Drafted by the External Relations Dept.
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The event, promoted by the Italian Banking Association (ABI) in cooperation with the Festival of the Creative Culture, is
aimed at introducing school children to art and culture, stimulating at the same time their imagination.
Genoa, 13 March 2015 - In the second edition of the Festival of the Creative Culture, a national event devoted to
young people and the territory which is promoted by the Italian Banking Association and will be held from 16th
to 22nd March 2015, the Banca CARIGE Group doubles its 2014 participation and promotes a creative writing and
manual ability workshop named "A thousand colour tales", for children 6-13 years old.
The 2015 edition of the Festival is focused on "The world's alphabet. Reading the signs around us and talking
about", a journey inside stories, observation and expressiveness which ideally connects over ten thousand young
students throughout Italy.
The importance of this event is reflected in the media partnership with RAI: the national broadcasting company
recognises the high educational value of this initiative and will follow its various stages.
The workshop which CARIGE has chosen to promote in Genoa, Spotorno (SV), Carrara and Palermo includes a
creative writing programme, a great collective game for conveying emotions and representing the world through
the language of fantasy and literary and manual creation.
Enjoying a common narrative background and with the project supervision provided by Anselmo Roveda (writer
of children's books and pedagogue), the educators of "Il Sogno di Tommi (Tommy's dream)" Association will take
care of more than 250 school children working and having fun, individually at first and then collectively, through
imagination and writing. The final goal is creating all together a great story, composed of fifteen different literary
trails, each originating from the same incipit, which develop in a series of shared activities and culminate in a
common grand finale.
The labs will be held at Primary School Anna Frank (16th and 18th March) and Istituto Immacolatine (21st March)
in Genoa, at Secondary School Leonardo da Vinci (Avenza) and the headquarters of Cassa di Risparmio di Carrara
(17th March) in Carrara, at the Municipal Library in Spotorno (19th March), at the Istituti Comprensivi Luigi
Capuana and Politeama in Palermo (19th and 20th March, by the “Così per Gioco” Association).
"Once upon a time there was a Monster. It was ugly, bad and frightening and it had not even a name...then, one
day, the Monster stole the Sun..."; this is the beginning of the writing adventure. The children will have first to
describe the Monster, then they will individually create their own characters (one for each student), i.e. "the
heroes" who are going to release the Sun; finally every class, working as a group, shall build a "vessel" to fight
against the Monster. Fifteen labs throughout Italy, from 16th to 20th March; fifteen vessels crammed full of
heroes ready to take back the Sun. "And so the ancient legends, in infinite worlds and countless times, tell that the
Monster was defeated and the Sun could return to its place..."
The Grand Finale is scheduled on 5th May in Genoa, to admire and celebrate the fifteen vessels, the hundreds of
heroes and their "creators" as well: boys and girls who have been able to tell their emotions, to represent the
infinite worlds of fantasy and to eventually overcome fears.
For information [email protected]

13/03/2015 - Gruppo Banca Carige