Skype name: fconicella
Twitter: @fconic
Date: from - to (month/year)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
International Society for Professional Innovation management- -Orbita
67 – EADA Business School (Barcelona ES)
19-20 February 2014
Teaching and Coaching Innovation Workshop (John Bessant & Anna
Marks: N.A.
Date: from - to (month/year)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
Università di Padova (IT) – Dept. of Industrial Engineering
September 2012
International summer school on Entrepreneurial management and
Marks: N.A.
Date: from - to (month/year)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
Business School SDA Bocconi - Milano
September 2002 – December 2002
Management development program – II° edition 2002
Marks: N.A.
European Biobusiness Foundation (NL) -Smurfit Business School (IRL)
-De Baak Management Centrum VNO–NCW (NL) –BioResearch
Ireland (IRL) –Growcorp (Irl) -Corsendonk Business College (B) …&…The Virtual Executive Centre (NL)
September 2000 – February 2001
Paneuropean Masterclass Biobusiness training course
Marks N.A.
Date: from - to (month/year)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
Date: from - to (month/year)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
Consorzio per il Distretto Tecnologico del Canavese - Ivrea - Italy
September 1994 - May 1995
Agent for Territorial Development
Marks 100/100
Date: from - to (month/year)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
Convey - Consorzio per il Trasferimento di Tecnologie - Turin - Italy
March 1993 - July 1993
Expert in Marketing and advanced information for enterprise.
Marks: 100/100
Centro per le Tecnologie Informatiche "C. Ghiglieno" - Salerano (TO) Italy
Date: from - to (month/year)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
April 1992 - September 1992
Expert in computer science for the enterprise
Marks: 100/100
Università degli Studi di Torino - Facoltà di Scienze Politiche - Torino Italy
September 1985 - December 1990
Degree in International political sciences - Graduation thesis:
"...International regulations of Multinationals.."
Marks: 110/110
Date: from - to (month/year)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
Fabrizio Conicella
Date: from - to (month/year)
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
LANGUAGE SKILLS: (Mark 1 to 5 for competence)
Liceo Classico "C. Botta" - Ivrea (TO) - Italy
1979 - 1985
Maturità Classica.
Marks: 46/60
 Specific know-how in managing initiatives in high-tech sectors (life sciences, ICT, etc)
 Experience in managing organizations and divisions in developing business plan and in realizing self-sustainable initiatives.
Experience in managing science parks and incubators. Experience in supporting as member of managing boards or non
executive director in innovative start-ups.
 Track record in planning managing and evaluating regional, national and international project focused in innovation, technology
transfer internationalization of SMEs and implementation of innovative support schemes.
 Experience in drafting strategies action plans, deliverables and reports for innovation, technology transfer company/science
park/incubator management and cluster development.
 Experience as consultants in supporting companies in medium to high tech sectors in implementing internationalization, R&D and
business development/marketing actions.
 Experience in managing scientists and R&D projects focused on applicable and exploitable results
 Broad international network of multi-sector contacts, facilitating consortium building .
 Good writing skills and capability to deliver training and presentations in italian, english and french;
 Research interest on innovation, science park management, clustering in high tech sectors and technology transfer
 Skilled in evaluating business plans and projects proposals
 Authoring and editing project proposals and deliverables, strategy papers and action plans.
 Excellent interpersonal skills and motivated team worker;
 Management of international project teams;
 Ability to coordinate with other team members in both English and French
 Experienced in planning and coordinating individual activities and responsibilities.
 More that 30 article and publications on innovation, technology transfers biomanagement, clustering, networking and more of 130
speeches in national and international conferences and work-shops
 ICT know-how:
Operating systems: Microsoft Windows based systems and Macintosh systems.
Languages: Basic knowledge of HTML.
Office productivity tools
Communication: Professional use of internet.
Web management: basic WEB management skills
Date: from (month/year)
Fabrizio Conicella CV
July 2012- today
Colleretto Giacosa (TO) - Italy
Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero SpA –
Director international projects and business development
Responsible of business development, technology transfer and marketing activities, coordinator of
international and Eu funded projects. Coordinator of bioPmed cluster that has more of 80 formal members
with more of 40 different R&D projects launched in the last 4 years (around 20 Ml euro total budget).
Responsible of international cooperative agreement. Assistance to President, CEO and general Manager
for strategy definition and implementation. Member of national and international working group and
committee in technology transfer, cluster development, incubation and innovation in life sciences. Member
of evaluation panel for business plans and R&D projects. Member of the steering committee of CEBR
(Council of European Bioregions), of the “Comitè d’Orientation strategique” of Genopole (F) and of the
Advisory board of Eurotransbio (until december 2013), of the managing board of Assobiotec from 2008 till
june 2013, of the Managing board of Associazione Italia Startup, of the evaluation committee of ANBI, of
the ItalianBioparks and the Start-up working groups Apsti-Assobiotec. Consultancy to Companies and
Public Administrations on cluster development, science park/incubation management, technology transfer,
marketing, strategy and innovation management issues. Responsible of corporate web sites. Responsible
of technology scouting activities.
-3Date: from (month/year)
Date: from (month/year)
Colleretto Giacosa (TO) - Italy
bioPmed innovation cluster association -
Executive Vice President
Association that represents the governance body of the regional health care cluuster
June 2013 - today
Colleretto Giacosa (TO) - Italy
Ephoran-Mis srl –
Ephoran-MIS is a company specialized in scientific services particularly at preclinical level.
Data: Da - A
Aree di attività
principali risultati
September 2009 - today
Date: from (month/year)
Date: from (month/year)
Date: from (month/year)
Date: from (month/year)
Date: from (month/year)
June 2014 - Oggi
Paris - France
Genopole -.
Member Comitè Science Innovation Industrie
e To support Genopole in the strategic planning activity
March 2014 - Oggi
Ivrea (TO) - Italia
Consorzio Imprese Canavesane -
Member managing board
Consorzio Imprese Canavesane is a consortium that involves 133 multisectorials different companies,
mainly SMEs located in Canavese Territory (Piemonte region N-W - Italy). THe consortium work on the
following areas: Internationalisation, Training, Promotion ( ), and networking
February 2013 – today
- Firenze (IT)
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto Sistemi Complessi
Associated researcher innovation management and technology transfer
Associated researcher on Innovation management and technology transfer to the National Research
Council institute Complex System. ITN-NETT Project
October 2012 – Today
Novara (Italy)
Università Piemonte orientale –
Contract professor
Contract professor for the course and "Innovation management and Technology Transfer". Accademic
year 2012 – 2013 and 2012 - 2014 – CDL Biotecnologie -
February 2011 – Today
Torino (Italy)
Università di Torino –
Contract professor
Contract professor for the course and "Innovation management, Technology Transfer". Accademic year
2011 - 2012 - Biology Faculty - Università di Torino. Accademic year 2012 – 2013 and 2013 - 2014 –
“Business planning” – Scuola Universitaria Interfacoltà per le Biotecnologie -
January 2009 – today
- N.A.
- Different private organizations, companies and public authorities
Business plan and R&D project evaluation for business plan competition (Start-cup, Italian Venture Forum,
European Venture Contest, Innovis, etc) and for private and public organisations such as Confindustria
Emilia Romagna, the European Commission etc. Strategic consultancy to SMEs for exploitation paths
identification, business planning marketing and innovation management. Training in cluster development
and innovation management (Università di Bologna, Universitè Joseph Fourier Grenoble, European
Academy, etc.)
Fabrizio Conicella
Date: from (month/year)
Date: from (month/year)
Date: from (month/year)
Date: from (month/year)
Colleretto Giacosa (TO) - Italy
Polo di Innovazione bioPmed -
Coordinator – cluster manager
Operational coordinator of the cluster composed by 80 members (companies, R&D centers, Universities).
Launch of R&D projects, definition and launch of services platform, local, national, international
positioning. More of 20 Ml euro of initiatives launched.
November 2008 – June 2013
Colleretto Giacosa (TO) - Italy
Ephoran-Mis srl –
Member managing board
Ephoran-MIS is a company specialized in scientific services particularly at preclinical level. As a member
of the managing board direct involvement in Business development and strategy
January 2007 – June 2011
Colleretto Giacosa (TO) - Italy
Bioindustry Park del Canavese Spa (Now Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero)
bioPmed innovation cluster coordinator
General Manager
General manager with specific responsabilities on institutional relations, marketing, business development,
technology transfer and incubation activities. Start-up and management of bioPmed innovation cluster
initiative. Coordination of EU funded projects. Technology scouting activities. Management of IP portfolio
and reporting of applied research iTECHPLAT scientific framework project. From 2007 till 2009
management of scientific platforms (LIMA). General management and support to the managing board for
budgeting and HR management.
Date: from (month/year)
Date: from (month/year)
Fabrizio Conicella CV
June 2013 – july 2014
- Ivrea (TO) Italy
Fondazione Natale Cappellaro – Museum Laboratory Tecnologic@mente
Cultural Foundation managing a Laboratory-Musem dedicated to technologies developed in Italy and
related to writing and calculation
Date: from
May 2009 – September 2009
July 1999 –December 2007
Colleretto Giacosa (TO) - Italy
Bioindustry Park del Canavese Spa (Now Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero)
Project manager and Businsss development officer
Project manager of R&D and Technology transfer project. Responsible of the implementation of marketing
strategies at national and international level. Responsible of the start-up od discovery (incubation) initiative
Scouting activity linked to iTECHPLAT framework project: scouting in universities, in-licensing of scientific
results and of intellectual property rights, patent filing
May 1995 — October 1999
Ivrea (TO) - Italy
Consorzio per il Distretto Tecnologico del Canavese - DTC
"SMEs International and Technology Development Center" manager
Project manager of R&D and technology transfer projects in ICT fields for the Consorzio (project Manager
for ESPRIT Project TBP TIME with partners form France, U.K. and Holland, Italian project manager for
Leonardo Project Europreneurs with partners from Portugal, U.K., and Spain, project manager of the
Telematics Infoville project, project manager for DTC of Leonardo project Euromanagement, ADAPT Da
Vinci and ADAPT Web City project manager ) Diffusion of information for S.M.E.s in the field of
international opportunities (fairs, Europartenariat, Interprises, partnership, e.c.) E.U. rules, international
relations, TBP and general information. Consultancy in marketing, project management, Technologies for
Business Processes, business planning and S.M.E. international development field. Lecturing in
marketing, information retrieval and industrial organization (Courses for entrepreneurs, unemployed
people and for TACIS programme). Managing sessions about ICT management and technology Transfer
in ICT field (PROTEC methodology). Manager of "Ufficio Antenna del Canavese - EIC 375" and of a BRE
point of information up to 1998. Market analysis and research activity. Basic WEB site management.
July 1993 - october 1994
Turin - Italy
Presidium S.r.l. (Certime B.V. Group)
Managing Director Assistant - Information System Manager
Managing Director assistant in the following fields: International relations, R&D projects, Marketing,
information retrieval, e.c.
Responsible of Information System and of the ICT facility.
Lecturing in computer science and marketing matters.
Date: from
Date: from
September 1992 - May 1996
Free lance consultant for S.M.E.s for market research, marketing, information retrieval, internal
information system and management of R&D activities. Lecturing in marketing and information retrieval for
July 1992 - December 1992
Turin - Italy
Study "Stampaggio a caldo in Canavese - Sperimentazione dello studio sui modelli di rilevazione dei
fabbisogni informativi" edited by Regione Piemonte - Assessorato Lavoro e Formazione , January 1993
To be involved in innovative initiatives at general management, strategic marketing, business development and consulting to third
parties in order to contribute to their growth in a proactive and dynamic way.
To be inserted and/or to be in condition to coordinate, dynamic teams with real challenges
To be in condition to contribute to the entrepreneurships of such initiatives.
To be in protagonist of innovative projects and initiatives with an ethical approach focused on growth and on realization of interesting
industrial and entrepreneurial results at national and international level
To be able to contribute to the success of the organization and to growth from a professional and personal point of view
I authorize the treatment of my personal information as required by italian D.Lgs 196/2003.
Fabrizio Conicella
Article, publications, intervention to conferences, work-shops and events – updated november 2014
1. F. Conicella “Scienza, brevetti, innovazione e sviluppo delle biotecnologie”, Prometeus January-february 2005,
supplement “Brevetti e proprietà intellettuale”, p. 9. English version: F.Conicella “Patents, Start-ups and the
development of biotechnologies”, Chemistry Today, January – February 2005 p. 59-61
2. F. Conicella – Favot F. “Le scienze della vita e lo sviluppo territoriale”, Prometeus 6, Maggio Giugno 2005. P. 14
3. F.Conicella “La ricerca medica e le biotecnologie, il trasferimento tecnologico e gli incubatori d’impresa”, in AA.VV
“Verso il secondo piano strategico – materiali di discussione sul futuro dell’area metropolitana di Torino”, Torino
Internazionale, 2005, p. 52-54
4. Ressico A. – Conicella F. “ The innovation system in the biotechnological field”, Chemistry Today, Vol 23 N° 4 , p. 4849, 2005
5. Ressico A. – Conicella F. “The public politics of sustentation of the bio-technological field and the importance of the
start-up of innovative companies an introduction to French and Italian experiences” PharmaChem, , Jul/Aug 2005, p 23
6. Conicella F. “Dalle piccole imprese scocca l’Innovazione”, Sole-24 Ore – Inserto Nova, p. 4, 21/12/2006
7. Conicella F. – Romani K. “European Bioalpine Convention - Un Bio-Cluster Transalpin pour fédérer les ressources
scientifiques et les savoir-faire industriels “, Piémont Europe – La lettre du bureau de Unioncamere a Bruxelles Janvier
- Juin 2007 – Numéro 1, p. 27-30
8. Fumero S. – Conicella F. « Innovazione e Technology Transfer – la catena di creazione del valore nel cluster », About
Pharma, gennaio 2007 – n. 44 – p. 49 – 50
9. Conicella F. – Fumero A. – Baldi A. “K.I.T.E. and Discovery Initiatives: how to build a positive environment for creativity
in a specialised science park”, work-shop “Building Innovation” XXIV world Conference on Science and Technology
Parks , acta July 2007
10. AA.VV (Conicella F. contributor) “Do’s and don’ts for biotech cluster development: the results of NetBioclue”, Europa
Innova, 2008
11. Conicella F. “Il settore delle Biotecnologie in Italia: una breve panoramica”, La rivista, 9 settembre 2008 p.21 – 23
12. Conicella F. “The impact of the recessionary environment on the Biotech Industry in Italy”, CI2E Quarterly– Issue1,
13. Conicella F. “Outsourcing in Pharma industry: from a crisis answer to the strategic choice” ROW2's CI2E Quarterly
Newsletter Issue 2, 2010
14. Conicella F. – Baldi A. – Ricci R. “Sviluppo territoriale e alta tecnologia”, Innov’azione, n. 9, giugno 2010, p. 34-35
15. M. Gulisano – F. Conicella – M. Caserta “Il campus focalizzato: contenitore e catalizzatore valido modello di sviluppo”,
la Sicilia – Mondo Medico, 24/10/2010
16. Conicella F. “Biotech development and science park: The Bioindustry Park case”, in Villes universitaries . Une espace
de developpement economique et humain, Mutations,, Fondation Bassin Minier, n. 2, november 2010
17. Conicella F. - Lepore S. - Pirri G. “Cluster e proprietà intellettuale: il caso delle lifesciences piemontesi”, Bioindustry
Park Silvano Fumero working paper, dicembre 2010
18. Inguaggiato C. - Conicella F. “I Poli di Innovazione e la capacità di creare reti del valore tra i soggetti: Network Analysis
per il Polo BioPmed”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working papers, dicembre 2010
19. Fumero A. - Conicella F. “KITE..dove cultura scientifica e cultura umanistica si incontrano”, in “K.I.T.E. 2006 – 2010”, Marzo
20. Conicella F. – Lepore S. “Una proposta di Osservatorio Nazionale brevetti Life science”, Aggiornarsi, N. 1, 2011 p. 11 – 17
21. Conicella F. – Bassi S. “From Science and Technological Parks to an innovative and sustainable Ecosystem: Cluster approach
in life sciences sector and the growth through complementarities”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, april 2011
22. Conicella F “Innovative Ecosystems in Biotechnology: the bioPmed case”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, May
23. Conicella F – Baldi A. “Specialised Science Park as enabling factor of the growth of a regional innovative cluster”, Bioindustry
Park Silvano Fumero working paper, May 2011
24. Conicella F. “Exploitation of scientific results: the process and the role or research institutions, the contribution of Assobiotec”,
Acta of the conference Microbial Diversity 2011, P. 136-141
25. Conicella F. – Giovanna P. “The Life Science Development: Chemistry changed the world and … Chemistry also changed itself
“ ROW2's CI2E Quarterly Newsletter Issue 2, 2011
26. A. Giuliano Albo – Conicella F. “Technology transfer: from the innovation to the exploitation (a summary)” Bioindustry Park
Working paper, march 2012
27. Conicella F. – Baldi A. “From the physical dimension to the community level: Bioindustry Park, bioPmed and the innovation
cluster way, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero Working Paper, April 2012
28. Salvador E. Conicella F. “Science Park or Innovation Pole? Descriptive results of a questionnaire investigation about physical
and virtual locations”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, May 2012
29. Novaria G. – Conicella F. “Valutazione Polo bioPMed”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working papers, febbraio 2013
30. Salvador E. Conicella F. "SMEs and the importance of the provision of shared support services" Bioindustry Park Silvano
Fumero working paper, September 2013
31. Arfaioli F. – Conicella F. “Intellectual capital management in a third generations science park: the cluster way”, Bioindustry Park
Silvano Fumero working paper, October 2013
Fabrizio Conicella CV
-732. E. Salvador, I. Mariotti, F. Conicella, (2013) "Science park or innovation cluster?: Similarities and differences in physical and
virtual firms' agglomeration phenomena” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. 19 Iss: 6, pp.656 –
674, 2013
33. G. Buchi, C. Casalegno, F. Conicella, A. Dayon, M Pellicelli, R. Schiesari “ Real options as sustainable business evaluation
method in the biotech and med-tech industry. A qualitative and empirical approach” “Proceedings of Business Systems
Laboratory 2nd International Symposium “Systems Thinking for a Sustainable Economy. Advancements in Economic and
Managerial Theory and Practice” January 23-24, 2014.
34. C. Skentelbery, F. Conicella, F. Druke “Group Dynamics – clusters and value creating network”, European Biopharmaceutical
Review, Spring 2014, p. 28-29
35. F. Conicella, A .Baldi , F. Arfaioli, M. Piunti “Innovative ecosystems and science park – an approach to evaluate KPIs and
impact”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, May 2014
36. H. Ayadi , N. Marrakchi , I. Chaker . F. Conicella “Lack of coordination between Employment University and Industry policies in
Tunisia”, proceedings “2014 Science-to-Business Marketing Conference”, Zurich, Switzerland 03/06/2014
37. F. Conicella – I. Buffa “Life sciences incubators - L’arte di coltivare le start-up – una guida per comprendere e lanciare iniziative
nel settore lifesciences”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, Settembre 2014
38. F.Conicella – J. Fabrega – E. Romeo – S. Wehnelt “ A Uniao Europea e o “Poder” dos clusters”: o caso “Bioxclusters”” in AA.VV
“Diagnostic of the Life Sciences Industry in Minas Gerais”, BioMInas/SEBRAE, November 2014
1. F.Conicella - R.Maglione: "Un'esperienza Pilota di Azione Integrata d'Area: il Consorzio per il Distretto Tecnologico del
Canavese", Conference "La Società dell'Informazione dal lato degli utilizzatori: scelta, uso efficace e appropriazione della
Società dell'Informazione", IRES/OPSI, 26-27 03 1997, Turin
2. F.Conicella "The Consorzio per il Distretto Tecnologico del Canavese project: a model for the development of the Canavese
area" -, Conference "L'implication des enterprises européennes dans le developpment économique local, Developpment &
Emploi association, ,28/04/1998 Paris
3. A.Cicu, D.Tappero, F. Bonelli, S.Francesconi, F.Conicella, F.Valle "Managing a Customer's Requirements in a SME: A Process
Improvement Initiative Using an IT-based Methodology and Tool", conference 11 International Software Quality Week
(QW'98) - 26-29 May 1998, San Francisco, CA - USA. Presented also to "2 International Software Quality Week Europe" 9-13 11 1998 — Brussels
4. G. Gremmo - F. Conicella " Il Canavese: un modello organizzativo innovativo per lo sviluppo di un territorio- Case Study",
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna —Start up conference - Il Piano Telematico Regionale Lago Alto Flumendosa - Villagranda
Strisaili - Nuoro 9-10-11 10 1998
5. F. Conicella "Education, training and Internet: the INFOVILLE approach", First meeting of Infoville Follower Partners, Brussels,
4 11 1998
6. F. Conicella "Lo Sportello Unico per le Attività Produttive: il modello associato", conferenza ANCI - FORMEZ — USAS: "Lo
Sportello Unico per le attività produttive. L'impatto sulla P.A. e sulle imprese: problemi e soluzioni possibili", Turin , 30 03 1999
7. G. Bolatto - F. Conicella "Il Sistema Imprenditoriale Canavesano: miti e realtà alla luce della ricerca DA VINCI", Conference
"Diffusioni dei risultati del progetto ADAPT Da Vinci Virtual enterprise", Ivrea (TO), 17 04 1999.
8. Salvetti L. — Ricci R. — Conicella F. “I parchi biotecnologici: una nuova opportunità per le aziende farmaceutiche italiane",
Conference “Le biotecnologie: situazione attuale e scenari futuri", LXV meeting of Società italiana per il progresso delle scienze
(Italian Society for the progress of sciences), Università degli Studi di Cassino, Cassino, 7-8 10 1999
9. Poggio C. — Ricci R. — Conicella F. — Caputo G. “I PST piemontesi e lo start-up imprenditoriale: il caso di Tecnorete,
Bioindustry Park Canavese ed Innosense", Workshop “I Parchi scientifici e lo sviluppo locale: politiche di intervento ed
esperienze di trasferimento tecnologico" Bari, 23/02/2000
10. Ricci R. – Poggio C. – Conicella F. “Start-up imprenditoriale, incubatori e trasferimento di tecnologie: l’esperienza del
Bioindustrypark Canavese”, APSTI thematic Conference “Tecniche e realizzazioni di trasferimento di tecnologie” , Porto Conte
Ricerche – Tramariglio (Alghero), 24/10/2000
11. Conicella F. “Bioindustry Park Canavese SpA: a Company presentation” International Bio partnering convention, Milano, 15 –
16 novembre 2001
12. Conicella F., Salvetti L. “Diffusione dell'innovazione, trasferimento di tecnologie e ricerca e sviluppo nei settori legati alle scienze
della vita: le azioni del Bioindustry Park Canavese”, Le esperienze dei Parchi Scientifici e Tecnologici nello sviluppo delle
biotecnologie in Italia, Padova, 29/11/01
13. Conicella F., Robasto A. Bellone B. G. Balbo, P. Bazzoni “I Parchi scientifici e Tecnologici piemontesi e DIADI2000:
sperimentazione di un modello integrato di trasferimento tecnologico”, I nuovi percorsi dell’innovazione: Centri di ricerca,
Piccole e Medie Imprese e finanziamenti per favorire e sviluppare progetti congiunti”, Torino, 29/11/01
14. Conicella F. “Piemonte Biosciences – un modello per la valutazione dello stato delle scienze della vita a livello regionale” –
Workshop “I Parchi Scientifici per la generazione e lo sviluppo delle imprese biotech” – Padova - Bionova 2003, 06/06/2003
15. Conicella F. “Dall’Università all’industria: il caso delle Biotecnologie” 1° Convegno Biotecnologi – Sezione Piemonte, Torino 28
Febbraio 2004.
16. Conicella F. “Life Sciences and Industrial Development: The Bioindustry Park del Canavese Approach”, BTi Seminars International Biotech 2003, London, 26 november 2003
Fabrizio Conicella
-817. Conicella F. “Le biotecnologie e la crescita di un sistema territoriale: Il caso del Piemonte e del Bioindustry Park”, Promuovere le
tecnologie per la salute – iniziative europee a confronto, Bologna 30 novembre 2004
18. Conicella F. “Piemonte Biosciences 1&2: L’analisi a livello regionale come nodo di un osservatorio nazionale”, Workshop
Comitato Nazionale Biosicurezza e Biotecnologie-Regioni sullo sviluppo delle Biotecnologie, Roma, 1 dicembre 2004
19. Conicella F. Biovision 2005 – EuroBioCluster seminar “Networking Europe's Biotechnology: critical mass and Hubs of
Exellence, the two triggering factor. Participation to the round Table “Adding value at all levels of networking”, Lyon (FR)
20. Conicella F. “The Bioindustry Park and Piemonte Case”, Financing the biotech sector: towards a decentralised system? In the
context of BIONOVA 2005, Padua, 20/04/2005.
21. Conicella F. “Piemonte Bioscences: a quali-quantitative analysis”, Technology Made in Italy work-shop – Biotechnology in
Piedmont, Handelskammer Hamburg, 12 may 2005
22. Conicella F. “A tool to scout the innovative start ups in Biotechnology sector” Panel 4 “Models tools and actors to support
innovative start-ups”. Triple Helix conference, Torino 20/05/2005.
23. “Variable geometry of triple helix session 6b: case studies – RegionsII”, Chairman, Triple Helix conference, Torino 18/05/2005.
24. Conicella F. “Business aspects of Biotechnology Inventions”, Work-Shop Biotech, Union Congress, Spoleto, 26/05/2005
25. Conicella F. ”The biotech revolution: is it a Myth? – Cluster presentation” Bioalps convention 2005. Geneve, 14/06/2005
26. Conicella F. “The italian biotech industry: overview, trends and opportunities” – The 2005 Italy Biotech business breakfast –
exploring opportunities for partnering, research and investment, november 15, 2005, Cambridge, Massachusetts US, The
27. Conicella F. “From science to business: the possibile path to valorize scientific results in a business perspective”, I° FIMA
International conference “Model and Methods for Human Genomics”, Ayas-Champoluc, Aosta Valley, Italy, 26/01/2006
28. Conicella F. “ Biotecnologie e le scienze della vita – una priorità economica”, Round table “Il Nord Ovest: un modello
organizzativo”, Conclusioni, Genova, 27/02/2006
29. “The route from Basic research to market in British and Italian Biotechnology companies”, Chairman, Milano, 21 marzo 2006
30. Bio-innovation Day “Session n° 2 – Start-up companies, session B” Co-chairman, Geneve, 25 marzo 2005
31. Conicella F. “Biotecnologie e finanza” , partecipazione alla tavola rotonda “Come la finanza incontra i bisogni del settore
biotecnologico”, Roma, 27/03/2006
32. “From strong basic research to company development” – Conicella F.” Chairman and closing remarks, Italian country seminar,
BIO 2006, Chicago (USA), 09/04/2006
33. Conicella F. “ Le bioscenze in Piemonte e l’opportunità derivante dalla convergenza tecnologica” - Seminario
"Micro/nanotecnologie e biotecnologie: integrazione nell'industria piemontese", Torino 17/05/2006.
34. Conicella F. “The creation of Biotech start-ups”, Good Practice in action session, Council of European Bio Regions Inaugural
meeting, Cambridge – 1-2- June 2006
35. Conicella F. “The experience of a Science Park focused in Life sciences”, Regions for economic change – Innovating through
EU regional policy conference – Work-shop “Setting up innovation infrastructure and innovation support services”, European
Commission, Bruxelles 12-13 june 2006
36. Conicella F. “Innovazione contagiosa: reti, poli di ricerca, bioparks e biovalleys” Seminario “Tech transfer: il salto dal laboratorio
universitario all’impresa”, Milano 13 giugno 2006
37. Conicella F. “An ERRIN Success Story: the NET-BIO-CluE Project”, NETWORKS IN NETWORKING, in the context of XV EBN
annual congress, Naples, 28/06/2006
38. Conicella F. “WorkShop: Bioincubation: from scientific results to successful companies” in the context of CNB9 conference,
Chairman and introduction, Colleretto Giacosa, 8 settembre 2006
39. Conicella F. “NetBioClue work-shop - Biotechnology in Europe: perspectives on networking and cooperation”, Chairman,
Bioforum, Milano, 19 settembre 30/09/2006
40. Conicella F .”Il sistema dei Parchi scienitfici piemontesi e le nanotecnologie”, Seminario “Micro e nanotecnologie in Piemonte”,
Nanoforum, Milano, 28 settembre 2006
41. Conicella F. – Cattaneo C. “Piedmont and Lombardy biotech clusters: actions for the development of a cluster networks”,
europa Innova conference, Valencia, 27/11/2006
42. Conicella F. “Il ruolo di un Parco scientifico nello sviluppo del settore biotech: tra azioni locali e visione globale”, Convegno
“Ricerca & economia in Italia nel settore Biotech: scenari, finanziamenti e strategie”, CEINGE, Napoli 15/12/2006
43. Conicella F. Panel Rhone-Alpes/BioAlps: a new emergine biotech hub in Europe”, BioData 2007, Geneva 24/01/2007
44. Conicella F. “Opportunities for research and young researcher”, I meeting of the italian doctorate students and bursars in
neuroscience and related subjects, Molecular Biotechnology Center , Torino 30/03/2007
45. Conicella F. “A partnership to support the common growth: the European Bioalpine Convention”, AlpCity International seminar
“Towards innovation through strategic transfer and networks”, Torino, 3/04/2007
46. ”Italian Biotech Industry: Assets and Opportunities for Italian-U.S. Collaboration” - Conicella F. Moderator and closing remarks,
Italian country seminar , BIO 07, Boston (USA), 6/05/2007
47. Conicella F. “Incubation: a partnership approach”, conferenza: "Eporgen: 18 months later: where we are and where we are
going - A day dedicated to Venture Capital", Bioindustry Park, 24/05/2007
48. Conicella F. “Early deals in Biotech: Technology transfer and start-up development”, LESI conference 2007, workshop “Early
Stage Biotech Deals - From Universities and Institutes Into the Industry Pipeline”, Zurich, 19/06/2007
49. Conicella F. – Fumero A. – Baldi A. “K.I.T.E. and Discovery Initiatives: how to build a positive environment for creativity in a
specialised science park”, work-shop “Building Innovation” XXIV world Conference on Science and Technology Parks,
Barcelona (ES), 2-4 July 2007
50. Conicella F. panelist, work-shop “Synergies between the Biotech Sector and Science Parks”, work-shop “Building
Innovation” XXIV world Conference on Science and Technology Parks, Barcelona (ES), 2-4 July 2007
51. Conicella F. “Piemonte Biosciences: an overview”, work-shop “The Italian Bio-Metacluster: a key industry and research sector
in three local areas”, European Parliament, Brussels, 16/07/2007
52. Conicella F. ASSOBIOTEC session ” L'industria Biotech in Italia”. Bioforum Conference, 25/09/2007
Fabrizio Conicella CV
-953. Conicella F. “The Science Park as a system integrator”, work-Shop “When Europe rediscovers the virtues of public / private
research consortia - Competitiveness clusters: the French collaborative research and its European equivalent models.”,
EUROBIO 2007, Lille (FR) 27/09/2007
54. Conicella F. “The Bioindustry Park incubation experience”, Italya ve Turkiye – Biyteknoloji ve Nanoteknoloji alanlarinda isbirligi
imkanlan Seminer-Ikili gorusmeler”, Istanbul, 22-23 novembre 2007
55. Conicella F. “Bioindustry Park: a partner for the development of biotech”, Technologie Atlas Italien 2008”, Berlin, 26 november
56. Conicella F. “Why we need someone to help us in transforming science into products?”, Animal cell Technology Industrial
Platform annual meeting, Ivrea, 30 november 2007.
57. Conicella F. panelist, work-shop “Biotech cluster development: best practices and models to share”, Milan, 18th February
58. Conicella F. “ Biotecnologie ed opportunità lavorative: tra bisogni aziendali e differenze culturali”, 2° congresso dei Biotecnologi
– sezione Piemonte, 1/03/2008, MBC, Torino
59. Conicella F., moderator and introduction, work-shop “Clusters’ Cooperation: Benefits for Companies”, 7 april 2008, Bio Europe
spring 2008, Madrid
60. Conicella F., “Technology Transfer and Bioincubation: the Bioindustry Park proposal”, work-shop Italy-India forum for the
opportunities of cooperation in biotech & nanotech”, 17 april 2008 New Delhi.
61. Baldi A., Conicella F., Romani K “i-Techplat: a partnership-based tech transfer engine” Valencia - April 24th, 2008 – TII 2008
Annual Conference
62. Conicella F. “Science, technology transfer, Incubation: life science sector and the Bioindustry Park del Canavese experience
LES Chicago International Conference – May 2008, 5-O Successful Approaches in Business Incubation and Science Parks,
Chicago, 5-8 may 2008
63. Romani K, Conicella F., Baldi A., “Bio-incubation: a privat/public partnership based approach”, Industrial biotechnology
international conference – IBIC 2008, " Back to the future for European Industry", Napoli 8-11/06/2008
64. Conicella F. “Quand le public soutien le privè: Le biocluster facilitateur”, Bioalps networking day 2008, EPFL Lousanne,
65. Conicella F. Chairman and introduction, work-shop “Academic research and setting up of new enterprises: case studies and
prospects”, Bioforum, Milan, 02/10/2008
66. Conicella F. panelist, work-shop “Le istituzioni pubbliche incontrano le PMI: opportunità di partnership per innovare”,
Piazza dell’Innovazione, Turin, 25th october 2008
67. Conicella F. panelist, work-shop “Emerging approaches to cancer detection, drug development and therapy”, Italy-USa BioNano forum 2008, Boston, 6-7 november 2008
68. Conicella F. “Biotechnology in Italy and science Parks”, Path to Europe Event, Section 2: Biotechnology, Astana (Kazakhstan),
69. Conicella F. “The Biotech sector in Piemonte”, work-shop “Piemonte region: R&D and innovation, driver for investment attraction
in high value added sectors, Italian Institute of culture, 10/12/2008, London (UK)
70. Conicella F. Healt Care Biotech forum –Rome 31-31 march 2009 – expert in company presentation panels.
71. Conicella F “Biotech development in Europe: from science park to innovation clusters” and “Incubation management: what we
have to know?”, Reunion de reflexion sur l’implication des centres de recherche dans le developpement durable”, 2-3 avril Sfax
– Tunisia
72. Conicella F. “Il brevetto come fattore chiave di sviluppo delle imprese biotecnologiche”, Work-shop “Tecnologie della salute e
della vita”, CCIAA Torino, 23/04/2009
73. Conicella F. “Biotech cluster development in Europe between market and policies. An Italian experience”, International
conference on Innovation cluster – ICIC 2009 Daedok, Daejon South- Korea, 12-13 may 2009
74. Conicella F. (Chair, introduction and conclusions), “Bio_manufacturing and high-tech facilities: how to share tools between
regions?”, Global Biotechnology issue Trak, Session 2740, Bio 2009 conference, Atlanta 18-21 may 2009
75. Conicella F. Chairman and Introduction, Work-Shop “Business opportunity: Nanomedicine”, Nanoforum 10 June 2009, Torino
76. Conicella F. “Dal Parco scientifico alla rete locale di attori”, conferenza “Giornata delle Biotecnologie siciliane”, Catania,
77. Conicella F. “Bioindustry Park del Canavese: Opportunities from an Italian Science Park specialised in Life Science”, SinoItalian TechX, Hong Kong (22/06/2009), Shanghai (24/06/2009)
78. Conicella F. “Starting a Spin-off/start-up”, work-shop “Industrial day: Starting a company”, 22 european conference on
Biomaterials, Lausanne, 8 september 2009.
79. Conicella F. “il cluster biotech Piemontese e l’iniziativa bioPmed”, Workshop Ill 4° bando HEALTH dell
80. Settimo Programma Quadro Opportunità di finanziamento per PMI, Università e Centri di Ricerca, 18/09/2009, MBC, Torino
81. Conicella F. “bioPmed, the Piemonte Innovation cluster on biotech & med-tech: exellencies in Imaging techniques”,
BioPArtnering europe, London, 14/10/2009
82. Conicella F. “SMEs Globalisation processes in life science: role and importance from an european perspective”, Biocultiure final
conference, Bruxelles, 15/10/2009
83. Conicella F. “Biotech development and Science Park: the Bioindustry Park/bioPmed case””, Villes universitaries: un espace de
developpement economique et humain conference, Esch-sur Alzette – Belval, Luxembourg – 16/10/2009
84. Conicella F. “Bioindustry Park and bioPmed: Wich role in start-up creation and incubaton???” work-shop “The role of science
Parks in the start-up creation and business incubation” International Event and Conference on Biotechnologies, Milan, Milan
Fair Center – Rho, 26 November 2009
85. Conicella F. “The value of transnational research for the young biotech companies” and moderation, work-shop “Transnational
research in the biotech field: opportunities for start-ups in Europe” International Event and Conference on Biotechnologies,
Milan, Milan Fair Center – Rho, 27 November 2009
86. Conicella F. “Il concetto di Innovazione”, IX ciclo formativo cultura d’impresa Torino Martedì 16 febbraio 2010
Fabrizio Conicella
- 10 87. Conicella F. “Il finanziamento delle start-up biotech”, convegno “Il ruolo dei Parchi scientifici e tecnologici nella creazione e nello
sviluppo di imprese biotech in Italia”, Lodi, 24/03/2010
88. Conicella F. “Biotech companies: between technology transfer from Universities and licensing out. Things to know to facilitate
the process”, Work-shop “Biopharmaceutica Manufacturing and process development”, ISPE Milan coonference 2010, 2223/03/2010
89. Conicella F.” From local activities to global development: lesson learned from Bioindustry Park and bioPmed cluster experience”
work-shop “Biotech and Nanotech across the Mediterranean: partnering for innovation and competitiveness”; Roma, 27/05/2010
90. Conicella F “Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology: opportunity for growth, The bioPmed position” Nanoforum Torino
91. Conicella F. (member of the panel in substitution of A. Giari) Workshop “Come finanziare l’innovazione per far ripartire l’Italia”,
organised by Glocus, Rome 23/06/2010
92. Conicella F. “Innovative ecosystems in life sciences – from a science park to an innovative cluster: the Bioindustry
Park/bioPmed case”, Seminario Internacional Brasil – Uniao Europeia “Inovacao em arranjos productivos Locais” Brasilia
30/06 – 1/07/2010
93. Conicella F. – Romani K. Royere E. “The ALPMED life science innovative eco system – from 3 different territories to a shared
vision of life science development”, work-shop “Innovation in the ALPMED euroregion – cooperative projects between clusters”,
The Chambers of Commerce and Industry of The ALPMED Euroregion, Brussels, 13/07/2010
94. Conicella F. “From science to business: The Bioindustry Park approach”, session “Science meets business”, XX National
meeting on medicinal chemistry, Abano Terme,(PD) ITALY, 14/09/2010
95. Conicella F. “bioPMed ed il Polo formativo biotecnologie”, Giornata di Studio Figure Professionali post diploma nell’ambito delle
Biotecnologie, 16/09/2010, Bussoleno (TO) Italy
96. Conicella F. “Life science development at territorial level: a prtnership based approach”, round table on life sciences, work-shop
“Doing Business in Piemonte region”, Tel Aviv, Israel, 04/10/2010
97. Conicella F “bioPmed come esempio di biolcuster italiano”, work-shop “Verso la Campania BioRegion”, prospettive e strategie
di sviluppo per la creazione di un cluster regionale delle biotecnologie”, Napoli, 23/09/2010
98. Conicella F “Bioindustry Park, bioPMed cluster and BIO-CT: “sharing” across different initiatives”, “Regional initiatives for drug
development” EPISODE-Bio-NMR, Napoli, 28-29 ottobre 2010
99. Conicella F. “"The Route from Lab to Industry: the Bioindustry Park and the bioPmed experience”, Bi-national conference on
Technology Transfer – Tel Aviv, Israel, novembre 23, 2010.
Conicella F. “From local to global: development strategy of a regional cluster” , CEBR Annual Meeting, Granta Park,
Cambridge, 17/01/2011
Conicella F. – Table ronde “Positionnement et articulation des pôles avec les clusters, qu’ils soient locaux, européens ou
internationaux”, 8e journée nationale des pôles de compétitivité, jeudi 27 janvier 2011, Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et
de l'Industrie - Paris
Conicella F. “General Introduction: the life sciences point of view” and moderation round table “Status and potential in the
research and development in the biomedical sector”, conference: “Polymeric materials for medical implants” “Alessandria (Italy)
Conicella F. “A life sciences cluster and the BiotechJob initiative: which synergies?”, Assemblea Nazionale ANBI_2011 Auditorium IFOM-IEO Campus, , Milano, 14/03/2011
Conicella F. “Il concetto di innovazione...un anno dopo”, Università di Torino, X ciclo formativo (ottobre 2010/luglio 2011)
24/03/2011, Torino
Conicella F. introduction and moderation of the work-skop “ Growth infrastructures: are clusters useful for company
growth?”, Euromedtech 2011 – Torino (Italy) 17-17/05/2011
Conicella F. “BioPmed: the Piedmont innovation cluster for bio and medical technologies”, EPISODE Event: Exploiting
opportunities for the development of businesses in the Life Science sector, Siena (Italy), 30 May 2011
Baldi A. – Conicella F. – Bassi S. “bioPmed – “cloud” approch for a sustainable life sciences cluster”, XXII ISPIM
conference, Hamburg, 12-15 June 2011
Conicella F. “Bioindustry Park and bioPmed: a partnering opportunity” Worsk-shop “Italian Biotech special promotion
initiative for USA – Road Show STPs”, Lodi, 17 June 2011
Conicella F. “Project Building: back to the basics” Work-Shop “Les Programmes Européens au Service du
Développement Local et Régional”, Atelier “Montage de Project” Sfax (Tunisia) 20 june 2011
Conicella F. “From science to market: technology Transfer, start-ups and cluster. Development in microbiology and
biotech. From the theory to the practice (Bioindustrypark and bioPmed)”, conference „Microbiologic biotechnology –the scientific
intensive domain of modern knowledge”, Chişinău, Moldova, July 6-8 2011
Conicella F. “Le Frontiere delle biotecnologie”, UNITO-Atlante, Gli incontri dell’atlante: mercato del lavoro e sbocchi
professionali”, Torino 11 luglio 2011
Conicella F “ Sharing Facilities 2.0 – The trans-cluster approach “ Work-shop “Organization of European clusters:
collaboration or competition?” panel “Sharing facilities”, 13/07/2011, Genopole Evry (France)
Conicella F “Clusters « glocal» strategy: wich advantages for the companies?”, Work-shop “Organization of European
clusters: collaboration or competition?”, Innovation days 2011, 26-28/09/2011, Paris (France)
Conicella F. “Exploitation of scientific results: the process and the role or research institutions, the contribution of
Assobiotec”, Microbial Diversity 2011 Conference, Milano (Italy), 26-28/10/2011
Conicella F. “Life sciences in “science park and clusters activities: Bioindustry Park and bioPmed”, work-shop “Due
esperienze di successo per la ricerca italiana ed europea: il Bioindustry Park “Silvano Fumero” di Ivrea (Torino) e Creabilis
Biotechnology company”, European Parlament, Bruxelles, 23/11/2011
Conicella F. “bioPMed innovative cluster: a bridge between research and industry in health care”, work-shop
“Nanotechnologies for life sciences and medical applications”, London, 29/11/2011
Conicella F. “L'esperienza del Polo sulla salute umana BioPmed: Le opportunità per le imprese”” Work-shop
“Biomedicale in Provincia di Torino: fare sistema per creare valore”, Torino, 13/12/2011
Conicella F. Panel “ricerca ed Innovazione” Panelist, Convention nazionale Italia degli innovatori, Torino, 14/12/2011
Fabrizio Conicella CV
- 11 119.
Conicella F. Chairman work-shop “The future of clusters and their management in life sciences”, CEBR Annual Meeting,
Munich, 16-17 January 2012
Conicella F. “Getting results internationally “ (Moderation), “The Partnerport concept” and “Converging technologies: what
does it mean for a life science cluster?”, Internationalisation Spring School, Torino 26-28/03/2012
Conicella F. “From Bench to industry through company creation” and “TT coaching and Innovation management”,
Bioprotech work-shop series, Sfax (Tunisia), 14-15/05/2012
Conicella F. “Un approccio marketing all’innovazione”, Università di Torino, X1 ciclo formativo (ottobre 2011/luglio 2012)
24/05/2012, Torino
Conicella F. “Le biotecnologie in Italia: trasferimento tecnologico ed il ruolo dei Parchi scientifici” Workshop Trasferimento tecnologico: le esperienze nel settore biotech Bioforum 2012 – Napoli, 08/06/2012
Conicella F. “from a single R&D agreement to the cluster evolution: bioPmed experience” work-shop “ International R&D
Collaboration to Facilitate Groundbreaking Innovation for Industry, University and Government”, “Intellectual property, a tool for
economic growth in the third millennium - LES Pan-European Conference, Rome, 10-12/06/2012
Conicella F. “Da locale a globale: l’Innovazione diventa SMART”, work-shop “SMART CITY” Innovation Day, Ivrea (TO),
Salvador E. Mariotti I. Conicella F. “Science Park or Innovation Cluster? Similarities and differences in physical and virtual
firms’ agglomeration phenomena. (Evidence from the Italian Bioindustry Park and BioPmed)”, Communication pour le XLIX
Colloque Association de Science Régionale De Langue Française (ASRDLF), “Industrie, villes et régions dans une économie
mondialisée”, Belfort, France, 9-11 Juillet 2012
Conicella F. “Territorial development in an high tech sector through clustering and technology transfer: BioPmed as
example of a a successful cluster° Sfax international Forum, 23-27 september 2012, Sfax, Tunisia
Conicella F. “European Cluster Observatory: what I like, what I don’t like” , Work-shop Eu European Comission Dg
Enterprise “New challenges for the European Cluster Observatory”, Modena - Italy 11 october 2012
Conicella F. “Financing biotechnology development: an introduction” Session 3 “Sourcing Investment in innovation”,
Bioprotech International – conference on bioproduction, Sfax (Tunisia) November 5-8 2012
Conicella F. chairman, introduction and conclusion conference PRO-GETTO – organizzare l’innovazione, Torino
Conicella F. “Innovazione, Biotecnologie ed opportunità”, Convegno “Biotecnologie tra futuro e lavoro”, Padova,
Conicella F. Table ronde “Bioparcs et cluster locaux: s’implanter en ile de france pour reussir et cooperer”, Convention
MEDICEN Paris region, 2012, Paris, 10/12/2012
Conicella F. “Come impostare una strategia di internazionalizzazione nel settore Life sciences”, convegno “Dalla ricerca
al mercato, quali strategie per le imprese life science in Toscana”, Siena 14/12/2012
Conicella F “Internationalisation strategies and cluster internationalization strategies: how to bring value to the cluster?”
Internationalisation work-shop, CEBR conference 2013, Mallorca 22/02/2013.
Conicella F “Traditional Technology Transfer” Bioprotech work-shop series, Sfax (Tunisia), 28/02/2013
Conicella F. “How to find out real specialization fields”” and “How can region improve their competitiveness?”, Work-shop
“Smart Specialisation Strategies : the new ex-ante conditionality of the 2014 – 2020 programming period”, European Academy,
Berlin, 12/04/2013
Conicella F. ”Networking as a key tool for scientist”, NETT induction event, Notthingham University, 18-19/04/2013
Conicella F. roundtable participants “Partnerships Across Borders”, AURP BioParks 2013 “International partnerhips for
innovation”, University Technology Park at the Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, US, 22/04/2013
Conicella F “BioXcluster as international platform for SMEs internationalization”, “‘Global cluster networking’ workshop”,
EU Commission Booth @Bio2013, Chicago, US 23/04/2013
Conicella F. “Bioindustry Park. BioPmed, the internationalisation strategy”, ICE-Italian Ambassy Country seminar
@bio2013, Chicago, US, 23/04/2013
SEPB 2013 – Sino European Partnership Bioforum – Biocluster work-shop, Conicella F. Co-chairman, Shanghai, China
Conicella F. “Developing Innovative start-up 1.0”, Convegno annuo della Società Italiana dei Biomateriali, Baveno (NO),
Conicella F. “ Introduzione” “work-shop “Un cluster di Blue economy per lo sviluppo Territoriale: dall’idea al progetto”,
Università Cattolica di Piacenza, Piacenza, 5/06/2013
Conicella F. “Innovation management and exploitation: from scientific results to start-up creation” and “Traditional and
strategic use of I.P.”, Summer school Innovation and Technology management in medical and pharmaceutical biotechnology”,
Bologna University, 05/07/2013
Conicella F. “Health care: trend, priorities and opportunities for the textile sector”, 12° textile innovation days, Biella,
Workshop “Outlook for Brazil-EU Cluster Cooperation on Biotechnology for Human Health” Conicella F. Roundtable
participant. Policy Discussion Meeting on Brazil-EU Cluster Cooperation in the Fields of Bio Economy and Emerging Industries ,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 10/09/2013
Roundtable “Infra-structure: Creating an Environment for Bio-Innovation” Conicella F. Participant. Biopartnering Latin
America, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 12/09/2013
Conicella F. “High Technology Districts and Clusters in the national and international framework”, VI foresight Course,
“Biotech and Innovative science to meet patient needs”, Bari 30/09/2013
Conicella F. “Cluster cooperation in Europe as way to reinforce cluster cooperation between different non-EU countries”
EU-US workshop on small and medium sized enterprises in the framework of the transatlantic Economic council (TEC),
Brussels, 8/10/2013
Chairman Conference “”Alte tecnologie come fattore indispensabile per la competività europea nel mondo globalizzato”,
“Festival delle buone tecnologie – La Polonia da scoprire”, Torino, 06/11/2013
Fabrizio Conicella
- 12 151.
Conicella F. “Cluster development for Cluster manager – H2020 and ….…”, Panel Cluster development tools for Horizon
2020 for cluster manager, CEBR Event “Horizon 2020 for cluster manager”, Bruxelles, 2/12/2013
Conicella F. Moderator panel “How biotech SMES can benefit to the fullest from EU funding and collaborate with clusters
and regional agencies to get access to additional funds, international contacts and knowledge and expertise”, ETB Launching
conference: Succesfull funding for European life sciences SMES and clusters, Vienna, 4/12/2013
Conicella F. “How to carry on with successful projects in the new programming period: fund beyond the european cluster
strategy”, “Industrial research and Exploitation. Which role for innovation clusters?”, “How to convience stakeholders for Your
competitive strategy”, “How to Act Local, Think European and Go Global and Who Will Pay for it? Managing Challenges and
Struggles with the Strategic Organisation of Cluster Internationalisation”, Training event “Multisource financing for clusters in the
new programming period”, European Akademy, Berlin, 20-21 January 2014
Conicella F – Dayon A “From ideas to projects bench to industry through exploitation of scientific results” Work-shop on
Technology Transfer – NETT Florence workshop 2014, Sesto Fiorentino, 20/03/2014
Conicella F. “bioPmed Piemonte innovation success story”, Monitoring of implementation of integrated science, Studies,
and business centers (Valleys) and Joint research programmes (JRPs) – Developing Santara Valley in the future nationally and
internationally – peer review, Vilnius (LT), 21/09/2014
Conicella F. “Dal locale al globale e ritorno: lo stimolo di progetti innovative in ambito health ed home care a livello
territorial”, Work-shop Clustrat Active aging and home care – independent living, Torino, 26/03/2014
Conicella F “ I progetti EU: dal locale al globale e ritorno”, Work-shop “Il formarsi di un quadro di riferimento nazionale per
la partecipazione a H2020: programi, aggregazioni e centri di riferimento nel settore della salute”, convegno
“Horizon2020Health: la salute nella strategia europea: 2014 – 2020”, Napoli, 29/03/2014
Conicella F. panel member “The regional, national and european clusters’ roles "Health services as an innovation and
economical engine for growth" - Meet in Italy for life sciences”, Firenze, 2/04/2014
Conicella F. “L’approche cluster: concept et application au service de la santé”, conference “L’approche cluster au service
del la santé”, Facultè de Medecine de Sfax, Sfax (Tunisie), 29/04/2014
Conicella F. – Baldi A. “From the Science Park to the Innovation cluster managing company through a 3GSP approach“,
Workshop “Dall’innovazione esternalizzata all’Innovazione co-gestita”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 15/05/2014
Conicella F “bioxcluster alliance and bioPmed innovation cluster: an opportunity to exploit” Korea-Europe Biotech
Business Showcase 2014, Chuncheon – Gangwon, South Korea, 26/05/2014
Conicella F., A.Baldi, F. Arfaioli, M. Piunti “Innovative ecosystems and science park – an approach to evaluate KPI and
impact”, 5Th STS Italian conference “A matter of design – making society through science and technology”, Milano 13/07/2014
Conicella F “Innovation management and exploitation: from scientific results to start-up creation”, Summer School Innovation and Technology Management in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, ALMA Graduate school - Bologna
University, Bologna, 03/7/2014
Conicella F “From science to industry: different roles, different opportunities”, Special Event - Building your Career: nonacademic opportunities, FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Milano, 07/7/2014
Conicella F. “I progetti EU: un viaggio dal Canavese all’Europa e ritorno”, Seminario: "Finanziamenti per l'Innovazione, la
Ricerca e la Crescita Aziendale - Horizon 2020 e COSME", Confindustria Canavese, Ivrea, 8/09/2014
Conicella F. “Bioindustry Park and bioPmed”, Nano and biotech Project workshop, Katowice (Polonia), 24/09/2014
Conicella F. Moderatore roundatble “Si può fare, noi lo abbiamo fatto, Convegno “Canavese Fabbrica del futuro:
guardare al Mondo”, confindustria Canavese, Ivrea (TO), 14/10/2014
Conicella F , Panel member “Strategic partnerships and excellence of cluster organization” , European Cluster
Conference 2014, Brussels 20/21/10/2014
Conicella F. “The role of Personalized Health Care in Europe – bioXclusters distinctive approach”, EU-Japan Cluster
Matchmaking Event, Bioeurope 2014, Frankfurt, 3/11/2014
39. F. Conicella “Scienza, brevetti, innovazione e sviluppo delle biotecnologie”, Prometeus January-february 2005,
supplement “Brevetti e proprietà intellettuale”, p. 9. English version: F.Conicella “Patents, Start-ups and the
development of biotechnologies”, Chemistry Today, January – February 2005 p. 59-61
40. F. Conicella – Favot F. “Le scienze della vita e lo sviluppo territoriale”, Prometeus 6, Maggio Giugno 2005. P. 14
41. F.Conicella “La ricerca medica e le biotecnologie, il trasferimento tecnologico e gli incubatori d’impresa”, in AA.VV
“Verso il secondo piano strategico – materiali di discussione sul futuro dell’area metropolitana di Torino”, Torino
Internazionale, 2005, p. 52-54
42. Ressico A. – Conicella F. “ The innovation system in the biotechnological field”, Chemistry Today, Vol 23 N° 4 , p. 4849, 2005
43. Ressico A. – Conicella F. “The public politics of sustentation of the bio-technological field and the importance of the
start-up of innovative companies an introduction to French and Italian experiences” PharmaChem, , Jul/Aug 2005, p 23
44. Conicella F. “Dalle piccole imprese scocca l’Innovazione”, Sole-24 Ore – Inserto Nova, p. 4, 21/12/2006
45. Conicella F. – Romani K. “European Bioalpine Convention - Un Bio-Cluster Transalpin pour fédérer les ressources
scientifiques et les savoir-faire industriels “, Piémont Europe – La lettre du bureau de Unioncamere a Bruxelles Janvier
- Juin 2007 – Numéro 1, p. 27-30
46. Fumero S. – Conicella F. « Innovazione e Technology Transfer – la catena di creazione del valore nel cluster », About
Pharma, gennaio 2007 – n. 44 – p. 49 – 50
47. Conicella F. – Fumero A. – Baldi A. “K.I.T.E. and Discovery Initiatives: how to build a positive environment for creativity
in a specialised science park”, work-shop “Building Innovation” XXIV world Conference on Science and Technology
Parks , acta July 2007
Fabrizio Conicella CV
- 13 48. AA.VV (Conicella F. contributor) “Do’s and don’ts for biotech cluster development: the results of NetBioclue”, Europa
Innova, 2008
49. Conicella F. “Il settore delle Biotecnologie in Italia: una breve panoramica”, La rivista, 9 settembre 2008 p.21 – 23
50. Conicella F. “The impact of the recessionary environment on the Biotech Industry in Italy”, CI2E Quarterly– Issue1,
51. Conicella F. “Outsourcing in Pharma industry: from a crisis answer to the strategic choice” ROW2's CI2E Quarterly
Newsletter Issue 2, 2010
52. Conicella F. – Baldi A. – Ricci R. “Sviluppo territoriale e alta tecnologia”, Innov’azione, n. 9, giugno 2010, p. 34-35
53. M. Gulisano – F. Conicella – M. Caserta “Il campus focalizzato: contenitore e catalizzatore valido modello di sviluppo”,
la Sicilia – Mondo Medico, 24/10/2010
54. Conicella F. “Biotech development and science park: The Bioindustry Park case”, in Villes universitaries . Une espace
de developpement economique et humain, Mutations,, Fondation Bassin Minier, n. 2, november 2010
55. Conicella F. - Lepore S. - Pirri G. “Cluster e proprietà intellettuale: il caso delle lifesciences piemontesi”, Bioindustry
Park Silvano Fumero working paper, dicembre 2010
56. Inguaggiato C. - Conicella F. “I Poli di Innovazione e la capacità di creare reti del valore tra i soggetti: Network Analysis
per il Polo BioPmed”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working papers, dicembre 2010
57. Fumero A. - Conicella F. “KITE..dove cultura scientifica e cultura umanistica si incontrano”, in “K.I.T.E. 2006 – 2010”, Marzo
58. Conicella F. – Lepore S. “Una proposta di Osservatorio Nazionale brevetti Life science”, Aggiornarsi, N. 1, 2011 p. 11 – 17
59. Conicella F. – Bassi S. “From Science and Technological Parks to an innovative and sustainable Ecosystem: Cluster approach
in life sciences sector and the growth through complementarities”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, april 2011
60. Conicella F “Innovative Ecosystems in Biotechnology: the bioPmed case”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, May
61. Conicella F – Baldi A. “Specialised Science Park as enabling factor of the growth of a regional innovative cluster”, Bioindustry
Park Silvano Fumero working paper, May 2011
62. Conicella F. “Exploitation of scientific results: the process and the role or research institutions, the contribution of Assobiotec”,
Acta of the conference Microbial Diversity 2011, P. 136-141
63. Conicella F. – Giovanna P. “The Life Science Development: Chemistry changed the world and … Chemistry also changed itself
“ ROW2's CI2E Quarterly Newsletter Issue 2, 2011
64. A. Giuliano Albo – Conicella F. “Technology transfer: from the innovation to the exploitation (a summary)” Bioindustry Park
Working paper, march 2012
65. Conicella F. – Baldi A. “From the physical dimension to the community level: Bioindustry Park, bioPmed and the innovation
cluster way, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero Working Paper, April 2012
66. Salvador E. Conicella F. “Science Park or Innovation Pole? Descriptive results of a questionnaire investigation about physical
and virtual locations”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, May 2012
67. Novaria G. – Conicella F. “Valutazione Polo bioPMed”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working papers, febbraio 2013
68. Salvador E. Conicella F. "SMEs and the importance of the provision of shared support services" Bioindustry Park Silvano
Fumero working paper, September 2013
69. Arfaioli F. – Conicella F. “Intellectual capital management in a third generations science park: the cluster way”, Bioindustry Park
Silvano Fumero working paper, October 2013
70. E. Salvador, I. Mariotti, F. Conicella, (2013) "Science park or innovation cluster?: Similarities and differences in physical and
virtual firms' agglomeration phenomena” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. 19 Iss: 6, pp.656 –
674, 2013
71. G. Buchi, C. Casalegno, F. Conicella, A. Dayon, M Pellicelli, R. Schiesari “ Real options as sustainable business evaluation
method in the biotech and med-tech industry. A qualitative and empirical approach” “Proceedings of Business Systems
Laboratory 2nd International Symposium “Systems Thinking for a Sustainable Economy. Advancements in Economic and
Managerial Theory and Practice” January 23-24, 2014.
72. C. Skentelbery, F. Conicella, F. Druke “Group Dynamics – clusters and value creating network”, European Biopharmaceutical
Review, Spring 2014, p. 28-29
73. F. Conicella, A .Baldi , F. Arfaioli, M. Piunti “Innovative ecosystems and science park – an approach to evaluate KPIs and
impact”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, May 2014
74. H. Ayadi , N. Marrakchi , I. Chaker . F. Conicella “Lack of coordination between Employment University and Industry policies in
Tunisia”, proceedings “2014 Science-to-Business Marketing Conference”, Zurich, Switzerland 03/06/2014
75. F. Conicella – I. Buffa “Life sciences incubators - L’arte di coltivare le start-up – una guida per comprendere e lanciare iniziative
nel settore lifesciences”, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero working paper, Settembre 2014
76. F.Conicella – J. Fabrega – E. Romeo – S. Wehnelt “ A Uniao Europea e o “Poder” dos clusters”: o caso “Bioxclusters”” in AA.VV
“Diagnostic of the Life Sciences Industry in Minas Gerais”, BioMInas/SEBRAE, November 2014
Fabrizio Conicella

Curriculum Vitae - Campusnet Unito