THE ITALIAN BRAND Manuale d’ uso e manutenzione e lista parti di ricambio Operating and maintenance manual and parts list Manuel d’utillsation et liste des piéces détachées LEO SERIES ISO9001 ISO14001 1 MANUALE D’ISTRUZIONI STACKER SERIE LEO Attenzione: Non utilizzare lo stacker prima di avere letto e capito questo manuale di istruzioni INDICE INTRODUZIONE Pag. 3 1. Sicurezza durante l’uso Pag. 4 2. Specifiche tecniche Pag. 7 3. Trasporto e avviamento Pag. 9 4. Manutenzione, ricarica e sostituzione della batteria Pag. 10 5. Funzionamento Pag. 12 6. Manutenzione Pag. 14 7. Schema elettrico Pag. 55 8. Spaccati e lista dei ricambi Pag. 56 MACCHINA TIPO: MATRICOLA: FalconLift ringrazia per aver scelto lo stacker SERIE LEO. Per la vostra sicurezza e per il corretto funzionamento, si prega di leggere attentamente il manuale sottostante prima dell’uso. ® 2 this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. (QJOLVK ITALIANO These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and maste (QJOLVK INTRODUZIONE safety operation of the truck. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully r Foreword this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. Foreword Il manuale di uso e manutenzione dello stacker stato creato perindarvi perfetta e Instructions. sicura abi- Du Specifications of different types of the trucks èare described theseuna Operation lità nell’usare lo stacker. Welcome use this low lift pallet truck. safety andfor correct operation, please carefully r operation to and maintenance, please applyFor theyour relevant parts the type of the truck. These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master caratteristiche figurano questo manuale d’uso. thisLe instruction bookdello and stacker warnings on theintruck before using it. Durante il funzionamento o la safety operation of the truck. manutenzione, utilizzare i ricambi corrispondenti al tipo di stacker. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: Le istruzioni di sicurezza e glitruck avvisiare sono caratterizzati dai seguenti simboli: These Operation Instructions of of the edited for youin tothese completely acquire and master Specifications of different types the trucks are described Operation Instructions. Du safety operation the truck. 1.--Leofistruzioni diplease sicurezza devono esserebefore osservate evitare involontarie o operation and maintenance, apply the relevant partsuse forper theavoid type personal offerite the truck. ---Safety specification must be observed to injury. 1. evitare di danneggiare il materiale. � Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Safety specifications and special notices are per marked with the following signs: 2.--L’avviso deve essere osservato ferite involontarie o evitareInstructions. di danneg- Du 2. ---Notice must be observed before useevitare to avoid equipment damage. giaremaintenance, il materiale. please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. operation and ) � 3.--Note prima dell’uso. ---General notice and must specification beforebefore use. ---Safety specification be observed usefollowing to avoid personal 1.3. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the signs: injury. Questo stacker è composto in gran parte d’acciaio e può essere completamente riciclato. I 2. The ---Notice must observed before use to itavoid equipment damage. majority thisbetruck consists steel, can be completely recycled. Waste materi ricambi che of vengono scartati dopo laofriparazione, la manutenzione, la pulitura o dopo la di---- Safety specification becleaning observed use to avoid injury. 1.conjunction struzione, devono esseremaintenance, raccoltimust e depositati in modo da rispettare l’ambiente secondo diretti- of with repairs, or before scrapping, must be personal collected andledisposed ve del proprio paese.way Il materiale essere depositato zone adeguate. Il materiale riciclabile environment-friendly and in deve accordance with the in directives of respective countries. Such 3. deve essere ---- General notice and specification before use. di filtri olio, di batterie o componenti smaltito dalle autorità pubbliche. L’abbandono must be---carried outmust in areas intendedbefore for thisuse purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o 2. be observed elettroniciNotice può danneggiare l’ambiente e la avoid equipment damage. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro will have a negative onriportate the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. le informazioni in questo manuale riferiscono ai dati disponibili al moTheTutte majority of effect this truck consists of steel, it cansi be completely recycled. Waste materia 3. ---- General noticeL’Azienda and specification before use. mento della stampa. si riserva il diritto di modificare i propri prodotti in qualsiasi conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in momento senza preavviso o rischio di sanzioni. Si consiglia inoltre di rivolgersi all’Azienda per environment-friendly way and in accordance the directives respective Such w The information reported herein is basedwith on data available of at the time of countries. printing. Our prod informarsi su eventuali aggiornamenti. mustThe be carried outofinthis areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be takenmateria care o majority truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our specialized hazardous waste, such as oil batteries and electron conjunction authorities. with repairs,Environmentally maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must befilters, collected and disposed of in will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. products at any moment notice and in any sanction. As acountries. result, it isSuch suggew environment-friendly way without and in prior accordance withliability the directives of respective � ) ) ) must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o to always verify possible updates and changes. specialized authorities.reported Environmentally waste, such asatoilthe filters, andOur electron The information herein is hazardous based on data available time batteries of printing. prod will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our ) products any moment without prior is notice and in any sanction. Asofa printing. result, it Our is sugge ) The at information reported herein based onliability data available at the time prod to always verifybeing possible updates and and renewed. changes. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our are constantly developed products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. to always verify possible updates and changes. 3 As a result, it is sugge 1. Sicurezza durante l’uso 1.1 Requisiti operatore Questo stacker deve essere utilizzato da una persona competente, che può(QJOLVK far vedere agli utilizzatori in modo realista il funzionamento dello stacker. Foreword 1.2 Diritti, obblighi e responsabilità dell’operatore L’operatore deve capire i suoi diritti ed i For suoiyour obblighi e deve ricevuto una formazione sul Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. safety andaver correct operation, please carefully funzionamento dello stacker. L’operatore deve conoscere le caratteristiche riferite in questo d’uso. Durante il funzionamento, l’operatore deve indossare le scarpe antinfortunistithismanuale instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. che. 1.3 Uso proibitoInstructions alle persone of nonthe autorizzate These Operation truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master Durante il funzionamento, safety operation of the truck.l’operatore deve essere responsabile dello stacker e deve impedire l’uso dello stacker alle persone non autorizzate. E’ proibito sollevare o portare delle persone sullo stacker. Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. Du 1.4 Avaria o errore operation maintenance, apply the relevant partsSe forlothe type non of the truck. normalIn caso and di avaria o errore, siplease prega di avvertire il superiore. stacker funziona Foreword mente (ruote consumate o freni difettosi), non usare lo stacker fino alla sua riparazione. (QJOLVK Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: 1.5 Riparazione Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully Senza una formazione professionale o una specifica autorizzazione, l’operatore non deve ripathisrare instruction book and warnings on the L’operatore truck beforenon using it. o sostiruire i ricambi dello stacker. Foreword può assolutamente cambiare la posid’installazione dei comandi dispositivibefore di sicurezza ridurre l’ efficacia Safety specification muste dei be observed use toperché avoid può personal injury. 1. zione ---dello stacker. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. Forare your safetyforand operation, pleaseand carefully r These Operation Instructions of the truck edited youcorrect to completely acquire master (QJOLVK � 2. instruction Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. I ---ricambi originali sono certificati dal Quality Assurance Per assicurare un safety operation of the this book andtruck. warnings on the truck before using it. Authorities. funzionamento sicuro ed affidabile, si devono utilizzare solo i ricambi originali. I ricambi sostituiti olii e carburanti compresi devono essere smaltiti secondo le norme per la protezione Specifications of Instructions different of the trucks are described Operation Instructions. Du 3. ---- General noticetypes and use. dell’ambiente. These Operation of specification the truck arebefore edited for you in to these completely acquire and master operation and maintenance, safety of the truck. please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. 1.6 operation Zona di pericolo LaThe zonamajority di pericolo comprende: il luogoofdove lo stacker o ilcompletely suo dispositivo di sollevamento of this truck consists steel, it can be recycled. Waste materi Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: (come le forche o gli equipaggiamenti) sono in funzione e possono diventare un fattore di peri- Du Specifications of repairs, differentmaintenance, types of the trucks are these Instructions. conjunction with cleaning ordescribed scrapping,inmust be Operation collected and disposed of i colo potenziale per le persone o per il luogo di movimentazione dei carichi. environment-friendly way and in accordance with theparts directives respective countries. Such w operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant for the of type of the truck. must be out in areas intended for this purpose.dalle Recyclable material should Lecarried persone non autorizzate devono allontanarsi zone di pericolo. In caso be di taken perico-care o ---Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous such aspossano oil filters, batteries and electron lo, l’operatore deve avvertire in tempo i pedoniwaste, in modo che mettersi da parte o Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: Se qualcuno ancora nella zona di or pericolo l’operatore deve willevacuare. have a negative effectè on the environment, health,nonostante if handled l’avviso, incorrectly. immediatamente fermare lo stacker. 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. reported herein is observed based on before data available at thepersonal time of injury. printing. Our prod Lavorare in zone pericolose ----information Safety specification must be use to avoid 1. 1.7The Quando lo stacker è utilizzato in un area pericolosa, deve essere appositamente attrezzato. 3. ---- General and specification before use. are constantly beingnotice developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our In---genere lo stacker non è attrezzato per questo tipo diequipment situazione.damage. 2.products must be observed avoid at Notice any moment without priorbefore noticeuse andtoliability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugge ) � ) � ) The majoritydiofsicurezza this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste materi 1.8 Dispositivi e segnali pericolo to always verify possible updates and di changes. with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed Si prega di prestare molta attenzione ai dispositivi di sicurezza, ai segnali di pericolo ed agli of i 3.conjunction ---- General notice and specification before use. avvisi riportati in questo manuale. environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such w must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o 1.9 Uso inauthorities. luoghi The majority of pubblici thisEnvironmentally truck consists hazardous of steel, it waste, can besuch completely recycled. Waste specialized as oil filters, batteries and materia electron Lo stacker non deve essere utilizzato su delle strade pubbliche salvo nelle zone specifiche. conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning health, scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in willPrestare have a attenzione negative effect on the if handled incorrectly. alle guide delenvironment, dispositivo diorsollevamento. environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such w 4 must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o ) 1.10 Distanza di sicurezza tra i veicoli Si prega di ricordarsi che il veicolo che si trova davanti a se può sempre frenare all’improvviso. Mantenere una distanza di sicurezza. 1.11 Passegeri I passeggeri non devono salire sullo stacker, salvo indicazione contraria. 1.12 Uso in ascensore o su piattaforma elevatrice L’uso dello stacker in ascensore o su piattaforme elevatrici è solo previa autorizzazione. Prima di far entrare uno stacker in un ascensore o in un montacarichi, assicurarsi che questo sia in grado di sopportare la massa totale costituita dallo stacker, dal carico, dall’operatore ed eventuale personale di accompagnamento. Il carico deve essere sistemato correttamente per evitare che tocchi le parete quando entra nell’ascensore. Se delle persone devono usare l’ascensore in contemporanea allo stacker, devono entrare nell’ascensore dopo e uscire prima dello stacker. 1.13 Corridoi stretti e zone di lavori In situazioni particolari, come quando lo stacker si trova in un corridoio stretto, le persone non autorizzate devono allontanarsi dalla zona di lavoro ed il carico deve essere messo in uno speciale contenitore. 1.14 Modalità d’impiego La velocità di marcia del carrello deve essere commisurata all’eventuale presenza di persone nella zona di lavoro del carrello stesso, alla visibilità, allo stato di pavimentazione ed al carico. In ogni caso il carrello deve essere fatto marciare a velocità tale da permettere l’arresto con tutta sicurezza. Si consiglia di procedere a bassa velocità nelle curve, nei corridoi stretti e nelle vicinanze di porte automatiche o nelle vie ingombre. L’operatore deve essere capace di calcolare con esattezza lo spazio occorrente per una frenatura d’arresto regolare. Evitare frenate brusche (tranne in caso di emergenza), inversioni di marcia veloci o sorpassi in vie ingombre. E’ severamente proibito toccare o trasportare persone. 1.15 Visibilità L’operatore deve guardare nella direzione di marcia per poter vedere i segnali stradali. Se l’ingombro del carico ostacola la visibilità dell’operatore, il trasporto va effettuato a marcia indietro, oppure si potrà ricorrere all’ausilio di un incaricato che segnali all’operatore la presenza di eventuali ostacoli. 1.16 Circolazione su tratti in pendenza Prima di manovrare lo stacker su tratti in pendenza assicurarsi che il manto stradale sia pulito e non scivoloso. Il carico deve essere sempre rivolto verso il pendio. Le inversioni di marcia e le soste sui tratti in pendenza sono proibite. Si deve marciare a bassa velocità sui tratti in pendenza, sia in salita sia in discesa. L’operatore deve essere pronto a frenare in ogni momento. 1.17 Limite di carico Osservare attentamente e seguire tutte le segnalazioni di sicurezza presenti sul carrello. Non sovraccaricare il carrello oltre i limiti di portata e non superare la pressione delle gomme indicati sulle apposite targhette. 1.18 Trasporti Lo stacker deve essere guidato con le forche all’altezza tranne quando si devono sistemare o portare i carichi. E’ meglio guidare lo stacker a marcia indietro quando possibile. In questo modo la visibilità e la manovrabilità sono migliori. Quando si guida lo stacker con le forche in avanti, le manovre sono più incerte. 5 this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. 1.19 Caratteristiche di carico These Operation Instructions of themesso trucksulle are forche, edited for you to acquireSiand Il carico deve essere correttamente affinché siacompletely sicuro e affidabile. con-maste safety of the truck. sigliaoperation di non manovrare carichi troppo alti. 1.20 Stacker su una piattaforma di carico di un altro veicolo o su una piattaforma di raccordo Specifications of different typessuofuna thepiattaforma trucks are di described these Operation Instructions. Prima di inoltrare uno stacker raccordo in assicurarsi che essa sia debita- D mente assicurata. Non si deve mai superare portata nominale piattaforma di raccordo. operation and maintenance, please apply thelarelevant parts for della the type of the truck. Durante il transito lo stacker deve essere fatto procedere lentamente e con prudenza. Prendere le dovute precauzioni per evitare lo slittamento dello stacker dalla piattaforma di raccordo. Safety specifications and special noticesmassima are marked with thedove following L’operatore deve controllare la portata del veicolo viene signs: immesso lo stacker e immobilizzare le ruote dello stacker mediante dei cunei. 1.21 Parcheggio ---- Safety specification must observed before use topreviste. avoid personal injury.essere 1. Lo stacker non deve trovarsi al di fuoribedelle aeree di parcheggio Deve sempre parcheggiato su una superficie piana. Se lo stacker possiede un freno di stazionamento, azionarlo. Le forche devono essere nella posizione più bassa, in modo che nessuno vi possa inciampare 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. accidentalmente. Lo stacker deve sempre essere spento. Le persone non autorizzate non devono mai utilizzare lo stacker. Assicurarsi di togliere ogni volta la chiave di avviamento. Se stacker deve essere per unuse. lungo periodo senza essere caricato, stac3. ----loGeneral notice and immobilizzato specification before care la batteria. � ) 1.22 Segnalazione The majority this truck acustico consistsper of attirare steel, l’attenzione it can be completely recycled. Waste mater Utilizzare sempreofl’avvisatore conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of 1.23 Scarpe antinfortunistiche environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such Le scarpe antinfortunistiche devono sempre indossate quando si utilizza lo stacker, se-care must be carried out in areas intended for this essere purpose. Recyclable material should be taken condo la norma EN-345:1-S1. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro will1.24 have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. Accessori/ rimorchi Dopo la consegna, dovete contattare l’Azienda se volete aggiungere un rimorchio o un accessorio cheinformation potrebbe influire sullaherein stabilità sulla capacità frenatura at dello The reported is based on datadiavailable thestacker. time of printing. Our prod ) are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. to always verify possible updates and changes. 6 1 As a result, it is sugge 2. Specifiche tecniche 2.2 Caratteristiche tecniche 2.2.1 Scheda tecnica Dimensioni base/ Basic dimensions/ Dimensions Ruote e gommature/ Wheels types Roues et bandages Pesi/ Weight/ Poids Caratteristiche/ Characteristics/ Caractéristiques 1.1 COSTRUTTORE / MANUFACTURER / CONSTRUCTEUR 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.9 4.15 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.25 4.32 4.33 Prestazioni/ Performance data/ Performances 4.34 4.35 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.8 5.10 Varie/ Other Autres Dati motore/ Elecric motor/ Moteurs 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 8.1 8.4 FALCONLIFT Modello/Model designation/Désignation du constructeur Alimentazione/Power supply/Mode de translation Tipo di guida/Type of control/ Mode de conduite Portata/Load capacity/ Capacité nominale Baricentro del carico/Load centre/Centre de gravité de la charge nominale Distanza del carico/Load distance/Déport avant de la charge Interasse/Wheelbase/Empattement Peso proprio/Service weight/Poids à vide Pressione sugli assali, con carico lato guida-lato carico/Axle loading, laden front-rear / Charge par essieu avec charge côté conducteur-côté charge Pressione sugli assali, senza carico lato guida-lato carico/Axle loading, unladen front-rear/Charge par essieu à vide côté conducteur-côté charge Gommatura/Tyres/Equipement roues Dimensioni ruote - lato guida/ Tyre size – front /Dimensions des roues côté conducteur Dimensioni ruote - lato carico/ Tyre size – rear / Dimensions des roues côté charge Ruote pivottanti/Castor wheels/Roue pivotante Numero ruote (x= trazione) lato guida-lato carico / Wheels – number (x= dive wheel) front-rear / Roues, nombre (x = roue motrice) côté conducteur-côté charge Carreggiata anteriore/Track width-front / Voie - côté conducteur Carreggiata posteriore/Track width rear/Voie - côté charge Altezza montante abbassato/Lowered mast height/Hauteur du mât abaissé Alzata libera/ Free Lift/Levée libre Altezza di sollevamento/Lift height/Hauteur de levée Altezza montante sfilato/Extended mast height/Hauteur hors tout mât déployé Altezza timone in posizione di guida min. - max./Tiller height in drive position min. - max. / Hauteur du timon en position de conduite min. - max. Altezza forche abbassate/Lowered forks height/Hauteur sur fourches, en position basse Lunghezza totale/Overall lenght/Longueur totale hors tout Lunghezza compreso spessore forche/Lenght to front face of forks/Longueur de la partie motrice, jusqu‘à la face avant des fourches Larghezza totale/Overall width/Largeur totale du châssis Dimensioni forche/Forks dimensions/Dimensions des fourches Scartamento esterno forche/Width over forks/Ecartement extérieur des fourches Luce libera a metà passo/Ground clearance at the centre of wheelbase/Garde au sol au milieu de l‘empattement Larghezza corsia di lavoro con pallet 1000x1200 trasversale/Aisle width for pallet 1000x1200 crossways/ Largeur d‘allée pour palette 1000 x 1200 en largeur Larghezza corsia di lavoro con pallet 800x1200 longitudinale/Aisle width for pallets 800x1200 lengthways/Largeur d‘allée pour palette 800 x 1200 en longueur Raggio di volta/Outer turning radius/Rayon de giration Velocità di traslazione con-senza carico / Travel speed, laden-unladen / Vitesse de translation avec-sans charge Velocità di sollevamento con - senza carico / Lift speed, laden-unladen / Vitesse de levée avec-sans charge Velocità di discesa con-senza carico / Lowering speed, laden-unladen / Vitesse de descente avec-sans charge Pendenza massima superabile con-senza carico / Max. greadibility, laden-unladen / Rampe maximum avec-sans charge Freno di esercizio/Service brake/Frein de service Motore di traslazione, potenza s2 60min/Drive motor hourly rating s2/Moteur de translation, puissance s2 = 60 mn Motore di sollevamento,potenza s3 15%/Lift motor rating at s3 15%/Moteur de levée, puissance s3 = 15% Batteria secondo DIN 43531/35/36 A,B,C,non / Battery equipment acc. to DIN 43531/35/36 A,B,C,non / Batterie selon la norme DIN 43531/35/36/A,B,C,non Voltaggio e capacità nominale della batteria k5/Battery voltage and nominal capacity k5/Tension de la batterie et capacité nominale K5 Peso batteria/Battery weight/Poids de la batterie Tipo di comando di marcia/Type of drive control/Commande de vitesse Soglia rumore secondo EN 12053, orecchio operatore/Average noise peak at operator’s ear acc. to EN 12053/Niveau sonore moyen, mesuré à l‘oreille du cariste selon EN12053 7 FLLEO1229AL Q c x y kg mm mm mm kg FLLEO1232 FLLEO1236 Elettrico/Electric/Electrique Da terra/Pedestrian/Accompagnant 1250 600 796 1278 910 910 930 kg 1030/1130 1030/1130 1040/1140 kg 670/240 670/240 685/245 mm mm mm Poliuretano/Polyurethane/Polyuréthane Ø 252x89 Ø 80x70 / Ø 80x93 Ø 150x54 1x+2/4 b10 b11 h1 h2 h3 h4 mm mm mm mm mm mm h14 mm 940/1320 h13 l1 mm mm 81 1908 l2 mm 758 b1 s/e/l b5 mm mm mm 890 60/180/1150 570/685 m2 mm 26 Ast mm 2224 Ast mm 2158 Wa mm km/h mm/s 1590 5.2/5.5 110/170 mm/s 120/130 % 6/12 1946 1490 2820 3276 650 390/505 2096 158 3120 3576 2296 158 3520 3976 Elettromagnetico/Electromagnetic/Electromagnétique kw 1.2 kw 2.2 3PzS V/Ah 24/210 kg -Mosfet dB(A) 67 (QJOLVK Foreword Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. (QJOLVK Foreword These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and maste Welcome to use of this lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully safety operation thelow truck. (QJOLVK this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. Foreword Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. D operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts forcorrect thecompletely type of theacquire truck. These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited forand you to and maste Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety operation, please carefully safety operationbook of the truck. this instruction and warnings on the truck before using it. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. D These Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and maste 2.2.2 Operation Scheda tecnica stacker standard operation and maintenance, please the VDI relevant parts for the type oftecnici the truck. Questa scheda tecnica in accordo conapply labenorma 2198 prevede i dati dello stacker safety operation of the truck. ---- Safety specification must observed before use tosolo avoid personal injury. 1. standard. Gli stacker non standard, gli equipaggiamenti aggiunti, ecc. possono dare altri dati. L’Azienda si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche o migliorie senza alcun preavviso. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: Specifications of different of thebefore trucksuse aretodescribed in thesedamage. Operation Instructions. D 2. ---- Notice must betypes observed avoid equipment 2.2.3 Norma Europea operation maintenance, apply<70 thedB relevant parts for type of the truck. Il livelloand di rumore continuo please deve essere (A); secondo ISOthe 4871. Il---livello di rumore è unbevalore medio, che contiene il livello di pressione Safety specification must observed before use to avoid personal injury.sonora 1. 3. General noticecontinuo and specification before use. mentre si guida, si utilizza il dispositivo di sollevamento o quando si va a velocità sostenuta. Il Safety and special notices are marked with the following signs: livellospecifications di pressione sonora è misurato all’orecchio. elettromagnetica (EMC). Il costruttore conferma i test dell’emissione elettroma2. Compatibilità Notice observed before use toitavoid equipment damage. The ---majority ofmust thisbe truck consists steel, can be completely recycled. Wastese-mater gnetica, dell’interferenza immunologia e of dell’eliminazione elettrostatica che sono valutate condo la ENspecification 12895 e altremust norme. conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, be collected disposed of ----norma Safety be observed before use must to avoid personal and injury. 1. Qualsiasi modifica nelle parti del sistema elettrico può essere apportata su approvazione environment-friendly way and accordancebefore with the 3. ---- General notice andinspecification use.directives of respective countries. Such scritta del costruttore. must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care 2. ---- authorities. Notice mustEnvironmentally be observed before use to waste, avoid equipment specialized hazardous such as oildamage. filters, batteries and electro 2.2.4 Condizioni d’uso The a majority of effect this truck of steel, it can ifbehandled completely recycled. Waste mater willTemperatura have negative on the environment, or5°C-40°C health, incorrectly. ambiente durante ilconsists funzionamento: Quando stacker funziona a lungocleaning a unabefore temperatura o a bassaand temperatura conjunction withlorepairs, maintenance, or scrapping, musta 5be°Ccollected disposed of 3. ---- General notice and specification use. inferiore con molta umidità, è meglio proteggere certi strumenti. environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our pro must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care 2.3 Illustrazione e etichetta segnaletica sullo stacker specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous such as oil filters, and electro are constantly being developed and renewed. we reserve thebatteries right to modify our majority of this truck consists of steel,Therefore, itwaste, can be completely recycled. Waste mater N°The DESCRIZIONE will have a negative effectmaintenance, on the environment, if handled incorrectly. conjunction with repairs, cleaningororhealth, scrapping, must be collected and disposed of 15 Pulsante di sollevamento products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugg environment-friendly 16 Pulsante di discesaway and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such to always verify possible updates and for changes. must be carried out in reported areas this purpose. should be taken information herein is based on dataRecyclable available atmaterial the time of printing. Ourcare pro 17 The Pulsante avvisatore acusticointended specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro 18 Pulsante marcia avanti/indietro are have constantly beingeffect developed renewed.or Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our will a negative on the and environment, health, if handled incorrectly. 19 Etichetta “divieto sedersi sullo stacker” � � ) � ) ) ) ) 20 Etichetta segnaletica stackerprior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugg products at any momentdello without 21 The Simbolo del punto reported di aggancioherein per il sollevamento dellodata stacker information is based on available at the time of printing. Our pro to always verify possible updates and changes. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our 8 ) products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugg These Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely SafetyOperation specifications andlift special notices are marked with thecorrect following signs:acquire and master Welcome to use this low pallet truck. For your safety operation, Safety specifications and special notices are marked withand the following signs: please carefully r safety operationbook of the truck. this instruction and warnings on the truck before using it. e avviamento ---- Safety specification must be observed before useintothese avoidOperation personal injury. 1. 3. Trasporto Specifications of different types must of thebe trucks are described Instructions. Du ---Safety specification observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master 3.1 Caricato da una gru operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. safety operation of the truck. 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. 2. ---Notice must bedel observed before use to avoidusato equipment damage. La capacità di carico dispositivo di sollevamento deve essere appropriata (Portata superiore al peso netto dello stacker; vedere scheda tecnica). Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: Specifications of differentdispositivo types of èthe trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. Du La stata appositamente 3. ----posizione General del notice and specification before use.studiata dal costruttore per facilitare il trasporto. 3. ---General notice and specification use. operation and maintenance, please apply thebefore relevant parts for the type of the truck. � � ) ) � -Mettere lospecification stacker in unamust posizione sicura before use to avoid personal injury. ---Safety be observed 1. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it with can be completely recycled. Waste mater The -Il gancio of della gruspecial deve consists essere fissato al golfare dello stacker Safety specifications and notices aresteel, marked the following signs: majority this truck of it can be completely recycled. Waste materia conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of conjunction maintenance, cleaning ordeve must al begolfare collected and disposed of i 2. ---- with Notice must be observed before toscrapping, avoid equipment Durante ilrepairs, sollevamento ilingancio della use gru fissato dello stacker perSuch environment-friendly way and accordance with theessere directives of damage. respective countries. environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such w evitare che scivoli. must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care ---- Safety must for be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. must be carried outspecification in areas intended this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro 3.2 Messa in servizio 3. ---General notice and specification before use. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. 2. ---- Notice mustpossono be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. Solo le batterie alimentare lo stacker. La corrente alternata danneggia il circuito elettrico. La lunghezza del cavoconsists della batteria deve itessere inferiore a 6m. recycled. Waste materia The majority of this truck steel, can available be completely The information reported herein is of based onladata at the time of printing. Our prod PerThe un corretto funzionamento dello stacker dopo consegna o il trasporto, seguire le prod information reported herein iscleaning based on data available at thecollected timebisogna of printing. Our conjunction with repairs, maintenance, or scrapping, must be and disposed of i 3. seguenti ----istruzioni: General notice and specification before use. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we ereserve the right to esigenmodify our environment-friendly way and delle in and accordance withTherefore, the of countries. Such chebeing l’assemblaggio parti dello stacker siadirectives completo cherespective corrisponda alle areVerificare constantly developed renewed. we reserve the right to modify our w carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o must products at laany moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. Asbatteria. a result, it is sugge Installare seEnvironmentally non è stato già notice fatto dican danneggiare della products anybatteria moment without prior and liability inbe any sanction. As a result, it iselectron sugge specialized authorities. hazardous such asiloilcavo filters, batteries and The at majority of this truck consists of evitando steel, itwaste, completely recycled. Waste materia Caricare immediatamente la batteria. to always possible updates and changes. will have a verify negative effectmaintenance, on the environment, ororhealth, if handled incorrectly. conjunction withpossible repairs, cleaning scrapping, must collected and disposed Se volete sostituire la batteria conand una changes. batteria senza manutenzione, si be prega di verificare se la sua of i to always verify updates environment-friendly in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such w capacità corrispondeway alla and capacità di quella originale (o dopo l’approvazione del servizio cliente delThe costruttore). must be carried out in reported areas intended this purpose. should be taken information herein for is based on dataRecyclable available atmaterial the time of printing. Ourcare prodo specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron are have constantly beingeffect developed renewed.or Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our will a negative on the and environment, health, if handled incorrectly. � ) ) ) ) ) products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugge The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod to always verify possible updates and changes. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our ) products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. to always verify possible updates and changes. 1 1 1 9 As a result, it is sugge Foreword 4. Manutenzione, ricarica e sostituzione della batteria Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully r Manutentione this4.1 instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. Le operazioni di ricarica, riparizione e sostituzione della batteria devono essere effettuate da personale qualificato. These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master 4.2 Ricarica della batteria safety operation ofLEO the truck. Gli stacker serie sono dotati di un caricabatteria specifico alla loro batteria. Prima di caricare la batteria, assicurarvi che il caricabatteria, il pulsante d’emergenza e la chiave di accensione siano su “OFF”. Caricare la batteria in un luogo asciutto e ventilato e allontanarla (QJOLVK Specifications of different types of the trucks are described these Operation Instructions. da fonti di calore o fiamme. Quando si usa lo stacker, la batteriaindeve essere caricata almeno una Du volta al and mese. operation maintenance,Foreword please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Foreword La batteria deve essere ricaricata debitamente e con regolarità. Quando è scarica, una spia cominWelcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read cia a lampeggiare sull’indicatore scarica batteria durante l’uso. Si prega di ricaricare immediatathis instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety correct operation, mente la batteria. and special notices are marked Safety specifications withand the following signs: please carefully r Ricarica completamente automatica: lothe stacker provvisto di un These Operation Instructions the truck are edited for to completely acquire and master thecaricabatteria intelligente e comthis instruction bookofand warnings onyou truckèbefore using it. pletamente automatico. Quando la spina è attaccata alla corrente, l’indicatore rosso lampeggia. Il safety operation of the truck. caricabatteria adatta automaticamente la corrente secondo le capacità residuali della batteria che Specifications different of the trucksDopo are described in these Operation Instructions. During assicura ricarica. avertruck ricaricato la batteria, una spia verde lampeggia e laand carica ----ofun’ottima Safetytypes specification be observed before personal injury. 1. These Operation Instructions ofmust the are edited for use you to to avoid completely acquire master operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. è automaticamente fermata. La carica può durare 5 - 7 ore. safety operation of the truck. and special notices are marked with the following signs: 2.Safety specifications Notice must belaobserved before non useètocompletamente avoid equipment damage. E’---proibito ricaricare batteria quando scarica. (QJOLVK � ---- Safety specification must be observed before use totrucks avoid personal 1. � Durante Specifications of ricarica different typesdegli of the areinjury. described in these Instructions. la i tappi elementi della batteria devono essereOperation aperti per far circolare Du l’aria.---Prima di ricaricarla, assicurarvi che the nonbefore ci siano degli sullatruck. batteria e che 3. General notice and specification use. operation and maintenance, please apply relevant partsoggetti for themetallici type of the 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. i giunti dei cavi e delle prese non siano danneggiati. Tutte le misure di sicurezza, incluse le regole fornite e le procedure per la ricarica devono essere rigorosamente osservate. 3. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. Safety specifications notices of aresteel, marked with be thecompletely following signs: The majority of and this special truck consists it can recycled. Waste materia 4.2.1 Prima ricarica The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in conjunction with repairs, cleaning must be collected and disposed of i 1) Se l’elettrolito della maintenance, batteria è diminuito o seorand èscrapping, stato tolto, conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected disposed of in anbisogna versare dell’acido denenvironment-friendly and with the directives respective countries. Such w environment-friendly waySi andcompone in way accordance directivessolforico of respective Such di work tro la batteria. diwithin untheaccordance acido ecountries. di acqua acidiofpiombosi. Il peso specifico must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by dell’elettrolito aggiunto deve essere difor 1.280 ±purpose. 0.005 allaelectronics, temperatura ambiente di 25°C. ---Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1.specialized must be carried out in areas intended material should be Versare taken care o authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such asthis oil filters, batteries andRecyclable composto nella batteria, 15-20mm in piùwaste, rispetto al livello willl’elettrolito have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous such as oil limite. filters, batteries and electron will have a negative effect on the environment, or printing. health, ifproducts handled incorrectly. reportedmust herein is based on datadegli available at the time 2.)The information ---- Notice be observed before useèof to avoid equipment damage. Solo quando la temperatura elementi sotto iOur 35°C, può essere connessa alla corrente are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our own continua e caricata. products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is suggested The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod Leverify ricariche iniziali effettuano in 2 tappe: 2) ---General notice and specification before use. always possible updates and si changes. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our A) Quando il voltaggio finale degli elementi è inferiore a 2.4V, la corrente deve essere a 0.5Am; B)The Quando il voltaggio alza a 2.4V, corrente deve convertita alla seconda 0.25A. products at any moment priorlanotice and liability sanction. As fase, a result, it is materia sugge majority of thissiwithout truck consists of steel, itessere can in beany completely recycled. Waste Proseguire la carica fino a quando delle bolle d’aria escono dall’elettrolito. Assicurarvi che il voltaggio conjunction withrimanga repairs,costante maintenance, cleaning or densità scrapping, must be raggiunge collected 1.280 and disposed degli elementi perand 3 ore. Quando la dell’elettrolito ± 0.005, of i to always verify possible updates changes. environment-friendly wayperand in A accordance with the directives of carica respective countries. Such w deve rimanere invariata 3 ore. questo punto, la quantità totale della elettrica deve essere 4/5volte la capacità e la caricafor deve durare 70 ore.Recyclable material should be taken care o must be carried out innormale, areas intended this purpose. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron di equalizzazione will4.2.2 haveRicarica a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. Durante l’uso, se la capacità del voltaggio non è omogenea, vuol dire che manca l’elettrolito. Si può eliminare questo problema grazie alla ricarica di equalizzazione, per ottenere la stabilità 1 degli Theelementi. information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod ) � )) ) può utilizzare la ricarica di equalizzazione nelleTherefore, seguenti condizioni: areSiconstantly being developed and renewed. we reserve the right to modify our 1) Il voltaggio di scaricawithout degli elementi è inferiore al valore (1.7V/per elemento). products at any moment prior notice and liability in finale any sanction. As a result, it is sugge 2) Gli elementi hanno un tasso elevato di scarica (es. quando il motore di guida e il motore di sollevamento sincronia). to always verify lavorano possible in updates and changes. 10 These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master 3) Battery has not been timely recharged after discharged. safety operation the truck. 4) Underof charged battery or battery not used for a long time. 3) La batteria non è stata regolarmente ricaricata dopo la scarica. Steps for balance charge: 4) La batteria è stata scaricata a fondo o non è stata utilizzata per un lungo periodo. 1) Charging with current 0.1Ithe 5A. trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. Du Specifications of different typesof of 2)and the di voltage reaches andthe the relevant air bubblesparts comefor out the fromtype the electrolyte, keep charging Fasi per laWhen ricarica equalizzazione: operation maintenance, please2.5V apply of the truck. 1)Caricarewith conthe la corrente 0.1 I5A. current of con 0.05valore I5A. 2)Quando il voltaggio raggiunge 2.5V e le bolle d’ariaforfuoriescono continuare la 3) When the battery is fully charged, stop charging half an hour.dall’elettrolito, Then keep on charging with the ricarica con la corrente a 0.05 I5A. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: of 0.025 I5A for 1 hour. ricaricata, interrompere la ricarica per mezz’ora. Poi, ri3)Quando current la batteria è completamente 4) laAfter stop charging for half hour, keep prendere ricarica con corrente a an 0.025 I5A percharging un’ora.with the current of 0.025 I5A for 1 hour again. 4)Dopo mezz’ora,continuare la ricarica perthe un’altra ora as a 0.025 I5A. 5) l’interruzione Repeat step 4diunless the air bubbles come out from electrolyte soon as the charger is la fase 4 tranne se delle bolle d’aria fuoriescono dall’elettrolito quando il caricabatte---- Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. 5)Ripetere connected to the power supply. ria viene collegato alla corrente. � Balance charging is essential monthly for the battery in use. 2. ----opportuno Notice must be observed before use avoid equipment damage. E’ effettuare periodicamente unatoricarica di equalizzazione (almeno 1 volta al (QJOLVK mese).4.3 Battery indicator ) Battery capacity meter: Discharging status of battery is indicated on battery capacity meter with ten batteria 3. 4.3 Indicatore ---General notice and specification Foreword before use. indicator bars for each 10% increase. With the consumption of battery capacity, the lighting bars will Indicatore livello dellalift batteria: lo stato dimark carica della and batteria è indicato dall’indicatore di descend downwards from the top. The ofsafety “Alarm” will correct appear when residual capacity of Welcome to di use this low pallet truck. For your operation, please carefully livello batteriabattery con segmenti che indicano ciascuno a be 10%completely d’incremento. at 30%. Now, the battery is ready charging. The standard majority of dieci this truck consists of steel, it for can recycled. Waste materia this instruction booksiand warnings on the truck before using partendo it. Quando la batteria scarica, i segmenti luminosi si spengono da “1” fino a “0”. The with mark repairs, of “Alarm”maintenance, and a flash “Stop” keeps flashing will appear whenbe residual capacity standard of i conjunction cleaning or scrapping, must collected andofdisposed Il segnale “ALARM” appare quando la capacità residua della batteria è inferiore o uguale al 30%. Now, the lifting function truck automatically cut of off and locked. countries. Such w environment-friendly way and in accordance withis the directives respective A quelbattery puntoatla20%. batteria ha bisogno di esserofcaricata. Il segnale “ALARM” e la spia lampeggiante “STOP” appaiono la capacità residua dellamaste These of the for truck edited for youquando to material completely acquire and must beOperation carried outInstructions in areas intended thisare purpose. Recyclable should be taken care o batteria è inferiore o uguale al 20%. A questo punto, le funzioni di sollevamento vengono autoCapacity Sufficient Charge Required Capacity Insufficient specialized authorities. hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron safety operation of the Environmentally truck. maticamente staccate e bloccate. will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. ) Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. D The information reportedplease hereinapply is based on data parts available at type the time of truck. printing. Our prod operation and maintenance, the relevant for the of the are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our Safety specifications andwithout specialprior notices areand marked with products at any moment notice liability in the anyfollowing sanction.signs: As a result, it is sugge to always verify possible updates and changes. 1. � ---- Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. ) If the battery meter indicates insufficient soon after lifting system works, the ---- Notice mustcapacity be observed before capacity use to avoid equipment damage. Capacità sufficiente 2. ) Ricarica richiesta Capacità insufficiente lifting function will be resumed only after recharging the battery to at least 70% of the capacity. Se----l’indicatore batteriaand segnala che la capacità èuse. insufficiente subito dopo che il sistema di 3. sollevamento General notice specification before è attivo, la funzione di sollevamento riprenderà solo dopo aver ricaricato la batteria almeno al 70%. 10 The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste mater conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. )The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod 1 11 Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our are constantly being developed and renewed. 5. Funzionamento 5 Operation instructions Timone 5.15.1 Control handle (QJOLVK Foreword 1 Pulsante di discesa 2 1.Lowering Marcia avanti e indietro Avvisatore 2.FWD-BWD Tuning Knob These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire3and master the acustico 4 Pulsante di arresto safety operation of the truck. 3 Horning Button 5 4.Reversing Pulsante di sollevamento Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. 5.Raising Button Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: 5.25.2Starting of Truck Messa up in moto �TheL’operatore deveconfirm assicurarsi che non vi siano nellabefore zona di lavoro durante la messa in [moto operator must no persons staying in the persone danger area dello stacker e durante il suo funzionamento o quando sta caricando della merce. ---- Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. 2. ---Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. starting and operating theprima truck ordi lifting cargos. Controlli quotidiani ogni messa in moto Verificare lo stato generale dello stacker (particolarmente le forche Routine Starting upuse. 3. ----Checking General noticebefore and specification before Verificare il fissaggio della Foreword batteria e la connessione dei cavi. z Check if any external truck defects (especially wheels and pallets) (QJOLVK ) e le ruote) Messa in moto: - Ruotare e premere il pulsante di emergenza. - Inserire la chiave nell’interruttore e girarla nella posizione “I” - L’indicatore della batteria indica la capacità attuale. z Rotate and turn on emergency parking switch - Verificare il funzionamento dell’avvisatore acustico ) The information based on available at time of printing. products of different typesherein of lock theis trucks are described these Operation Instructions. During - Verificare ilreported funzionamento deldata sistema dithefrenatura del zSpecifications Insert key into electric switch and turnin right to position “I”Ourtimone operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, reserve the right to modify our own Ora, i controlli precedenti la messa in we moto sono completati. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety correct operation, please carefully read The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can and be completely recycled. Waste material in conjunction repairs, cleaning orcable scrapping, and disposed of in an instruction and maintenance, warnings on the truck using it.must be collected zthis Checkwith ifbook battery fixed firmly andbefore connected properly environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by Truck starting upEnvironmentally These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you acquire and electronics, master the specialized authorities. hazardous waste, suchtoascompletely oil filters, batteries will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. safety operation of the truck. Battery capacity meter indicates the current capacity z products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is suggested Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: zto always Check the function ofand horn verify possible updates changes. 5.3 Funzionamento dello stacker 5.3.1 Messa in moto, guidaForeword e parcheggio z1. � Check the braking function of control handle ---Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. Prestare massima attenzione durante la messa in moto e il funzionamento dello stacker, soWelcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read Now, the preparation before starting up of the truck is completed. prattutto quando le parti del corpo sporgono dalla sagoma dello stacker. this instruction bookmust and be warnings on before the truck before using it. 2. ---- Notice observed use to avoid equipment damage. È severamente proibito trasportare o sollevare persone con lo stacker. (QJOLVK 5.3 The Truck Operation ) Pulsante d’arresto (emergenza) These Operation Instructions the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the 3. ---- General notice andofspecification before use. 5.3.1 Starting up, Driving and Parking safetyOperation operation of theof truck. (QJOLVK caso d’emergenza, premere il pulsante di arresto e tutte le funzioni del sistema elettrico saranForeword [InnoEnough caution must be attached for starting up and driving of the truck, especially when the interrotte. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in Specifications of differentmaintenance, types of the cleaning trucks are described in these Operationand Instructions. During conjunction or safety scrapping, beoperation, collected disposed of in an Welcome towith use repairs, this low lift pallet truck. For your and must correct please carefully read it. If necessary, please replace the gas spring of the handle. operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. environment-friendly way and out in accordance with the directives of respective countries.driving, Such work person body reaching of the truck. Make sure that during it this instruction warnings on for thethis truck before using it. must be carriedbook out inand areas intended purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by Starting up specialized authorities. Environmentally waste, such as oil filters, Safetyperson. specifications and special noticeshazardous are marked with the following signs:batteries and electronics, other will have a negative effect on the health, handled incorrectly. These Operation Instructions of environment, the truck are or edited forifyou to completely acquire and master the is prohibited to carry any Frenatura forzata In caso d’emergenza, rilasciare il timone e lo stacker si ferma automaticamente (arresto d’emer1 The battery case must be covered and checked to be reliable before starting up the truck. genza). Ilparking safety operation oftimone the truck. ritornerà automaticamente nella posizione B1. Emergency � ---Safety specification must be observed before useper to avoid injury. Our products 1. )TheSeinformation reported herein is troppo based on data available atritornare thepersonal time of printing. il timone impiega tempo Starting up the truck When parking urgently, emergency parking switch then allour electric control functions are cut Specifications of different types of therenewed. trucksassicurarsi areTherefore, described indi these Operation During are constantly being developed and we reserve the and right to modify own nella posizione B1press (freno), trovare e Instructions. 2. ---Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. driving speed isnotice controlled byin the controller. riparare difetto. Seprior necessario, sostituire la molla products at The anyilmoment without and liability any sanction. As a result, it is suggested off. gas. to a always verify possible updates and changes. z Turn into range “F” 3. ) ---General notice andcontrol specification use. Safety specifications andthe special noticeshandle are before marked withdriving the following signs: [ Forced braking zin Adjust the controller to thecontrol direction required Messa moto If you forced stop, release handle and Waste then material the truck is automatically braked Theare majority of thistotruck consists of steel,the it can be completely recycled. in ---- Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. � Controllare che la cleaning scatola della must batteria siaand conjunction with repairs, maintenance, or scrapping, be collected disposed of in an and the truck is moving towards the selected (emergency stop). The handle turn into above braking range environment-friendly way and control in accordance with will the directives of the respective countries. Such work (B1). chiusa e fissata correttamente prima della messa in moto.La velocità è controllata dal timone. Mettere il) timone nella posizione “F”. Scegliere la direzione di marcia girando il 11 timone a ) The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our products destra o a sinistra. Driving The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in 2. Notice be observed before to avoid equipment damage. must be ---carried outmust in areas intended for this use purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardoushandle waste, such oil filters, batteries In case ofdirection. slow turning of control intoasbraking range,and beelectronics, sure to find will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. 3. ---- General notice and specification before use. [ are constantly developed and renewed. reserve the right modify our conjunction withbeing repairs, maintenance, cleaning orTherefore, scrapping,we must be collected andtodisposed of inown an z Swing theincontrol handle leftwards orrespective rightwards to drive. 12 countries. environment-friendly way and accordance with the directives of Such work products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is suggested must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by Driving on a Slope to always verify possible updates and changes. out the fault and repair direction. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: Guida Driving Girare il timone a destra o athesinistra perleftwards manovrare lo tostacker. z Swing control handle or rightwards drive. ---- Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. Driving on a Slope Guida su tratti in pendenza The cargo carried must face to upward direction of the slope. Make sure to take safety Welcome to use this measures to the downward slip direction of the truck: When the control button at “0” position, please 2. Notice must be observed beforeverso use il to pendio. avoid equipment damage. Il---carico deve essere sempre rivolto Prendere le dovute precauzioni per the handle backwards immediately(QJOLVK and release it according to actual requirement to enable thistheinstructionilbook non far scivolare lo pull stacker verso il basso: quando il pulsante è su “O”, tirare immediatamente brake to work automatically and control the speed and per the direction of theiltruck (for elettromatimone all’indietro eelectromagnetic rilasciarlo secondo le necessità del momento inserire freno Foreword (QJOLVK downward slip). specification gnetico la velocità e la direzionebefore dello stacker verso il basso). 3.Welcome ----e controllare General notice and use. (per gli slittamenti to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read These Operation Ins this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. safety operation of th Foreword These Operation Instructions the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master The majority ofof this truck consists of steel, it can be the completely recycled. Waste materia safety operation of the truck. conjunction cleaning or safety scrapping, beoperation, collected and disposed of ir Welcome towith use repairs, this lowmaintenance, lift pallet truck. For(QJOLVK your and must correct please carefully Specifications of diff environment-friendly and accordance with Instructions. the directives of respective countries. Such w Specifications of different types way of the trucks areindescribed in these Operation During Foreword this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. operation and mainte operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. (QJOLVK must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read specialized authorities. hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron this instruction book and onEnvironmentally the are truck beforewith using Safety specifications andwarnings special notices marked theit.following signs: Frenatura Foreword will have a negative effect on the or health, handled incorrectly. These Operation Instructions of environment, the truck are edited forifyou to completely acquirespecifications and master Safety These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the ---- Safety specification must be observed use to personal è injury. 1. � L’operatore safety operation of the truck. deve capire che il before sistema diavoid frenatura soggetto alle condizioni della strada. Ci sono tre Braking safety operation of the truck. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully r tipiThe di frenatura del carrello: [ The operator must fully understand the braking performance is subject to the road conditions. information reported is based on data available at the(QJOLVK time of printing. Our prod 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use herein to avoid equipment damage. Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During - instruction elettromagnetica (timone) But there are three braking types for the truck: this book and warnings on the truck before using it. ---- SafetyDu s 1. Instructions. operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Specifications of different types of the trucks are described we in these Operation da inversione di marcia (sistema di controllo) are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, reserve the right to modify our z Electromagnetic braking (control handle) 3. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. - da sensore freno (frenoarediplease rilascio)apply operation anddel maintenance, the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Foreword Safety specifications and specialznotices the (controller) following signs: Reversemarked current with braking products at any moment without prior notice and liability inyou any sanction. Asacquire a result,---it is suggem Notice The Operation majority of this truck consists of steel, can completely recycled. Waste material in to completely 2. These Instructions ofit (release thebetruck edited for and master z Sensor braking braking)are Freno elettromagnetico conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an Welcome to di use this low lift pallet truck. For yourcountries. safety and correct operation, please(timocarefully r � In ----casi Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1.always way andthe inElectromagnetic accordance with braking the directives of respective Such work safety operation of truck. emergenza, lo stacker deve essere frenato solamente con la frenatura elettromagnetica toenvironment-friendly verify possible updates and changes. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by [ In emergency situations, the truck must be stopped by electromagnetic braking (control handle) ne). Il motore guida siand ferma automaticamente mettendo il timone nelle Il---timone specialized Environmentally hazardous such oildamage. filters, before batteries and electronics, this book warnings onequipment theas truck using it. posizioni B1 eB2. 3. General 2. instruction ---- authorities. Notice must be observed before use to waste, avoid automaticamente nellaorposizione B1 quando willritornerà have a negative effect on the environment, health, if handled incorrectly. viene rilasciato. Specifications of different types of the trucks are 12 described in these Quando parcheggiate lo stacker, il freno elettromagnetico serve da freno a mano.Operation Instructions. Du 3. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. )The information reportedspecification herein is based on data available the time of printing. Our products ---Safety be atobserved before avoid injury.and master 1. operation and maintenance, the parts forto the typepersonal of theacquire truck. These Operation Instructionsplease ofmust theapply truck arerelevant edited for use you to completely The majority of are constantly developeddiand renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our own Freno da being inversione marcia The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in safety of thepriortruck. conjunction with repa productsoperation at any without notice andorliability in anymust sanction. As a and result, it is suggested conjunction with moment repairs, maintenance, cleaning scrapping, be collected disposed of in an environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work 2. ---Notice must be observed before to avoid equipment In caso in cuiupdates siano fuori uso il sistema di controllo o l’unità motrice, possibiledamage. frenare tramite l’inversione di Safety and special notices are use marked with theèfollowing signs: to alwaysspecifications verify possible and changes. environment-friendly must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by marcia. Ruotare il timone dalla parte contraria del senso di marcia fino all’arresto del carrello. Poi rilasciare timone. out i specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, mustInstructions. beilcarried Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Du will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. specialized authoritie Frenatura da rilascio 3. ---General notice and specification use. operation and maintenance, please apply thebefore relevant parts for the type of the truck. ) The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our Il products will injury. have negative viene rilasciato il timone che torna posizione “0”. carrello è frenato dall’inerzia delamotoSafety specification must benella observed before use to avoid personal 1. Quando---are being developed and renewed. Therefore, èwe reservealla the right to modify del our own re.constantly Il rapporto di riduzione della velocità legato posizione timone. products specifications moment without and prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result,with it is suggested Safety special notices aresteel, marked thecompletely following signs: Theat any majority of this truck consists of it can be recycled. The Waste materia information always verify ----ilpossible Notice be observed before use to avoid equipment Se frenoupdates damust inerzia motore è tolto dal personale di manutenzione e sedamage. il timone è regolato nella and changes. conjunction withlorepairs, cleaning or freno scrapping, must be collected disposed of i posizione “0”, stacker maintenance, può essere fermato solo dal elettromagnetico o dal frenoand di inversione arecountries. constantlySuch beingw environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective marcia. Safety must for be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. must be ---carried outspecification innotice areasand intended this before purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o 3. General specification use. products at any mom 5.3.2 Movimentazione merce carico /scarico specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron 1 1 to always verify poss will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. 2. ThePrima ---Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. di movimentare la merce, l’operatore deve controllare che la capacità di sollevamento majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Wastenon materia venga superata e che il peso sia ben distribuito sulle forche. E’ sconsigliato prolungare la durata di solleconjunction repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, mustalbe collected and disposed of i vamento inwith carica massima. Le forche devono essereon inserite fino in fondo carico. The information reported herein is based data available at the time of printing. Our prod environment-friendly way and accordanceebefore with the respective e “DOWN” (SOLLEVAMENTO DISCESA) permettono of un movimento a countries. velocità fissa.Such w 3. I pulsanti ---- “UP” General notice andinspecification use.directives must be carriedbeing out in developed areas intended this purpose. Recyclable material should are constantly and for renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right be to taken modifycare our o Sollevamento delle forche specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron 1 Premere il pulsante di sollevamento fino all’altezza desiderata. all’altezza massima! products at any moment without prior notice and in any sanction. As a result, it is materia sugge The a majority of effect this truck of steel, it can Attenzione completely recycled. Waste will have negative on theconsists environment, or liability health, ifbehandled incorrectly. conjunction withdelle repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of i Abbassamento forche to always verify possible updates and changes. environment-friendly and inall’altezza accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such w Premere il pulsante diway discesa finoherein desiderata. The information reported is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod 13 must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such oil filters, and electron are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we as reserve thebatteries right to modify our � ) ) � ) � ) � ) � ) )) ) These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the safety operation of the truck. 6. Manutenzione Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. 6.1 Sicurezza e protezione dell’ambiente Le istruzioni del capitolo « Ispezione e manutenzione» devono essere applicate secondo il proSafety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: (QJOLVK gramma della lista di manutenzione. 1. � Qualsiasi ---- Safety specification must bestacker, observed before use to avoidipersonal injury. di sicurezza non possono essere cambiaparte dello soprattutto dispositivi Foreword ti senza autorizzazione. E’ rigorosamente proibito variare la velocità dello stacker. Tutti i ricambi 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. originali del costruttore sono certificati da Quality Assurance Authorities. Welcome to uselathis low liftepallet truck. For safety and correct operation, pleasedelcarefully r Per assicurare sicurezza l’affidabilità delloyour stacker, si consiglia di utilizzare i ricambi co3. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. I ricambi sostituiti, inclusi e carburanti, devono thisstruttore. instruction book and warnings onolithe truck before usingessere it. scaricati in zone definite dalle leggi per la protezione ambientale. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. 6.2 Misure di sicurezza per la manutenzione dello stacker These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master Personale di manutenzione: La manutenzione, la regolazione, la riparazione dello stacker devono safety operation the truck. essere eseguiti of soltanto da personale qualificato ed autorizzato dal costruttore. ) The information reported is baseddurante on data available at the time of printing. Our stacker, products Sollevamento delloherein stacker: il sollevamento dello il dispositivo di sollevamento Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. are constantly being sicuro developedeand renewed. Therefore, we lo reserve the right modify our deve essere affidabile. Quando stacker è toalzato, si own devono prendere tutte le misure di Du sicurezza permaintenance, evitare lo notice scivolamento o ilsanction. capovolgimento dello (i cunei legno possono products at any moment without prior and liability in any As a result, itparts is suggested operation and please apply the relevant forstacker the type of theditruck. utilizzati). Lo and stacker to essere always verify possible updates changes.può essere alzato dal suo dispositivo di sollevamento solo se il cavo rilegato sia abbastanza resistente. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: Pulizia: E’ severamente proibito utilizzare dei prodotti infiammabili per la pulizia dello stacker. Prima di pulire, prendere le dovute precauzioni per evitare la presenza di scintille (che possono essere causate da un cortocircuito). Prima di manipolare la batteria, staccarla. Gli elementi eletl’insieme componentimust elettronici possonobefore essere puliti con un injury. compressore Safetydei specification be observed use tosolamente avoid personal 1. trici e ---ad aria leggero o con una spazzola isolante e antistatica. � observed usea to avoid equipment damage. Se----il Notice carrellomust vienebepulito con unbefore pulitore getto d’acqua o ad alta pressione, si prega di coprire prima tutti gli elementi elettrici e l’insieme dei componenti elettronici per proteggergli dall’umidità e evitare il malfunzionamento. 1 proibito pulire un erogatore di vapore. 3. È severamente ---- General notice andcon specification before use. 2. ) Operazioni di saldatura: Per evitare di danneggiare gli elementi elettrici e l’insieme dei componenti rimuoverli dallo stacker of prima di iniziare saldatura. recycled. Waste materia Theelettronici, majority of this truck consists steel, it can una be completely conjunction withDopo repairs, cleaningdei orricambi scrapping, mustelettrici be collected and disposed Installazione: avermaintenance, sistemato o sostituito idraulici, o elettronici, si pre- of i environment-friendly in accordance ga di rimetterli nellaway loro and posizione iniziale. with the directives of respective countries. Such w must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o Ruote: Laauthorities. qualità delleEnvironmentally ruote si ripercuote sulla stabilità e sulla guida dello stacker. La sostituziospecialized hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron ne delle ruote deve essere vista e approvata dall’Azienda. Durante la sostituzione delle ruote, lo will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. stacker deve rimanere in orizzontale, nella sua posizione iniziale, (le ruote devono essere cambiate in coppia, sia la destra e la sinistra). The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod Catene di sollevamento: Senza lubrificazione, le catene si consumano rapidamente L’intervallo tempo fornito nel developed manuale di manutenzione per un uso condizioni normali. In caso our arediconstantly being and renewed.è valido Therefore, we in reserve the right to modify di utilizzo dello stacker in ambienti polverosi, a temperature inferiori allo zero e per impieghi particolarmente gravosi,without occorreprior ridurre l’intervallo tra i vari interventi di manutenzione. products at any moment notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugge ) Tubazioni idrauliche: tubazioni to always verify possibleLe updates andidrauliche changes.e l’insieme del sistema idraulico devono essere cambiati ogni sei anni. 6.3 Manutenzione ed ispezioni Un’accurata manutenzione è un importante fattore per il buon funzionamento dello stacker. Il trascurare la manutenzione può essere fonte di pericolo per persone e cose. 14 Il programma di manutenzione è basato su un uso dello stacker in condizioni normali. Il ciclo di manutenzione è accorciato se lo stacker viene utilizzato in ambienti polverosi o a temperature inferiori allo zero e per impieghi particolarmente gravosi, occorre ridurre l’intervallo tra i vari interventi di manutenzione. Si prega di seguire le fasi di manutenzione con questo programma: W1= ogni50 ore di lavoro, almeno una volta alla settimana M3= ogni 500 ore di lavoro, almeno una volta ogni tre mesi. M6= ogni 1000 ore di lavoro, almeno ogni sei mesi. M12= ogni 2000 H i lavoro, almeno una volta all’anno. Ogni 50 o 100 ore di lavoro o 2 mesi dopo la prima messa in moto: - Verificare se ci sono viti allentate sulle ruote e se necessario serrarle - Verificare l’eventuale presenza di perdite nel sistema idraulico e ripararle se necessario Sostituire i filtri idraulici. 6.4 Lista di manutenzione: Standard: 0 (obbligatorio) Cella frigorifera: # (facoltativo) 1.1 Telaio 1.2 2.1 Sistema guida 2.2 2.3 3.1 Ruote 3.2 Sterzo Sistema frenaggio 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Dispositivo di sollevamento 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 Sistema idraulico 7.3 Sistema elettrico 7.4 7.5 7.6 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Programma di manutenzione Controllo dei cuscinetti Controllo di tutta la bulloneria Controllo rumorosità ed eventuali perdite Controllo livello olio Lubrificazione Controllo usura ed eventuali rotture Controllo dei cuscinetti e assicurarsi che siano adatti alle ruote a) Controllo sterzo Controllo e regolazione del funzionamento Controllo della funzione di regolazione della molla a gas e di eventuali perdite o rotture Controllo dello stato d'usura dei freni Controllo della connessione del freno e regolazione se necessario Controllo del funzionamento usura e e regolazione Controllo di eventuali bloccaggi della ruota di carica Controllo dell'usura o presenza di cricche nelle forche Controllo del funzionamento Controllo della presenza di eventuali perdite o di rotture di tutti i giunti b) Controllo della presenza di eventuali perdite o di rotture nel cilindro idraulico o negli equipaggiamenti Controllo livello olio Sostituzione filtro e olio c) Controllo funzione del regolatore di pressione Controllo del funzionamento Controllo della connessione e dello stato dei cavi Controllo dell'amperaggio dei fusibili Controllo degli interruttori Controllo connettori e se necessario sostituzione degli articoli usurati Controllo funzionamento del dispositivo d'allarme 15 W 1 M 3 0 0 0 0 0 M 6 M 12 # 0 # # 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 0 0 0 # 0 Electrical system Motore Motor Batteria 9.1 9.2 9.3 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Battery Lubrificazione 11.1 12.1 Controlli supplementari Lubrication 12.2 cables, and if any damage Inspection of Amperage of fuse Inspection of safety, reliability and function of switches 8.4 unlocking cam equipment Controllo and dell'usura delle spazzole Inspection of connector, replace the worn part if Controllo fissaggio motore 8.5 necessary Pulizia del motore con un aspirapolvere, controllo 8.6 statoInspection of function of alarm equipment dello di usura del commutatore 9.1 Inspection of wearing state ofdell'acido carbon brush Controllo voltaggio, densità e livello # 9.2 Inspection of safety of motor attachment della batteria Clean motor frame with vacuum cleaner, inspection of Controllo stato terminali di connessione, lubrifi9.3 # wearing state of commutor care se necessario Inspection of density and capacity of acid, voltage of Pulizia # 10.1 dei connettori e controllo fissaggio battery Controllo dello stato di usura del cavo e sostituInspection of safety device of connection terminal, zione 10.2 se bisogno applicability of grease Lubrificare le parti dello stacker secondo la tabelClean connector of battery, inspection of compactness # la10.3 delle lubrificazioni of fit Controllo Inspection dei problemi massa sistema of nella damage of del battery cable, replace it if 10.4 elettronico necessary Controllo Paint della grease velocitàtodithe guida della corsa truckeaccording to del the time schedule 11.1 freno of lubrication feeding Controllo velocitàofdithe sollevamento e di discesa Inspection fault in grounding of electrical system 12.1 della Controllo del dispositivo di sicurezza e di chiusura Inspection of driving speed and braking distance 12.2 8.3 12.3 12.4 Integrated 13.1 Messa in servizio con carico measurement Inspection of lifting and lowering speed 12.3 Dimostrazioni la manutenzione, lo stacker è certificato per 13.2 Dopo Inspection safety device and closing device # 12.4 affidabile per of essere l'operatore 13.1 Commissioning under load rating 0 0 ## 0 0 ● ● 0 ● ● # ● 0# ● 0# ● 0# ● # ● 0 ● 0 ●0 0 0 0 ● ● ● ● a) Dopo 100 ore di lavoro dalla consegna, verificare se cimaintenance, sono viti allentate sulle e se necessario (QJOLVK Demonstration After above the truck is ruote certificated to be #serrarle. ● 13.2verificare che non ci sano perdite nel sistema idraulico e se necessario sostituire i pezb) Dopo 100 ore di lavoro dalla consegna reliable for operator zi. Foreword 100 hours afterA initial operation, check if la any loose nuts on wheels and tighten them if d)Dopo 500 a)About ore di lavoro dalla consegna circa 500 ore di lavoro dopo consegna. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read necessary 6.5 Riparazione e manutenzione b)About 100 hours after initial operation, check if any leakage of hydraulic parts and tighten them if this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the required safety operation of the truck. 6.5.1 Operazioni preliminari alla manutenzione d) 500 hours initial operation Prima di effettuare le after operazioni di manutenzione, agire come segue: Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. - Posizionare il carrelloSpecifications elevatore su una superficie piana ed assicu6.5 Operation of Repair and Maintenance rarsi che non ci possano essere spostamenti accidentali. Safety specifications andPreparation special notices are following signs:or maintained ofmarked truckwith tothe repaired - Premere6.5.1 il pulsante di emergenza e be staccare la batteria. Prepare all necessary safety measures to avoid possible ---- Safety specification must precauzioni be the observed beforese use avoid personal injury. 1. � Prendere accident during course ofsito repair andeffettuare maintenance by di le dovute devono lavori manutenzione con lethe forche o lopreparations: stacker sollevato. Fare riferimento completing following 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. al capitoloz“Trasporto e messa in moto”. Parking the truck safely 3. ---- General and specification before use. z notice Press emergency 6.5.2 Controllo livello olio parking switch and cut off the power of the battery. ) Allestire lo stacker per la riparazione o per la manutenzione; truck, protection measures - Rimuovere le 4 viti (2) e (10) - Aprire entrambe le parti del cofano (1) e (3) In case of lifting of the truck, - Verificare il livello dell’olio nel serbatoio. Le procedure d’installazione sono fatte in sequenza contraria. 16 ) The information reported herein based on dell’olio data availableidraulico, at the time of printing. Our products Durante il controllo delislivello le forche devono essere alla minima altezza. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an the operation done after lifting countries. of the forks or lifting of the environment-friendly wayWhen and in accordance with theisdirectives of respective Such work must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by should be taken to avoid waste, slipping over ofand theelectronics, forks or the truck. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous suchor asturning oil filters, batteries will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. [ are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our own 6.5.3 Controllo dei fusibili As a result, it is suggested lo stacker la riparazione o per la manutenzione. to Allestire always verify possible updatesper and changes. - Aprire entrambe le parti del cofano (1) e (3) - Consultare la scheda dei fusibili per conoscere il voltaggio e sostituirli se necessario. products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. 16 Foreword CODICE DESCRIZIONE AMPERAGGIO Fusibile WelcomeFU to use this lowdel liftcircuito pallet principale truck. For your safety and correct 200A operation, please carefully r FU1 Fusibile del controllo guida 10A this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. FU2 Fusibile del controllo di sollevamento 6A 6.5. 4 Uso dello stacker dopo la manutenzione These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master safety operation of the truck. Dopo la manutenzione o la riparazione, prima di utilizzare lo stacker: (QJOLVK - Pulire lo stacker; Specifications different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. Du Foreword - Controllareof i freni; - Controllare il pulsante d’emergenza; operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Controllare l’avvisatore acustico. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully this book and and dello warnings on theare truck before using 6.6instruction Immagazzinamento stacker Safety specifications special notices marked with the it. following signs: (QJOLVK In caso di un lungo periodo di immagazzinamento, per più di 2 mesi, si deve collocare lo stacker These Instructions the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and maste in un Operation luogo asciutto, pulito e alofriparo dal gelo. Prima di depositare lo stacker, prendere le dovute precauzioni. Durante dopo l’immagazzina---- Safetyofspecification before use to avoid epersonal injury. operation the truck. must be observed Foreword mento seguire se seguenti indicazioni: � Welcome to Notice usel’immagazzinamento, this lowbe liftobserved pallet truck. For use your and correct operation, please carefully r 2.Specifications ---must tosafety avoid equipment damage. Durante lobefore stacker deve essere sollevato per tenere le ruote staccate of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. D dal suolo. Cosi, le ruote e i cuscinetti non si deterioreranno. Se il periodo di immagazzinamento è this instruction book and warnings onapply the truckrelevant before using operation maintenance, partsit.forper theavere typemaggiori of the truck. superioreand ai sei mesi, si pregaplease di contattare the il servizio assistenza istruzioni. 3. ---- General notice and specification before use. 6.6.1 Operazioni preliminari all’immagazzinamento These Instructions of the truckare aremarked edited with for you to completely SafetyOperation specifications and special notices the following signs:acquire and master safety operation of the truck. - Pulire lo stacker fondo; The majority ofa this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste materia - Verificare i freni; conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of i - Verificare il livello dell’olio idraulico e rabboccare se necessario; ---Safety specification must be observed before use avoid personalcountries. injury. 1. Specifications different typesin ofaccordance the trucks with are described intothese Operation Instructions. environment-friendly way and the directives of respective SuchDuw - Lubrificare of i pezzi per proteggerli; - Consultare laout lista ricambi da lubrificare; must be carried indei areas intended for this Recyclable should be taken care o operation and maintenance, please apply thepurpose. relevant parts for thematerial type of the truck. Ricaricare la batteria; specialized Environmentally hazardous as oil filters, batteries and electron 2. ----authorities. Notice must be observed before use towaste, avoid such equipment damage. Staccare e pulire la batteria, mettere del grasso sugli elettrodi. will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: Si seguireand anche le istruzionibefore della manutenzione della batteria. 3. ----consiglia Generaldinotice specification use. The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod 6.6.2 Misure da prendere durante l’immagazzinamento ---- Safety specification observedTherefore, before usewe to reserve avoid personal injury. 1. are constantly being developed must and be renewed. the right to modify our Thedue majority of thislatruck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste mater Ogni mesi: caricare batteria. conjunction withmoment repairs,without maintenance, cleaning scrapping, be collected and disposed of products at any prior notice and or liability in anymust sanction. As a result, it is sugge 2.environment-friendly ---- funzionare Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. Fare la batteria. way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such tomust always verify possible updates and changes. be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care E’ importante caricare regolarmente la batteria. Lo scarico totale provocherà lo scarico automatiauthorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro co della e potrebbe guastarla. 3.specialized ----batteria General notice and specification before use. will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. 6.6.3 Riavviamento The of this truck herein consists steel, can available be completely recycled. WasteOur materia Themajority information reported is of based onitdata at the time of printing. prod - Pulire lo stacker a fondo; conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of i - Consultare la lista dei ricambi da lubrificare; are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our environment-friendly way and accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such w - Pulire la batteria, mettere delingrasso sugli elettrodi e connetterla; - Ricaricare batteria; must be carriedlaout in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o products at any moment priornell’olio notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugge Verificare che non siawithout dell’acqua motore e sostituirlo se oil necessario; specialized authorities.ciEnvironmentally hazardous waste, such as filters, batteries and electron Verificare chepossible noneffect ci siaupdates dell’acqua idraulico e sostituirla necessario; to -always andnell’olio changes. will have a verify negative on the environment, or health, if handledseincorrectly. - Avviare lo stacker. ) � )) � ) ) )The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod 17 These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the safety operation of the truck. Manutenzione della batteria Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Se il sistema elettrico è guasto, spazzolare tutte le connessioni elettriche esposte con un detersivo adeguato. Ripetere questa fase fino a togliere lo strato di ossidazione. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: 1. � Dopo ---- Safety must be observed beforeimmediatamente use to avoid personal injury. laspecification messa in moto, testare il freno elettromagnetico. 2. Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. 6.6.4----Problemi, cause, soluzioni 3. Trovate qui sotto gli elementi per diagnosticare ed eliminare i guasti per possono accadere duranteThe l’uso dello stacker: majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in ) ---- General notice and specification before use. conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an environment-friendly the directives of respective countries. Such workSOLUZIONI PROBLEMI way and in accordance with CAUSE must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous -I waste, such asdella oil filters, batteries andsconelectronics,-Verificare i connettori della connettori batteria sono will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, nessi;if handled incorrectly. connetterli se necessario; batteria e )The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our products -L’interruttore di blocco è sulla posi-Mettere su “I”; are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our own zione “0”; products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. Lo stacker non parte to always verify possible updates and changes. As a result, it is suggested-Accenderlo; -Interruttore di emergenza è spento; -La batteria è completamente scarica; -Verificare la capacità della batteria e se necessario ricaricarla; -Il timone non è posizionato sulla “F”; - Mettere su “F”; - Fusibile danneggiato -Lo stacker non può essere utilizzato; -Verificare i fusibili FU e FU1 -Vedere la parte “Lo stacker non parte” ; -Perdita di olio nel sistema idraulico; -Verificarlo; Foreword (QJOLVK Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and -Controllare correct operation, please carefully -Fusibile danneggiato; il fusibile FU2; Le forche non si sollevano 1 this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it.-Ricaricare la batteria; -Capacità della batteria al 20/30%; -Scarsa connessione o i micro di solle- These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you-Verificarli to completely and maste vamento sono danneggiati; e sostituirliacquire se necessario -Verificare l’olio e pulire la valvola. safety operation of the truck. -La valvola di controllo è intasata da Le forche restano alzate un liquido sporco ; Cambiare l’olio se necessario; elettromagnetica di discesa -Verificare cambiare la valvola se Specifications of different types-Laofvalvola the trucks are described in thesee Operation Instructions. D è fuori uso o è danneggiata; necessario; operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. -Il micro di sollevamento è danneggia- -Spegnere lo stacker e cambiare il miLe forche non restano alzate to; cro interruttore di sollevamento; -Spegnere stacker e sostituire Movimentazione in una sola Safety specifications anddirespecial noticesloare marked withilthe -Verificarli; following signs: micro. zione 1. 2. 3. -La batteria è in riserva, il freno elet-Verificare il livello della batteria, il tromagnetico è troppo stretto o scarsa freno elettromagnetico ed i cavi; cavi relativi; ---- Safety specificationconnessione must be dei observed before use to avoid personal injury. -Il timone è danneggiato; -Sostituirlo; Avvio improvviso dello stacker ---- Notice must be observed usedeltopulsante avoid equipment damage. -Nessunabefore regolazione -Sistemare o sostituire il pulsane AVANTI/INDIETRO Velocità lenta � ) ---- General notice and specification before use. Se un problema persiste nonostante queste soluzioni, si prega di informarne il Servizio Assistenza. 18 The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste mater conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of USER MANUAL STACKER LEO SERIES Note: Do not use the truck before reading and understanding this operating manual INDEX FOREWORD Pag. 20 1. Operation Safety Regulations Pag. 21 2. Technical Specifications Pag. 24 3. Transportation and Commissioning Pag. 26 4. Maintaining, Charging and Replacing the Battery Pag. 27 5. Operation instruction Pag. 29 6. Maintenance of the Truck Pag. 32 7. Electric and Hydraulic diagram Pag. 55 8. Spare parts drawings and lists Pag. 56 Falcon Lift thanks you for choosing the stacker LEO Series. For your safety and correct operation, please read carefully the manual before using it. ® 19 (QJOLVK Foreword Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the safety operation of the truck. Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: 1. 2. 3. � ---- Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. )The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our products are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our own products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. to always verify possible updates and changes. 1 20 As a result, it is suggested 1. Operation Safety Regulations 1.1 The Operator Requirements The truck must be operated by a trained person who can demonstrate moving and operating the truck to the user and can instruct vividly the user how to operate the truck. 1.2 Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities of the Operator The operator must fully understand his rights and obligations and has received the training of the truck operation. At the same time, the operator must master the related descriptions in the Operation Instructions. In the operation of walking control truck, the operator should wear safety boots. 1.3 Forbidden use by unauthorized persons During operation, the operator must be responsible for the truck and prevent unauthorized persons in driving or operating the truck. The truck is strictly forbidden to lift or carry persons. 1.4 Failure and fault In case of any failure or fault, please notify the administrator immediately. In case that the truck cannot work safely (such as wheel worn-out or brake fault), please stop using the truck until they are properly repaired. 1.5 Repair Without professional training and specific authorization, the operator is forbidden to repair or change any part of the truck. Any change of installation position of switches and safety devices is strictly forbidden by the operator to avoid efficiency decrease of the truck. All spare parts from original manufacturer are qualified by Quality Assurance Authorities. To ensure the safety and reliability of truck operation, only spare parts from manufacturer can be applied. The parts replaced, including oils and fuels, must be disposed according to related environmental protection regulations. 1.6 Danger area Danger area refers to the area where the truck or its lifting device (such as fork or attachment) is working or lifting, which brings potential dangerous factors to persons or the area for load transportation. Generally, the range of danger area extends to the point of load lowering or truck attachment lowering. [ Unauthorized persons must be kept away from danger area. For any circumstance with potential danger to persons, the operator must give warning notice. If someone still stays in the danger area while being requested to leave, the operator must stop the truck immediately. 1.7 Working in hazardous environments A truck operating in an area where there is a risk, or in any other high-risk area, should be specially 2 21 equipped for the purpose. The truck is not normally equipped for these situations. 1.8 Safety devices and warning signs Enough importance should be attached to safety devices, warning signs and warning notices introduced above in Operation Instructions. 1.9 Driving in public areas The truck should not be driven on public roads outside a specific area. 1.10 Distance between vehicles Remember that the vehicle in front of you may brake suddenly therefore keep a reasonable distance. 1.11 Passengers Passengers should not ride on the truck unless otherwise indicated on the truck. 1.12 Use in elevator and operation on loading platform The truck may only be driven into an elevator and operate on loading platform if it has been authorized. The elevator and loading platform with enough load capacity without affecting truck operation can be used for transportation of truck under the permission of the truck user. The operator must confirm this point before entering elevator or loading platform. The cargo should be placed in the front side at a proper position when the truck enters elevator to avoid touch to the walls of elevator. In case of simultaneous use of elevator by the truck and passengers, passengers must enter the elevator after proper parking of the truck and walk out of elevator before moving of the truck. 1.13 Operation in narrow aisles and working areas In particular circumstances when the truck is passing a narrow aisle, unauthorized persons must leave away from the working area and cargo must be placed in a special vessel. 1.14 Operation management Driving speed must be applicable for local conditions. Low speed is requested for curve driving, narrow aisle passing, swing door passing or driving in blocked field. The operator must be capable to measure the braking distance to front truck by sight and control his truck continuously. Sudden brake (except in emergency), quick U-turn and overtaking in a blocked field are prohibited. Operating with body reaching out of truck and carrying persons is strictly forbidden. 1.15 Visibility The operator must focus on the driving direction to ensure clear sight for the road conditions ahead. In case the carried cargo interrupts the sight, reverse driving is requested. If it doesn’t help in this way, there must be another person walking ahead of truck to give guidance and warning. 1.16 Passing a slope The permitted slope in a narrow aisle for truck passing must be clean and anti-slip. Driving on slops stipulated in technical specifications (instructions manual) is permitted. The carried cargo must face to upward direction of slope. U-turning or parking the truck on a slope is prohibited. On passing a slope, driving is requested at low speed. At the same time, the operator must be always prepared to brake and stop. 1.17 Floor Load 3 22 It is advisable to carefully check notices and directions about the maximum floor load or maximum wheel pressure to ensure that this is not exceeded. 1.18 Transports The truck should always be driven with the height of forks to the lowest position except when placing or removing a load. Standing on or sitting on the truck had better be driven in the opposite direction of the forks when possible. This will allow better visibility and maneuverability. Driving with the forks pointing forward may cause the truck to maneuver unexpectedly. 1.19 Load characteristics The cargo should be carried correctly, safely and reliably. Carrying a cargo with stacking-height exceeding top of truck or protection shield is strictly forbidden. 1.20 Truck on another vehicle’s loading platform or on a gangway Before the truck is driven from a loading bay and onto the platform of a lorry or a wagon, you should always check the maximum load capacity of the gangway. There should also be devices that prevent the gangway from sliding. The driver also should remember to check the maximum load capacity of the vehicle that you intend to drive onto. There should also be devices (e.g. brake blocks) that prevent the vehicle from moving. 1.21 Parking The truck should not be left unattended other than in specified parking areas. The truck should always be parked on a level surface. The forks must be lowered to their lowest position. Always turn the ignition to the “OFF” position. Unauthorized personnel should not use the truck. Always remove the ignition key from the electrical lock when leaving the truck. )If the truck is left unused for a prolonged period without being recharged (e.g. between two shifts), the battery plug should be disconnected. 1.22 Signaling It is advisable to use the signal horn to attract attention. 1.23 Protective shoes Protective shoes should be worn when working with truck according to EU standards EN-345:1-S1. 1.24 Additional units / Trailers Authorized representative should be contacted if, after delivery, the truck is equipped with additional units, tows hitch equipment for trailers or other accessories which could influence the stability or braking capacity of the truck. 4 23 2. Technical Specifications 2.1 Main Purpose and Application The LEO pallet truck is specially designed for conveyance on level roads. With compact structure, WP-LPT The LEO pallet truck is quite applicable for plants, workshops, wharfs and small warehouses. At the WP-LPT same time, it can be used to load/unload cargos on trucks and the Load capacity is marked on the truck data plate. 2.2 Technical Features 2.2.1 Specification Sheets Varie/ Other Autres Electric motor Performance Dimensions Wheels types Weight Characteristics WP-LPT15(DC) WP-LPT15(AC) FALCONLIFT Power supply (electric, diesel, petrol, gas, electric electric 1.2 1.3 Modello/Model designation/Désignation du constructeur FLLEO1229AL FLLEO1232 FLLEO1236 mains electric) 1.3 Alimentazione/Power supply/Mode de translation Elettrico/Electric/Electrique Type of operation (hand, pedestrian, stand on, 1.4 pedestrian pedestrian 1.4 Tipo di guida/Type of control/order Mode de conduite Da terra/Pedestrian/Accompagnant rider seated, picker) 1.5 1.5 Portata/Load capacity//Capacité Q kg 1250 Capacity rated nominale load 1500 1500 1.6 1.6 BaricentroLoad del carico/Load c mm 600 centercentre/Centre distance de gravité de la charge nominale 600 600 1.8 1.8 Distanza del carico/Load distance/Déport avant de la charge x mm 796 1054 Load distance 963 1054 963 1.9 1.9 Interasse/Wheelbase/Empattement y mm 1278 1310 Wheelbase 1217 1310 1217 2.1 2.1 Peso proprio/Service weight/Poids àbattery) vide 910 910 930 Weight (including kg 286 kg 286 Pressione sugli assali, con carico lato guida-lato carico/Axle loading, laden front-rear / Charge par essieu 2.2 2.2 kg 1030/1130 Axle loadings laden drive end / load end kg 760/1026 674/1112 760/10261030/1130 674/1112 1040/1140 avec charge côté conducteur-côté charge Pressione Axle sugli assali, senza carico lato guida-lato carico/Axle par loadings unloaded drive end /loading, load unladen end front-rear/Charge kg 222/64 226/60 2.3 2.3 kg 670/240222/64 670/240226/60 685/245 essieu à vide côté conducteur-côté charge Tyres (rubber, Vulkollan, pneumatic, 3.1 3.1 Gommatura/Tyres/Equipement roues Poliuretano/Polyurethane/Polyuréthane polyurethane polyurethane 3.2 Dimensionipolyurethane) ruote - lato guida/ Tyre size – front /Dimensions des roues côté conducteur mm Ø 252x89 endcôté chargemm Φ252x89mm 3.3 3.2 DimensioniTyre ruotesize - lato carico/ Tyre size – rear / Dimensionsdrive des roues ØΦ230x70 80x70 / Ø 80x93 Tyre size wheels/Roue pivotante load end mm Φ84x70 * Φ74x70 ** Φ84x70 * Ø 150x54 Φ74x70 ** 3.4 3.3 Ruote pivottanti/Castor mm Numero ruote (x= trazione) lato(dimensions) guida-lato carico / Wheels – number (x= dive wheel) front-rear / Roues, Φ100x40 Castor wheels Φ100x40 3.5 3.4 1x+2/4 nombre (x = roue motrice) côté conducteur-côté charge Wheels, number(x=drive wheel) 3.5 1x -2/ 2 or 1x -2/ 4 1x -2/ 2 or 1x -2/ 4 3.6 Carreggiata anteriore/Track width-front / Voie - côté conducteur b10 mm 650 3.6 Track width (front) drive end 490 490 3.7 Carreggiata posteriore/Track width rear/Voie - côté charge b11 mm 390/505 3.7 Track width(rear) load end 360 490 360 490 4.2 Altezza montante abbassato/Lowered mast height/Hauteur du mât abaissé h1 mm 1946 2096 2296 4.4 Lift height 120 120 4.3 Alzata libera/ Free Lift/Levée libre h2 mm 1490 158 158 height inheight/Hauteur neutrality de position 1235 1235 4.4 4.9 Altezza diTiller sollevamento/Lift levée h3 mm 2820 3120 3520 Fork height lowered 85 4.5 4.15 Altezza montante sfilato/Extended mast height/Hauteur hors tout mât déployé h4 mm75 3276 85 3576 75 3976 4.19 Overall length 1590 1660 1590 1660 Altezza timone in posizione di guida min. max./Tiller height in drive position min. max. / Hauteur du 4.9 timon en position de conduite min. - max. h14 mm 940/1320 4.20 Length to front face of fork 440 440 4.15 4.21 Altezza forche abbassate/Lowered forks height/Hauteur sur fourches, en position basse h13 mm 81 Overall width 700 700 4.19 4.22 LunghezzaFork totale/Overall lenght/Longueur totale hors tout l1 mm 1908 47 / 160 / 47 / 160 / 47 / 160 / 47 / 160 / dimensions Lunghezza compreso spessore forche/Lenght to front face of forks/Longueur de la partie motrice, jusqu‘à la 4.20 4.25 l2 mm 758 Overall fork width 520 650 520 650 face avant des fourches 4.32 Floor clearance, center of wheelbase 34 24 34 4.21 Larghezza totale/Overall width/Largeur totale du châssis b1 mm 890 24 Working aisle with 800x1200 pallet lengthwise 4.34 1944 1976 1944 1976 4.22 Dimensioni forche/Forks dimensions/Dimensions des fourches s/e/l mm 60/180/1150 turning 1480 b5 1550 1480 570/685 1550 4.25 4.35 Scartamento esterno radius forche/Width over forks/Ecartement extérieur des fourches mm Luce libera a metà passo/Ground clearance at the centre of wheelbase/Garde au sol au milieu de 5.1 Travel Speed laden / unloaded km / h 5.0 / 5.2 5.0 / 26 5.2 4.32 l‘empattement m2 mm 5.2 Lifting speed laden / unloaded mm/s 27 / 35 27 / 35 Larghezza corsia di lavoro con pallet 1000x1200 trasversale/Aisle width for pallet 1000x1200 crossways/ Ast 4.33 5.3 Lowering speed laden / unloaded mm/s 42 / 27 mm 42 2224 / 27 Largeur d‘allée pour palette 1000 x 1200 en largeur Larghezza corsia di lavoro con pallet 800x1200 longitudinale/Aisle width for pallets 800x1200 length5.8 Grade-ability laden / unloaded % 5/ 8 5/ 8 4.34 ways/Largeur d‘allée pour palette 800 x 1200 en longueur Ast mm 2158 5.10 Brakes Electric-magnetic Electric-magnetic 4.35 Raggio di volta/Outer turning radius/Rayon de giration Wa mm 1590 6.1 Drive motor kw 1.0 0.6(AC) 5.1 Velocità di traslazione con-senza carico / Travel speed, laden-unladen / Vitesse de translation avec-sans charge km/h 5.2/5.5 motor 0.8 mm/s 0.8 5.2 6.2 Velocità di Lifting sollevamento con - senza carico / Lift speed, laden-unladen / Vitesse de levéekw avec-sans charge 110/170 1 6.3 Battery acc. To BS, no ) no no di discesa con-senza carico / Lowering speed, laden-unladen / Vitesse de descente avec-sans 5.3 Velocità mm/s 120/130 charge 6.4 Battery voltage, normal capacity K5 V/Ah 2x12 / 80 2x12 / 80 PendenzaBattery massima superabile Rampe maximum weight con-senza +/-5% carico / Max. greadibility, laden-unladen /kg 48 % 48 5.8 6.5 6/12 avec-sans charge Battery dimensions l /w / h mm 260 / 170 / 230 260 / 170 / 230 5.10 Freno di esercizio/Service brake/Frein de service Elettromagnetico/Electromagnetic/Electromagnétique 8.1 Type of drive control MOSFET Control MOSFET Control Motore di traslazione, potenza s2 60min/Drive motor hourly rating s2/Moteur de translation, puissance 6.1 s2 = 60 mn kw 1.2 8.4 Sound level at driver’s ears dB(A) <70 <70 6.2 Motore di sollevamento,potenza s3 = 15% 2.2 Turning angle s3 15%/Lift motor rating at s3 15%/Moteur de levée, puissance ° 205 kw 205 Batteria secondo DIN 43531/35/36 A,B,C,non / Battery equipment acc. to DIN 43531/35/36 A,B,C,non / 6.3 3PzS *: Single Batteriewheel selon laisΦ84x93; norme DIN 43531/35/36/A,B,C,non capacità nominale della batteria k5/Battery voltage and nominal capacity k5/Tension de la batterie **: Voltaggio Singleewheel isΦ74x93; 6.4 V/Ah 24/210 et capacité nominale K5 6.5 Peso batteria/Battery weight/Poids de la batterie kg -8.1 Tipo di comando di marcia/Type of drive control/Commande de vitesse Mosfet rumore secondo EN 12053, orecchio operatore/Average noise peak at operator’s ear acc. to EN 8.4 Soglia dB(A) 67 5 12053/Niveau sonore moyen, mesuré à l‘oreille du cariste selon EN12053 Other Dati motore/ Elecric motor/ Moteurs Prestazioni/ Performance data/ Performances Dimensioni base/ Basic dimensions/ Dimensions Ruote e gommature/ Wheels types Roues et bandages Pesi/ Weight/ Poids Caratteristiche/ Characteristics/ Caractéristiques Model of manufacture 1.1 1.2 COSTRUTTORE / MANUFACTURER / CONSTRUCTEUR 24 2.2 .2 Technical data-Standard version Description of the technical data according to VDI 2198. reserved. Technical modifications and additions 2.2.3 EN standards Duration of noise level must be < 70dB(A); Refer to ISO4871 Standard )Noise surrounding the truck is evaluated as average complying with standard rules. Noise on traveling, lifting and racing is measured by hearing. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Manufacturer confirms the tests of electromagnetic emission, immunological interference and electrostatic elimination are evaluated complying with EN12895 and other standards included. )Any changes in parts of the electrical system can be performed on written approval by the manufacturer. 2.2.4 Application Conditions Surrounding temperature Operation range: 5℃~40℃ )During continuous operation of the truck under conditions below 5℃ or in low temperature and high humidity, special protections should be taken for some certain instruments. 25 6 3. Transportation and Commissioning 3.1 Crane-Carried The load capacity of hoisting equipment applied should be adequate. (Carried weigh more than net weight of truck; refer to truck data plate) )Hoisting position is specially designed on chassis by the manufacturer For convenience of conveyance. z Place the truck at a safe position z Point of strength of the crane must be attached to hoisting position Point of strength of the crane must be attached to hoisting position to avoid slip of the truck. During hoisting, the hoisting equipment applied must be attached to hoisting position without touching the truck. 3.2 Commissioning Only battery can be applied as power of the truck. AC power will damage the electric circuit. The length of connecting cable for the battery should be less than 6m. For normal operation of the truck after delivery or transportation, the following procedures should be carried out: z Check if the assembly of all the truck parts is complete and satisfying the requirement. z If necessary, install the battery and avoid damage of battery cable. z Charge the battery immediately. z If the consumer expects to apply a maintenance-free battery as substitute, please check if the type of battery capacity meter matches the battery (or on approval of after-sales service of the manufacturer) 8 26 4. Maintaining, Charging and Replacing the Battery 4.1 Maintenance The operation various Rechargeable sealed Lead Acid battery (VRLA) is used in be thisperformed pallet truckbywhich needs The of charge, repair and replacement of the battery should qualified professionals less maintenance. 4.2 Battery Charging The LEO pallet trucks are equipped with a specific charger to charge the battery. The WP-LPT15 Before connecting to charge the battery, make sure the battery charger, emergency switch and electric lock switch at off position. Please charge the battery in a dry and air-circulated environment and keep away from fire source. Under truck operation, the battery charging should be performed no less than once per month. The battery of pallet truck should be charged duly and regularly. When the capacity is consumed, the alarm will start flashing on the battery capacity meter during operation. At this stage, please charge the battery immediately. fully automatic charge: fully automatic and smart charger is applied for the pallet truck. When the plug on connecting plate of the truck is pulled out and connected to the power, the charger indicator lights in red. The charger will adjust the current according to residual capacity of the battery automatically, which ensures the course of charge in the best state. After charging the battery, the charger indicator lights green and the charging course stops with power off automatically. The charging course generally lasts 5-7 hours. It is prohibited to charge the battery before it is used up. Otherwise, the battery could be damaged. [During the charging course of battery, all water feeding cock caps of each battery cell must be opened to maintain air circulation conditions. Before charging, make sure no metal objects on the battery and check if there is any obvious fault on joints of all the cables and the plugs. All safety instructions, including supply rules and charging preparation procedures, should be strictly observed. 4.2.1 Initial charging 1) If the electrolyte of the battery has diminished or poured out, acids should be poured in, which consist of exclusive sulfuric acid and water of lead acids. The specific gravity of the added electrolyte should be 1.280+0.005 at normal temperature of 25oC. Pour the configured electrolyte into the battery with fluid level 15-20mm higher than the protective slice. Only when the cell temperature drops below 35oC, it can be connected to DC and charged. 2) Initial charges are conducted in two stages: A. When the terminal voltage of the cells is less than 2.4V, the current should be 0.5Am. B. When its voltage rises to 2.4V, the current should be converted into stage 2, 0.25A. Continue to charge until air bubbles come out from the electrolyte. Make sure to keep the cell voltage under constant current-steady for 3 hours. When the electrolyte density reaches 1.280+0.005, it will remain unchanged within 3 hours. At this moment, the total quantity of electric charge should be 4-5 times the rated capacity and the charging time will be 70 hours. 9 27 4.2.2 Balance charging When in use, no uniformity of voltage capacity, electrolyte and concentration may occur. Through balanced charging, such no uniformity can be eliminated and all cells can be of uniform conditions. On the following condition, balance charging should be used: 1) Cells whose discharging voltages are usually below the final voltage (1.7V/cell). 2) Cells with heavy discharging current (e.g. the driving motor and lifting motor operate synchronously). 3) Battery has not been timely recharged after discharged. 4) Under charged battery or battery not used for a long time. Steps for balance charge: 1) Charging with current of 0.1I5A. 2) When the voltage reaches 2.5V and the air bubbles come out from the electrolyte, keep charging with the current of 0.05 I5A. 3) When the battery is fully charged, stop charging for half an hour. Then keep on charging with the current of 0.025 I5A for 1 hour. 4) After stop charging for half an hour, keep charging with the current of 0.025 I5A for 1 hour again. 5) Repeat step 4 unless the air bubbles come out from the electrolyte as soon as the charger is connected to the power supply. Balance charging is essential monthly for the battery in use. 4.3 Battery indicator Battery capacity meter: Discharging status of battery is indicated on battery capacity meter with ten indicator bars for each 10% increase. With the consumption of battery capacity, the lighting bars will descend downwards from the top. The mark of “Alarm” will appear when residual capacity of standard battery at 30%. Now, the battery is ready for charging. The mark of “Alarm” and a flash “Stop” keeps flashing will appear when residual capacity of standard battery at 20%. Now, the lifting function of truck is automatically cut off and locked. Capacity Sufficient Charge Required Capacity Insufficient )If the battery capacity meter indicates capacity insufficient soon after lifting system works, the lifting function will be resumed only after recharging the battery to at least 70% of the capacity. 10 28 5 Operation instructions 5.1 Control handle 1.Lowering 2.FWD-BWD Tuning Knob 3 Horning Button 4.Reversing 5.Raising Button 5.2 Starting up of Truck [The operator must confirm no persons staying in the danger area before starting and operating the truck or lifting cargos. Routine Checking before Starting up z Check if any external truck defects (especially wheels and pallets) z Check if battery fixed firmly and cable connected properly Truck starting up z Rotate and turn on emergency parking switch z Insert key into electric lock switch and turn right to position “I” z Battery capacity meter indicates the current capacity z Check the function of horn z Check the braking function of control handle Now, the preparation before starting up of the truck is completed. 5.3 The Truck Operation 5.3.1 Operation of Starting up, Driving and Parking [Enough caution must be attached for starting up and driving of the truck, especially when the person body reaching out of the truck. Make sure that during driving, it is prohibited to carry any other person. Emergency parking When parking urgently, press emergency parking switch and then all electric control functions are cut off. Forced braking If you are forced to stop, release the control handle and then the truck is automatically braked (emergency stop). The control handle will turn into the above braking range (B1). [In case of slow turning of control handle into braking range, be sure to find out the fault and repair 11 29 it. If necessary, please replace the gas spring of the handle. Starting up [The battery case must be covered and checked to be reliable before starting up the truck. Starting up the truck The driving speed is controlled by the controller. z Turn the control handle into driving range “F” z Adjust the controller to the direction required and the truck is moving towards the selected direction. Driving z Swing the control handle leftwards or rightwards to drive. Driving on a Slope The cargo carried must face to upward direction of the slope. Make sure to take safety measures to the downward slip direction of the truck: When the control button at “0” position, please pull the handle backwards immediately and release it according to actual requirement to enable the electromagnetic brake to work automatically and control the speed and the direction of the truck (for downward slip). Braking [The operator must fully understand the braking performance is subject to the road conditions. But there are three braking types for the truck: z Electromagnetic braking (control handle) z Reverse current braking (controller) z Sensor braking (release braking) Electromagnetic braking [In emergency situations, the truck must be stopped by electromagnetic braking (control handle) 12 30 only. z Turn the control handle upwards or downwards to braking range (B1) and (B2), the driving motor is stopped mechanically. )After releasing the control handle, it will turn into the above braking range (B1) automatically. After parking of the truck, the electromagnetic braking takes the function of park braking. Reversing current braking In case of control system or driving power malfunction, it is possible to use reverse braking. z Rotate the controller against the direction of driving until the truck is stopped. z Then release the controller. Inertia braking z After releasing the controller, it returns back to “0” position and the truck is stopped by motor inertia. Noting that the ratio of speed reduction is subject to the position of controller. If inertia braking is removed by maintenance staff and the controller is set at “0” position, the truck can be stopped only by electromagnetic braking and reverse current braking. 5.3.2 Operation of cargo loading/unloading Before loading the cargo, the operator must check to confirm the cargo is properly placed on the pallet and the weight of cargo within the load capacity of the truck. Remember that carrying a cargo in full load for a long time is prohibited. z The forks should extend to the bottom of the cargo completely. z The operation of “Up” or “Down” button will lead to lifting or lowering at a fixed speed. Lifting of forks z Press control button “Fork Lifting” until required height is achieved. Lowering of forks z Press control button “Fork Lowering” to lower the forks to required height. 13 31 6 Maintenance of the Truck 6.1 Safety Operation and Environmental Protection The instructions in the section of “Operation of Inspection and Maintenance” should be performed based on the time interval specified in Maintenance List. [Any part on the truck, especially the safety device, can not be changed without permission. Noting that changing the operation speed of the truck is strictly forbidden. In addition, all spare parts from the original manufacturer are qualified by Quality Assurance Authorities. To ensure the safety and the reliability of truck operation, only spare parts from the manufacturer can be applied. Also, the parts replaced, including oils and fuels, must be disposed according to related environmental protection regulations. 6.2 Safety Rules for Maintaining the Pallet Truck Maintenance staff: Repair and Maintenance of the truck should only be performed by qualified professionals trained by the manufacturer. The after-sales service department of the manufacturer has dispatched special technicians who can be commissioned to sign on the maintenance record in the maintenance service appointed by the manufacturer. Lifting of truck: For lifting of the truck, the hoisting equipment should be safe and reliable (especially the hoisting position). When the truck is lifted, necessary measures should be taken to avoid slipping and turning over of the truck (wedge block or wood block can be applied). The truck can be lifted by hoisting equipment only when the forks are fixed and connecting cable with enough strength is applied. Cleaning operation: Using flammable fluids is strictly forbidden in cleaning the truck. Before cleaning work starts, safety measures must be taken to avoid sparkling (e.g. caused by short circuit). Any operation of battery should be performed after cutting off the power of the battery. All electric elements and electronic assemblies can only be cleaned by gentle wind blower, compressed air or inconductive and anti-static brush. If the truck is cleaned by water jet cleaner or high pressure cleaner, all electric elements and electronic assemblies should be covered in advance to avoid humidity which will cause function fault. Noting that cleaning by using steam nozzle is prohibited. Operation of electrical system: Operation of electrical system of the truck should be performed by trained professionals only. Before any operation of electrical system, protection measures to avoid electric shock should be properly taken. During operation of battery, separate the socket of battery apart to cut off the power of the truck. Operation of welding: To avoid damage of electric and electronic assemblies, the assemblies should be removed away from the truck before welding. Installation: After repairing or replacing the hydraulic components, the electric elements and the electronic assemblies, please install and confirm that all components are at original positions. Wheels: The quality of wheels affects greatly the stability and the driving performance of the truck. 14 32 Any change of wheels should be discussed with and approved by the manufacturer. During replacement of wheels, the truck must be kept horizontally as original state (wheels must be replaced by pairs, e.g. both left and right). Lifting chains: Without lubrication, the lifting chains will be soon worn out. The time interval in the Maintenance Manual is applicable for normal operating conditions. In case of poor operating conditions (dust, temperature), it is necessary to feed lubrication regularly. Hydraulic oil pipe: The oil pipe should be replaced every six years. Together with replacement of the hydraulic assembly, the oil pipe of hydraulic system should be replaced. 6.3 Maintenance and Inspection Complete and professional maintenance is an important part for safety operation of the pallet truck. Any negligence of maintenance of stipulated time interval will cause failure of truck and potential danger to persons and equipment. The maintenance cycle stated in the Instructions Manual refers to the normal conditions with single shift operation. Under dusty conditions, temperatures varying greatly or under multiple operating shifts, the maintenance cycle should be shortened. Please perform according to the below maintenance list in compliance with each maintenance cycle as specified in the following: W1 = every 50 working hours, at least once per week M3 = every 500 working hours, at least once per three months M6 = every 1000 working hours, at least once per six months M12 = every 2000 working hours, at least once per 12 months During commissioning of the truck, the following additional operations should be done: 50 hours to 100 hours of initial operation or 2 months after initial operation: z Check if there are any loose nuts on the wheels and tighten them if necessary z Check if there is any leakage of hydraulic parts and tighten them if required z Replace the hydraulic filter 6.4 Maintenance List Standard=● Chassis and truck frame Driving part Wheel part Steering system Braking system Lifting equipment 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 6.2 6.3 Maintenance Time Interval W M Refrigerating house=# Inspection of any damage of bearing parts Inspection of all joints of bolts Inspection of noise and leakage of driving system Inspection of oil level of driving system Replace lubrication Inspection of wearing and damage state Inspection of bearings inside wheels and ensure compact fit with wheels a) Inspection of steering operation motion Inspection of performance and adjust it Inspection of reset function of gas spring and any leakage or damage Inspection of wearing state of brake wheel Inspection of brake connection and adjust it if necessary Inspection of performance, wearing and adjust it Inspection by sight of any block of loading wheel 1 Inspection of any wearing or damage of edge of forks and pallet # 15 33 3 ● ● ● ● ● ● # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● M M 6 12 # ● 7.1 7.2 Hydraulic system 12.1 Inspection of performance Inspection of any leakage or damage of all joints b) Inspection of any leakage or damage of hydraulic cylinder, safety and reliability of attachment Inspection of oil capacity Replace hydraulic oil and filter d) Inspection of adjustment function of pressure regulator Inspection of performance Inspection of safety and reliability of connection of all cables, and if any damage Inspection of Amperage of fuse Inspection of safety, reliability and function of switches and unlocking cam equipment Inspection of connector, replace the worn part if necessary Inspection of function of alarm equipment Inspection of wearing state of carbon brush Inspection of safety of motor attachment Clean motor frame with vacuum cleaner, inspection of wearing state of commutor Inspection of density and capacity of acid, voltage of battery Inspection of safety device of connection terminal, applicability of grease Clean connector of battery, inspection of compactness of fit Inspection of damage of battery cable, replace it if necessary Paint grease to the truck according to the time schedule of lubrication feeding Inspection of the fault in grounding of electrical system 12.2 Inspection of driving speed and braking distance 12.3 Inspection of lifting and lowering speed 12.4 Inspection of safety device and closing device ● 13.1 Commissioning under load rating ● 13.2 After above maintenance, the truck is certificated to be reliable for operator 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8.1 8.2 Electrical system 8.3 8.4 8.5 Motor 8.6 9.1 9.2 9.3 10.1 Battery 10.2 10.3 10.4 Lubrication Integrated measurement Demonstration 11.1 # # # ● ● ● # ● # # ● ● ● ● ● # ● ● ● # # ● # ● # ● ● ● # ● ● ● ● # ● a)About 100 hours after initial operation, check if any loose nuts on wheels and tighten them if necessary b)About 100 hours after initial operation, check if any leakage of hydraulic parts and tighten them if required d) 500 hours after initial operation 6.5 Operation Specifications of Repair and Maintenance 6.5.1 Preparation of truck to be repaired or maintained Prepare all necessary safety measures to avoid possible accident during the course of repair and maintenance by completing the following preparations: z Parking the truck safely z Press emergency parking switch and cut off the power of the battery. [When the operation is done after lifting of the forks or lifting of the truck, protection measures should be taken to avoid slipping or turning over of the forks or the truck. In case of lifting of the truck, 16 34 please refer to the related instructions in the section “Transportation and Commissioning”. 6.5.2 Inspection of the hydraulic oil capacity z Preparation of the truck to be repaired or maintained. z Remove the four screws (2) and (10). z Open the left and right half cover (1) and (3). z Check the capacity of the hydraulic oil in the oil tank. The installation procedures are done in contrary sequence. During inspection of the hydraulic oil capacity, the forks and the carriage must be lowered to the minimum height. 6.5.3 Inspection of the electric fuse Preparation of truck to be repaired or maintained. z Open the left and the right half shields (1) and (3). z Consult the chart to check the current rating of all fuses and replace them if necessary. Code FU FU1 FU2 Protection Purpose Main circuit fuse Traveling control fuse Lifting control fuse Value 200A 10A 6A 6.5.4 Using the truck after maintenance Complete the following operations before using the truck: z Clean the truck z Check the braking function z Check the function of the emergency parking switch z Check the function of the horn 6.6 Storage of the Pallet Truck In case of storage duration of the truck over 2 months, the truck should be parked in an anti-freezing and dry place. Before storage, all necessary measures should be taken properly. During and after storage, the following measures should be taken: During storage, the pallet truck should be raised to keep the wheels apart from ground completely. In this case, the wheels and bearings inside wheels are protected from damage. In case of storage duration of the truck over 6 months, please contact the maintenance service of the manufacture for other additional measures. 17 35 6.6.1 Operations to be done before storage z Clean the pallet truck thoroughly z Check the braking function z Check the hydraulic oil capacity, feed it up if necessary z Apply oil or grease to all parts for protection z Consult detailed Lubrication List to feed lubrication to the truck z Recharge the battery z Cut off and clean the battery and apply grease to battery electrodes )Besides the above, the instructions provided by the battery supplier are also to be observed. 6.6.2 Measures to be taken during storage Every two months: charge the battery Operation of battery of the pallet truck: It is important to recharge the battery regularly. Otherwise, complete consumption of battery will cause automatic discharge and even damage the battery. 6.6.3 Re-commissioning z Clean the pallet truck thoroughly z Consult detailed Lubrication List to feed lubrication to the truck z Clean the battery, apply grease to electrode bolt and connect the battery z Recharge the battery z Check if any moisture in the gear oil, replace it if required z Check if any moisture in the hydraulic oil, replace it if required z Start the pallet truck Operation of battery of the pallet truck z In case of fault of the electrical system, brush all exposed electrical connections with contact cleaner. Repeat this step to eliminate the oxide layer on the connecting parts of the operating controller. [ Electromagnetic braking test should be immediately performed after re-commissioning. 18 36 6.6.4 Faults Diagnosis In this section, we will introduce how to find out and handle some of the simple faults to the user as specified in the following sheet: Fault Reason - Disconnection Treatment of battery connector - Electric - Check connection of battery and connect it if necessary. lock switch at “0” - Put electric lock switch at “1” position position Truck is unable - Emergency parking switch off - Turn on the emergency parking switch to move - Battery capacity consumed - Check battery capacity and charge battery if necessary - Control handle not within driving - Turn control handle into driving range F range F - Fuse damaged - Check fuse FU and FU1 - Truck is unable to be operated - Refer to treatment listed for “Truck is unable to - Hydraulic oil shortage Cargo is unable - Fuse damaged - Check hydraulic oil to be lifted - Battery capacity only 20/30% - Check Fuse FU2 - Poor connection or damage of - Charge battery lifting micro switch - Check lifting micro switch or replace it Control valve is blocked up by - Check hydraulic oil and clean control valve. Cargo is unable to be lowered move” dirty fluid - Replace hydraulic oil if necessary Lowering electromagnetic valve off or damaged Lifting is unable - Check lowering electromagnetic valve or replace it - Lifting micro switch damaged - Turn off power and replace lifting micro switch - Poor connection of micro switch - Check micro switch on control handle and to stop Traveling toward one direction and connecting cable - Battery capacity connecting cable shortage, Traveling too electromagnetic brake too tight slow or poor connection of related - Check battery capacity indicator, electromagnetic brake and related cables cables Sudden startup of truck - Controller damaged - Non - reset of - Replace controller forward / - Repair to reset the button or replace it backward button )If there is any fault can not be eliminated through the above treatment, please notify the after-sales service of the manufacturer for trained professionals’ disposal. 19 37 MANUEL D’UTILISATION Gerbeur Serie LEO Attention: Ne pas utiliser le gerbeur avant d’avoir lu et compris ce manuel d’utilisation. SOMMAIRE PREFACE Pag. 39 1. Sécurité lors de la mise en service Pag. 40 2. Spécificités techniques Pag. 43 3. Transport et mise en service Pag. 45 4. Entretien, chargement et remplacement de la batterie Pag. 46 5. Consignes d’utilisation Pag. 48 6. Entretien Pag. 50 7. Schéma électrique et hydraulique Pag. 55 8. Liste des dessins et des pièces détachées Pag. 56 FalconLift vous remercie d’avoir choisi le gerbeur SERIE LEO. Pour votre sécurité et pour une utilisation correcte du gerbeur, veuillez lire attentivement ces instructions et ces mises en garde avant toute utilisation. 38 this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. Foreword (QJOLVK These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and maste PREFACE safety operation of the truck. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully r (QJOLVK this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. Foreword Le manuel d’utilisation du gerbeur a été conçu afin vous fournir une maîtrise parfaite et sécu- Du Specifications of different types of the trucks are de described in these Operation Instructions. risée lors de l’utilisation du gerbeur. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety andfor correct operation, please carefully r operation and maintenance, please apply thece relevant parts the Lors type of fonctionnement the truck. Les caractéristiques du gerbeur dans manuel for d’utilisation. du These Operation Instructions offigurent the truck are edited you to completely acquire and ou master la maintenance, veuillez utiliseron lesthe pièces correspondantes au type de gerbeur. thisdeinstruction book and warnings truckdétachées before using it. safety operation of the truck. Safety specifications and special are marked with thecaractérisés following signs: Les consignes de sécurités ainsi notices que les avertissements sont par les symboles suivants: Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master These Operation Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. Du safety operation ofconsignes the 1.--Les sécurité doivent être observées avant toute afin d’éviter operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant partsuse for theavoid typeutilisation of the truck. ---Safety specification must be observed before to personal injury. 1. toute blessure intentionnelle ou afin d’endommager le matériel. � Specifications of different types theobservé trucks are d’éviter described in blessure these Operation Safety specifications and be special notices are marked with the following signs: 2.--L’avertissement doitof être afin toute corporelleInstructions. ou endom- Du 2. ---Notice must observed before use to avoid equipment damage. magement du matériel operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. ) � 3.--Notification etand caractéristique générales avant utilisation. ---General notice specification beforebefore use. ---Safety specification must be observed usefollowing to avoid personal 1.3. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the signs: injury. Ce gerbeur se compose essentiellement d’acier, il peut donc être complètement recyclé. Les 2. The ---Notice must betruck observed before use to itavoid damage. majority of this consists of steel, can equipment be completely recycled. materi pièces inutilisées après réparation, maintenance, nettoyage ou démolition, doiventWaste être colSafety specification must becleaning use to avoid personal injury. 1.conjunction lectées---et déposées de façon à respecter laobserved nature selon les directives dubepays en question. Le ma- of with repairs, maintenance, or before scrapping, must collected and disposed tériel doit être déchargé adéquates. matériel recyclable doit être pris en charge environment-friendly waydans anddes in zones accordance withLethe directives of respective countries. Such 3. par les---General notice and specification before use. autorités publiques. Tout abandon sauvage dans la nature de filtres à huile, de batteries ou must be---carried outmust in areas intendedbefore for thisuse purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o 2. Notice be peuvent observed to avoid equipment damage. composants électroniques avoir un effet nocif sur l’environnement et sur la santé. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro will have a negative on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. les informations reportées dans ce manuel se référent à des données disponibles TheToutes majority of effect this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste au materia 3. ---- General notice and du specification beforetenu use.du développement constant de nos promoment de l’impression manuel. Compte conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in duits ainsi que de leur renouvellement, nous nous réservons le droit d’apporter des modifications environment-friendly way and quel in accordance with the et directives of respective Such w reported herein is based on data available at the of countries. printing. Our prod surThe nos information produits à n’importe moment sans avertir sans encourir detime sanction. Il est donc must be carried areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable should be takenmateria care o souhaitable deout toujours vérifier si de possibles modifications été material apportées. The majority ofinthis truck consists of steel, it can beont completely recycled. Waste are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our specialized hazardous waste, such as oil batteries and electron conjunction authorities. with repairs,Environmentally maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must befilters, collected and disposed of in will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. products at any moment notice and in any sanction. As acountries. result, it isSuch suggew environment-friendly way without and in prior accordance withliability the directives of respective must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o to always verify possible updates and changes. specialized authorities.reported Environmentally waste, such asatoilthe filters, andOur electron The information herein is hazardous based on data available time batteries of printing. prod will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our � ) ) ) ) products any moment without prior is notice and in any sanction. Asofa printing. result, it Our is sugge ) The at information reported herein based onliability data available at the time prod to always verifybeing possible updates and and renewed. changes. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our are constantly developed products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. to always verify possible updates and changes. 39 As a result, it is sugge 1. Sécurité lors de la mise en service 1.1 Présence de l’opérateur obligatoire Ce gerbeur doit être manipulé par une personne compétente. Celle-ci peut montrer aux utilisateu(QJOLVK rs de façon réaliste le déplacement et le fonctionnement du gerbeur. Foreword 1.2 Droit, obligation et responsabilité de l’opérateur L’opérateur doit comprendre ses droits ainsi que ses obligations et doit avoir reçu une formation sur le fonctionnement De même, l’opérateur les caractéristiques repor- re Welcome to use this low du lift gerbeur. pallet truck. For your safety doit andconnaître correct operation, please carefully tées dans ce manuel d’utilisation. Lors du fonctionnement du gerbeur, l’opérateur doit porter des this instruction and warnings on the truck before using it. chaussures book de sécurité. 1.3 Utilisation interdite aux personnes non-autorisées These Operation Instructionsl’opérateur of the truck for you completely acquire and master t Durant le fonctionnement, doitare êtreedited responsable du to gerbeur et doit empêcher les personnes non-autorisées à conduire ou à manipuler le gerbeur. Il est strictement interdit de porter safety operation of the truck. ou de charger des personnes à l’aide du gerbeur. (QJOLVK Specifications of erreur different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. Duri 1.4 Echec ou Foreword En casand d’erreur ou de défaut, veuillez immédiatement le responsable. Si letruck. gerbeur ne fonoperation maintenance, please apply the relevant avertir parts for the type of the ctionne pas normalement (roues ou freins usés) , veuillez arrêter l’utilisation du gerbeur jusqu’à Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully re sa réparation. Safety specifications and special notices are Foreword marked with the following signs: this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. 1.5 Réparation Sans une professionnelle et sans particulière, l’opérateur ne please doit pas carefully répaWelcome to formation use this low lift pallet truck. Forautorisation your safety and correct operation, r rer ni changer les pièces du gerbeur. Tout changement par l’opérateur de l’installation des comThese Operation Instructions ofmust theontruck are edited for to completely acquire andperte master t ---- Safety specification be observed before use avoid personal injury.une 1.thismandes ou des dispositifs de sécurité strictement interdit sous peine d’entraîner instruction book and warnings theest truck before using safety operationduofgerbeur. the truck. d’efficacité Toutes les pièces détachées du constructeur sont certifiées par le Quality Assurance Autorities. 2.These Afin ---- de Notice must observed use to avoid damage. garantir le be fonctionnement sûr et fiable du gerbeur, les piècesacquire détachées origiOperation Instructions of the before truck are edited forequipment you toutes to completely and master Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. Duri nelles doivent of être safety operation theutilisées. truck. Chaque pièce changée (huile et alimentation incluses) doit s’effectuer enand accord avec les réglementations protection environnementale. operation maintenance, please apply de thela relevant parts for the type of the truck. 3. ---- General notice and specification before use. 1.6 Zone dangereuse Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. Du Safety and special notices with signs:de levage (comme Onspecifications entend par zone dangereuse: endroitare où marked le gerbeur outhe bienfollowing son dispositif operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material les fourches ou les fixations) sont en mouvement et peuvent devenir un facteur potentiellement dangereux. conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in Les personnes non-autorisées doivent are se tenir l’écart des En cas de danenvironment-friendly way in accordance withà the directives ofdangereuses. respective Such wo specifications and and special notices marked with thezones following signs: countries. ----l’opérateur Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. alors 1.Safetyger, doit avertir. Au cas où quelqu’un serait toujours dans la zone dangereuse must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of qu’il a été demandé d’évacuer, l’opérateur doit immédiatement arrêter le gerbeur. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronic 2. have ---Noticedans must observed before use avoid ifequipment damage. will a---negative effect on the must environment, orto health, handled incorrectly. desbe environnements Safety specification be dangereux observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. 1.7 Travailler Lorsque le gerbeur est utilisé dans une zone à risque, il doit être spécialement équipé. (QJOLVK � ) � � )) ) 3.2. The---General notice specification before use. information reported herein isbefore based onceto data available at the time of printing. Our produc ---Noticelemust beand observed use avoid damage. En général gerbeur n’est pas équipé pour genre deequipment situations. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our ow 1.8 Dispositifs de sécurité et signaux d’alerte The majority of attentifs this truck ofdesteel, it can completely Waste 3. ----any General notice and specification before use. Veuillez être très auxconsists dispositifs sécurité, auxinbe signaux d’alerte recycled. ainsi avertisseproducts at moment without prior notice and liability any sanction. As qu’aux a result, it is material suggest conjunction with repairs, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in ments introduits dans maintenance, le guide d’instruction. to always verify possible changes.with the directives of respective countries. Such wo environment-friendly wayupdates and in and accordance des truck lieux publics The majority of consists of steel, it can be completely materia must1.9 beUtilisation carried outdans in this areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable materialrecycled. should beWaste taken care of Le gerbeur ne doit pas être utilisé sur des routes publiques sauf dans une zone spécifique. conjunctionauthorities. with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or waste, scrapping, collected and disposed of in specialized Environmentally hazardous suchmust as oilbefilters, batteries and electronic environment-friendly way and accordance or with the directives respective countries. Such w will have a negative effect on theinenvironment, health, if handledofincorrectly. 1.10 Distance entre les véhicules must be carried out en in compte areas intended for thisdevant purpose. material be taken care o Veuillez prendre que le véhicule vousRecyclable peut toujours freiner should brusquement. Veu40 waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our produc will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. ) illez garder vos distances. 1.11 Passagers Les passagers ne doivent pas monter sur le gerbeur, sauf indication contraire. 1.12 Utilisation dans des ascenseurs ou sur une plateforme élévatrice Le gerbeur ne peut être utilisé dans un ascenseur ou sur une plateforme élévatrice sauf sur autorisation spéciale. Avant d’utiliser l’ascenseur ou le monte-charge, veuillez vous assurer que celui-ci puisse supporter le poids total du gerbeur, de la charge, de l’opérateur et éventuellement du personnel accompagnant. La charge doit être correctement placée afin qu’elle ne touche pas les parois de l’ascenseur lorsque le gerbeur y pénètre. Si des personnes doivent utiliser l’ascenseur en même temps que le gerbeur, ceux-ci doivent monter après que le gerbeur soit correctement placé dans l’ascenseur, et ils doivent en sortir avant le gerbeur. 1.13 Voies étroites et zones de travaux Lors de situations particulières, comme lorsque le gerbeur doit passer dans une voie étroite, les personnes non-autorisées doivent s’éloigner de la zone de travaux et le chargement doit être placé dans un compartiment spécial. 1.14 Règles d’utilisation La vitesse du gerbeur doit être adaptée selon les situations (s’il y a des personnes présentes dans la zone de travaux), la visibilité, les conditions du revêtement du sol et selon le chargement. La basse vitesse est conseillée dans les virages, dans les allées étroites, à proximité des portes battantes ou dans des voies encombrées. L’opérateur doit être capable de mesurer d’un coup d’œil la distance de freinage et il doit contrôler son gerbeur en permanence. Freinage brutal (sauf en cas d’urgence), rapide demi-tour ou dépassement dans des voies encombrées sont interdits. De même qu’il est interdit d’atteindre des personnes à l’aide du gerbeur ou de charger des personnes à bord. 1.15 Visibilité L’opérateur doit regarder dans le sens de la marche afin de pouvoir lire les panneaux signalétiques placés sur sa route. Si le chargement bloque la visibilité, il est conseillé de conduire en marche arrière. Si ce n’est pas mieux de cette façon, d’autres personnes peuvent se placer à proximité du gerbeur pour indiquer au conducteur la route et les dangers. 1.16 Conduite en pente Si le gerbeur doit passer sur une pente étroite, celle-ci doit être préalablement nettoyée et elle doit être antidérapante. La charge doit être placée vers le haut en direction de la pente. Les demi-tours et les stationnements dans les pentes sont interdits. Dans les pentes (dans les montés ou dans les descentes), il convient de conduire à vitesse réduite. L’opérateur doit toujours être prêt à freiner à tout moment. 1.17 Limite de chargement Veuillez vérifier attentivement les avis et les directives concernant les limites de chargement ou de gonflage des pneus afin de ne pas les dépasser. 1.18 Transports Le gerbeur doit être conduit avec les fourches placées à la hauteur minimum de 300mm sauf lorsque l’on range ou l’on déplace les chargements. Il vaut mieux conduire le gerbeur dans le sens opposé aux fourches lorsque c’est possible. Cela confère une meilleure visibilité et manœuvrabilité. Lorsque l’on conduit le gerbeur fourches vers l’avant, cela rend les manœuvres plus aléatoires. 41 Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully 1.19 Caractéristiques de charge this andcorrectement warnings onplacé, the truck before Leinstruction chargementbook doit être afin qu’il soitusing sur etit.fiable. Il est déconseillé de porter des chargements trop hauts. These Operation of de thechargement truck are d’un edited forvéhicule you to ou completely acquire and 1.20 Gerbeur sur Instructions une plateforme autre dans une passerelle d’in-maste safety operation of the truck. tercommunication Avant que le gerbeur soit conduit sur un quai de chargement ou sur la plateforme d’un camion ou d’un wagon, vous devez toujours vérifier la capacité de charge maximum de la passerelle Specifications of different types of the trucks aredes described in de these Operation Instructions. d’intercommunication. Vous devriez aussi trouver dispositifs sécurité pour empêcher le D glissement la passerelle d’intercommunication. Le conducteur doit se of souvenir aussi de la operation anddemaintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type the truck. capacité de charge maximum de son véhicule dans lequel vous aller y mettre le gerbeur. Ici aussi vous devriez trouver des dispositifs (comme par exemple des sabots de freins) qui empêchent le Safety specifications gerbeur de bouger. and special notices are marked with the following signs: 1.21 Stationnement Le gerbeur ne doit pas se trouver en dehors des aires de parking spécifiques. Le gerbeur doit Safety must be Si observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. toujours---être garé specification sur une surface plane. le gerbeur est muni d’un frein de stationnement, il convient de le mettre. Les fourches doivent être à la position la plus basse, de sorte que personne ne puisse accidentellement trébucher sur celles-ci. Le gerbeur doit toujours être éteint. Les per2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. sonnes non-autorisées ne doivent pas utiliser le gerbeur � 3. Si le General gerbeur n’est pasand utilisé pendant un before long moment )cement ---notice specification use. sans être rechargé (entre deux déplapar exemple), le câble de la batterie doit être déconnecté. 1.22 Signalisation The majority of dispositifs this truckdeconsists of steel, can completely recycled. Waste mater Veuillez utiliser les signalisation pour itêtre vu be et entendu. conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of 1.23 Chaussures de sécurité environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such Lesbe chaussures de in sécurité être lorsque Recyclable l’on conduitmaterial le gerbeur selonbe la taken normecare must carried out areasdoivent intended forportées this purpose. should européenne EN-345:1-S1. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro will1.24 have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. Pièces additionnelles/Remorques Après la livraison, vous devez contacter le fournisseur si vous voulez équiper le gerbeur d’une pièce supplémentaire, d’un attelage de is remorque ou data de tout autre accessoire car cela pourraitOur in- prod The information reported herein based on available at the time of printing. terférer sur la capacité de freinage ou sur la stabilité du gerbeur. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our ) products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. to always verify possible updates and changes. 42 As a result, it is sugge 2. Spécificités techniques 2.1 Application Le gerbeur LEO a été spécialement conçu pour une utilisation sur différents types de sols. Avec sa structure compacte, le gerbeur LEO est efficace dans les lieux qui requièrent une grande gestion de la marchandise, comme dans les usines, les ateliers, les quais et dans les petits entrepôts. De même, il peut être utilisé pour charger ou décharger la marchandise des camions (voire la capacité de chargement sur la fiche technique). 2.2 Caractéristiques techniques 2.2.1 Fiche technique Dimensioni base/ Basic dimensions/ Dimensions Ruote e gommature/ Wheels types Roues et bandages Pesi/ Weight/ Poids Caratteristiche/ Characteristics/ Caractéristiques 1.1 COSTRUTTORE / MANUFACTURER / CONSTRUCTEUR 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.9 4.15 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.25 4.32 4.33 Prestazioni/ Performance data/ Performances 4.34 4.35 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.8 5.10 Varie/ Other Autres Dati motore/ Elecric motor/ Moteurs 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 8.1 8.4 FALCONLIFT Modello/Model designation/Désignation du constructeur Alimentazione/Power supply/Mode de translation Tipo di guida/Type of control/ Mode de conduite Portata/Load capacity/ Capacité nominale Baricentro del carico/Load centre/Centre de gravité de la charge nominale Distanza del carico/Load distance/Déport avant de la charge Interasse/Wheelbase/Empattement Peso proprio/Service weight/Poids à vide Pressione sugli assali, con carico lato guida-lato carico/Axle loading, laden front-rear / Charge par essieu avec charge côté conducteur-côté charge Pressione sugli assali, senza carico lato guida-lato carico/Axle loading, unladen front-rear/Charge par essieu à vide côté conducteur-côté charge Gommatura/Tyres/Equipement roues Dimensioni ruote - lato guida/ Tyre size – front /Dimensions des roues côté conducteur Dimensioni ruote - lato carico/ Tyre size – rear / Dimensions des roues côté charge Ruote pivottanti/Castor wheels/Roue pivotante Numero ruote (x= trazione) lato guida-lato carico / Wheels – number (x= dive wheel) front-rear / Roues, nombre (x = roue motrice) côté conducteur-côté charge Carreggiata anteriore/Track width-front / Voie - côté conducteur Carreggiata posteriore/Track width rear/Voie - côté charge Altezza montante abbassato/Lowered mast height/Hauteur du mât abaissé Alzata libera/ Free Lift/Levée libre Altezza di sollevamento/Lift height/Hauteur de levée Altezza montante sfilato/Extended mast height/Hauteur hors tout mât déployé Altezza timone in posizione di guida min. - max./Tiller height in drive position min. - max. / Hauteur du timon en position de conduite min. - max. Altezza forche abbassate/Lowered forks height/Hauteur sur fourches, en position basse Lunghezza totale/Overall lenght/Longueur totale hors tout Lunghezza compreso spessore forche/Lenght to front face of forks/Longueur de la partie motrice, jusqu‘à la face avant des fourches Larghezza totale/Overall width/Largeur totale du châssis Dimensioni forche/Forks dimensions/Dimensions des fourches Scartamento esterno forche/Width over forks/Ecartement extérieur des fourches Luce libera a metà passo/Ground clearance at the centre of wheelbase/Garde au sol au milieu de l‘empattement Larghezza corsia di lavoro con pallet 1000x1200 trasversale/Aisle width for pallet 1000x1200 crossways/ Largeur d‘allée pour palette 1000 x 1200 en largeur Larghezza corsia di lavoro con pallet 800x1200 longitudinale/Aisle width for pallets 800x1200 lengthways/Largeur d‘allée pour palette 800 x 1200 en longueur Raggio di volta/Outer turning radius/Rayon de giration Velocità di traslazione con-senza carico / Travel speed, laden-unladen / Vitesse de translation avec-sans charge Velocità di sollevamento con - senza carico / Lift speed, laden-unladen / Vitesse de levée avec-sans charge Velocità di discesa con-senza carico / Lowering speed, laden-unladen / Vitesse de descente avec-sans charge Pendenza massima superabile con-senza carico / Max. greadibility, laden-unladen / Rampe maximum avec-sans charge Freno di esercizio/Service brake/Frein de service Motore di traslazione, potenza s2 60min/Drive motor hourly rating s2/Moteur de translation, puissance s2 = 60 mn Motore di sollevamento,potenza s3 15%/Lift motor rating at s3 15%/Moteur de levée, puissance s3 = 15% Batteria secondo DIN 43531/35/36 A,B,C,non / Battery equipment acc. to DIN 43531/35/36 A,B,C,non / Batterie selon la norme DIN 43531/35/36/A,B,C,non Voltaggio e capacità nominale della batteria k5/Battery voltage and nominal capacity k5/Tension de la batterie et capacité nominale K5 Peso batteria/Battery weight/Poids de la batterie Tipo di comando di marcia/Type of drive control/Commande de vitesse Soglia rumore secondo EN 12053, orecchio operatore/Average noise peak at operator’s ear acc. to EN 12053/Niveau sonore moyen, mesuré à l‘oreille du cariste selon EN12053 43 FLLEO1229AL Q c x y kg mm mm mm kg FLLEO1232 FLLEO1236 Elettrico/Electric/Electrique Da terra/Pedestrian/Accompagnant 1250 600 796 1278 910 910 930 kg 1030/1130 1030/1130 1040/1140 kg 670/240 670/240 685/245 mm mm mm Poliuretano/Polyurethane/Polyuréthane Ø 252x89 Ø 80x70 / Ø 80x93 Ø 150x54 1x+2/4 b10 b11 h1 h2 h3 h4 mm mm mm mm mm mm h14 mm 940/1320 h13 l1 mm mm 81 1908 l2 mm 758 b1 s/e/l b5 mm mm mm 890 60/180/1150 570/685 m2 mm 26 Ast mm 2224 Ast mm 2158 Wa mm km/h mm/s 1590 5.2/5.5 110/170 mm/s 120/130 % 6/12 1946 1490 2820 3276 650 390/505 2096 158 3120 3576 2296 158 3520 3976 Elettromagnetico/Electromagnetic/Electromagnétique kw 1.2 kw 2.2 3PzS V/Ah 24/210 kg -Mosfet dB(A) 67 (QJOLVK Foreword Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and maste safety operation of the truck. (QJOLVK Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. D Foreword operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully Safety specifications andwarnings special notices marked theit.following signs: this instruction book and on the are truck beforewith using 2.2.2 Fiche technique pour gerbeur standard Cette fiche technique en accord avec la norme VDI 2198 prévoit seulement les valeurs techniques These Operation Instructions of thedetruck are non-standard, edited for you toéquipements completelyadditionnels, acquire andetcmaste gerbeur standard. Les types gerbeur lesto Safety specification must be observed before use avoid personal injury. 1. pour le---peuvent donner of d’autres valeurs. On se réserve le droit de tout changement technique ou de toute safety operation the truck. amélioration. 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. 2.2.3 Normes of Européennes Specifications different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. D Le niveau du bruit continu doit être <70 dB (a); selon le critère ISO4871 operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Le niveau du bruit continu est une valeur moyenne, 3. ---General notice and specification before use.qui prend en compte le niveau de pression sonore lorsque l’on conduit, lorsque l’on utilise le dispositif de levage ou l’on va au ralenti. Le niveau de pression sonore est mesuré au niveau de l’oreille. Safety specifications and special notices Compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM)are marked with the following signs: majority of this truck consists of valeurs steel, limites it can be recycled. Waste etmater LeThe fabriquant assure la conformité liée aux des completely émissions électromagnétiques l’immunitéwith aux repairs, interférences ainsi que les décharges d’électricitémust statique selon la E.N. et of conjunction maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, be collected and12895 disposed en font environment-friendly way andréférence. inmust accordance with before the directives of respective Such ----critères Safety qui specification be observed use to avoid personal countries. injury. 1. les autres Toute pièce changée dans le système électrique peut être effectuer après l’approbation du fabrimust be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care quant. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. will2.2.4 have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. Conditions d’utilisation Température ambiante pendant le fonctionnement: 5°C-40°C Lorsque le gerbeur fonctionne longuement à uneuse. température inférieure à 5 °C ou à basse 3. The ---General notice and specification before information reported is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod température avec un hautherein taux d’humidité, il convient de protéger certains instruments. � ) � )) are developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our 2.3constantly Illustrationbeing et plaque de signalisation sur le gerbeur majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste mater N°The Désignation products at any moment maintenance, without prior notice andorliability in anymust sanction. As a and result, it is sugge conjunction with cleaning scrapping, be collected disposed of 15 Symbole du repairs, bouton de soulèvement environment-friendly and in and accordance to always verify updates changes.with the directives of respective countries. Such 16 Symbole dupossible boutonway d'abaissement must carried in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care 17 be Symbole duout bouton du klaxon specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro 18 Symbole du bouton avant/arrière will19 have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. Symbole “interdiction de s'assoir sur le gerbeur” 20 Plaque signalétique du gerbeur 21 The Symbole du point d'attache du herein gerbeur is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod information reported ) 44 are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our Safety specifications andlift special notices areyour marked with thecorrect following signs: please carefully r Welcome to use this and low palletnotices truck. For safety Safety specifications special are marked withand the followingoperation, signs: safety operation of the truck. this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. et specification mise en service ---- Safety must be observed before useintothese avoidOperation personal injury. 1. 3. Transport Specifications of different types must of thebe trucks are described Instructions. Du ---Safety specification observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master 3.1Chargé grue operation andpar maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. safety operation of the truck. 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. 2. ---Noticede must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. La capacité charge du dispositif de levage appliqué doit être adéquat. (poids transport: poids net du gerbeur+poids de lanotices batterieare cf. fiche de données) Safety specifications and special marked with the following signs: Specifications of different types of spécialement the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. L’équipement de levage a été conçu par le constructeur pour la commodité du Du 3. ---- General notice and specification before use. transport. 3. ---General notice and specification use. operation and maintenance, please apply thebefore relevant parts for the type of the truck. � � ) ) � -Placer le gerbeur dans une position sûre ---Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it with can be following completely recycled. Waste mater -L’attelage de la grue doit être attaché au niveau du dispositif de levage Safety specifications notices of aresteel, marked the signs: The majority of and this special truck consists it can be completely recycled. Waste materia conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of conjunction repairs, maintenance, cleaning ortoscrapping, mustdebe collected disposed of i 2. ---- with Notice be observed before avoid equipment damage. L’attelage demust la way grue doit être attaché auuse niveau du directives dispositif pour and éviter que leSuch environment-friendly and in accordance with the of levage respective countries. environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such w gerbeur ne glisse. must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care ---- Safety must for be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. must be carried outspecification in areas intended this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro 3.2 Mise en service 3. ---General notice and specification before use. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. 2. ---- Notice must be observed beforeleuse to avoid equipment damage.le circuit électriSeules les batteries peuvent alimenter gerbeur. Le courant endommage que. La longueur du câble de la batterie doit être inférieure à 6m. The majority of this truck herein consists steel, can available be completely recycled. WasteOur materia The information reported is of based onitladata at the time of printing. prod Afin que le gerbeur fonctionne normalement après livraison ou après le transport, les instrucThe information reported herein iscleaning based on data available at be thecollected time of printing. Our prod conjunction with repairs, maintenance, or scrapping, must and disposed of i doivent êtreand appliquées: 3. tions suivantes ---- General notice specification before use. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our environment-friendly and in and accordance the directives of respective countries. Such are constantly being way developed renewed.withTherefore, we reserve the right to modify our w -Vérifier que l’assemblage toutes les du gerbeur soit complet et s’il should satisfasse exi-care o must be carried out in areas de intended forpièces this purpose. Recyclable material be vos taken products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugge gences. products any moment without prior notice and liability any sanction. As a result, it iselectron sugge specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous such as oil filters, batteries and The at majority of this truck consists of steel, itwaste, can inbe completely recycled. Waste materia Installez la batterie si ça n’a pas été fait en évitant d’endommager le câble de la batterie. to always possible updates and changes. will have a verify negative effectmaintenance, on the environment, if handled incorrectly. conjunction with repairs, cleaningororhealth, scrapping, must be collected and disposed of i - Charger immédiatement la batterie. to always verify possible updates and changes. environment-friendly way and in accordance with the of respective Such w Si vous devez substituer la batterie par une batterie sansdirectives entretien, veuillez vérifiercountries. si le type de capacité de cette à celle d’origine (ou après approbation du aprèsmust be carried out batterie in reported areascorrespond intended this purpose. should be taken The information herein for is based on dataRecyclable available atmaterial the time of service printing. Ourcare prodo vente du fabricant). specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron are have constantly beingeffect developed renewed.or Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our will a negative on the and environment, health, if handled incorrectly. � ) ) ) ) ) products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugge The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod to always verify possible updates and changes. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our ) products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. to always verify possible updates and changes. 1 1 1 45 As a result, it is sugge (QJOLVK 4. Entretien, chargement et remplacement de la batterie Foreword Welcome to use this low lift pallet For yourdesafety and doit correct please carefully r 4.1 La recharge, la réparation ou letruck. remplacement la batterie être operation, effectué uniquement par personnesbook compétentes. thisdes instruction and warnings on the truck before using it. 4.2Chargement de la batterie These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master safety of the truck. Les operation gerbeurs LEO sont pourvus d’un chargeur de batterie spécifique à la leur. Avant de charger la batterie, veuillez vous assurer que le chargeur, le bouton d’urgence et que la (QJOLVK clé de contact soient sur «OFF». Veuillez charger la batterie dans un lieu sec et aéré et éloignezSpecifications of different types of the letrucks areladescribed in être these Operation Instructions. la des flammes. Lorsque vous utilisez gerbeur, batterie doit chargée au minimum une Du Foreword fois parand mois. La batterie doit être rechargée de façon correcte régulièrement. Lorsqu’elle est operation the relevant parts read foretthe type of the truck. Welcome to use this maintenance, low lift pallet truck. For please your safety apply and correct operation, please carefully Foreword à plat, une alarme commencera à clignoter sur l’indicateur de décharge de la batterie pendant le this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. fonctionnement. Veuillez alors effectuer le rechargement. Welcome to use this and low lift palletnotices truck. For your safety and correct operation, please r Chargement complètement le gerbeur muni d’un chargeur intelligent et carefully totaSafety specifications special are marked with thethe following signs: These Operation Instructions of the truck areautomatique: edited for you to completely acquireest and master lement automatique. Lorsque la prise esttruck branchée auusing secteur, safety operation of thebook truck. and this instruction warnings on the before it. l’indicateur rouge du chargeur clignote. Le chargeur ajuste automatiquement le courant selon les capacités résiduelles de la Specifications of the le trucks are déroulement described in these Operation Instructions. During batterie,ofcedifferent qui types confère bon du chargement. Après avoir rechargé la batterie, le operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. voyant---vert du chargeur clignote et lebechargement est automatiquement stoppé.acquire Leinjury. chargement Safety specification observed before personal 1. These Operation Instructions ofmust the truck are edited for use you to to avoid completely and master dure en moyenne 5 à 7 heures. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: safety operation of the truck. 2. be observed before usequelle to avoid equipment damage. Il---estNotice interditmust de recharger la batterie avant ne soit complètement déchargée. ---- Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. � Lors du chargement, les bouchons des éléments de la batterie contenant l’eau doivent être Specifications types of Avant the trucks are described in thesequ’il Operation Instructions. ouverts afin of de different faire circuler l’air. le chargement, assurez-vous n’y ait aucun objet Du 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. métallique sur la batterie que les joints etuse. des prises soient défectueux. 3. ---General noticeetand specification before operation and maintenance, please applydes thecâbles relevant parts forne the typepas of the truck. Toutes les mesures de sécurité, incluant les règles supplémentaires et la procédure de préparation, doi3. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. vent être strictement observées. Safety specifications and notices aresteel, marked with thecompletely following signs: The majority of consists this special truck of can be recycled. Waste materia The majority of this truck of steel, consists it can be completely recycled.itWaste material in 4.2.1Charge initiale conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an conjunction with maintenance, cleaning scrapping, must collected disposed environment-friendly wayrepairs, andde in la accordance witha the directives of respective countries. Such work 1) Si l’électrolyte batterie diminué ou a été or retiré, l’acide doit êtrebe versé dans laand batterie. Il se of i must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by environment-friendly and inexclusif accordance directives of respective Such w compose d’un acide way sulfurique et d’unewith eau the exclusive d’acides de plomb. Lacountries. gravité spéspecialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, de Safety l’électrolyte ajoutéintended doit être de 1.280 ± 0.005 àRecyclable la température ambiante de injury. 25°C. Versezcare o ---must be observed before use to avoid personal 1.willcifique must bea negative carried out in environment, areas for this purpose. material should be taken have effect on specification the or health, if handled incorrectly. l’électrolyte composé dans la batterie, avec 15-20mmwaste, en plussuch par rapport au niveau limite. and electron specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous as oil filters, batteries ) The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our products will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. 2.are constantly ----being Notice must be observed before to toavoid equipment damage. developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right modify our own Lorsque la température des éléments estuse en-dessous de 35°C, elle peut être connectée au courant chargée. products at anyet moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is suggested to always verify possible updates reported and changes. herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod The information charges initiales s’effectuent en 2 étapes: 3. 2)Les ---General notice and specification before use. lorsque le being voltagedeveloped final des éléments est inférieur à 2.4V, le we courant doit être 0.5Am; areA) constantly and renewed. Therefore, reserve the àright to modify our B) lorsque la tension s’élève à 2.4V, le courant doit être converti à la deuxième étape, 0.25A. Continuez le chargement jusqu’à ce que dessteel, bulles sortent de l’électrolyte. products any moment prior notice and liability sanction. As a Assurez-vous result, it is materia sugge The at majority of this without truck consists of it d’air can in beany completely recycled. Waste que le courant reste constant pendant 3 heures. Lorsque la densité de l’électrolyte atteint 1.280 ± conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning be collected disposed 0.005, ilverify ne doit pas bouger pendant heures. A or ce scrapping, moment là, must la quantité totale deand charge élec- of i to always possible updates and3changes. environment-friendly waylaand in accordance with the directives of respective trique doit être 4/5 fois capacité normale, et le chargement doit durer 70 heures. countries. Such w must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care o 4.2.2Chargement équilibré specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electron Lors du fonctionnement, capacité de tension pasifuniforme, cela veut dire qu’il faut de will have a negative effect si onlathe environment, orn’est health, handled incorrectly. l’électrolyte. On peut éliminer ce problème grâce au chargement équilibré, afin que les éléments 1 redeviennent stables. OnThe peutinformation utiliser le chargement équilibré lors deson conditions suivantes: reported herein is based data available at the time of printing. Our prod 1) Lorsque le voltage de décharge des éléments est en dessous du voltage final (1.7V/élément). Lorsque les éléments ont un taux de courant de déchargement (exemple: le to moteur de our are2)constantly being developed and élevé renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right modify conduite et le moteur de levée qui travaillent en même temps). 3) Lorsque la batterie pas étéprior rechargée après déchargement. products at any momentn’a without noticerégulièrement and liability in anylesanction. As a result, it is sugge (QJOLVK � ) � )) ) 46 to always verify possible updates and changes. 4) Under charged battery or battery not used for a long time. Steps for balance charge: 4) Lorsque la batterie a été complètement rechargée et qu’elle n’a pas été utilisée pendant longtemps. Charging with current of 0.1I5A. Étapes1)pour le chargement équilibré: 2) When the reaches 2.5V and the air bubbles come out from the electrolyte, keep charging 1)Chargez auvoltage courant 0.1 I5A. 2)Lorsque tension atteint with thela current of 0.05 I5A.2.5V et que des bulles d’air sortent de l’électrolyte, maintenez le chargement à 0.05 I5A. 3) When the battery is fully charged, stop charging for half an hour. Then keep on charging with the 3)Lorsque la batterie est complètement chargée, veuillez arrêter le chargement pendant une current of 0.025 I5A for 1 hour. demie-heure. Ensuite, reprenez le chargement à 0.025 I5A pendant une heure. 1 hour again. 4) After stop charging for an hour, keep charging the current of 0.025 I5A for pendant 4)Stoppez à nouveau le half chargement pendant unewith demie-heure, puis chargez une 5) Repeat step 4 .unless the air bubbles come out from the electrolyte as soon as the charger is autre heure à 0.025 I5A 5)Répétez l’étape sauf si des bulles d’air sortent de l’électrolyte dès que vous branchez connected to the4power supply. le chargeur. Il est important d’effectuer les mois un for rechargement pour les batteries en utilisaBalance charging istous essential monthly the battery in équilibré use. (QJOLVK tion. 4.3 Battery indicator 4.3Indicateur de niveau de batterie Battery capacity meter: Discharging statusForeword of battery is indicated on battery capacity meter with ten Indicateur de capacité de la batterie: Le déchargement de la batterie est signalé par l’indicateur de indicator bars for each 10%barres increase. With the consumption of battery the lighting bars will capacité de la batterie par dix qui correspondent chacune à 10%capacity, de la capacité. Welcome to usedownwards thisselow lift pallet truck. For yourofsafety and operation, please carefully descend from the The mark “Alarm” will correct appear when capacity of Lorsque la batterie décharge, lestop. barres lumineuses s’éteignent en partant duresidual “1” vers le “0”. Le signal “ALARM” apparait lorsque la capacité de la batterie est inférieure ou égale à 30%. A standardbook batteryand at 30%. Now, on the the battery is ready for charging. this instruction warnings truck before using it. ce moment là, la batterie a besoin d’être rechargée. The mark of “Alarm” and a flash “Stop” keeps flashing will appear when residual capacity of standard Le signal “ALARM” et un “STOP” clignotant apparaissent lorsque la capacité de la batterie est battery 20%.à 20%. Now, A thecet lifting function truck is automatically and locked. inférieure ouatégale instant, lesoffonctions d’élévationcut duoff gerbeur se coupent automaThese Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and maste tiquement et se bloquent. Capacity Sufficient Charge Required Capacity Insufficient safety operation of the truck. Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. D operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: 1. � ---- Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. Capacité suffisante Rechargement requis capacité insuffisante 2. ---- Notice mustcapacity be observed before capacity use to avoid equipment damage. If the battery meter indicates insufficient soon after lifting system works, the ) ) lifting function will be resumed only after recharging the battery to at least 70% of the capacity. Si---l’indicateur notice de capacité de la batterie indique un niveau insuffisant peu après la mise en 3. service and specification before use. du General dispositif de levage, la fonction d’élévation reprendra seulement lorsque la batterie aura récupéré 70% de ses capacités. The majority of this truck consists of steel,10it can be completely recycled. Waste mater conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. )The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our prod are constantly being developed and renewed. 47 Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is sugge 5 Operation instructions 5. Consignes d’utilisation Poignée de timon 5.15.1 Control handle (QJOLVK Foreword 1 Bouton d’ABAISSEMENT 2 1.Lowering Mollette de réglage AVT/ARR Bouton AVERTISSEUR 2.FWD-BWD Tuning Knob SONORE These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire3and master the 4 Bouton d’INVERTION safety operation of the truck. 3 Horning Button 5 Bouton de LEVEE Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. 4.Reversing Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. 5.Raising Button 5.2 Mise en service du gerbeur Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: 5.2 Starting up of Truck � L’opérateur ---- Safety specification be observed toute before use to avoid personal doitmust empêcher personnes deinjury. s’approcher de la zone de danger lors de la [mise The operator must confirm no persons staying in the danger area before en service et le fonctionnement du gerbeur ou lorsqu’il est en cargaison. 1. 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. starting and operating the truck or lifting cargos. Contrôles habituels avant chaque mise en service: ) -Vérifier si le gerbeur n’a aucune défaillance (particulièrement au niveau des roues et des z fourches) Check if any external truck defects (especially wheels and pallets) The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in -Vérifier si la batterie est correctement fixéeand et disposed si les câbles conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected of in an sont bien branchés. 3. ----Checking General noticebefore and specification before Routine Starting upuse. zenvironment-friendly Check if battery fixed firmly and cable connected properly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work Mise en service Truck starting upEnvironmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, specialized authorities. must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by -Enclenchez le bouton de parking d’urgence Rotate and turnlaonclé emergency parking switch -Insérez dans le contact et tournez la à droite sur la position “I” ) The information reportedde herein is based on data available indique at the time oflaprinting. -Le niveau capacité de batterie capacité actuelle z Insert key into electric lock switch and turn right to position “I”Our products are being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our own constantly -Vérifiez le klaxon it. If necessary, please replace the gas spring of the handle. zproducts capacity the current capacity Battery -Vérifier lemeter fonctionnement des freins surAslaa result, poignée de timon at any moment without priorindicates notice and liability in any sanction. it is suggested Starting up will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. z verify possible updates changes. zto always Check the function ofand horn z 5.3 Fonctionnement du gerbeur [The battery case must be covered and checked to be reliable before starting up the truck. up the truck Check the braking function of controlStarting handle The driving speed is controlled by the controller. Now, the preparation starting up of the truck is completed. 5.3.1Mettre en route,before conduire et garer le gerbeur the control handle into driving range “F” Vous devez prendre un maximum zdeTurn précautions lors de la mise z Adjust the en controller to the direction required 5.3enThe Truck Operation service et lors de la conduite du gerbeur, particulier lorsque Foreword and thegerbeur. truck is moving towards the selected desOperation membres corps sont en dehors du 5.3.1 ofdu Starting up, and Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. ForDriving your safety and Parking correct operation, please carefully read direction. Lors de la conduite, il est formellement interdit de faire monter this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. Enough caution must be attached for starting up and driving of the truck, especially when the des personnes sur le gerbeur. (QJOLVK (QJOLVK [ Driving person body reaching thearetruck. Make thatacquire during it is prohibited to carry any These Operation Instructions out of theoftruck edited for you to sure completely anddriving, master the Bouton d’arrêt (d’urgence)Foreword z Swing the control handle leftwards or rightwards to drive. safety operation of the truck. other person. Mettre le parking d’urgence lorsque toutes les fonctions électriques sont éteintes. En cas d’urgenDriving on a Slope ce, appuyez sur ce bouton pour arrêterit. toutes les fonctions du système cargo carried must face to upward direction ofélectrique. the slope. Make Emergency parking this instruction book and warnings on the truck before usingThe operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your 1safety and correct operation, please carefully read Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During sure to take safety measures to the downward slip direction of the truck: When the control button at “0” position, please When parking urgently, ofpress emergencypull parking switch and then alland electric control functions are cut Frein forcéInstructions These Operation the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the the handle backwards immediately release it according to actual requirement to enable the En cas d’urgence, relâchez le timon et le gerbeur s’arrête automatiquement (figure B1). Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: safety operation of the truck. electromagnetic brake to work automatically and control the speed and the direction of the truck (for off. � Si ---Safety specification observed before useinto these avoid personal injury. 1. Specifications different types oftimon thebetrucks are described Operation Instructions. During Forced braking laofpoignée demust met du temps à se mettre en frein effectif, veuillez vous assurer de trouver le défaut et de le réparer. Si nécessaire, veuillez remplacer le vérin de la poignée de tithe truck is automatically braked mon. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: downward slip). operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. are forced stop, release control handle ---- Notice must to be observed before use the to avoid equipment damage.and then ) (emergency stop). The control handle will turn into the above braking range (B1). 3. ---- General notice and specification before use. Démarrage In case of slow turning handle into braking range, find out the fault and repair ---- Safety specification becontrol observeddoit beforeêtre use tofixé avoid personal injury. be sure 1. � Le couvercle demust laofbatterie correctement avantto tout démarrage. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in Mettre en route le gerbeur conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must 11 be collected and disposed of in an 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. environment-friendly and in accordance with the par directives of respective countries. Such work La vitesse deway conduite est régulée le timon. must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by -MettreEnvironmentally leand timon dans la position “F”. specialized hazardous 3. ) ---- authorities. General notice specification beforewaste, use. such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, [ 48 will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. Braking direction. These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the Driving safety operation of the truck. z Swing control handle leftwards orou rightwards to drive. -Déterminer la direction désirée en tournant le thetimon à droite à gauche. Driving Instructions. on a Slope Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation During The cargo carried must face operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. to upward direction of the slope. Make sure to take safety Conduite (QJOLVK measures to the downward slip direction of the truck: When the control button at “0” position, please Basculez la poignée de timon vers la gauche oupullvers la droite pour conduire. the handle backwards immediately and release it according to actual requirement to enable the Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: Foreword Conduite en pente downward slip). Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read ---- Safety specification must bela observed before use tola avoid personal injury. 1. � La charge doit dans direction de penthis instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. te. Prenez vos mesures de sécurité lorsque le 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. gerbeur glisse versoflethebas: le you bouton est acquire and master the These Operation Instructions truck lorsque are edited for to completely sur “O”, veuillez tirer immédiatement la poisafety of the truck. 3. )operation ---- General notice and specification before use. (QJOLVK gnée de timon vers l’arrière et relâchez-la pour Specifications of different types ofélectromagnétique the trucks are described in afin these Operation Instructions. During enclencher le frein de Foreword The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. pouvoir contrôler la vitesse et la direction du and conjunction cleaning or safety scrapping, beoperation, collected disposed of in an Welcome towith use repairs, this lowmaintenance, lift pallet truck. For your and must correct please carefully read (QJOLVK environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work gerbeur (pour les glissements vers le bas). this instruction book and on the are truck beforewith using Safety specifications andwarnings special notices marked theit.following signs: electromagnetic brake to work automatically and control the speed and the direction of the truck (for must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should Braking be taken care of by Foreword specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, The operator must fully understand the braking performance is subject to the road conditions. will have a negative effect on the health, handled incorrectly. These Operation Instructions of environment, the truck are or edited forifyou to completely acquire and master the But there are three braking types for the truck: ---- Safety specification be observed before to avoid 1.Welcome to use this low liftmust pallet truck. For youruse safety andpersonal correctinjury. operation, please carefully read safety operation of the truck. z Electromagnetic braking (control handle) The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our products this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. z Reverse current braking (controller) 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. Specifications different types of therenewed. trucks areTherefore, described we in these Operation Instructions. During are constantly of being developed and reserve thez right to braking modify(release our own Sensor braking) operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Electromagnetic products at any moment without priorofnotice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it isbraking suggested These Operation Instructions the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the 3. ---- General notice and specification before use. In emergency situations, the truck must be stopped by electromagnetic braking (control handle) of the truck.and changes. tosafety alwaysoperation verify possible updates Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: [ Freinage � L’opérateur doit être capable de comprendre si les performances des freins sont adaptées aux ) conditions de conduite. Le gerbeur possède trois types de frein: ) -le frein électromagnétique [ -le frein d’inversion de marche (QJOLVK The majority -le frein de relâche. of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in Frein électromagnétique conjunction with repairs, maintenance, orForeword scrapping, must be collected andOperation disposed of Instructions. in an Specifications of different types cleaning of the trucks are described in these During ---- Safety specification observed use to avoid personal countries. injury. 1. � En environment-friendly way and inmust accordance with before the directives ofuniquement respective work casmaintenance, d’urgence, lebegerbeur peut être à l’aide du frein électromagnétique operation and please apply the relevant parts for the type ofstoppé theSuch truck. must be carried outthis in areas intended this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of bycarefully read Welcome to use low lift palletfortruck. For your safety and correct operation, please (timon). specialized hazardous such as oildamage. filters, batteries and electronics, 2. ---- authorities. Notice mustEnvironmentally be observed before use to waste, avoid equipment -Basculer leeffect timon vers le haut oumarked vers le pour enclencher le frein (B1) et (B2), le moteur de this instruction book andand warnings on the truck before using it. following will have specifications a negative on the environment, orare health, if handled incorrectly. Safety special notices withbas the signs: (QJOLVK conduite est mécaniquement stoppé. 3. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. ) The information reported herein istimon, based on celui-ci data available the time of printing. Our products sur la position de freinage (B1). Quand vousInstructions relâchez seatyou met These Operation oflethe truck are edited for toautomatiquement completely acquire and master the Foreword � ---Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify Lorsque vous garer le gerbeur, le frein électromagnétique aour laown fonction de frein à main. safety operation The majority of of the this truck. truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read Freinat any d’inversion products withoutde priormarche notice andorliability in anymust sanction. As a and result, it is suggested conjunction with moment repairs, maintenance, cleaning scrapping, be collected disposed of in an environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives ofmotrice respective countries. Suchd’usage, work ----le Notice must be before use to avoid equipment damage. Si système deobserved ou l’unité hors on peut utiliser le freinage this instruction book and warnings on truck before using thesesont to2.always verify possible updates andcontrôle Specifications of different types ofchanges. thethe trucks are described Operation Instructions. During must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by d’inversion deEnvironmentally marche. operation maintenance, please hazardous apply the waste, relevant parts the batteries type of the specializedand authorities. such as oilfor filters, and truck. electronics, 1 -Tournez le timon dans le sens inverse de conduite jusqu’à ce quethele gerbeur s’arrête. will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. 3. Operation ---- General notice and specification These Instructions of the truck are before edited use. for you to completely acquire and master operation -Relâcher le timon. safety of the truck. Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: ) The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our products Frein de relâche The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in are constantlyavoir being developed and Therefore, we reserve the rightOperation tola modify our own “0” et -Après relâché leofrenewed. timon, celui-ci retourne dans position s’arrête suite à Specifications of different types the trucks are or described in must these Instructions. During conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning scrapping, be collected and disposed oflein gerbeur an � ---Safety specification must be observed before use to avoid personal injury. 1. l’inertie du moteur. products atand anymaintenance, moment without priorinnotice andthe liability in any sanction. a result, it istruck. suggested environment-friendly way and accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work operation please apply relevant parts for theAstype of the Le taux de réduction dechanges. la vitesse est lié Recyclable à la position dushould timon. beverify carried out inupdates areas and intended for this purpose. material be taken care of by tomust always possible specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as damage. oilde filters, batteries and electronics, 2. ---Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment Si le frein de relâche est retiré par le personnel maintenance et si le timon est sur la posiSafety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. tion “0”, le gerbeur peut être arrêté seulement par le frein électromagnétique ou par le freinage denotice marche. 3. d’inversion ---- General and specification before use. 12 ) 1. ) ---- information ) reported must herein based onbefore data available at the time ofinjury. printing. Our products � The Safety specification beisobserved use to avoid personal 5.3.2Fonctionnement lors chargement/déchargement marchandise are constantly being developed anddu renewed. Therefore, we reserve thede right to modify our own The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in 2. ---- Notice must be observed use to avoid equipment damage. Avant demoment charger ou de before décharger la marchandise, l’opérateur doit vérifier si le chargement est conjunction with maintenance, or scrapping, must be collected disposed of in an products at anyrepairs, without priorcleaning notice and liability in any sanction. As and a result, it is suggested bien placé sur les fourches et si le poids du chargement correspond aux capacités de chargement environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work to always verify possible updates and changes. est déconseillé debefore prolonger la durée du should soulèvement en ofcharge maximale. must carried outIlinnotice areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material be taken care by 3. dubegerbeur. ---General and specification use. specialized authorities.doivent Environmentally hazardousjusqu’au waste, suchfond as oil du filters, batteries and dans electronics, -Les fourches être insérées chargement la meilleure position. willLe have a negative effect on des the environment, or health, handled incorrectly. fonctionnement boutons “UP” et if“DOWN” (MONTEE et DESCENTE) induit une monThe majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in tée ou une descente à une vitesse fixe. conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an 1 on data available at the time of printing. Our products The information reported herein is based Élévation des way fourches environment-friendly and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work surinle bouton defor contrôle “FORK LIFTING” (élévation des fourches) et maintenez-le must be carriedbeing out areas intended this purpose. Recyclable material should be by are-Appuyer constantly developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to taken modifycare our of own specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, enfoncé jusqu’à l’obtention de la hauteur désirée. Faites attention à la hauteur limite. products atnegative any moment without notice and any sanction. As a result, it is suggested will have a effect on the prior environment, or liability health, in if handled incorrectly. Abaissement des fourches to always verify possible updates and changes. 1 ) ) sur le bouton de contrôle “FORK LOWERING” (ABAISSEMENT DES FOURCHES) )-Appuyez The abaisser information les reported herein is on datavoulue. available at the time of printing. Our products pour fourches à based la hauteur are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our own 49 products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is suggested These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the safety operation of the truck. 6. Entretien Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. 6.1 Opération de sécurité et respect de l’environnement Les instructions mentionnées dans la partie «Opération d’inspection et de maintenance» doivent être appliquées selon le programme de la Liste de Maintenance. ---- Safety specification mustconseils be observedde before use to avoid injury. pas être changés sans autorisation. Il est 1. � Les pièces ou les sécurité nepersonal peuvent strictement interdit de modifier la vitesse du gerbeur. Toutes les pièces détachées du constructeur 2. Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. sont----qualifiées par la Qualities Assurance Autorities. Afin d’assurer la sécurité et la fiabilité du gerbeur, il convient d’utiliser les pièces détachées du constructeur. Les pièces remplacées, huiles 3. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. (QJOLVK et carburants, doivent être déposés dans des zones définies par les lois pour protection environnementale. The majority of this truck consists of steel, Foreword it can be completely recycled. Waste material in Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an Welcome to use this liftinpallet truck.l’entretien For the yourdirectives safety correct operation, please environment-friendly and accordance with ofgerbeur respective countries. Such workcarefully read 6.2 Règles dewaylow sécurité pour duand Personnel deand maintenance: les professionnels qualifiés et entrainés sont autorisés à réparer this instruction book warnings on the seuls truck before using it. specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by ou à entretenir le gerbeur. Élévation gerbeur: gerbeur, acquire son dispositif These Operation du Instructions of thelors truckde arel’élévation edited for youdu to completely and masterde thelevage doit être sûr et ) The information reported herein is based on data available atLorsque the time of printing. Our products fiable (en particulier la position de levée). le gerbeur est levé, toutes les mesures de sécusafety operation of the truck. are constantly beingêtre developed and pour renewed. Therefore, we reserve theou rightleto retournement modify our own rité doivent prises éviter le glissement du gerbeur (des blocs de bois peuvent être utilisés). Le gerbeur peut être levé au niveau du dispositif de levage à conditions que products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is suggested Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During fourches soient reliées à un assez solide. to les always verify possible updates and changes. operation and maintenance, please apply thecâble relevant parts for the type of the truck. Nettoyage: Il est strictement interdit d’utiliser des produits inflammables pour le nettoyage du gerbeur. Avantand despecial commencer lemarked nettoyage, prendre vos mesures de sécurité afin d’éviter Safety specifications notices are with theveuillez following signs: toute étincelle (qui peuvent par exemple être causées par un court-circuit). Avant toute manipulation sur la batterie, veuillez la brancher. Tous les éléments électriques et l’ensemble des compoSafety specification must be être observed before use tonettoyés avoid personal injury. d’un compresseur à air doux ou à 1. � sants----électroniques peuvent uniquement à l’aide l’aide d’une brosse isolante et antistatique. 2. Noticeutilisez must be observed before use to avoid equipment Si----vous un nettoyeur à jet d’eau propredamage. ou à haute pression, veuillez d’abord couvrir les éléments électriques et l’ensemble des composants électroniques afin de les protéger de l’huqui pourrait entrainer un before mauvais 3. midité ---- General notice and specification use. fonctionnement. Le nettoyage à l’aide d’une buse à vapeur est interdit. Manipulation du système électrique: Afin d’éviter les chocs électriques, veuillez prendre toutes The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in 1 vos précautions. Veuillez débrancher la batterie touteandmanipulation. conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must avant be collected disposed of in an Soudage: Fin d’éviter l’endommagement des éléments électriques et l’ensemble des composants environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work électroniques, veuillez les for retirer du gerbeur et les éloigner souder. must be carried out in areas intended this purpose. Recyclable material should avant be takende care of by specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil composants filters, batteries and electronics, Installation: Après avoir réparé ou remplacé des hydrauliques, électriques ou élecwilltroniques, have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. veuillez les remettre à leur position initiale. Roues: La qualité des roues se répercute sur la stabilité et sur la conduite du gerbeur. Le changeThe information herein is based on data the time Our products ment des rouesreported doit être approuvé par laavailable société.at Lors deoflaprinting. substitution des roues, le gerbeur doit dans sa developed position and initiale, à l’horizontale (les roues doivent être par paire, droite arerester constantly being renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our changées own et gauche). products at any moment without prior notice and liability in any sanction. As a result, it is suggested Chaines de levage et galets: Sans graissage, les chaines de levage et les galets s’usent rapideto always verify possible updates and changes. ment. Le temps d’intervalle du manuel de maintenance est valable lors de conditions normales d’utilisation. Au cas où le lieux de travail est dégradé ( poussière, températures extrêmes), il est nécessaire de les graisser régulièrement. Tuyau d’huile hydraulique: Le tuyau d’huile hydraulique ainsi que l’ensemble du système hydraulique doit être changé tous les 6 ans. will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. ) ) 6.3 Maintenance et inspection Une maintenance complète et minutieuse assure le bon fonctionnement du gerbeur. Le non-respect et la négligence des conseils du manuel d’entretien peut causer la défaillance du gerbeur et peut même devenir un danger potentiel pour les personnes et le matériel. Le programme de maintenance est basé sur une utilisation du gerbeur en conditions normales. Le cycle de maintenance sera écourté si vous soumettez le gerbeur à des conditions d’utilisation difficiles, comme la poussière, les températures extrêmes ou lorsque vous utilisez toutes ses fon1 50 ctions en même temps. Veuillez procéder aux opérations de maintenance en suivant le cycle de maintenance indiqué cidessous: W1= toute les 50 H de travail, au moins une fois par semaine. M3= toute les 500 H de travail, au moins une fois tous les 3 mois. M6= toute les 1000 H de travail, au moins une fois tous les 6 mois. M12= Toute les 2000 H de travail, au moins une fois par an. A la réception du gerbeur, vous pouvez vérifier les points suivants: Dès 50 ou 100 H de travail ou 2 mois après le mise en service: -Vérifiez si les roues n’ont pas perdu de boulons ou si ils ne se sont pas desserrés et remettez-les ou resserrez-les si nécessaire; -Contrôlez que le système hydraulique n’ait pas de fuite et ajustez-le si nécessaire; -Remplacez les filtres hydrauliques. 6.4 Liste de maintenance: Standard: 0 (obligatoire) Chambre froide: # (facultatif) 1.1 Chassis 1.2 2.1 Système de conduite 2.2 2.3 3.1 Roues 3.2 Direction 4.1 5.1 Système de freinage 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 Dispositif de levage 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 Système hydraulique 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Système électrique 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Programme de maintenance Inspection des roulements Inspection de tous les vis et boulons Inspection du bruit et des fuites Inspection du niveau d'huile Graissage Vérification de l'état de dégradation et de l'usure Inspection des roulements a) Contrôle de la direction Inspection et ajustement Contrôle du vérin à gas et inspection de fuite ou de dégradation Contrôle de l'état d'usure des freins des roues Vérification de la connexion du frein et ajustement si nécessaire Inspection et ajustement de la performance Détection d'éventuels blocages de la roue de chargement Contrôle des pointes des fourches et des fourches Inspection de la performance Détection de fuite ou d’usure au niveau des joints b) Contrôle de fuite ou de dégradation au niveau du cylindre de soulèvement, vérification de la sureté et de la fiabilité de sa fixation Vérification du niveau d'huile Remplacements de l'huile et du filtre c) Inspection de la fonction d'ajustement du régulateur de pression Vérification de la performance Contrôle de la connexion et de l'état des cables Vérification de l'ampérage des fusibles Vérification des interrupteurs Vérification des connecteurs Contrôle du fonctionnement du dispositif d'allarme 51 W 1 # M 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 6 M 12 # 0 # 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 # # 0 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 0 0 0 # 0 Electrical system Moteur 9.1 9.2 9.3 10.1 Motor Batterie 10.2 10.3 10.4 Battery Graissage 11.1 12.1 Contrôles supplémentaires Lubrication 12.2 12.3 cables, and if any damage Inspection of Amperage of fuse Inspection of safety, reliability and function of switches 8.4 andl'état unlocking Contrôle de d'usurecam desequipment balais à charbon Inspection of connector, Vérification de la fixation du moteur replace the worn part if 8.5 necessary Nettoyage du moteur à l'aide d'un aspirateur 8.6 Inspection of function of alarm equipment Vérification du voltage et de la densité et du # 9.1 niveau deInspection l'acide of wearing state of carbon brush 9.2 Inspection of safety of motor attachment Contrôle de l'état des terminaux de connexion, # Clean motor frame with vacuum cleaner, inspection of graissage 9.3 wearing state of commutor Nettoyage des connecteurs et vérification de la # Inspection of density and capacity of acid, voltage of fixation 10.1 battery Contrôle de l'usure du cable et remplacement si Inspection of safety device of connection terminal, nécessaire 10.2 applicability of grease GraissageClean du gerbeur # connector of battery, inspection of compactness 10.3 Contrôle des problèmes dans la masse du système of fit électronique Inspection of damage of battery cable, replace it if 10.4 Vérification de la vitesse de conduite et de la necessary distance de freinage Paint grease to the truck according to the time schedule 11.1 Contrôle de la vitesse de soulèvement et of lubrication feeding d'abaissement Inspection of the fault in grounding of electrical system 12.1 InspectionInspection du dispositif de sécurité de braking la fermeof driving speedetand distance 12.2 8.3 0 0 # ● 0 ● ● ● # 0# ● 0# ● 0# ● # 0 ● # ● 0 ● 0 0 0 ● ● 0 Integrated 12.4 ture measurement Inspection of lifting and lowering speed ● 12.3 13.1 Commission sous taux de chargement 0 Démonstration Inspection of safety device and closing device ● 12.4 la maintenance, le gerbeur est fiable 13.2 Après # 0 Commissioning under load rating ● 13.1 (QJOLVK a) A environ 100 Demonstration H de travail après la mise enAfter service, vérifiez les boulons des roues s’ils sont bien au complet above maintenance, the truck is certificated to be # ● et resserrez13.2 les si nécessaire. reliable for operator Foreword b) A environ 100 H de travail après la mise en service, contrôlez s’il n’y a aucune fuite d’huile au niveau du système hydraunuts on wheels and tighten them if c)A environ 500 h de travail après la mise en service. this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. necessary 100 after initial operation, if any read loose lique ettoresserrez lesliftpièces sihours besoin. Welcome use a)About this low pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation,check please carefully b)About 100 hours after initial operation, check if any leakage of hydraulic parts and tighten them if 6.5 Réparation et maintenance These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the safety operation of the required truck. 6.4.1 Préparation du gerbeur à la réparation ou à la maintenance d) 500 hours after initial operation Prenez toutes vos mesures de sécurité pour éviter tous incident pendant la réparation ou la maintenance du gerbeur, en suivant les in6.5 Operation Specifications of Repair and Maintenance dications suivantes: Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: 6.5.1lePreparation trucksécurité; to be repaired or maintained -Garez gerbeur enoftoute -Enclenchez bouton d’urgence et débranchez la batterie. Prepare allle necessary safety measures to avoid possible ---- Safety specification must be lever observedles before use to avoidou personal injury. 1. � Lorsque vous devez fourches le gerbeur, veuillez accident during the course of repair and maintenance by faire extrêmement attention à ce que les fourches et le gerbeur ne completing following 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use to preparations: avoid equipment damage. glissent pas ou ne sethe retournement pas. Si vous devez élever le gerz Parking the truck safely beur, référez-vous au chapitre «Transport et mise en route». 3. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. Press emergency parking switch and cut off the power of 6.5.3 Inspection niveau d’huile the du battery. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in z -Préparation du gerbeur à la réparation ou à la maintenance; -Retirer les quatre vis (2 et 10); -Ouvrir le couvercle du timon (1 et 3); -Vérifier le niveau d’huile. Durant l’inspection, les fourches doivent être au plus bas. 16 conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an environment-friendly wayWhen and in accordance with theisdirectives of respective Such work the operation done after lifting countries. of the forks or lifting of the must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, should be taken to avoid slipping or turning over of the forks or the truck. will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. [ )The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our products truck, protection measures In case of lifting of the truck, Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our own 6.5.4 Contrôle des fusibles -Préparation à la réparation la maintenance; products at any moment withoutdu priorgerbeur notice and liability in any sanction. ou As à a result, it is suggested -Ouvrir le couvercle du timon; to always verify possible updates and changes. -Consulter la fiche des fusibles pour connaître le voltage de ceux-ci, et remplacer-les si nécessaire. are constantly being developed and renewed. 52 CODE FU FU1 FU2 DESIGNATION Fusible du circuit principal Fusible du contrôle des mouvements Fusible du contrôle de levée Foreword (QJOLVK AMPERAGE 200A 10A 6A (QJOLVK Foreword 6.5.4 Utilisation du gerbeur après la maintenance veuillez conclure par ces opérations indiquées ci-dessous d’utiliser gerbeur: Welcome to avant use this low liftlepallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully These Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the Operation -Nettoyez le gerbeur; safety operation of the book truck.lesand this warnings on the truck before using it. instruction -Contrôlez freins; -Vérifiez le bouton d’urgence; Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During -Contrôlez le klaxon. operation and maintenance,Instructions please apply the relevant for theare type edited of the truck. These Operation of theparts truck for you to completely acquire and maste 6.6 Immobilisation du truck. gerbeur safety operation the Safety specifications and of special are marked with the following signs: Si vous immobilisez lenotices gerbeur pendant plus de deux mois, veuillez vous assurer qu’il soit entreposé dans un endrois sec et à l’ abri du gel. Après son immobilité, vous devez prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires. Pendant et après veuillezinexécuter les opérations suivan- D ---- Safety specification must betypes observed use to avoid are personal injury. 1. � Specifications of different ofbefore thel’immobilisation, trucks described these Operation Instructions. tes: (QJOLVK parts for the type of the truck. operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant 2. ---- Notice must be observeddu before use to avoid equipment damage. Lors de l’immobilité gerbeur, celui-ci doit être surélevé, afin que les roues ne touchent pas le sol. De cette façon, elles seront protégées contre les dégradations. Foreword Si le----gerbeur est and inutilisé pendant plus de 6 mois, veuillez contacter le service de maintenance 3. ) General notice specification before use. Safety specifications and special are marked with the following signs: Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your notices safety and correct operation, please carefully read pour avoir plus de détails sur les opérations à suivre. Welcome to use this low lift pallet truck. For your safety and correct operation, please carefully read thisAprès instruction and warnings ou on the before using la book maintenance la truck réparation duit.gerbeur, this instruction book and warnings on the truck before using it. The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in 6.6.1 Opérations avant l’immobilisation conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an These Operation Instructions of truck arewith edited you to completely acquire and master the environment-friendly way and in the accordance the for directives of respective countries. Such work -Nettoyez complètement lemust gerbeur; ----out Safety specification be observed before use toofavoid personal 1. must be carried in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care by safety operation of the truck. -Contrôlez les freins; specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, -Vérifiez d’huile; willhave a negative effectle onniveau the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During -Consultez la liste des pièces à graisser; 2. ---Notice please mustapply be the observed before useof to operation and maintenance, relevant parts for the type the avoid truck. equipment damage. The information -Rechargez la batterie; reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our products � injury. ) -Débranchez et nettoyez la batterie, graissez les électrodes de la batterie. Vous pouvez aussi suivre les instructionsbefore concernant l’entrien de la batterie. 3. ----moment General and products at any withoutnotice prior notice andspecification liability in any sanction. As ause. result, it is suggested ) are constantly being and developed renewed. Therefore, reserve the right to modify our own Safety specifications special and notices are marked with thewe following signs: to always possible and pendant changes. 6.6.2----verify Mesures àupdates prendre Safety specification must be observedl’immobilisation before use to avoid personal injury. 1. � Tous les 2 mois: rechargez la batterie. The majority this truckusedu consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste mater ---- Notice must be of observed before to avoid equipment damage. Faire fonctionner la batterie gerbeur. Il est important de recharger régulièrement la batterie. Le déchargement de la batterie cau- of conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, must be total collected and disposed sera la décharge automatique de celle-ci et pourra même l’endommager. 3. ) ---General notice and specification before use. environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care 6.6.3 Remise en truck service The majority of this consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electro -Nettoyez complètement gerbeur; conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning le or scrapping, must be collected and disposed of in an environment-friendly way and in accordance with environment, theà directives of respective countries. Such work incorrectly. will a negative on pièces the or health, if handled have-Consultez laeffect liste des graisser; must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by -Nettoyez la batterie, graissez les électrodes de la batterie et branchez-la; specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous waste, such as oil filters, batteries and electronics, -Rechargez will have a negative effect onla thebatterie; environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. The information reported herein based on data available at the timesiofbesoin; printing. Our prod -Contrôlez qu’il n’y ait pas d’eauisdans l’huile du moteur et remplacez-la -Vérifiez s’il n’y d’eau dans l’huile si besoin; ) The information reported hereina ispas based on 1data available at thehydraulique time of printing. et Ourremplacez-la products are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our -Mettez le gerbeur en route. are constantly being developed and renewed. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify our own 2. ) products atmoment any moment prior innotice and liability sanction. products at any without prior without notice and liability any sanction. As a result,in it isany suggested to always verify possible updates and changes. to always verify possible updates and changes. 53 As a result, it is sugge These Operation Instructions of the truck are edited for you to completely acquire and master the safety operation of the truck. Faire fonctionner la batterie du gerbeur. Specifications of different types of the trucks are described in these Operation Instructions. During operation and maintenance, please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. -S’il y avait un problème avec le système électrique, veuillez utiliser un nettoyant pour contact sur les connexion électriques exposées. Répétez cette opération afin d’éliminer la couche d’oxydation sur les pièces de connexions de la carte de contrôle du timon. ---- Safetyla specification be observedveuillez before use totester avoid personal injury.électromagnétique. 1. � Après remise must en service, le frein Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the following signs: 2. 3. ---- Notice must be observed before use to avoid equipment damage. 6.6.4Problèmes, causes, solutions ) ---- General notice and specification before use. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les éléments pour diagnostiquer et éliminer les défauts simples qui puissent survenir lors de l’utilisation du gerbeur: The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste material in PROBLEMES CAUSE must be collected and disposed of in anSOLUZIONI conjunction with repairs, maintenance, cleaning or scrapping, environment-friendly way and in accordance with the directives of respective countries. Such work-Vérifiez les connexions de must be carried out in areas intended for this purpose. Recyclable material should be taken care of by specialized authorities. Environmentally hazardous -Batterie waste, suchdéconnectée; as oil filters, batteries and electronics,et branchez si nécessaire; will have a negative effect on the environment, or health, if handled incorrectly. -Commutateur de marche sur “0”; la batterie -Mettez sur “I”; )The information reported herein is based on data available at the time of printing. Our products are constantly being developed and renewed. -Bouton we d’urgence estright désactivé; Therefore, reserve the to modify our own-Enclenchez-le; products at any moment withoutpas prior notice and liability in any sanction. Le gerbeur ne démarre to always verify possible updates and changes. -Batterie à plat; As a result, it is suggested -La poignée de timon n’est pas dans la position “F”; -Fusible endommagé -Le gerbeur ne peut etre utilisé; -Perte d’huile au niveau du système hydraulique; Foreword -Vérifiez le niveau de la batterie et rechargez-la si besoin; - Mettez la poignée de timon dans la position “F”; -Contrôlez les fusibles FU et FU1 -Veuillez consulter la partie “Le gerbeur ne démarre pas ; (QJOLVK -Inspectez-le; Les fourches se lèvent pas lift pallet -Fusible endommagé; le fusible FU2; please carefully Welcome to ne use this low truck. For your safety and -Contrôlez correct operation, 1 this instruction book and warnings on de the truck before -Niveau la batterie à 20/30%;using it.-Veuillez recharger la batterie; These Operation Instructions safety operation of the truck. Les fourches restent levées -Mauvaise connexion ou micro-inter-Vérifiez le micro-interrupteur de sourupteur soulèvement endommagé; et remplacez-le si besoin;and of the de truck are edited for youlèvement to completely acquire -La valve de contrôle est bloquée par -Vérifiez l’huile et nettoyez la valve. du mauvais liquide ; Changez l’huile si nécessaire; maste -La valve électromagnétique d’abaisse- -Contrôlez-la et remplacez-la si besoin; Specifications of different typesment of est theendommagée trucks are described ou hors d’usage; in these Operation Instructions. D -Le micro-interrupteur de soulèvement -Eteignez le gerbeur et changez le operation and Les fourches nemaintenance, restent pas levées please apply the relevant parts for the type of the truck. est endommagé; micro-interrupteur de soulèvement; -Contrôlez le micro-interrupteur de la Déplacement dans une seule direc-Mauvaise connexion du micro-interde timon ainsi que le cable de Safety specifications and special notices are marked with the poignée following signs: tion rupteur et du cable de connexion; connexion; -La batterie est en réserve, le frein -Vérifiez le niveau de la batterie, le Déplacement trop lent électromagnétique est trop serré ou les frein électromagnétique ainsi que les ---- Safety specificationcables mustrelatifs be observed before usecables; to avoid personal injury. 1. sont mal branchés; -Le timon est endommagé; -Remplacez-le; Démarrage improvisé du gerbeur 2. ---- Notice must be observed before use tobouton avoid equipment damage. -Aucun réglement avec le -Réparez ou remplacez le bouton. “MARCHE AVANT/ARRIERE” � 3. ) ---- General notice and specification before use. Si un problème persiste malgré ces solutions, veuillez-en informer le service après-vente. 54 The majority of this truck consists of steel, it can be completely recycled. Waste mater Franz / Leo Franz / Leo 7. Schema elettrico - Electric and Hydraulic diagram - Schéma électrique et hydraulique 55 8. Spaccati e lista di ricambi - Spare parts drawings Liste des dessins et des piéces détachées 8.1 ETICHETTE – LABELS – AUTOCOLLANTS PAG. 57 8.2 RICAMBI ESTERNI - EXTERIOR PARTS – PARTIES EXTERNES PAG. 58 8.3 VANO BATTERIA - ELECTRIC COMPARTMENT BOX – COMPARTIMENT BATTERIE PAG. 59 9. RUOTA MOTRICE - DRIVING WHEEL (3ELA-DC) – ROUE MOTRICE PAG. 61 9.1 RUOTA MOTRICE - DRIVING WHEEL (MR240FR) - ROUE MOTRICE PAG. 63 10.RUOTE STABILIZZATRICI - STEERING WHEEL - ROUES STABILISATRICES PAG. 65 11.RULLI DI CARICO - LOAD ROLLERS - GALETS PORTEURS PAG. 66 12.1 TIMONE CANBUS - CANBUS HANDLE - TIMON CANBUS PAG. 67 12.2 RICAMBI TIMONE CANBUS - CANBUS HANDLE SPARE PARTS - PIECES DETACHEES TIMON CANBUS PAG. 68 13. TRASMISSIONE– TRANSMISSION - TRANSMISSION PAG. 70 14.1 CIRCUITI E CAVI - CIRCUIT AND CABLES – CIRCUITS ET CABLES PAG. 72 14.2 CIRCUITI CONTROLLO (TIMONE CANBUS) – CONTROLLING CIRCUIT (CANBUS HANDLE) CIRCUITS DE CONTROLE (TIMON CANBUS) PAG. 73 14.3 PARTI ELETTRICHE UNIVERSALI - UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC PARTS LIST . PIECES ELECTRIQUES UNIVERSELLES PAG. 74 14.4 PANNELLO (TIMONE CANBUS) – CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY (CANBUS HANDLE) – CARTE DE COMMANDE (CANBUS HANDLE) PAG. 76 14.5 TUBAZIONI OLIO – OIL PIPE ASSEMBLY – TUYAUX HUILE ( LEO1232, LEO1236) PAG. 78 15.2 CILINDRO - CYLINDER ASSEMBLY – CYLINDRE PAG. 79 16.1 IMPIANTO IDRAULICO - HYDRAULIC SYSTEM - SYSTEME HYDRAULIQUE PAG. 80 16.2 IMPIANTO IDRAULICO - HYDRAULIC SYSTEM - SYSTEME HYDRAULIQUE (HYDRAPP) PAG. 81 17.1 MONTANTE ESTERNO - OUTER MAST ASSEMBLY – MAT EXTERNE PAG. 82 17.2 MONTANTE INTERNO - INNER MAST ASSEMBLY – MAT INTERNE PAG. 83 17.3 CATENA - CHAIN - CHAINE ( LEO1232, LEO1236) PAG. 84 17.5 FORCHE - FORKS - FOURCHES PAG. 85 18. ACCESSORI – OPTIONAL PARTS – ACCESSOIRES 18.1 PEDANA – FOT PEDAL ASSEMBLY – PLATEFORME PAG. 86 18.2 KIT BRACCIOLI (MODELLO VECCHIO) - PROTECTIVE ARM ASSEMBLY (OLD TYPE) KIT POIGNEES PROTECTRICES (ANCIEN MODELE) PAG. 97 18.3 KIT BRACCIOLI(MODELLO NUOVO - PROTECTIVE ARM ASSEMBLY (NEW TYPE) KIT POIGNEES PROTECTRICES (NOUVEAU MODELE) PAG. 89 18.4 POGGIACARICHI - LOAD BACKREST – GRILLE DE SOUTIEN PAG. 90 56 8.1 ETICHETTE – LABELS – AUTOCOLLANTS Serial No Description Quantity 1 Hoisting Position Label 2 2 Safety Label 2 3 Load Capacity Label 2 4 CE Label 2 57 Note 8.2 RICAMBI ESTERNI - EXTERIOR PARTS – PARTIES EXTERNES Serial No Part No Description Quantity Note 1 Serial 2 No 422120047 Part No 422420041 Cover kits of Electric Box Description Screw M10 1 Quantity 2 Note 3 1 4 2 422040409 422120047 422120269 422420041 Nut Box CoverTraveling kits of Electric Safety ScrewBoard M10 2 1 1 2 3 422120270 422040409 422120271 422120269 Safety Board Traveling Nut Safety Safety Board Board 1 2 1 1 422120272 422120270 422120273 422120271 Safety Safety Board Board Safety Safety Board Board 1 1 1 1 6 5010506016C0 422120272 503010058 422120273 Phillips Screw M6×16 Safety Board Washer 6 Safety Board 6 1 6 1 7 5 506030109 5010506016C0 Rubber Washerφ20×φ6.5×3 Phillips Screw M6×16 12 6 6 503010058 Washer 6 6 7 506030109 Rubber Washerφ20×φ6.5×3 2 12 4 5 2 58 LEO1216 LEO1229 LEO1229FFL LEO1216 LEO1232 LEO1229 LEO1236 LEO1229FFL LEO1232 LEO1236 8.3 VANO BATTERIA - ELECTRIC COMPARTMENT BOX – COMPARTIMENT BATTERIE 59 Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 422120046 Cover of Battery Box 1 2 D12070024 Switch Fixing Holder 1 3 502990010 Traveling Nut 10 4 4 422420042 Screw M10 4 5 5010806012C0 Socket Head Screw M6×12 4 6 503020022 Spring Washer 6 4 7 503010058 Washer 6 4 8 D12070025 Cable Clip Holder 1 9 503010052 Washer 4 4 10 505020043 Split Pin 4×45 2 11 505040002 Split Pinφ1×8 4 12 D12070022 Hinged Frame 2 13 503010056 Washer 5 8 14 503020020 Spring Washer 5 8 15 5010505016C0 Phillips Screw M5×16 8 16 502030023 Hexagonal Head Jam NutM5 8 17 422120274 Battery Box 1 18 422420042 Screw M10×20 4 19 D12070020 Fixing Plate 1 20 502030032 Nut M8 7 21 503010085 Washer 8 7 22 422120275 Protective Plate 1 23 5010608030C1 Phillips Screw M8×30 7 60 Note 9. RUOTA MOTRICE - DRIVING WHEEL(3ELA-DC) – ROUE MOTRICE Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 G010401001 Retaining Ring 1 2 G010401002 Bearing 1 3 G010401003 Shaft 1 4 G010401004 Gear Shaft 1 5 G010401005 Deceleration Box 1 6 G010401006 Gear 1 7 G010401007 Retaining Ring 1 61 Note ▲ 8 G010401008 Retaining Ring 1 9 G010401009 Shaft 1 10 G010401010 Shaft 1 11 G010401011 Retaining Ring 1 12 G010401012A Motor 1 13 G010401013 Screw 5 14 G010401014 Bearing 1 15 G010401015 Gear 1 16 G010401016 Ring 1 17 G010401017 Annual Gear 1 18 G010401018 Bearing 1 19 G010401019 Retaining Ring 1 20 G010401020 Bearing 1 21 G010401021 O-ring 1 22 G010401022 Cap 1 23 G010401023 Wheel 1 24 G010401024 Washer 6 25 G010401025 Screw 6 26 G010401026 Dust Ring 1 27 G010401027 Cap 1 28 G010401028 Washer 6 29 G010401029 Screw 6 30 G010401030 Gear Box 1 31 G010401031 Washer 11 32 G010401032 Screw 11 33 G010401033 Dust Ring 1 34 G010401034 Washer 1 35 G010401035 Electromagnetic Brake 1 36 G010401036 Screw 3 37 G010401037 Screw 3 38 G010401038 Washer 3 39 G010401039 Cap 1 40 G010401040 O-ring 1 41 G010401041 Screw 1 42 G010401042 Washer 1 43 G010401043 Polar Shoe 1 44 G010401044 Socket Head ScrewM5X12 2 Remarks:1.Those with ▲ can not be provided alone. 2. The spare parts for gears need to be provided by pairs. 62 6 ▲ ▲ 9.1 RUOTA MOTRICE - DRIVING WHEEL(MR240FR) - ROUE MOTRICE 63 Serial No Part No Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 A 5010406014C0 G250402001 501990109 G250402002 504040034 349010118 505020047 G250402003 G250402004 G250402005 349010100 G250402006 G250402007 G250402008 G250402009 349010100 504040026 G250402010 5010406060C0 G250402011 349010096 G250402012 G250402013 G250402014 349010098 G250402015 G250402016 G250402017 622020090 G250402018 5010408016C0 G250402019 G250402020 G250402021 G250402022 G250402023 G250402024 5010604010C0 502030023 G250402025 G250402026 5010405018C0 504060001 502030025 G250402027 G250402028 G250402029 G250402030 50101005010 G250402031 G250402032 G250402033 G250402034 G250402035 G250402036 50101005045 G250402037 G250402038 G250402039 504060005 504070105 G250402040 G250402041 Socket Head Screw 8.8 M6 x 14 Wheel Seal 140 x 180 x 12 Braking Circle Ø180 Locking clip 16024 C2 Bearing Ø5 x 20 Pin Inner Gear Z=99 Washer Outer Cover 6006 Bearing Speed-changing Gear Z=80 Flat Key 10 x 8 x 18 Gear Z=14 Bearing Washer Ø30 x 42 Bearing 6006 Locking clip Ø55 Cap Ø55 x 4 Socket Head Screw 8.8 M6 x 60 Bearing 6002 2RS Locking clip Ø15 E Motor Gear Axle Z=18 Seal Ø20 x 32 x 7 Motor Flange Bearing 6004 ZZCM Flat Key 5 x 5 x 18 Motor Rotor Supporting Screw M6 x 168 Bearing 6201 ZZ Field Winding Socket Head Screw 10.9 M8x 16 Pole shoe Driving Motor Case Electric Brush Fixing Board Electric Brush 10 x 12,5 x 22,5 M19 Spring of Electric Brush Split Retaining Ring Ø4 Phillips Screw 8.8 M4x 10 Nut 6S M5 Electric Brush Fixing Cap Socket Washer Ø5 Socket Head Screw 10.9 M5x 18 Split Retaining Ring Ø6 Nut 6S M6 Protective Cover Polar End Washer Flange of Brake Hexagonal Head Screw 8.8 M5x 10 Wheel Hub Locking Clip Ø14 E Bearing Disk Brake Disk Adjusting Screw Electromagnetic Coil Hexagonal Head Screw 8.8 M5x 45 Spring Pin Disc-like Screw Split Retaining Ring Ø5 8 X 2,62 2-134 O-ring 47,30 DC Motor E/m Brake Block 10N-M Quan tity 10 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 8 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 2 2 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 4 4 1 3 3 1 1 Remarks:The spare parts for gears need to be provided by pairs. 64 Note ▲ 10.RUOTE STABILIZZATRICI - STEERING WHEEL - ROUES STABILISATRICES Serial No 1 Part No Description Quantity 422100034 Linking Plate 2 2 503010022 Washer M12 8 3 503020008 Elastic Washer 12 8 4 5010412035C0 Socket Head Screw M12×35 8 5 506060022 Grease Cup M6 2 6 30916400598 Dust Ring 2 7 349010158 Bearing 8111 2 8 349010145 Bearing 7205E 2 9 422120204 Cover 2 10 502060002 Screw M20×1.5 2 11 D01180002 Frame of Wheel 2 12 502040016 Hexagonal Head Jam Screw M14 2 13 422120099 Washer φ20.5×φ28×3 4 14 349010118 Bearing 60204 4 15 339120001 Axle Sleeve φ20×φ15×62.5 2 16 G220401001 Wheel φ150×54 2 17 50101014100 Hexagonal Head Bolt M14×100 2 G220401002 Steering Wheel kit 2 65 Note 11.RULLI DI CARICO - LOAD ROLLERS - GALETS PORTEURS Serial No 1 Part No Description Quantity G220402001 Axle (1)φ20×124 2 2 505020044 Elastic Pin φ4×50 2 3 503010039 Washerφ26×φ20×4 4/8 4 349010118 Bearing 60204 4/8 5 G220402002 Wheelφ80×93 2 6 G220402003 Axle (2)φ20×96 4 7 505020051 Elastic Pin φ5×35 8 8 G220402004 Linking Plate 4 9 G220402005 Loading wheelφ80×70 4 66 Note 12. TIMONE CANBUS - CANBUS HANDLE - TIMON CANBUS 12.1 Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 422120226 Socket Head Screw M8×20 2 2 503020023 Elastic Washer 8 2 3 422120008 Handle Arm 1 4 5010408016C0 Socket Head Screw M8×16 1 5 302990020 Air Spring (250N) 1 6 501990040 Socket Head Screw M8*15 4 7 G010102000 Cover 1 8 506030031 Anti-vibration Pad 1 9 5010406010C0 Screw M6×10 2 10 339010038 Bushing 23/19*17*10 2 11 301703006 Axle φ17×71 1 12 505020005 Elastic Pin φ4×24 1 13 D01180001 Handle Joint 1 14 5010410016C0 Screw M10X16 2 15 506030021 Dust Cover 1 G010102032 CANBUS Control Handle Assembly 1 67 Note 12.2 RICAMBI TIMONE CANBUS - CANBUS HANDLE SPARE PARTS - PIECES 14.1 DETACHEES TIMON CANBUS 68 Serial No Part No Description Quantit y 1 G010102007 Driving Button (Left) 1 2 G010102008 Horn Button 1 3 G010102009 Spring for Horn Button 5 4 G010102010 Bushing 2 5 G010102011 Magnetic Substance 4 6 G010102012 Spring for Emergence Reversing 4 7 5010406010C0 Socket Head Screw M6X10 3 8 5010403016C0 Socket Head Screw M3X16 2 9 503010046 Washer 3 2 10 G010102013 Driving Button (Right) 1 11 G010102014 Axle for Driving Button 1 12 G010102015 PCB Board Clip 1 13 G010102016 Sensor 2 14 G010102017 Handle Cover(Up) 1 15 G010102018 Handle Cover(Down) 1 16 G010102019 Lifting Button(Left) 1 17 G010102020 2 18 G010102021 Magnetic Substance Fixing Plate Torsion Spring 19 G010102022 Seat for Emergency Switch 1 20 G010102023 Cover for Emergency Switch 1 21 G010102024 Cover for Choosing Button 1 22 G010102025 Lifting Button(Right) 1 23 G010102026 Screw ST4.2X25 1 24 G010102027 LED Light 1 25 G010102028 LED Light Seat 1 26 G010102029 Torsion Spring for Driving Button (Right) 1 27 G010102030 Torsion Spring for Driving Button (Left) 1 28 G010102031 Printed Circuit Board 1 Remarks:Those with ▲ can not be provided alone. 69 2 Note ▲ . 14.2 13 TRASMISSIONE– TRANSMISSION - TRANSMISSION 70 Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 506050019 Sleeve Ø 50× Ø 70×45 1 2 349010159 Bearing 8111 1 3 302010201 Spring 1 4 422120036 Spring Sleeve 1 5 504040028 Split Retaining Ring 70 2 6 506050020 Guiding Sleeve Ø 70× Ø 50×47 1 7 351080093 Axle with Flange 1 351080108 Axle with Flange 1 8 D06080088 Hood, reinforce (A) 1 9 D06080089 Hood, reinforce (B) 1 10 5010410010C0 Socket Head Screw M10×10 2 11 503020006 Spring Washer 10 7 12 5010410025C0 Screw M10×25 6 13 502030033 Nut M10 1 14 5010410050C0 Socket Head Screw M10×50 1 15 5010410030C0 Socket Head Screw M10×30 4 16 17 50101012050 Hexagonal Head Screw M12×50 4 503020007 Spring Washer 10 4 503020009 Spring Washer 12 4 G220403001 Driving Wheel Assembly 1 G250402001 Driving Wheel Assembly 71 1 Note Type B 3ELA -DC MR240FR 3ELA -DC MR240FR 3ELA -DC MR240FR 3ELA -DC MR240FR 14.1 15.CIRCUITI E CAVI - CIRCUIT AND CABLES – CIRCUITS ET CABLES Serial No Part No Description Quantity Note 1 L2202001 1 European Driving Wheel 2 L2201002 Cable of Driving Wheel Motor Cable of Pump Motor 3 L2201003 Cable of Main Contactor 1 4 L2201004 Cable of Controller 1 5 L2201005 Fuse F+ 1 6 L0201005 Cable of Battery 1 72 1 210AH 15.1 CIRCUITI CONTROLLO (TIMONE CANBUS) – CONTROLLING CIRCUIT(CANBUS HANDLE) - CIRCUITS DE CONTROLE (TIMON CANBUS 15.1 CIRCUITI CONTROLLO (TIMONE CANBUS) – CONTROLLING 14.2 CIRCUIT(CANBUS HANDLE) - CIRCUITS DE CONTROLE (TIMON CANBUS Serial No 1 Serial No 2 1 3 2 Part No Description Quantity Note 30914100011 Part No Cable Description of Control Circuit 1 Quantity Note 30914900007 30914100011 30914800005 30914900007 Cable of Handle Cable of Control Circuit Cable of Electromagnetic CableBrake of Handle Cable of Electromagnetic Brake Cable of of Electromagnetic Speed Limiting Cable Switch Brake Cable of MicroLimiting Switch Cable of Speed Switch Cable of Micro Switch 1 1 1 1 3 30914800006 30914800005 43 30914800012 30914800006 45 30914800026 30914800012 5 30914800026 73 18 1 1 1 1 European Driving Wheel Chinese Driving European Driving Wheel Chinese Driving Wheel 15.3 14.3 PARTI ELETTRICHE UNIVERSALI - UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC PARTS LIST . PIECES ELECTRIQUES UNIVERSELLES 74 Serial No Part No Description Quantity Note 1 30910100009 Charger 24V/30A 1 European(English) 2 30901200002 Battery D-210S 1 3 Socket Head Screw M8×16 4 4 5010408016C 0 503020023 Plastic WasherΦ8 4 5 30909100009 REMA Connector 95199-00 1 6 30909100010 REMA Connector 95342-01 1 7 Socket Head Screw M4×25 4 8 5010404025C 0 30906300052 Micro Switch XZ-15GWR2-B3 2 9 30905100003 Battery Indicator 803 1 10 30906300023 Cover of Micro Switch 2 11 422420032 Cable Clip 2 12 Phillips Screw M5*12 2 Socket Head Screw M4×25 2 14 5010605012C B 5010404025C 0 30906300004 Micro Switch RZ-15GW2-B3 1 15 30906200003 Key Switch LKS-101A 1 16 30906100001 Power Switch(New Type) 1 17 G020101001 Connector Holder 1 18 503020019 Elastic Washer Φ4 2 19 Phillips Screw M4×10 2 Socket Head Screw M6X16 6 21 5010604010C 0 5010406016C 0 30913300004 CL Plastic Cable Clip B 3 22 30906600006 Horn125 24V 1 23 5010406030C 0 30913300003 Socket Head Screw 6*30 2 CL Plastic Cable Clip A 1 13 20 24 75 Two Pins 15.4 14.4 PANNELLO (TIMONE CANBUS) – CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY (CANBUS HANDLE) – CARTE DE COMMANDE (CANBUS HANDLE) 76 Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 30911100020 Fuse Holder SYY 1 2 30911100012 Fuse 200A 1 3 5010504 018C0 Phillips Screw M4×18 2 4 5010604010C0 Phillips Screw 4×10 2 5 503020019 Elastic WasherΦ4 2 6 G110101001 Connector Holder 1 7 G010101005 10A Fuse 1 8 5010504030C0 Phillips Screw M4X30 4 9 G010102004 Fuse Holder 1 10 5010406016C0 Socket Head Screw M6×16 3 11 503020021 Elastic WasherΦ6 3 12 503010058 WasherΦ6 3 13 30902200030 Controller 1243-4381 1 14 5010408016C0 Socket Head Screw M8×16 3 15 503020023 Elastic WasherΦ8 3 16 503010062 WasherΦ8 3 17 5010504005S0 Phillips Screw M4×5 2 18 5010504010C0 Phillips Screw M4×10 2 19 503020019 Elastic WasherΦ4 2 20 G010101003 Main Contactor Holder 1 21 5010403025C0 Socket Head Screw M3×25 2 22 30907200007 Relay ARL2F 1 23 G22050001 Alum. Board 1 24 30907100002 Contactor SW80 1 G22060004 Controller Assembly 1 77 Note No 15.5 TUBAZIONI OLIO – OIL PIPE ASSEMBLY – TUYAUX HUILE(LEO1229 、LEO1232、LEO1236) 15.5 TUBAZIONI 15.5 OLIO – OIL PIPE OLIOASSEMBLY – OIL PIPE –ASSEMBLY TUYAUX – TUYAUX 14.5 TUBAZIONI HUILE(LEO1229 HUILE(LEO1229 、LEO1232、LEO1236) 、LEO1232、LEO1236) Serial No 1 No Serial Part No Part No 422020289 Part No Description Description Quantity Note 90°JointQuantity Description 1 Quantity Note Note 1 A8-Ⅱ-1300 318A0821300N00 Oil Pipe 422020289 12 422020289 90°JointHigh Pressure 90°Joint 1 32 504070022 O-ring 11×1.9 318A0821300N00 318A0821300N00 High Pressure Oil High Pipe Pressure Oil Pipe 1 A8-Ⅱ-1300 12 504070022 34 422020073 O-ring 11×1.9 O-ring Joint 504070022 11×1.92 21 422020073 45 503030008 422020073 1 503030008 56 G110203006 503030008 G110203006 67 Joint Seal Joint16 1 Seal 16 Safety Shut-off Seal 16 Valve 1 1 351080097 G110203006 Safety Shut-off Valve SafetyCylinder Shut-off Valve 1 1 A8-Ⅱ-1300 LEO1229 351080097 7 351100008 351080097 Cylinder Cylinder 1 LEO1229 1 LEO1232 LEO1229 351100008 351080101 351100008 Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder 1 LEO1232 1 LEO1236 LEO1232 8 351080101 422160040 351080101 Fixing Plate Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder 1 1 LEO1236 LEO1236 98 422160040 503020007 Elastic Washer 10 422160040 Cylinder FixingCylinder Plate Fixing Plate 1 10 5010210025AB Hexagonal Head Screw 503020007 9 503020007 Elastic Washer 10 Elastic Washer 10 2 M10×25 5010210025AB 10 5010210025AB Hexagonal HeadHexagonal Screw Head Screw 2 11 5010212025AB Hexagonal Head Screw M10×25 M10×25 M12×25 5010212025AB 11 5010212025AB Hexagonal HeadHexagonal Screw Head Screw 1 12 503020009 Elastic Washer 12 M12×25 M12×25 503020009 12 503020009 Elastic Washer 12 Elastic Washer 12 1 78 23 12 2 2 1 1 1 1 15.2 CILINDRO - CYLINDER ASSEMBLY – CYLINDRE 16.2 Serial No Part No Description Quantity Note 1 G220202002 Piston Rod 1 LEO1216 G220201001 Piston Rod 1 LEO1229 Serial No Part No G24020001 Description Piston Rod Quantity 1 Note LEO1229FFL 1 G220202002 G24020002 Piston Rod 1 LEO1216 LEO1232 G220201001 G24020003 Piston Rod 1 LEO1229 LEO1236 Serial 2 No G24020001 Part No G110203002 Piston Rod Description O-ringφ25X3.1 1 Quantity LEO1229FFL Note 31 1 4 G24020002 G220202002 504070101 Piston Rod O-ringφ45X3.1 1 LEO1232 LEO1216 G24020003 G220201001 G220201002 Piston Rod 1 LEO1236 LEO1229 52 G110203002 G24020001 G220201003 Piston Rod GuidingO-ringφ25X3.1 Sleeveφ45Xφ40X10 1 LEO1229FFL 63 504070101 G24020002 G110203005 O-ringφ45X3.1 Piston Rod Y-ringφ45Xφ35X6 1 LEO1232 74 G220201002 G24020003 G220201004 Piston Rod Jam Nut 21 LEO1236 852 G220201003 G110203002 G220202004 GuidingO-ringφ25X3.1 Sleeveφ45Xφ40X10 Cylinder 1 LEO1216 63 G110203005 504070101 G220201005 Y-ringφ45Xφ35X6 O-ringφ45X3.1 Cylinder 1 LEO1229 74 G220201004 G220201002 G24020004 Jam Nut Piston Rod Cylinder 2 1 LEO1229FFL 5 88 6 G220202004 G220201003 G24020005 Guiding Sleeveφ45Xφ40X10 Cylinder 1 LEO1216 LEO1232 G220201005 G110203005 G24020006 Cylinder Y-ringφ45Xφ35X6 1 LEO1229 LEO1236 97 G24020004 G220201004 G25020014 Cylinder Jam Rc1/8 Nut Screw 2 1 LEO1229FFL 8 10 G24020005 G220202004 G220201006 Cylinder Nut 1 LEO1232 LEO1216 11 G24020006 G220201005 G110203009 Cylinder Guiding Sleeveφ40Xφ44X10 1 LEO1236 LEO1229 9 12 G25020014 G24020004 504080020 Screw Rc1/8 Cylinder Dust Ring d40X48-5/6.5 1 LEO1229FFL 10 G220201006 G24020005 Nut Cylinder 1 LEO1232 11 G110203009 G24020006 Guiding Sleeveφ40Xφ44X10 Cylinder 1 LEO1236 26 12 9 504080020 G25020014 Dust Ring d40X48-5/6.5 Screw Rc1/8 1 10 G220201006 Nut 1 11 G110203009 Guiding Sleeveφ40Xφ44X10 1 12 504080020 26 Dust Ring d40X48-5/6.5 79 1 16.1 17. IMPIANTO IDRAULICO - HYDRAULIC SYSTEM - SYSTEME HYDRAULIQUE Serial No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Part No G22030001 G22030002 G22030003 G22030004 G22030005 G22030006 G22030007 G22030008 G22030009 G22030010 G22030011 G22030012 422120167 351020001 G11030018 5010408010B0 Description Valve Body Connector Electromagnetic Valve Gear Pump Oil Suction Pipe Filter Screen Oil Return Pipe Initiating Relay Linking Plate Jam Ring Motor Carbon Brush (kit) Oil Tank Air Plug Washer 8 Socket Head Screw Remarks:Those with ▲ can not be provided alone. 80 Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Note ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ M8X10(8.8) 17.1 16.2 IMPIANTO IDRAULICO - HYDRAULIC SYSTEM - SYSTEME HYDRAULIQUE(HYDRAPP) Serial No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Part No G11030001 G11030002 G11030003 G11030004 G11030005 G11030006 G11030007 G11030008 G11030009 G11030010 G11030011 G11030012 G11030013 G11030014 G11030015 G11030016 G11030017 422120164 351020001 G11030018 5010408010B0 Description Initiating Relay Carbon Brush (kit) Motor Screw Plug Valve Body Electromagnetic Valve Speaking Valve Screw Flow Controlling Valve Bolt Relief Valve O-ring Oil Return Pipe Oil Return Pipe Gear Pump Oil Suction Pipe Filter Screen Oil Tank Air Plug Washer 8 Socket Head Screw 81 Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Note M8X10(8.8) 18. MONTANTE ESTERNO - OUTER MAST ASSEMBLY – MAT EXTERNE 17.1 Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 349010005 Roller 2 2 D142401001 Outer Mast 1 LEO1216 Serial No Part No D142401002 Description Outer Mast Quantity 1 Note LEO1229 1 349010005 D142401003 Roller Outer Mast 12 LEO1229FFL 2 2 D142401001 D142401004 Outer Mast 1 LEO1216 LEO1232 D142401002 D142401005 Outer Mast 1 LEO1229 LEO1236 D142401003 Outer Mast 1 LEO1229FFL D142401004 Outer Mast 1 LEO1232 D142401005 29 Mast Outer 1 LEO1236 82 Note 17.2 MONTANTE INTERNO - INNER MAST ASSEMBLY – MAT INTERNE Serial No Part No Description Quantity Note 1 D142402001 Inner Mast 1 CLB1229 Serial No D142402002 Part No Inner Mast Description 1 Quantity CLB1229FFL Note 11 D142402003 D142402001 Inner Mast 1 CLB1232 CLB1229 LEO D142402004 D142402002 Inner Mast 1 LEO CLB1236 CLB1229FFL 2 349010013 D142402003 Roller Inner Mast 12 CLB1232 3 5010504010C0 D142402004 Phillips Screw M4×10 Inner Mast 14 CLB1236 24 503020019 349010013 Washer Roller 4 24 35 503010052 5010504010C0 PhillipsWasher Screw 4M4×10 4 64 D142402005 503020019 Stopper Plate Washer 4 (2) 41 57 D142402006 503010052 Stopper Plate Washer 4 (1) 41 6 D142402005 Stopper Plate (2) 1 7 D142402006 Stopper Plate (1) 1 30 83 17.3 CATENA - CHAIN - CHAINE(LEO1229、LEO1232、LEO1236) 17.3 CATENA 17.3 - CHAIN CATENA - CHAINE(LEO1229、LEO1232、LEO1236) - CHAIN - CHAINE(LEO1229、LEO1232、LEO1236) No Serial No Part No Description 1 No 506030061 CushionQuantity Serial Part No Part No Description Description C0420003501 Wheel Seat1 506030061 12 506030061 Cushion ChainCushion 32 502020018Chain Wheel Hexagonal Head Seat Screw C0420003501 C0420003501 Seat Chain Wheel 1 43 5010416030C0 Socket Head Screw M16×30 502020018 502020018 Hexagonal Head Hexagonal Screw Head Screw 2 5 5010606008C0 Phillips 5010416030C0 4 5010416030C0 Socket Head Screw Socket M16×30 HeadScrew ScrewM6×8 M16×30 2 301703009 5010606008C0 56 5010606008C0 Phillips Screw Phillips M6×8 Axle Screw M6×8 1 351080065 301703009 67 301703009 Axle Adjusting AxleWasher1 Quantity Note 1 Quantity Note 11 Note 12 22 M16×1.5 12 22 φ25×φ32×2 349010120 Bearing 60205 351080065Adjusting Washer Adjusting Washer2 422160007 Chain Wheel 349010120 Bearing 60205 Bearing 60205 2 10 422160007 9 349030125 10 349030125 Chain LH1234(P=19.05) 422160007 Chain Leaf Wheel Chain Wheel 1 349030107 Leaf Chain Chain LH1234(P=19.05) LH1234(P=19.05) 349030125 Leaf Chain LH1234(P=19.05) Leaf 1 349030107 11 349030003 349030003 Leaf 349030107 Leaf Chain LH1234(P=19.05) Leaf Chain Chain LH1234(P=19.05) LH1234(P=19.05) 1 505040030 SplitLH1234(P=19.05) Pinφ2X18 1 349030003 Leaf Chain LH1234(P=19.05) Leaf Chain 12 505040030 11 13 301799007 12 301799007 Axleφ8X40 505040030 Split Pinφ2X18Split Pinφ2X18 4 505040014 Axleφ8X40 Split Pin 3.2*202 301799007 Axleφ8X40 14 505040014 13 15 422160020 14 422160020Split Pin 3.2*20 Chain Rod 1 505040014 Split Pin 3.2*20 503010026 WasherRod 16 1 422160020 Chain Rod Chain 16 503010026 15 502040017 503010026 Jam16Nut1M16 WasherSocket 16 Head Washer 11 11 502040017 16 502040017 Socket Head Jam Socket Nut Head M16 Jam Nut1M16 1 31 M16×1.5 21 11 87 351080065 98 349010120 84 M16×1.5 1 2 1 1 φ25×φ32×2 φ25×φ32×2 LEO1229 LEO1229 11 1 LEO1232 1 LEO1232 LEO1229 LEO1236 LEO1232 41 LEO1236 42 LEO1236 1 2 1 1 17.5 FORCHE_ FORKS_ FOURCHES 17.5 FORCHE_- FORKS_- FOURCHES 17.5 Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 D142404001 Fork Frame Assembly 1 Serial No Part No D142404002 Fork Description Frame Assembly Quantity 1 Note LEO1216 1 D142404001 D142404003 Fork Frame Assembly 1 LEO1229FFL 2 D142404002 349010005 Fork Frame Assembly Roller 14 LEO1216 3 D142404003 5010504010C0 Fork Frame Assembly Phillips Screw M4×10 21 LEO1229FFL LEO1216 42 349010005 503020019 Roller 4 Washer 24 LEO1216 53 5010504010C0 503010052 PhillipsWasher Screw 4M4×10 2 LEO1216 46 503020019 D142402005 Washer 4 Stopper Plate(2) 21 LEO1216 5 503010052 Washer 4 2 LEO1216 6 D142402005 Stopper Plate(2) 1 LEO1216 85 Note 18. ACCESSORI – OPTIONAL PARTS – ACCESSOIRES 18.1 PEDANA – FOT PEDAL ASSEMBLY – PLATEFORME Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 2 3 4 D12030001 5010216080A0 302990036 5010208020A0 1 2 46 1 5 6 506050022 502040030 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 D14250001 302990021 501990096 422170024 505020009 506030123 5010412035C0 502040012 Foot Pedal Screw M16×80(8.8) Disc-like Spring Socket Head Screw M8×20(8.8) Bushing Socket Head Jam Nut M16 Linking Plate Air Spring Anti-vibration Bushing Axle Elastic Pin Rubber Pad Screw M12X35(8.8) Socket Head Jam Nut M12 86 Note M16×80(8.8) M8×20(8.8) 2 2 M16 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 M12X35(8.8) M12 18.2 KIT BRACCIOLI (MODELLO VECCHIO) - PROTECTIVE ARM ASSEMBLY (OLD TYPE) - KIT POIGNEES PROTECTRICES (ANCIEN MODELE) 87 Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 422420106 Protective Arm Kit(Left) 1 2 301703005 Pin 2 3 301703001 Locking Axle 2 4 422120058 Hand wheel (A) 2 5 505020047 Elastic Pin 5×20 2 6 302010130 Pressure Spring 2 7 422420108 Arm Joint(Left) 1 8 301703008 Axle 2 9 505020095 Elastic Pin 6×40 2 10 5011106012C0 Screw M6×12 2 11 504030006 Axial Spring Collar 14 2 12 422120056 Hand wheel (B) 2 13 302010118 Pressure Spring 2 14 505020074 Elastic Pin 4×16 2 15 301703002 Locking Axle 2 16 422420110 Arm Seat(left) 1 17 503020007 Elastic Washer 10 8 18 5010410045C0 Socket Head Screw M10×45 8 19 505020061 Elastic Pin 6×50 2 20 5011106008C0 Screw M6×8 2 21 422420111 Arm Seat(right) 1 22 422420109 Arm Joint(right) 1 23 422420107 Protective Arm Kit(right) 1 88 Note 18.3 KIT BRACCIOLI(MODELLO NUOVO - PROTECTIVE ARM ASSEMBLY (NEW TYPE) - KIT POIGNEES PROTECTRICES (NOUVEAU MODELE) Serial No Part No Description Quantity 1 422420112 Protective Arm Kit(Left) 1 2 422120107 Pin 2 3 422120106 Locking Axle 2 4 422120058 Hand wheel 2 5 505020047 Elastic Pin 5×20 2 6 501990048 Screw M3*6 2 7 C0420004601 Arm Joint(Left) 1 8 505030048 Pin Type B 6×40 2 9 302010218 Pressure Spring1.4*19.4*25.4 2 10 503020010 Axial Spring Collar 14 2 11 422420114 Arm Seat(Left) 1 12 503020007 Spring Washer 10 8 13 5010810020C0 Screw M10×20 8 14 422420115 Arm Seat(right) 1 15 C0420004601 Arm Joint(right) 1 16 422420113 Protective Arm Kit(right) 1 89 Note 18.4 POGGIACARICHI - LOAD BACKREST – GRILLE DE SOUTIEN Serial No 1 Part No Description Quantity 422160080 Load-backrest 1 2 5010210021A0 2 3 503010020 Hexagonal Head Screw M10X20(8.8) Washer 10 90 2 Note SEDE/HEADQUARTERS ULIVIERI RICAMBI S.r.l. Via Massa - Avenza, 36 - 54100 Massa Tel. + 39 0585 794311 Fax +39 0585 794360 - [email protected] 91