C A T A L O G O G E N E R A L E 2 0 1 3 RANCH CITY SAFETY TecnØTESTED CATENE TRAZIONATE GARANTITE 02 La AREF (acronimo di Angelo Ratti E Francesca) srl è una storica azienda nata a Lecco, un distretto produttivo che ha nella lavorazione dell’acciaio e dei suoi derivati, in particolare nella produzione di catene ad anelli, una vocazione più che centenaria. AREF is a historic company originally established in Lecco, heart of an industrial district with a 100-year old tradition of processing steel and its derivatives, in particular link chains. 03 L’azienda, che oggi ha sede nello stabilimento di Valmadrera, da sempre attenta all’ammodernamento degli impianti ed all’innovazioe tecnologica, The company now has its HQ and factory in Valmadrera. Using innovative technology and continuously updated state-of-the-art production lines, ha destinato rilevanti investimenti per la completa integrazione di cicli produttivi, che consentono la realizzazione di prodotti finiti, partendo direttamente dalla trafilatura dei vari materiali utilizzati. AREF has invested significant resources in the complete integration of the production cycle, obtaining the finished product directly from drawing various raw materials. 04 In questa ottica, tutte le linee di produzione catena sono equipaggiate con macchine ed attrezzature per la trazionatura ed il collaudo dell’intera produzione, garantendone la qualità e l’affidabilità; To this end, all the chain manufacturing lines are equipped with proof testing machines and equipment for final inspection of the entire production, guaranteeing quality and reliability. FULL TRACTION: il controlli totale delle catene prodotte FULL TRACTION: 100% control of all chains manufactured sono stati, inoltre, progettati e costruiti impianti di zincatura elettrolitica specifici per i nostri prodotti. Furthermore, special electro galvanizing lines have been custom designed and built for our products. Nel 2005 nasce la zincatura Galvanizing since 2005 Rif. UNI EN ISO 4520 Rif. UNI EN ISO 4520 Con le seguenti specifiche caratteristiche e prerogative: + Nuovo sistema di zincatura conforme alla Direttiva Europa nr. 2200/95/CE (RoHS) che vieta l’utilizzo del cromo esavalente. + Innovativo processo di zincatura in linea con autotensionamento della catena che garantisce un deposito uniforme anche nei punti di congiunzione delle maglie. + Spessore di zinco costante che assicura la miglior protezione ad ogni singola maglia in profondità ed in modo omogeneo. + Elevata resistenza agli agenti atmosferici. + Colorazione superficiale della catena dal caratteristico ed unico BLU lucente. With the following specific characteristics and properties: + New galvanizing system in compliance with RoHS EU ECO-Directive (2002/95/EC), which prohibits the use of hexavalent chromium. + Innovative in-line galvanizing process with automatic tension control to guarantee uniform coating of all link joints. + Uniform zinc coating thickness offers the best protection of each individual link. + Excellent weather protection. + Chain surface coating in unique, typical bright BLUE. 05 HOT TREATMENT Tutte le nostre catene di sicurezza SAFETY sono sottoposte al trattamento HT (cementazione + tempra) All our SAFETY chains undergo HT (carburization + hardening) heat treatment HT è un trattamento termochimico di diffusione che prevede un arricchimento di Carbonio sulla superficie della catena. Questo trattamento viene eseguito in atmosfera controllata ad una temperatura che varia generalmente da 870°C a 940°C. La Cementazione è normalmente seguita da un trattamento di Tempra in olio e successivo rinvenimento per ottenere la durezza superficiale richiesta. La lavorazione viene eseguita su acciai da cementazione allo scopo di migliorarne la resistenza al taglio, all’usura e alla fatica. HT is a thermochemical diffusion process that calls for carbon enrichment of the chain surface. This treatment is performed under controlled atmosphere at temperatures that generally vary from 870 °C to 940 °C. Carburization is usually followed by hardening in an oil quench phase, and thereafter, tempering to reach the required surface hardness. Processing is performed on case hardening steels with the aim of improving their resistance to cutting, wear and fatigue. ACCIAIO INOX STAINLESS STEEL AREF, per la linea NAUTA, utilizza acciai inox austenitici con le seguenti analisi AREF NAUTA lines use austenitic stainless steel with the followig analyses AISI 316 AISI 304 C% Si % Mn % P% S% Cr % Mo % Ni % =< 0,03 =< 0,03 =< 1,00 =< 1,00 =< 2,00 =< 2,00 =< 0,045 =< 0,045 =< 0,030 =< 0,030 16.00-18.00 18.00-20.00 2.00-3.00 – 10.00-14.00 8.00-12.00 ACCIAIO INOX AISI 316 Grande resistenza alla corrosione dell’acqua di mare ed ai prodotti acidi usati nelle industrie chimiche. STAINLESS STEEL AISI 316 Great resistance to the salt water corrosion and acid products used in chemical industries. ACCIAIO INOX AISI 304 Buona resistenza alla corrosione e mantiene ottime caratteristiche meccaniche a temperature molto basse. STAINLESS STEEL AISI 304 Good resistance to the corrosion and maintains extremly good characteristics at very low temperatures. 06 ZINCATURA A CALDO HOT DIP GALVANIZATION Per quanto attiene alla produzione di catene zincate a caldo, abbiamo come riferimento, per tutti i nostri prodotti, la Norma EN ISO 1461. Qui di seguito, in breve, un accenno relativo al trattamento di zincatura: la zincatura a caldo si attua mediante l’immersione delle catene in zinco fuso tenuto mediamente alla temperatura di 455 °C, ricoprendole interamente. Grazie al pre-trattamento in un bagno di sali fusi di zinco cloruro e ammonio cloruro, l’acciaio delle catene si lega allo zinco conferendo resistenza alla corrosione superiore che nella zincatura elettrolitica, anche dovuta alla maggiore resistenza meccanica dello strato protettivo. Il processo può essere suddiviso nelle seguenti fasi, separate una dall’altra: • decapaggio e sgrassaggio, ottenuti con acido cloridrico e tensioattivi a temperatura ambiente; • flussaggio: immersione in soluzione di ammonio cloruro e zinco cloruro; • zincatura: immersione, dopo preriscaldamento a 100 °C, in vasca di zinco fuso a 455 °C per il tempo necessario a che le catene raggiungano la stessa temperatura dello zinco La norma italiana che regola la zincatura a caldo, come già indicato, è la EN ISO 1461. Il testo della norma è stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1999 ed è giunta alla sua terza revisione nel 2009. All our hot-dip galvanised chain products meet EN ISO 1461.Hot galvanizing is performed by dipping the chains in a molten bath of zinc at a temperature of 455 °C where they are completely covered. Thanks to pretreatment in a bath of molten zinc ammonium chloride salts, the chains bond to the zinc providing greater corrosion resistance than that of electrolytic galvanization, also due to the greater mechanical resistance of the protective layer. The process can be divided into the following separate phases: • degreasing and pickling, using ambient temperature hydrochloric acid and surfactants • fluxing: dipping in a zinc ammonium chloride solution • zinc coating: after preheating to 10°C dipping in a molten bath of zinc at 455 °C for the time required for the chain to reach the same temperature as the molten zinc The key standard in Italy for hot dip galvanization is EN ISO 1461. The text of the standard was published for the first time in 1999 and now the 3rd revised edition applies, issued in 2009. Spessore del rivestimento La norma gli indica spessori minimi relativi al processo di zincatura a caldo. La tabella fornisce i valori minimi e medi comunemente accettati a seconda dello spessore del materiale trattato. Coating thickness The standard specifies the minimum coating thickness for the hot-dip galvanizing process. The table provides the minimum and average values that are commonly accepted based on the thickness of the treated material. Minimo spessore locale del rivestimento (μm) Minimum local coating thickness (μm) Minimo spessore medio del rivestimento (μm) Minimum average coating thickness (μm) Acciaio / Steel >=6 mm 70 85 Acciaio / Steel >=3 a < 6mm 55 70 Acciaio / Steel >=1.5 a < 3mm 45 55 Acciaio / Steel < 1.5mm 35 45 fusioni / Castings >=6mm 70 80 fusioni / Castings < 6mm 60 70 Spessore dell’acciaio (mm) Steel thickness (mm) 07 I confezionamenti e gli imballaggi delle catene sono adeguati alle nuove esigenze del mercato e sono stati automatizzati, mentre è stato completamente riorganizzato e razionalizzato lo stoccaggio della merce. L’esperienza acquisita nell’arco di un’attività pluridecennale e la flessibilità produttiva, raggiunta anche per il tramite della professionalità di un personale particolarmente dinamico, consente all’AREF di soddisfare, con prontezza e precisione, le richieste di un mercato sempre più esigente, fornendo non solo articoli standards ma anche prodotti personalizzati, di elevata e certificata qualità confermata anche dal conseguimento, dal 2002, della certificazione di qualità ISO 9001-2000. ISO 9001-2000 Cert. n° 2420 The fully-automated system for chain packaging and packing meets the new markets requirements and finished-goods storage has been completely reorganized and rationalized. AREF’s decades of experience and its production flexibility, combined with the professionalism of highly dynamic personnel allow us to rapidly and precisely meet the ever changing demands of the market. We are able to supply standard articles as well as custom products, with top certified quality confirmed by our ISO 9001-2000 quality certification, earned in 2002. CERTIFICATE No. Z1 13 02 83367 001 I nostri prodotti costituiscono una diversificata gamma di catene saldate e non saldate, offerte in diverse finiture superficiali quali: lucide, zincate elettrolitiche, zincate a caldo, verniciate, ottonate, nichelate. Inoltre produciamo catene in acciaio inox AISI 304 e 316. Una linea di accessori zincati ed inox completano la nostra proposta di vendita; vendita che si avvale di una radicata struttura di agenti, estremamente specializzati e competenti, nonché di una efficiente organizzazione logistica e di trasporto. We offer a wide range of welded and unwelded chains in various surface finishes, including: bright polished, electro galvanized, hot galvanized, painted, brass coated, or nickel coated. We also produce AISI 304 and 316 stainless steel chains.. A line of galvanized and stainless steel accessories completes our range of products. Our sales network is supported by highly specialized agents and an efficient logistics and shipping organization. INDICE / index 09 TECNO 38 CITY CATENE PER ARREDO URBANO street forniture CATENE IN MATASSE / chain in bundles 12 ACCESSORI / fittings 15 TECNOTESTED lifting chains and fittings 18 20 40 41 NAUTA CATENE INOX E ZINCATE A CALDO stainless steel and hot dipped galv. chains PENDENTI DI CATENA / chain sling ACCESSORI A RICHIESTA fitting available on request 21 SHOP 22 CATENE IN SCATOLA / chains in box 23 CATENE SU BOBINA / chains on reel 24 CATENE ORNAMENTALI CATENE INOX / stainless steel chains 43 CATENE ZINCATE A CALDO hot dipped galv. chains 46 ACCESSORI / fittings 49 RANCH decorative chains 28 31 PRODOTTI DEDICATI ALL’ALLEVAMENTO farming products ACCESSORI / fittings ESPOSITORI / display merchandiser ACCESSORI / fittings LEGAMI 3 CAPI / links for cattle 50 ACCESSORI / fittings 33 SAFETY CATENE DI SICUREZZA / safety chains CATENE ACCIAIO SEZIONE “D” safety chains alloy steel “D” shape 36 CATENE ACCIAIO A MAGLIA TONDA safety chain alloy steel round shape 37 LUCCHETTI / locks IMBALLI STANDARD standard packaging sacchetto matassa scatola bobina bag bundle box reel AVVERTENZE warning Tutti gli articoli, tranne quelli previsti nella linea TecnØTESTED, sono di qualità commerciale, non adatti ad applicazioni che prevedono variazioni di portata e/o superamento dei carichi di lavoro indicati o che siano destinati al sollevamento, trazione, sollecitazione. AREF è esente da ogni responsabilità per danni causati da un uso improprio degli articoli, come l’utilizzo degli stessi in presenza di fattori anomali di impiego quali usura, deformazione, attorcigliamento, corrosione, saldatura o riparazione non conforme, ecc. Le caratteristiche dimensionali e i valori indicati sono i più accurati possibile al momento della stampa. Tuttavia, essi possono variare senza preavviso a causa del continuo miglioramento della qualità e del design dei nostri prodotti. All of the articles, with the exception of those in the TecnØTESTED line, are commercial quality. They are not suitable for applications that call for varying loads and/or exceeding the specified working load limit (rated capacity), or for use in hoisting, towing and/or heavy-duty applications. AREF declines all responsibility for damages caused by improper use, for example when used under conditions, such as wear, deformation, kinking or twisting, corrosion, welding, non-compliant repairs, etc. The dimensions and values indicated herein are as accurate as possible at the time of print. However, they are subject to change without notice due to the continuous improvements in quality and product development. 09 QUANDO UNA CATENA NON VALE UN’ALTRA Catene saldate con controllo elettronico e sottoposte, durante il processo produttivo, alla trazione e al collaudo sistematico delle maglie prodotte. Welded chains are subject to electronic control in production while under tension. The chain links produced are systematically inspected during the process. catena genovese genoese chain numero dimensioni peso matassa lucida number dimensions weight bundle bright d x t x b mm 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 1,5 x 12,8 x 6,8 1,6 x 13,0 x 7,2 2,0 x 13,8 x 9,0 2,2 x 15,6 x 10,2 2,4 x 16,0 x 10,8 2,7 x 17,5 x 12,2 3,0 x 19,0 x 13,0 3,4 x 20,0 x 12,8 4,0 x 21,5 x 15,3 4,4 x 21,8 x 16,6 5,0 x 24,0 x 18,2 5,5 x 25,0 x 20,0 6,0 x 28,0 x 22,2 6,5 x 29,5 x 24,0 7,0 x 31,0 x 26,5 7,5 x 31,5 x 28,0 8,0 x 35,0 x 29,8 9,0 x 37,0 x 34,0 10,0 x 40,0 x 37,0 12,0 x 47,5 x 44,5 14,0 x 56,0 x 51,0 16,0 x 56,0 x 54,0 18,0 x 63,0 x 60,0 20,0 x 70,0 x 67,0 kg/m m 0,039 0,043 0,064 0,088 0,100 0,130 0,160 0,210 0,275 0,355 0,440 0,540 0,655 0,780 0,950 1,100 1,250 1,500 1,950 2,850 4,150 5,300 6,700 8,100 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 50 40 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel 8 15 20 25 30 37 55 75 100 125 165 185 225 265 300 350 400 500 625 900 1500 2000 2500 3000 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit cod. €/m cod. €/m CF015GN1050 CF016GN1050 CF020GN1050 CF022GN1075 CF024GN1075 CF027GN1075 CF030GN1075 CF034GN1075 CF040GN1075 CF044GN1050 CF050GN1050 CF055GN1040 CF060GN1030 CF065GN1025 CF070GN1025 CF075GN1025 CF080GN1025 CF090GN1025 CF100GN1025 CF120GN1025 CF140GN1020 CF160GN1020 CF180GN1020 CF200GN1020 0,715 0,720 0,740 0,825 0,930 1,040 1,195 1,475 1,675 2,125 2,530 2,990 3,390 3,985 4,605 5,340 5,780 7,040 8,875 12,700 17,645 23,955 34,535 41,845 CF015GM1050E CF016GM1050E CF020GM1050E CF022GM1075E CF024GM1075E CF027GM1075E CF030GM1075E CF034GM1075E CF040GM1075E CF044GM1050E CF050GM1050E CF055GM1040E CF060GM1030E CF065GM1025E CF070GM1025E CF075GM1025E CF080GM1025E CF090GM1025E CF100GM1025E CF120GM1025E CF140GM1020E CF160GM1020E CF180GM1020E CF200GM1020E 0,830 0,860 0,920 0,975 1,110 1,265 1,385 1,705 1,935 2,330 2,675 3,195 3,660 4,350 5,010 5,730 6,260 7,735 10,000 14,500 19,535 26,540 37,880 45,985 Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 10 catena DIN 5685/A DIN 5685/A chain dimensioni peso matassa lucida dimensions weight bundle bright d x t x b mm 3,0 x 16,0 x 11,4 4,0 x 19,0 x 15,2 5,0 x 21,0 x 19,0 6,0 x 24,0 x 22,8 7,0 x 28,0 x 26,6 8,0 x 32,0 x 30,4 10,0 x 40 ,0x 38,0 kg/m m 0,165 0,300 0,500 0,730 1,000 1,300 2,050 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 55 100 carico limite di 165 lavoro 225 kg 300 working load 400 limit 625 cod. €/m cod. €/m CF030AN1030 CF040AN1030 CF050AN1030 CF060AN1030 CF070AN1030 CF080AN1030 CF100AN1030 1,380 2,175 2,650 3,570 4,930 6,195 9,500 CF030AM1030E CF040AM1030E CF050AM1030E CF060AM1030E CF070AM1030E CF080AM1030E CF100AM1030E 1,575 2,430 2,865 3,865 5,345 6,745 10,420 catena DIN 5685/C DIN 5685/C chain dimensioni peso matassa lucida dimensions weight bundle bright d x t x b mm cod. €/m cod. €/m CF025CN1030 CF030CN1030 CF035CN1030 CF040CN1030 CF045CN1030 CF050CN1030 CF060CN1030 CF070CN1030 CF080CN1030 CF100CN1030 CF120CN1020 CF130CN1020 CF160CN1020 CF200CN1020 0,950 1,220 1,430 1,710 1,845 2,190 2,995 4,065 5,160 7,390 11,240 13,050 19,735 35,610 CF025CM1030E CF030CM1030E CF035CM1030E CF040CM1030E CF045CM1030E CF050CM1030E CF060CM1030E CF070CM1030E CF080CM1030E CF100CM1030E CF120CM1020E CF130CM1020E 1,025 1,365 1,580 1,815 2,015 2,285 3,105 4,220 5,385 8,035 12,440 14,655 kg/m m 0,100 0,150 0,200 0,270 0,350 0,430 0,630 0,860 1,100 1,750 2,550 2,950 4,400 7,450 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 dimensioni peso matassa lucida dimensions weight bundle bright 2,5 x 24,0 x 9,5 3,0 x 26,0 x 11,4 3,5 x 28,0 x 13,3 4,0 x 32,0 x 15,2 4,5 x 34,0 x 17,1 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 6,0 x 42,0 x 22,8 7,0 x 49,0 x 26,6 8,0 x 52,0 x 30,4 10,0 x 65,0 x 38,0 12,0 x 78,0 x 45,6 13,0 x 82,0 x 49,4 16,0 x 100,0 x 56,0 20,0 x 100,0 x 75,0 30 55 75 100 125 carico 165 limite di 225 lavoro kg 300 working load 400 limit 625 900 1060 2000 3000 catena usuale numero number d x t x b mm 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 4,9 x 32,0 x 23,5 5,5 x 34,0 x 25,0 6,0 x 35,0 x 26,5 6,5 x 36,0 x 27,0 7,0 x 38,5 x 29,0 7,5 x 40,0 x 30,5 8,0 x 43,5 x 32,0 9,0 x 45,0 x 36,5 10,0 x 47,0 x 39,0 12,0 x 50,5 x 48,5 14,0 x 62,0 x 55,0 usual chain kg/m m 0,450 0,550 0,660 0,800 0,900 1,050 1,200 1,480 1,900 2,800 3,730 50 40 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel 165 185 225 265 carico limite di 300 lavoro 350 kg 400 working load 500 limit 625 900 1500 cod. €/m cod. €/m CF049UN1050 CF055UN1040 CF060UN1030 CF065UN1025 CF070UN1025 CF075UN1025 CF080UN1025 CF090UN1025 CF100UN1025 CF120UN1025 CF140UN1020 3,180 4,000 4,600 5,295 6,045 6,910 7,655 9,750 11,040 17,825 26,345 CF049UM1050E CF055UM1040E CF060UM1030E CF065UM1025E CF070UM1025E CF075UM1025E CF080UM1025E CF090UM1025E CF100UM1025E CF120UM1025E CF140UM1020E 3,345 4,225 4,845 5,580 6,380 7,295 8,095 10,320 11,745 18,975 27,845 Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 11 catena Vittoria double loop chain dimensioni peso matassa lucida dimensions weight bundle bright d x t x b mm 1,5 x 1,6 x 1,8 x 2,0 x 2,2 x 2,4 x 2,8 x 3,0 x 20,0 x 6,3 23,0 x 7,2 25,0 x 8,0 28,0 x 9,0 31,0 x 10,0 35,0 x 11,0 39,0 x 12,5 41,0 x 14,0 kg/m m 0,048 0,054 0,069 0,087 0,102 0,120 0,150 0,200 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 25 32 41 52 60 70 91 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit cod. €/m cod. €/m CF015VN1025 CF016VN1025 CF018VN1025 CF020VN1025 CF022VN1025 CF024VN1025 CF028VN1025 CF030VN1025 0,590 0,745 0,795 0,965 1,060 1,205 1,555 1,875 CF015VM1025E CF016VM1025E CF018VM1025E CF020VM1025E CF022VM1025E CF024VM1025E CF028VM1025E CF030VM1025E 0,660 0,850 0,900 1,095 1,205 1,395 1,800 2,085 catena genovese ritorta genovese twisted chain numero dimensioni peso matassa lucida number dimensions weight bundle bright d x t x b mm 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3,4 x 4,0 x 4,4 x 5,0 x 5,5 x 6,0 x 6,5 x 7,0 x 7,5 x 20,0 x 12,8 21,5 x 15,3 21,8 x 16,6 24,0 x 18,2 25,0 x 20,0 28,0 x 22,2 29,5 x 24,0 31,0 x 26,5 31,5 x 28,0 kg/m m 0,250 0,360 0,455 0,570 0,685 0,825 0,965 1,295 1,440 75 75 50 50 40 30 25 25 25 75 100 125 carico limite di 165 lavoro 185 kg 225 working load 265 limit 300 350 cod. €/m cod. €/m CF034RN1075 CF040RN1075 CF044RN1050 CF050RN1050 CF055RN1040 CF060RN1030 CF065RN1025 CF070RN1025 CF075RN1025 2,075 2,560 3,150 4,080 4,615 5,220 6,060 7,150 8,345 CF034RM1075E CF040RM1075E CF044RM1050E CF050RM1050E CF055RM1040E CF060RM1030E CF065RM1025E CF070RM1025E CF075RM1025E 2,295 2,825 3,405 4,335 4,885 5,530 6,430 7,595 8,875 catena norma DIN 763 chain ref. DIN 763 norm dimensioni peso matassa lucida dimensions weight bundle bright kg/m m cod. €/m cod. €/m 0,270 0,430 0,630 0,860 1,100 1,750 2,950 4,450 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 15 CF0403N1030 CF0503N1030 CF0603N1030 CF0703N1030 CF0803N1030 CF1003N1030 CF1303N1015 CF1603N1015 1,890 2,415 3,300 4,330 5,500 7,950 14,555 22,670 CF0403M1030E CF0503M1030E CF0603M1030E CF0703M1030E CF0803M1030E CF1003M1030E CF1303M1015E CF1603M1015E 2,160 2,645 3,590 4,725 6,010 8,800 16,110 25,380 d x t x b mm 4,0 x 32,0 x 15,2 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 6,0 x 42,0 x 22,8 7,0 x 49,0 x 26,6 8,0 x 52,0 x 30,4 10,0 x 65,0 x 38,0 13,0 x 82,0 x 49,4 16,0 x 100,0 x 60,8 150 210 carico 270 limite di 350 lavoro kg 460 working load 700 limit 1200 2200 catena norma DIN 766 chain ref. DIN 766 norm dimensioni peso matassa lucida dimensions weight bundle bright d x t x b mm 4,0 x 5,0 x 6,0 x 7,0 x 8,0 x 9,0 x 10,0 x 13,0 x 14,0 x 16,0 x 12,8 18,5 x 16,0 18,5 x 19,2 22,0 x 22,4 24,0 x 25,6 27,0 x 28,8 28,0 x 32,0 36,0 x 41,6 41,0 x 44,8 kg/m m 0,320 0,500 0,800 1,100 1,400 1,800 2,300 3,900 4,400 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 15 Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel 150 250 350 carico limite di 450 lavoro 630 kg 800 working load 900 limit 1600 1900 cod. €/m cod. €/m CF0406N1030 CF0506N1030 CF0606N1030 CF0706N1030 CF0806N1030 CF0906N1030 CF1006N1030 CF1306N1015 CF1406N1015 2,240 3,000 4,305 5,768 7,071 9,162 10,594 19,385 22,565 CF0406M1030E CF0506M1030E CF0606M1030E CF0706M1030E CF0806M1030E CF0906M1030E CF1006M1030E CF1306M1015E CF1406M1015E 2,490 3,225 4,505 6,070 7,465 9,800 11,370 21,415 24,935 Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 12 ACCESSORI fittings Accessori attentamente selezionati, per garantire il miglior rapporto qualità/prezzo nell’ottica del mantenimento di caratteristiche idonee agli attuali elevati standard. Carefully selected accessories guarantee the best quality/price ratio with the main objective of maintaining characteristics that meet current high standards. grilli zincati zinc plated straight shackles misure dimensioni size dimensions €/confezione pezzi/confezione €/pac. mm pollici a x b x c mm cod. 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 9,0 x 19,0 x 5,0 14,0 x 25,0 x 6,0 16,0 x 31,0 x 8,0 19,0 x 40,0 x 10,0 22,0 x 43,0 x 11,0 26,0 x 49,0 x 12,0 27,0 x 53,0 x 14,0 32,0 x 62,0 x 16,0 38,0 x 68,0 x 18,0 36,0 x 76,0 x 20,0 GRIDZINCEL5 GRIDZINCEL6 GRIDZINCEL8 GRIDZINCEL10 GRIDZINCEL11 GRIDZINCEL12 GRIDZINCEL14 GRIDZINCEL16 GRIDZINCEL18 GRIDZINCEL20 morsetti a cavallotto zincati misure dimensioni size dimensions €/cad. €/PC n° 50,00 56,00 45,00 73,75 96,50 135,00 98,25 142,13 122,25 102,95 100 100 50 50 50 50 25 25 15 10 0,500 0,560 0,900 1,475 1,930 2,700 3,930 5,685 8,150 10,295 zinc plated wire rope clips €/confezione pezzi/confezione €/pac. mm pollici a x b x c x d mm cod. 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 16 20 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 21,0 x 8,0 x 4,0 x 20,0 24,0 x 9,0 x 5,0 x 24,0 29,0 x 9,0 x 6,0 x 34,0 33,0 x 12,0 x 6,0 x 35,0 37,0 x 13,0 x 8,0 x 42,0 43,0 x 15,0 x 8,0 x 46,0 45,0 x 16,0 x 10,0 x 56,0 46,0 x 17,0 x 10,0 x 56,0 54,0 x 20,0 x 10,0 x 64,0 61,0 x 21,0 x 12,0 x 77,0 MORZINCEL3 MORZINCEL5 MORZINCEL6 MORZINCEL8 MORZINCEL10 MORZINCEL11 MORZINCEL12 MORZINCEL14 MORZINCEL16 MORZINCEL20 N.B. dimensioni indicative standard packing standard packing €/cad. €/PC n° 27,000 18,500 24,000 37,500 33,500 35,750 58,750 62,750 88,750 52,000 200 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 25 0,135 0,185 0,240 0,375 0,670 0,715 1,175 1,255 1,775 2,080 N.B. indicative dimensions 13 redance zincate zinc plated thimbles misure dimensioni size dimensions mm pollici 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 €/confezione pezzi/confezione €/pac. a x b x c mm cod. 9,5 x 24,0 x 14,0 11,5 x 28,0 x 17,0 14,0 x 36,0 x 21,0 17,0 x 40,0 x 23,0 19,0 x 48,0 x 30,0 22,0 x 55,0 x 34,0 26,0 x 65,0 x 42,0 30,0 x 78,0 x 50,0 36,0 x 90,0 x 60,0 REDZINCEL3 REDZINCEL4 REDZINCEL5 REDZINCEL6 REDZINCEL8 REDZINCEL10 REDZINCEL12 REDZINCEL14 REDZINCEL16 tenditori zincati a due occhi misure dimensioni size dimensions cod. 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 60,0 x 9,0 x 9,0 80,0 x 11,0 x 10,0 109,0 x 14,0 x 12,0 130,0 x 20,0 x 13,0 136,0 x 23,0 x 15,0 140,0 x 24,0 x 16,0 170,0 x 26,0 x 18,0 190,0 x 28,0 x 25,0 220,0 x 33,0 x 27,0 TENOOZINCEL5 TENOOZINCEL6 TENOOZINCEL8 TENOOZINCEL10 TENOOZINCEL12 TENOOZINCEL14 TENOOZINCEL16 TENOOZINCEL18 TENOOZINCEL20 tenditori zincati ad occhio e gancio dimensions cod. 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 60,0 x 18,0 x 9,0 x 5,0 80,0 x 22,0 x 11,0 x 7,0 109,0 x 30,0 x 14,0 x 9,0 130,0 x 36,0 x 20,0 x 12,0 136,0 x 42,0 x 23,0 x 13,0 140,0 x 48,0 x 24,0 x 15,0 170,0 x 53,0 x 26,0 x 15,0 190,0 x 58,0 x 28,0 x 16,0 220,0 x 82,0 x 33,0 x 23,0 TENOGZINCEL5 TENOGZINCEL6 TENOGZINCEL8 TENOGZINCEL10 TENOGZINCEL12 TENOGZINCEL14 TENOGZINCEL16 TENOGZINCEL18 TENOGZINCEL20 tenditori zincati a due ganci dimensions €/cad. €/PC 203,000 116,500 77,750 69,750 108,875 171,875 104,700 147,650 180,850 200 100 50 25 25 25 10 10 10 1,015 1,165 1,555 2,790 4,355 6,875 10,470 14,765 18,085 standard packing €/cad. €/PC n° 203,000 116,500 77,750 69,750 108,875 171,875 104,700 147,650 180,850 200 100 50 25 25 25 10 10 10 1,015 1,165 1,555 2,790 4,355 6,875 10,470 14,765 18,085 zinc plated turnbuckles hook and hook €/confezione pezzi/confezione €/pac. mm pollici a x b x c mm cod. 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 60,0 x 18,0 x 9,0 80,0 x 22,0 x 11,0 109,0 x 30,0 x 14,0 130,0 x 36,0 x 20,0 136,0 x 42,0 x 23,0 140,0 x 48,0 x 24,0 170,0 x 53,0 x 26,0 190,0 x 58,0 x 28,0 220,0 x 82,0 x 33,0 TENGGZINCEL5 TENGGZINCEL6 TENGGZINCEL8 TENGGZINCEL10 TENGGZINCEL12 TENGGZINCEL14 TENGGZINCEL16 TENGGZINCEL18 TENGGZINCEL20 N.B. dimensioni indicative 0,155 0,170 0,185 0,240 0,335 0,510 0,720 0,875 1,185 n° €/pac. a x b x c mm size standard packing €/confezione pezzi/confezione pollici dimensioni 50 50 50 50 50 50 20 20 10 zinc plated turnbuckles eye and hook mm misure 7,750 8,500 9,250 12,000 16,750 25,500 14,400 17,500 11,850 €/pac. a x b x c mm size €/PC n° €/confezione pezzi/confezione pollici dimensioni €/cad. zinc plated turnbuckles eye and eye mm misure standard packing standard packing €/cad. €/PC n° 203,000 116,500 77,750 69,750 108,875 171,875 104,700 147,650 180,850 200 100 50 25 25 25 10 10 10 1,015 1,165 1,555 2,790 4,355 6,875 10,470 14,765 18,085 N.B. indicative dimensions 14 golfari maschi zincati zinc. plated eye bolts misure dimensioni size dimensions mm €/pac. a x b x c x d mm cod. 28,0 x 15,0 x 10,0 x 6,0 36,0 x 20,0 x 15,0 x 8,0 45,0 x 25,0 x 18,0 x 10,0 54,0 x 30,0 x 22,0 x 12,0 54,0 x 30,0 x 22,0 x 14,0 63,0 x 35,0 x 26,0 x 16,0 70,0 x 38,0 x 28,0 x 16,0 76,0 x 42,0 x 30,0 x 20,0 GOLMASZIN6 GOLMASZIN8 GOLMASZIN10 GOLMASZIN12 GOLMASZIN14 GOLMASZIN16 GOLMASZIN18 GOLMASZIN20 pollici 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 €/confezione pezzi/confezione dimensioni size dimensions 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 N.B. dimensioni indicative €/PC 111,000 111,500 83,000 121,000 123,000 92,125 37,100 58,050 100 100 50 50 50 25 10 10 1,110 1,115 1,660 2,420 2,460 3,685 3,710 5,805 zinc. plated eye nuts misure pollici €/cad. n° golfari femmina zincati mm standard packing €/confezione pezzi/confezione €/pac. a x b x c x d mm cod. 36,0 x 20,0 x 36,0 x 6,0 36,0 x 20,0 x 36,0 x 8,0 45,0 x 25,0 x 45,0 x 10,0 54,0 x 30,0 x 53,0 x 12,0 54,0 x 35,0 x 53,0 x 14,0 63,0 x 35,0 x 62,0 x 16,0 76,0 x 40,0 x 75,0 x 18,0 76,0 x 40,0 x 75,0 x 18,0 GOLFEMZIN6 GOLFEMZIN8 GOLFEMZIN10 GOLFEMZIN12 GOLFEMZIN14 GOLFEMZIN16 GOLFEMZIN18 GOLFEMZIN20 standard packing €/cad. €/PC n° 111,000 111,500 83,000 121,000 123,000 92,125 37,100 58,050 100 100 50 50 50 25 10 10 1,110 1,115 1,660 2,420 2,460 3,685 3,710 5,805 N.B. indicative dimensions 15 TecnØTESTED CATENE ED ACCESSORI PER IL SOLLEVAMENTO lifting chain and fittings TUTTI I COMPONENTI SONO PRODOTTI IN ITALIA O DI PROVENIENZA CE All components are made in Italy or made C.E. Caratteristiche meccaniche materiali: acciai legati da bonifica al NiCrMo Glossario: Carico limite di lavoro: carico massimo che la catena o l’accessorio è autorizzato a supportare in uso generico quando lo sforzo è applicato in linea, se non altrimenti specificato, rispetto alla mezzeria della catena e dell’accessorio stesso. Carico di prova: carico medio applicato nell’esecuzione di collaudi; limite al quale la catena o l’accessorio possono essere sottoposti prima della deformazione. Carico di rottura: carico medio in corrispondenza del quale la catena o l’accessorio si rompono. Fattore di sicurezza: 4:1 : rapporto fra il carico di rottura ed il carico limite di lavoro. Mechanical characteristics materials: NiCrMo alloy steels Glossary: Working load limit: the maximum force the chain or the fitting is authorized to support in general srvice condition, with load applied in line with respect to the centerline. Proof load: the average force applied during a proof test; load limit the chain or the fitting may be subjected before deformation occur. Breaking load: the average force the chain or the fitting may be subjected with no permanent deformations. Safety factor: 4:1 : obtained diving the Breaking load by the Working Load Limit. Catena grado 80 Verniciata nera Caratteristiche secondo EN 818-2 C G80 Chain Black color Caracteristics according to EN 818-2 Safety factor 4:1 Fattore di sicurezza 4:1 A D dimensioni peso size weight D mm 6,0 7,0 8,0 10,0 13,0 16,0 A mm C mm 18,0 21,0 24,0 30,0 39,0 48,0 8,5 10,0 10,4 13,0 16,9 21,5 Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro Warning: do not exceed working load limit Kg/cad. Kg/PC 0,800 1,100 1,400 2,200 3,800 5,700 carico di prova carico di rottura matassa bundle proof load breaking load KN KN 28,300 38,500 50,300 78,500 133,000 201,000 45,200 61,600 80,400 126,000 212,000 322,000 1120 1500 2000 3200 5400 8000 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit cod. m €/m CZ060NN1100 CZ070NN1100 CZ080NN1100 CZ0100NN1100 CZ0130NN1050 CZ0160NN1050 100 100 100 100 50 50 14,800 20,400 23,550 33,850 58,850 92,950 16 TecnØTESTED Anellone ovale DIN 5686-3 A master link DIN 5686-3 Fattore di sicurezza 4:1 B D C D mm A mm B mm 13,0 16,0 18,0 22,0 26,0 86,0 92,0 111,0 134,0 152,0 60,0 60,0 75,0 90,0 100,0 Safety factor 4:1 C mm 110,0 110,0 135,0 160,0 180,0 1 braccio 2 bracci pz/scatola Kg/PC 1 legs 2 legs pcs/box €/PC Ø mm Ø mm 6,0-7,0 8,0 10,0 13,0 16,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 10,0 13,0 50 36 22 10 6 11,500 18,200 21,970 39,080 53,975 0,34 0,53 0,80 1,50 2,30 cod. 2000 3200 4000 6400 10000 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit Anellone assembly DIN 5688-3 BELLVERN13 BELLVERN16 BELLVERN18 BELLVERN22 BELLVERN26 master link assembly DIN 5686-3 Fattore di sicurezza 4:1 Safety factor 4:1 A D - d mm A mm B C D d 18-13 22-16 26-18 32-22 111,0 134,0 152,0 174,0 B mm C mm 75,0 90,0 100,0 110,0 135,0 160,0 180,0 200,0 3-4 bracci pz/scatola Kg/PC 3-4 legs pcs/box €/PC 10 5 4 3 40,150 71,650 83,500 183,000 Ø mm 1,16 2,22 3,36 6,02 6,0-7,0 8,0 10,0 13,0 cod. 6400 8000 12800 20000 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit BELLVERN18AS BELLVERN22AS BELLVERN26AS BELLVERN32AS G80 clevis self locking hook Fattore di sicurezza 4:1 misura catene mm chain size mm B D 7-8 10 13 E Safety factor 4:1 143,0 86,0 174,0 110,0 229,0 137,0 38,0 47,0 67,0 21,0 25,0 32,0 pz/scatola Kg/PC pcs/box €/PC 20 10 6 64,000 85,715 150,345 cod. 0,870 1,710 3,150 2000 3200 5400 C carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit Gancio sling clevis con sicurezza - grado 80 A GANLOCCLEV8 GANLOCCLEV10 GANLOCCLEV13 G80 clevis sling hook with latch Fattore di sicurezza 4:1 Safety factor 4:1 D misura catene mm B chain size mm E 7-8 10 13 C Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro Warning: do not exceed working load limit Kg/cad. pz/scatola Kg/PC pcs/box A mm B mm C mm D mm E mm 9,5 11,5 15,0 €/cad. Kg/cad. A mm B mm C mm D mm E mm 9,0 12,0 15,0 €/cad. Kg/cad. Gancio self locking clevis - grado 80 A €/cad. Kg/cad. 120,0 96,0 144,0 117,0 181,0 151,0 30,0 37,0 50,0 26,5 32,5 42,0 0,630 1,250 2,100 2000 3200 5400 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit cod. m GANCLEVSIC8 GANCLEVSIC10 GANCLEVSIC13 20 10 8 €/cad. €/PC 29,900 47,290 70,245 TecnØTESTED Gancio accorciatore ad occhiolo - grado 80 B A D C G80 eye grag shortening hook Fattore di sicurezza 4:1 misura catene mm 7-8 10 13 10,5 13,5 15,5 17,0 23,0 26,5 47,0 60,0 71,0 10,5 15,0 17,5 28,0 43,0 56,0 Kg/PC pcs/box €/PC 50 25 15 11,435 18,895 31,050 cod. 0,270 0,730 1,230 2000 3200 5400 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit GANACCOCC8 GANACCOCC10 GANACCOCC13 Maglia di connessione - grado 80 A G80 connecting link Fattore di sicurezza 4:1 B misura catene mm D C Safety factor 4:1 6 7-8 10 13 42,0 53,0 67,0 83,0 13,5 17,6 25,0 30,0 7,0 9,0 11,0 15,0 17,0 20,0 24,0 30,0 pz/scatola Kg/PC pcs/box €/PC 50 50 50 30 12,925 17,050 21,760 38,370 cod. 0,110 0,200 0,300 0,700 1120 2000 3200 5400 ALTRE MISURE DISPONIBILI SU RICHIESTA other size available on request Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro Warning: do not exceed working load limit €/cad. Kg/cad. A mm B mm C mm D mm chain size mm €/cad. pz/scatola A mm B mm C mm D mm E mm chain size mm E Safety factor 4:1 Kg/cad. carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit MAGCONVERN6 MAGCONVERN8 MAGCONVERN10 MAGCONVERN13 17 18 TecnØTESTED pendenti di catena chain sling Lunghezza dei bracci 1m legs 1m Carico limite di lavoro secondo norma EN 818-4 Working load limit according EN 818-4 €/cad. diametro Bracci diameter legs mm N° 0-45° 45°-60° cod. 7 7 7 1 2 4 1500 2120 3180 1500 1500 2250 BRACA711 BRACA721 BRACA741 163,250 299,650 574,350 8 8 8 1 2 4 2000 2830 4240 2000 2000 3000 BRACA811 BRACA821 BRACA841 173,350 308,900 615,500 10 10 10 1 2 4 3150 4450 6680 3150 3150 4720 BRACA1011 BRACA1021 BRACA1041 227,350 425,650 816,400 13 13 13 1 2 4 5300 7490 11240 5300 5300 7950 BRACA1311 BRACA1321 BRACA1341 360,340 668,900 1.363,300 €/PC carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit pendenti di catena chain sling Lunghezza dei bracci 2m legs 2m Carico limite di lavoro secondo norma EN 818-4 €/cad. diametro Bracci diameter legs mm N° 0-45° 45°-60° cod. 7 7 7 1 2 4 1500 2120 3180 1500 1500 2250 BRACA712 BRACA722 BRACA742 184,800 343,200 661,450 8 8 8 1 2 4 2000 2830 4240 2000 2000 3000 BRACA812 BRACA822 BRACA842 198,850 359,700 716,700 10 10 10 1 2 4 3150 4450 6680 3150 3150 4720 BRACA1012 BRACA1022 BRACA1042 266,100 503,150 976,100 13 13 13 1 2 4 5300 7490 11240 5300 5300 7950 BRACA1312 BRACA1322 BRACA1342 428,800 810,650 1.635,600 Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro Warning: do not exceed working load limit Working load limit according EN 818-4 €/PC carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit TecnØTESTED pendenti di catena chain sling Lunghezza dei bracci 3m legs 3m Carico limite di lavoro secondo norma En 818-4 Working load limit according EN 818-4 €/cad. diametro Bracci diameter legs mm N° 0-45° 45°-60° cod. 7 7 7 1 2 4 1500 2120 3180 1500 1500 2250 BRACA713 BRACA723 BRACA743 206,150 385,650 746,400 8 8 8 1 2 4 2000 2830 4240 2000 2000 3000 BRACA813 BRACA823 BRACA843 224,900 411,450 820,540 10 10 10 1 2 4 3150 4450 6680 3150 3150 4720 BRACA1013 BRACA1023 BRACA1043 304,900 580,650 1.131,200 13 13 13 1 2 4 5300 7490 11240 5300 5300 7950 BRACA1313 BRACA1323 BRACA1343 499,350 946,850 1.919,150 €/PC carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit pendenti di catena chain sling Lunghezza dei bracci 4m legs 4m Carico limite di lavoro secondo norma En 818-4 Working load limit according EN 818-4 €/cad. diametro Bracci diameter legs mm N° 0-45° 45°-60° cod. 7 7 7 1 2 4 1500 2120 3180 1500 1500 2250 BRACA714 BRACA724 BRACA744 227,910 429,240 833,480 8 8 8 1 2 4 2000 2830 4240 2000 2000 3000 BRACA814 BRACA824 BRACA844 250,680 463,470 924,650 10 10 1 2 3150 3150 BRACA1014 BRACA1024 344,790 660,540 10 4 3150 4450 6680 4720 BRACA1043 1.286,250 13 13 13 1 2 4 5300 7490 11240 5300 5300 7950 BRACA1314 BRACA1324 BRACA1344 567,740 1.088,630 2.202,000 €/PC carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit Certificato di conformità: ogni pendente è fornito del certificato di conformità che elenca le portate consentite nonché i componenti utilizzati. Uso e manutenzione: ogni pendente è fornito di libretto con le istruzioni d’uso e le informazioni utili all’esecuzione e all’annotazione delle manutenzioni periodiche. Individuazione pendente: ogni pendente è fornito di medaglia contrassegnata con un numero di matricola e con i carichi di lavoro massimi consentiti. Certificate of conformity: each chain sling is supplied with a certificate of conformità stating in details allowed working load and components. Chain sling use and maintenance: each chain sling is supplied with a guide and section to record the periodic maintenance operations. Chain sling identification: each chain sling is supplied with a metal registration number and maximum allowed. Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro Warning: do not exceed working load limit 019 19 20 TecnØTESTED ACCESSORI DISPONIBILI SU RICHIESTA fitting available on request Ganci hooks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Grilli 9 10 11 straight shackles 12 Sicurezze per ganci 13 safety for hooks 14 15 Medaglia ottagonale per imbracature NUMERO DI REGISTRAZIONE sling medal Kg 45° Kg 60° Kg 80 CE 17 16 21 UNA LINEA COMPLETA DI PRODOTTI DEDICATI ALLA FERRAMENTA Gamma di prodotti che possono avere imballi personalizzati secondo le specifiche esigenze, grazie a linee di confezionamento flessibili e fortemente automatizzate. SACCHETTO bag Product range available in custom packaging to meet customer-specific needs thanks to our flexible highly automated lines. SCATOLA box BOBINA reel Bobina Dimensioni Reel dimensions d x l (mm) scatola dimensioni box dimensions cm SC2 15 x 24 x 36 SC1 12 x 22 x 22 A30 200 x 315 A15 200 x 150 A09 200 x 90 SP1 90 x 180 SP2 90 x 85 22 catena genovese genoese chain cod. €/scatola SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 SC2 CF015GA1100E00X CF016GA1100E00X CF020GA1075E00X CF022GA1075E00X CF024GA1075E00X CF027GA1075E00X CF030GA1075E00X CF034GA1075E00X CF040GA1075E00X CF044GA1050E00X CF050GA1050E00X CF055GA1040E00X CF060GA1030E00X CF065GA1025E00X CF070GA1025E00X CF075GA1020E00X CF080GA1015E00X CF090GA1015E00X CF100GA1010E00X CF120GA1008E00X dimensioni scatola dimensions box cod. numero dimensioni scatola number dimensions box 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 1,5 x 12,8 x 6,8 1,6 x 13,0 x 7,2 2,0 x 13,8 x 9,0 2,2 x 15,6 x 10,2 2,4 x 16,0 x 10,8 2,7 x 17,5 x 12,2 3,0 x 19,0 x 13,0 3,4 x 20,0 x 12,8 4,0 x 21,5 x 15,3 4,4 x 21,8 x 16,6 5,0 x 24,0 x 18,2 5,5 x 25,0 x 20,0 6,0 x 28,0 x 22,2 6,5 x 29,5 x 24,0 7,0 x 31,0 x 26,5 7,5 x 31,5 x 28,0 8,0 x 35,0 x 29,8 9,0 x 37,0 x 34,0 10,0 x 40,0 x 37,0 12,0 x 47,5 x 44,5 numero number 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 1,3 x 10,0 x 5,6 1,5 x 12,8 x 6,8 1,6 x 13,0 x 7,2 2,0 x 13,8 x 9,0 2,2 x 15,6 x 10,2 2,4 x 16,0 x 10,8 2,7 x 17,5 x 12,2 3,0 x 19,0 x 13,0 numero number 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 1,3 x 10,0 x 5,6 1,5 x 12,8 x 6,8 1,6 x 13,0 x 7,2 2,0 x 13,8 x 9,0 2,2 x 15,6 x 10,2 2,4 x 16,0 x 10,8 2,7 x 17,5 x 12,2 3,0 x 19,0 x 13,0 m/scatola m/box €/m 83,000 86,000 69,000 73,125 83,250 94,875 103,875 127,875 145,125 116,500 133,750 127,800 109,800 108,750 125,250 114,600 93,900 116,025 100,000 116,000 100 100 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 50 40 30 25 25 20 15 15 10 8 0,830 0,860 0,920 0,975 1,110 1,265 1,385 1,705 1,935 2,330 2,675 3,195 3,660 4,350 5,010 5,730 6,260 7,735 10,000 14,500 €/scatola m/scatola m/box €/m €/box d x t x b mm 8 15 20 25 30 37 55 75 carico 100 limite di 125 lavoro kg 165 working load 185 limit 225 265 300 350 400 500 625 900 €/box ottonata/brass plated d x t x b mm 6 8 15 20 25 30 37 55 SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 CF013GN1025A00X CF015GN1025A00X CF016GN1025A00X CF020GN1025A00X CF022GN1025A00X CF024GN1025A00X CF027GN1025A00X CF030GN1025A00X 27,50 23,00 24,25 26,63 35,63 38,88 50,50 51,00 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 1,100 0,920 0,970 1,065 1,425 1,555 2,020 2,040 dimensioni scatola m/scatola box cod. €/scatola dimensions m/box €/m 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 1,100 0,920 0,970 1,065 1,425 1,555 2,020 2,040 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit €/box nichelata/ nickel plated d x t x b mm 6 8 15 20 25 30 37 55 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 SC1 CF013GN1025N00X CF015GN1025N00X CF016GN1025N00X CF020GN1025N00X CF022GN1025N00X CF024GN1025N00X CF027GN1025N00X CF030GN1025N00X 27,50 23,00 24,25 26,63 35,63 38,88 50,50 51,00 Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 23 catena genovese numero dimensioni number dimensions genovese chain bobina bobina/scat. reel reel/box A15 A15 A15 A15 A15 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cod. €/bobina m/bobina €/reel m/reel €/ m 132,000 137,250 101,500 81,000 92,250 106,500 112,875 137,625 155,625 125,750 144,500 138,800 120,600 118,250 136,625 120,900 99,825 122,775 105,100 120,280 150 150 100 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 50 40 30 25 25 20 15 15 10 8 0,880 0,915 1,015 1,080 1,230 1,420 1,505 1,835 2,075 2,515 2,890 3,470 4,020 4,730 5,465 6,045 6,655 8,185 10,510 15,035 d x t x b mm 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 1,5 x 12,8 x 6,8 1,6 x 13,0 x 7,2 2,0 x 13,8 x 9,0 2,2 x 15,6 x 10,2 2,4 x 16,0 x 10,8 2,7 x 17,5 x 12,2 3,0 x 19,0 x 13,0 3,4 x 20,0 x 12,8 4,0 x 21,5 x 15,3 4,4 x 21,8 x 16,6 5,0 x 24,0 x 18,2 5,5 x 25,0 x 20,0 6,0 x 28,0 x 22,2 6,5 x 29,5 x 24,0 7,0 x 31,0 x 26,5 7,5 x 31,5 x 28,0 8,0 x 35,0 x 29,8 9,0 x 37,0 x 34,0 10,0 x 40,0 x 37,0 12,0 x 47,5 x 44,5 8 15 20 25 30 37 55 75 carico 100 limite di 125 lavoro kg 165 working load 185 limit 225 265 300 350 400 500 625 900 CF015GA1150E00B CF016GA1150E00B CF020GA1100E00B CF022GA1075E00B CF024GA1075E00B CF027GA1075E00B CF030GA1075E00B CF034GA1075E00B CF040GA1075E00B CF044GA1050E00B CF050GA1050E00B CF055GA1040E00B CF060GA1030E00B CF065GA1025E00B CF070GA1025E00B CF075GA1020E00B CF080GA1015E00B CF090GA1015E00B CF100GA1010E00B CF120GA1008E00B catena a norma DIN 5685/C chain ref. DIN 5685/C dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel reel/box A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 1 1 1 1 1 1 cod. €/bobina m/bobina €/reel m/reel €/ m 82,200 120,000 79,950 89,875 76,575 65,740 60 60 30 25 15 10 1,370 2,000 2,665 3,595 5,105 6,574 d x t x b mm 3,0 x 26,0 x 11,4 4,0 x 32,0 x 15,2 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 6,0 x 42,0 x 22,8 7,0 x 49,0 x 26,6 8,0 x 52,0 x 30,4 65 carico 100 limite di 165 lavoro kg 225 working load 300 limit 400 CF030CA1060E00B CF040CA1060E00B CF050CA1030E00B CF060CA1025E00B CF070CA1015E00B CF080CA1010E00B catena vittoria double loop chain dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel reel/box cod. €/bobina m/bobina €/reel m/reel €/ m 65,500 72,500 85,500 65,700 54,600 35,100 41,400 52,100 100 100 100 60 40 20 20 20 0,655 0,725 0,855 1,095 1,365 1,755 2,070 2,605 d x t x b mm 1,5 x 20,0 x 6,3 1,6 x 23,0 x 7,2 1,8 x 25,0 x 8,0 2,0 x 28,0 x 9,0 2,2 x 31,0 x 10,0 2,4 x 35,0 x 11,0 2,8 x 39,0 x 12,5 3,0 x 41,0 x 14,0 20 25 32 41 52 60 70 91 Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel A15 A15 carico limite di A15 lavoro A09 kg working A09 load A09 limit A09 A09 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 CF015VA1100E00B CF016VA1100E00B CF018VA1100E00B CF020VA1060E00B CF022VA1040E00B CF024VA1020E00B CF028VA1020E00B CF030VA1020E00B Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 24 catene a maglia tonda round link chain dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel reel/box 10 10 20 SP1 A09 A09 1 3 3 10 10 20 carico limite di lavoro SP1 A09 kg working A09 1 3 3 10 10 20 SP1 A09 A09 1 3 3 d x t x b mm 2,2 x 16,0 x 10,4 2,8 x 34,0 x 15,6 3,8 x 40,0 x 19,6 d x t x b mm 2,2 x 16,0 x 10,4 2,8 x 34,0 x 15,6 3,8 x 40,0 x 19,6 €/bobina m/bobina €/reel m/reel €/ m 35,400 42,600 51,825 20 20 15 1,770 2,130 3,455 35,400 42,600 51,825 20 20 15 1,770 2,130 3,455 35,400 42,600 51,825 20 20 15 1,770 2,130 3,455 ottonata/brass plated d x t x b mm 2,2 x 16,0 x 10,4 2,8 x 34,0 x 15,6 3,8 x 40,0 x 19,6 cod. load limit CF022TN1020A00B CF028TN1020A00B CF038TN1015A00B nichelata/ nichel plated CF022TN1020N00B CF028TN1020N00B CF038TN1015N00B bronzata/bronze plated CF022TN1020Z00B CF028TN1020Z00B CF038TN1015Z00B catena a maglia quadra rullata square link chain dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel/box 15 20 50 80 SP1 A09 A09 A09 1 3 3 3 CF022LN1015A00B CF027LN1020A00B CF038LN1015A00B CF050LN1010A00B 15 20 50 80 carico limite di SP1 lavoro A09 kg working A09 load A09 1 3 3 3 CF022LN1015B00B CF027LN1020B00B CF038LN1015B00B CF050LN1010B00B 15 20 50 80 SP1 A09 A09 A09 1 3 3 3 d x t x b mm 2,2 x 17,0 x 10,4 2,7 x 28,0 x 14,4 3,8 x 28,0 x 16,6 5,0 x 30,0 x 20,0 d x t x b mm 2,2 x 17,0 x 10,4 2,7 x 28,0 x 14,4 3,8 x 28,0 x 16,6 5,0 x 30,0 x 20,0 limit €/ m 30,000 44,200 81,600 64,700 15 20 15 10 2,000 2,210 5,440 6,470 30,000 44,200 81,600 64,700 15 20 15 10 2,000 2,210 5,440 6,470 30,000 44,200 81,600 64,700 15 20 15 10 2,000 2,210 5,440 6,470 bronzata/bronze plated bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel reel/box d x t x b mm CF022LN1015Z00B CF027LN1020Z00B CF038LN1015Z00B CF050LN1010Z00B cod. €/bobina m/bobina €/reel m/reel €/ m 49,500 15 3,300 49,500 15 3,300 49,500 15 3,300 ottonata/brass plated 20 20 carico A09 limite di lavoro A09 kg 20 working load limit d x t x b mm d x t x b mm 3,5 x 40,0 x 19,0 m/reel twisted square link chain dimensioni 3,5 x 40,0 x 19,0 €/reel brunita/burnished catena a maglia quadra ritorta 3,5 x 40,0 x 19,0 €/bobina m/bobina ottonata/brass plated d x t x b mm 2,2 x 17,0 x 10,4 2,7 x 28,0 x 14,4 3,8 x 28,0 x 16,6 5,0 x 30,0 x 20,0 cod. reel Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel 3 CF035ON1015A00B brunita/burnished 3 CF035ON1015B00B bronzata/bronze plated A09 3 CF035ON1015Z00B Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 25 catena a maglia cattedrale cathedral link chain dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel/box SP1 A09 1 3 CF022DN1015A00B CF027DN1020A00B SP1 A09 1 3 CF022DN1015B00B CF027DN1020B00B d x t x b mm 2,2 x 25,0 x 14,4 2,7 x 40,0 x 19,4 10 10 d x t x b mm 2,2 x 25,0 x 14,4 2,7 x 40,0 x 19,4 €/reel m/reel €/ m 30,750 48,100 15 20 2,050 2,405 30,750 48,100 15 20 2,050 2,405 30,750 48,100 15 20 2,050 2,405 ottonata/brass plated 10 10 d x t x b mm 2,2 x 25,0 x 14,4 2,7 x 40,0 x 19,4 cod. reel €/bobina m/bobina 10 10 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit brunita/burnished bronzata/bronze plated SP1 A09 1 3 CF022DN1015Z00B CF027DN1020Z00B catena a maglia ovale oval link chain dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel reel/box SP1 A09 1 3 d x t x b mm 2,2 x 16,0 x 8,0 2,8 x 18,0 x 10,0 10 25 d x t x b mm 2,2 x 16,0 x 8,0 2,8 x 18,0 x 10,0 €/reel m/reel €/ m 28,200 44,500 15 20 1,880 2,225 28,200 44,500 15 20 1,880 2,225 28,200 44,500 15 20 1,880 2,225 ottonata/brass plated 10 25 d x t x b mm 2,2 x 16,0 x 8,0 2,8 x 18,0 x 10,0 cod. €/bobina m/bobina 10 25 Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit CF0229N1015A00B CF0279N1020A00B brunita/burnished SP1 A09 1 3 SP1 A09 1 3 CF0229N1015B00B CF0279N1020B00B bronzata/bronze plated CF0229N1015Z00B CF0279N1020Z00B Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 26 catena piatta tranciata dimensioni blanked brass chain bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel reel/box SP2 1 d x t x c mm €/bobina m/bobina cod. €/reel m/reel €/ m 61,250 25 2,450 78,625 25 3,145 ottonata/brass plated 0,35 x 12,5 x 5,0 CO004PA1025000B d x t x c mm ottone cromato/crome plated 0,35 x 12,5 x 5,0 SP2 1 CC004PA1025000B triangolo terminale AISI 304 AISI 304 blanked chain fittings dimensioni dimensions cod. €/cad. TRIINOX213 0,095 €/PC Ø mm 2,0 x 13,0 catena pallini balls chain dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel reel/box Ø mm €/bobina m/bobina cod. €/reel m/reel €/ m 53,875 62,125 25 25 2,155 2,485 68,375 76,875 25 25 2,735 3,075 ottonata/brass plated 3,2 3,6 SP2 SP2 1 1 3,2 3,6 SP2 SP2 1 1 CO032HA1025000B CO036HA1025000B ottone cromato/crome plated CC032HA1025000B CC036HA1025000B vernice epossidica epoxy painted 3,2 rosso/red colour SP2 1 CO032HA10500R0B 331,250 50 6,625 3,6 rosso/red colour SP2 1 CO036HA10250R0B 359,000 50 7,180 vernice epossidica/epoxy painted 3,2 blu/blue colour SP2 1 CC032HA10250T0B 331,250 50 6,625 3,6 blu/blue colour SP2 1 CC036HA10250T0B 359,000 50 7,180 chiusura a bastoncino dimensioni easy balls chain connection cod. dimensions Ø mm ottonata/brass plated 3,2 3,6 BASTOTT32 BASTOTT36 €/cad. €/PC 0,085 0,105 ottone cromato/crome plated 3,2 3,6 BASTOTTCR32 BASTOTTCR36 0,105 0,115 vernice epossidica/epoxy painted 3,2 3,6 rosso/red colour 3,2 3,6 blu/blue colour rosso/red colour blu/blue colour BASTVERNR32 BASTVERNR36 0,155 0,160 BASTOTTCB32 BASTOTTCB36 0,155 0,160 27 chiusura easy easy balls chain connection dimensioni cod. dimensions Ø mm ottone/ brass 3,2 3,6 CHIUSOTT32E CHIUSOTT36E €/cad. €/PC 0,075 0,090 ottone cromato/crome plated 3,2 CHIUSOTTCR32E 0,075 3,6 CHIUSOTTCR36E 0,090 cod. €/bobina catena forzatina clock chain dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel reel/box SP2 SP2 1 1 SP2 SP2 1 1 CF013FN1025A00B CF015FN1025A00B 1,3 x 8,0 x 2,5 SP2 1 1,5 x 8,0 x 3,3 SP2 dimensioni dimensions m/bobina m/reel €/m 43,125 49,750 25 25 1,725 1,990 43,125 49,750 25 25 1,725 1,990 CF013FN1025P00B 43,125 25 1,725 1 CF015FN1025P00B 49,750 25 1,990 bobina bobina/scat. €/bobina reel reel/box cod. SP2 1 CF010ZN1025N00B 59,500 dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. €/bobina dimensions reel reel/box cod. dxtxc 1,3 x 8,0 x 2,5 1,5 x 8,0 x 3,3 nichelata/ nickel plated dxtxc 1,3 x 8,0 x 2,5 1,5 x 8,0 x 3,3 CF013FN1025N00B CF015FN1025N00B ottonata/ brass plated dxtxc piombo/ lead color catena forzatina battuta square link clock chain Ø mm 1,0 €/reel €/reel €/m 25 2,380 small twisted chain Ø mm m/bobina m/reel €/m 63,375 70,875 85,875 25 25 25 2,535 2,835 3,435 63,375 70,875 85,875 25 25 25 2,535 2,835 3,435 €/reel ottonata/brass plated SP2 SP2 SP2 1 1 1 Ø mm 1,0 1,2 1,5 m/reel nichelata/ nichel plated catena groumette 1,0 1,2 1,5 m/bobina CF010MN1025A00B CF012MN1025A00B CF015MN1025A00B nichelata/ nichel plated SP2 SP2 SP2 Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel 1 1 1 CF010MN1025N00B CF012MN1025N00B CF015MN1025N00B Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 28 ACCESSORI FITTINGS ganci ad “S” zincati numero diametro number d 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 diameter zinc-plated “S” hooks for chain cod. d mm confezione P 2,5 3,0 3,4 3,9 4,4 4,9 5,4 5,9 6,4 7,0 7,5 8,0 SF02500Z030E SF03000Z033E SF03400Z037E SF03900Z040E SF04400Z046E SF04900Z048E SF05400Z050E SF05900Z054E SF06400Z062E SF07000Z070E SF07500Z078E SF08000Z079E €/scatola pz./scatola €/cad. €/box PCS/box €/PC cod. 13,000 14,800 20,800 19,200 18,600 22,000 21,300 27,450 25,300 27,760 25,560 16,380 500 400 400 300 200 200 150 150 100 80 60 30 0,026 0,037 0,052 0,064 0,093 0,110 0,142 0,183 0,253 0,347 0,426 0,546 SF03000E030E SF03000E033E SF03400E037E SF03900E040E SF04400E046E SF04900E048E SF05400E050E SF05900E054E SF06400E062E SF07000E070E SF07500E078E SF08000E079E €/sacchetto €/bag confezione G peso weight €/kg kg 38,770 38,575 38,175 36,225 36,025 35,525 35,375 35,125 35,125 36,525 36,525 37,300 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7,754 7,715 7,635 7,245 7,205 7,105 7,075 7,025 7,025 7,305 7,305 7,460 29 anelli zincati numero diam. diam. D number diameter D diam. D mm 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 zinc-plated round ring cod. €/scatola pz./scatola €/box PCS/box €/cad. €/PC cod. 0,140 0,185 0,225 0,275 0,345 0,425 0,515 0,710 AF04000E020E AF04400E025E AF04900E030E AF05400E035E AF05900E040E AF06400E045E AF07000E050E AF08000E060E confezione P 4,0 4,4 4,9 5,4 5,9 6,4 7,0 8,0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 AF04000Z020E AF04400Z025E AF04900Z030E AF05400Z035E AF05900Z040E AF06400Z045E AF07000Z050E AF08000Z060E confezione G 70,000 37,000 45,000 27,500 34,500 21,250 20,600 21,300 500 200 200 100 100 50 40 30 moschettoni Simplex nichelati lunghezza esterna outside lenght €/sacchetto €/bag cod. peso weight €/kg kg 98,925 83,125 68,700 56,750 53,450 48,575 43,875 39,150 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 19,785 16,625 13,740 11,350 10,690 9,715 8,775 7,830 nichel plated Simplex carabiners €/cad. €/sacchetto €/bag pz./sacchetto PCS/bag €/PC 12,000 14,000 14,250 20,250 22,500 26,250 22,000 26,750 36,375 52,500 100 100 75 75 50 50 25 25 25 25 0,120 0,140 0,190 0,270 0,450 0,525 0,880 1,070 1,455 2,100 mm 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 MOSSIMNIC30 MOSSIMNIC35 MOSSIMNIC40 MOSSIMNIC50 MOSSIMNIC60 MOSSIMNIC70 MOSSIMNIC80 MOSSIMNIC90 MOSSIMNIC100 MOSSIMNIC120 moschettoni in alluminio A diametro dimensioni diameter dimensions mm A mm 5,0 6,0 7,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 cod. MOSALL50 MOSALL60 MOSALL70 alluminium snap hook coloured with split ring pz./sacchetto PCS/bag €/PC 10,650 11,650 13,300 10 10 10 1,065 1,165 1,330 moschettoni in zama nichelato dimensioni dimensions cod. €/cad. €/sacchetto €/bag nickel swivel snap hook in zinc diecast €/cad. €/sacchetto €/bag pz./sacchetto PCS/bag €/PC 10,900 19,350 22,250 10 10 10 1,090 1,935 2,225 A x B mm B A 53,0 x 10,0 76,0 x 14,0 80,0 x 16,0 MOSZAMNIC1053 MOSZAMNIC1476 MOSZAMNIC1680 30 false maglie zincate zinc plated connection links diametro cod. diameter €/cad. €/sacchetto €/bag pz./sacchetto PCS/bag €/PC 135,000 155,000 130,000 160,500 70,500 104,000 1000 1000 500 300 100 100 0,135 0,155 0,260 0,535 0,705 1,040 €/sacchetto €/bag pz./sacchetto PCS/bag €/PC 42,500 47,000 32,750 40,500 54,750 57,750 92,500 100 100 50 50 50 25 25 0,425 0,470 0,655 0,810 1,095 2,310 3,700 mm 3,5 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 FMAGZINCEL35 FMAGZINCEL4 FMAGZINCEL5 FMAGZINCEL6 FMAGZINCEL7 FMAGZINCEL8 maglie rapide zincate diametro zinc plated quick links cod. diameter 3,5 4,0 5,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 MAGRAPZINCEL35 MAGRAPZINCEL4 MAGRAPZINCEL5 MAGRAPZINCEL6 MAGRAPZINCEL8 MAGRAPZINCEL10 MAGRAPZINCEL12 moschettoni pompiere zincati diametro diameter lunghezza esterna mm 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0 12,0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 zinc plated carbine hook €/cad. cod. €/sacchetto €/bag pz./sacchetto PCS/bag €/PC MOSPOMZINCEL40 MOSPOMZINCEL50 MOSPOMZINCEL60 MOSPOMZINCEL70 MOSPOMZINCEL80 MOSPOMZINCEL90 MOSPOMZINCEL100 MOSPOMZINCEL120 25,000 31,250 34,750 22,625 28,875 37,875 49,750 67,375 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 0,500 0,625 0,695 0,905 1,155 1,515 1,990 2,695 outside lenght mm €/cad. 31 ESPOSITORE display merchandiser espositore EPD EPD display merchandiser numero descrizione denominazione diametro lunghezza number description number diameter lenght mm 1 bobina catena genovese genoese chain reel 12 1,6 1 bobina catena genovese genoese chain reel 14 2,2 1 bobina catena genovese genoese chain reel 16 2,7 1 bobina catena genovese genoese chain reel 18 3,4 1 bobina catena genovese genoese chain reel 20 4,4 1 bobina catena genovese genoese chain reel 22 5,5 1 bobina catena genovese genoese chain reel 24 6,5 1 bobina catena genovese genoese chain reel 26 7,5 nichelati nichel plated mm 50 moschettoni simplex carabiner 50 50 moschettoni simplex carabiner 70 zinco cromati zinc plated 100 Dimensioni dimensions cm 170 x 60 x 60 mm anelli round ring 21 4,9 50 anelli round ring 25 7,0 20 givolari loose ring swivel 25 7,0 30 ganci “S” “S” for chain 27 8,0 100 cm ganci “S” “S” for chain 22 5,4 6 catena di sicurezza maglia tonda 21 5,0 60 6 catena di sicurezza maglia tonda 23 6,0 80 6 bcatena di sicurezza maglia tonda 26 7,5 100 6 catena di sicurezza maglia tonda 28 9,0 120 € 1.740,00 cad. Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 32 espositore EGD EGD display merchandiser numero descrizione denominazione diametro lunghezza number description number diameter lenght mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dimensioni dimensions cm 170 x 40 x 80 100 100 200 100 20 50 20 6 6 6 3 3 bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese bobina catena genovese genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel genoese chain reel nichelati nichel plated moschettoni simplex carabiner moschettoni simplex carabiner zinco cromati zinc plated anelli round ring givolari loose ring swivel ganci “S” “S” for chain ganci “S” “S” for chain 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 1,6 2,2 2,4 2,7 3,0 3,4 4,0 4,4 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 7,5 8,0 9,0 10,0 mm 50 70 25 25 27 22 21 23 26 28 27 30 catena di sicurezza maglia tonda catena di sicurezza maglia tonda catena di sicurezza maglia tonda catena di sicurezza maglia tonda catena di sicurezza Thor catena di sicurezza Thor 7,0 7,0 8,0 5,4 5,0 6,0 7,5 9,0 8,0 10,0 60 80 100 120 100 120 € 3.535,00 cad. espositore ECO descrizione number description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dimensioni dimensions ECO display merchandiser numero cromata chrome plated catena a pallini balls chain catena piatta tranciata sash chain ottonata brass plated catena forzatina cloch chain catena gourmette small twisted chain catena maglia cattedrale cathedral link chain catena maglia tonda round link chain bronzata bronze plated catena maglia quadra rullata square link chain catena maglia quadra ritorta twisted square link chain nera black painted catena maglia cattedrale cathedral link chain € 625,00 cad. diametro bobina tipo diameter 3,60 0,35 SP1 A09 mm 2,70 Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting SP2 SP2 SP1 A09 mm 2,20 3,50 70 x 35 x 45 General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel SP2 SP2 mm 1,30 1,20 2,20 2,80 cm Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio type spool mm A09 33 SAFETY CATENE DI SICUREZZA SAFETY CHAINS Gamma di catene di sicurezza che costituscono una serie di catene antifurto ad alte prestazioni con design e qualità made in Italy. Range of safety chains offers a complete line of highperformance security chains with Made in Italy design and quality. La seguente tabella specifica gli indici di prestazione che le nostre catene SAFETY offrono nei vari utilizzi. La resistenza al taglio risulta essere più performante quando vengono combinati i parametri relativi alla sezione resistente (diametro catena) con la qualità dell’acciaio utilizzato e le relative durezze superficiali e al nucleo ottenute dopo trattamento termico. The following table specifies the performance index that our SAFETYchains offer in various applications. Cut resistance is greatest when the parameters relative to the resistant cross-section (chain link diameter) are combined with quality steel and the relevant case and core hardeness following heat treatment. Alta prestazione High performance HT 10 Media prestazione Medium performance HT 9 HT 8 Prestazione normale Normal performance HT 7 HT 6 catena di sicurezza TT 810 HT 5 TT 810 safety chain catena in acciaio legato con maglia a sez. “D”, cementata e bonificata (durezza superficiale 57-60 HRC), zincata e rivestita di Tubo Tessile chain in Alloy steel with link in “D” shape, hardened (57-60 HRC) zinc plated and covered with Texil Tube numero diametro lunghezza number diameter lenght mm cm 6,0 6,0 6,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 60 80 100 80 100 120 150 200 100 120 150 200 23 23 23 27 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 €/cad. €/scatola €/box pz./scatola PCS/box €/PC 120,800 157,200 147,300 230,250 192,250 185,000 172,950 152,060 212,280 159,125 158,320 206,600 20 20 15 15 10 8 6 4 8 5 4 4 6,040 7,860 9,820 15,350 19,225 23,125 28,825 38,015 26,535 31,825 39,580 51,650 cod. 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 indice di prestazione performance index CA060QIW060E0T CA060QIW080E0T CA060QIW100E0T CA080QIW080E0T CA080QIW100E0T CA080QIW120E0T CA080QIW150E0T CA080QIW200E0T CA100QIW100E0T CA100QIW120E0T CA100QIW150E0T CA100QIW200E0T SAFETY 34 catena di sicurezza TT 111 TT 111 safety chain catena in acciaio 20NICRMO4 con maglia a sez. rettangolare 11 mm, cementata e bonificata (durezza superficiale 58-61 HRC) - zincata e rivestita di Tubo Tessile chain in Alloy steel 20NICRMO4 with 11 mm rettangular shape link, hardened (58-61 HRC) zinc plated and covered with Texil Tube diametro lunghezza diameter lenght mm cm 11,0 11,0 11,0 90 120 150 €/cad. €/scatola €/box pz./scatola PCS/box €/PC 219,390 241,425 241,580 6 5 4 36,565 48,285 60,395 cod. 10 10 10 indice di prestazione performance index CZ110QIW090E0T CZ110QIW120E0T CZ110QIW150E0T catena di sicurezza TT 810/L TT 810/L safety chain catena in acciaio legato con maglia a sez. “D”, cementata e bonificata (durezza superficiale 57-60 HRC), zincata e rivestita di Tubo Tessile - lucchetto corazzato con doppio ancoraggio catena e spinotti antistrappo - confezione in sacchetto chain in Alloy steel with link in “D” shape, hardened (57-60 HRC) zinc plated and covered with Texil Tube - Armoured lock with double ancorage chainand keglock anti-stratch - packing in handly bag €/cad. numero diametro lunghezza pz./sacchetto number diameter lenght PCS/bag €/PC mm cm 6,0 6,0 6,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 60 80 100 80 100 120 150 200 100 120 150 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 39,900 41,765 43,720 56,985 60,870 63,740 67,930 80,890 68,230 72,200 78,300 95,515 23 23 23 27 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 cod. 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 indice di prestazione performance index CA060QIW060E0U CA060QIW080E0U CA060QIW100E0U CA080QIW080E0U CA080QIW100E0U CA080QIW120E0U CA080QIW150E0U CA080QIW200E0U CA100QIW100E0U CA100QIW120E0U CA100QIW150E0U CA100QIW200E0U catena di sicurezza TT 810/L box TT 810/L box safety chain catena in acciaio legato con maglia a sez. “D”, cementata e bonificata (durezza superficiale 57-60 HRC), zincata e rivestita di Tubo Tessile - lucchetto corazzato con doppio ancoraggio catena e spinotti antistrappo - confezione in scatola chain in Alloy steel with link in “D” shape, hardened (57-60 HRC) zinc plated and covered with Texil Tube - Armoured lock with double ancorage chainand keglock anti-stratch - packing in box numero diametro lunghezza number diameter lenght mm cm 6,0 6,0 6,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 60 80 100 80 100 120 150 200 100 120 150 200 23 23 23 27 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 €/cad. €/scatola €/box pz./scatola PCS/box €/PC 231,600 246,760 262,400 368,480 299,760 323,070 357,090 275,760 231,480 252,060 283,260 333,140 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 28,950 30,845 32,800 46,060 49,960 53,845 59,515 68,940 57,870 36,015 70,815 83,285 cod. 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 indice di prestazione performance index CA060QIW060E0Z CA060QIW080E0Z CA060QIW100E0Z CA080QIW080E0Z CA080QIW100E0Z CA080QIW120E0Z CA080QIW150E0Z CA080QIW200E0Z CA100QIW100E0Z CA100QIW120E0Z CA100QIW150E0Z CA100QIW200E0Z SAFETY 35 catena di sicurezza Thor Thor safety chain catena in acciaio legato con maglia a sez. “D”, cementata e bonificata (durezza superficiale 57-60 HRC), zincata elettroliticamente, rivestita con guaina termoretrattata antigraffio chain in Alloy steel with link in “D” shape, hardened (57-60 HRC) zinc plated and covered with coloured sheat anti-scratch numero diametro lunghezza number diameter lenght mm cm 6,0 6,0 6,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 60 80 100 80 100 120 150 200 100 120 150 200 23 23 23 27 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 €/cad. €/scatola €/box pz./scatola PCS/box €/PC 109,000 140,400 131,475 143,050 176,100 170,120 158,640 219,840 200,000 149,925 149,080 196,700 20 20 15 10 10 8 6 6 8 5 4 4 5,630 7,720 9,090 14,305 17,610 21,265 26,440 36,640 25,000 29,985 37,270 49,175 cod. 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 indice di prestazione performance index CA060QIW060E0I CA060QIW080E0I CA060QIW100E0I CA080QIW080E0I CA080QIW100E0I CA080QIW120E0I CA080QIW150E0I CA080QIW200E0I CA100QIW100E0I CA100QIW120E0I CA100QIW150E0I CA100QIW200E0I catena di sicurezza TITANIUM TITANIUM safety chain catena in acciaio 20NICRM04 con maglia a sez. rettangolare 11 mm, cementata e bonificata (durezza superficiale 58-61 HRC), zincata e rivestita con guaina termoretrattata antigraffio chain in Alloy steel 20NICRM04 with 11 mm rettangular shape link, hardened (58-61 HRC) zinc plated and covered with coloured sheat anti-scratch diametro lunghezza diameter lenght mm cm 11,0 11,0 11,0 90 120 150 €/cad. €/scatola €/box pz./scatola PCS/box €/PC 211,530 231,275 231,420 6 5 4 35,255 46,255 57,855 cod. 10 10 10 indice di prestazione performance CZ110QIW090E0I CZ110QIW120E0I CZ110QIW150E0I index catena di sicurezza ACTION ACTION safety chain catena in acciaio legato con maglia a sez. “D”, cementata e bonificata (durezza superficiale 58-60 HRC), zincata elettrolitica-rivestita con guaina termoretratta antigraffio - lucchetto corazzato con doppio ancoraggio catena e spinotti antistrappo - confezione in sacchetto chain in Alloy steel with link in “D” shape, hardened (57-60 HRC) zinc plated and covered with coloured sheat anti-scratch Armoured lock with double ancorage chainand keglock anti-stratch - packing in handly bag €/cad. numero diametro lunghezza pz./sacchetto number diameter lenght PCS/bag €/PC mm cm 6,0 6,0 6,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 60 80 100 80 100 120 150 200 100 120 150 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 39,525 41,235 43,060 58,190 60,920 63,800 67,950 78,945 68,300 72,200 78,300 88,400 23 23 23 27 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 cod. 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 indice di prestazione performance index CA060QIW060E0L CA060QIW080E0L CA060QIW100E0L CA080QIW080E0L CA080QIW100E0L CA080QIW120E0L CA080QIW150E0L CA080QIW200E0L CA100QIW100E0L CA100QIW120E0L CA100QIW150E0L CA100QIW200E0L SAFETY 36 catena di sicurezza ACTION box ACTION box safety chain catena in acciaio legato con maglia a sez. “D”, cementata e bonificata (durezza superficiale 58-60 HRC), zincata elettrolitica-rivestita con guaina termoretratta antigraffio - lucchetto corazzato con doppio ancoraggio catena e spinotti antistrappo - confezione in scatola chain in Alloy steel with link in “D” shape, hardened (57-60 HRC) zinc plated and covered with coloured sheat anti-scratch Armoured lock with double ancorage chainand keglock anti-stratch - packing in box numero diametro lunghezza number diameter lenght mm cm 6,0 6,0 6,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 60 80 100 80 100 120 150 200 100 120 150 200 23 23 23 27 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 €/cad. €/scatola €/box pz./scatola PC/box €/PC 228,840 242,520 257,080 362,120 293,760 316,350 348,330 274,140 228,620 248,640 278,980 329,940 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 28,605 30,315 32,315 45,265 48,960 52,725 58,055 68,535 57,155 62,160 69,745 82,485 cod. 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 indice di prestazione performance index CA060QIW060E0B CA060QIW080E0B CA060QIW100E0B CA080QIW080E0B CA080QIW100E0B CA080QIW120E0B CA080QIW150E0B CA080QIW200E0B CA100QIW100E0B CA100QIW120E0B CA100QIW150E0B CA100QIW200E0B catena di sicurezza a maglia tonda safety round link chain catena in acciaio cementato, zincocromata, rivestita con guaina termoretratta antigraffio chain hardened steel, zincplated, covered with special coloured sheath anti-scratch numero diametro lunghezza number diameter lenght mm cm 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 50 60 70 80 50 60 80 100 60 80 100 60 80 100 120 150 200 100 120 150 200 100 120 150 200 19 19 19 19 21 21 21 21 23 23 23 26 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 28 28 30 30 30 30 €/cad. €/scatola €/box pz./scatola PCS/box €/PC 154,000 150,600 112,600 124,200 129,250 118,200 96,625 119,875 77,700 98,900 92,775 114,700 111,675 92,200 110,150 82,890 108,000 151,650 109,320 134,130 147,850 153,320 114,900 114,120 150,280 70 60 40 40 50 40 25 25 20 20 15 20 15 10 10 6 6 10 6 6 5 8 5 4 4 2,200 2,510 2,815 3,105 2,585 2,955 3,865 4,795 3,885 4,945 6,185 5,735 7,445 9,220 11,015 13,815 18,000 15,165 18,220 22,355 29,570 19,165 22,980 28,530 37,570 cod. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 indice di prestazione performance index CF040GKW050E0I CF040GKW060E0I CF040GKW070E0I CF040GKW080E0I CF050GKW050E0I CF050GKW060E0I CF050GKW080E0I CF050GKW100E0I CF060GKW060E0I CF060GKW080E0I CF060GKW100E0I CF075GKW060E0I CF075GKW080E0I CF075GKW100E0I CF075GKW120E0I CF075GKW150E0I CF075GKW200E0I CF090GKW100E0I CF090GKW120E0I CF090GKW150E0I CF090GKW200E0I CF100GKW100E0I CF100GKW120E0I CF100GKW150E0I CF100GKW200E0I SAFETY 37 catena di sicurezza Galaxy Galaxy safety chain catena in acciaio cementato, zincocromata, rivestita con guaina termoretratta antigraffio - lucchetto in ottone rivestito chain hardened steel, zincplated, covered with coloured sheath antiscratch - brass lock covered numero diametro lunghezza number diameter lenght mm cm 4,0 4,0 4,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 50 60 70 50 60 80 100 19 19 19 21 21 21 21 €/cad. €/scatola €/box pz./scatola PCS/box €/PC 160,620 162,600 165,000 163,200 165,000 169,800 172,800 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 26,770 27,100 27,500 27,200 27,500 28,300 28,800 cod. 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 indice di prestazione performance index CF040GKW050E0L CF040GKW060E0L CF040GKW070E0L CF050GKW050E0L CF050GKW060E0L CF050GKW080E0L CF050GKW100E0L OGNI CATENA DI SICUREZZA DELLA LINEA SAFETY PUÒ ESSERE EQUIPAGGIATA DA UNA PLACCHETTA PORTA ETICHETTA DI PLASTICA IDONEA AL GANCIO PER PANNELLO FORATO DELL’ESPOSITORE. COSTO PLACCHETTA: 4.00 We can offer our safety chains with plastic hanger support label for display merchandiser. Plastic hanger cost: € 4.00 lucchetto 810 810 lock lucchetto corazzato con doppio ancoraggio catena e spinotti antistrappo armoured lock with double ancorage chainand keglock anti-stratch €/cad. per catene pz./scatola chains PCS/box €/PC 1 1 26,080 32,320 mm 6 8 cod. LUC060 LUC810 catena in acciaio legato a maglia sez. “D” alloy steel chain link “D” shape catena in acciaio legato con maglia a sez. “D”, cementata e bonificata (durezza superficiale 57-60 HRC), zincata elettroliticamente chain in Alloy steel with link in “D” shape, hardened (57-60 HRC) zinc plated dimensioni peso dimensions weight d x t x c mm 6,0 x 28,5 x 11,2 8,0 x 32,0 x 14,0 10,0 x 40,0 x 17,5 11,0 x 45,5 x 18,5 cementata + zinc. elettrol. €/matassa hardned + zinc.plated kg/m 0,730 1,475 2,175 2,800 €/bundles indice di prestazione performance index CA060QP1025E CA080QP1025E CA100QP1025E CA110QP1025E bundle €/m m cod. 7 8 9 10 matassa 185,625 433,125 624,375 902,875 25 25 25 25 7,425 17,325 24,975 36,115 38 CITY CATENE PER ARREDO URBANO STREET FORNITURE catena di segnalazione in metallo vernice epossidica epoxy painted signal chain catena zincata e verniciata in spezzoni da 50 cm alternati rossi e bianchi, o colore unico ,studiata per l’esterno e idonea a delimitare aree o evidenziare percorsi zinc. electrolytic and painted chain with alternate red and white colour each 50 cm, sudied for outdoor use €/bobina m/bobina €/reel m/reel bobina bobina/scat. dimensioni reel dimensions reel/box dxtxb 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 €/m cod. 30 30 30 carico A30 di A30 limite A30 1 1 1 bicolore rossa bianca / bicolor red-white CF050CA1030EV0B 1 1 1 bicolore rossa bianca / bicolor red-white CF060CA1025EV0B bianca/white nera/ black CF050CA1030EB0B CF050CA1030EN0B 169,50 132,75 132,75 30 30 30 5,650 4,425 4,425 166,25 136,25 136,25 25 25 25 6,650 5,450 5,450 lavoro 6,0 x 42,0 x 24,0 6,0 x 42,0 x 24,0 6,0 x 42,0 x 24,0 40 40 40 kg working load limit A30 A30 A30 bianca/white nera/ black CF060CA1025EB0B CF060CA1025EN0B catena in plastica rossa e bianca dimensioni dimensions red and white plastic chain €/bobina m/bobina €/reel m/reel bobina bobina/scat. reel reel/box dxtxb €/m cod. 6,0 x 27,0 x 24,0 A30 1 bicolore rossa bianca / bicolor red-white CP060BM1025000B 64,375 8,0 x 33,0 x 29,0 A30 1 bicolore rossa bianca / bicolor red-white CP080BM1025000B 10,0 x 54,0 x 42,0 A30 1 bicolore rossa bianca / bicolor red-white CP100BM2125000B catena in plastica ramata 25 2,575 83,250 25 3,330 62,125 12,5 4,970 copper plastic chain €/bobina m/bobina €/reel m/reel dimensioni bobina bobina/scat. dimensions reel reel/box 6,0 x 27,0 x 24,0 8,0 x 33,0 x 29,0 A30 A30 1 1 ramata/copper CT060BM1025000B 64,375 25 2,575 ramata/copper 10,0 x 54,0 x 42,0 A30 1 ramata/copper CT080BM1025000B CT100BM2125000B 83,250 62,125 25 12,5 3,330 4,970 dxtxb €/m cod. Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting CITY Micaceous Iron Oxide Coating CHARACTERISTICS: Anti-corrosive enamel coating based on modified alkyd resins, micaceous iron oxide, special corrosion-resistant pigments, characterized by its excellent water repellency. It creates an outstanding protective barrier against the elements and corrosion, and provides a delightful “antique” effect, similar to that of wrought iron. Optimum dry heat resistance up to 170 °C. Verniciatura Micacea CARATTERISTICHE: Smalto anticorrosivo a base di resine alchidiche modificate, ossido di ferro micaceo, pigmenti anticorrosivi speciali, caratterizzato da una spiccata idrorepellenza. Garantisce elevata resistenza agli agenti atmosferici e al deterioramento delle superfici metalliche, conferendo contemporaneamente un pregevole effetto antichizzante simile a quello del ferro battuto. Ottima resistenza al calore secco fino a 170° C. catena genovese verniciata micacea numero number peso matassa dimensions weight bundle d x t x b mm 23 23 27 27 micaceous lacquared genoese chain dimensioni 6,0 x 28,0 x 22,2 6,0 x 28,0 x 22,2 8,0 x 35,0 x 29,8 8,0 x 35,0 x 29,8 kg/m m 0,655 0,655 1,250 1,250 30 30 15 15 €/m cod. 225 225 400 400 carico limite di lavoro kg grigio micaceo grey micaceous nero micaceo black micaceous grigio micaceo grey micaceous nero micaceo black micaceous CF060GM1030G CF060GM1030M CF080GM1015G CF080GM1015M 7,250 7,250 12,000 12,000 working load limit catena DIN 5685/C verniciata micacea micaceous lacquared DIN 5685/C chain dimensioni peso matassa dimensions weight bundle d x t x b mm €/m kg/m m 8,0 x 52,0 x 30,4 1,100 15 400 8,0 x 52,0 x 30,4 1,100 15 400 10,0 x 65,0 x 38,0 1,750 15 625 10,0 x 65,0 x 38,0 1,750 15 cod. carico limite di nero micaceo lavoro kg grigio micaceo grey micaceous CF080CM1015G 10,800 black micaceous CF080CM1015M 10,800 grey micaceous CF100CM1015G 15,125 working load limit black micaceous CF100CM1015M 15,125 grigio micaceo 625 catena in plastica rossa e bianca red and white plastic chain dimensioni sacchetto dimensions bag dxtxb m 6,0 x 27,0 x 24,0 8,0 x 33,0 x 29,0 10,0 x 54,0 x 42,0 25 25 12,5 Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel nero micaceo €/m cod. bicolore rossa bianca / bicolor red-white bicolore rossa bianca / bicolor red-white bicolore rossa bianca / bicolor red-white CP060BM1025 CP080BM1025 CP100BM2125 Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 1,965 2,715 3,745 39 CITY 40 catena in plastica ramata copper plastic chain dimensioni sacchetto dimensions bag dxtxb m 6,0 x 27,0 x 24,0 25 ramata/copper CT060BM1025 1,965 8,0 x 33,0 x 29,0 25 ramata/copper CT080BM1025 2,715 10,0 x 54,0 x 42,0 12,5 ramata/copper CT100BM2125 3,740 grilli verniciati micacei €/m cod. straight shackles micaceous lacquared €/cad. numero dimensioni number dimensions pollici mm a x b x c mm 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 6 6 10 10 14,0 x 25,0 x 6,0 14,0 x 25,0 x 6,0 19,0 x 40,0 x 10,0 19,0 x 40,0 x 10,0 €/PC cod. grigio micaceo grey micaceous nero micaceo black micaceous grigio micaceo grey micaceous nero micaceo black micaceous colonnina in plastica bicolore rossa e bianca GRIDG6 GRIDM6 GRIDG10 GRIDM10 0,845 0,845 1,960 1,960 plastic red and white post €/cad. dimensioni €/PC dimensions dxtxb cod. 90 cm COLPLAS 9,200 cod. €/cad. BASECEM 9,900 base triangolare colonnina in cemento maglia giunzione plastica €/PC plastic connecting link mm cod. €/cad. 8 MAGPLAS8 0,290 CATENA IN PLASTICA DISPONIBILE ANCHE IN BICOLORE GIALLO-NERO - COLORE BIANCO plastic chain available in white and yellow - black colours €/PC 41 CATENE INOX E ZINCATE A CALDO stainless steel and hot dipped galv. chains Non solo inox Not just Stainless Steel catena genovese inox AISI 304 Stainless steel AISI 304 genoese chain numero dimensioni peso lungh. matassa scatola scatola bobina bobina number dimensions weight lenght bundle box box reel reel d x t x b mm 10 13 17 19 21 23 27 1,5 x 12,8 x 6,8 2,0 x 13,8 x 9,0 3,0 x 19,0 x 13,0 4,0 x 21,5 x 15,3 5,0 x 24,0 x 18,2 6,0 x 28,0 x 22,2 8,0 x 35,0 x 29,8 8 20 carico limite di 55 lavoro kg 100 working 165 load limit 225 400 kg/m m €/m cod. cod. 0,039 0,064 0,160 0,275 0,440 0,655 1,250 50 50 50 50 40 30 15 2,360 2,675 6,550 9,015 13,540 18,830 32,830 CX015GN1050 CX020GN1050 CX030GN1050 CX040GN1050 CX050GN1040 CX060GN1030 CX080GN1015 CX015GN1050000X CX020GN1050000X CX030GN1050000X CX040GN1050000X CX050GN1040000X CX060GN1030000X CX080GN1015000X catena DIN 5685/C inox AISI 304 cod. SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN CX015GN1050000B CX020GN1050000B CX020GN1050000B CX040GN1050000B CX050GN1040000B CX060GN1030000B CX080GN1015000B A15 A15 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 Stainless steel AISI 304 DIN 5685/C chain dimensioni peso lungh. matassa scatola scatola bobina bobina dimensions weight lenght bundle box box reel reel d x t x b mm 2,5 x 24,0 x 9,5 3,0 x 26,0 x 11,4 4,0 x 32,0 x 15,2 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 6,0 x 42,0 x 22,8 8,0 x 52,0 x 30,4 30 carico 55 limite di 100 lavoro kg 165 working load 225 limit 400 kg/m m €/m cod. cod. 0,100 0,150 0,270 0,430 0,630 1,100 50 50 50 40 30 15 3,305 5,740 7,830 11,705 16,580 29,255 CX025CN1050 CX030CN1050 CX040CN1050 CX050CN1040 CX060CN1030 CX080CN1015 CX025CN1050000X CX030CN1050000X CX040CN1050000X CX050CN1040000X CX060CN1030000X CX080CN1015000X matassa scatola bobina bundle box reel cod. SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN CX025CN1050000B CX030CN1050000B CX040CN1050000B CX050CN1040000B CX060CN1030000B CX080CN1015000B Le matasse possono essere fornite con metrature a richiesta The bundles can be supplied with metrature you need Catene per usi generali General utility chain Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting A15 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 42 catena genovese inox AISI 316 Stainless steel AISI 316 genoese chain numero dimensioni peso lungh. matassa scatola scatola bobina bobina number dimensions weight lenght bundle box box reel reel d x t x b mm 10 13 17 19 21 23 27 30 1,5 x 12,8 x 6,8 2,0 x 13,8 x 9,0 3,0 x 19,0 x 13,0 4,0 x 21,5 x 15,3 5,0 x 24,0 x 18,2 6,0 x 28,0 x 22,2 8,0 x 35,0 x 29,8 10,0 x 40,0 x 37,0 8 20 carico 55 limite di 100 lavoro kg 165 working load 225 limit 400 625 kg/m m €/m cod. cod. 0,039 0,064 0,160 0,275 0,440 0,655 1,250 1,950 50 50 50 50 40 30 15 10 2,640 3,230 8,130 11,580 16,730 23,570 41,410 66,720 CY015GN1050 CY020GN1050 CY030GN1050 CY040GN1050 CY050GN1040 CY060GN1030 CY080GN1015 CY100GN1010 CY015GN1050000X CY020GN1050000X CY030GN1050000X CY040GN1050000X CY050GN1040000X CY060GN1030000X CY080GN1015000X CY100GN1010000X catena DIN 5685/C inox AISI 316 cod. SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN CY015GN1050000B CY020GN1050000B CY030GN1050000B CY040GN1050000B CY050GN1040000B CY060GN1030000B CY080GN1015000B CY100GN1010000B A15 A15 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 Stainless steel AISI 316 DIN 5685/C chain dimensioni peso lungh. matassa scatola scatola bobina bobina dimensions weight lenght bundle box box reel reel d x t x b mm 2,5 x 24,0 x 9,5 3,0 x 26,0 x 11,4 4,0 x 32,0 x 15,2 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 6,0 x 42,0 x 22,8 8,0 x 52,0 x 30,4 30 carico 55 limite di 100 lavoro kg 165 working load 225 limit 400 kg/m m €/m cod. cod. 0,100 0,150 0,270 0,430 0,630 1,100 50 50 50 40 30 15 4,300 7,130 10,185 14,610 20,840 37,100 CY025CN1050 CY030CN1050 CY040CN1050 CY050CN1040 CY060CN1030 CY080CN1015 CY025CN1050000X CY030CN1050000X CY040CN1050000X CY050CN1040000X CY060CN1030000X CY080CN1015000X catena DIN 766 inox AISI 316 cod. SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN CY025CN1050000B CY030CN1050000B CY040CN1050000B CY050CN1040000B CY060CN1030000B CY080CN1015000B A15 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 Stainless steel AISI 316 DIN 766 chain dimensioni peso lungh. matassa scatola scatola bobina bobina dimensions weight lenght bundle box box reel reel kg/m m €/m cod. cod. carico 0,320 limite di lavoro 0,500 kg 0,800 working 1,400 load limit 2,300 50 40 30 15 10 13,760 21,575 30,950 51,450 78,375 CY0406N1050 CY0506N1040 CY0606N1030 CY0806N1015 CY1006N1010 CY0406N1050000X CY0506N1040000X CY0606N1030000X CY0806N1015000X CY1006N1010000X d x t x b mm 4,0 x 16,0 x 12,8 200 5,0 x 18,5 x 16,0 320 6,0 x 18,5 x 19,2 400 8,0 x 24,0 x 25,6 800 10,0 x 28,0 x 32,0 1250 catena NF E 26011 inox AISI 316 cod. SCN SCN SCN SCN SCN CY0406N1050000B CY0506N1040000B CY0606N1030000B CY0806N1015000B CY1006N1010000B A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 Stainless steel AISI 316 NF E 26011 chain dimensioni peso lungh. matassa scatola scatola bobina bobina dimensions weight lenght bundle box box reel reel cod. cod. d x t x b mm kg/m m 10,0 x 30,0 x 33,0 1230 carico 2,054 limite di lavoro kg 10 €/m 78,375 CY100EN1010 CY100EN1010000X cod. SCN CY100EN1010000B A30 working load limit matassa scatola bobina bundle box reel Le matasse possono essere fornite con metrature a richiesta The bundles can be supplied with metrature you need Catene per usi generali General utility chain Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting A30 43 catena genovese zincata a caldo genovese chain hot dip. Galv numero dimensioni peso lungh. matassa number dimensions weight lenght bundle d x t x b mm kg/m m cod. €/m 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1,5 x 12,8 x 6,8 1,6 x 13,0 x 7,2 2,0 x 13,8 x 9,0 2,2 x 15,6 x 10,2 2,4 x 16,0 x 10,8 2,7 x 17,5 x 12,2 3,0 x 19,0 x 13,0 3,4 x 20,0 x 12,8 8 15 20 25 30 37 55 75 0,039 0,043 0,064 0,088 0,100 0,130 0,160 0,210 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 CF015GM1050C CF016GM1050C CF020GM1050C CF022GM1075C CF024GM1075C CF027GM1075C CF030GM1075C CF034GM1075C 0,935 0,970 1,140 1,300 1,505 1,770 1,915 2,390 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 4,0 x 21,5 x 15,3 4,4 x 21,8 x 16,6 5,0 x 24,0 x 18,2 5,5 x 25,0 x 20,0 6,0 x 28,0 x 22,2 6,5 x 29,5 x 24,0 7,0 x 31,0 x 26,5 7,5 x 31,5 x 28,0 8,0 x 35,0 x 29,8 9,0 x 37,0 x 34,0 10,0 x 40,0 x 37,0 12,0 x 47,5 x 44,5 14,0 x 56,0 x 51,0 16,0 x 56,0 x 54,0 18,0 x 63,0 x 60,0 20,0 x 70,0 x 67,0 100 125 165 185 225 265 300 350 400 500 625 900 1500 2000 2500 3000 0,275 0,355 0,440 0,540 0,655 0,780 0,950 1,100 1,250 1,500 1,950 2,850 4,150 5,300 6,700 8,100 75 50 50 40 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 CF040GM1075C CF044GM1050C CF050GM1050C CF055GM1040C CF060GM1030C CF065GM1025C CF070GM1025C CF075GM1025C CF080GM1025C CF090GM1025C CF100GM1025C CF120GM1025C CF140GM1020C CF160GM1020C CF180GM1020C CF200GM1020C 2,475 3,235 3,670 4,470 4,515 5,325 6,175 7,185 7,580 9,325 11,850 17,055 23,995 32,110 45,405 55,250 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit catena DIN 5685/A zincata a caldo DIN 5685/A chain hot dip. Galv dimensioni peso lungh. matassa dimensions weight lenght bundle d x t x b mm kg/m m cod. €/m 0,165 0,300 0,500 0,730 1,000 1,300 2,050 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 CF030AM1030C CF040AM1030C CF050AM1030C CF060AM1030C CF070AM1030C CF080AM1030C CF100AM1030C 2,220 3,190 4,310 5,045 6,995 8,660 12,995 3,0 x 16,0 x 11,4 4,0 x 19,0 x 15,2 5,0 x 21,0 x 19,0 6,0 x 24,0 x 22,8 7,0 x 28,0 x 26,6 8,0 x 32,0 x 30,4 10,0 x 40,0 x 38,0 55 100 carico limite di 165 lavoro kg 225 working 300 load limit 400 625 Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 44 catena DIN 5685/C zincata a caldo hot dip. Galv chain DIN 5685/C chain dimensioni peso lungh. matassa dimensions weight lenght bundle d x t x b mm kg/m m cod. 0,100 30 CF025CM1030C 1,500 0,150 0,200 0,270 0,350 0,430 0,630 0,860 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 CF030CM1030C CF035CM1030C CF040CM1030C CF045CM1030C CF050CM1030C CF060CM1030C CF070CM1030C 1,970 2,350 2,455 2,880 3,450 4,165 5,695 1,750 2,550 2,950 4,400 7,450 30 30 20 20 20 20 CF080CM1030C CF100CM1030C CF120CM1020C CF130CM1020C CF160CM1020C CF200CM1020C 6,780 10,050 15,965 18,370 27,245 48,880 2,5 x 24,0 x 9,5 30 3,0 x 26,0 x 11,4 55 3,5 x 28,0 x 13,3 75 4,0 x 32,0 x 15,2 100 4,5 x 34,0 x 17,1 125 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 165 6,0 x 42,0 x 22,8 225 7,0 x 49,0 x 26,6 300 8,0 x 52,0 x 30,4 400 10,0 x 65,0 x 38,0 625 12,0 x 78,0 x 45,6 900 13,0 x 82,0 x 49,4 1060 16,0 x 100,0 x 56,0 2000 20,0 x 100,0 x 75,0 3000 carico limite di lavoro kg working load 1,100 limit catena norma Nf E 26011 zincata a caldo €/m hot dip. Galv chain ref. NF E 26011 norm dimensioni peso lungh. matassa dimensions weight lenght bundle d x t x b mm kg/m m cod. €/m 15,0 x 16,5 250 0,545 18,0 x 19,8 360 0,785 carico 21,0 x 23,1 440 limite di 1,070 24,0 x 26,4 640 lavoro 1,400 kg 30,0 x 33,0 1000 working 2,185 36,0 x 39,6 1445 load 3,145 limit 42,0 x 46,2 1970 4,280 16,0 x 48,0 x 52,8 2570 5,590 30 30 30 30 30 15 15 15 CF050EM1030C CF060EM1030C CF070EM1030C CF080EM1030C CF100EM1030C CF120EM1015C CF140EM1015C CF160EM1015C 5,105 5,975 8,335 9,705 14,450 22,540 30,600 38,585 5,0 x 6,0 x 7,0 x 8,0 x 10,0 x 12,0 x 14,0 x catena norma DIN 766 zincata a caldo hot dip. Galv chain ref. DIN 766 norm dimensioni peso lungh. matassa dimensions weight lenght bundle d x t x b mm kg/m m cod. €/m 0,310 0,500 0,770 1,040 1,400 2,225 3,780 4,280 5,685 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 15 15 CF0406M1030C CF0506M1030C CF0606M1030C CF0706M1030C CF0806M1030C CF1006M1030C CF1306M1015C CF1406M1015C CF1606M1015C 3,500 4,645 5,860 8,095 9,705 14,710 26,325 30,800 39,250 4,0 x 5,0 x 6,0 x 7,0 x 8,0 x 10,0 x 13,0 x 14,0 x 16,0 x 16,0 x 12,8 150 18,5 x 16,0 250 18,5 x 19,2 350 22,0 x 22,4 450 24,0 x 25,6 640 28,0 x 32,0 900 36,0 x 41,6 1600 41,0 x 44,8 1900 45,0 x 51,2 2500 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 45 catena norma DIN 763 zincata a caldo hot dip. galv chain ref. DIN 763 norm dimensioni peso lungh. matassa dimensions weight lenght bundle d x t x b mm kg/m m cod. €/m 0,270 0,430 0,630 0,860 1,100 1,750 2,950 4,450 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 15 CF0403M1030E CF0503M1030E CF0603M1030E CF0703M1030E CF0803M1030E CF1003M1030E CF1303M1015E CF1603M1015E 2,575 3,625 4,370 5,980 7,450 10,850 19,400 28,950 4,0 x 32,0 x 15,2 150 5,0 x 35,0 x 19,0 210 6,0 x 42,0 x 22,8 270 7,0 x 49,0 x 26,6 350 8,0 x 52,0 x 30,4 460 10,0 x 65,0 x 38,0 700 13,0 x 82,0 x 49,4 1200 16,0 x 100,0 x 60,8 2200 carico limite di lavoro kg working load limit Catene per usi generali - Materiali: acciaio basso tenore carbonio General utility chain - Material: low carbon steel Attenzione: non oltrepassare il limite del Carico di Lavoro - Non usare per sollevamento Warning: do not exceed working load limit - Do not use for overhead lifting 46 ACCESSORI IN ACCIAIO INOX stainless steel fittings ganci ad “S” inox AISI 316 Stainless steel AISI 316 “S” hooks numero diametro dimensioni number diameter dimensions peso weight cod. €/cad. 0,004 SY03000Z028 0,135 32 0,009 SY03900Z032 0,295 5 38 0,014 SY04900Z038 0,450 6 50 0,025 SY05900Z050 0,800 peso mm mm Kg/cad. 17 3 28 19 4 21 23 Kg/PC anelli inox AISI 304 D Stainless steel AISI 304 rings numero diametro diametro number diameter diameter 17 19 21 23 €/PC weight mm D mm Kg/cad. 3 4 5 6 20 25 30 35 0,007 0,010 0,017 0,026 Kg/PC cod. €/cad. AX03000Z020 AX04000Z025 AX04900Z030 AX05900Z035 0,320 0,440 0,650 0,870 €/PC 47 maglie rapide inox AISI 316 Stainless steel AISI 316 quick links numero diametro dimensioni peso number diameter dimensions weight mm mm Kg/cad. 4 5 6 8 10 32 39 45 58 69 0,011 0,022 0,038 0,080 0,144 moschettoni pompiere inox AISI 316 Kg/PC diametro dimensioni peso number diameter dimensions weight mm mm Kg/cad. 4 5 6 8 40 50 60 80 0,0135 0,0160 0,0270 0,0650 morsetti inox AISI 316 size pollici mm 3 5 6 8 10 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 size pollici mm 5 6 8 10 12 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 Kg/PC MAGRAPIN3164 MAGRAPIN3165 MAGRAPIN3166 MAGRAPIN3168 MAGRAPIN31610 3,260 3,550 4,910 9,145 14,605 €/PC cod. €/cad. MOSPOMIN31640 MOSPOMIN31650 MOSPOMIN31660 MOSPOMIN31680 2,470 2,640 3,675 7,210 €/PC Stainless steel AISI 316 wire rope clips dimensioni peso dimensions weight a x b x c x d mm Kg/cad. 21,0 x 8,0 x 4,0 x 20,0 24,0 x 9,0 x 5,0 x 24,0 29,0 x 9,0 x 6,0 x 34,0 33,0 x 12,0 x 6,0 x 35,0 37,0 x 13,0 x 8,0 x 42,0 0,0140 0,0150 0,0210 0,0680 0,0760 grilli diritti inox AISI 316 misure €/cad. Stainless steel AISI 316 fire brigade snap hooks numero misure cod. Kg/PC cod. €/cad. MORIN3163 MORIN3165 MORIN3166 MORIN3168 MORIN31610 2,130 2,485 2,950 4,485 7,120 €/PC Stainless steel AISI 316 dee shackles dimensioni peso dimensions weight a x b x c mm Kg/cad. 9,0 x 19,0 x 5,0 14,0 x 25,0 x 6,0 16,0 x 31,0 x 8,0 19,0 x 40,0 x 10,0 26,0 x 49,0 x 12,0 0,0140 0,0270 0,0640 0,1200 0,2100 Kg/PC cod. €/cad. GRIDIN3165 GRIDIN3166 GRIDIN3168 GRIDIN31610 GRIDIN31612 2,810 3,340 5,430 9,570 15,510 €/PC 48 grilli a cuore inox AISI 316 misure size pollici mm b 5 6 8 10 12 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 Stainless steel AISI 316 bow shackles dimensioni peso dimensions weight a x b x c mm Kg/cad. 10,0 x 17,0 x 5,0 12,0 x 21,0 x 6,0 16,0 x 28,0 x 8,0 20,0 x 34,0 x 10,0 24,0 x 42,0 x 12,0 0,0180 0,0280 0,0640 0,1500 0,2230 Kg/PC €/cad. €/PC cod. GRICIN3165 GRICIN3166 GRICIN3168 GRICIN31610 GRICIN31612 2,995 3,550 5,850 10,035 16,015 c a tenditore a due occhi inox AISI 316 misure size pollici mm 5 6 8 10 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 Stainless steel AISI 316 eye-eye turnbukle dimensioni peso dimensions weight a x b x c mm Kg/cad. 60,0 x 9,0 x 9,0 80,0 x 11,0 x 10,0 109,0 x 14,0 x 12,0 130,0 x 20,0 x 13,0 0,0410 0,0800 0,1590 0,2550 Kg/PC €/cad. €/PC cod. TENOOIN3165 TENOOIN3166 TENOOIN3168 TENOOIN31610 9,470 11,860 20,930 27,755 49 RANCH PRODOTTI DEDICATI ALL’ALLEVAMENTO farming products legami 3 capi catena a maglia genovese Links for cattle genoese chain numero diametro peso lucidi number diameter weight bright 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 mm Kg/cad. 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 7,5 0,490 0,650 0,820 1,040 1,300 1,650 1,970 2,400 2,950 Kg/PC cod. €/cad. €/PC cod. €/cad. LEGGEN3CLUC18 LEGGEN3CLUC19 LEGGEN3CLUC20 LEGGEN3CLUC21 LEGGEN3CLUC22 LEGGEN3CLUC23 LEGGEN3CLUC24 LEGGEN3CLUC25 LEGGEN3CLUC26 11,100 12,880 16,485 17,565 19,945 21,575 25,225 29,290 38,605 LEGGEN3CZIN18 LEGGEN3CZIN19 LEGGEN3CZIN20 LEGGEN3CZIN21 LEGGEN3CZIN22 LEGGEN3CZIN23 LEGGEN3CZIN24 LEGGEN3CZIN25 LEGGEN3CZIN26 11,500 13,440 17,195 18,465 21,070 23,000 26,930 31,365 41,155 €/PC RANCH 50 legami 3 capi catena a maglia ritorta Links for cattle twisted chain numero diametro peso lucidi number diameter weight bright 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 mm Kg/cad. 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 7,5 0,265 0,500 0,670 0,836 1,020 1,350 1,650 2,000 2,300 3,000 Kg/PC cod. €/cad. €/PC cod. €/cad. LEGPRU3CLUC17 LEGPRU3CLUC18 LEGPRU3CLUC19 LEGPRU3CLUC20 LEGPRU3CLUC21 LEGPRU3CLUC22 LEGPRU3CLUC23 LEGPRU3CLUC24 LEGPRU3CLUC25 LEGPRU3CLUC26 10,950 11,400 12,940 16,830 18,455 20,865 22,545 26,915 32,265 41,495 LEGPRU3CZIN17 LEGPRU3CZIN18 LEGPRU3CZIN19 LEGPRU3CZIN20 LEGPRU3CZIN21 LEGPRU3CZIN22 LEGPRU3CZIN23 LEGPRU3CZIN24 LEGPRU3CZIN25 LEGPRU3CZIN26 11,155 11,820 13,520 17,555 19,335 22,035 23,975 28,650 34,255 44,100 givolari zincati zinc-plated loose ring swivel numero diametro number diameter 21 23 25 27 €/PC €/scatola €/box mm cod. 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 GIVZINCEL5 GIVZINCEL6 GIVZINCEL7 GIVZINCEL8 pz./sacchetto €/cad. PCS/bag €/PC 26,500 28,800 37,000 39,200 10 10 10 10 2,650 2,880 3,700 3,920 €/sacchetto pz./sacchetto traversini zincati zinc-plated toggle lunghezza €/bag lenght mm cod. 100 120 135 TRAVZINCEL100 TRAVZINCEL120 TRAVZINCEL135 19,900 26,300 33,300 €/cad. PCS/bag €/PC 10 10 10 1,990 2,630 3,330 ANNOTAZIONI / NOTES stampato su carta priva di cloro elementare www.cattaneografiche.it CATENE TRAZIONATE GARANTITE Rif. EN ISO 4520 il controllo totale delle catene prodotte 100% control of all chains manufactured TecnØTESTED EN 818 il sollevamento the lifting HOT TREATMENT durezza e resistenza hardness and strength EN ISO 1461 non solo inox not just Stainless Steel ISO 9001-2000 Cert. n° 2420 CERTIFICATE No. Z1 13 02 83367 001 AREF s.r.l. via L. Vassena, 16 - 23868 Valmadrera (Lc) ITALY tel. +39-341 582495 - fax +39-341 200241 e-mail: [email protected] - http:// www.aref.it