Detection of photons and electrons in EMCAL Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Photons, Electrons and p0 at large pT Identification of photons and p0 with EMCAL Detection of electrons in EMCAL Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Photons, p0 and electrons at large pT Direct photons prompt photons _ hard processes: compton (g q g q) and annihilation (q q g g) test QCD production unperturbed by the medium g-jet events Neutral mesons via decay photons detection medium effect observation of hadron suppression in Heavy Ion collisions Electrons from semi-leptonic decays of b and c quarks medium effect different suppression for light and heavy quarks in Heavy Ion collisions Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Calorimetry in ALICE EMCAL D = 1.4, DF = 110o Distance to I.P 4.28 m granularity: 12.672 towers D×Df ~ 0.014×0.014 E>10 GeV DE/E < 4% Y X 11 Super Modules 2 SM per 20o sector Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE PHOS: D = 0.24, DF =100º Distance to I.P 4.40 m high granularity: 17.920 crystals E > 10 GeV DE/E < 1.5% EMCal and high pT physics Annual yields in ALICE with EMCAL EMCAL capabilities: inclusive jets : ET ~ 200 GeV dijets: ET ~ 170 GeV inclusive p0 : pT ~ 90 GeV/c inclusive g : pT ~ 70 GeV/c g + jet pT ~ 40 GeV/c e (semi-leptonic decay of heavy quarks ): pT ~ 25 GeV/c Cynthia Hadjidakis 10k/year Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Identification of photons and p0 in EMCAL three regions of analysis pT< ~ 10 GeV/c resolved clusters → invariant mass analysis 10 ~ < pT< ~ 40 GeV/c merged cluster → shower shape analysis small aperture angle isolation cut IP TPC f R candidate → talk by Gustavo Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE 0 p reconstruction via invariant mass simulation for pp and PbPb conditions high occupancy in PbPb: increase cluster energy threshold 100 MeV (pp) → 500 MeV (PbPb) only EMCAL - single particles + HI efficiency events simulation: single particles+HI only EMCAL p0 only EMCAL ● single particles ○ + HI p0: E=9 GeV s/mp= 11 % g1 g2 invariant mass (GeV) → effect of the HI environment: efficiency decreases (<10%) → measured p0 yield as input of simulation to obtain the decay g distribution → measurement of direct g Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Shower shape analysis Bayesian method developed for the PID based on a parametrization of l0 dn/dl02 Guénole Bourdaud p0 27 GeV g, e- fit: Landau+Gaussian p° charged hadrons l0, longest axis of cluster ellipsoid l02 Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Shower shape analysis PID for g efficiency/purity efficiency/purity simulation: single particles full ALICE flat g and p0 distributions PID for p0 p0 rejection (eg/ep0) about 5 Ndirect g/Np0 from NLO calculations: pp PbPb 0.002-0.02 0.01-0.1 → isolation cut needed to improve p0 rejection → HI environment: lower efficiency (10 to 20%) → Identification of g and p0 from ~10 GeV to ~40 GeV with this method (preliminary results: studies with realistic background needed) Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Detection of electrons in EMCaL track matching: each charged track is associated with a EMCAL cluster (if any) → add ALICE PID information from EMCAL to high pT charged tracks Alberto Pulvirenti (TRD p rejection for high pT) simulation: single particles full ALICE Mark Heinz, Jennifer Klay, Alex Donoghue pTPC / EEMCAL Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Electron identification → p rejection of 100-500 Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Photon Conversion Other sources of background: photon conversion and Dalitz decay 50% of photons convert into e+e- Y (cm) EMCAL TRD and TOF Time Projection Chamber Inner Tracking System X (cm) Center of Collision Cynthia Hadjidakis → 45% of photons convert into TRD and TOF → removed by p/E cut Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE Conclusion EMCAL improves ALICE capabilities to measure high pT photons, electrons and p0 Direct photons and p0 measurements Identification with invariant mass technique up to pT ~ 10 GeV/c Identification with shower shape analysis up to pT ~ 40 GeV/c Isolation cut to improve p0 rejection and for higher pT region Detection of electrons Electron identification and good p rejection with track matching Cynthia Hadjidakis Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE