IGI Italian Grid Initiative The Italian Grid Initiative (IGI) is an EU Joint Research Unit recognized and supported by the Italian Ministry of the University and Research and by the EU Commission. Igi provides a unique representation at national, European and international levels for all the different components of the Italian Grid Infrastructure: Regional Grids, single Compute and Storage Centers and facilities for end users of the Research Institutions related to the national grid infrastructure IGI IN NUMBERS IGI aims at providing long term sustainability for the Italian Grid, supporting common services for e-Research, Common middleware release and General Guidelines. INFN-Padova INFN-Padova-CMS GILDA-Padova INFN-Milano-ATLASC 58 33000 17 PB 10 PB 8000 1100 50 30M 10 INFN-Trieste SISSA-Trieste INAF-Trieste INFN-LNL2 INFN-Torino INFN-Pavia INFN-Genova INFN-Parma INFN-Ferrara INFN-TIER1 INFN-CNAF INFN-CNAF-LHCB INFN-Bologna INFN-Pisa CNR-PROD-Pisa CNR-ILC-Pisa SNS-Pisa CRESCO-ENEA-Bologna CNR Area-BO GARR IGI operates the National Grid Infrastructure (NGI) which interfaces with all other European and worldwide NGIs. INFN-Firenze CIRMMP-Firenze IGI supports EU effort for a Universal Middleware Toolkit within the EMI project and provides all services to be part of EGI (European Grid Infrastructure) operated by the EGI-Inspire project. INFN-Cascina UNIPG INFN-Perugia INFN sites ENEA-INFO CRESCO-ENEA-Casaccia Other sites from several Universities and Computing Centers sites cores disk storage tape storage CPUs users VOs job/year application Domains COMETA-INGV-Roma CRESCO-Uni-TorVergata INFN-Roma1 INFN-Roma1-CMS INFN-Roma1-TEO INFN-Roma1-VIRGO INFN-Roma2 INFN-Roma3 INFN-Frascati ESA-ESRIN GRISU-ENEA-GRID CRESCO-ENEA-Frascati GRISU-UNINA GRISU-SPACI-Napoli UNINA-EGEE SCOPE-Uni-Federico II-Napoli SPACI-Napoli-IA64 Uni-Sassari GRISU-CYBERSAR-Portoconte IGI collaborates to the definition and improvement of common operational procedures, policies, standards and specifications to ensure a safe and secure interoperability and to make grid access simpler to everyone. INFN-Napoli INFN-Napoli-ARGO INFN-Napoli-ATLAS INFN-Napoli-CMS INFN-Napoli-PAMELA CRESCO-ENEA-Portici CRESCO-Uni-Salerno INFN-Bari ITB-Bari CRESCO-ENEA-Brindisi INFN-Lecce GRISU-SPACI-Lecce SPACI-Lecce-IA64 CRESCO-ENEA-Trisaia INAF-SRT San Basilio INFN/UNICA SPACI-Cosenza-IA64 INFN-Cosenza Cittadella di Monserrato INAF Osservatorio Capoterra CRS4 Polaris Pula Uni-Cagliari GRISU-CYBERSAR-Cagliari CYBERSAR-Cosmolab-Cagliari INFN-Cagliari GRISU-COMETA-ING-Messina CASPUR Consorzio interuniversitario per le applicazioni di supercalcolo per università e ricerca www.caspur.it CILEA Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per L'Elaborazione Automatica www.cilea.it CNR Italy's National Research Council www.cnr.it COMETA Consorzio Multi Ente per la promozione e l'adozione di Tecnologie di calcolo Avanzato www.consorzio-cometa.it COSMOLAB Consorzio per il supercalcolo, la modellistica computazionale e la gestione di grandi database www.cybersar.com ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. www.elettra.trieste.it ENEA National Agency for New technologies, Energy, and the Environment SISSA Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste www.sissa.it www.enea.it SPACI Southern Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructures GARR Italy's National Research and Education Network Università della Calabria www.garr.it www.spaci.it www.unical.it INAF Italian National Institute for Astrophysics Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II INFN National Institute for Nuclear Physics; INFNGrid project Università degli Studi di Perugia www.inaf.it www.infn.it INGV Italian National Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology www.ingv.it GRISU-COMETA-UNIPA GRISU-COMETA-UNICT-DIIT GRISU-COMETA-UNICT-DMI GRISU-COMETA-INFN-Catania GRISU-COMETA-INFN-LNS GRISU-COMETA-INAF-CT www.international. unina.it www.unipg.it Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale www.unipmn.it IGI MEMBERS GILDA-Sirius GILDA-Vega GILDA INFN-Catania ICEAGE-Catania INFN-Catania INFN-LNS TRIGRID-INFN-Catania