Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants
Copyright © 2013 CLITT Roma
Questo file è una estensione online del corso Rossi, Lanzoni, Sguardi sulle scienze umane © CLITT 2013
1. «Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer
the people our educational system was designed to teach». Are you agree
with Prensky? Explain your ideas about it.
2. Following Prensky’s thought, how can you define “Digital Natives”?
3. Following Prensky’s thought, how can you define “Digital Immigrants”?
4. Explain how Prensky answers this question: «Should the Digital Native
students learn the old ways, or should their Digital Immigrant educators learn
the new?».
5. What does «legacy content» include?
6. What does «future content» include?
7. Why do we need to invent Digital Native methodologies for all subjects? Are
you agree? Explain your point of view.
8. How can Digital Immigrant educators reach Digital Natives?
Copyright © 2013 CLITT Roma
Questo file è una estensione online del corso Rossi, Lanzoni, Sguardi sulle scienze umane © CLITT 2013

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