Don Koch, Country CEO, ING Bank Italia
Don Koch ha sviluppato una solida e pluriennale esperienza in ambito bancario, maturata in
contesti internazionali di rilievo. Copre il ruolo di Chief Operating Officer per ING in Polonia,
India e Tailandia. Partecipa alla start-up di ING DIRECT Italia nel 2001 come Vice President
Information Technology e nel 2009 diventa CEO e Managing Director di ING DIRECT
Australia. Dal 2012 è CEO e Country Manager di ING Bank in Italia, occupandosi
dell’integrazione tra le divisioni Retail e Commercial Banking.
Don Koch has advanced Change, Program Management and Business Transformation skills
and a strong background in Banking Technology and Operations. Country CEO of ING Bank
Italy since August 2012. Don began his career with ING Group in 1999 when he was charged
with setting up ING Direct Australia as Chief Technology Officer. His success in Australia led
to start-up positions in Italy and key operations and technology roles in Poland, India and
Thailand. Between 2009 and 2012 he was CEO of ING DIRECT Australia.

Don Koch - The Innovation Group