3/3 • N. 274
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september-december 2015
Four-monthly Journal
ISSN 0006-6761
vol. LXIII. September-December 2015
N° 274
3 3
Indexed in PsycINFO® – Scopus Bibliographic Database
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Experiences & Tools
POSTE ITALIANE SPA – SPED IN A.P. DL 353/03 ( CONV. IN L 27/02/2004 N. 46) ART 1 C 1, DCB-C1 FI
Scientific Director Alessandro Zennaro
BPA 274 coperta inglese.indd 1
24/11/15 12:45
Prospettiva temporale e benessere psicologico in età anziana
Manuela Zambianchi
Una scala di atteggiamento verso il littering
Paola Passafaro, Fridanna Maricchiolo, Annalisa Angelici, Virginia Ciaraldi,
Silvia Giannetti, Sofia Ludovici, Matteo Lungo, Martina Marra,
Francesca Piselli, Simona Rosana
Esperienze e Strumenti
La validazione italiana della Scala di Soddisfazione Ambientale al Lavoro
(Echelle de Satisfaction Environnementale au Travail – ESET)
Fabrizio Scrima, Eva Moffat, Liliane Rioux
La gratitudine degli utenti come risorsa per gli operatori
dei servizi sociosanitari
Prima validazione della Scala di Gratitudine Percepita (PGrate)
Mara Martini, Barbara Loera, Daniela Converso
The European Battery for Reading Assessment: studio interlinguistico
comparativo sulle abilità di lettura
Francesca Scortichini, Chiara Gasperini, Maristella Scorza,
Claudia Daria Boni, Giacomo Stella
Time perspective and psychological well-being in old age
Time perspective and psychological
well-being in old age
Manuela Zambianchi
Department of Psychology, University of Bologna
ᴥᴥ ABSTRACT. Lo studio ha investigato il ruolo svolto dalla prospettiva temporale nel benessere psicologico delle
persone anziane, dal momento che quest’ultimo viene riconosciuto come una dimensione centrale dell’invecchiamento
positivo. Hanno partecipato allo studio 126 anziani (età media = 73.09 anni, DS = 7.44; 83 femmine e 38 maschi) i quali
hanno compilato il Questionario S-ZTPI (Carelli, Wiberg & Wiberg, 2011) e il Questionario PWB (Ryff, 1989). Gli anziani
che possiedono un elevato titolo di studio presentano punteggi più bassi sul futuro negativo. Il passato negativo e il
presente fatalistico sono negativamente correlati con tutte le dimensioni del benessere psicologico, mentre il futuro
positivo è correlato positivamente con tutte le dimensioni del benessere psicologico, con l’eccezione delle relazioni
positive con gli altri. Il passato positivo è correlato positivamente con l’autoaccettazione, la gestione dell’ambiente
e le relazioni positive con gli altri. Un Modello di Regressione Multipla ha evidenziato che il passato negativo, il
presente fatalistico e il futuro negativo costituiscono predittori negativi del benessere psicologico globale, mentre
il passato positivo e il presente edonistico predicono positivamente il benessere psicologico globale, evidenziando
la complessa relazione esistente tra il benessere e l’organizzazione temporale in età anziana. I risultati vengono
discussi tenendo in considerazione anche le implicazioni per gli interventi centrati sulla prospettiva temporale in
questa fase della vita.
ᴥᴥ SUMMARY. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of time perspective on psychological well-being of old
people, that is acknowledge as a central dimension of positive ageing. A sample of 126 old people (M age = 73.09 years,
SD = 7.44; 83 females and 38 males) has participated and has filled in the S-ZTPI (Carelli, Wiberg & Wiberg, 2011) and
the PWB Questionnaire (Ryff, 1989). Old people with high school education possess lower level of future negative. Past
negative and present fatalistic are negatively correlated with all dimensions of psychological well-being, while future
positive is positively correlated with all the dimensions of well-being, with the exception of positive relations with others.
Past positive is positively correlated with self-acceptance, environmental mastery, and positive relations with others. A
Multiple Regression Model evidenced that past negative, present fatalistic and future negative are negative predictors of
overall psychological well-being, while past positive and present hedonistic positively predict overall psychological wellbeing, highlighting the complex relationship between well-being and time organization in old age. Results are discussed
considering also the implications for interventions based on time perspective in this stage of life.
Keywords: Time perspective, Psychological well-being, Old age
274 • BPA
M. Zambianchi
A structural change in the demographic pyramid has
occurred during the last 50 years in western society, showing
a continuous improvement of life expectancy. Women
nowadays have a life expectancy of 86 years, while men have
a life expectancy of 80 years (Eurostat, 2014).
This leads to devote more attention on ageing processes,
and to the improvement of life quality of old people. Several
models of successful aging have adopted both objective and
subjective criteria for defining a positive outcome in old age.
Perceived well-being constitutes one of these outcome.
Well-being, a central concept
of positive human functioning
across life-span
Positive Psychology (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000)
has one of its major focus on resources and human potentials,
turning over the concept of health as a mere absence of
illness. One of the key-concept of this area of investigation is
well-being, defined as optimal psychological functioning and
experience (Ryan & Deci, 2001).
Two different perspective are now investigating well-being:
the Hedonistic perspective (Kanneman et al., 1998) that maintains
that well-being consists of subjective happiness, including the
judgment about life satisfaction, and the experience of positive
versus negative affect (Diener et al., 1998), and the eudaimonic
perspective (Ryff & Keyes, 1989, 1995; Ryff & Singer, 2008; Ryff,
2014) that focuses on individual’s meaningful engagement in life
and actualisation of his/her potentials.
The eudaimonic well-being comprises six dimensions:
Autonomy, which emphasizes the individual’s capacity to
be self-determining and independent, even if means going
against conventional roles, ideas, wisdom; Environmental
Mastery, which refers to the capacity to manage everyday
life and create a surrounding context that fits with personal
needs and values; Personal Growth, which involves seeing
oneself as growing through time realizing his/her personal
potential; Positive Relations with Others, which is referred to
interpersonal well-being, having close and satisfying links to
others; Purpose in Life, which is referred to the presence of a
sense of direction in life and of projects for the future; SelfAcceptance, which involves positive self-regard that includes
awareness of both personal qualities and limits.
Pudrovska et al. (2005) and Ryff & Keyes (1995) found
that the dimensions of psychological well-being vary during
life: environmental mastery and autonomy are lower during
adolescence and youth, increasing from young adulthood to
midlife; purpose in life and personal growth decrease with age,
with the most pronounced decrement occurring from midlife
to old age. Self-Acceptance shows a stable trajectory during life.
Steca et al. (2002) have investigated the relationships
between psychological well-being and self-esteem, optimism,
life satisfaction, and physical health, demonstrating that
self-acceptance, environmental mastery, and purpose in
life are the dimensions with the highest correlations with
these indexes of well-being. Age influences the perception of
well-being for positive relations with others, environmental
mastery, and purpose in life. Contrary to the results found by
Ryff (1989) and Ryff & Keyes (1995) on American samples, the
Italian sample differs in several dimensions of well-being. The
young shows higher scores on positive relations with others
than adults and old people; adults and old people possess
higher scores on environmental mastery than previous life
stage, while personal growth decreases linearly from the
young to the old age. Gender, in this Italian sample, shows
a great influence on well-being. Women show lower scores
on all the dimensions of the construct than men, with the
exception of positive relations with others.
Ruini et al. (2003) found that environmental mastery
increases in value from youth to old age, while personal
growth follows an inverse trajectory, decreasing in value from
youth to old age. Moreover the study confirmed that Italian
women possess lower level of environmental mastery, purpose
in life, self-acceptance and personal growth than men. Level
of education shows a positive influence on well-being. Ryff et
al. (2004) found that psychological well-being is correlated
also with biological functioning: a research conducted with
135 aging women (61-91 years old) has assessed the level
of psychological well-being and its relations with some
biomarkers (cardiovascular measures: HDL cholesterol,
glycosylated HG; sleep; neuroendocrine and immune
measures: salivary cortisol, noradrenaaline, sIL –62). The
results showed that those women who have reported higher
level of well-being have lower level of daily salivary cortisol,
lower level of pro-inflammatory cytokins, lower level of
cardiovascular risk and longer duration of REM sleep.
These general results highlight the relevance of
psychological eudaimonic well-being and, for our issue, its
crucial role in the health of ageing people. Psychological well-
A beliefs-based measure of attitudes towards urban littering
A beliefs-based measure of attitudes
towards urban littering
Paola Passafaro1, Fridanna Maricchiolo2, Annalisa Angelici1, Virginia Ciaraldi1, Silvia Giannetti1,
Sofia Ludovici1, Matteo Lungo1, Martina Marra1, Francesca Piselli1, Simona Rosana1
of Social and Developmental Psychology,
Sapienza, University of Rome
2Department of Education Sciences, Roma Tre University
ᴥᴥ ABSTRACT. L’articolo riporta i risultati della costruzione e validazione preliminare di una scala di atteggiamento
verso il littering (la pratica di gettare a terra i rifiuti) in ambiente urbano basata sull’adesione a un set di credenze
collegate. Attraverso due studi distinti (N = 530) sono state valutate la struttura dimensionale, la coerenza interna
e la validità convergente della scala. Le indagini hanno portato a selezionare 10 indicatori con livelli accettabili di
coerenza interna e correlazioni statisticamente significative con una misura parallela dello stesso atteggiamento
basata su aggettivi. Tali indicatori hanno mostrato inoltre correlazioni significative con altri fattori rilevanti (utilizzati
come criteri esterni) quali la percezione della gravità e della dannosità del problema per la vita cittadina, e le
convinzioni in merito alla sanzione più adeguata da infliggere a coloro che gettano rifiuti per le strade cittadine.
La scala può essere utilizzata in futuro per rilevare la posizione delle persone verso tale problematica e indagare i
possibili fattori psicosociali e culturali connessi.
ᴥᴥ SUMMARY. This paper reports the results of the validation of a belief-based measure (scale) of attitudes towards
urban littering. Two different studies (overall N = 530) evaluated the dimensional structure, internal coherence and
convergent validity of the scale. A set of 10 statements (items) were eventually identified demonstrating acceptable
levels of internal coherence, and statistically significant correlations with an adjective-based measure of attitudes
towards littering and with measures of other relevant factors such as the general perceived seriousness of the problem,
the perceived harmfulness of littering for city life, and the fairest amount of monetary sanction. The scale can be used in
future studies to assess respondents’ overall positive/negative view of this particular issue.
Keywords: Littering, Attitude scale, Environmental attitudes, Environmental beliefs, Urban studies
Users’ Gratitude as a source of support for Social-Health Operators
Users’ Gratitude as a source
of support for Social-Health Operators
First validation of the Perceived Gratitude Scale (PGrate)
Mara Martini, Barbara Loera, Daniela Converso
Department of Psychology, University of Turin
ᴥᴥ ABSTRACT. Il lavoro presenta una scala per misurare il supporto che deriva dalla percezione di gratitudine
espressa dagli utenti agli operatori sociosanitari. Ai fini della validazione lo strumento, somministrato a 347 soggetti,
è stato oggetto di analisi fattoriale esplorativa e confermativa, di analisi dell’affidabilità e della validità discriminante.
È emersa una struttura bifattoriale: Gratitudine percepita e Gratitudine come supporto (3 e 5 item). La scala proposta
contribuisce a colmare una lacuna nella riflessione sul versante positivo della relazione con gli utenti: può essere
utilizzata per rilevare questa particolare fonte di supporto sociale, accanto a quello tradizionalmente studiato, che
proviene da colleghi e superiori.
ᴥᴥ SUMMARY. The theme of feeling gratitude and its possible role in buffering stress has been widely explored in
the Positive Psychology approach. However almost nothing has been said about users’ gratitude and its plausible
function as a source of support for social-health professionals. With the aim of measuring the support derived from
the professionals’ perception of users’ gratitude, a scale was developed and administered to 347 social operators.
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted in order to validate scale structure and analyze items
properties. Scale reliability and discriminant validity were evaluated by Cronbach’s alpha, AVE and correlations with
divergent construct. A two-factor solution was highlighted: Gratitude expressions and Gratitude as a source of support
(3 and 5 items). The work contributes to fill a gap in the reflection on the positive side of the relationship with users: the
new PGrate scale can be considered to evaluate this particular source of support, in addition to the traditional social
support received from colleagues and superiors.
Keywords: Social support, Gratitude, Scale
Italian Validation of the Scale of Satisfaction with the Work Environment
Italian Validation of the Scale
of Satisfaction with the Work
(Echelle de Satisfaction Environnementale au Travail – ESET)
Fabrizio Scrima1, Eva Moffat2, Liliane Rioux3
1University of Rouen
of Paris Ouest Nanterre
of Paris Ouest Nanterre
ᴥᴥ ABSTRACT. Questo articolo presenta i risultati di tre studi per validare la versione italiana della scala francese
di soddisfazione ambientale a lavoro (ESET). Il primo studio ha coinvolto 287 dipendenti italiani di diversi settori
professionali. L’analisi fattoriale esplorativa ha confermato la struttura originale a 10 fattori del questionario. I
partecipanti del secondo studio sono stati 350 dipendenti italiani. L’analisi fattoriale confermativa ha rivelato che
la versione italiana mostra adeguate proprietà psicometriche. Infine, il terzo studio ha identificato la sua validità
convergente. Le implicazioni per la gestione delle risorse umane sono discusse nell’articolo.
ᴥᴥ SUMMARY. This paper presents the results of three studies to validate an Italian version of the French Scale of
satisfaction with the work environment (ESET). Environmental satisfaction refers to the individual’s overall assessment
of a place that they occupy (workstation, office, organization, neighbourhood), and it is an increasingly central concept
in environmental psychology. However, it remains unexplored in the work context and this research aims to contribute
to this field of study. The first study involved 287 Italian employees in various professional sectors. Exploratory factor
analysis confirmed the original 10-factor structure of the questionnaire. Participants in the second study were 350 Italian
employees. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the Italian version has adequate psychometric properties. Finally,
the third study identified its convergent validity. The implications for human resource management are discussed.
Keywords: Environmental satisfaction, ESET, Workplace attachment, Psychometric properties
The European Battery for Reading Assessment: Interlingual comparative study of reading abilities
The European Battery
for Reading Assessment:
Interlingual comparative study
of reading abilities
1Francesca Scortichini, 2Chiara Gasperini, 3Maristella Scorza, 4Claudia Daria Boni, 5Giacomo Stella
1Freelance psychologist and cognitive-behavioural psychotherapist
2PhD, Department of Sciences of Education and Psychology, University of Florence
3PhD, Department of Education and Human Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
5Department of Human Sciences, University of Urbino
ᴥᴥ ABSTRACT. Sempre più spesso gli operatori della scuola e della sanità hanno a che fare con bambini bilingui
con difficoltà di apprendimento scolastico. Il progetto European Battery for Reading Assessment (EBRA) mira
ad adattare la batteria IReST in età evolutiva allo scopo di ottenere uno strumento utilizzabile per lo studio delle
competenze di lettura nei bambini. Esso può essere impiegato con bambini bilingui o plurilingui per scopi clinici
o didattici. La batteria è stata somministrata a 370 bambini frequentanti il secondo ciclo della scuola primaria e la
scuola secondaria di primo grado. A tal proposito si è scelto di mutuare la batteria International Reading Speed Test
che è in grado di mantenere le stesse caratteristiche di complessità linguistica in lingue diverse (17 idiomi). A tutti
i soggetti sono state proposte anche le prove di lettura di parole, non parole e testo. In questa fase, i dati raccolti
sembrerebbero confermare l’idoneità all’uso della batteria anche in ambito evolutivo.
ᴥᴥ SUMMARY. School and health operators have to deal more and more with bilingual children with learning disorders.
The European Battery for Reading Assessment project aims to adapt the IReST battery to design a standardised
assessment suitable for measuring a child’s reading performances during his/her developmental age. This tool could be
used with bilingual and multilingual children, for both clinical and educational purposes. We tested the battery on 370
Italian children attending the second cycle of primary school and the lower secondary school. The tool for this analysis
has to maintain the linguistic complexity of each language and we have decided to use the International Reading Speed
Test. The texts are equivalent in all languages (17 idioms). In the same time, all the subjects of our sample were evaluated
using a list of single words and a list of pseudo-words to read aloud and a reading test. The results seem to confirm that
the battery can also be employed in the evolutionary developmental field.
Keywords: Reading text, International battery, Accuracy, Speed test, Standardised assessment

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