• Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology takes bite of doctor’s arm with £25,000
Kauage painting
• ‘Clarendon Rediscovered’ launched - Heritage Tasmania (Australia)
• Egypt’s first revolution museum to come up on Zamalek Island
• Earliest Tyrannosauroid Rediscovered in Museum Collection
• Underwater museum for Egypt / Jacques Rougerie
• (in Italian) Finalmente MAXXI. Le tappe principali: dal progetto architettonico al cantiere d’autore
• (in Italian) Master on-line di primo livello in Didattica generale e museale all’università di Roma Tre
• Touezekt Museum-Mauritania
• Infoletter LAMIC (Laboratory of Museology and Culture Engineering) University Laval, Quebec.
Canada-December 2009
• Course on Basic Skills to Care for Works of Art in Private Collections
• Protecting your possessions against bushfire – AICCM media release
Exhibition: Mito e Belleza a Palazzo Ducale di Lucca (Italia)
6 December 2009 - 7 March 2010. Lucca, Italy
Exhibition: The Marvel of Russia
11 - 19 January 2010. Paris, France
Exhibition of photographs: Albatros, oiseaux de légende des Terres Australes
13 January - 29 March 2010. Paris, France
Exhibition: Dexter Dalwood’s “History Paintings” set to open at Tate St Ives
23 January – 3 May 2010. Cornwall, United Kingdom
International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National
Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo
23 February 2010. Paris, France
Exhibition: The Art of Power. Arms, Armour and Paintings from the Spanish Court
8 March - 16 May 2010. Madrid, Spain
Multidisciplinary conservation: a holistic view for historic interiors
23 - 26 March 2010. Rome, Italy
FUUH’s Newsletter -
Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology takes bite of
doctor’s arm with £25,000 Kauage painting
A flamboyant portrayal of an artist’s resistance to an
injection at primary school is heading to Cambridge
Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in a
£25,000 deal. Biting the Doctor’s Arm (above) is a
boldly-coloured 1990 scene by acclaimed Papua New
Guinean painter Mathias Kauage. It depicts an encounter between Australian medical staff and a group of
Melanesian children and is a metaphorical reflection
of the artist’s concerns over national independence
and post-colonial sovereignty and freedom. Nicholas
Thomas, a Professor at the Museum, called the piece
“an outstanding work”.
More information:
‘Clarendon Rediscovered’ launched - Heritage Tasmania (Australia)
A brand new project funded by the Tasmanian and
Australian Governments will assist in restoring
Clarendon House in Evandale to its 1850s glory.
The Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage,
Michelle O’Byrne, launched the project ‘Clarendon
Rediscovered’ this month. “Clarendon Rediscovered
acts on the National Trust’s vision for this magnificent
colonial homestead,” Ms O’Byrne said. “It involves the expert input of Dr James Broadbent into the
appropriate replacement of soft furnishings and other
materials, advice from the Royal Tasmanian Botanical
Gardens on how to manage the trees and grounds, The magnificent Clarendon House. Photography: Renee Hodskiss
interpretation work for the significant outbuildings,
and much-needed maintenance.”
More information:
Egypt’s first revolution museum to come up on Zamalek Island
Egyptian Culture Minister Farouk Hosni approved the Supreme Council of Antiquities’ (SCA) request to build
a museum to commemorate the Egyptian revolution of July 1953. This will be the first ever museum dedicated
to the revolution. It will be put up in a building used by Egypt’s revolutionary leaders in El-Gezirah on Zamalek
Island in Cairo. The decision came after the SCA’s Permanent Committee listed the site of the revolution’s
leadership on Egypt’s Islamic and Coptic heritage list. This structure is the former site of several meetings of
the era’s leaders who made most of the critical decisions there. Built in 1949 by the late King Farouk on the
banks of the Nile River, this historic edifice consists of three floors with 40 rooms. King Farouk built it and
used it as dock for his royal yacht. Dr. Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of the SCA, met today with architect
Ahmed Mito to discuss plans of turning the building into a museum. Hawass calls on all historians, artists,
intellectuals and anyone interested to get involved and to share in developing the museum. Ideas, art concepts
FUUH’s Newsletter -
and artistic ability will help benefit bring the building up to better shape while turning it into a museum...
More information:
Earliest Tyrannosauroid
Rediscovered in Museum Collection
Tyrannosaurus rex and related large carnivorous
dinosaurs together form the family Tyrannosauridae.
A long forgotten fossil skull in the collections of the
Natural History Museum in London has now provided
crucial clues to the early stages of the lengthy evolutionary history of these fearsome predators. Almost
a century after its discovery, the specimen, named
Proceratosaurus, has now been recognized as the
oldest known relative of the Tyrannosauridae.
More information:
Fossil skull of Proceratosaurus, looked after in the collections of
London’s Natural History Museum. It is the oldest-known relative of
T. rex and it lived 165 million years ago. (Credit: Image courtesy of
Natural History Museum of London)
Underwater museum for Egypt / Jacques Rougerie
Architect Jacques Rougerie -an expert when it comes to space and underwater structures- has designed
the soon-to-be first underwater museum. It will be located off the coast of Egypt, near the new Library of
Alexandria, where Cleopatra once had a palace on an island in one of the largest human-made bays in the
world back in the day, submerged by earthquakes in the 4th century. The ruins were discovered years ago, and
include several sphinxes, statues, roman and greek shipwrecks and pieces believed to be from the Pharos of
Alexandria lighthouse (one of the seven ancient wonders of the world).
More information:
FUUH’s Newsletter -
(in Italian) Finalmente MAXXI. Le tappe principali: dal progetto
architettonico al cantiere d’autore
Il MAXXI, acronimo di Museo delle Arti del XXI secolo, dopo circa
tredici anni dalla sua ideazione, aprirà le porte al pubblico nella primavera
del 2010. Il progetto nasce dalla volontà di avere a Roma, un museo come
campus delle arti, un laboratorio di sperimentazione e ricerca. L’idea si
concretizza nel 1998, quando l’allora Ministro dei Beni Culturali, Walter
Veltroni, chiede alla Sopraintendenza Speciale alla Galleria Nazionale
d’Arte Moderna, di bandire un concorso internazionale di idee, per la
realizzazione a Roma, di un polo espositivo per l’arte e l’architettura contemporanea. Si tratta di una Fondazione, con committenza e proprietà
pubblica. All’interno del MAXXI risiedono due istituzioni museali: il
MAXXI Arte e il MAXXI Architettura. Il primo si propone di diffondere la conoscenza della produzione artistica, del XXI sec., attraverso
mostre, conferenze, manifestazioni, documentari, visite guidate etc. Il
Maxxi Architettura, è il primo museo nazionale di Architettura, in Italia. L’approccio al contemporaneo, viene
accompagnato di pari passo dall’attenzione a tutta l’architettura del XX sec, storicizzandola. Al concorso, per
la progettazione del nuovo Museo, parteciperanno oltre 250 architetti internazionali, il progetto vincitore è
quello dell’architetto Zaha Hadid...
More information:
(in Italian) Master on-line di primo livello in Didattica generale e museale
all’università di Roma Tre
Presso la Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università degli Studi
Roma Tre è attivato per l’A.A. 2009/2010 il Master di primo livello in
Didattica generale e museale.
Il Coordinamento del Master ha sede presso il Centro di Didattica
Museale, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università degli Studi
Roma Tre.
Il Master ha come obiettivo quello di consentire agli insegnanti della scuola
primaria e secondaria di approfondire gli aspetti teorici dell’organizzazione
didattica, riferita in particolare alla fruizione museale, ed acquisire le
competenze necessarie per una pratica impegnativa dell’attività di formazione. Il Master riflette le posizioni più attuali raggiunte dalla ricerca nel
campo della didattica generale e museale, sia per quanto si riferisce agli
sfondi problematici, sia per ciò che riguarda le due principali categorie di musei, quelli storico-artistici e quelli
More information:
Touezekt Museum-Mauritania
Touezekt Museum was inaugurated in 2005 and is run by the association “Maison d’Arts”. It is located 13 km
away from Atar. Its collections are varied and include elements from the Neolithic times to the Colonial period
with wooden and ceramic materials, coins, manuscripts written in Arabic and military badges. This private
Museum is not exempt from polemic because its archeological materials come from Atar surrounding sites
FUUH’s Newsletter -
and were recovered during the last years by Khalil Sid Dah, the promoter of this initiative, without a related
archeological research.
More information:
Infoletter LAMIC (Laboratory of Museology and Culture Engineering)
University Laval, Quebec. Canada-December 2009
The Laboratory of Museology and Culture Engineering (LAMIC) is a research infrastructure specialized in
experimental museology that focuses its scientific activities on the ways of culture transmission in a museum
context. It is a technological platform which explores relationships between artefacts, visitors and space where
protagonists gather for an unprecedented meeting by means of a trajectory called an exhibition. This particular
dimension is what interests us and the one we explore in multiple ways, under and from different angles. The
museum experience ethnography summarizes, to a certain extent, the way we approach a phenomenon that
has not yet been totally figured out.
More information in French:
Course on Basic Skills to Care for Works of
Art in Private Collections
This is a course aimed at teaching how to care for works or art. It
is neither a restoration course nor a course for museum conservationists. On the contrary, it is a course that will explain where the
non-expert involvement should end and where we enter the domain
of the expert in terms of care, conservation and restoration of a work
of art or an old item. Basic daily cleaning aspects will be dealt with,
alongside the transferral of works of art, the prevention of light
damage, temperature, pollution as well as the orientation for temporary restoration decisions. It is important to teach to not change a
frame, to not recover with hangings, to not trim a postcard, simply
because of your own taste or other criteria.
More information in Spanish:
Protecting your possessions against
bushfire – AICCM media release
The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material
has released an information sheet STORING COLLECTIONS IN
HIGH BUSHFIRE RISK AREAS, aimed at assisting individuals
and those working with cultural collections to reduce the risks of fire
when storing their precious possessions. It is being distributed to arts
and cultural heritage organizations, local councils, emergency service providers and the media.
More information:
FUUH’s Newsletter -
Exhibition: Mito e Belleza a Palazzo Ducale di Lucca (Italia)
6 December 2009 - 7 March 2010. Lucca, Italy
Organizers: La Provincia di Lucca, con la collaborazione di la Fondazione Cassa du Risparmio di Lucca
Contact: [email protected]
More info:
Exhibition: The Marvel of Russia
11 - 19 January 2010. Paris, France
Organizers: Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation to UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
More info:
Exhibition of photographs: Albatros, oiseaux de légende des Terres Australes
13 January - 29 March 2010. Paris, France
Organizers: The Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (France)
Contact: [email protected]
More info:
Exhibition: Dexter Dalwood’s “History Paintings” set to open at Tate St Ives
23 January – 3 May 2010. Cornwall, United Kingdom
Organizers: Tate St Ives
Contact: [email protected]
More info:
International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo
23 February 2010. Paris, France
Organizers: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
More info:
Exhibition: The Art of Power. Arms, Armour and Paintings from the Spanish Court
8 March - 16 May 2010. Madrid, Spain
Organizers: Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior, Patrimonio Nacional, National Gallery of Art
(Washington) and the Museo Nacional del Prado
Contact: [email protected]
More info:
Multidisciplinary conservation: a holistic view for historic interiors
23 - 26 March 2010. Rome, Italy
Organizers: ICOM-CC and ISCR
Contact: [email protected]
More info:
FUUH’s Newsletter -

museums - Universidad y Patrimonio