Curriculum: Studi Diploma : 1970, Maturità Scientifica c/o "Westview Centennial High School", Toronto (Canada) Lauree : 1975, "Bachelor of Science" (Specializzazione Farmacologia) c/o University of Toronto, 1977, Scienze Biologiche c/o Università di Roma. Attività Organizzativa : -
‐ nel 1977 Membro del Comitato Organizzatore del 10° Congresso della Società Italiana Microscopia Elettronica; dal 2000 a tutt’oggi è membro della Giunta del Dipartimento di Ecologia dell’UNICAL; nel 2002, Membro del Comitato Organizzativo del 63° Congresso dell’Unione Zoologica Italiana; nel 2002, Coordinatore del Simposio “Neurologia e Neurobiologia del Comportamento” nell’ambito del 63° Congresso dell’Unione Zoologica Italiana; dal 2004‐08 Presidente della Commissione Didattica per il Dottorato in Biologia Animale; ‐ dal 2004 a tutt’oggi è membro del Comitato Tecnico‐Scientifco della Libreria BATS dell’UNICAL; -
Nel 2007 Editore del libro “Evolutionary Molecular Strategies
and Plasticity", Research SignPost, Kerala;
dal 2008 vice-direttore del Dip. di Ecologia;
dal 2008 Coordinatore del Dottorato in Biologia Animale della
Facoltà di Sc MM.FF.NN.
Attività : 1978/79, Lab. di Zoologia, Università della Calabria
Scientifica Borsa Via Pax Milano, trapianto embrionale nei bovini; 1979, Università della Calabria, aggiornamenti di Microscopia Ottica, Zeiss di Milano; 1983, 13th International Summerschool of Brain Research, Amsterdam; 1985/86, Borsa "Latin American Scholarship Pan American University" presso il Lab. Neuroendocrinology‐Neurobiology, Rockefeller University" di New York (USA); 1989, Università della Calabria, aggiornamento per la Endocrinologia Sperimentale, Prof. A. Vermeulen dell'Università di Ghent, Belgio; 1989, Coordinatore Scientifico del programma di ricerca congiunta Lab. di Zoologia Università della Calabria‐Ente Sviluppo Agricolo della Calabria, per "embryo transfer" nei bovini; 1990, Università della Calabria, aggiornamenti di Endocrinologia Sperimentale, Prof. J. Thijssen dell'Università di Utrecht, Olanda; Lavori Scientifici Pubblicati : 62 lavori in esteso di cui 59 su riviste internazionali + 3 nazionali (totale) 28 abstract di convegni su riviste internazionali censite con I.F. 59 comunicazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali. Totale “Impact Factor” = 272,555 Attività di : Journal Biochemistry Pharmacology & Behavior; “Peer Review” Bollettino della Società dei Naturalisti di Napoli; Brain Research; Environmental Health Perspectives (Toxicogenomics section); The Science of Total Environment;
Journal of Psychopharmacology;
Food and Chemical Toxicology;
Toxicological Sciences;
Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology.
Iscrizioni Società Scientifiche:
Neuroscience Society;
Society of Neurochemistry;
Società dell'Unione Zoologica Italiana;
Associazione A. Ghigi Biologia dei Vertebrati;
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare. Collaborazioni : Dr. Bruce McEwen (PhD) e Dr. Donald Pfaff (PhD), Scientifiche Neuroendocrinology and Neurobiology Dept. of Interne ed Rockefeller University – New York (USA); Esterne Dr. Allan Johnson (PhD), Dept. of Psychiatry of Uppsala Univeristy, Uppsala‐ Sweden; Prof. Maria Fosca Franzoni, Dip. Biologia Animale, Uuniversità di Torino; Prof.ssa Laura Caparrotti, Dip. di Farmaco‐Biologico, Università di Padova; Prof. Adriana Maggi, Dip. di Farmacologia, Università di Milano; Prof. Bruno Tota Stazione Zoologica di Napoli/Dip. di Biologia Cellulare, Università della Calabria; Prof. Sebastiano Andò, Dip. di Farmaco‐ Biologico/Dip. di Biologia Cellulare, Università della Calabria; Prof. Pertti Panula, University of Helsinki, Finland;
Dr.ssa Daniela Santucci e Prof. Enrico Alleva, Istituto Superiore di
Sanità, Roma;
Dr.ssa Loredana De Bartolo e Prof. Enrico Drioli, Istituto delle
Tecnologie delle Membrane (CNR), Arcavacata di Rende;
Prof. Paolo Follesa, Università di Cagliari.
Finanziamenti : ‐ dal 2000 responsabile della task “ Variazioni delle caratteristiche molecolari dei circuiti neuronali di pesci in relazione agli effetti degli agenti stressori dell’ambiente”. Work package1A1; Progetto : MEMOBIOMAR – Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare; ‐ 2002 partecipante al Progetto PRIN: “Neuroendocrinologia e circuiti neuronali”, proponente Prof.ssa Farabollini; ‐ 2005‐2007 partecipante a progetti Europei COOPERATION ‐ HEALTH‐2007‐
1.3‐1, Coordinatore Prof. Augustinus Bader, University of Leipzig; ‐ 2007 partecipazione al ”MEDICAL RESEARCH IN ITALY” (MERIT), ente proponente Istituto delle Tecnologie delle Membrane (CNR), Arcavacata di Rende. ‐ 2007 partecipante al Progetto PRIN: “La Catestatina (Cromogranina A 352‐
372), peptide inibitore del rilascio delle catecolamine, come un nuovo protagonista nella connessione cuore‐cervello”, proponente Prof. Tota; Attività di
Attività Didattica Oltre ai numerosi tesisti (49) seguiti nell’ambito dei corsi
di laurea di Sc. Biologiche e Naturali, dal 1990 ha coordinato l’attività di
ricerca di 8° 5 dottorandi in Biologia
Animale, ivi inclusa quelle delle dott.ssa Facciolo
Rosa Maria, (dal 2001) e Raffaella Alò (2007) ricercatrici di
Anatomia Comparata, BIO/06 e a tutt’oggi inserite nel gruppo
di ricerca coordinato dal sottoscritto.
: a.a. 1998/99 a tutt’oggi titolare di Anatomia Comparata, Citologia ed Istologia per Sc. Biologiche; a.a. 1998/99 a 2002 affidamento supplenza di Anatomia Umana e Neurobiologia Applicata (Sc. Biologiche); a.a. 2000/01 ha organizzato il corso di Embriologia Comparata dei Vertebrati (Sc. Biologiche) per il quale a tutt’oggi è titolare; a.a. 2001/02 a tutt’oggi supplente di Anatomia Comparata e Citologia per la Laurea in Biotecnologie presso la Facoltà di Medicina “Magna Græcia” dell’Università di Catanzaro. Commissioni : membro delle commissioni di esami di profitto, Zoologia I e II (Sc. Biologiche e Naturali), Anatomia Comparata (Sc. Biologiche e Naturali), Istologia e Citologia (Sc. Biologiche), Embriologia Comparata dei Vertebrati (Sc. Biologiche), Anatomia Umana (Sc. Biologiche e Naturali); relatore di tesi sperimentali e compilative, membro delle commissioni di esami di Laurea per Sc. Biologiche e Naturali; 2004 Presidente dell'esame di Stato di Abilitazione all’Esercizio della Professione di Biologo presso l'Università della Calabria; dal 2004 a 2007 Presidente della Commissione Didattica per Dottorato in Biologia Animale; dal 2004 a tutt’oggi membro del Comitato Tecnico‐Scientifco della Biblioteca BATS dell’UNICAL; LAVORI IN ESTESO PUBBLICATI SU: A) RIVISTE INTERNAZIONALI 1. Saita, A., Candia Carnevale, M.D. and Canonaco, M. Muscle system organization in the Echinoderms I.Intervertebral muscle of Ophioderma longicaudum (Ophiuroidea), Journal Submicroscopy Cytolology,14 (2): 291‐304, Editrice Compositori, Bologna, 1982. Impact Factor : 1.32 2. Andò, S., Giacchetto, C.,Canonaco, M., Aquila, S., Valenti, A., Beraldi, E., Piro, A. and Dessì Fulgheri, F. Effects of castration on androstenedione, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone plasma levels in adult male rats, Hormone Research, Karger AG, Basel, 23: 122‐127, 1986. Impact Factor : 1.561 3. Lupo, C., Lodi, L., Canonaco, M., Valenti, A. and Dessì Fulgheri, F. Testosterone metabolism in the olfactory epithelium of intact and castrated male rats, Neuroscience Letters 69: 259‐262, Elsevier Science Publishers Ireland Ltd, Dublin (Ireland), 1986. Impact Factor : 2.091 4. Andò, S., Aquila, S., Berarldi, E., Canonaco, M., Panno, M.L., Valenti, A. and Dessì Fulgheri, F. Physiological changes in androgen plasma levels with elapsing of time from castration in adult male rats, Hormone and Metabolic Research, 20: 96‐99, George Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, 1988. Impact Factor : 0.85 5. Andò, S., Canonaco, M., Beraldi, E., Valenti, A., Maggiolini, M., Piro, A., Tavolaro, R. e Dessì Fulgheri, F. The evaluation of androgen circulating levels following castration in adult male rats, Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology, 91(3): 311‐318, VEB J.A. Barth, Leipzig (Germany), 1988. Impact Factor : 1.956 6. Schwartz‐Giblin, S., Canonaco, M., McEwen, B.S. and Pfaff, D.W. Effects of in vivo estradiol and progesterone on tritiated flunitrazepam binding in rat spinal cord, Journal of Neuroscience, 25 (1) : 249‐258, Pergamon Press plc, Great Britain, 1988. Impact Factor : 3.601 7. Andò, S., Canonaco, M., Valenti, A., Aquila, S., Tavolaro, R., Maggiolini, M., Panno, M.L. and Dessì 3
Fulgheri, F. The in vitro conversion of [ H] androstenedione to testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the adrenal gland of castrated male rat: influence, of gonadal administration, Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology, 93(1): 83‐89, VEB J.A. Barth, Leipzig (Germany), 1989. Impact Factor : 1.956 8. Canonaco, M., O'Connor, L.H., Pfaff, D.W. and Mc Ewen, B.S. GABAA receptor level changes in female hamster forebrain following in vivo estrogen progesterone and benzodiazepine treatment: quantitative autoradiography analysis, Experimental Brain Research, 75(3):644‐652, Springer‐Verlag, Berlin (Germany), 1989. Impact Factor : 2.302 9. Canonaco, M., O'Connor, L.H., Pfaff, D.W. and Mc Ewen, B.S. Longer term progesterone treatment induces changes of GABAA receptor levels in the different forebrain sites in the female hamster: quantitative autoradiography study, Experimental Brain Research, 77(2): 407‐411, Springer‐Verlag, Berlin (Germany), 1989. Impact Factor : 2.302 10. Canonaco, M., Andò, S., Valenti, A.,Tavolaro, R., Maggiolini, M.,Panno M.L. and Dessì‐ Fulgheri, F. The in‐vitro transformation of [3H] dehydroepiandrosterone into its principal metabolites in the adrenal cortex of adult castrated male rats and following steroid treatment, Journal of Endocrinology, 121: 419‐424, Journal of Endocrinology Ltd, Great Britain, 1989. Impact Factor : 3.023 11. Canonaco, M., Valenti, A., Tavolaro, R, Bettini, E. and Maggi, A. Differential modulation of [3H] flunitrazepam binding in female rat brain by sex steroid hormones, European Journal of Pharmacology, 170: 95‐99, Elsevier Scientific Publishers B.V., Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1989. Impact Factor : 2.352 12. Canonaco, M., Valenti, A. and Maggi, A. Effects of progesterone on [35S]t‐ butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding in some forebrain areas of the female rat and its correlation to aggressive behavior, Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior, 37 (3): 433‐438, Pergamon Press Ltd., New York (USA), 1990. Impact Factor : 2.307 13. Canonaco, M., Bergamo, P., Tavolaro, R. and Miralto, A. Role of the GABA chloride ion channel component on aggressive behavior in the male crab, Physiology and Behavior, 49 (3): 411‐415, Pergamon Press Ltd., New York (USA), 1991. Impact Factor : 2.027 14. Canonaco, M., Tavolaro, R., Cerra, M.C., Anastasio, M. and Franzoni, M.F. Gonadal regulation of GABAA receptor levels in the different brain areas of the male Japanese quail, Experimental Brain Research, 87(3): 634‐640, Springer‐Verlag, Berlin (Germany), 1991. Impact Factor : 2.302 15. Canonaco, M., Perrotta, E., Anastasio, M., Carelli, A. and Tripepi, S. Testosterone receptor level and morphological changes in the testis of the mature and old age domestic pig, in B. Baccetti and B.A. Afzelius eds., "VI International Congress on Spermatology ‐ Comparative Spermatology 20 years after" Raven Press, 75: 613‐615, New York, 1991. 16. Canonaco, M., Tavolaro, R., Cerra, M.C. and Franzoni, M.F. Distribution of benzodiazepine binding sites in the brain of the male Japanes quail and its correlation to a hormonal control: quantitative autoradiography study, Neuroendocrinology, 55: 35‐43, S. Kanger AG, Basel (Switzerland), 1992. Impact Factor : 2.844 17.
Franzoni, M.F., Canonaco, M., Frova, A., e Tavolaro, R. Brain naturetic peptide (BNP)‐like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of the crested newt, European Journal of Histochemistry, 36: 456‐466, Luigi Ponzio e figlio, Pavia, 1992. Impact Factor : 1.039 18. Cerra, M.C., Canonaco, M. and Tota, B. A quantitative autoradiographic study of 125I atrial natriuretic factor in the heart of a teleost fish (Conger conger). Journal Experimental Zoology, 263 (2): 215‐219, Wliley‐Liss, Inc., New York (USA), 1992. Impact Factor : 1.854 19. Tavolaro, R.; Canonaco, M. and Franzoni, M.F. A quantitative autoradiographic study of GABAA and benzodiazepine receptors in the brain of the frog, Rana esculenta, Brain Behavior and Evolution, 42 (3): 171‐177, S. Kanger AG, Basel (Switzerland), 1993. Impact Factor : 1.543 20. Canonaco, M., Carelli, A. and Maggi, A. Steroid hormones and receptors of the GABAA supramolecular complex. I. Benzoidazepine receptor level changes in some extrahypothalamic brain areas of the female rat following sex steroid treatment, Neuroendocrinology, 57 (5): 965‐973, S. Kanger AG, Basel (Switzerland), 1993. 21. Impact Factor : 2.844 Canonaco, M., Tavolaro, R. and Maggi, A. Steroid hormones and receptors of the GABAA supramolecular complex. II. Progesterone and estrogen inhibitory effects on the chloride ion channel receptor in different forebrain areas of the female rat, Neuroendocrinology, 57 (5): 974‐984, S. Kanger AG, Basel (Switzerland), 1993. Impact Factor : 2.844 22. Tavolaro, R., Canonaco, M. and Franzoni, M.F. The neuroanatomic binding pattern of [125I] atrial natriuretic factor in the Japanese quail brain, Neuroscience Letters, 151 : 192‐ 195, Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd, Dublin (Ireland), 1993. Impact Factor : 2.091 23. Cerra, M.C., Canonaco, M. and Tota, B. ANF binding sites in the heart of the quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), Peptides, 14 : 913‐918, Pergamon Press Ltd., New York (USA), 1993. Impact Factor : 2.440 24. Canonaco, M., Tavolaro, R., Facciolo R.M., Artero, C. and Franzoni, M.F. Combined gonadal and photic influences on 2‐[125I] iodomelatonin‐binding level changes in some brain areas of the quail, Journal Experimental Zoology, 269 (4) : 383‐388, Wliley‐Liss, Inc., New York (USA), 1994. Impact Factor : 1.854 25. Canonaco, M., Tavolaro, R., Facciolo R.M., Artero, C. and Franzoni, M.F. Gonadal‐GABAergic interaction is an important factor involved in photoperiod‐induced 2‐[125I] iodomelatonin binding changes in the Japanese quail brain, Brain Research Bullettin, 34 : 425‐435, Elsevier Science Inc., New York (USA), 1994. Impact Factor : 2.609 26. Tavolaro, R., Canonaco, M. and Franzoni, M.F., Comparison of melatonin binding sites in the brain of two amphibians : an autoradiographic study, Cell and Tissue Research, 279 : 613‐617, Springer‐Verlag, Berlin (Germany), 1995. Impact Factor : 2.991 27. Canonaco, M., Tavolaro, R., Facciolo R.M., Carelli, A., Cagnin, M. and Cristaldi M. Sexual dimorphism of GABAA receptor levels in subcortical regions of a woodland rodent (Apodemus sylvaticus), Brain Research Bullettin, 40 (3) : 187‐194, Elsevier Science Inc., New York (USA), 1996. Impact Factor : 2.609 28. Facciolo, R.M., Tavolaro, R., Chinellato, A., Ragazzi, E., Canonaco, M. and Fassina, G. Effects of Nω‐nitro‐
L‐arginine methyl ester on benzodiazepine binding in some cortical and limbic areas of hyperlipidaemic rats, Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior, 54 (2): 431‐437, Pergamon Press Ltd., New York (USA), 1996. Impact Factor : 2.307 29. Cerra, M.C., Canonaco, M., Takei, Y. and Tota, B. Characterization of natriuretic peptides binding sites in the heart of the eel, Anguilla anguilla, Journal Experimental Zoology, 275 (1) : 27‐35, Wliley‐Liss, Inc., New York (USA), 1996. Impact Factor : 1.854 30. Canonaco, M., A., Tavolaro, R. and Facciolo, R.M. Dimorphic distribution of the two main GABAA binding sites in limbic regions of a rodent living in natural environmental conditions, J. of Comparative Neurology, 380 (4): 423‐434, Wiley‐Liss, Inc., New York (USA), 1997. Impact Factor : 3.672 31. Cerra, M.C., Canonaco, M., Acierno, R. and Tota, B. Different binding activities of A‐ and B‐type natriuretic hormones in the heart of two antartic teleosts, red‐blooded Trematomus berancchi and haemoglobinless Chionodraco hamatus, Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology, 118A: 993‐999, Elsevier Science Inc., New York (USA), 1997. Impact Factor : 1.579 32. Facciolo, R.M., Alò, R., Tavolaro, R., Canonaco, M. and Franzoni, M.F. Dimorphic features of the different α‐containing GABAA receptor subtypes in the cortico‐basal ganglia system of two distantly related mammals (hedgehog and rat). Experimental Brain Research, 130 (3): 309‐319, Springer‐Verlag, Berlin (Germany), 2000. Impact Factor : 2.302 33. Tripepi, S., Carelli, A., Perrotta, E., Brunelli, E., Tavolaro, R., Facciolo R.M. and Canonaco, M. Morphological and functional variations of Leydig cells in testis of the domestic pig during the different biological stages of development. Journal Experimental Zoology, 287: 167‐175, Wliley‐Liss, Inc., New York (USA), 2000. Impact Factor : 1.854 34. Facciolo R.M., Alò, R., Canonaco, M. and Franzoni, R.M. Early phylogenetic value of the major GABAA receptor subunit mRNAs in the telencephalon. Experimental Brain Research, 142: 504‐511, Springer‐
Verlag, Berlin (Germany), 2002. Impact Factor : 2.302 35. Canonaco, M. and Facciolo, R.M. and Alo’ R. Review: Neuroactive steroid mechanisms and GABA type A receptor subunit assembly in hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic regions. International Review of Cytolology, 214: 63‐102, Academic Press, San Diego CA (USA), 2002. Impact Factor : 6.41 36. Facciolo R.M., Alò, R., Madeo, M., Canonaco, M. and Dessì Fulgheri, F. Early cerebral activities of the environmental estrogen bisphenol A appear to act via the somatostatin receptor subtype sst2. Environmental Health Perspectives, 110 (suppl.3): 397‐402, National Institute of Enviromental Health Sciences, Reserch Triangle Park NC (USA), 2002. Impact Factor : 3.929 37. Alò, R., Facciolo R.M., Madeo, M., Giusi, G., Carelli, A. and Canonaco, M. Effects of the xenoestrogen bisphenol A in diencephalic regions of the teleost fish Coris julis occur preferentially via distinct somatostatin receptor subtypes. Brain Research Bullettin, 65 (3): 267‐273, Elsevier Science Inc., New York (USA), 2005. Impact Factor : 2.609 38. Madeo, M., Giusi, G., Alò, R., Facciolo, R.M., Carelli, A. e Canonaco. M. Different somatostatin receptor subtypes are operating in the brain of the teleost fish, Coris julis. Journal Experimental Zoology, 303(5) : 406‐413, Wliley‐Liss, Inc., New York (USA), 2005. Impact Factor : 1.854 39. Canonaco, M., Madeo, M., Alò, R., Giusi, G., Granata T., Carelli A., Canonaco A. and Facciolo R.M. The histaminergic signaling system exerts a neuroprotective role against neurodegenerative‐induced processes in the hamster. Journal Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 315 (1): 188‐195, ASPET, Bethesda MD (USA), 2005. Impact Factor : 5.965 40. Giusi, G., Facciolo, R.M., Alò, R., Carelli, A., Madeo, M., Brandmayr, P. and Canonaco, M. Some environmental contaminants influence motor and feeding behaviors in the ornate wrasse (Thalassoma pavo) via distinct cerebral histamine receptor subtypes. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113 (11): 1522‐1529, National Institute of Enviromental Health Sciences, Reserch Triangle Park NC (USA), 2005. Impact Factor : 3.929 41. Facciolo, R.M., Madeo, M., Alò, R., Canonaco, M. and Dessì Fulgheri, F. Neurobiological effects of bisphenol A may be mediated by somatostatin subtype 3 receptors in some regions of the developing rat brain. Toxicological Sciences, 88(2): 477‐84, Oxford University Press, USA, 2005. Impact Factor : 3.391 42. Giusi, G., Facciolo, R.M., Canonaco, M., Alleva, E., Belloni, V., Dessì Fulgheri, F. and Santucci, D. The endocrine disruptor atrazine accounts for a dimorphic somatostatinergic neuronal expression pattern in mice. Toxicological Sciences, 89(1):257‐264, Oxford University Press, USA, 2006. Impact Factor : 3.391 43. Madeo, M., Granata, T., Facciolo, R.M., Tripepi, S. and Canonaco, M. Feeding differences in puberal and aged golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) are related to specific cerebral expression pattern of histamine subtype 3 receptor. Behavioral Neuroscience, 120 (6): 1235‐1241, American Psychological Association, USA, 2006. Impact Factor : 3.672 44. Giusi, G. Alò, R., Crudo, M., Facciolo, R.M., Canonaco, M. Specific cerebral heat shock proteins and histamine receptor cross‐talking mechanisms promote distinct lead‐dependent neurotoxic responses in teleosts. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology (accepted), Elsevier Science Inc., New York (USA), 227(2): 248‐256, 2008 (10. 1016/j.taap.2007.10.018). Impact Factor: 4.817 45.
Canonaco, M. Giusi, G., Madeo, M., Facciolo, R.M., Lappano, R., Canonaco, A., Maggiolini,
M. A sexually dimorphic distribution pattern of the novel estrogen receptor GPR30 in some
brain areas of the hamster. Journal of Endocrinology, 196: 131-138 Society for Endocrinology,
Great Britain, 2008 (DOI: 10.1677/JOE-07-0392).
Impact Factor: 3.076
Facciolo, R.M., Crudo, M., Giusi, G., Alò, R., Canonaco, M. Light- and dark-dependent
orexinergic neuronal signals promote neurodegenerative phenomena accounting for distinct
behavioral responses in Thalassoma pavo. Journal Neuroscience Research. (in press), 2008.
Impact Factor: 3.476
47. De Bartolo, L., Rende M., Morelli S., Giusi, G., Salerno S., Piscioneri, A., Gordano, A., Di Vito, A., Canonaco M., Drioli, E. Influence of membrane surface properties on the growth of neuronal cells isolated from hippocampus. Journal of Membrane Science, 325: 139‐149, 2008. Impact Factor: 2.436 48. Giusi, G., Facciolo, R.M., Rende M., Alò, R., Di Vito, A., Salerno S., Morelli S., De Bartolo, L., Drioli, E., Canonaco M. Distinct α subunits of the GABAA receptor are responsible for early hippocampal neuronal activities. Hippocampus (in press), 2008. Impact Factor: 6.90 49. Granata, T., Alò, R., Giusi, G., Di Vito, A., Facciolo, R.M., Canonaco, M. Distinct glutamatergic neurosignals of some amygdalar nuclei are responsible for the execution of critical hibernating stages in the hamster. Journal of Neuroscience Research (in press), 2008. Impact Factor: 7.85 CAPITOLO DI LIBRO I. Saita, A., Canonaco, M., Franchi, E. and Tripepi, S. The formation of membranous or mitochondrial derivatives in the sperm tail of the Chilopods, In M. Camatini Ed. "Myriapods Biology" pp. 105‐111, Academic Press, London, 1980. Impact Factor : 5.73 II. Lupo, C., Ciampi, G.M., Dessì Fulgheri, F., Canonaco, M. e Larsson, K. Aspetti endocrini dell'esperienza olfattiva e sessuale nel ratto maschio, Atti riunione congiunta SIBS‐SIF‐SINU, p. 223‐232, Bios, Cetraro (CS),1982. III. Dessì Fulgheri, F., Lupo, C., Ciampi, G.M., Canonaco, M. e Larsson, K. Exposure to odour during development and hypothalamic metabolism of testosterone, In Balthazart, J., Prove, E. e Gilles, Eds., "Hormones and Behaviour in Higher Vertebrates", p.305‐312, Springer‐Verlag, Berlin, 1983. Impact Factor : 3.41 IV. Dessì Fulgheri, F., Farabollini, F., Canonaco, M., and Lupo, C. Does social status of male rabbits living in semi‐natural conditions influence their hypothalamic testosterone metabolism,brain serotonin concentration and gonadal hormones levels?, in L. Martini ed., "Steroid Modulation of Neuroendocrine function. Sterols, steroids and bone metabolism", Elsevier Science B.V.,XI: 39‐51,Olanda, 1984. Impact Factor : 4.269 V. Canonaco, M., Facciolo, R.M., Tavolaro, R. and Maggi, A. Molecular subunit arrangement of γ‐
aminobutyric acidA receptor and its interaction with the steroids estrogen and progesterone, in K.M. Knigge, S. Pretel and A. Prasad, Eds., “Neuromolecular and Neuroendocrine Aspects of Epilepsy and Related Brain Disorders”, pp. 141‐ 169, Raven Press, 1997. Impact Factor : 2.78 VI. Facciolo, R.M., Alò, R., Pappaianni, F., Madeo, M., Carelli, A. e Canonaco, M. Estrogenic influence on sst2 receptors‐α GABA type A receptor subunit interaction in the hamster limbic areas during hibernation, in H.J.Th. Goos, R.K. Rastogi, H. Vaudry and R. Pierantoni, Eds., “Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology : Unity and Diversity”, pp. 555‐564 , Monduzzi Editore, Medimond Inc., Bologna‐Italy, 2001. Impact Factor : 1.46 VII. Panula, P., Giusi, G., Facciolo, R.M., Sallmen, T., Lintunen, M., Canonaco, M. Nitric oxide and histamine in hibernation and neuroprotection, in B. Tota and B. Trimmer Eds., “Nitric Oxide”, pp. 339‐366, Elsevier Press, New York, 2007. Impact Factor : “Nitric Oxide” VIII. Canonaco, M., Alò, R., Giusi, G., Facciolo, R.M. Neurosignaling mechanisms and environmental‐induced neurobiological activites. in N.O. Grachevsky Ed., “Signal Transduction Research Trends”, Nova Science Publisher Inc., pp. 265‐291, New York, 2007. Impact Factor : 2.36 IX. Giusi, G., Alò, R., Carelli, A., Tripepi, S., Facciolo, R.M. The role of stressors on neurodegenerative processes in aquatic environments. in M. Canonaco and R.M. Facciolo Eds., “ Evolutionary Molecular Strategies and Plasticity, Research SignPost, pp. 1‐24, India, 2007. X. Facciolo, R.M., Alò, R., Granata, T., Canonaco, A., and Canonaco, M. Protective success of some neurosignaling systems during hibernation in M. Canonaco and R.M. Facciolo Eds., “ Evolutionary Molecular Strategies and Plasticity, Research SignPost, pp. 273‐291, India, 2007. XI. De Bartolo, L., Rende, M., Giusi, G., Morelli, S. Piscioneri A., Canonaco, M., and Drioli, E. Membrane bio‐hybrid systems: a valuable tool for the study of neuronal activities membrane biohybrid systems for neuronal tissue engineering. in M. Canonaco and R.M. Facciolo Eds., “ Evolutionary Molecular Strategies and Plasticity, Research SignPost, pp. 379‐396, India, 2007. RIVISTE NAZIONALI i.
Dessì Fulgheri, F., Ciampi, G.M., Canonaco, M., Lupo, C., Dalhof, L.G. and Larsson, K. Sexual behaviour in castrated male rats and gonadal steroid circulating levels, Boll. Zool., 50: 37‐40, 1983. Impact Factor : 0.28 ii.
Andò, S., Giacchetto, C., Canonaco, M., Valenti, A., Aquila, S., Piro, A. e Dessì Fulgheri, F. Effetti della castrazione sui livelli plasmatici di androstenedione testosterone e diidrotestosterone in ratti maschi post‐puberi: implicazioni fisiologiche, Rendiconto Accad. Sci. Fis. e Mat., 52(1): 63‐70, Napoli, 1985. ABSTRACT DI CONVEGNI SU RIVISTE INTERNAZIONALI RECENSITE CON I.F. A1. Saita, A., Canonaco, M. and Tripepi, S. Three structurally different smooth muscle fibers in Echinodermata, Ultra‐micros., 5 (3): 398,1980. Impact Factor : 1.695 A2. Canonaco, M., Valenti, A., Dessì Fulgheri, F., Lodi, L. and Lupo, C. Testosterone transformation in the olfactory epithelium and its relation to castration in the male rat, Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, p. D. 29‐30, 1984. Impact Factor : 1.579 A3. Schwartz‐Giblin, S., Canonaco, M., Mc Ewen, B.S. and Pfaff, D.W. Effects of in vivo estradiol and progesterone on [3H] flunitrazepam binding in rat spinal cord, J. Neuroscience , Vol.12: 18, 1986. Impact Factor : 8.502 A4. Andò, S., Aquila, S., Beraldi, E., Canonaco, M., Giacchetto, C., Panno, M.L., Valenti, A. and Dessì Fulgheri, F. Effects of elapsing of time after castration on circulating androgen plasma levels in adult male rats, J. Endocrinol. Invest., Vol. 9, suppl. 1, p.52, 1986. Impact Factor : 1.621 A5. Canonaco, M., Valenti, A., O'Connor, L.H., McEwen, B.S. and Pfaff, D.W. The GABAA receptor levels in the female hamster forebrain following in vivo acute and chronic progesterone treatment: quantitative autoradiography, Neuroscience, p. S159, 1987. Impact Factor : 3.601 A6. Canonaco, M., Valenti, A.,Tavolaro, R., Bettini, E. and Maggi, A. Effects of in vivo and in vitro progesterone on [3H] flunitrazepam binding levels in some brain areas of female rat, Hormones and Behaviour, p.35‐36, 1989. Impact Factor : 3.222 A7. Tavolaro, R., Canonaco, M., Valenti, A., Cerra, M.C. and Franzoni, M.F. The distribution of [3H] muscimol binding in the different brain area of male quails are regulated by the gonads: quantitative autoradiography study, Hormones and Behaviour, p. 161‐ 162, 1989. Impact Factor : 3.222 A8. Tavolaro, R., Canonaco, M., Calzà, L., Giardino, L., Rabino, M., Putolu, P. and Franzoni, M.F. The organization of the GABA binding site subtypes in the brain of the frog (Rana esculenta), Neuroscience Letters, Suppl. 39 : 211, 1990. Impact Factor : 2.091 A9. Cerra, M.C., Canonaco, M., Takei, Y. and Tota, B., Cardiac binding pattern of natriuretic peptides in Anguilla anguilla and Scyliorhinus stellaris, Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, p. 22, 1993. Impact Factor : 1.579 A10. Cerra, M.C., Canonaco, M., Facciolo, R.M., Takei, Y. and Tota, B. The evaluation of CNP binding sites in a Teleost and an Elasmobranch heart, Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, p. 181, 1995. Impact Factor : 1.579 A11. Tavolaro, R., Maggiolini, M., Facciolo, R.M., Carelli, A., Salerno, M., Sisci, D., Bonofiglio, D., Canonaco, M., Dessì Fulgheri, F. e Andò, S., Effects of estrogen on somatostatin binding differences in some key hypothalamic nuclei of rats during the onset of puberty, J. Endocrinological Investigation, p. 41, 1995. Impact Factor : 1.525 A12. Facciolo, R.M., Tavolaro, R., Alò, R., Carelli, A., Aloise, G. and Canonaco, M. Sexual dimorphism of benzodiazepine receptors in the limbic system of insectivora (Erinaceus europeus), Annales d'Endocrinologie, p. 31, 1996. Impact Factor : 0.444 A13. Facciolo, R.M., Tavolaro, R., Alò, R., Carelli, A. and Canonaco, M. Sexual differential binding of benzodiazepine subtypes in some Vertebrate forebrain brain regions. J. Anatomy and Embryology, pp. 155‐156, 1996. Impact Factor : 1.254 A14. Cerra, M.C., Canonaco, M., Gattuso, A. e Tota B. ANP in the frog heart: inotropism and receptor localizazion. J. Experimental Biology, p. 26, 1999. Impact Factor : 2.271 A15. Facciolo, R.M., Alò, R. e Canonaco, M. Phylogenetic value of GABAA receptor subtypes in some limbic areas of an early appearing mammal. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, p. 33, 1999. Impact Factor : 1.579 A16. Madeo, M., Giusi, G., Alò, R., Granata, T., Facciolo, R.M., Carelli, A. and Canonaco. M, Effects of 3‐
nitropropionic acid on histaminergic neuronal system and behavioral activities of the golden hamster. Hormones and Behavior, 46 (1) pg. 95, 2004. Impact Factor : 3.649
A17. Giusi, G., Madeo, M., Alò, R., Raso, C., Carelli, A., Facciolo, R.M., and Canonaco, M. Effects of environmental stressors on neuronal histaminergic and behavioural activities of the teleost Thalassoma pavo. Hormones and Behavior, 46 (1) pg. 106, 2004. Impact Factor : 3.649
A18. Madeo, M., Giusi, G., Alò, R., Granata, T., Perrotta, E., Facciolo, R.M., Carelli, A. and Canonaco, M. The Neurotoxic 3‐nitropropionic acid‐induced behavioral activities of the golden hamster are regulated by the histaminergic system in an age‐dependent manner. Behavioral Pharmacology 15 (5 & 6) : A19‐20, 2004. Impact Factor : 2.302 A19. Madeo, M., Granata, T., Carelli, A. and Canonaco, M. Heat shock protein 27 in the cerebellum of the hamster exerts neuroprotection against 3‐nitropropionic acid‐induced disorders. J. Neurochemistry 94 (suppl. 2) : 227, 2005. Impact Factor : 4.900
A20. Giusi, G., Alò, R., Canonaco, M. and Facciolo, R.M. Lead‐induced neurobehavioral dimorphism in Thalasoma pavo is linked to cerebral histamine subtype2 expression differences. J. Neurochemistry 94 (suppl. 2) : 234, 2005.
Impact Factor : 4.900 A21. Facciolo, R.M., Giusi, G., Alò, R. and Canonaco, M. The neuropeptide orexin A regulates feeding behaviors through the interaction of histaminergic receptor subtypes 2 and 3 in the brain of the teleost ornate wrasse. Eur J Neurosci. 3 : 70, 2006. Impact Factor : 3.949 A22. Granata, T., Madeo, M., Carelli, A., Facciolo, R.M. and Canonaco, M. Some glutamatergic neuroreceptor subtypes of the basal lateral amygdalar area play a key role on feeding behaviors in hibernating rodents. Eur J Neurosci. 3 : 114, 2006. A23. Impact Factor : 3.949 Giusi, G., Granata, T., Alò, R., Di Vito, A., Carelli, A., Facciolo, R. M. and Canonaco, M. The neuroprotective role of histaminergic subtype 3 receptor and HSP70 in some limbic areas during the different hibernating states of the hamster. J. Neurochemistry 101 (1): 28, 2007. Impact Factor : 4.900 A24. Crudo, M., Giusi, G., Alò, R., Carelli, A., Canonaco, M., and Facciolo, R,M. The role of the orexinergic neuronal system in the brain of the teleost Thalassoma pavo in relation to different photoperiod conditions. J. Neurochemistry 101 (suppl. 1) : 54, 2007. Impact Factor : 4.900 A25. De Bartolo, L., Rende, M., Giusi, G., Morelli, S. Piscioneri A., Canonaco, M., and Drioli, E. Neuronal st
Membrane Bio‐Hybrid System. 21 European Conference on BioMaterials, 2007. Impact Factor: 6.262 A26. Crudo, M., Di Vito, A., Giusi, G., Alò, R., Canonaco, M., and Facciolo, R.M. GABAA neurosignals modify behavioral activities through orexin‐dependent mechanisms in the teleost, Thalassoma pavo. Int. Neurosci Winter Conference, 2008. Impact Factor : 3. 200 A27. Di Vito, A., Giusi, G., Alò, R., Rende, M., Facciolo, R.M., De Bartolo, L., Drioli, E. and Canonaco, M. Neuronal elongation processes of hippocampal pyramidal cells depend on GABAA α5 subunit activities. Int. Neurosci Winter Conference, 2008. Impact Factor : 3.200 A28. Avolio, E., Granata, T., Alò, R., Carelli, A. and Canonaco, M. Influence of some GABAA and AMPAR receptor subunits on amygdalar synaptic plasticity. Int. Neurosci Winter Conference, 2008. Impact Factor : 3.200 A29. De Bartolo, L., Rende, M., Giusi, G., Morelli, S. Piscioneri A., Tasselli, F., Salerno, S., Canonaco, M., and Drioli, E. Hollow fiber membranes for neuronal cell differentiation. 8th World Biomaterials, 2008. Impact Factor: 5.196 A30. M. Rende, S. Morelli, G. Giusi, S. Salerno, A. Piscioneri, A. Gordano, M. Canonaco, E. Drioli. Effect of Membrane Surface on Hippocampal Neuronal Cell Differentiation. Tissue Engineering, 14 (5), 2008. Impact Factor: 4.409 A31. Crudo, M., Giusi, G., Alò, R., Canonaco, M., and Facciolo, R.M. Orexinergic circuits cross‐talking with GABAA system control the different behavioral and neurophysiological events in teleosts, Eur J Neurosci, 2008. Impact Factor : 3.749 
