Verbaledi Deposito
L'annoduemilacinque,il giomo sei del mesedi giugno
ln Torino,via PietroMiccan.22nel mio studio
Avanti me Argelo CHIANALE Notaio in Torino, iscdtto al Collegio
Notadle dei distrtfii riuniti di Torino e Pinerolo e senza la presenzadei
testimo per dnuncia fattanedal comparentemeco d'accordoa sensidi leg-
Sonocomparsii signon:
- DEMARCHi Roberto,nato a ToriDo(TO) il 15 marzo1951,residentea
Torino(TO),Via MariaVittorian. 18,
(CodiceFiscaleDMR RRT 51C15L219M);
I oaNpsf Maria Ester,nataa Alba (CN) il 29 maggio1955,residentea
Torino(TO),Via S. Quintinon. 21, medico
(CodiceFiscaleDNS MST 55E69A124K);
- CHmppa Giovanna,nataa Torino (TO) it 7 settembre
Torino(TO),CorsoRe Umbedon. 92, famracrsta
(CodiceFiscaleCHPCNN 5?P47L219G);
àella cui personaleidentità sonocefio, i quali mi diclúaranodi depositarc.ùl
docuÍrio datatoTorino 20 geùraio 2005,compostoda dùe paginescritte
a macchina,che previa sottoscdzionedelle comparentie rneco, si allega
1a lettùa, e cl'ìele stessesignorc DANESE
(Al1egatoA), dispensatamene
Maria Estere CHTEPPAGiovannami dichiaralo di gìà conoscerene] contenutosin dallafrnedì gennaio2005.
Del che richiesto ricevo i1 preseDteVerbale che leggo al Comparenteil
qualea mio interpellolo approvae mecoNotaio 10sottoscrive'
Dattiloscritto in colfonnità di leggeda pe$oùadi mia fiducia ed in parte
manoscrittoda me Notaio, occupadùepaginedi un foglio
Angelo CHIANALE Notaio
Turin, Italy, January20rì,2005
Back io 1969I was an eighteer-yea!old student,andI hadmy fust exhibition vrith my teacher,
RiccardoChicco,at the CassiopeaArt Gallery in Turin. During tllat eúibition, despitethe
satisryingremarksmadeby Angelo Dragorc duringa presentationand somediscre€tsuccess
that resultedir the selling of someofmy works, I tealized,at fi$t quite vaguelyandthen
increasinglyolearly,that itwas necessaryfor me to makea radical ohoice,
This choicewasbetweentwo optionB.ElUItEl I could chooseto put on the afist's clothes,to
seemy colleaguesoften,to becomevisible at well-lnoun AIt spaces,to attendall cùltural oi
pseudo-culturalhappenings,to be keptwaiting at the anteroomsof gallery owners,merchants
and critics, to keepan eyeon thosewho would haveclimbedthe careerladdervr'ithi! different
organizations,to follow the origin anddevelopmentofall trendssoasto belongto different
circles,to try to standout with someoiginal ide4 audto useclichésto disapprcveofthe
establishmenlyr'hile,at the sametime, makeuseofthe visibility the sameestablishmentoffers,
Olt I could chooseto b€ completelyout ofthis ftame,to be a painiervrithout adheîingto the
logics andthe conventionalobsequiousness
so chancúedsticof tle market,the institúions and
îhe 'leputable rooms-"In a wor4 tllis vr'asa choicetbat implied defendingmy alt by doing
Thirty yearshavepassed:I pursuedmy careerasan aîchitectand asan Art History teacherin
order!o defendandrescuethe painterwithin.
If in 1969I felt uneasiness
andanxisty without any logical explanationandwith a deepfeeling
of distîusttowardsthe militant andtheoreticalwodd ofArt ofthose years,todaymy complete
awarenessofthis rcality compelsme to makea defmiteand logical choice.
Whatis thepoint ofme sefing up exhibitionsin public or pdvate spacesor in gallerieswhich
havebeenthe window, the altar,the consecrationofeverything which in lalge measureI rcject?
tl/hat is thepoint ofassociatingmy orm art with what I (conecdyor mistakenly)do not corsider
l[/hat is thepoint ofvtailing neuroticallyfor the blessingofa critical apparatusvrhich has
endorsedthe most teriSing things-including itself-, andwhich in the last decadeshas
oftentimesbetrayedthe dignity ofits real function by taking up roles that it shouldnot be
exp€ctedto perfolm?
Wat is thepoint oÍtolerating that the lobbiesofmerchants,gallery owners,museumdircctors,
and offrcials responsiblefor flmding decideon my destiny;andwl,at is thepoint ofbecomiIlLg
marketsharewith a fluctuatingvaluewithin a markctwhoseexponents,eversinceWo d War Il,
havein most casesbeen,consciously--or evenwors€,unconscioù.sly-good-for-nothings?
Whatis thepoint ofbeing consideredsomeonejust in medt ofth€ numberof exhibitions,
andrcviews-as ifthe life of an artist could be equatedwith a bureaucraticcareer?
Whatís thepoint ofbeing an accornpliceof a perverseappacrtusthat iùduceshumaùbeingsto
judgment,that consîrainsus to keepup with
loosetheir own freedomofchoice andautonomoùs
the trends,bmndsandlabels,andthat makesus feel alienatedif we do not adherc,or pretend10
adhere,to the ideas"deprivedofany substance"that emanatefrom the world of intellectuals-this
is anotherreal andseqet guilty which hasallowedthe proliferationofthose ideas,and in so
doing it hasbecomea parto€rin cîime ofa cowardlysilencejust to get a slice ofthe cakein
Whatis thepoint off:lirting with the news,makingup findings apparcntlyodginal andwhiah the
nore vulgar and sometimesrepugnantthey arc,the mole attentionthey catch?To do so is to ally
with the audienceofthe most hideoustelevisionjust to ere{t a d€ceitfuland decrepitcastlefor
For all thesereasonsI shallnot acceptto exhibit or partiaipatein public eventsandspaces,
museums,foundations,nationalor intemationalbstitutions that havetakenpart or havebeen
accomplice(oft€ntimesusingpublic frnds) of the geat ftaud perpetratedagainstthe 'hsers."
hdeed, the public hasthe light andthe duty to put their headshigh up andactively reject this
smugglingoffake money,to iecovertheft ability to seewithout recourseto dirty ideological
filters, far from the obliged devotionto socialm)'thsandthe usualunmotivatedand self-imposed
infedority complex.
For all thesercasons,I shall give birth to spacesfor exhibitionwhereI will try to showmy work
and,at tlle sametime, I shallmakethesespacesavailableto otherinitiatives that shouldstricdy
observea codeof law and conductthat will regulatethesespacesand initiatives.
For all thesereasons,in thesespaces,the collaborationand intemctionwith the art critics and
marketwill haveto be faithî.rl to ethicalandadistic standards.With thesestandards.l€t us make
it clear,vr'edo not pretendto hold an absolutetrutlL but to îespectthe valuesoffteedom, dignity
"-,1 i-,{----,{--^-
I do not acceptto get on a caravanthat in tlle last decadeshasbeenpacked,in my opinion,with
pitifirl figures consecratedandcelebratedasgeniusesand gr€atafists, andwhich hasoîten been
and sponsorsavid for publicity and pestered
driven by public andprivate ofrcials, shopke€pers,
by the market'slogics,by self-styledintellectuals,by many critics, by pontifical directorsof
museumsandinstitutions,all ofwhom, out ofnowhere, becameindisputabledemiwges,and
havedeceivedthe ultimate (or
who, vr'ithaÍogant narcissismor appallingunawareness,
primordial) ùselsof any work ofArt, narcotizing,graduallybut inexorably,the inner needtttat is
presentin everyhumanbeing andthat allowsthe humarÌbeingto sail acrossevery seawithout
following anybody'sroute,but followitrg the light ofthe starsin the sky.
Registratoal I Ufficio defle Entrate di To rino il lo q';u1u9 .Pî
al;. kq#J,I
conEuro f$$,r.e
Copia conformea['origi[ale firmato ai sensidi leggerilasciatada me AngeloChianaleNotaioin Torino e costituita^aapagine 3 Cîe)
Toljno,li 6lsdt o<' ,XîenÚf
' x ,

REPERTORIO 40173 RACCOLTA 16322 Verbale di Deposito