April 2007
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Transnational Newsletter
A schematic representation of its
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
By its nature, the newsletter is a quick means
of information and communication
So, its aim, is reaching the stakeholders
clearly and directly
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
The newsletter will be composed of
5 sections, each one is dedicated to
the fonctional project aspects for
the transnational activity
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Section n° 1
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
The first section will be dedicated to the
partnership description and to the
illustration of partners’ national projetcs
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
(Development of Experiences in Equality
• Via verde para la igualidad (Spain)
• CELINE (Italy)
• Združenie žien Slovenska (Slovakia)
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Section n° 2
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
The second section will be dedicated to the
description of the transnational project issues.
In particular, in this framework, it will be
given space to the development prospects of
the Agreement of Cooperation, signed by all
the partners.
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Section n° 3
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
The third section concerns the
main themes
each partner will give his own contribution
about a specific issue (for example the
reduction of gender inequalities; the creation
of enterprise; the national rules on
immigration etc…)
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Section n° 4
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
This is the section dedicated to the widening
about the new European opportunities:
we want, therefore, describe the possibilities,
for each partner, concerning the future
possibilities about the euro-project
For example, we want to set off the
Agreement Protocol
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Section n° 5
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
This is the section regarding the
in turn, each partner will report the local
actors and stakeholders testimony involved in
the project actions or about an issue
developed and valuable as a best practice
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
4 numbers:
First two numbers: presentation of the
project, its macrophases and activities;
Third number: groundwork of the project
final conference;
Fourth number: report of the project
activities and outputs;
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Each partner will carry out own documents
All the documents must be in double
translation (mother language/English);
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Work Calendar:
After our meeting, partners have to provide
with the material useful to the setting up of
the newsletter;
We can foresee the first number for 7/8 of
May 2007.
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo
Stakeholders selection
Each partner will point out the stakeholders,
in order to address themselves the
Unione Europea
Fondo Sociale Europeo

INCONTRO TRANSNAZIONALE - Združenie žien Slovenska