Mortgage slowdown continues, Bank of
England data shows
Figures from the Building Societies
Association (BSA) showed balances
held in savings accounts at mutual
institutions increased by £807m in
February - the first rise for a year.
Various studies have indicated the
housing market was hit at the start of
the year owing to the end of the
temporary stamp duty relief and the
poor weather.
The Bank of England's figures
showed the number of mortgages
approved for house purchases was
lower than the average of the
previous six months, which stood at
This was down 21% on the recent
peak in approvals in November, and
the lowest for nine months.
Howard Archer, chief UK economist at
Global Insight, said: "The muted Bank of
England mortgage approvals data
reinforces our suspicion that house
prices will be erratic and prone to
corrections in 2010."
Philip Shaw, economist at Investec, said:
"The main message is that mortgage
approvals have stalled over the past few
months, indicating a lull in the housing
market. It remains to be seen if the
Budget moves are enough to raise
transactions and engineer an upturn."
In the Budget, Chancellor Alistair
Darling said that, for the next two
years, first-time buyers purchasing
properties worth up to £250,000 would
pay no stamp duty.
He also proposed an increase in stamp
duty on properties worth more than
£1m, although this would not come in
until April 2011, well after the election.
The Bank of England's figures showed
the number of people remortgaging
increased in February to 27,297, a rise
from January and ahead of the
monthly average over the previous six
months of 25,985.
(banca, rag.)
• differenza a saldo; saldo:
balance due, saldo debitore;
balance in (o on) hand,
saldo di cassa; bank balance,
(saldo del) conto in banca;
credit balance, saldo a
credito; debit balance, saldo
a debito; minimum balance,
saldo attivo minimo;
balance (carried forward) to
next account, saldo a nuovo.
(econ., fin.)
bilancia: balance of
indebtedness, posizione
patrimoniale sull'estero;
balance of payments,
bilancia dei pagamenti;
balance of trade, bilancia
commerciale; esportazioni
(fin., rag., = final balance)
bilancio (consuntivo): balance
sheet, stato patrimoniale;
balance-sheet items, voci di
bilancio; capitoli del bilancio
Titolo di debito a lungo termine, fino a 30 anni,
garantito da un diritto reale su un bene immobile.
Il soggetto finanziato offre in garanzia un bene sul
quale viene costituita un’ipoteca, e si impegna a
corrispondere puntualmente i pagamenti delle
quote capitale e interessi del prestito ottenuto.
Quando il piano di ammortamento del debito
viene ultimato l’ipoteca si estingue.
Tipo di associazione fra soggetti in cui il
risultato dell’attività svolta in comune viene
suddiviso a seconda del contributo da-to al
suo raggiungimento.
(spiegazioni in italiano, utile per gli acronimi inglesi
passati in italiano, o per termini talora invariati)
BID (Denaro)
Livello di prezzo a cui i compratori di un titolo sono disposti ad acquistare
dai venditori. In italiano Denaro.
Break out
Superamento di una resistenza, solitamente si accompagna ad un elevato
volume. Dopo un breakout può verificarsi un pullback.
Cash Flow
Saldo tra gli incassi (o entrate) e i pagamenti (o uscite) di un’impresa
avvenuti in un determinato arco di tempo.
Current Ratio
E’ un indice di liquidità viene, infatti, anche definito rapporto di liquidità.
to be down: essere calato; essere sceso; (Borsa,
fin., market.) essere andato giù di prezzo; essere
in ribasso; essersi ridotto: The tide is down, la
marea è calata; (sport) The gap is down to 20
seconds, il ritardo è sceso a 20 secondi; Gold is
down (in price), l'oro è in ribasso; Unemployment
is down by 3%, la disoccupazione è scesa del 3%;
The Dow was down more than 50 points in an
hour, il Dow Jones ha perso 50 punti in un'ora;
Exports are down to an all-time low, le
esportazioni si sono ridotte al minimo storico
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• To engineer: ideare e mettere in atto;
organizzare; architettare; ottenere con
macchinazioni: to engineer a rebellion,
organizzare una ribellione; She engineered a
meeting between them, è riuscita a farli
incontrare (o a fare in modo che si
incontrassero); His enemies soon engineered
his downfall, i suoi nemici sono riusciti presto
a mandarlo in rovina.
Internet (siti finanziari)
Remortgaging: A remortgaging is a term
commonly used today when it comes to refinancing
your home. The method of remortgaging involves a
certain process that will replace your existing
mortgage with a new mortgage from an alternate
financing company. The new lender will pay your
existing mortgage to the original mortgager. You are
then left with one mortgage which you pay to the
new lender. Here are some reasons why you should
consider getting a remortgage.
Generally the reason people go into a remortgaging
situation is to save money. When you secure a new
mortgage, you can often do so with a smaller
interest rate than you will have on your existing
remortgaging. This is a great way to reduce the
amount that you have to pay monthly. For the long
term, getting a lower interest rate may also
decrease the total amount you repay over the term
of your loan.