Lenten Devotions
“Lenten Watch” – Hospitality at St. Clare’s Church
As you know, we would like to keep the church doors open from about 8
a.m. to 7 p.m. during the Lenten Season, and so we invite parishioners to
sign up for one hour of “prayerful watch” during the hour of your choice
from Monday to Friday. If you can offer some time, please sign up in the
sacristy. Thank you!
Stations of the Cross – 7:30 p.m. - Every Friday
during Lent. (On Friday, March 19 – the Feast of St. Joseph, and
Friday, March 26, our Monthly Memorial Mass, we will begin with the
Stations at 7 p.m., before those Masses.
Lenten Twilight Retreat – Part I
Monday, February 22nd from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Please call the office to register.
Lenten Twilight Retreat – Part II
Monday, March 22
the Cross.
from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Focus will be on
Impact of Unemployment on Families
Unemployed? Worried about providing for your family? Your are not
alone! We care. Come and see about your many options and
support systems. St. Clare's Parish, in partnership with Catholic
Family Services will be offering information sessions in the Parish Hall
on Monday mornings: February 22, March 1, 8 & 22, starting at 9:30
a.m. with coffee and discussions on stress, anger, communication,
conflict between spouses, resources and options. Everyone is invited!
Welcome to Fr. Vito’s Open House
My next Open House will be held on Monday, February 22nd anytime from
1 – 7 p.m. – no appointment necessary – simply drop in to office to have
a conversation or to share your ideas. I look forward to seeing you and
May God bless you.
Fr. Vito
Marriage Preparation
Marriage Preparation begins this Wednesday, February 24th.
If you are getting married in the near future, you will be required to
take a Marriage Preparation Course here at St. Clare’s. Our next
session begins on Wednesday, February 24th and runs for 6 weeks –
every Wednesday night from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. – until April 7th
inclusive (no class on March 31st). Cost for this course is $100 per
couple. Please call the office to register today. This course will be
offered again in September.
February Memorial Mass
Next Friday, February 26th at 7:30 p.m. and on every last Friday of
the month, we will be celebrating a Memorial Mass in honour of your
loved ones. If you have a friend or a family member whose birthday,
anniversary or anniversary of death took place during the month of
January, we invite you attend this Memorial in their honour. Their
names will be called one by one during the celebration. As the name
is called, a family member comes forward to the Altar and receives a
lit candle. They then remain close to the sanctuary for the duration
of the Mass. Please call the office with the name you wish to have
mentioned, no later than Wednesday, February 24th.
Confirmation Candidates
On Saturday, February 27th, there will be a Lenten Reflection Retreat
for both Confirmation candidates with their sponsors. The
retreat will take place in the Parish Hall from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Rites of Election & Lenten Renewal
RCIA catechumens: Jessica, Keona, Kye, Nyreek, and
candidates: Laszlo and Caroline as well as many young people
are beginning their final phase of preparation for the Easter
sacraments. We ask you to keep them in your prayers.
JAG event (Just Adults Group) - Join us on Saturday, February
27th at 7:30 pm to watch the movie, The Blind Side. Nominated
for Best Picture and Best Actress (Sandra Bullock), this movie is a
real life story of a woman who took in a homeless youth and
watched him get into college football. A definite feel good story
and an incredible movie! We'll be watching the movie in the hall.
Admission is $5 which includes the movie, popcorn and pop!
Hope you can make it! Tickets will be sold after mass and at the
Scriptural Reflection
Our Scriptural Reflection Group meets on Monday,
March 1st at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited.
TAIZÉ at Holy Rosary
We invite all parishioners, friends and neighbours to attend Taizé
(a meditative ecumenical prayer) at Holy Rosary Parish at 354
St. Clair Ave. W. on Friday, March 5 at 7:30 p.m. Come and be
part of a truly uplifting spiritual experience.
For more
information, please call (416) 923-8471.
An invitation is extended to all young people, high school age and
older, to attend a meeting on SUNDAY, MARCH 7th, at 3:00 p.m.
in our meeting room (enter from the stairway going down from
the Westmount rectory side). This meeting is to encourage
young people to take a more active role in the life of the parish.
Come with ideas and suggestions. Invite your friends to come
with you. We look forward to your presence.
Pilgrimage to the Holy land
Fr. Vito is organizing a pilgrimage to Oberammergau (in
Germany) where the world renowned Passion Play takes place
every ten years, and after a two day stay, our pilgrimage
continues in the Holy Land. The pilgrimage will take place from
August 16 to the 28. More information to follow over the next
few weeks. Please call the office for further enquiries.
As you know, back in September, our Insurance bill for the church
came in at just over $18,000. So far, we’ve raised about
$11,000, and so we ask that you please do your best to help us
with the rest, as our next installment will soon be due! Envelopes
are available in your envelope box or at the entrance of the
church. Thank you for whatever you can do.
Unique Culinary Experience
World celebrated chef, Gabriele Ferron is coming to St. Clare's to
create a rice experience you will never forget. From Verona, his
family has been growing organic rice for over 100 years. Come
and join us for this experience on Thursday, March 25th, at 7 pm
in the church hall. Tickets are $45 each and can be purchased at
the office during the week. Proceeds will be going to renovate
the hall.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 20
5:00 – Frances Pajk & deceased friends,
& benefactors of Frank Pajk
Sunday, February 21
8:00 – Defunti della famiglia Calabretta
9:15 – Pro Populo
10:30 – Nazzareno Tari, Salvatore, Vittoria e Thomas Trotto, Natalino
Moscone, Rosaria Falcitelli, Lourdes Rodriguez, Guglielma
Iaboni, Maria Pace († 30mo anniv.), Angela Villi († 10mo
anniv.), Albina Cariati e Vincenzo Mendicino, Giovanni e Maria
Civita Leone e per tutte le anime in Purgatorio
12:00 – Rosa Macri & Giuseppe & Vito Totino
Monday, February 22
9:00 – Bruno Paparo e defunti della famiglia
Tuesday, February 23
9:00 – John Karner
Wednesday, February 24
9:00 – Rudy & Barbara Ugrin
Thursday, February 25
9:00 – Antonio & Maria Macri
7:00 – Natia Fazari († 1 yr. Memorial)
8:00 – Alberto La Monaca († 1 mo. Memorial)
Friday, February 26
9:00 – Frank Petramala
7:30 – FEBRUARY PARISH MEMORIAL with Stations of the Cross
Saturday, February 27
9:00 – Salvatore Bertucci
5:00 – Amedeo Miele († 10 yr. anniv.)
Come sapete, la bolletta di $18,000 per l’assicurazione della
chiesa è arrivata mesi fà. Fin ora, abbiamo raccolto circa
$11,000, e adesso vi preghiamo di fare il vostro meglio per
aiutarci, così possiamo affrontare questa spesa. Nella vostra
scatola di buste oppure all’entrate della chiesa, troverete le
buste apposite. Grazie per il vostro appoggio.
Pellegrinaggio in terrasanta
P. Vito sta organizzando un pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa dal
16 al 28 agosto.
Visiteremo prima Oberammergau, un
paesino in Germania dove ogni 10 anni si svolge una grande
produzione teatrale sulla PASSIONE, conosciutissima in tutto il
mondo. Da lì si proseguirà a Gerusalemme per una settimana
di preghiera, studio e pellegrinaggio nei luoghi dove Cristo è
nato, ha vissuto, è morto ed è risorto. Nelle prossime
settimane pubblicheremo ulteriori informazioni.
frattempo, se avete delle domande, portrete telefonare in
Incoraggiamo i giovani a partecipare ad un incontro che si terrà
DOMENICA, 7 MARZO, alle ore 3 pomeridiane nella saletta
d’incontro (sotto la canonica). Giovani dai 14 anni in sù, sono
invitati a discutere modi attraverso i quali possono essere più
coinvolti nella vita della chiesa. Venite con idee e suggerimenti.
Vi ascolteremo, e senza dubbio le vostre idee aiuteranno molto i
nostri piani e progetti parrocchiali.
Prima Domenica della Quaresima
Venite a Trovarci
Vi aspetto in ufficio questo lunedi, 22 febbraio, dall’una
pomeridiana fino alle sette di sera. Un incontro per
conoscerci meglio, condividere quale idea e
P. Vito
Devozioni Quaresimale
In Preghiera durante la Quaresima
Come sapete, durante la Quaresima ci impegnamo ad avere le porte
aperte dalle 8 a.m. fino almeno le 7 p.m. Invitiamo a tutti i parrocchiani
che desiderano aiutare ad impegnarsi per un’ora la settimana, dal lunedì
al venerdì, a far guardia di preghiera. Chi desidera può iscriversi per il
giorno e l’orario desiderato nel libretto che sta in sagrestia. Grazie.
Via Crucis – 7:30 p.m. - Ogni venerdì durante la Quaresima
Venerdì, 19 marzo, festa di S. Giuseppe, e 26 marzo, giorno della Messa
Memoriale di suffragio, la Via Crucis si farà prima della Messa, alle ore
7:00 p.m.
Ritiro Quaresimale – Prima parte
Partecipate a questa devozione Quaresimale - lunedì, 22 febbraio dale 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Chiamate l’ufficio per iscrivervi.
Ritiro Quaresimale – Seconda parte
Conclusione - lunedì, 22 marzo - dale 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Messa Mensile in Memoria dei nostri cari defunti
Venerdì, 26 febbraio alle 7:30 p.m. e ogni ultimo venerdì del mese allo
stesso orario, celebreremo una Santa Messa in memoria dei nostri cari
defunti. Per esempio, se avete parenti o amici che nel mese di febbraio
avranno celebrato un compleanno oppure qualche anniversario
particolare, siete invitati a partecipare a questa Messa commemorativa, e
così come per i mesi seguenti. I nomi dei defunti saranno menzionati
individualmente. Quando sentite il nome, un membro della famiglia è
invitato a recarsi all’altare per ricevere il cero e rimanere all’altare per la
durata della celebrazione. Vi chiediamo di lasciare il nome in ufficio non
più tardi del mercoledì, 24 febbraio.
Il prossimo Incontro Biblico avrà luogo lunedì, 1 marzo alle 2:00 p.m. in
chiesa. Venite numerosi.
TAIZÉ alla chiesa di Holy Rosary
Invitiamo parrocchiani, amici e parenti di partecipare ad un
incontro di preghiera, meditazione e canto, sullo stile di Taizé.
venerdì sera, 5 marzo, alle ore 7:30 p.m. nella chiesa di Holy
Rosary,al 354 St. Clair Ave. W. Non mancate a questa bellissima
Serata Indimenticabile a Santa Chiara
Cena con “Risotto”
Uno chef di fama internazionale, Gabriele Ferron, verrà in visita a Santa
Chiara per prepararci una cena a base di riso non facilmente
dimenticabile. Nato e residente a Verona, la sua famiglia è stata coinvolta
nella coltivazione di grano organico per oltre un secolo. Siete invitati a
gustare una cena che vi rimarrà impressa. Partecipate il giovedì, 25
marzo alle ore 7 p.m. nella nostra sala parrocchiale. I biglietti sono $45 a
persona e sono in vendita all’ufficio in settimana. Il numero è limitato.
Non aspettate a lungo.

Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly