Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore “POLO-LICEO ARTISTICO” - VEIS02400C
Liceo Artistico, Liceo Classico e Musicale – Dorsoduro, 1073 – 30123 Venezia
tel. 0415225252, fax 041 2414154
Modello A2
Emanuela ZANCHI
Classe Sezione Indirizzo II C cl.
L.Hashemi & B.Thomas, All in One Grammar, Loescher: Spiazzi,
Testo/i in adozione
Tavella, Layton, Performer Culture & Literature, vol.1 e 2 Zanichelli.
Anno scolastico
[con indicazione delle ore di svolgimento dei moduli, unità didattiche e percorsi tematici che comprendono
sia le ore dedicate allo svolgimento delle lezioni sia quelle per le verifiche]
Da Performer Culture & Literature 1 si sono svolte le seguenti unità:
From the English Renaissance to the Civil War
Socio-historical Context
( 3 ore)
The Tempest or Shakespeare’s Dramatic Summa
(8 ore):
Its plot/plots, main themes and characters.
Revenge vs. Reconciliation; Prospero vs. Caliban.; the Island and its symbolical relevance.
Integral reading of the romance.
Elizabethan Poetry
(8 ore)
The Development of the Elizabethan Sonnet: its main features and differences with the Petrarchan sonnet.
From T. Wyatt to Philip Sidney
Shakespeare’s Collection of Sonnets (its main themes and recipients)
The Fair Youth vs. The Dark Lady: idealized love vs. real love; appearance v. reality; the Rival Poet.
Analysis of Sonnets 18 and 130
The Metaphysical Sonnet: its main features
John Donne: about the author and his work.
From Holy Sonnets :
Analysis of Sonnet X
(5 ore)
From the Civil War to the Commonwealth
Socio-historical context
The Puritan set of values
(3 ore)
Shaping the English Character
The Augustan Age: A Golden Age or the Age of Reason
The rise of bourgeoisie
The birth of the English newspapers and their socio-political and cultural relevance.
“The Spectator” and “The Tatler”.
(4 ore)
The Rise of the Novel:
(10 ore)
Its main features, themes and values
The most important characteristics of fiction: Plot/Story, Time and Place Setting, Narrative Techniques.
D. Defoe: about the author and his work.
Robinson Crusoe: the rise of the realistic novel: its structure, plot, themes and characters.
The stress on authenticity and realism.
Robinson and his transgression; Robinson as homo faber; Robinson as the prototype of the British colonizer; Robinson
and Friday.
Analysis of the following excerpts from the novel :
Robinson’s Journal;
Man Friday.
The Augustan Anti-novel
( 6 ore)
L. Sterne: about the author and his work.
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent.: a first example of a modern novel.
The disintegration of chronology in favour of the analysis of the character’s mind. Tristram as an inadequate hero.
Analysis of passage: The Layout.
Da Performer Culture & Literature 2 si sono presentate le seguenti unità:
An Age of Revolutions:
(4 ore)
The socio-historical context
Reason Vs. Emotion, Nature vs. Industrialization, the Gift of Imagination.
Pre-Romantic attitudes, ideas and artists, the new role given to the poet; a natural use of language.
The New Concept of Nature vs. the Augustan idea of Nature.
E. Burke’s concept of the Sublime, Hume’s idea of Beauty.
The Romantic spirit :
(6 ore)
Romantic Poetry: its main features.
W.Wordsworth: About the author and his work.
The poet’s bond with nature and his cooperation with S. T. Coleridge. The importance of the senses and of memory.
The act of poetic creation.
The Lyrical Ballads: The Preface.
Analysis of passages/poems: A Certain Colouring of Imagination (passage from the Preface to L.B.)
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.
Viewing of film Pride and Prejudice in the original language.
Ripasso e consolidamento delle principali strutture morfosintattiche
(2 ore)
(4 ore)
Nel corso del I e II Quadrimestre si sono svolte 10 ore di lettorato inglese che hanno avuto quale obiettivo primario il
potenziamento sia della listening skill che della produzione orale e dell’arricchimento lessicale.
Consegne di studio per il periodo estivo
Agli studenti con debito e/o segnalazione si consiglia uno studio approfondito dei contenuti letterari svolti nel corso
dell’anno scolastico, unitamente ad un ripasso delle principali strutture morfosintattiche.
Per tutti gli allievi si consiglia vivamente la lettura ragionata di Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus di Mary
Shelley in edizione originale , e un romanzo distopico a scelta tra quelli consigliati in classe (G. Orwell, A. Huxley, R.
Bradbury, M. Atwood, inter alia).
Venezia, 10.06.2015
prof.ssa Emanuela ZANCHI

Inglese - Liceo Artistico