Color Lab Speaker: Chiara Possoni Overview -Introduction to color -Visual variable -Psychoperspective space -The necessarity of number 3 -System of color -Color-matter - Way of appearing of the color -Phenomenology of color Introduction to color Ethymology of the word ‘color’: 1. 2. 3. 4. warm/ emotion Chroma Celare = to hide Cloros (yellow-green) Historical point of view about color: - Color-idea by Cartesio - Color-useful by Berkley - Color-inuseful by Kant - Color-biocenotic by Darwin Visual variable 4 variables of image 1. 2. 3. 4. Dimension Value Trasparency Position 8 Visual variable 1. 4 variables of separation 2. 3. 4. Direction Texture (tactile by sight) Hue (hue + value = color) Shape Shape and how can they be assembled Psychoperceptive space Psychoperceptive Space. What is it? It’s just like a window open to the world Psychoperceptive Space The space is defined through the psychoperceptive activity of the observer. Nino Di Salvatore - Archetipo oggettivo verde e giallo - 1969 The space is not only physic. The perceptive space is metric free. The psychoperceptive space is composed by: a. Vectorial constances of the perception a1. Retinical image’s dimension a2. Axis of gravity’s parallelism a3. Chromatic gradient a4. Color focusing a5. Position in the visual field b. Spatial forces b1. Shape b2. Dimension b3. Orientation b4. Optical weight b5. Latent lines (visual flow) b6. Interval Task: Spatial expression a.Vectorial constances of the perception 1. Retinical image’s dimension 2. Axis of gravity’s parallelism 3. Chromatic gradient 4. Color focusing 5. Position in the visual field 1. Retinical image’s dimension NEAR FAR NEAR 2. Axis of gravity’s parallelism STILL ON MOVEMENT FAR 3. Chromatic gradient NEAR INTERMEDIATE 4. Color focusing ADVANCING RECEDING FAR 5. Position in the visual field RETROCEDENTE AVANZANTE Loretta Lux Walk 300 Exercise UN QUADRATO FERMO VICINO ALL’OSSERVATORE IN UNO SPAZIO TRIDIMENSIONALE CON TRE QUADRATI IN MOVIMENTO CHE SI ALLONTANANO Which is the best way (color, dimension, position,..) to represent this situation? ..?.. This is the best solution!! ...because it uses at best the vectorial costances of the perception b. Spatial forces The spatial forces can manifest through: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Shape Dimension Orientation Optical weight Latent lines (visual flow) Interval Spatial forces Putting a shape in a field is just like putting a stone in a pond Every shape has an extention much bigger than its physical extension. 1. Shape Every shape has his own spatial forces Ilya Chashnik, Russian (1902–29) Cosmos — Red Circle on Black Surface with a Supremacist Cross, undated El-lissitzky, Russian Batti i bianchi con il cuneo rosso Malevic, Russian Quadrato nero su sfondo bianco 2. Dimension Dimension is critical in generating 2D and 3D spaces. 2D 3D Vassily Kandinsky (1866 – 1944) 9 punti in ascesa 3. Orientation Static space Dynamic space Rodchenko, Russian 4. Optical weight 5. Latent lines Everybody makes the same visual path to join the shapes in the visual field. This visual path is constituted by the latent lines. They are not real, they are generated psychoperceptively by the observers. Althought that they have the same value of the designed lines. 6. Interval Quality of the space Bidimensional Tridimensional Static Dynamic Concave Convex Victor Vaserely, Russian Opposition in geometry’s can be defined as.. ● Polarity in the space ● Duality in the shape ● Complementarity in the color Complementarity in the color If I had only 1 color there will be no color. For a color to exist it has to be created something of different nature. Only in this way it can feel its existence. If I fix a color and then a black sheet, the color creates his complementary, its contrary. The two colors together form a unity. A color is really itself when near to its contrary. A color expresses at best its property when it is near its complementary color. Klee’s lessons The balance between opposite colours is not grey Klee speaks of a pendolum. - different hue - different lightness - PEN relative to the gravity, the weight - high contrast - different hue - similar lightness - TEN relative to the tension - low contrast Klee’s lessons Newton Weight of color The necessarity of the number 3 The passage from 1 to 2 can be seen as a passage from being to appearing. If I had only the 1 there will be no term of confront. If I had only 1-2 there will be a tautology. The number 3 establishes a principle of order. The number 3 is a structural necessity. - Solido, liquido, gassoso - Punto, linea, superficie - Colori primari - Regni della natura - Soggetto, verbo, complemento oggeto - Sistema dei sillogismi Subtractive color mixing - CMY are the primary of the matter - Nearer to the black (K) Additive color mixing - CMY are the primary of the energy - Nearer the white (W) NCS: Natural color system Color’s conjunction Association between color and state of the matter Way of appearing of the color COLORI FILMARI COLORI RIFLESSI COLORI STRUTTURALI COLORI SUPERFICI COLORI VOLUME COLORI LUCE Phenomenology of color 1. Trasparency Conditions: a. The field should be divided in 4 parts, 2 for the figure and 2 for the background b. Each of the 2 parts of the figure should be in contact with only 1 part of the background c. The 2 parts of the figure should be perceived as an unity (Figural condition) b. The succession of the colors of the figure should be related to that of the background (clearer figure on clearer background and viceversa) 2. Induction - Interraction The same squared perimeter, but one time interaction and the other induction Cause: different disposition of the color in the perimeter 3. Marginal gradient 4. Color’s diffusion 5. Hermann’s grill 6. Munker White’s phenomenon 7. Teodorovic’s experience