Il Nome Che divertimento! Il Nome Italiano / What is a noun? Che cos’e’ un nome? / In Italian, nouns are different for several reasons, but most importantly for gender and articles. Il Nome Italiano - Gender / / / The Italian noun, unlike the English noun, has a gender, masculine or feminine. Those nouns that refer specifically for a man, such as father, brother, etc. are masculine. Those nouns that refer to a woman, such as mother, sister, etc are Il Nome father padre mother mamma brother fratello sister sorella grandfathe nonno r grandmother nonna uncle aunt zio zia Il Nome / / For all other nouns, we have to learn the gender. How do we do this? We look at the ending. Il Nome / / / / / / / / Almost all nouns that end in o are masculine. Ex monumento museo edificio albergo teatro stadio Il Nome / / / / / / / / Almost all nouns that end in a are feminine. Exstrada fontana chiesa banca farmacia macchina Il Nome - Other Endings / / Ok, now for the difficult part. There are many Italian nouns that don’t end in o or a. Besides o or a, nouns will also end in e or a consonant like r or m. In addition, you will also see nouns that end in a’. Lastly, you will see nouns that appear masculine/feminine, but are shortened versions. Il Nome - Ending in E If a noun ends in e, it could be masculine or feminine. Here are two tips to help you decide: 1. Nouns ending in -ore are masculine. 2. Nouns ending in -ione are feminine. / Examples 1. Masculine nouns ending in ore: / dottore / professore / scultore 2. Feminine nouns ending in ione: / conversazione / presentazione / stazione / Il Nome - Consonants / / / / / If a noun ends in a consonant, it’s masculine. exbar autobus sport Il Nome - Exceptions / / / Some nounds, you honestly just have to memorize! There are exceptions to every rule and we will discuss them as they come up. So…to recap….. masculine feminine o a e (-ore) e (-ione) consonants (r, s, m) Indefinite Articles / / / / un uno un’ una 14 Indefinite Articles - Masculine / / / / / / un most masculine nouns ex - un libro, un treno, un poster uno for masculine nouns beginning with z, s + consonant, ps or gn ex - uno studente, uno zio (uncle) 15 / / / / / / Indefinite Articles - Feminine un’ for feminine nouns beginning with a vowel ex - un’universita’, un’amica una for feminine nouns ex - una casa, una stazione 16 Ripassiamo / / / / / / ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ragazzo studio zia automobile zio albero 17