Today, we congratulate all the boys and girls
who will receive their First Holy Communion
this weekend. May God Bless You!
Confirmation Candidates
A reminder that the next Oneight Session will be held on
Saturday, May 10th. Candidates are asked to attend
either the 10:00 a.m. or the 2:00 p.m. session in the
Parish Hall.
Working wonders in our livelihoods…
TODAY IS SHARELIFE SUNDAY. “ShareLife supports a
large family of Catholic agencies that truly do feed, clothe
and shelter people, care for the sick and frail, and befriend
the isolated and lonely. Reflecting Catholic charity, they
protect the vulnerable, guide and counsel the troubled,
visit people in prison and give a voice to the voiceless.
Regardless of their religious beliefs or personal
background, ShareLife agencies meet people where they
are, treating them with the dignity and respect we all
—Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto
Also, there is a meeting with the candidates and their
sponsors on Saturday, May 17th at 10:30 a.m. in
the church.
Please give generously. Thanks to your generosity, so far
we’ve collected $13,426! It is our hope and prayer that
our parish will reach this year’s goal of $43,000.
Meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society
You may bring or mail in your donation to the office, make
your donation on line with the Chancery Office, or place it
in the regular Sunday collection. You may also choose to
wait for the next ShareLife Sunday:
3 Collection – June 1
Gathering of Holy Land Pilgrims
For pilgrims who journeyed with us to the Holy Land last
March, please join us for a gathering on Monday, May 5th
at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
New Beginnings
Do you know someone who has experienced the death of a
spouse, a separation or divorce? If you or someone you
encouragement after such a loss, join us for an
informal gathering in the parish meeting room on
Monday, May 5th , at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome.
A New Beginnings Inspirational Talk
…. will take place on Tuesday, May 6th at 7 p.m. at the
Catholic Pastoral Centre, 1155 Yonge St. in Toronto. It is
entitled. "On Marriage and Annulment." Our speaker will
be Fr. Brian Clough. Pre-registration is not necessary.
55+ Group
The 55+ group will be getting together for a meeting and
refreshments on Thursday, May 8th at 9:30 a.m. in the
Parish Hall. All the young at heart are invited!
First Communion & Practice Schedule
If your child has been prepared for First Communion
and attends Stella Maris School, please take note that
there is a practice on Sunday, May 18th at 2:30 p.m.
and First Communions take place on May 25th at 2:30
p.m. Please call the office if you have any questions.
There is a meeting of the SVDP Society on Wednesday,
May 21st at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in finding out
about the good works of the St. Vincent de Paul Society
or to become a member is invited to this meeting.
Join us for another spectacular evening of fun, good
food, friends and dance, on SATURDAY, JUNE 7th,
beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $50 for adults and
$15 for children under 12. Tickets will be on sale
next week. Please visit the office.
Knights of Columbus
There is a meeting of our Knights of Columbus on
Wednesday, April 28th, at 7:30 p.m. in our Parish Hall.
First Communion Breakfast
On Saturday May 31st, all the children who received their
First Communion this year (and their parents) are
invited to come and join us for a COMMUNION
BREAKFAST in the Parish Hall at 10:00 a.m.
Coins for Life
You may have seen the heart shaped boxes at the back
of the church labeled “Coins for Life”. Donations made
to “Coins for Life” are in support of the life-giving work
that Birthright International does to help mothers to
bring their babies to birth and to do what’s best for the
Mass Intentions
Saturday, May 3
5:00 – Charlie Alaimo
Sunday, May 4
9:00 – Maria D’Agostini & Oreste Poce
10:30 – Davide Risi, Pina Calabrese Marino, Caterina
Arone e Gabriele Lopreiato, Raffaela Gallo e
Rosina e Teresina Marabella, Daniele Di
Vizio, Antonio Pitaro, Nicola Crispo, Valeria
Mariano, Salvatore Di Bratto, Antonio,
Caterina, Isadoro e Rosina Greco, Albertina
Falbo e Rosina Tosti
12:00 – Pro Populo
Monday, May 5
9:00 – Arturo João Santos
Tuesday, May 6
9:00 – Rolf Knipp
Wednesday, May 7
9:00 – Clementina D’Agostini
10:00 – Loretto College School Mass
7:00 – Maria Maimone († 1 mo. Memorial)
Thursday, May 8
9:00 – Annunziata Franzone
12:00 – Supplica alla Madonna di Pompei
7:00 – Carmela Capone († 1 mo. Memorial)
Friday, May 9
9:00 – Intentions of the Celebrant
7:00 – Livia Pastorcic
(† 1 yr. Memorial)
8:00 – Natale Genova († Memorial)
Saturday, May 10
9:00 – Arturo Inacio Santos
5:00 – Pro Populo
There is a promise of Marriage between:
Andy Sousa & Neli Freire – May 17
Oggi abbiamo la seconda colletta devoluta a Sharelife.
“ShareLife sostiene una grande famiglia delle agenzie
cattoliche che allinea ed alimenta e mette a riparo i
bisognosi, protegge gli ammalati, i senza tetto e le
persone sole. La carità cattolica si riflette nel
proteggere i più vulnerabili, guidandoli, visitandoli in
prigione e dando loro una voce, senza guardare la
loro credenza religiosa o esperienza personale, le
agenzie di ShareLife vengono a contatto con la gente
qualunque, curandole con la dignità ed il rispetto che
ognuno di loro merita.
- Thomas Collins cardinale, arcivescovo di Toronto
Grazie per la vostra generosità, la somma donata sino
ad oggi è di $13,426! Ci auguriamo e preghiamo
affinche’ anche quest'anno si possa raggiungere
Potete portare la vostra donazione in
ufficio o potere mettere la vostra donazione nel
cestino della colletta domenicale.
3a Colletta – 1 giugno
Incontro dei Pellegrini
I pellegrini che hanno visitato la Terra Santa a
marzo, sono invitati ad un incontro il lunedì, 5
maggio, alle 7:30 di sera, nella nostra sala.
Gruppo 55 e Più
Il Gruppo 55 anni e più si riunisce questo giovedì, 8
maggio alle 9:30 a.m. nella Sala Parrocchiale. Un
cordiale benvenuto a tutti. Venite ed incontrate altri
amici con i quali trascorrere alcune ore di svago. Ai
membri invitiamo ad incoraggiare altri a partecipare.
Giovedi 8 Maggio, alle ore 12 (mezzogiorno)
rechiamoci tutti in chiesa per la tradizionale
preghiera della Supplica alla Madonna di
Unitevi a noi per una serata da ballo, cena, amicizia e
divertimenti, il SABATO 7 GIUGNO, con inizio alle
6:30 di sera. I biglietti andranno in vendita la
settimana prossima: $50 per adulti, $15 per bambini
sotto l’eta’ dei 12 anni.
Visitate l’ufficio per

First Communion & Practice Schedule