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Natale da Single (Single at Christmas), La Lettura (Corriere della Sera), Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 13/12/2014
Lo Stile Imperfetto (The Imperfect Style), La Lettura (Corriere della Sera), Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 26/10/2014
Il Legame Sociale è figlio degli Dei (The Social Connection is the son of Gods), La Lettura (Corriere della Sera), Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 16/11/2014
Elegia per un mondo vivo (Elegy for a Live Word), La Lettura (Corriere della Sera), Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 15/02/2015
Amori distanti (Long distance relationships), Corriere della Sera, Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 21/02/2015
Il Bisogno di ritrovarsi (The need to Meet Again),
Corriere della Sera, Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 22/11/2014
L’ultimo Spazio Vuoto (The last Empty Space),
Corriere della Sera, Art Director: Gianluigi Colin,
Schiavo di due cellulari (Slave of two mobile phones),
Corriere della Sera, Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 8/11/2014
Auto indistinte (Blurred Cars), Corriere della Sera, Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 24/11/2014
Immagina un futuro migliore, riuscirai (forse) a realizzarlo (Immagine a better future, you will be (maybe) able to achieve it),
La Lettura (Corriere della Sera), Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 22/12/2013
L’età reale? Non dipende dagli anni ma dalla testa (The Actual Age? It is not linked to the
years but to your head), Corriere della Sera, Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 18/12/2013
Una volta era tutto mitico, oggi è geniale (Once everything was legendary, today is brilliant), La Lettura (Corriere della Sera),
Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 27/10/2013
IMU, Corriere della Sera, Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 13/12/2013
Libri negli ospedali / Libri nelle carceri / Libri nelle scuole (Book in hospitals / Books in prisons / Books in schools),
La Lettura (Corriere della Sera), Art Director: Gianluigi Colin, 17/11/2013
Milan in a box, Design and graphic production of thematic maps/guides of Milan, Touring Editore, 2015
Cover for: Robert Musil, De la Betise, Allia Editions, January 2015.
Illustrations inspired by: Isabel Allende, Afrodita, Web Pubblication, Girltude-Peugeot, 20/11/2014
“Gli uomini che sono passati dalla mia vita - non voglio vantarmi, non sono molti - li ricordo così, alcuni per la qualità della loro pelle, altri per il sapore dei loro baci, l’odore dei loro
indumenti o il tono dei loro sussurri, e quasi tutti sono associati a un alimento particolare. Il piacere carnale più intenso, goduto senza fretta in un letto disordinato e clandestino,
combinazione perfetta di carezze, risate e giochi della mente, sa di baguette, prosciutto, formaggio francese e vino del Reno. Ognuno di questi tesori della cucina fa comparire davanti
a me un uomo in particolare, un antico amante che ritorna insistente come un fantasma desiderato a infondere una certa luce malandrina nella mia età matura.”
Isabel Allende
Within FRONT LINES, young artists from all over
Europe create their interpretation of ‘war poetry’,
poems written by European authors in the period
1914-1919, on the subject of World War I.
Si sta come
sugli alberi
le foglie
Giuseppe Ungaretti
The poet Giuseppe Ungaretti was one of the many
soldiers who fought in the trenches at the Italian
front. During the last year of the war he wrote
the poem ‘Soldati’, a brief introspective melody of
loss and sorrow. Later Ungaretti would become
the leading figure in the movement of hermetic
poets in interwar-Italy. Soldati’ was written in
1918 and became famous as one of the most
subtle war poems, trying to grasp the
incomprehensibility of the front horrors.
Sharing, personal work, 2013
The production of the Libretto of the opera: The journey of Milo and Maia, for Opera Kids, Tour 2014/2015, Produced by AsLiCo
Opera Kids begins with the aim to incline children of kindergarten to music theatre, so to have the opportunity to know and appreciate music and live shows in early childhood.
Milo and Maya are two friends who shares a dream: to travel around the world. It appears very hard that this dream becomes true, especially if one is too young and her/his parents are too busy.
Although their parents’ promise to go on a trip together, this plan fails to happen. So, Maya together with her loyal friend Milo, spends another summer with Granma Cecilia, a bizarre woman who constantly gets in troubles.
Thanks to her creativity and driven by the desire to cheer up the two kids, however, granma Cecilia solves the situation: with a recipe book and a lot of imagination, she will lead the two into an imaginary travel.
The protagonists and the spectators will experience stories, traditions and magics of other lands, through costumes and delicious dishes… Because if you use your imagination, sometimes, magics do happen for real……
A recipes illustrated book. Surreal recipes
narrate by contemporary’s human types.
Interior monologues that becomes streams
of consciousness. Through different kinds
of food each character reveals their own
personality, desire and perversion.
Interior monologues form inside huge
pots, so big that they can contain the apparently - neutral characters who, dabbling in streams of food, reveal alternative
and unusual recipes.
Bodies immersed in dishes so full that
they transform into comfortable and
uncomfortable culinary stories. Diving
in giant noodles, bathing in hot pots or
struggling among salty ingredients.
This project starts by observing our
relation with food and the inescapable
bond we have with it. The book describes this relationship through surreal and
ironic images in the search for original
analogies between the centenary culinary
tradition and the variety of human feelings. The illustrations are created thanks to
the specific written support, surreal and
sarcastic recipes, which are presented
together with the tables.
The work is completed by the interaction
between the design and the script.
Texts Livia Bonetti
Illustrations and graphic Anna Resmini
Ricette Scottanti per Lingue Roventi (Burning Recipes for Hot Tongues), Self- production
Sesto Spazio, production of coordinated images for the cultural association “Sesto Spazio”.
Sesto Spazio is an open to all cultural space, managed by a heterogeneous group of artists, actors, musicians, playwrights, directors and scenographers based in Milan..
Use-it Europe / Milan, 2014. Realization of graphic, fonts and part of the illustrative inserts for the map of Use-it Milano
Use-it is a European network which promotes an alternative and self-aware form of tourism dedicated to young European travelers. Artists and graphic designers
from all over the world cooperate to create maps which can truly reflect the most interesting local realities in a Country.
Calendar // 2015
January // February
March // April
May // June
July // August
September // October
November // December
Calendar // 2014
January // February
July // August
March // April
September // October
May // June
November // December
Casa Ideale, personal work
Aut, Graphic Novel, Self-production
Aut draws on the thought about the value of the single individual toward the social environment that sorrounds him, his resulting responsibilities and (dis)illusionments, and the escape as the only form of salvation. What role shall an individual play in a moment in which his value is
the only one that does not depreciate in a continent?
Finestre n.1 Saint-Denis. Paris.
Finestre n.6 Istanbul.
< F I N E S T R E >, personal project.
One window per week, created without any rules, theme, or specific boundaries but the frame of the window itself.
The project lasted one year, from March 2014 to March 2015 for a total of approximately 52 windows. Produced on tablet by using the application “Paper53”.
Finestre n.23 Cascina Martesana.
Finestre n.10 Milano5.
Finestre n.24 E’ tardi tardi.
Finestre n.4 Via Farini.
Finestre n.31 Rhythm.
Phileas Fogg Agency
[email protected]

Anna`s Portfolio 2015