Curriculum Vitae
Sara Comai
Name: Sara
Lastname: Comai
Place and date of birth: Bolzano/Bozen (Italy) - 25 June 1970
Citizenship: Italian
Office address:
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica Informazione e Bioingegneria
P.zza L. da Vinci, 32
I-20133 Milano
Tel: +39-02-23993611
Fax: +39-02-23993411
E-mail: [email protected]
Home page:
13 January 2000: PhD in Computer Engineering and Automation from Politecnico di Milano
(Italy), with the thesis “Graphical Query Languages for Semi-structured
Information” (Supervisor Prof. Letizia Tanca).
17 April 1996: Degree (Ms.Sc.) in Management Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy),
with the thesis "Active Databases: a Model for the Analysis of the Properties of
Termination and Determinism" (Supervisor Prof. Letizia Tanca).
July 1989: Diploma in “perito commerciale e programmatore” at Istituto Tecnico Commerciale
"G. Salvemini "of Bolzano/Bozen (Italy).
Since 2007 Sara Comai is associate professor at the Departiment of Electronics, Information and
Bioengineerg of Politecnico di Milano.
Currently she teaches “Principles and algorithms for Information Technology” (in Italian),
“Database Systems 2” (in English) and “Computer graphics” (in English).
1996 – 1997: after the graduation she is research collaborator in the Database Group at the
Departiment of Electronics and Information at Politecnico di Milano, working on active
1997-2000: she attends the PhD program in Computer Engineering and Automation at
Politecnico di Milano, working with Prof. Letizia Tanca and Piero Fraternali from Politecnico di
Milano and Prof. Ernesto Damiani from Università Statale di Milano. The main contribution of
the phd work is the study of graphical languages for semi-structured data, in particular for XML
data. The language for querying XML data (XML-GL) was presented at the first workshop on
query languages for XML organized by W3C in 1998 and is the first example of graphical
notation with a high expressive power for querying XML documents. Thanks to this research on
query languages for semi-structured data she is awarded by the Soroptimist International of
Italy (VIII contest of Soroptimist International of Italy).
On January 13, 2000 she discusses the doctoral thesis "Graphical Query Languages for SemiStructured Information". She is awarded by Politenico di Milano with the Chorafas prize for the
best doctoral thesis in Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Milano of the twelfth PhD cycle.
In the period May 2000-February 2002, she holds a research grant (from MURST) at the
Department of Electronics and Information of the Politecnico di Milano. She continues the work
on the study of the graphical language for querying XML data and begins working with
professors Piero Fraternali and Stefano Ceri on the study of a visual modeling language
(WebML) for Web applications.
Since 1 March 2002 she is researcher (assistant professor) at the Department of Electronics and
Information of the Politecnico di Milano. She continues the collaboration with professors Piero
Fraternali and Stefano Ceri on the design of complex web applications, integrated with
workflows, Web services, and RIAs (Rich Internet Applications). In the research on modeling
languages for the Web contributes to the writing of the book "Designing Data-Intensive Web
Applications", published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. She worked as technical manager at
the IST WebSI project, funded by the European Union in the fifth framework project. The WebSI
project in September 2004 is classified as a success story within the Grid Technology unit EU /
IST Programme. At the university she is involved in many activities of the Board of the study
course in Computer Engineering at the Como campus.
Since March 2007 she is associate professor at the Department of Electronics and Information
of the Politecnico di Milano.
From 18 December 2008 to 31 December 2009 she is chair of the study course of “On Line
Computer Engineering”.
English: Very good knowledge
German: Basic knowledge
Currently Sara Comai teaches:
Since 2004: “Database systems 2” (in English) for the M.Sc. degree in Computer
Engineering, Como Campus, Politecnico di Milano.
Since 2013: “Computer graphics” (in English) for the M.Sc. degree in Computer
Engineering, Como Campus, Politecnico di Milano.
Since 2004: “Algorithms and data structures” (in Italian) for the B.Sc. degree in
Computer Engineering, Como Campus, Politecnico di Milano.
Since 2003: “Algorithms and data structures” (in Italian) for the online B.Sc. degree
course in Computer Engineering, Como Campus, Politecnico di Milano.
Past courses:
2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011: “Advanced elements of
image synthesis” for the M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering, Milano Campus,
Politecnico di Milano.
2002-2003 “Hypermedia applications (Web and multimedia)” (in Italian) for the degree
course in Computer Engineering, Como Campus, Politecnico di Milano.
2002-2003 “Informatica (patente informatica - ECDL)” (in Italian) (Basics of computer
science) for the degree in Industrial Design, Como Campus, Politecnico di Milano.
2001-2002 “Informatica 1” (in Italian) (Programming language C++) for the degree
course in Computer Engineering, Como Campus, Politecnico di Milano.
1999-2000, 2002/2001, 2001/2002 "Computer Graphics (multimedia)" (in Italian) for the
Diploma course in Computer Engineering, Como Campus, Politecnico di Milano.
1996-1997 "Programming Laboratory" (in Italian) for the Master of Science in Computer
Science of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Verona.
From 1995 to 2004 she held exercise sessions / didactic seminars mainly within courses
related to databases and programming at Politecnico di Milano.
In the period 2000-2002 she held courses about Data and Web technologies targeted at
Within the Board of the study course in Computer Engineering, Sara Comai has been a member
of several committees.
- 2004 – present: delegate of the academic structure for the internships of the Computer
Engineering study course. The Academic Structure acts as interface between the company
and the students for the definition of the content and the monitoring of internships.
- 2004 – present: member of the committee for the revision of the didactic teaching
programs of the bachelor and master level Degrees in Computer Engineering, Como
- 2009 – present: coordinator or the online track of the Computer Engineering study course
(since 2009 the online courses are considered a special track of the main .
- 2011: member of the committee for the evaluation of the Ph.D applications in Computer
- 2013 – present: member of “Scuola di Como”, a center of excellence for the training of
university students in Como.
- 2008 - 2009: chair of the study course of “On Line Computer Engineering”, Como campus
(the first online study course offered by an Italian university – it started in 2000 and is the
only online courses recognized by the Italian CRUI - Conference of Italian University
- 2004 - 2007: member of the committee to assist students in composition and approval of
their study plans, Como campus.
The research of Sara Comai covers the following main topics:
1996-1998: Study of the semantics of execution of the rules of active databases and analysis of
the problems of termination and confluence of such kinds of rules. In particular, the first
aspect has led to the identification of several semantic dimensions of execution of the
rules available in the different commercial systems and existing prototypes and to the
determination of a model that describes the semantics of execution of any system of active
databases. The second problem has been studied formally by exploiting the results of
Datalog rules (with negation both in the body and in the head) through the definition of a
model for analyzing the semantic equivalence between a system of active rules and a system
based on deductive rules. Thanks to this model sufficient conditions have been identified to
ensure the properties of termination and confluence of a set of active rules, characterized by
several semantic dimensions. Also algorithms for the assignment of priority to the active
rules have been proposed so as to satisfy the sufficient conditions for
termination and confluence.
1997-2002: Visual languages for querying and restructuring XML documents. The research
concerns the definition of visual modalities for querying XML data sources. The main result is
the definition of XML-GL, a query language based on graphs. XML-GL is derived from an
earlier search on logical languages based on graphs for querying semistructured data. XML-GL is
characterized by a new syntax and semantics, suited to query XML documents. The role of XMLGL is comparable with the role of QBE in the world of relational databases: the purpose of the
language is to provide a simplified paradigm for non-expert users. In particular, Sara Comai was
responsible for the definition of the operational semantics of XML-GL and the study of complex
type of queries.
2000-2009: Methods and tools for the specification, design and automatic generation of
complex web applications (extended with Web services, workflow and exceptions).In
particular, she has made a significant contribution to the language WebML, a visual notation
for the conceptual specification of large Web applications, focusing on the analysis of patterns
of composition and navigation of this language in order to determine properties useful for the
construction of correct hypertexts. The study of WebML and of its semantics allowed her to
actively participate as co-author of the book "Designing DataIntensive Web Applications" published by Morgan Kaufmann in December 2002. The book has
been translated in Italian in 2003 by McGraw-Hill under the title "Design of data
and applications for the Web." She has also studied several extensions of
the WebML language for designing Web applications with advanced integrated workflows and
Web services. Part of this research was conducted within the European
project IST WebSI, funded by the European Union fifth framework project.
Further results in the Web engineering field have been obtained in the study of the issues
related to the presentation of Web applications. Examples of problems include: a) the semiautomatic support for the display of the information contained in the pages of a site (automatic
display layout of Web pages) or for the display of the results of a search engine, using
techniques based on constraint programming, or by means of systems of rules and
heuristics; b) The modeling of "rich" Web interfaces based on Rich Internet
Applications (or RIAs), a variant of Web-based systems that have the benefits of both desktop
applications and Web applications. The research consisted in the revision of the
language WebML to model also RIA applications.
2009-2012: Methods and tools for the development of haptic applications, i.e. applications
relying on systems that provide force feedbacks to the user (e.g., vibrations, forces of
attraction / repulsion, etc..). In particular, these systems have been applied in the education
field. She has also proposed a visual language for the specification of haptic effects, which can
be automatically translated into the haptic languages used by commercial haptic systems.
2012: Sara Comai collaborates with STMicroelectronics for the introduction of a relational
database in an environment for the functional verification based on systems for "coveragedriven constraint-random verification", to store the data exchanged by the system components
in order to perform data analysis.
Since 2012 she works in the Assistive Technology Group (ATG), a multi-disciplinary working
group whose mission is to “Identify, forecast, implement, promote and apply, innovative
method and technology from ICT for the development of sustainable solutions for frailty
(disabled, elderly, difficulties, …) which guarantees the recovery of functionality, social
integration, equal opportunities, health, self determination and quality of life”. Sara is one of
the coordinators of the group and contributes to the multisciplinary research with her
background on data and user interfaces. Her main current activities are related to: a) the ALMA
Project (2013-2016), an AAL Joint Programme, targeted at elderly and persons on a wheelchair
in residences and hospitals, and aiming at providing services to support them in their mobility
so that they canselect and follow an efficient and safe path to such destinations considering
their needs and/or limitations or the status of the environment; b) MEP (Maps for Easy Paths)
Project (2014-2016), a Polisocial multidisciplinary project (a program of social responsibility and
commitment of Politecnico di Milano) coordinated by Sara Comai, which is developing a set of
innovative tools and solutions for the enrichment of geographical maps with information about
the accessibility of urban pedestrian for people with mobility problems; c) ADALGISA Project
(2013-2015), funded by the Smart City program of Regione Lombardia, providing a set of
services in a smart home for detecting users behavior and allowing persons with limited
capabilities to easily interact with the system.
Participation to national and international projects
Ongoing projects:
2013-2015 ADALGISA (Smart City – Regione Lombardia), a regional project aiming at
developing a technological platform based on a home automation system and an
infrastructure to monitor the home environment to support the independence of the
elderly in the context of their houses.
2013-2016 SHELL Cluster, a national project with the following participants: Università
Politecnica delle Marche (coordinator), Politecnico di Milano, Telecom Italia, Homelab
consortium (BTicino, Teuco, Ariston, Indesit et al.): the project proposes an open, free and
accessible “interoperability framework”, as the main backbone and enabling tool for
vertical solutions, in different and multifunctional contexts (energy, security, comfort) of
smart home environments.
2014-2016 Polisocial Award 2014 Project MEP (Maps for Easy Paths) (Coordinator: Sara
Comai), a project funded by Politecnico di Milano whose goal is the development of a set of
innovative tools and solutions for the enrichment of geographical maps with information
about the accessibility of urban pedestrian for people with mobility problems.
2013-2016 AAL Joint Program ALMA project (Coordinator: SUPSI, CH) tackleing the issue of
not being able to move autonomously, by combining a set of advanced hardware and
software technologies into an integrated system including (developed at Politecnico): an
indoor localization system for people & objects based on a network of low-cost/low-power
RF emitters; a personal mobility kit for electric powered wheelchairs for automatic or
assisted navigation; a personal navigation assistant sporting user-friendly interface to all
the functionalities of the system, tailored to the specific user-needs.
Past projects:
1997-1999 Progetto MURST “Metodologie e Tecnologie per la Gestione di Dati e Processi
su Reti Internet e Intranet”
1997-1999 Progetto Enel n. RAUWC001 “Database su World Wide Web: Modellazione e
1999-2001 Progetto MURST “Data-x: Gestione, Trasformazione e Scambio di Dati in
Ambiente Web”
2002-2004 Progetto CNR - ECD “Tecnologie per arricchire e fornire accesso a contenuti”,
whose interface has been realized asa an extension of the XML-GL language.
2005-2007 Progetto FAR – Discorso “Distributed Information Systems for CooRdinated
Service Oriented interoperability”, a technology platform that provides Web-based
infrastructure and services to districts. Within this project, SaraComai carried out
the design aspects of the process and the specification /implementation of the
interface to the infrastructure. The interface was based on the modeling language WebML.
2006-2008 Progetto di ricerca Prin “Nuove tecniche e strumenti per l’interrogazione di
servizi di ricerca su Web” and
2008-2013 ERC Research project “Search Computing” (SeCo), where she has worked on
presentation aspects of the search results.
Sara Comai has acted as referee for the following journals:
- Transaction on Information Technology (TOIT)
- Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
- Transaction on Database Systems (TODS)
- Transaction on Software Engineering (TSE)
- Transaction on Learning Technologies (TLT)
- Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDBJ)
- Communication of the ACM (CACM)
- Journal on Knowledge and Data Engineering (KDE)
- Journal of Web Engineering (JWE)
- International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET)
- Software and Systems Modeling (SOSYM)
- Computers and Education (CaE)
- Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
- ComSIS - Computer Science and Information Systems journal
Sara Comai has been
track chair for the track “Web and E-business Applications” at the International Conference
- ACM SAC 2002 Symposium on Applied Computing), Madrid, Spagna
- ACM SAC 2003, Melbourne Florida
- ACM SAC 2004, Nicosia, Cipro
- ACM SAC 2005, Santa Fe, New Mexico
organization chair of the workshop UMICS’2003 (Ubiquituous Mobile Information and
Collaboration Systems), in conjunction with CAISE’03, Klagenfurt, Austria
publicity chair of the 4th VLDB Workshop on Technologies for E-Services TES'03), Berlin,
Germany, 2003.
workshop chair at ICWE'04 (International Conference on Web Engineering), Munich,
Germany, July 2004
organization chair with Malu Castellanos di HP - Palo Alto, of the workshop "Adaptive and
Self-Managing Entrerprise Applications" ASMEA'05, in conjunction with CAISE'05, Porto,
organization chair assieme a Wolfgang May, James Bailey e Paula-Lavinia Patranjan
(REWERSE net of excellence) of the workshop “Reactivivity on the Web”, at the
International Conference EDBT’06, Munich, Germany.
Treasurer e sponsorship chair of ICWE’07 (International Conference on Web Engineering),
organized at the Como campus, at Politecnico di Milano.
Organization chair of the International Workshop on DATA Visualization and Integration in
Enterprises and on the Web
- DATAVIEW’10, in conjunction with OTM’10, Crete, Greece, 2010.
- DATAVIEW’11, in conjunction with ECOWS’11, Lugano, Switzerland, 2011.
She has been a member of the program committees of several conferences including (only
main conferences are reported):
EDBT 2004, Heraklion-Crete Greece
Demo Committee SIGMOD 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, 13-16 Giugno, 2005
ICWE 2005, Sydney, Australia, luglio 2005
ICWE 2007, Como, Italia, luglio 2007
EDBT 2008, Nantes, France, 25-29 marzo, 2008
MoMM 2008 (Int. Conf. on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia) , MoMM 2009,
MoMM 2010, MoMM 2011, MoMM 2013, MoMM 2014
ICDE 2009, Shanghai, China
EDBT 2009, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 23-26 marzo 2009
ICWE 2009, poster session, San Sebastian, Spagna, giugno 2009
IEEE/WIC/CAN Int. Conference on Web Intelligence 2009 (WI2009), WI 2010, WI 2011, WI
2012, WI 2013, WI 2014, WI 2015
ICWE 2010, poster and demo session, Vienna, Austria Luglio 2009
MDWE 2010, Vienna, Austria, 6 luglio 2010
WebIST 2012 (International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies),
WebIST 2013, WebIST 2014, WebIST 2015 Porto, Portugal, 18-21 April 2012
[A1] S. Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, M. Matera. “Designing DataIntensive Web Applications”. Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, Dicembre 2002, pp. 562, ISBN 155860-843-5.
[A2] S. Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, M. Matera. “Progettazione di
Dati e Applicazioni per il Web”. McGraw-Hill, Luglio 2003, ISBN 88-386-6138-3 (Italian
translation of [A1]).
ACM/IEEE Transactions
[B1] S. Comai, D. Mazza: “A Model-Driven Methodology to the Content Layout Problem in
Web Applications”, ACM Transactions on the Web TWEB, 6, 3, Article 10 (September 2012),
38 pages, DOI = 10.1145/2344416.2344417
[B2] P. Fraternali, S. Comai, A. Bozzon, G. Toffetti: “Engineering Rich Internet Applications
with a Model-Driven Approach", ACM Transactions on the Web TWEB, Volume 4 , Issue
2 (April 2010), ISSN:1559-1131, 47 pp.
[B3] I. Manolescu, M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, P. Fraternali: “Model-Driven Design and
Deployment of Service-Enabled Web Applications”, ACM Transactions on Internet
Technology TOIT Vol.5, no.2: 439-479 (2005), ISSN 1533-5399
[B4] S. Comai, L. Tanca, “Termination and Confluence by Rule Prioritization”, IEEE
Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering TKDE 15(2): 257-270 (2003), ISSN 10414347
[B5] S. Comai, E. Damiani, P. Fraternali, "Computing Graphical Queries over XML Data", ACM
Transaction on Information Systems TOIS 19(4): 371-430 (2001), ISSN 1046-8188
Other international journals
[B5] S. Comai, D. Mazza: “Integrating Haptics in Web Interfaces: State of the Art and Open
Issues” IEEE Internet Computing, IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 83-87, Sept.Oct. 2012, doi:10.1109/MIC.2012.110
[B6] S. Comai, A. Famulari, D. Mazza: "A haptic framework for the study of inter-molecular
interactions" International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, IJTEL, 2011 - Vol. 3,
No.5 pp. 536 - 550. INderscience editors, DOI 10.1504/IJTEL.2011.042104
[B7] G. Toffetti, S. Comai, J.C. Preciado, and M. Linaje: “State of the Art and Trends in the
Systematic Development of Rich Internet Applications”, Journal of Web Engineering, JWE,
Vol.10 No.1, pp. 70-86, 2011, ISSN: 1540-9589
[B8] D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, S. Comai, M. Comuzzi, B. Pernici: “A Service-based Framework for
Flexible Business Processes”, IEEE Software, Volume 28, Issue 2, pp. 61 – 67, 2011, DOI:
[B9] M. Brambilla, J. Cabot, S. Comai: “Extending Conceptual Schemas with Business Process
Information," Journal on Advances in Software Engineering (ASE), vol. 2010, Article ID 525121,
[B10] Comai S., Preciado J.C., Linaje M., Ortiz G. and Sánchez-Figueroa F. “A system for
teaching web engineering concepts in a supervised way using rich internet applications”.
Int. J. Learning Technology (IJLT), Indersciensce Publisher, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2 pp.6–23, 2009.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLT.2009.024714
[B11] S. Ceri, C. Bolchini, D. Braga, M. Brambilla, A. Campi, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, P. L. Lanzi,
M. Masseroli, M. Matera, M. Negri, G. Pelagatti, G. Pozzi, E. Quintarelli, F. A. Schreiber, L.
Tanca. “Data and web management research at Politecnico di Milano”. SIGMOD Record
36(4): 43-48 (2007)
[B12] M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, P. Fraternali. “A CASE tool for modeling and
automatically generating Web service-enabled applications”, Special issue - International
Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), Inderscience Publisher, Volume 2,
Numero 4, pp. 354 - 372, 2006.
[B13] M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, I. Manolescu. “Specification and design of
workflow-driven hypertexts”, JWE (Journal of Web Engineering), Rinton Press, 1(2) April,
2003, pp. 163-182, ISSN 1540-9589.
[B14] S. Comai, E. Damiani, L. Tanca, “Graphical Query Languages for the World Wide Web: a
Logic Programming Approach”, Rivista internazionale Vivek (A Quarterly in Artificial
Intelligence,) Vol. 12, n. 1, gennaio 1999 (con revisione dell’editorial board), pp. 2-15, ISSN
[B15] S. Ceri, S. Comai, E. Damiani, P. Fraternali, S. Paraboschi, L. Tanca, “XML-GL: a Graphical
Language for Querying and Restructuring XML Documents”, Computer Networks, Vol. 31
(1999), pp. 1171-1187, ISSN 0169-7552
(e in Proc. 8th Int. World Wide Web Conference, WWW8, Toronto, Canada, 11-14 Maggio
1999, tasso di accettazione 13%).
Technical journals, bulletins, editorials
[B16] M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, M. Matera, A.. Bongio, "WebML, the
conceptual model for Web applications", IT Solution Journal, Ottobre 2003
[B17] M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, I. Manolescu, “Model-driven Specification
of Web Services Composition and Integration with Data-intensive Web Applications”, IEEE
Data Eng. Bull. 25(4): 53-59 (2002).
[B18] S. Comai, M. Matera, C. Cachero. Editoriale del numero speciale della rivista JWE
(Journal of Web Engineering), Rinton Press, 5(1) 2006: 1-2 - ISSN 1540-9589.
[C1] Sara Comai, Maristella Matera: Engineering Web Applications. Proceedings of the
ICWE’04 Workshops (selelcted papers). Rinton Press, Dicembre 2004, pp. 366 - ISBN 158949-046-0.
[D1] Fabio Veronese, Hassan Saidinejad, Sara Comai, Fabio Salice. “Elderly Monitoring and
AAL for Independent Living at Home: Human Needs, Technological Issues and
Dependability”. In "Optimizing Assistive Technologies for Aging Populations." ISSN: 23279354 The Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice (AMTCP) Book Series
(accepted for publication)
[D2] Hassan Saidinejad, Fabio Veronese, Sara Comai, Fabio Salice. “ICT-enabled
Communication Tools for the Elderly: A Proximity-based Social Communication Tool” In
"Optimizing Assistive Technologies for Aging Populations." ISSN: 2327-9354
The Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice (AMTCP) Book Series (accepted
for publication)
[D3] A. Bozzon, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, G. Toffetti Carughi. “Towards Web 2.0 Applications: A
Conceptual Model for Rich Internet Applications” In San Murugesan (editor). Handbook of
Research on Web 2.0, 3.0, and X.0: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications,
Information Science Reference, November 2009, Hardcover, pp. 75-95, ISBN: 978-1-60566384-5
[D4] M. Brambilla, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, M. Matera. “Designing Web Applications with
WebML and WebRATIO”. In Gustavo Rossi, Oscar Pastor, Daniel Schwabe, Luis Olsina
(editors). Web Engineering. Modeling and Implementing Web Applications. Springer, 2008,
Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-84628-922-4
[D5] S. Comai, S. Marrara, L. Tanca, "A synopsis based approach for XML fast approximate
querying", capitolo di libro in "Flexible Databases supporting Imprecision and Uncertainty",
G.Bordogna and G. Psaila (eds.), nella serie "Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing" of
Physica Verlag – ISSN 1434-9922 - ISBN 3-540-33288-x, Luglio 2006
[D6] M. Brambilla, S. Comai, C. Tziviskou. “Exception Management within Web Applications
Implementing Business Processes”. In: “Recent Advances in Exception Handling Techniques
– vol.2”. ISBN 978-3-540-37443-5. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume 4119/2006. pages
[D7] A. Allara, M. Bombana, S. Comai, B. Josko, R. Schloer, D. Sciuto, “Specification of
Embedded Monitors for Property Checking”, In "Electronic Chips & Systems Design
Languages", ed. Jean P. Mermet Kees, Kluwer Academic, Publisher, ISBN: 0-7923-7311-1,
pp. 285-294
(e in 2nd Forum on Design Languages FDL’99, Lyon, France, 30 agosto-3 settembre 1999 –
l’articolo è stato selezionato da questa conferenza per la pubblicazione come capitolo di
libro in quanto era uno dei candidati al best paper award).
[E1] Fabio Veronese, Sara Comai, Matteo Matteucci and Fabio Salice. Method, Design and
Implementation of a Multiuser Indoor Localization System with Concurrent Fault Detection.
11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking
and Services MOBIQUITOUS 2014, December 2-5, 2014 London, UK (19,3% acceptance rate)
[E2] Fabio Veronese, Daniel Soleimani Pour, Sara Comai, Matteo Matteucci, Fabio
Salice: Method, Design and Implementation of a Self-checking Indoor Localization
System. IWAAL 2014: 187-194 - Ambient Assisted Living and Daily Activities - 6th
International Work-Conference, Belfast, UK, December 2-5, 2014. Proceedings. Springer
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN 978-3-319-13104-7
[E3] Hassan Saidinejad, Fabio Veronese, Sara Comai, Fabio Salice: Towards a Hand-Based
Gestural Language for Smart-Home Control Using Hand Shapes and Dynamic Hand
Movements. UCAmI 2014: 268-271 - Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence.
Belfast, UK, December 2-5, 2014. Proceedings. Springer 2014 Lecture Notes in Computer
Science ISBN 978-3-319-13101-6
[E4] Elisa Magnanelli, Gianluca Brero, Rosa Virginia Espinoza Garnier, Giacomo
Mazzoletti, Alessandro Maria Rizzi, Sara Comai: HaptiChem: Haptic and Visual Support in
Interactions with the Microscopic World. International Conference, LCT 2014 Learning and
Collaboration Technologies., Held as Part of HCI International 2014: 72-82
[E5] Mahsa Teimourikia, Hassan Saidinejad, Sara Comai, Fabio Salice: Personalized Hand
Pose and Gesture Recognition System for the Elderly. 8th International Conference, UAHCI
2014 (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction), Held as Part of HCI International
2014: 191-202
[E6] Mahsa Teimourikia, Hassan Saidinejad, Sara Comai: HANDY: A Configurable Gesture
Recognition System. The Seventh International Conference on Advances in ComputerHuman Interactions, ACHI 2014: 135-140, Barcelona, Spain, March 2014 (Best paper award)
[E7] Sara Comai, Davide Mazza, Andrea Guarinoni: A Framework for the Development of
Haptic-Enhanced Web Applications. ICWE 2012: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume
7387, pp 253-267, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-31753-8_19
[E8] Enzo Bergamini, Sara Comai, Fulvio Corno, Gabriele Cristini, Guglielmo Lanzani, Davide
Mazza, Pierangelo Metrangolo, Giuseppe Resnati Giancarlo Terraneo, Gianluca Brero, Rosa
Virginia Espinoza Garnier, Elisa Magnanelli, Khalid Mahmood, Giacomo Mazzoletti, Stefano
Pascali, Alessandro Rizzi. A Haptic-Enhanced Framework for Chemistry Education. In
proceedings of the ICCE-ECRICE Conference, 15- 20 luglio 2012, Roma, Italy, ISSN 03928942, pp. 102-107
[E9] A. Bozzon, M. Brambilla, L. Cigardi, S. Comai. “A Constraint Programming Approach to
Automatic Layout Definition for Search Results” In: Web Engineering - 11th International
Conference, ICWE 2011. Springer, 20/6/2011 - 24/6/2011, Paphos, Cyprus, pp. 371- 374
[E10] Sara Comai, Davide Mazza (2011). Usability Assessment of a Multimodal Visual-Haptic
Framework for Chemistry Education. In: Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2011,
Springer. 5/9/2011 - 9/9/2011, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 648- 651
[E11] A. Bozzon, M. Brambilla, S. Comai: A Characterization of the Layout Definition Problem
for Web Search Results. OTM Workshops 2010: 150-159. On the Move to Meaningful
Internet Systems: OTM 2010 Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume
6428/2010, 150-159
[E12] S. Comai, D. Mazza “Introducing Haptic Interactions in Web Application Modeling“, 12th
September 17-18, 2010; Timişoara, Romania, September 17-18, 2010; pp. 43-52.
[E13] S. Comai, D. Mazza “Haptic and Visual Rendering for Multi-Modal Exploration of
Molecular Information” 24th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction - HCI2010,
Scotland, 6-10 Settembre 2010, 8 pp.
[E14] Alessio
Model-Driven Web Engineering Performance Prediction With Layered Queue Networks, 6th
Model-Driven Web Engineering Workshop (MDWE’10) In conjunction with ICWE'2010,
Vienna, Austria, July 5-9, 2010, in corso di pubblicazione
[E15] S. Comai, D. Mazza “A Haptic-Based Framework for Chemistry Education: Experiencing
Molecular Interactions with Touch”, in Proceedings of Technology Enhanced Learning:
Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform1st International Conference, TECH-EDUCATION
2010, CCIS 73, pp. 338-344. Springer, Heidelberg (2010), , Athens, Greece, May 19-21, 2010,
Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 73, ISBN: 978-3-64213165-3
[E16] S. Comai, D. Mazza “A Haptic-Enhanced System for Molecular Sensing”. In proceedings
T. Gross et al (Ed.): INTERACT’09, Part II, LNCS 5727, pp. 493-496, 2009
[E17] S. Comai, D. Mazza, E. Quintarelli. “Context-Driven Hypertext Specification”. ICWE 2009,
LNCS 5648 proceedings. pp. 189-196
[E18] A. Bozzon, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, M. Tisi “Current Research on the Design of Web 2.0
Applications based on Model-Driven Approaches”, 7th International Workshop on WebOriented Software Technologies, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA. 14thJuly 2008. In
conjunction with ICWE'2008. CEUR Proceedings, Vol. 445, pp. 19-25 (ISSN 1613-0073)
[E19] G. Toffetti Carughi, S. Comai, A. Bozzon, P. Fraternali. “Modeling Distributed Events in
Data-Intensive Rich Internet Applications”. 8th International Conference on Web
Information Systems Engineering (WISE’07), Nancy, France, December 3-7, 2007,
Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4831 Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-54076992-7, pp. 593-602
[E20] M. Brambilla, J. Cabot, S. Comai. “Automatic Generation of Workflow-Extended Domain
Models”. International Conference, MoDELS 2007, Nashville, USA, September 30 - October
5, 2007, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4735 Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3540-75208-0, pp. 375-389
[E21] J. C. Preciado, M. Linaje, S. Comai, F. Sánchez-Figueroa. “Designing Rich Internet
Applications with Web Engineering Methodologies” 9th IEEE International Symposium on Web
Site Evolution (WSE’07), October 5-6, 2007; Paris, France, IEEE Computer Society
Washington, DC, USA, ISBN 978-1-4244-1450-5, pp. 23-30.
[E22] S. Comai, D.Mazza. “Automatic Display Layout in WebML: a Web Engineering
Approach.”, IWWOST Workshop held in conjunction with International Conference on Web
Engineering (ICWE), Como, 2007, CEUR workshop proceedings 2008, Vol. 445
[E23] Antonio Vallecillo, Nora Koch, Cristina Cachero, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Irene
Garrigós, Jaime Gómez, Gerti Kappel, Alexander Knapp, Maristella Matera, Santiago Meliá,
Nathalie Moreno, Birgit Pröll, Thomas Reiter, Werner Retschitzegger, José Eduardo Rivera,
Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Manuel Wimmer, Gefei Zhang: “MDWEnet: A
Practical Approach to Achieving Interoperability of Model-Driven Web Engineering
Methods”. In Procs. 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Web Engineering MDWE
2007, Como, Italy, July 17, 2007. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 261
[E24] S. Comai, J. C. Preciado, M. Linaje Trigueros, R. Morales, F. Sanchez. “An e-Learning
collaborative RIA environment for Web Application Modeling and Code Generation”, 18th
International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2007), 3-7
September 2007, Regensburg, Germany. IEEE Computer Society 2007, ISBN 0-7695-2932-1,
pp. 638-642
[E25] S.Comai, G. Toffetti. “A behavioral model for Rich Internet Applications”, short paper
ICWE’07 – Int. Conference on Web Engineering, 2007, Como, Italy, 16-20 luglio 2007, LNCS,
in corso di pubblicazione (tasso di accettazione long+short paper: 24%)
[E26] D. Ardagna, S. Comai, A. Corallo, G. Giunta, L. Iandoli, N.Ingraffia. “A distributed
information system to coordinate and support business process execution in a cluster of
firms” GITM’07, 8th Annual Global Information Technology Management, Napoli, Italy, 1719 giugno 2007.
[E27] A. Bozzon, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, G. Toffetti Carughi. “Conceptual Modelling and Code
Generation for Rich Internet Applications”, accettato a ICWE2006 – Int. Conference on Web
Engineering, 2006, Palo Alto, CA 11-14 luglio, 2006.
[E28] M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, C. Tziviskou. "A Visual Data Mapping Tool For Software
Components Interactions In Service-Oriented Architectures", IASTED Int. Conf. on Software
Engineering, SE 2006, febbraio 14 – 16, 2006, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 33-38.
Sara Comai: “Level of Detail Concepts in Data-Intensive Web Applications”. ICWE 2005:
pp. 209-220 (long paper, tasso di accettazione 18%)
M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S.Comai, C. Tzivisko: "Exception Handling in Workflow-Driven Web
Applications". 14th International World Wide Web Conference IEEE WWW 2005, 10-14
Maggio, 2005, Chiba, Japan, pp. 170-179 (tasso di accettazione 14%)
J.C. Preciado, M. Linaje, F. Sánchez, S. Comai: "Necessity of methodologies to model Rich
Internet Applications", WSE 2005, 7th IEEE International Symposium on Web Site Evolution
WSE’05, Budapest, Hungary - September 26, 2005, pp. 7-13.
S. Comai, S. Marrara, L. Tanca: " XML Document Summarization: Using XQuery for
Synopsis Creation" workshop Supporting Imprecision and Uncertainty in Flexible Databases
(SIUFDB-04) In conjunction with DEXA-04 International Conference on Database and Expert
Systems Applications Zaragoza, Spain, September, 3 2004, pp. 928-932
[E33] Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Ioana Manolescu:
“Conceptual Modelling of Web Services and Hypertextual Applications 7th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003), Orlando, USA, 27-30
Luglio 2003 (invited).
[E34] S. Comai. I. Manolescu: “Conceptual Modeling Issues in Web Applications Enhanced
with Web Services”, WWW 2003 Workshop on E-services and the Semantic Web (ESSW’03),
Budapest, Ungheria, 20 Maggio 2003.
[E35] S. Comai, S. Marrara, L. Tanca: “Representing and Querying Summarized XML Data”, 5th
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA 2003, 1-5
Settembre 2003, Praga, Repubblica Ceca, pp. 171-181.
[E36] S. Comai, M. Matera, A. Maurino: "A Model and an XSL Framework for Analysing the
Quality of WebML Conceptual Schemas, IWCMQ'02 - ER'02 International Workshop on
Conceptual Modeling Quality, Tampere, Finalnd, October 2002, pp. 339-350.
[E37] S. Comai, "Graph-based Languages for Querying XML Data: the XML-GL Experience",
Conferenza internazionale ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2001, 11-14 marzo
2001, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 269-274.
[E38] S. Comai, P. Fraternali, “A semantic model for specifying hypermedia applications using
WebML”, International Semantic Web Workshop (SWWS’01), Infrastructure and
Applications for the Semantic Web, Stanford University, California, USA, July 30-31 2001,
pp. 566-585.
[E39] S. Ceri, S. Comai, E. Damiani, P. Fraternali, L. Tanca, “Complex Queries in XML”,
Conferenza internazionale ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2000, 19-21 marzo
2000, Como, Italia, pp. 888-893.
[E40] R. Schloer, A. Allara, S. Comai, “System Verification using User-Friendly Interfaces”, Int.
ACM Conf. DATE’99, Muenchen, Germany, Febbraio 1999, pp. 29–36.
[E41] S. Comai, E. Damiani, L. Tanca, "Flexible Queries to Semi-structured Datasources: the
WGLog approach", 3rd Int. ICSC Symposium on Soft Computing, Genova, Italy, 1-4 Giugno
1999, isbn 3-906454-16-9.
[E42] S. Comai, E. Damiani, L. Tanca, "Semantics-aware Querying in the WWW: the WG-Log
Web Query System", IEEE Multimedia Systems ‘99, ICMCS'99, Firenze, Italy, 7-11 Giugno,
1999, pp. 317-322.
[E43] S. Comai, E. Damiani, R. Posenato, L. Tanca, “ "A Schema-based Approach to Modeling
and Querying WWW Data", 3rd Int. Conf. Flexible Query -Answering Systems, FQAS’98,
Roskilde, Danimarca, 13-15 Maggio 1998, Proceedings LNAI 1495, pp. 110-125.
[E44] A.Allara, C. Bolchini, P. Cavalloro, S. Comai, D. Sciuto, “Guidelines for Property
Verification of VHDL Models: an Industrial Perspective”, 1st Forum on Design Languages
FDL’98, Losanna, Svizzera, 7-8 Settembre 1998, pp. 11-20.
[E45] S. Comai, L. Tanca, “Using the Properties of Datalog to Prove Termination and
Confluence in Active Databases”, Andreas Geppert, Mikael Berndtsson (Eds) 3rd Int.
Workshop on Rules in Database Systems, RIDS-97, 25-27 Giugno 1997, Skovde, Svezia,
Proceedings LNCS 1312, pp. 100-117.
[E46] S.Comai, P.Fraternali, G.Psaila, L.Tanca, “A Customizable Model for the Semantics of
Active Databases”, in Proceedings of Sixth IFIP TC-2 Working Conference on Data Semantics
(DS- 6), Atlanta (Georgia), USA, 30 Maggio – 2 Giugno 1995, pp. 270-314.
[E47] S.Comai, P.Fraternali, G.Psaila, L.Tanca, “A Uniform Model to Express the Behaviour of
Rules with Different Semantics”, in Proceedings of ARTDB-95 Workshop on Active and Real
Time Databases, Skovde, Sweden, 9- 11 Giugno 1995, pp. 190-208.
[E48] Hassan Saidinejad, Sara Comai, Fabio Salice. “A Hand Gesture Interface Using Hand
Shapes and Dynamic Hand Movement: the Home Control Case”. 12th International Working
Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces Adjunct Proceedings (Demos), AVI 2014, Como,
Italy, May 2014.
[E49] Hassan Saidinejad, Mahsa Teimourikia, Sara Comai, Fabio Salice. “Static hand poses for
gestural interaction: a study”. AVI 2014: 379-380, , Como, Italy, May 2014.
[E50] Sara Comai, Davide Mazza, Lorenzo Mureddu. “A Haptic-based Framework for
Chemistry Education” Dimostrazione presso ECTEL’10, Fifth European Conference on
Technology Enhanced Learning, Barcelona (Spain), 28 September-1 October 2010, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6383/2010, 614-619
[E51] S. Comai, D. Mazza. A Haptic-based Framework for Chemistry Education and Research
Dimostrazione presso EuroHaptics 2010 EH’10, Amsterdam, 8-10 Luglio, 2010, referenced
on-line at
[E52] A.Allara, S. Comai, A.Alice. “An Open Database for the Open Verification Methodology”,
Poster, User track 47th Int. Design Automation Conferenc DAC’10 Anaheim, June 13-18,
2010, referenced at
[E53] A. Bozzon, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, G. Toffetti Carughi. “Capturing RIA Concepts in a Web
Modeling Language”, poster WWW’06 – Int. World Wide Web Conference, 2006,
Edinburgo, maggio 2006.
[E54] M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, M. Dario, P. Fraternali, I. Manolescu. “Declarative
Specification of Web Applications exploiting Web Services and Workflows”, dimostrazione
presso ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2004 Conference, 2004, Paris, France, 909-910.
[E55] M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, M. Dario, P. Fraternali, I. Manolescu. “Conceptual
Modeling of Web-services Enabled Web Applications”, dimostrazione e poster presso ER’03,
Chicago, USA, referenziato on-line all’url
[E56] M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, I. Manolescu. “Specification and design of
workflow-driven hypertexts”, poster
presso WWW'03, Budapest, Hungary, 2003,
disponibile su CD e on-line all’url,
[E57] I. Manolescu, S. Ceri, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, P. Fraternali. “Exploring the combined
potential of Web sites and Web services”, poster presso WWW'03, Budapest, Hungary,
2003, disponibile su CD e on-line all’url
[E58] S. Ceri, S. Comai, E. Damiani, P. Fraternali, S. Paraboschi, L. Tanca, “XML-GL: a Graphical
Language for Querying and Restructuring XML Documents”, Position Paper, 1st Int.
Workshop on Query Languages, QL’98, Boston, USA, Dicembre 1998,
[F1] Alessandro Bozzon, Sara Comai, Moira Norrie, (2011). Second International Workshop
on DATA Visualization and Integration on the Web (DATAVIEW'11). a cura di Agnes
Koschmider; Erik Wilde; Christian Zirpins in Mashups '11 Proceedings of the 5th
International Workshop on Web APIs and Service Mashups. (pp. 9- 9) ISBN: 9781450308236
[F2] Sara Comai, Moira C. Norrie, Alessandro Bozzon: DATAVIEW'10 - PC Co-chairs Message.
OTM Workshops 2010: 139 On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2010
Workshops- Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6428/2010, 139
[F3] Malu Castellanos, Sara Comai: preface to the workshop Adaptive and Self-Managing
Enterprise applications ASMEA05 in CAiSE Workshop Proceedings.
[F4] Cristina Cachero, Sara Comai, Maristella Matera: Editorial message: special track on
Web technologies and applications. Int. Conf. ACM SAC 2005: 1628-1629
[F5] Sara Comai, Marlon Dumas, Maristella Matera: Editorial message: special track on Web
technologies and applications. Int. Conf. ACM SAC 2004: 1617-1618
[F6] Luciano Baresi, Sara Comai, Schahram Dustdar, Harald Gall, Maristella Matera: UMICS
'03 Preface. CAiSE Workshops 2003, pp. 11
[F7] Sara Comai, Marlon Dumas, Maristella Matera: Editorial message: special track on Web
technologies and applications. Int. Conf. ACM SAC 2003: 1155-1156
[F8] Sara Comai, Letizia Tanca: Editorial message: special track on web and E-business
applications. Int. Conf. ACM SAC 2002: 1086-1087
[G1] S.Comai, P.Fraternali, G.Psaila, “Dimensioni Semantiche Nelle Basi di Dati Attive”, AICA
Rivista di Informatica, Vol. XXVI n. 3 settembre-dicembre 1996.
[H1] S. Comai, M. Ghezzi, D. MAZZA, L. Mureddu. “Un ambiente virtuale aptico per
l’apprendimento della chimica” Proc. of the 7th SIe-L Italian National Congress, Milan, Italy,
20-22 October 2010, 10 pp.
[H2] S. Comai, D.Mazza, “Un Framework Aptico per lo Studio delle Interazioni InterMolecolari nella Didattica della Chimica”, Proceedings of AICA Congress DIDAMATICA 2010
- Tecnologie informatiche per la didattica, Rome, Italy, 21-23 April 2010, ATTI DEL
[H3] D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, S. Comai, M. Comuzzi, B. Pernici, M. Pianciamore, S. Prandin. “Una
piattaforma di servizi avanzata a supporto di distretti cooperativi: il progetto Discorso”.
ITAIS’07, Isola di San Servolo – Venice, 3-4 ottobre 2007.
[H4] M. Brambilla, J. Cabot, S. Comai. “Generating Extended Conceptual Schemas from
Business Process Models”. SEBD’07, Torre Canne, Fasano, BR, Italy: 282-289
[H5] M. Brambilla, S. Ceri, S. Comai, C. Tziviskou: Exception Handling in Workflow-Driven
Web Applications. SEBD’05, Bressanone, 2005: 16-23
[H6] M. Brambilla, S. Comai, P. Fraternali “Hypertext Semantics for Web Applications”, Atti
del SEBD’02 Sistemi Evoluti di Basi di Dati, Portoferraio, 2002: 73-86.
[H7] S. Comai, S. Marrara, L. Tanca “Approximate aggregate queries on XML data” Atti del
SEBD’02 Sistemi Evoluti di Basi di Dati, Portoferraio, 2002: 222-233.
[H8] S. Comai, “XML-GL: interrogare dati XML tramite un linguaggio basato su grafi”
(extended abstract), atti del convegno nazionale dell’AICA, Como, Italia, September 19-21,
[H9] S. Comai, P. Fraternali, “A semantic model for specifying hypermedia applications using
WebML” (extended abstract), Atti del SEBD’01 Sistemi Evoluti di Basi di Dati, Venezia, June
27-29, 2001: 155-162.
[H10] S. Ceri, S. Comai, E. Damiani, P. Fraternali, S. Paraboschi, L. Tanca, “XML-GL: a Graphical
Language for Querying and Restructuring XML Documents”, Atti del SEBD’99 Sistemi Evoluti
di Basi di Dati, Como, Italia, Giugno 1999: 151-165.
[H11] S.Comai, P.Fraternali, G.Psaila, L.Tanca, “Le Basi di Dati Attive: un Modello di Analisi per
le Proprieta` di Terminazione e Determinismo”, Atti del SEBD’96 Sistemi Evoluti di Basi di
Dati, San Miniato (Pisa), Luglio 1996: 381-406.
[I1] S. Comai, “Graphical Query Languages for Semi-structured Information”, PhD Thesis, 1999.
[I2] An extract of the Ph.D thesis has been accepted and presented at EDBT Ph.D. Workshop,
Konstanz, Germany, 31 March 2000.

Curriculum Vitae Sara Comai - Dipartimento di Elettronica