mercatoria is the Latin expression for a body of trading principles used by merchants throughout Europe in the medieval period. It evolved as a system of custom and best practice, which was enforced through a system of merchant courts along the main trade routes. A distinct feature was the reliance by merchants on a legal system developed and administered by them. 5 OBJECTIVES OF UNIDROIT PRINCIPLES Summarize the rules and practice relating to a contract that appear common to majority of the legal systems. Give body to the lex mercatoria, which has always suffered criticism for being too vague and uncertain about its contents. Propose some innovative solutions that meet the needs of international trade. 6 WHEN AND HOW USE THE UNIDROIT PRINCIPLES With reference to the possible use of the UNIDROIT principles, the preamble of the Principles of 2004 establishes that: 7 These Principles set for the general rules for international commercial contract. They shall be applied when the parties have agreed that their contract will be governed by them. They may be applied when the parties have agreed that their contract will be governed by general principles of the lex mercatoria. … continues WHEN AND HOW USE THE UNIDROIT PRINCIPLES 8 They may be applied when the parties have not chosen any law to govern their contract. They may be used to interpret or supplement international uniform law instruments. They may be used to interpret or supplement domestic law. They may serve as a model for national and international legislators. FROM 1994 TO 2004 9 The success of the 1994 UNIDROIT principles led, in April 2004, the publication of new standards, which, in essence, takes and keeps intact the principles of 1994 by adding new chapters and articles in order to further improve the utility STRUCTURE AND COMPARISON OF THE PRINCIPLES 2004 1994 CHAPTER 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS CHAPTER 2: FORMATION CHAPTER 3: VALIDITY CHAPTER 4: INTERPRETATION CHAPTER 5: CONTENT CHAPTER 6: PERFORMANCE CHAPTER 7: NONPERFORMANCE 10 CHAPTER 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS CHAPTER 2: FORMATION AND AUTHORITY OF AGENTS CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER 4: INTERPRETATION 5: CONTENT AND THIRD PARTY RIGHTS CHAPTER CHAPTER 3: VALIDITY 6: PERFORMANCE 7: NON-PERFORMANCE CHAPTER 8: SET-OFF CHAPTER 9: ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS, TRANSFER OF OBLIGATIONS, ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTS CHAPTER 10: LIMITATION PERIODS UNIDROIT PRINCIPLES & EUROPEAN CONTRACT LAW European Contract Law (2002) is useless repetition of the Unidroit Principles with some differences: 1. 2. 11 Unidroit Principles are applied to international commercial contracts while ECL are enforced only inside EU. Unidroit Principles are B2B contracts while ECL are B2B and also B2C. CONCRETE EXAMPLE Data: 27-09-1996 Corte: Corte arbitrale internazionale della CCI, Parigi Numero: 8261 Parti: Sconosciute Keywords SILENZIO DEL CONTRATTO SUL DIRITTO APPLICABILE DECISIONE DELLA CORTE DI APPLICARE LA LEXMERCATORIA RIFERIMENTI UNIDROIT: ALLE SEGUENTI SINGOLE DISPOSIZIONI DEI PRINCIPI ARTT. 4.8 (INSERZIONE DI CLAUSOLE MANCANTI), 4.6 (INTERPRETAZIONE CONTRO L'AUTORE DELLA CLAUSOLA), 7.4.1 (DIRITTO AL RISARCIMENTO DEL DANNO), 7.4.7 (DANNO IMPUTABILE IN PARTE AL DANNEGGIATO); 12 7.4.13 (INDENNITÀ PER INADEMPIMENTO STABILITA DAL CONTRATTO) CONCRETE EXAMPLE Abstract Una società italiana ed un ente governativo di uno Stato del Medio Oriente avevano concluso un contratto. Tale contratto non conteneva alcuna clausola di scelta del diritto applicabile, dal momento che entrambe le parti avevano insistito per l'applicazione dei loro rispettivi diritti nazionali. In una precedente decisione preliminare, riguardante la legge applicabile alla controversia, la Corte aveva dichiarato che avrebbe fondato la pronuncia definitiva sulle « clausole del contratto, integrate dai principi generali del commercio come risultanti dalla lex mercatoria.» Successivamente la Corte, nel trattare il merito della controversia, ha fatto riferimento, senza ulteriori spiegazioni, a specifiche disposizioni dei Principi UNIDROIT considerando pertanto implicitamente questi ultimi una fonte della lex mercatoria. … continues CONCRETE EXAMPLE Così la Corte, a parte una ulteriore decisione preliminare su questioni incidentali di merito in cui ha comunque fatto riferimento agli artt 4.8(Inserzione di clausole mancanti) e 4.6 (Interpretazione contro l'autore della clausola), nella sua decisione finale ha irrevocato a sostegno delle proprie argomentazioni gli artt. 7.4.1 (Diritto 111 risarcimento del danno), 7.4.7 (Danno imputabile in parte al danneggiato) e 7.4.13 (Indennità per inadempimento stabilita dal contratto.) 14 From M.J. Bonell. Principi UNIDROIT nella pratica: casistica e bibliografia riguardanti i principi UNIDROIT nei contratti commerciali internazionali, 2 nd ed. Trans. Publ. Inc. New York 1997, 249 THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 15