Punto di partenza
Use the adverb ci to mean there or to replace
certain prepositional phrases. Use the pronoun ne to
replace a previously mentioned phrase that includes the
partitive or an expression of quantity, or that begins with
the preposition di.
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In Lezione 1A you learned how to use ci in the
expressions c’è and ci sono. Ci can be used to replace
expressions of location, which are often preceded by
the prepositions a, in, su, or da.
—Vai a casa?
—Are you going home?
—Sì, ci vado.
—Yes, I’m going there.
—Siete andate in biblioteca?
—Did you go to the library?
—No, non ci siamo andate.
—No, we didn’t go there.
—Sei mai stato dal dentista?
—Have you ever been to the dentist?
—Sì, ci sono stato ieri.
—Yes, I was there yesterday.
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Ci is also used to replace phrases beginning
with a after many common verbs.
Credo all’amore a prima vista.
I believe in love at first sight.
Ci credo.
I believe in it.
Pensa sempre ai compiti.
She is always thinking about homework.
Ci pensa sempre.
She is always thinking about it.
È riuscito a svegliarsi presto.
He was able to wake up early.
Ci è riuscito.
He was able to do it.
La ragazza prova a truccarsi senza
lo specchio.
The girl is trying to put on makeup
without the mirror.
La ragazza ci prova senza
lo specchio.
The girl is trying to do it without
the mirror.
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Ci follows the same placement rules as object
Se stai male, perché non vai
dal medico? Ci devi andare!
If you’re not feeling well, why
don’t you go to the doctor? You
should go (there)!
No, non voglio andarci.
Hai lasciato le chiavi in
farmacia. Ci torni adesso?
You left the keys at the pharmacy.
Are you going back (there) now?
Sì, ma prima di tornarci,
devo telefonare.
Yes, but before I go back (there), I
must call.
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No, I don’t want to go (there).
Note that ci is used differently from là/lì, which you
learned in Lezione 1A. Use là/lì to indicate a
specific location but not, as with ci, to point out the
existence of something.
Il dottore non c’è.
The doctor is not in.
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L’infermiera è lì.
The nurse is over there.
Ne means some or any when it replaces the partitive.
It follows the same rules of placement as ci.
Hai dello shampoo?
Do you have any shampoo?
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Ne hai?
Do you have any?
Ne can also mean of it/them when replacing nouns
used with expressions of quantity. Note that the use of
ne is required in these cases.
Ho due asciugacapelli.
I have two hairdryers.
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Ne ho due.
I have two (of them).
When ne is used with an adjective expressing
quantity, the adjective must agree with the noun
that ne replaced.
Quanti cani avete?
How many dogs do you have?
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Ne abbiamo molti.
We have many (of them).
Ne often replaces phrases introduced by di,
especially after expressions such as avere paura/
bisogno/voglia di.
Ho voglia di dormire.
I feel like sleeping.
Ne ho voglia.
I feel like it.
Parli sempre di politica?
Do you always talk about politics?
Ne parli sempre?
Do you always talk about it?
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If ne is used with an expression of quantity in the
passato prossimo, the past participle must agree with
the noun being replaced. However, when ne replaces a
prepositional phrase, no agreement is necessary.
Quanti rasoi hai comprato?
How many razors did you buy?
Ne ho comprati due.
I bought two of them.
Quanta crema ha usato?
How much lotion did she use?
Ne ha usata molta.
She used a lot (of it).
Ha parlato di politica.
He spoke about politics.
Ne ha parlato.
He spoke about it.
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Riscrivi ogni frase sostituendo la parola o le
parole sottolineate con ci o ne.
Ieri ci sono andato.
1. Ieri sono andato all’ospedale. (ci) ___________________________
2. Andiamo spesso dal farmacista. (ci) _________________________
3. Vado in palestra per fare esercizio. (ci) ______________________
4. Vittoria sta in bagno 45 minuti la mattina. (ci) __________________
5. Ho bisogno di una pillola per la nausea. (ne) __________________
6. Giada ha comprato due creme per le mani. (ne) _______________
7. Tu hai paura del dentista. (ne) _____________________________
8. Avete parlato al dottore della vostra depressione? (ne) __________
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6A.3 Ci and ne