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Contents - Sommario
Editorial - Editoriale
Since 1986 great development, but what will be the future?
General news - News
Strategic investiment in digital printing
Events - Eventi
“Open your eyes to print”
Thirty fifth international labeling competition
Trentacinquesimo concorso internazionale per le etichette
The latest developments in Uv/Eb curing
Essiccazione agli Uv/Eb: gli ultimi sviluppi
Product’s news - Prodotti
The highest security printing applications
I massimi standard di sicurezza nella stampa
Compact inline varnishing module
Modulo di verniciatura in linea compatto
Better support for sorting output files
Miglioramento dell’organizzazione dei file di produzione
Fair appointments
Appuntamenti fieristici
Small Advertising
Giovanni Abruzzo
Piccola pubblicità
Daniele Buonamici
Panorama of the sector
Panorama del settore
Esteban Quezada
Market list
Elenco delle categorie merceologiche
Tipografia Colorshade
Italia: € 70,00
Estero: € 100,00
Edizione digitale: € 35,00
“Alla scoperta della stampa”
Iscritta al Registro Nazionale
della stampa n. 2228
Autorizzazione Tribunale di
Milano n. 492 del 19-6-1987
Poste Italiane Spa spedizione
in abbonamento postale
D.L. 353/2003
(conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46)
art. 1 - comma 1 DCB Milano
Via Conte Rosso, 1
20134 Milano
Tel. 02
[email protected]
New generation of clear films and coating
Nuova generazione di spalmature e film trasparenti
La nostra società edita anche
“Stampare”, rivista delle arti
grafiche e della comunicazione
Roberto Fronzuti
Investimento strategico nella stampa digitale
Rivista mensile
Dal 1986 i grandi progressi, ma quale sarà il futuro?
La testata è rivolta
agli stampatori e convertitori.
Tratta le tecniche di nobilitazione
di carta e cartone ondulato e
tutti i sistemi di
personalizzazione di
imballaggi flessibili e rigidi.
Anno XXVII - n° 11/12
15 dicembre 2014
15 gennaio 2015
Subscribed to our magazine
Abbonati alla nostra rivista
Since 1986 great development,
but what will be the future ?
rupa 2016 is an important anniversary for our publishing house. Participation at Drupa 1986 to promote
our other publication, magazine Stampare, opened the horizon in the world of flexography and converting. Since then, with next year, 30 years have passed: these decades were characterized by an intense progress in our industry. At Drupa 1986 change was already obvious; the turning point due to the
use of photopolymer plates. As we wrote in our recent historical editorial, flexo printing is a 170 years
old technique. But at the beginning flexography printing had affected a marginal sector of the packaging industry. It was used mostly to print bread bags, or written texts on cartons with zero fluting. Printing plates were engraved on rubber, a technique still in use. The flexographic printing, in diminishing sense, was called aniline printing, term
that derives from the anilox roller. With the use of poor colors, printing appeared faded, the end result was placed on the
market as bread bags, wrapping paper for shops and wallpaper: all jobs where the request was not high print quality. This
whole world of aniline printing appeared suddenly overcome at Drupa 1986. In those years, Italy had a GDP growing at
the pace of China today. The interest of Italian exhibitors for the evolution of flexography and converting was evident. Second only to Germany, Italy is the first foreign country, which participates in Drupa 1986.
In these last 30 years, the technique of flexographic printing has evolved to the point of competing with lithography, but
advances have affected very important aspects, related to productivity, such as quick job changes, thanks to the "sleeves"
and the realization of printing plates with computer to plate. Online or offline printing; central drum or in line machines. All
of these variables have given space to the creativity of individual manufacturers, which (unlike the lithographic machines,
very standardized) provide solutions that meet the production requirements of the customers This was the past, but what
will be the future? In just over a year, at Drupa, but also at Converflex (Fiera Milano from 19 to 23 May 2015), we will have
the opportunity to reassess the situation, and know the future of this important sector of printing, finishing, personalization of packaging.
by Roberto Fronzuti
Dal 1986 i grandi progressi,
ma quale sarà il futuro ?
a Drupa del 2016 rappresenta un anniversario importante per la nostra casa editrice. La partecipazione alla Drupa del 1986 per promuovere l’altra nostra pubblicazione, la rivista Stampare, aprì l’orizzonte sul mondo della flessografia e del converting. Da allora, con l’anno prossimo, saranno passati 30 anni; sono stati
decenni d'intenso progresso per il nostro settore. Alla Drupa del 1986 era già evidente il cambiamento; la
svolta dovuta all’utilizzo delle lastre fotopolimere. Come abbiamo avuto modo di scrivere nel nostro recente editoriale a carattere storico, la flessografia è una tecnica di stampa antica di 170 anni. Ma da sempre, la
stampa flessografica aveva interessato un comparto marginale dell’imballaggio. Per lo più, veniva utilizzata per stampare i sacchetti del pane, oppure le scritte degli scatoloni in onda zero. Le matrici di stampa venivano incise su gomma; una
tecnica ancora in uso. L’impressione flessografica, in senso diminutivo, veniva chiamata stampa all’anilina; termine che
deriva dal rullo anilox. Con l'utilizzo di colori poveri, la stampa risultava sbiadita; il risultato finale poneva sul mercato i sacchetti per il pane, la carta da pacco per i negozi e la carta da parati; tutti lavori dove non era richiesta l’alta qualità di stampa. Tutto questo mondo della stampa all’anilina, ai visitatori della Drupa 1986, all’improvviso apparve superato. In quegli
anni l’Italia aveva un pil che cresceva al ritmo della Cina dei nostri giorni.
L’interesse degli espositori italiani per l’evoluzione della flessografia e del converting fu evidente. Secondo solo alla Germania, l’Italia è il primo paese straniero, che partecipa alla Drupa 1986. In quest'ultimi 30anni, la tecnica di stampa flessografica si è evoluta al punto di competere con la litografia, ma i progressi hanno interessato aspetti molto importanti,
legati alla produttività, quali i cambi di lavoro rapidi, grazie alle “maniche” e la realizzazione delle matrici di stampa con il
computer to plate. Stampa in linea o fuori linea; macchine a tamburo centrale o in linea. Tutte queste variabili hanno dato spazio alla creatività dei singoli costruttori, che (contrariamente alle macchine litografiche, molto standardizzate) offrono soluzioni che rispondono alle esigenze produttive del cliente. Fin qui il passato; ma come sarà il futuro? Fra poco più
di un anno, alla Drupa, ma anche a Converflex (Fiera Milano dal 19 al 23 maggio 2015) avremo l’occasione di fare nuovamente il punto della situazione, e conoscere il futuro di quest'importante settore della stampa, della nobilitazione e personalizzazione dell’imballaggio.
di Roberto Fronzuti
General news
Strategic investiment
in digital printing
Arvato Service develops its
direct marketing offering with
Xeikon, higer productivity
results in 30 to 40% savings
on print budgets
s an investment in digital printing only relevant for printing companies? Arvato Services clearly demonstrates the opposite.
Thanks to digital printing, this leading direct
marketing specialist has improved its performance, introduced innovative services and
increased customer loyalty. To further enhance its market position, Arvato Services
invested in a Xeikon 8500 digital press. "Today, customers tend to favor focused direct
marketing operations, on smaller customer
bases, but with higher quality documents,
with a higher level of personalization and high
end finishing, explains Manuel Montigny,
General Director Direct Marketing at Arvato
Services. Our investment in Xeikon technology is a perfect response to this growing
Arvato's direct marketing customers are
mostly telcos, banks, large retail companies,
mail order companies or city councils and
administrative bodies. "Our business is evolv-
ing rapidly. Direct marketing remains a highly effective tool to address customers, but
the business model is changing. Online direct marketing in particular has gained
ground over the past 10 years and became
an entry point for many new activities such
as On Demand printing,” says Montigny.
In 2006, the company made the strategic
decision to add digital printing to their services and move up one step in the value
chain: the capability to produce high quality
direct marketing pieces, with a very high degree of personalization, fully leveraged Arvato's database management skills and resources. Combined with powerful internet
technologies, it allowed the company to offer a whole array of new services. “We designed an online platform – called DM Factory – that allows our customers to provide
their sales network a web-based tool to
manage direct marketing operations entirely. They can also use it to order brochure and
product sheets.
The platform triggers a fully automated print
on demand production process, using our
digital presses, after which our direct mail
services are set in motion," explains Montigny.
Last year, Arvato decided to invest in a webfed Xeikon 8500 system with online cutting
and folding units. "Until then, our digital production equipment was entirely sheet-fed,
says Montigny.
We wanted to draw on the new possibilities
a roll-fed unit offers, such as scalable print
media widths, and be able to produce
leaflets in unconventional formats, as well as
letters with folds and coupons.
We also required a press that would fit our
printing quality standards, especially on photo quality documents.
Xeikon was the best option for us".
Also finishing played an important role.
General news
"We didn't want to compromise on inline finishing options. Xeikon offers a large selection of finishing modules. We now invested
in cutting and folding but if one day we want
to add gilding or film coating, we know
Xeikon will have a solution for us, explains
Montigny. Xeikon's involvement in
package printing was another decisive aspect.
Producing point of sales material
and boxes for product sample mailings is an area where we are gradually gaining momentum. Our decision to work with Xeikon is fully consistent with this."
A winning partnership
Arvato is very satisfied with its investment:
“Xeikon have proved to be reliable, reactive,
and demonstrated an ability to understand
our needs and requirements and adapt accordingly.
They were able to think outside the box to
find the appropriate answers to our requests," comments Montigny.
"We can offer our customers other, original
printing formats that opened up new possi-
bilities for designing direct mail pieces. We
streamlined our production processes, by
printing the various documents involved in a
direct mail campaign one after the other in
one production stream, even in varying formats.
This eliminates the need to produce these
documents separately and bring them together later on in the production process –
which is a lot more effective, Montigny states.
The Xeikon 8500's print width also opened
up new possibilities in terms of media optimization. We can set-up two A4 pages side
by side with folding coupons at the bottom
of the pages.
This is not so easily done with an extended
A3 sheet-fed press”.
Today, Arvato is saving 30 to 40% on printing budgets, thanks to the flexibility of the
Xeikon roll-fed digital printing press.
“In the ever evolving direct marketing business, quality, creativity and flexibility are key
to success.
The internet and digitization have opened up
tremendous opportunities, particularly for
digital printing.
We are proud to be working with a
market leading company like Arvato
Services whose strategy is entirely in
line with Xeikon’s vision, adds Danny Mertens, Xeikon’s Director Marketing & Business Development
Document Printing. We are dedicated to deliver total solutions, enabling our customers to produce not only high quality prints
but fully finished direct marketing projects.
Our dedicated Suites introduce a new level
of end-to-end efficiency and cost-effectiveness to direct mail production. Combined
with our Xeikon 8500 and inline finishing they
provide the flexibility to create almost any
type of mailing.
Arvato’s investment is a firm confirmation vertical solutions are what companies look for
to remain successful”.
General news
Investimento strategico
nella stampa digitale
Arvato Service sviluppa la sua
offerta di direct marketing
assieme a Xeikon, la
maggiore produttività si
traduce in un risparmio del
30% - 40% sui budget di
10 F&C
n investimento nella stampa digitale è pertinente solo per le aziende di
stampa? Arvato Services è la dimostrazione del contrario. Grazie alla stampa
digitale, questo specialista leader nel settore del direct marketing ha migliorato le sue
prestazioni, ha introdotto servizi innovativi e
aumentato la fidelizzazione dei clienti. Per
rafforzare ulteriormente la sua posizione di
mercato, Arvato Services ha investito in una
macchina da stampa digitale Xeikon 8500.
“Oggigiorno i clienti tendono a favorire operazioni di direct marketing precise rivolte a
basi clienti più piccole, ma con documenti di
qualità superiore, con un livello maggiore di
personalizzazione e finitura di fascia alta,
spiega Manuel Montigny, direttore generale
di direct marketing presso Arvato Services.
Il nostro investimento nella tecnologia Xeikon
è una risposta perfetta a questa tendenza in
I clienti di direct marketing di Arvato sono soprattutto aziende di telecomunicazioni, banche, grandi aziende di retail, aziende di vendita per corrispondenza o consigli cittadini
ed enti amministrativi.
“La nostra attività si sta sviluppando rapidamente.
Il direct marketing rimane uno strumento
estremamente efficace per rivolgersi ai clienti, ma il modello commerciale sta cambiando. Il direct marketing online in particolare ha
guadagnato terreno negli ultimi 10 anni ed è
diventato un punto di accesso per numerose nuove attività come la stampa on-demand”, spiega Montigny.
Nel 2006 l’azienda ha preso la decisione
strategica di aggiungere la stampa digitale
ai propri servizi per avanzare di un livello nella catena di valore: la capacità di produrre
elementi di direct marketing di alta qualità,
con un grado estremamente elevato di personalizzazione e con l’ottimizzazione dell’utilizzo delle risorse e delle competenze di gestione dei database di Arvato.
Assieme alle potenti tecnologie di internet,
tale decisione ha consentito all’azienda di offrire un’intera gamma di nuovi servizi.
“Abbiamo progettato una piattaforma online
chiamata DM Factory che consente ai nostri clienti di fornire alla loro rete commerciale
uno strumento basato su web per la gestione completa delle operazioni di direct marketing.
Possono anche usarlo per ordinare brochure e schede tecniche dei prodotti.
La piattaforma innesca un processo di produzione di stampa on-demand completamente automatico attraverso le nostre stampanti digitali, dopodiché i servizi di direct mailing entrano in azione”, continua Montigny.
Lo scorso anno Arvato ha deciso di investire in un sistema alimentato a bobina Xeikon
8500 con unità di taglio e piegatura in linea.
“Fino ad allora i nostri dispositivi di produzione digitale erano interamente a foglio.
Abbiamo voluto attingere alle nuove possibilità offerte dall’unità a bobina, quali larghezze scalabili dei supporti di stampa e la
capacità di produrre opuscoli in formati non
convenzionali nonché lettere con prospetti
ripiegati e voucher.
Abbiamo richiesto una stampante in grado
di soddisfare i nostri standard di qualità di
stampa, in particolare su documenti di qualità fotografica.
General news
Xeikon è stata la soluzione migliore per noi”.
Anche la finitura ha rivestito un ruolo importante. “Non volevamo compromessi sulle
opzioni di finitura in linea.
Xeikon offre un’ampia scelta di moduli di finitura.
Ora abbiamo investito nei moduli di taglio e
piegatura ma se un giorno volessimo aggiungere doratura alla pressa o rivestimento di pellicole, sappiamo che Xeikon avrà la
soluzione adatta per noi, spiega Montigny. Il
coinvolgimento di Xeikon nella stampa di
packaging è stato un altro aspetto decisivo.
La produzione di materiale per punti vendita e di scatole per la spedizione di campioni di prodotti è un’area in cui ci stiamo gradualmente affermando.
La nostra decisione di lavorare con Xeikon
è totalmente coerente con tutto ciò”.
Una partnership vincente
Arvato è estremamente soddisfatta del suo
investimento: “Xeikon si è dimostrata un
partner affidabile, rapido e in grado di comprendere le nostre esigenze e requisiti, offrendo le risposte adeguate.
È stata in grado di pensare fuori dagli scher-
mi per trovare le risposte adeguate alle nostre richieste”.
“Possiamo proporre ai nostri clienti altri formati di stampa originali che aprono nuove
possibilità di progettazione di elementi di direct mailing. Abbiamo ottimizzato i nostri processi di produzione mediante la stampa consecutiva di vari documenti previsti in una
campagna di direct mailing lungo un unico
flusso di produzione, anche in diversi formati.
Ciò elimina l’esigenza di produrre tali documenti separatamente e di assemblarli successivamente nel processo di produzione, il
che consente di aumentare notevolmente
l’efficienza conclude Montigny.
La larghezza di stampa Xeikon 8500 ha offerto anche nuove possibilità in termini di ottimizzazione di supporti.
Possiamo configurare due pagine A4 una di
fianco all’altra con coupon piegati in fondo
alle pagine.
Questo non si può ottenere facilmente con
una stampante a foglio A3”.
Attualmente Arvato è in grado di risparmiare dal 30% al 40% sui budget di stampa grazie alla flessibilità della macchina da stampa
digitale a bobina Xeikon.
“Nel settore del direct marketing in continua
evoluzione, qualità, creatività e flessibilità sono fondamentali per il successo.
Internet e la digitalizzazione hanno creato eccezionali opportunità, in particolare per la
stampa digitale. Siamo orgogliosi di lavorare con un’azienda leader del settore come
Arvato Services, la cui strategia è in totale
sintonia con la filosofia di Xeikon, Danny Mertens, direttore Marketing & Business Development Document Printing di Xeikon.
Ci impegniamo a fornire soluzioni complete,
consentendo ai nostri clienti di produrre non
solo stampe di alta qualità ma anche progetti
di direct marketing completi.
Le nostre suite specifiche offrono un nuovo
livello di efficienza end-to-end e di efficienza
dei costi per la produzione di direct mailing.
Assieme alla nostra Xeikon 8500 e alla finitura in linea, si ottiene la flessibilità di creare
praticamente qualsiasi tipo di mailing.
L’investimento di Arvato rappresenta una solida conferma del fatto che le soluzioni verticali sono la risposta alla richiesta per le aziende che desiderano mantenere il successo”.
F&C 11
New generation of
clear films and coating
Lates developments in high
barrier films and short run
gravure printing stir
participant’ interest at Bobst
event in Italy
Dr Carolin Struller, KTP Research Associate, Bobst Manchester, speaking
about AlOx coated transparent barrier films and their conversion for
packaging applications, at the Castello di Uviglie.
12 F&C
rue to its reputation as an innovator
focused on creating value to satisfy
the different requirements of converters in a constantly evolving industry, Bobst
addressed the latest trends in new barrier
technologies and short run gravure printing
at a conference and open house.
150 guests attended the event, held in the
historic Castello di Uviglie in the Monferrato
hills, and heard about the latest developments from a line-up of speakers including
Bobst experts and representatives of leading international companies from throughout
the flexible packaging value chain. The
speakers addressed the challenges and opportunities that the latest materials, systems
and production tools represent to the growth
strategies of printing and converting companies.
New barrier technologies are developing at
a very fast pace and a new generation of
clear films and coatings are challenging more
traditional barrier packaging structures. As
regards the technicalities of manufacturing
and the physical properties of these new materials, the presentations from Bobst Manchester and Reifenhäuser were particularly
Dr Carolin Struller from Bobst Manchester,
illustrated the company’s in-depth research
on AlOx clear coating, from the way it is produced and its performance on various filmic
substrates, through to its barrier retention
with subsequent processes of printing and
converting. Bobst Manchester has, and continues to, carry out extensive trials on the
process and is researching ways that in the
future could enhance their printability and
prevent barrier loss during converting.
Kurt Freye and Daniele Cerizzi from Reifenhäuser Kiefel Extrusion and Reifenhäuser
Cast Sheet Coating presented the latest developments in blown film and cast extrusion
for high barrier applications, which reflect the
trend for lower pack weights yet with increasing pack performance.
This makes 9 to 11 layer films an important
trend, which has generated several ongoing
projects for machines, which can produce
increasingly sophisticated multi-layer structures using less material.
Paolo Serafin, for Taghleef Industries, presented their Extendo film applications, offering solutions for better recycling. He also
advocated that the day should to be a forum for discussion and cooperation within
an industry aiming to find solutions for reducing the environmental impact of packaging.
As regards short run gravure printing, Stuart Jones of Janoschka spoke about the innovations the company has been working
on in rotogravure sleeve systems, as well as
on the retail trends for mass customization.
Professor Armin Weichmann, from Stuttgart
Media University, illustrated the studies that
the institute is carrying out on conductive layers, cylinder stability and the feasibility of
nickel to replace copper and chromium in
engraved cylinders. The professor also
spoke about how the Rotomec MW 60
gravure press installed in the university pressroom is a key part of all its projects because
it nears productions conditions - something
that is essential for the validity of the trials
carried out on the behalf of converters.
The gravure technology update was rounded up by Giovanni Caprioglio from Bobst
Italia, who illustrated the comprehensive
range of Bobst gravure presses for flexible
materials, focusing on the Minimized Waste
concept of the Rotomec MW 60 Ι 80 presses.
Dedicated to very short run printing, the Rotomec MW 80 brings together all the essential requisites for profitable operation,
namely minimized waste of material, minimized energy consumption and minimized
space requirement.
Of great interest to all participants was the
insightful presentations of Philippe Roulet
from Nestlé, who illustrated all the factors
that determine the way packaging needs to
evolve in order to better respond to the new
and diverse requirements of the consumer.
Breaking the rules, generating value for the
consumer, streamlining and standardizing
the structures of materials wherever possible, and implementing new technologies into processes were just a few of the key issues presented.
A press completely operated from floor level, the 850 mm web-width Rotomec MW 80
awaited the open house guests in Bobst
Italia’s Technology Center and was ready to
start printing a demo job on a 12-micron Pet
substrate coated with AlOx.
One highlight of the gravure demonstration
was the capability of Bobst technology to
handle AlOx coated substrates, which, in differing from conventional films, present challenges to printing and converting equipment.
A further highlight was the effectiveness of
the MW 80 on-board washing system. The
print run also showed the validity of the Bobst MW Minimized Waste concept, starting
with the TAPS function to set the machine in
register. At the completion of the TAPS sequence, which lasted a few minutes, the
screen on the machine registered incomparably low substrate waste.
After an automatic splice, carried out on the
rewinder at maximum speed, a print sample
master was collected before changing the
color on one print unit from light peach to
very dark brown and resuming printing at full
production speed.
The speed of changeover being very critical
in terms of profitability when printing very
short runs, an operator demonstrated how
fast and easy it was on a print unit, which
was in stand-by during printing. After a few
minutes of printing, the machine was
stopped and the washing sequence of the
cylinder and ink pan started on a selected
14 F&C
print unit, prior to the ink being changed
back from dark brown to the original light
peach color.
Guests followed the on-board washing sequence from animations displayed on a
screen, whilst also being able to check on a
separate screen the register accuracy and
stability, most particularly during acceleration and deceleration. After another automatic splice at maximum production speed,
the machine was stopped and a second
sample taken in order to measure the color
difference with the print sample master. The
Delta E value between the two compared
samples was very low, clearly showing the
efficiency of the Bobst internal washing system in avoiding contamination from one color to the other, especially considering the
great difference of shades in reverting back
from a very dark brown intermediate color.
Once the demonstration was over, guests
were able to get close to the machine to visually see the results of the washing sequences from the ink pan and cylinders
which were taken out of the MW 80 press
for checking.
A demonstration on the Bobst CL 850D,
confirmed the laminator’s quality, efficiency
and flexibility. The machine, featuring the
renowned Bobst flexo coating system, laminated a 7.0 micron aluminium substrate onto a 12 micron Pet film. The Rotomec system enables a lower coating weight of solvent-based adhesive to be applied directly
to the aluminium foil, creating excellent bond
The machine produced a flawless, high quality, duplex laminated structure at a speed of
430 m/min.
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