Introduction to IT5 5ervices and
Supporting Technologies
Inlroductlon lo ITS Servlccs il lld Supporlirrg Ted mo loglc s
/\ 5 VOli c~ n s::e [rom , he rirl e ho;.;, rh is sr~ nd :1 rd is ;lV:l ii:lhk·o pllrch :l sc o n li nc,
buI' ir i~ ilO! ava ib blc fn:e ot charge.
T his inlema tion:tI sl antlnn! ;;. tltlres s ~ s lhe issues u i .: bss if~f i n~ IT S ser vices intu
gro ll ps . Tbis dl?l i\'l? ra blr W'lS firsr de \'elopt'd in lhe mid·1 9 90s :1nd W<lS isslled ,I S
,ln ISO P\lbli shcd TccllO ic'li Rcpo l'T.ln rccem )'C,H5 il' h ~s bec n subsra nri'lll y l'cvi scd
TO h rin g ir up l'o d :cHe ro include devel0p 01cnts in thc secror ovc r . he bsr dec:ldc.
This revision hn s re cen tly been npprovetl as a fu ll internalion al stand artl. Howc\'er,
lhis will nur be lhe ènd uf tbe s[Or>'. :\5 (hè
50: .:10[ o: vol Ves antl J è"dups, lho::
st,ltl d<1rd will <lg<l in be reVlt.'wed a nd r('" ised :1 t reg ll la r inten'a ls.
ISO] 48 13 -] :2006 Novid cs ,1 dcfi nirio n of rh e prim:l ry scrvices allcl :lppIic:1rio n
are:1S th:H cnn be provided l'o ITS lIsers. Those w ith n COIllIllOI1 purp ose can be
collecletl togethcr in l'I'S so::n'icc domnins, nn J wilhin theso:: there cal1 be n 1111m ber
o f ITS sen 'i.:e gl'oll ps fo r p'lrricu Llr P;]r[s o r lh e d o ma in. ISO 148 13 - 1:200 6 itlellli iics Il sc,' \' ice~ lo rn a ins, wi . hin wbk h n lllllCI'OUS ~I'OU pS ,l I'<' lbcll dd in,' d. \Vithill
th is rl':ll11ewor -, rhere :lI'C v:lI'yin g Ic ... cl s of der;,i l re l:ltccl ro dcfin irio ll o f d iffcren r
servicc s. T hese cleta ils Ji ffe r from Il;ltion to n:1 ,io n , clcpz:n d ing on whether the
spe.:ifi.: lIa li on :tI :l rch ilccture b uiltling blocks aro:: b 3setl Jirecr! y up on sen'!CCS or
011 gro ups o f fllll crio ns . T hu s, (he ilH(' !H is lO a ddrl'ss g ro ups o f sl'l'I'il.'es :l lld rh l?
rcs peciive d OIll :1 ins wirh in which ibcy fi r. ,\ s rhesc doma ins :l ncl sc rvice g l'o ups
evolve over rime, ir is inrt:nded thar rhi s inre rn a rion:11 smnda rd he rt:\'ised m inclu de
ISO 14 8 13 - 1:200 6 is applicable IO rh e \\'urking g ro ups of ISOl Te 20'1 a nd
oth r T es whi ch a re d C\'l'Io ping lIHerna ri o n'l l s(an d,lTds fo r rh l? ITS seçw r a nlÌ
'l ssoci;1(ed sccro rs whosc ho unc!arics cross im o rh e (TS secrol' (S'uc h ,15 som e ,1Spccts
o f urh:m light ra ilways, inre rmoda l frcig lH, :l nd tl ecr). Ir is design cd m prm'i de
iniormalio!1 anJ <:xpla!1 arion lo thus e de\'do p ing rrs intc rIlaliunal sl:lnd ;;. rJs :lI1J
lO rh ose de \'elopillg speci fi.:,ni on s, illlp lt' lllcm,uion s, a nd tlepIoYlllenrs fo r (T S,
ISO 1481 3 -1 :2006 is <, dvisol' }' all d in for rn;lfivc. Ii is dcsigncd lO 'l ssis. tlw
inrcg r:1rio ll o f sc rvic cs imo:1 cohcs ivc re fe rcllce ,1rc hi .cctllrc, assisr inrefope r:lhi lity
:ll1 d wir n commoll d a ta d"finition. Sp~ci fic :l lly, ser\'ices dcfine J wirh in the servi c"
" rou p s will be tbc ba sis lor Jo::finilion ur u, e cases :mJ lhl' re sultnnl rc ierelH:e
~rchi te..:ture fun clion 'l l!ry, al ong with defini (ioll of <I pp lic" ble d 'l t'l wi . b in d ,H,)
d ic ri o n<1f ics, ,l. wcll ;15 ;l pplica blc COllllllll nic,ni on s a nd d,H'l exch 'lIlgc sra nd " rcl s .
Since th is illierna tion:ll st.1nd ard is:! r the core o f h o\\' wc considcr :1 nd cI:1ssi f)'
ITS-:ln d alI o f Ih e st:lnd a rds anJ groups or st:mdnrds ~ h n t comp rise ITS 3 S wc
k n o\\' il now :m d as il \\'ill ~ \'Dl\'1:" in lhe illllln:- w<: will.:onsitlèr il in g re:a ler deta ii
lh '1I1 rnosr.
·' (mcl lige n. rr:l l1 SpOrT s)'. rcms-Rcferc l1cc l110dcl :1rc hitccrllrc(s) fo r IT5, P:H r
1-ITS service dOl11a in s, servicc g roups al1d se rvi ce"," g ro ups rhe ITS scernr intD
'] I se.vice Jomnins (1:\<:11cr 31 arens), :l nel wilhin eac h area, il iJentit'ies types oi
st'rvi,e pro \'i tled lO th al d o m a in.
Thll s th e: p rC V 1<)ll~ \'cl'sion o f th is ~ { 'ln d <1 J' d W :lS <l pubIi shed T e..:h11lca l Re pol't
:lnd h:1S hcen rctc rred to :,l S "Fn nd :1l1l cnrnl SCf\'iccs. " The new YCfsiol1, " ITS servi c.::
dOI11:l ins, ser\'ice groups and ser\'ices," n: ìlccrs t he cvol u tioll ()f , ,,chnology-nricnted
rr,lIl sp Ormnoll pr;lç(ices ;l nd 'l ppl ic,ni o ns.
The inrrod llcri o n to th e currcnr vcrsio n idel1 ri i ics . hM IT5 is now ,1150 e xp 'c re';
l'o ndd ress rhe following:
What Are IT5 5ervices?
Su far ill lhi s book We h:we rdarnl ral her 10us<:1)' lo " ITS ser vie'd ' · or " IT5 se rvi.:e
pro \' is io n." (n rlli$ Ch 'lPII?I' wc wil l sUllI rn'l ri z(' curr('nt rh in kinr. ,) bOlH ITS sc rviçes
;1 nd rhc cll M;1Ctc riz:Hi o ll of rh cl11 in rhe ITS world 'lnd in (TS sr'1nd;lI'd s in p:lrr icu !:1l'.
\'\/hel1 wc ad d ress rhe fundal11 enta l problel11 or wh ar are Intcll igc nr T r:l nsporr
Splem , wc 11""J IO c011sitlo::. iirst who chc c Li stomc: rs nre nntl ho w Wc chn ract<: rize
tllC: bcneitl lO the lli.
FirSl wc ha ve IO cla ssl f)' \~'h a r the bc'n erit (O :Hl)' m cI' is. An lTS s)'stcm has 11 0
poinr if ir prm'ides n o bc ndi t. i\ lthon g h th e b c: ncfit~ are va ried, rh e}' C:1I1 hc t}'pitied
.1S lhe: rl:Ceipl of :l " ser vi ce : ' Thu ~ \Ve C lIl ~n y lha! lhe: worltl o f ITS is l1Iad e II p
of t he pro \'ision 'ln d rc'.:elJ" o f $(' n ;r(.Cs.
If wc ncx t cOll ~i d c r thc " clls romers " (tbc bcncfic i'l r ics o f t bc sCl' \'ic(: pro \'i dcd),
wc: find thar l'h c)' are :1 hrn ad group; l'Ile)' co mprise :l verr I.Hge ra nge o f ind i\'idu:1 1s
a nel orgn niU liol1s cha l can be ca te l:\0 rizeel ioto more sp ecific g ro ups. These g roup s
lI1 :l r be ca r d ri\'crs, lr u.:k Jri\'e rs, clllergellc}' wr vi..:es, publ ic Ir ~1I1 spO rt, p oli.::e , road
1ll'\ ;I ;1~('rs. '1I1d so 0 11. lnel. -d , "11 )' US CI' o r m ,1I1 agcr of ,) rr,m spo l'l S}'Stc J1l could
pnrc: nri:1l1)' be ;1 custnl11cr ior o ne o r m ore (TS scrv ices.
Hm, :1S rhcre nrc porcmi ;llly thOll S:lOds oi fTS servi ces, ho\\' C:ln wc cI;lss if)'
lltem into m a l1age3bIe g roups ?
\Vie- ç;1llllor \'1st' CIi Sto lllel' g WllpS a s a llle'H1 S o f cla ssi fi ' <lli o ll , bt'c :lUse J ifferenr
c licllT g ro li ps m'l)' II SC t bc sa lllc SCI'VI' C(S ). SO wc Il ccd to IlI r n OU I' ;1 tTc: IHion ,
rh er.:: fore, w the trre,; nt se rvice p rovided,
In m nkin g chcsc co nsidc:ra ti ol1s, wc SDon iin d oursc! vt:s in tbc w o rld (lf system
•tr.:ll ile: 'tu re: tle sig n. l'art IV o f cllis book deal s wilh 1lrch itecture iII grea ler Je rai l.
At t h is M'lgC ir is sn tficl(' 1\T lO cOllsidc r d t<ll :'lJl int Ili ge11r tr,l11 SpOI'l sysre lll will
compri sc s~(I' i ces , so m "
wh ic h a rc inr rdc pcndcnr :.1lld fe l:1t cl , so me o f wh ich
.11'':: IInrclatcd to mhers. I lowc\'e r, wc C:l n classi iy rllese sc r\' ices illro g rnup"
No\\' we cume lo the firsl inlern ntionai slnntl nrd rd.:renceJ in lhis book.
14 8 13 -1
Imdli;;çl1l 1':llI ' purl >)'. ll'lll>- Refe,"''',.. ," " d el
:'I n:hitc c tu r('(~)
(o r the
h '·f·,,'i,:c d nm:u n'lO ,
rrs " L'ç l lJr~ l).=1r t
1-(" r'.ri .........
l'ub li. h<J
TC 204
~1 () l1 r S ::tnd ",,,' n 'in :.;
lu [ p:!J'w\.v\\' .i t;o.o rFl ' ~()lc n /C;t t t1 lnj!. I~ c Dcm i IP.l!!.'...Co.mln!";l.IcDe t:l i l ? C.S~U .\ 1 RER=4 ,i{, r,.;
Tr:1nsl'0rt ncrwor k opc r;nions ;lnd lll:1 inrCn;lTlCC aC rlvltICS :
Freig hr tllobili ry "od inie rmo 1.11 cO lln e cfil' irr:
~'llIltil1locl:1 1 rr;lVe! i ncl llding horh p rerrip :l nd o n -rrip in form;1Tion ,l nd iou rne)' pb nning;
V:1Tia h lc TO:td pr ici ng slrn tc:gies fo r lrcighl a nd personal ITa ve!;
• Eml'Tg<:'llq' a mlll:l\\lral di~asler ' relal <:'tl T<:'s pOllSe lC li vi li<:'s :lllJ .:ourdin3rion;
• N a li u lla l sc:,:u Tily Il~~"d s rdaleci \O rr<llI spoTra rioll illiraS ltu-:ntrl',
Tbe ilHertl a ri o nal sr:llllb rd recogllizl'S Ihar ITS :lCliviries wi ll in r(' rfac~ wirh
more gcner:l lized ,lc ri viri,:s :l lHi c il vi rOlllllCIHS ourside rh e rr:lll spo rradon sec ror. for
eX:1 mpl.c, ro.Hl l'ricin I) allei re\'C111IC $ysrc llls :lcri\'irics m a}' inrcrb cc Wi lh c lcerron ie
com merce (e-COlllll1C rcc ) ao.:ri\' itics, aml nla)' rlt u s utilizc srandard s :!I1d p rinciplcs
assoc iated widl Ihe ba llki ng illdusrr)' a lullg w ilh ge ll erall)' ac,:,:pled aè 'ount in g
pri nci pl es. Tb e addres 111 [; of na rion a l secu rir)' :lnd eoo rdina rion issues :l Iso rl'qlli res
:1dd re ssi ng spccitic nationa l sf :! nd a rds rcbrcd rn civi l ddcnse, cmcrgc ncy communica liun s, ami ollter proccdures . Thcse inlerfaces, wlt i!e Inrgd )' olltsitl<:' lite scupe u i
Tel04, are n cve rrh dess c rirical l'xre Tll a l ill fl uences 011 {he iunc rioll a li ry o i rhe
l'al'Ìous scr vi ccs sli pporrcd by " ITS servjc(: d onw ins, sC l' vicc g I' O\1p; :lIld sC l' viC(:s."
Figure l
ISO 14SL3-1 (rcprod llced he rc a5 F ig ll rc 2.1) sn nws ;l lt icr;lTcn)'
lIpon wh ic h the d Offia ins a nd sen'ices are g rouped :
• Serl'i cc: dOITI:t ins (A, H, C, .. . , Il) = ddim:s the n:tture oi acrivi lie s provided;
• S<:'r\' ict: gToU p s (II I, 1/2, .. , , IIx)
more spt'l:i fie a l:livi ric:s eaTric:J OLI! in
se r vice doma in , bu r Joes Ilor define rhe aeto rs;
• Serviees = {ul'thcr ddines :lcriviry in rerm s oi rhe aClO rs invo lvcd (e,g. , uscrs,
rl';wc l mod cs); ;l Iso se rl'es ;l5 h:l sis for mosr clemcn ra l "use c;15es" (li se r view
oi ;lrch irce fu rc) .
ITS Users
W c lllllsr nc xc co nsid er wh o fh e IIse l'S <1I'C or lTS sc rvices . ISO J4 S ]3-1 d fines a n
ITS li SC I' ;)s: "onc who d ircel i]' rccc ivcs ;l nd ca n ;le, o n ITS d.Ha o r commI p roducL~.
An ITS use r is one who rccei"cs, dirccI I)' or indirc ctl}', or pro\'ides ro, thc tr::lnsac lio n
or :1II ITS servù:.:; tI ..: se lIse rs ol ITS ser" il:t' ~ ma~' be hUllIall , sysletrls or cn" irunmc n [
Ar fhe e nd oi fh e c h'l in, rh e fin:l l li SC I' is fh e dri ver anel/or orhe r occli pa nrs o i
:1 vcltidc,;J pcdcstri;lIl, o r U SCI' ol puhl ic rr'lIlsit, puh lic crallsir opcr:Hor, cOl1lmcrcia l
\'chide opt'TatUt, elTIcrgellc)' ass ista llce pruvide r, or fo a t! oper:Jtor.
ll.:: hind rh ese e lld lls.::rs a re Ih o se rllar e n:l"!e rh e Ir:IIlSpOrl IO fUIl l:rioll, The
rO:ld manage r , con n o i cenrer, l'oad mainrcn:\ ncc p l'o\'idcJ', ,1I1d so on, T hcsc roo
;1re user~ nf ITS se rvicc5. Bu r ;H .hc 5;1 mc: rime , in m;10}' ca5cs che}' a re ;1 JSO pr nviclc:rs
o l componcnrs of ITS to mhcr ITS scrv icc providc:rs.
A nd ro comp lica re ma rre rs fllrrher, wh cn USl?d as a provldcT of prob e dam or
en qu irr rcsponse d:lra,:ld hoc ncrwork li n k, rh e "end lI sc r" 111,1)' a lso be ,l provider
oi d a ra componcnrs co
ser vi cc providers.
fn. ~ ••
2.3 Types 01 ITS Scrvlccs
In gC ll cr;l l, w c cn n hr n;ldly S;ly th oH sc rviccs :1n: pro vi dcd to grnu ps kno wll '1 5:
d riv ... rs, \'c hide o ccu p;lnrs, p u blic tr:1 nsi t users, public rrn nsir s ... rvi ce: p rovid ::rs,
cOI1lJ1lo:rci al vdùd<: opo:rn tu r s, o:m<: rge:nC}' s ... rvic<: s, po: J esl ria n s, rua d J1l;t1l 3g<:rs,
r t' g ll l a lOr ~ , a nd e n fo rccrs.
H owc vc r, ir is Il or poss iblc TO d is rribmc ITS sCl'viccs b}' usc r g rotl\> <1 5 di ffcr' n\
II ser g rou ps \Vi ii otte ll use thc S;lmc o r 5im ib r IT S se rvicc . ISO 14f: Ll- I th erciol'e
Jivi elcs ITS sen' icc:s into se: rv ic<: type s.
Types of ITS Services
InlroduClion lo
rrs Services <md SupporLing Tcd lllo logics
For cnch sc rvicc dO I11:1 in, ISO 148 1.1 -1 goes o n to c bhor:nc th c: servi"" grrHlPs
with in th " doma in a nd in so me case-s id ... mi iie- s spcci fi c sCl'l'iccs t ha r compr ise- rh"
grou p s. A summar)' d<:scripliull a n el id<:n li fì ca li u ll u f th<: s ... r vic<: gr o ups 3rt' proviel<:eI
in the fo ll owing p" ges. FlI r rh c r d et;l il C;Hl be o b rai ned by re ad ing ISO H SJ3-l,
2.3.2 Traveler Information
T h<: ISO in rc rn atiun 31 5la n dard 14 S 13 - 1 d<: 5t:ribes lhe tra\'de r in io rl1latiun J u m a in
<1 S, "Provis io n oi bo rh sra ric ;l nel d YIl :lm ic in for 111 a no n a bOlir th e rra nsporr ner\V or k
to lIse rs, includi ng modal o pTi oo, :Illcl rr'ln ,fcrs."
Th c: rr'lVe!c r intor m a ti o ll d Olluill illcludes tbc following se rvice grou l'S:
2.3 .1 Inlroduction lo ITS Service Types
ITS se rvic.: dUJlI ai u ~ all u g ro ll p s a re built UpOIl ,:xlsu ug lI. S., E llro pea n Uniun,
Ja p:IIU' 5C, ;lJl d o rh er in ICI'fl:lri o n;l I ;lO d ll:l riOIl ~ 1 t;lx o Jl om ies (o r d assiflca ri o n s ysrc ms ) :mcl l'rov ide ;1 commo ll cl csc ripri\'c hasi , ior cO l11pu ing rh ese t:1 xol1 o mics,
as \\'e11 as o thcrs hc ing dc \'cl o l'c:d rh rn ug holl t thc wo rld .
Thcse a n:hil.:<.:tu re s ar<: b;ls.:d 0 11 n a tio na l o yervi.: ws or wh nt the rrs seclu r
cO lll pr isc s in th clI' ' o ll lH r ies; ;lIHI or co Il rsl" rhe're M I" ll à l"i OIl;ll d iife rcll ccs , I-Iowe \'.:r,
rh er M C "li cl c vdopcd from Th e pe J' spcc rive of n;ltiona l imp lcmc nra ri o ll " n d m;lIl ;lgcI11 CI\t :1 nel focus on t hc rrpe~ o f se rvices th 'H ITS ca Il allei will p r nvid ".
ISO 148 13 -1 iuc il lirics rh e- toll o wi ng SCr/ IÙ:C do maùrs:
T l'a vc,lcr in forma ri o n;
• T r:lffic lll a n:lgenl(' lI t ;lllJ ope ra li o us;
Vo:h ide ser vi.:<: s;
• Freigllt rril ll s por r;
• l' ublic Irn nsport;
ElIle rg<:tlC)';
• T mn sporl-rda le J d e.lrunic p:1 }'m':l1l;
Road lnm spurl rela led pc rsurll l sa f':l }';
\'\'c atho:r a n d cll\' irun m.: n l:11 condi tiu ns JlI o n ituring;
D i ~a sl er n:s pu ns .: 111 a Il n g':llIe Il t anJ c uurd in a rion;
N atio n;l l scc ur ity.
• Pr<:r rip iniorma ti o n;
• On -trip in iu rnu ti on;
Ro ule g ui<b ne<: an d navi ga, ion l'n:lrip;
Route: g uida ne.: a nd n:J viga ri o n o n-trip;
T ri I' pl a nn ing s u p por r~
Travd s.:rvices in fo rl!u ti o n.
2.3.3 Traffie Management and Operations
Thc ISO Im c rn :l ti o n:11 St:Jnd:1rd 14 8 13- '1 de-scrihcs this dOl11a in 3S, " T hc ll1:1 n:1 gcIn.:n l o f t],e !TIo\'<:mcnt o i vchi d <:s , tr.:l \'d.:rs 3nJ pcdCSlri:1ns duough oU[ thc r ond
Ir:1 l1sp urt l1<:rwurk ."
Th(' tra ffic m anage me nt and o)x'ra rio ns d o ma in incJ lIdes the follo wi ng se t\,ico?
g ro ll ps:
• T raffte Jl1a n;l geme m ;l nd con rr o l;
T r;H)~ p O I'l rchllcd in cidclll nwn;\gclll cnt;
De m a nd m a n age me n t;
T T;lns po l'l Infras tr uc ru l' C ll1<li1HCn:lll eC m.1nagc lllC'lH;
Po lic ing/e nro rci ng tr a me regll l:l rio ns ,
2.3.4 VehicIe Services
Thc im rn ;Hionil I sliHldard rn ;l kes ir dc a r rh a r ea lc:go ri za rion o f rhe $(' I'\, IC<:S
imo Il dOIll :1 ills docs nOt i Illply t!t'lI :111 ITS ;l fc h ircc ru rcs sho lllcl he rC'lll ircd lO
follo\\' th is cnnslruc tioll. T he cO lls rrll c tio n Ihat th e)' use s ho uld be th nt wh ic h is
b.:s t suileJ tu tlteir ult im nle u, ... :1 nd s h o uld b.: ind.:p::ndcnl uf lit e: se rvi ccs Ih 3t
llt e y su p po r!. Il" sho ll id :l Is o b.: m ad.: .:l car rh a l Ihe I;Wtb rd is iO': lI sed un ITS
sc rvic<:s, ;m d no r n n lI p po l'l ing c n:l b ling rcc hnologic s (e.g" medi a pro l'i sio n).
It a lsn l1 otC$ fha r sc rvi ces ;l rc o ftcn in rc rdc pcndc n t on, or prov i der~ IO, o. he r
scrviccs with in a servicc gr o np o r 'Hl' kcy cn3 ble rs ior t bc prm 'isi on ot s<:r vi ccs in
o lller sc rv icc grou!'; . Ir fu rr hcr ob se rvcs th :H in arc h irecw rc! cla bora t ion s bascel 011
rh ese sc r \'iccs il is im porra m rha r fhe prn poscd CI"S itic;ltion sc helll a ide ll t if}' 1(//10
is rcsponsihle fnr th e provisi n l1 o i che se rvic".
T he ISO illlè rn ari u lla i SI,)nU a rJ H S J3· 1 d es.: ribes rh is d um ain as, "E nha m:e m<:nl
0 1 safcr}', scc llrity and e ffìcie nc y 111 vc h icl e ope ra rio ns, b y w,' nlings <llld assista nces
lO llsc rs or con rrol vc hiclc o pc J':1Tions,"
T hc \'ehicle services d0l11 3i n incl u des th c iol lo w ing servi cc g roups :
T rnnspo rr-rd :lt"d visi n n en hanc"m ... nr;
AU tol11:HCd vch iclc opc r:1 tio n;
C nlt isinn :l\'o idance;
S,1Ìc t)' rC:1 d incss;
PrccT3s h restra im deplo )'l11cn t.
Typt:s of ITS Scrviccs
Frelghl Transporl and Loglstks
Th c ISO inrcrn arioll;l I smnda rd 14 813 -1 descr ibes rhi s doma in a s:
InlroduClion lo ITS
fr ighr rra nsporr ;ll1d logisi ics doma in indllde s rh c follo wing scr vicc grollps:
:\dlllinisrra!i\"e fll l1 Crion5:
• Commerciai \"Ch icle p rc cl c:1r::rnc.:;
• Co mmcrc ial v.:hicle administm ti vt: pr oct"sscs;
• !\uroll1'Hed l'oad ide safery ins pecr ioll;
• Co mme rci :1 1 vc h iclc o n-board sa lcrr monilOring;
c.ollll1le rcia l fllll c rioll ~ :
• Freigh t tr:msport Ile.:! management;
IIllt:rmodal in forrmllion lI1a nagt:l1!cnt;
M:lllilge ll1e nr llnd conrrol of inrermodal c C'nrc-rs;
M .1nagc rncnr of d .1tlgcrolls frcighr.
The rransporr-rcl,m:d clccrronic p,lym cnf doma in includcs rhe tollowing ser\' icc
Tr:ms p orr-rd::r tccl dee!ro nie tin :meial tr:lI1s::retions;
Inrc:gT:ltiol1 of tr::rnsport-rcbte d electronic pay ment scrvices.
Public Transport
The ISO inrcrn:ninn:l l standard 14S1.l- ·1 dcseribcs !his dom:lin 35, " Oper:! tioll of
publi.: Ir:ms port s.:rviecs :m J the pro\'ision oi opcr:1ti on:l 1 informarioll to tht" opt:ralor :lIId uscr, im:luJ ill g ntu lr imoJ:I1 asp ~(:l s . "
T he pub li..: TI' ,1J1 SpOI't doma in IlIclud es rh fo ll owing sl' rvice groll ps:
Pllblic .[<wcl sccuri.y;
Sa fer), e nhntlCCllll?lHS for \'ul ncr:1ble road u s(>r5;
S,d c r)' Cn h'lt1CCmClHs for dis'1bled ro,ld IIscrs;
S'llcty p ro\' isions for pcd CSiriatls usi ng inrcll igcnr juncrion s '1n d li nks.
Weather and Environmental Conditions Monitoring
Thc ISO inrc rn:uiollal st.lIld:lrd 14813-'1 descri hes this dOlluin ns, "Activirics [h :n
monitor anJ noti fy wcat ht"r 3nd t:nvi r onrnent31 <.:onJ ilions."
The we:Jrher a nd t'1l\'i ronmen ra l cOlldilioIlS motliroring domain illcludt's rhe
following servi..:e group:
• Environllle nl;11 cO lldir ions moniror ing.
Puhlic rr:m sporr mallagemen t;
Dcm:md rcsponsive amI sh,}fcd rr,lIl sporr.
The ISO in rernariol1a l ~i'lOd;1Td 14S13-1 describcs rhis clolll'1in :1S , " Ro:1d rr;lllspor t
based :Icri vi tics in respol1sc !O n'111l ra l dis:Ist.:rs, civi l d isturba l1ces, or terror 3tt'lCks."
The Jisaslt:r rt"sponse management "nJ <.:oordin"rioll donm in incluJt"s lht" (01·
Jowill g ervie grollps:
T I..: ISO illlern ,lIional st a nd a rd HS 13- ) d escr ibes th is d Onla in as, "Savices del ivered in re pon sc ro incidc lI!s rh;H ;u e c;Hcgorlzed <lS elllc rg,c n..:ies ."
Thc e mcrgency dorn:l in inclllocs rhe followin g scrvicc groups:
• H:\Z:1I'do llS m:Hcrial s ;1I1d inc id e m norific:liion.
Transport-Related Eleclronic Paymenl
The ISO in rCI'I1.Hiol1;l] Sl:lIHL1l'd J 481 3 -1 "cscribes ,his dom:1in as, " T rans,lcriQIlS
and rc,çcrv,uions ior tr,lnSp0Tt reb!ed s.crviecs."
Disaster Response Management and Coordination
Di sas ter d,Hli mallagellll'nt;
DisasTe I' res ponse m<lllagl':lllcIH;
Coorò in;\Ti on with eJ11crgc llC}' agcllcics.
Trnnsport-rda tetl cmerge nc y notifica tiol1 ano persona l sccurity;
• :\rl.:r rhdt vch ide rcco"t"f}';
• ElltergetlC)' vd1i.:Ic ITullagC: lIlell t;
• Emergcne y vehicle prc-elllplioll;
Emergcncy v('hicl(> dala;
Road Transport.Related Personal Safety
The ISO inrcrn,ltion'll st~llld'l rd 14f:13-] dcscribcs ,b is domai n :IS, "P rorection of
tTansport uscrs includ ing pt:dt:stri:ms :md vulner;;blc usc: rs ."
T ho: mad transp0rL rcl at",d personal s:Iic:t}, Jomain im:l udt"s the following servi<.:c
and Supporli.lg Tè(hJlo l ogic~
grou p s!
TIle "",""gem e'lI ,)f " lIn1n1c rci,,1 "cllicl" (lper,, 1ions ; ircighl :md i1 e~ 1 m:m;1gemc nl ;
;)CC i\"lri ~S tholt cxpcdirc th ... a llthori z..1t iOIl proccss fo r C<lfflO a! national ,," d jllnsdictilln~ 1 bllll nd a.ries llnd expe di tc eros., ·m'x"' l tm",("rs (or ,'llthorized c;trg o.
National Security
Thc ISO inteTl1:1rional sr'ln d:! rd 1481.1- ') dcscribes this dOlna in :lS, "Activi t ies rh a t
dirt'ctl)' prote,! or mitigatt' physica l or operalional ha rm lO persol1s ami iacilities
du e [O Il:'Imrlll J islls re rs, civ il Jislll rb:m c'es, or I~rror au<!.:-ks."
Th c n,11I011.1 1 sec uriry dO!1l'1in incltldes rh e follow ing sc'rvice )';l'O\\ps:
• l\·1 oniroring .lIld conrrol of su s piciotl s vch ic les;
Uri liry or pipcli nc Illoniroring.
Otltcr "Vit!ws" of IT5
ITS Data Management
T I..: ISO illlt'rnario ll:ll slulldard 14 813· ' d.:s.:ribc - Il1 i$ dom a ill ,I S, uThe col hH ioll,
lll a ll;l~Cmc lH, ,lll d suppll' of lTS da t.l iO Ic!!.ir i l11~cc Inrercsrcd p<lJ'ries."
The ITS cb t:t m:tn:l3emcn r dOOl:t in inc lu clcs th e tollowing sCfvice groll pS:
• DM:! rcg isrri es;
Dar:! diction:tries;
El11crge ncy mcssagcs;
Control ccntcr o a t.1;
Tr'lffìc m :1I13gemcnt d a ta.
Other "Views" of ITS
Services to Drlvers
111 addiciol1 TO che :1 l1a lysis of e rviccs illlo serl' ice dom a ins, as 'lI1a lyzcd in l SO
1481.1-1, ,hcre are 'l lso mher views thar should he consicle r'cd in m dc I' to IIndcrsr'l nd
1'1'5. E:tch of t hese vi.:ws cumidas .111 aspt'ct or ITS th at C;:lI1 ho: ust'd by interes teo
p3rlies lo g rOllp some oi lite sCrI'ice,;; in di fferent w ars. Thest' ;tre comp leJ11ema r)',
noc comperitivt· me.Hl of 'I nalysis, a nd whe n consld(,J'J ng s" 1I1<brds th.n supporr
ITS th e]' C;l n p ro \'icl c a vcry llsciul view.
\'ile c;:ln sec from rhe lisr of d o mai ns- and especia ll y if wc were to look more
Jceply inlo Ihe scn'iccs which cOl1lprise these domal ns- tha l mali)' oi rhe ser'lices
:1 r~ providl'd rù drivc rs. S~rvicèS (O dri\'ers C;in be c 'Hl'gorizeJ ill!O fil'e ryp~s :
• Driver/usa inforlll31ioll scrvices;
• Driver assismncC' s(' f\'ÌoCes;
Co ll aborative d rive r :lSS isl a nc.: se rvi,es;
• Colla borati\'e Jril'in g sC'f\' ices;
• Subco nscio\ls sc rV lC('S ro chc dl'il'('r.
An llnd erst,lllding of che generie ehal'acrerisrics of th ese sc rVI.: es IO dri\'€'rs can
fllrrhcr .1ss ist Olll" 1I11dcI'sra ndi ng or some as))cc rs of ITS se rviccs.
2.4. 1.1
Driver/User Information Services
Drive r/user informacion scn'iccs prnvide rcl c...-an t inforl11;1tion to chc driver/uscr.
mn y compri se, fo r ex:tll1plc:, sa!e ll ite n 3\'ign tion in{ormation {excluJil1!,; roule
g ll id;1l1Cc/ and conbes d oll and iul'Ìdelll illiorma lio ll.
Tbc c harac reri zing lla ru re of rhis gl'OLI P of ' c( vice i th ac the}' Me passive or
sem i-passive \\' irh rcspcc r lO dr iving or vchidc comrol- p assive in ch:tt they provi de
generai intornution, bm nn specific r :tr3l11ctcrs ;:Ire cnrcrcd 3nd no din:ct driving
a~s i sr;lnce is offercd or llgges l d.
Ofccn looscly incorpora red imo rhis gro llp are ind ircc c scrviccs made possiblc
hy an ITS lin k to rhe veh icle, slIch !lS in-veh icle Inrernet 1m p3sscngers, ancl the
Introduc tlon to 1T5
and 5upporti ng Tcchno logic$
;lhil iry o f passcngers to direcrl)', or Vi;l the In rer ner, hook re St;l ll ra IH ;md hmcl
n,serv3rions, for eX:l mple.
2.4.1 .2
Driver Assistance Services
The next gl'O ll p of ser vi ccs is rh ose th,n provlde (IIrecr dl' iving suppo rr and ,)ssisra llce
lo drivcrs by propos ing moclificuion co drivin g bchav ior, hut do not cnact such
be havior. T hese sys leltlS are furlhe; chanH:leriZed in bein g stand -alone. Tha l is,
the y d o Il o r requir cbe cOllllllllnic,lli oll or cooper;l(ioll o f orbe r vehicles.
An cX:\ll1plc of ch is ,ypc of sc rvicc is :\ la llc dcp'!f CllI'C w 'lI'oing sys,cm, whcl'e
the d river receivcs :ln audihlc, vi sua l, or sc nsory (usu a lly \'ihrarion) w;un in g w hen
he is about tu s trar from tht' Inne. Other cxamp les include fo rwa rd and backward
obs!ade w:trlt ing s)'s!t' ms, where Ihe driver is alertt'd rha ! he is belling dose ro <In
ObS!'lcle; a nd round b lind co rner ,1ssisTance SyS ICIllS, which pl'o\'ide a CCTV illl,lge
frol11 tlt e fr om oi the \'eh iete. Ro u te g niclaocc, wh e re the d r iver progr:1IllS h is
d est ina tiol1 and the s)'Stelll ;lclvises h im of route d irection s, !l Iso falls into th is grou r.
\'(-'ith lhest' scrl'ices, the in iorn13ti o n to !he drivt'r is driving. spt'cific, and ad\'ises
Ihe driver IO 1H0dif)' driver beh à l'ior.
Man]' of Th c c al'l r insta nccs of
whieh .trC 'l lrcady <lpp(,<1I'in~ in prodncc iotl
Illodds, provid c sCfvi ces o i .h is natn re as rhe}' ;) re sig nitlc anrl y e;l sier tO de sig n .lll d
install :lncl, w ith the exception
congcstion sc nsitivc mute g uidance s ystcms, do
nor ne;;J a l:ommunication link tu third par!ics u Uls ide o f Ihe veh iclc.
2.4 .1.3
Collaborative Driver Assistance Services
Col ),lhora cive driving seryices 3 1so prnvidc d river assis rance ,crvices, hu t req ui r"
a cOllllllunicaliun lin k fo other \'chieles and /o r lhe in ira slructu re lo prol'idt" lhc
ser \rice.
Etrly cx;'\m pl cs of thesc sc rviccs were elc.:tro ni.: ro.)d rol l co ll ec cion 'ln d vchicle
;lCCCSS contro! sptems. )-Io\\'cve r, the charactcrizatioll of these sys reJlls more t)'picIII}' requires inforl1latinn from nllters in orJer tu provioc the servic!:.
Coll is io ll warn ing ad"i,e s)'$rems , where :1 vehi cle collec!s IOC:Hioll, 1Il0Vt:l1I cll!,
,lnd d<l ll ger in formation fro m ot her ve h icles, is <l morc rl'pi.;al t'x'lmple of whc rc
rh is rypc of scrvicc is hc:tdcd.
An example woulcl be \...-here a vehicle derccts ice, or an otherwis c slippcry
su rim:c, a llJ s~ nJ s thal in(ormation tu olher vl·h icles nearby, aovising tbem oi the
<bnger. Once rece ived, rhe dri\'er rece ivt's uJvice o i rhl' d is cance lo('a rioll a lld mHUn:
of rh e wal'l1ing. \'(lh" l1 he is apPl'o,)ching th c d"n~cl'oll s ,\l'ca, he J'eec ivcs a scco nd
The p rima ry char.1cte ristic of th is typc ni servicc is Ihac it can only be pcrtormed
\\'hcrc chere is lj llasi ·.çolllinllous cOlll mu n ic a lion wi!h o cher velticlcs a n d/or Ihe
iII fra srrllcll1r ....
Collaborative Driving Selvices
Coll a bora,ivc driving se ,'v,ces a re of .1 si lll ibr ":Olllllllllliea rio ns rla m re co .;ollabora·
ti\'c drivef ,Iss isnlllcc sefviccs, cxcc))r rh3r chese s)'stel1ls direc"r cHcc t control,
r:1ther rhan advisc, the dr iver.
,..·jeam of khieving ITS Sel'o'lèes
E:-;amp!cs of chese spreJ1J5 ,,:i ll hc collision :lyoid allce: S}'StcIllS, gr:ld e (leve]
crmsing) col1ision avoi d a ncc s)'sccms, ,md pbtoo ning.
Tht'" na lUTe of {hest'" se n 'ices Tt'qu ire eha t musI, i{ nu! all, l'chicles art' t'"q ui ppt'"d,
<lnd ;lre rherefor(', ;H the rime of writil1 g rhi. boo\;, fr/tlll'e s)'sle/lls th a r J1l;lY nor
a pp·e;1f for ,1110ther decade or more. Howcl'e r, in order for rhem ro be poss ible,
the c0 n1111u n icarions :!rc h itccm re:s h:we to:lt IC;lSC sta rt to 11.= iltlplcmented in vchicles
in the near term.
spccific:1 IJ}- designed for ITS. Gcncric wirclcss mcdi:l 5u nd:1rds can :llso be lIsed
t o provide infras,ruc turc-to- infrastnlctu re ITS services.
OfcouTse, II'hcn considcring Yehid"- Io·infrastruclllre, infras lrm:tu re . to.vehide,
or \'e hide-ro-veh icle ITS commu nica tions, (Il(' medium ha s ro be wire less.
ITS scrviccs C;ln in so me circumsc;lI1ces be p rol'ided by ge ner ic sr;lndard izcd
Jlledia, such :lS ccl lub r rd e phony e1nd mobile wirekss broadonnd . Ilowevcf, the
J ' 'Jllnnds ot a wirdess system with muving Cra nsien t p:lfticip:mts mt'":lI1 thnc che
S:ln1(' p('rfoTm;lIlc(' for ba ndwiJ rh C<lllnot be ~lch ievt' J (t'lHllp.'m :J with per iorl11ance
o f simibr nont11obile links).
\'(fhcre rhc se rvi cc, rne rdorc, bccome5 rime c r itic<ll (;15, for eX<l mplc-, wirh Ol<1ny
safe!y rt:bted driver assistancc se rl'ices ), i, b::comcs des ira ble---even essen tial-ro
!lSC: mc:dia thal" are spc:ci iicall}' JesigneJ :mJ optimizt'J fur thc: provision of IT,S
services. \X-1lere sa ier)' rel,H('d l'ehide behal'io!' rlIodific;lrion serl' ices "re ill\'olved,
ir becol1\c$ abso lll te ly ncccssary ro \ ISC dcdic,1tcd, <1nd prcferably pro,cc rcd, med ia
speci ficl ll}' dcsigned for ITS.
There are other aspects of (TS service: provision th;]t can, in some ca ses, bc
gcneric sta nd a rJized rechnitlues !lsed for l 'l'S, gc:neric sc,mclaTJizcJ lcchniq ue s
ad;IPred for ITS, or rec hl1iqu ès speciflc'a ll y de\'e loped for ITS. EX<1ll\ples include:
(l} d;Ha dcfin iiion rechniqllcs, sue h :IS Absrr:lcr S}'lll:IX Notation Onc (ASN.l),l cl:!t;1 noc:ltion , cch ni que tn :H can be used fo r ITS d:H:l definition, :wd in somc
cases enc{)ding :md t ran sfer; (l } X~'IL, \Veb sc:n'ices , (Pv6 (NE1\.i O)-gene ric stnndard ized lnt ern(' t $en'ico:s, whe re options can be oplimizeJ ior ITS lise a n d inle roper.
'lbiliry; a nd (3) spccific serl'iccs slich as gcnenc fare ;\l1d ro ll rr;lnsactions, whkb
:HC orren bc'r s\rc ific;l lly des igned fo r lTS, bur C;ln be in reroper;lble wirhin fh e
ITS sector, :md in multi p le s.c rl'ices in rh" secror.
Subconscious Ser.'kes lo the Driver
Suhconsciolls serl-ices co rh e driver also rcqu ire 3 communications link to the
"chicle, but not to d ircct!>· affect JTivcr action, noI', usuali }', tu advise the Jriver.
Auwlllaric soft \\'ar(' upda te s ro rbe vehicle's engim: or SyS[(,1ll m"nag('ll1enr
sofrware is ooe cX<1 mpl c of th esc cypes of sC:Tvices . Thc)' e;Hl be Ilnp lcrnenred o n a
rnllch s horrc r rimcsc:I lc th:1 Jl collaborative driving sc rvices, o r coll;lbor:Hivc driver
ass isrnnce se rviccs, hut rcquire n cO lllllluniC:lIions link ro th c vchicle.
Means of Achieving IT5 5ervices
Anothcr illlport mH l'i,,w uf ITS serl'ice provi silln is 111<: nu:,:'Jns o i rrchit::l' in g [he ITS
scrvice. Tbis 1$ gen erally a comtllllnica ri ons~ClH t ic vic\\'o For:l whi lc in ,he n,Hioll;l l
:lJ'ch ilccru rcs :md in ISO 148 13 -1 , rhe pc rs pccrivc wa s IO dil-idc l'ne sec ro r in!o
d iHerenr sen' ice grou p s ;lnd dnJ1l:lins; bur whcn ir comcs to equipping veh icles with
ITS in lc:rf.lces ;mJ providing rr network of b t,acons lo cummuniç:lte with t'hc:m , thc:
a n:h ile crural sep:lra ri o ll of se rvict' types <l nd charil.: reris lics becollles less imporlanr
a nd, ind ccd, is of a low order or import:.l ncc. Hcrc w c <1r.: pmring on e com munÌ<:arion f:lcilicy in :l \'cbiclc IO ta lk to ;l lirnited ll11rnbCf of J'Oadside I-X;:lcons. It is trlle
rh:1t chere may be multiple types oE COlllll1Unic.ltinn Illedia links, but the em phas is
is co be ablc: tu neC\'Iurk ·Jiiferen l media, so lh ;H lhere is one frrci li ty in thc: \'eh icle,
a nd O!l(' o r morl? comnmn ic:1ti o ns medi;l rlt ro llgh wbicb ir co nducrs its IT5 CO llllIlU n iC:l ri ons. Th a t onc commllnicarions f'lciliry \ViII c,lrry wh;l rcl'cr ITS COfJ1J1lllllic;lrions services a rc rcql1 ired.
From this pe rspec tiv~' wc neecl IO carc:goriz<: h r the type oi communication;
a mI :l lisr oi services CIII bt' prov iJed usi ng each type oi cOlJlllllrnication.
NOTE: A si nglc rrpe of coltllllllni c<1 !i o n is Ilor l'hl' snme <1S 'I singlc commullicari o ns Illcdilllll, bur more the nartlrc of rhe commu ll icario n (i.e., infr;lsrrllcmre ro
l'c hicle, \-ch iclc to infr:lscrllctu re, l'eh icle to vchiclc, nnd in fr.lsrructu re to in frns,ruclun.-}.
\'(Ihile ISO 14 813 - 1 is fCK:llSt::J o n 't'rvice provisioll in ;11\ :lrch ir('clllra i COT1t('xr
or serl'iee dOJ11;l i ns and ~rollps, in order to pro\'idc ali lTS sl' rvice rhe rc \lS1l:1 11)'
(buI' nor alw<l}'sl needs to he o nc or more COl1l111l1ll ic,ttions med in in pl acc.
For infr:lstructllre-to-i n imsrrucnt re rrs, sllch ns f1lan y :lSpCCr5 of tmiric control
sys rcJ1\s, a genera i pmposC' IT/I CT mcdil1ll\ C:1!l Ix· lIse d. Th is mil)' \Veli be ;1 wired
mcdi um , Oli! increasingly, wirekss mcd i'l a re bci n!; l1 sed wi ,hin rhe iniI:l STJ'IlCwrc.
( Iowe\'er, chese mcdi:l are gener ic st:lnd:l rdi7.e d media uscd 101' ITS, rather tha n
Introduction to ITS SèrvÌ(es and Supporling Techu{)logies
1T5 Services far Vehides and Theìr Occupants
'l'he previotls secrions o f {his chapler have cOllsidered the service Jomains a nd
g rOl1 ps (i. ·~ . , rlle g roll!, head ings w describe. tunctiona l arc'as o r ser l'ice prol'ision}.ln
cOllsidcring thc sra nd;1 rds requi red ro supporr ITS comnHl nic:l rio ns, il' is worrhwhilc
descrihing ITS se r\-ices t or vehicles a nd ,heir occllpnllts. The prinrit)·, and focus o f
\\'ork , as <:xpbined above, is IO define che communications media stalldards th :H
su ppor! s<::rvièes to l'('hicles alld lh ei r occup;mls. Howev.:-r, iII oTder tu achiel'e
lh is objecriH' s necessfu lly, ir is necessary IO und e rstand rhe reqlliremcllls of rhesl?
sCfv iccs.
Some services, particularl}' in-I'chiclc se rvices, :U C :1 In:'1d)' ddined, imple mcnted,
amI cUTrc: n tl }' opt:rating. Othcrs a re in advanced design, othcrs a re in cari)' research
:Jl1d d('wlopm('IH srages, alld som e orhers :tre sli ll in COllCepH1il l desigll aIl d an:h irec·
TUre ddiniriotl .
\"lir oour com p:1rativc r;esring, ir is not )'cr c lear whi ch mode oi sel'yicc prov ision
is hest for which servicc. Some scrvices :lre bes t pro\'ided strictlr in-I'chicle, wichout
lh c- need for ITS cOIIHl1lwicario ns wirl! the infl'<lsrrucnlre or orh er vehicles; orll('r
sCf vi ces ;lJ'C bcsc providcd vi;] ;In itlsr'l lieci inrr:lsrruc mre; :md orber se rvices MC
besr pcrformed bctwee n veh iclcs cornmuniC:Hing direcrl)' \\'ith each orhcr or by :ld
IT S Scrviécs for Vehiéles and Tlleir Occuprrnh
hoc J1lc~h nerwork s rh:t t evolve bCTween rr:tffic 1151113 :t p:t rtic ul:1 r s-rerc h of m;ld
:Il :I particubr rim~.
E'H:h mode h:ls ilS propou~n[s. ue h mod~ is in a Jift'aenl Sl:lg.: 01 de\' elopmcn l.
Thcll {here is rhe co mplc'xilY of [\1<" eh o i\.'(· of which air inrerfacc mcdiunl is rnosr
;lppropri a rc ro co nsidcr .1S wcll.
E:1Ch rnetho d ha s its :1d l':lIH;l ges ,'nd disadl·.lrHages. Some o f the dis ad v;lntagcs
a re :tln:au y known w be (or tri:ds .1n d Je:ployrnent will su b s~que- ntl >, pro ve: them
lo o.:: ) funJ 'lI11Cl1[<1I1>' \ln~llimole ior lhe pro\'isioll ut' :l p:u ticu la r se rvie". Acwal
(kpl o~'mc lH will dCJ)t'nd Otl :1 mix of rec hni c'll su irilbifjry, 10c<l 1 rcg ll hll io ns, illld
Ill:l rkcr forccs.
Thi s charTer providcs'l list oi actu.11 and envis agcd serl'iccs. It do::s nm comprisc
a eom p le:te list, anu the liSI e:vol ve s over timt'. Some of the: s" r viee:s deseribed in
llt is cha pter art: '1 l n.';'J d )' irn ple rnt"nteJ and il\'àibble, or a! le'ls1 have bl'':1l COIl id ered
co ncepru.11J>' ,md ~lI'ch ircctu rc opl io ll S el',du 'llCd. iv! osr a re i Il sOllle form of tesI or
de\'(~ l o pment. The 5ervices are br iefl}' dcscrined, ;1nel i, shou ld ne noted rh;H rhese
dcfinitions a re nor ncccssaril}' the fina l se rvicc dcfinirions, anel r.Hher ar" cxamp!e
SUmrn3 r)' ddinitions.
M<lrl}' of tbe defill1rions ha l'c becr\ obr<lined fr o m T/n! CALi\,f Hill/dboo /.:, a nd
l'rom se \'er.ll lTS archi rccnrre dcscr ipr iol1s ;1(01111<1 chc world. As stlch, rhe sh on
dc~cri ptions in rhis book a re usuali}' ;) reprcscn r.a tivc anlal g;1m of sl ig htly yaryi ng
dc:t:in itio ns in diHcrent archit.:cture:s, r:l ther than direct quotcs t'rom :lI1y one. Ho\\'e:Ver, the ~o un:es fo r rhest.' :l 111:rlga rna le J descripl io lls :tr" :rcknowledgeJ iII the
biblio~r,lphy ,11 lh e end of this book, In-veh icl lTS serl' iee dcfirli ri o ns ha"(' been
co ll;Hcd t'rom sr:1 n(l:1 rds 'lnO st:1llel:1 rds wo r.·ing pa pcr& ;lno frorn all TomOTive mantl t'acrurcr dcscr iprions of cu r rcn T and t'urure prod ucr$.
Thc services are b ridly summ a rized. Thcre \l'ili be va ri 3tions trum implementn.
li oll lo implernellra ti oll, ,1llJ w ill l'ar}' oY('r lime. These JescriptiollS slt ou lJ be
l'ie \\'ed ,15 g,ener:1 1 dcsel'iptions a nd nor precise speciftc:1rio ns,
2 .6 .1
sys tem ro suppon rhe driver is '111 in-ve hicle a(lplicariol1, a5 a re ti rc prcssure sCl1sors.
In the lalte r case th.:r.: is a lI'irde:ss commullication, but its functionnl irr lies e:nrirdr
wi th in tl tt.' vehide. I-Io we:\'er, al1 in · \'ehide video scree n s>'s tem ma)' ",el i b" lIsed
!O COlll'e}' dMa fro m al1 fTS sysrem, snch as s,lrellire n'lVig,lTlon, coll isio n warniIlgs,
<1nd \'<l r iablc mCS5,1~e sig n dM;" T bc rwo prinç ip'11 rcdll1ic'll cOlllmin ccs (ISOrrC
204 a nd Isorre 12 ) h;1\'c ;1 fo rma I li:lison in p iace TO clc-:!l wi rh thcsc i~ sl1es of
()\rt:'rlnpping St·r\' i c~s.
S>'sterns thilt lise: sell$ors tu th" "n\'ironrn"nt 3rOllrld Ihern li.: on rhe: di\'iding
li tle bE'rw('etl T C22 '1nd TC204 . In gerh>r'<l l, ",he:r'c rhl'rl' is serlsi ng, of th e o mido?
w orld, bm no COlll ll1l1nic'l tion w irh it (for cX:l ll1plc, iirsr gcner:ni on " da p.i\'c crllisc
contrnl), iT is considere:d w iThi n rhe pun' iew ot a n in-\'chicle systcm and sran d'lfds,
\l'here: appropria I!.", .md is (o r \l'i li be) de\'clopeo by ISO/l'C ll. Whe:n: lh.:re: is a 111'0 '
wa)' cOiJlllluniea ri on wi th anorh" r wh ide, person, or ill iras rruc(lI re, il is g~ n ~r,l11 )'
.;;onsider'cd wirhin Th e purvic w o f ISO/TC 204 . Thi s dc line<lrlotl is, or COlll'SC,
import.1m co tll1derST:1nO ir roti a re lookin g for che mosr li kcl r sO ll rce Or:l sta llela rd .
\,\-'ith in th is b oo k, th is tl'p:: o f se rvice will b:: found within Sectinn 8.4.
One impo rtrrnl characrer islic o i lhis t )'pe o i serl'ice in r c:!a lion to inlern:lriollal
stand'lrdiz miorl is rh,H (he te is ofro?rl liu le Ileed for imernalion,ll sr<lllda rds ,1S rh e
il pp li ç,trion is emi rcl}' in-\'ch iclc, ;l nd Th ercfore ':;1 n be adcq ll i1 !cl y provid ed by rhe
,"ch icle l11;ll1l1f:1cml'er. Indced, ;ln }' inrell ec tu;ll property m:lr ne prorccted ro givc
commercia i adval1t:Jge o\'er competitor ;; utomot il'e m3nu t'actun:rs. \Vc discussed
so me of lhes.: iSSlles in Secli on 1.5 . T hu s, ii Citruell Jel'elops One syslem for iorward
or reve:rse obs tac le w'lrning, 'll1d Bl\'lW lI ses <l di fferen t rechnology to pr'O\'ide a
sillli!;1r se rvicc, the)' '::1n ;1r~IIC <l bOll r lh e mcrilS oi Th eir sysrc ms in ,he m'l rkc r
pLlCe, nor in :1 st.1ndardiz.ation comrnirrec, bcc3use st<1nd.uds are nor requ irccl
unless some mt:ans oi asse:ss ing pert'orm allce of the service, or minimum servic.:
S(iluJarJs re qll ireJllen ts, \}ecotl\e des ira ble ur req llired b}' l,l\\' .
H owel'er , wh en ir co tll e~ CO I~S ll es th'lr, while io-vc hide, invo lve co nslIlllablc
or rh ird parrr equ ipmcn r thar m:l}" he supplicd rn multiple \'Chiclc Ol :1l1ut';lcru rers,
then st:1nd ards are n:qlli recl . A good examp!c of th is is for lire pressure se nsor
syslems. Tires are m an ufaclu.ed br diii!."renl cornp:mies th:ln l'eh icles, a lld une
mode l of lir,,,, is a l"li lable ro Illu lri p l", vehicle rnarlllfac rUfers. Tires wi ll bè' rep[;\ced
sevcl';l l rim c5 dl1r'in~ rhe lite(im e o f rh c "eh icl ~, ,md in ~1 co mpet itive w orld mar be
repbced by Tires t'ro m ;1 cliffcrenr manu tactllTer. Scand;uds fo r ri re senso rs h:1\'e
therdore \x, en de\'doped. Further, the ex.lct rne::rns ot ilchi"l'ing a irbag or sc:nbdr
pe rfo rm ance Joes not ne.:d ro be st:l n Ja rdized , liU l per t'urrn am:e :lnJ co n forma nce
lests {Co meas ure lha r <l system 'lch it' l'es lllinilllllrH requ iremenrs rt'<lllired by reg ll bTi ons ;lfC rcC]uircd, and so srandards h,n 'c bccn de \'clopcd.
In-Vehide ITS Servkes
\X'i!lti n the l'eh icle, and n o I' rehring ro il nyl hing o m side (h e sp here or rh e velllde,
il is possible ro pro\'id e sCfl'iccs rh,H may be co nsidercd ,l parr of lTS. f'e rlwps dle
rnmt \l'ell known :ll1 d mm;: widcspread of th ese se rviccs ;H e :1 irb;lgs, which inth Tc
immed iardy prior 10 collision. A lesse r known, b ut becoming wiJespr.: ad a pp lica li un art: lire press ure st'nsors. These 3rt.' r:lJio frequerH:}' id éllliii ~'3tion (RHD)
dl'l'ices, ernbedded in the t1rl'S or whel'ls, which reporr lh e lire pressnres ro rhe
vchicle 11l;l1l,lgc m c;:nr sysrem; rh is sys rem C:lO 'lle ... the driver in case of il b no rl11 a l
tire pressu re, or 13Ck th crc o f. First gcncration t'orw:lrd ;mcl rC;lr collision sysrems,
first gencration adap li ve cruise control s>'stems, ami first genera ti on !an.: dep3rture:
w,n ning sys tents a re o lher eXil rtlpl"s of iu-ve hide ITS services. T h" p ro vis ioEl 01
a n i,t-\'chicle video screell '1I1d rlt e hllm'ltl-Illac hin e iJ1tedace to rcac r wirh ir <lIso
prnl'i de-s inte ll igcnr driver :1SSisrallce and is clearly :1Il in- veh icl e s~r l'ice.
Drawing the line bct\veen wha t is a n in-vchiclc system and w ha t is nor .ln inl'eh ide s)'srem is a fine line, and In !Il<' sr'1I1da rd' world lh is can be .m impo rt,lm
iS$UC as !CI wherher a sT'l nduo is dc vcloped wi .h in Is orrc 22 ( R O,h~ Vehiclcs) o r
Isorre 2 04 (I n telligen r Tm nsport Systems) . elearly, rhe cxa rnp le Ot' :l video screc:n
1r1lrod uctiOrì to 11S Servìc cs and Supportlng Tcdmologics
2 ,6.1 .1
Adilptive Cruise Control l
Acl ilplive au ise control is sim il'lr to convellrion a l emise cOll trol in rhat il lllai J\tili n s
(h e \'cb iclc 's p rcser spccd , Ull l ik {~ conl'enrion,1l cmise contr ol, howc vcr, rh is nell'cr
system can :lu rom:1rically ;l djllST speed in order ro m;lil1Ta in :1 propcr dist:llKC
T h" ~u thu r Olcl:.nuw lt.-J s..:.s dl;)1 thc \oun:c of tltuch u f Ihc IlL:1 tcri :l1 tll th i:s sCl:1iun i\. fro m TIu." C A Ci\{
Forum" t rd ., nn.:! rh ~n k ,; rhem {nr thc tr kmd pL· nnH... inn [Cl reprnducc rh ls mnlt:ri;tl.
for Vchlclt:s and TI dr Occupanls
betwee n vehicles in .hCS;1nlC 1'1nc. This is :1ch ievcd throllgh a r;1dar he:1dw:1)' sensor,
:t d ig itai sig nn l processor, :t nd n longitudinnl controlla. If .he lend vehicle slnws
Jown, or if :lnother ub j<:ct i, J ell:cteJ, .he s}'stert1 senJs :! sig na l tu the " ngine ur
br:lking s}'sceJ11 ro dceeler:llc. The n, wh e n ch e rO:ld is cl ea r, che S)'S lt' 1l1 \ViII reaecc·ler·
., te rh e ,"e h ide b.lek TO rhe se r ' pced.
Antilock Br<lke System
Inlroduction lo ITS Servìtes and Supportlng Teclmologics
;1irhags IO innate nloder;Hcly or aggrcssivcly depcnding on thc c rash eva lll :1 rion.
In-se:lt weight se nsors cm identif)' if the occup:1.I1r is .1 hrg.: pcrson or :l sm:lll
pt'rsuns (s uch :1S chilJ), or 3n empt}' s.:nt, a nd inll3te nccurdingly. Out.ui' pusicion
sensor s idemify :1 passenger's or dri\'er's posirion (usually by eCD a nd/o r C ~'I 05
c:lll1e r:ls). The c1ccrronic cO lHrol u nir '1Il'1I Fc fhe c r.1sh siru;Hion, eV:1 IIl:lring rhe
sensor signals, :md p:::rforms soph isric:ned risI- managemenr ro initi;Hc ;lppropriatc
gn s out-put o ( the twu Sl':lges, igniting oll ir une st:lge or bmh in nri:tble ri me
I\n :1t1rilock brake s)'stem tABS) pr('\'enrs Ih(· wheels rrom lod<i ng whi le braking,
gi\'ing the driver more conrrol :l nd shol'ie ning b r'lking d is ••1I1CC.
2 .6 . 1.3
Active Head Restraint
\X'I1(:n \'elllde sc nsors derc'I;111 IJllm incnr fro nr/rc<1r ' ollis ion, I he se"t he;1d r<:-srr,IIIHS
desig n ed to move up a nd iorward to carc h ,he OCCllp:lIlt'S hC:ld bc:forc .hc
\'i"k'nt whipl:tsh mo\'ement can st3rt.
Aulomiltic: Lighl/I'leildIilmp
Senso rs dercct ;1\';l ilable li gh r in rhe vch iclc's slIr rolllldin gs and a ll tOtll:1 ri c;ll1y swi tcb
on or ofi he'ldl:lmps ,md t:til Iamps.
Adaptive Drivetrain Management
The dC\'c!opmcnr oi elccrronic \'ch ic!e s ystems :tl ready enabJes the e" rens ion of the
Jri ... cr's \'isunl horizon tu :ln deetronie horizon. Br :lntieipating c.:rt;1 in Jri\'ing
si lualiol1s, :111 ùn -boa rcl S)'stO:I1l ( ' al1 recummenJ hanJling str:ll~gies ro rhl': driver.
By mc a n ~ of rhe grouping, compie" :l n;l lr sls, and sc lec rioll of "Il Info rm '1riol1,
$pc:cific infillenccs can be: e"ertc cl on dri\'c rrni n n1an ,l gC I11Cnt '1I1d driving srr.llcgics
.1il11ed:le n:dllc ing ill cl cons umpTion cali be derived. :-Jew driving srm tegies c:!n ne
J.:\'dopcd to urilizc such pu tcllt i:d. The re slIlts c:d eubecd from simubtiolls indie:!te
subslanlial ':IIIS in fllel <:O Il S\lIllptlOrl.
Airbag Controi
Airbags inlh le at thl' lime or a .:r:lsh lo protect th" occupanes . Thc tim ing ui :lirbag
inf) a rioll is de<:Ìs i\'(' ro ac hic'V(' lIlaXillllllll l'rol<?ccioll. Th e :lirb'lg must bl' op::-ned
in rhe r ighI' lIlillisccond. If ii ope ns fOO la rc, occlIpanrs c01l ld be inju red. If ir o pc ns
too e;lr1y, the}' 3re Ilor prmecTed ;lde <lll'Hcly, sin cc thc ;l irh:!!; no longe r h;lS jt.~ ide;ll
lurm lIpon il11pnet.
Airb;)~ cOl1trol s)'slcm, pra.:"ss iniurllla tiun irum :1 llIul[ipl icity of st'lIs0rs in
rhl' C;\ I' ro adj usr rhe acrivated p roteC[ioll ll1e;)S\lres precise ly, dl'pellding on rhe
il l1:1 lyzcd 5i tll:Hiol1. This CI1SlIrC thM rhe :l pprOpriiltc prorectivc I11c;1sU rcS MC i,lk ' n
.H prccisely The righ. moment. The ;l irn:1g cOIlTrol devi cc a lso insu nrly Triggers
.JJJition31 rne:tSUTt'S likc unlucking Jours or swi[ching oii the fllel pump.
Airbag Control-Intelligent
Airh:tg contTol c:tn Il.i liz.: :!ddition:tl s<:nsors :tnd inf"rmarion processing. "ccidem
scc n<lnos ;lre ddined by type ;l nd h<:-<lviness or impact:; combined with special driver
:l nd P;1S e l1gcr si rll:1rions. V:lri;tble g;1S ourpllr .1ccolllmod:lTc:s che rcqll ircl11e nts fo r
~pc:cific crnsh situ:nions, m:cup:1nc)' ;1I1d the d r iver/p3 sscnger position. Th is cnan!cs
2.6, 1,8 /Idaptive Headlight Aiming
AdapllVo? hC:ldl ighr aiming prov id es illformiHion ro \'ehides :111d <ldjllsts h eadl;lInp
senings IO 1 0c~ 1 condirions. Uril izing sc nsors rb ,l( rC'1d slich r,1CtOl'S ;\ S the spcc d
of thc veh icle, sreering, GPS intoTlll a rion, ,md we:trhcr, he;ldlighr nunllf'lcturcrs
are de",doping :lutom:ttic srste:ms .h:H c:tn d"lin:r the: bt:st nighttime vision for :ln}'
gi",;,n ro3d s\.'<:I1:lriu, T hese inlell igenl ligltling tt'c1mulugit's (adaptive h'::1dlighr
,lirning, or ;1da plive fronr lighring SySTCIllS, ;lIld sill1ibr) include side lighrs thar a rc
.1criv:l(cd a5 nccdcd n5 wel l as front hcad lighrs th,l( al'C SJ1l;1frcr rh.1n rb ei r "rcdeccsso rso E:tch headlight C:1 n ne individu:tlly :l imed 50 t!1;1t lig ht can be rrnined on rhe
driver ' s lane nml nut into the uneoming lane.
In 10 \'/ spe.:J siwations, lih resiJt'lll ia l driving, lite s>'s lclIllo\\'ers rhe he;ldblllp
aill1 ilnd incre.1ses thc horizollwl spl'c,1d of rh c light ro illuminate side w,1Iks, inrersccrions, pedcsrrinns .1nd cu rn s. T h is ieilTUrc is 'l\lrom;1tically ;1criv;ltcd .H ce rmin
n:h icle specds (usuali)' hdow 37 mph). Th", light i n~ sysrem reveills pedcsrrians or
biq'dists (ar cHlicr than st:lnclard l i gh!in~ S}·sh:ms.
011 Ihe highw,,}', sensors re'lCt w rh e speedo merer a nd, :\ s si'-eed irlCre,lSes, ra iso:
fhe head l;lIllp bC:llll iO illul1lina re i l long;:-r view of rh e ro,,<1 a he.1d <1nd n;1frO W rhe
hCiln1 so irdoes IlOt inrfudc imo tllc parh oi oncol11ing tTaffic. Sensors :luwl11:ttically
:tcl'iv:lte this fe :ll'ur<: :lt spcecls 3bo ..." 50 I11ph. Thcsc systcms cnn ;lIso move th"
heaJlarnp bcall1 tu lullu\ ;I Curve:, rd yin):; on scnsurs in tht' stet'rin~ whed :lncl
;lill1ing Ih e light in Ih(, direclion rh.,r thc \'ehlcle is rr;\\'elìng. Th is {(';lHlI'C aLo keeps
th e lighr in The drivc r's lane :lnd prc\'cnts blinding oncoming mororisrs.
In ;] lcit-h a nd rllrn, the Icfr headli~hr wil l pivot up w -15 degrecs (the r ighthanJ ht':td light ren1:lins puinto:d stmigh! :lhencl), :lnJ in a right-l1:lnd tum, .he right,
head lig hl will pivor up lo 5 d eg.,;,es {Ih ,;, Idl · hand head lighr rema ins pOinl('d straighl'
<1h e;1(1). In bad wca rlwl' slic h "s fog or SrlOW, rh e sysfe l,n lowers rhe Iwadl'lIllp ;lim
to impro\'e sidc lighTing :1nd n:1rrOWS thc forw:1rd bC.1111 l'O ;1 s h;lrp pcncil hca ll1
dccrc:tsing thc gbrc. This i,,-a tu re c:tn be aeti\·:tted with n n13I1U.11 comrnl :ts well
as rhrough vehicle scnsors.
E;Hly inSi;lIlti ;Hions :1rc in-\'eh iclc dcviçcs controllcd olcly by in-vch iclc sc mors
;md :!l'I: :1lrC'ldy in the O1arker p bce.
2.6 ITS Scr'.'jccs for Vchkles <Jlld Thclr Occupants
Backwards Obstacle INarning
The,,"c s yste ms detecf o hsfacl es (by ultrasollnd, r'ld:lr, or inir:lred) whe n rhe \'ch iclc
is moving h:lckw:l ru :md SOllllds, :l brm when an obst:ldo: is so:nsed.
Blind Spollnformalion
These "yste ms ,ue ch:si gncd to cletect vchiclcs, pcdcs fr i:1I15, or OhST:lcks in :t drive'r's
blind spor Il}" usinI; camt:ras or scnsing devices th a t a re iittt:d tu monitor h lind
>pO L> (s lll:h :lS by tlle si dc ·rnirrors, ne ri g hL nnglcs Lo Lho: frOlli of Ihc "ch icl.:, or al
a lo \\' le vel ~H rhe back of che "elude), An indic a ror blllp i~ i1lum ina ted, or (bedrivcr's video d is pl ay i ' ;lCli"<lrcd a nd/o r a n ~l1rdiblc w arni ng is p rovidcd \\'h cn
:lc ti vi fY is dcrcc ted i n thc blind Sp ot and rccngn izeel :l S :1 potc nria l proh lcm. Thc
sys te:111 is :l wn rc of Ihe vchiclc d ire..:tion :m d spce:d so Ihat' it cnn l11nkc a pp rop ri a te
juJgllu:llrs ns ro what ..:a lllaas lo acri vn re: :lIId w il rn illgs/illlago:s IO su pply. for
e xa mplc, whe n thc C,li' is l'm imo rc vc rsc ge:lr, che- rca r\\'.1rd s C~lm CI"i1 is ilCI1\'a led;
whcll rhc veh icle ~ T a rt s forw01rd from srop. the sidc w;lyS lonking C;lI11Cr;lS iH the
front o f the vchicles 3 re ,KrivMcd and shown split scrccn ior;t lew seconds.
Collision Warning
Collisio n w:Jnlillg sys rellls 'Issis t rhe dri"er iII eV:llu .Hing surroulldi ng rfa lii e b>'
W,lr rltng 01 Ih e IIlHc;Jsona blc approach of an a d pcen r vehicle . In-ve hicle s)'s rcllls
'lchicvc tilis by thc use oi elisl;lnce scnsi ng r'ld.l rs anel ;1 "i dco serec n a nd a udio
alerr whc:n a vo:hicl c is apprnaching COn rnpidly, indic:1ting th" d ircction oi the
inrrusion, 'lmi possibly fhe lime ro imp'lc r illl ci spel'd ot oneoming " ehide, The
objcctivc is tO pred iet rhre;lIc nin g collisions c arly cl10ngh fO pr en~ 1H rbcnl rrom
occ urring, a nd by warnin g the driver to fakc C\"lsive action. W'hcn collision a\"oida nce is not possible , tho: dnmngcs cnn be lirni cc:u to a minimllm by l'cd Ul:in!; the
speed ,llId sroppillg d is e ~lI1 ce.
2.6.' .12
Driver AlerL
Th is is ;1 sys tcm rhar sOllnds .1 warn ing sig nal if tile clriving p;nlcm ch;lnges cr r'ltic:lII)' w ithin the la ne . Thc systcm :l lcrrs Thc: driver, ior eX:ll11plc , if he bccomes
drows)' :md sta rts tu "ca imo :lnothcr bnc. T his rcslllts in bctlc r snie!>' ma r!;lIlS
a lld g r':'lle r ch ancès of :woi ding 'Iecide nrs ca llsed by brigue.
Introduction to ITS Services "nd SupporUng Teclmologie5
hy :lflply ing hr:lki ng to onc or more whcds . J\ 5C[ oi senSOr5 insr,'1 lled o n fh e whccls
o f rhe vehicle w ill dett"C{ :ln)' loss of :ldhO:fI:nc.:. The ESI' ECU will tht:n determine
!Ili: corro:cLion n:l]uin:u Lo ma in L:l in the "c hid,, ' s paLh :lc<:onlin!; to the position 01
Ih e sreer ing wh e I. EST' is p:lrricubrly e ffecrive in siru;Hions oi o\'ersleering <l nd
lInd e r tcering. By affec ri llg rile " c hiçjc 's bch'lvio r, ESI' CllS lI res 'ldhcrc nec an d pllrs
fh e vch icle h;lek on the r ight fl,Hh :l u ton101tle:llly. ESI' tcc h nology hclps d r ivers rn
C:l5e of 10s5 o f 3dho:renco: through çu rvo:s.
2.6. J .'5
forwa rd collision w.Hning s}'sTe l11S (FC\X'S) ,He in-vehicle decTronie sysrcl11s Th :;!
monitor rhe roadwn )' in front DI' the ,'chicle nnd w:l m the drivCI" whe:n a p ote: nli:l l
collisi 0 11 ris I-: exisls. for e X ~llll p l e , c urreo !l y iI \'a il <lble r'IJa r-basèd sysre m s llse algo ri lhms ro inrerpr(:t l ran~mi Tl ed ;\ nd re<xi ved radar sign a ls w irh fhe
ro dercrmine d isT;lnce, :tzi01u rh , :t nd relaTive s p:o"cI hc,wccn rhe hOSf v"h iclc 'lnd thc \'e hi dc
or object ahe:ad of it in t he bne. W'hcn th" hosl "chicle is trnveling :1long tile
roaJ"':I )', FCWS "::ln W3 rn the dri w r whcn :t \'chid.: ur objC<:1 is in iLs bllc wit h in
<l pre-defined dosing lime rh res hold. Currellrl)', FCWS d o nor ra ke <lny a llto!l1~1t i c
'l.;: ri o n ro 'n'oid a collision or ro contro l rbc \'c hiclc; rhe rcfore, dri" c rs rCl1lain
r ~ sflonsible ior the safc oflc r'l tion o f their vch idcs lIsing I1m h sreering ,md br;l k ing
to :l\'oid :1 cr:Jsh .
2 .6.'.16
Emergency Lane Assist
Forward Obstacle Warning
Thes ~
systcms dc:tect ohsrncles (hy 1IItr:lS0lllld, rad a r, or inira rcd ) whcn fhe ,"chidc:
is moving forward a n d sounds nn alarm whcn al1 obstad o: is sc:nscJ.
2,6.1 .' 7 Full Aulomatic Brake Power
This is :1 s"cond gellc r.1!ion collision warning systcm designed lO be 3cti\'3 ted at 3
n:ry cnrIy stagc, :lnJ ii the: driva dOt: s noL hi[ lho: brnke s whcn needt'd, [he S)'Slcm
bra!;,,; ;llHoll1'Hically ro slow Ille w hicle d o wn. By <l voiding r""l r-cnd co ll isiolls,
pcop lc in .he C:lr rh:u would o rh c rwi sc h.1\'c bccn b ir :lvoid snffering nl'Hcri;ll
danl:tge or pe rso na l injllrics SlIeh as whip-bsh .
2 .6. J .18
2.6.1 .13
Forward Collision Warning
Inte/ligent Driver Information System
This s)'stcm monitors o neomin!; vo:hiclo:s in addition to b no: ke'o:pin!; :lid nssistam:e:,
usi ll l;; bOlh camer<l ,md radar, Sho uld lite drivCl" Ilor re,'':1 t(t a warning b uner, for
eX<l rnpl e, rh e sysrern adds srCl'rt n [!. forcc ro belI' nrrll rh l? C<lr b'lck inro rhe or' ig illa l
An)' ;1c.i"ic)' .ba r t bc sys tc rn imc rprcrs il S ovcrmking o r bra kin g will d C!;l)" rh e
provisi on o f other inform a rinn or scrvices rh a t are nm c ri rical ro safcry (such .1S
incom inl; phone: cnll. :lnd Cext mt:ss:lgcs) unLil the si tu a rion is 1::5s SL"rcssful. Th.:
ide a is IO help Ihe dri\'er COJ"èrHrare 0 11 (h e rig ht Ih ings, lor mO Te rèhlxeJ alld
co rHl'olied dJ' ivi ng.
2.6. 1,14
2.6 .'1.19
Electronic Stability Program (ES P)
Th i~ is :Jll clcenonic d c vicc Th,H co rrcets rbc pilth of .1 vchiclc. Thc m:Ji n fu nc.ion
oi this ECU i5 to dercct 105S o f 3dh erencc of thc ve hicle and to intl llcncc it5 p;]th
Lane Departure Vvarning Systern
L~nc dcp.lrturc w 'lrni ng sys rc m (LD\\i'S ) dCTCC tS llnilllcnlioll., 1 hlnc dcpaH urc:s
mmon""l)"!' and dU'll carri.lgeways (lIsu'll1y a T sp"cds oi so km/h an d .10 0ve1.
ITS Services ror Vchiclcs and Tltelr Occupants
Th e systcm is trig);cred aUTOI11 :uic;ll1y whcn ,hc driver m is-akcn l}' ;1110W5 tbc
vchicl" to stm}' out oi lane. Thi s is usua li}' ach ie\'ed b)' in (mrcd sensors beh ind the
front bumpcr de:te:ct ing a !morm::I1lnte:ral moVC:i11l:n r wh.:n t he vd.icle moVes acruss
rond markings (wh ir(' line bl(, markers) wicbom rhe illdie:HOt' beillg used . The
driver is 'ldvi scd by alld iblc, VIS \I;l l, or ta c rilc IllC;lIlS (sllch 'l S a vibraring sign.:l l on
the Icfr or right sidc ot the d river 's 5eat, depending which wa)" che \"Ch iclc is drifri ng ),
or:l combination uf tbese, allowing th" driver to lake immed iale action to gc:t b:lck
in lallt:.
To d CI('c r unime nriona l la ll c dcparnr res , LDW'S me mu lti ple (us l1ally s ix) infmred senso rs which ,H e fincd llndc r fh e: fron r bllmper, aDd along c:lch s irle. E:1ch
sc nsor is equipped wiEh an intr:lred lighc-emirting dioele :l nd a deEe crion cd I. Lane
do::parrur;:s .:m: de:to::cted by \'ariations in lho:: reflo::ctions from thc infr:lred bO:':lIns
.:rniued by thc diode omo tlte road.
2 .6.1 .20
Optimrll Speed Advisory
This systelll provides ;1dvicc from in-veh iclc d :Ha to m'1;\:il11 i7.e illd cffic ienc}', \Vhi le
considcring driver-provided p:lrall1eters sucb :!s destin:llion :llll.l tim ,, ·{)f·::Jrri \' .:d
large ls. T h is uSllal[y ~' ombille s s:1lellil': n.I\' ig:ltioll Wilh iliformalion from !h .. engine
managcmcnr S}'S ICm,
Parking Assistilnçe/Alllomillk f'iuking
TItc elriver ielent;(ics thc typ:: of park ing (c.g.., slrect p .1 fking, by p:l rking-he:1d in,
b:ly p:lrkin!;-.evt·rsc in, or similar). The driver drin:s p:lSI lhe: p:lrking Sp':!CC:ll lo,,"
speed. Sensors ,le Chl' fron c :1J\d re ar deteCI Ille g<'lp and tIle<lsl1re irs size . The sysle m
w ill idcmify
rhe gap is a dc qu;HC. Thc d r iver pms rhe ç:l r imo rc \'crse w hich
activarcs wide :lnglc hac k -up camcr;lS. The drivc r ;leri\'.. rcs rhe sysrCJ11. \\'irh the
,"chicle in revcrsc cr"ep mode and rhe drivcr 's foot lightl}' 011 the brakc fi n some
syst'e ms) :1nd ha nds uH lhe: wh.:d, th;: sonar dcle,t ion ",ys tems will me:lsLlre: pùsirion
a ud srccr rlle vc h ide itHO rhe spal'(·. The vchiclc advises che drive r whe n p<lfking
is comple re. Some rnanllf<1crurers M C dcvdop in g full}' a Uioll1 .:1 ric S}'s tCI11S.
2.6 . 1.23
Inlroduction lo ITS Servlces and Supporling Tedmolog les
The main foclIs of prcc r:1sh s t"J1sing is ro help (lJssivc 5;1 ie r)' dc\' ice> in prmccring
the p:lssenger in :l ll crash situ::Jtions.
2.6 .'1.24
Rain-Sensing Wipers
ln fr,ncd senso!"" ;lutoma-ically detecr rainbll inrensity :!nd ::Jdjus r w iper s(leed
accordingly, imprm'ing driving saf.:t)" and driver convcnience.
2 .6.1.25
Speed Control- Overspeed Warning
This system rriggers a sound signal when rhe vchicle exceeds Ehc spce ci serring
pru!;Tammed b>' the driver. 'l"ho;: driver is frc;: lo rurn Iht' sys tem on or off, IIsing
a lllaJlllal swirclt. The s)'slem does llor affecl rhe re a l spee d o f rhe ve h icle a nd
provides onl)' a w"ming,
Lime Keeping Aid
This is :! second generarion LD\VS wh icn nor onl}' providcs :1 w ;1rning ii the c:w
driÌis out of its lane, hm ii the driver tai ls to steer fhc "ehiele back nn irs COllrse,
lhe system mOlTlcll t::Jril)' t:1kes o\"cr lo guido:: lite car h:l<.:k il110 lhe la ne:.
Precrash Sensing
l'rf"Cr:1slt sensing flJ[K' ciollali ry is J e fined in functiollal sreps ,har require an incre a s·
ing siruarion '\J1alysis p crform:lncc <llld a gr owing ,1rnOlllH of appl k ,nion cfforr.
Ench fllncriol1al $ECP ll1 ~lk cs it I1Ce C S5~H)' ro dciine the :!ppropri:1te r,lngc of viewthc virtual b,trrier. [t is slIhjcct to v:lriolls consrf:lints and , he configllr:1tions possible
fo r p r ~ r as h sc'l1sillg. Precf:lsh sensing cech nol ogy uses p l:Hiol'm 1':ld:1\" sensors rh:H
are design cd fo r rh e flll1crioll;ll inrcgrarioll o r poss ihle f\1ncrinns thar l'c l}' 011 sc nsor
inforn1:ltinn 'I rom t'he elos'c surrollndings of thc vehiclc.
2.6 '-1.26
Spced Control-Spccd Limite!"
Thi s sys r(,1ll is simila r (O rlle overs peed w:lflling Il1CCh<lllism . Th c speed Iimirer
c ll ,l b lcs rh e driver ro progr;lm rhe desired lllaXillllllll specrl. 3m, lInl ike rh e ovcrspcc d
w :1I"ning, if thc driver rrics co go bSEer rh ;ln the progr:llllllled sp:ocd, rhe ;lccc!er;1tor
doe s Ilor re:spond. The driver can lIsu:lllr o\"erride tho:: s}"srem if m:cC!"SS:lr)" br pro::ssing
down han! On the peda!'
Tìre Pressure Sensors
RO:::ll·lime se: nsing ot the CX:lct pressun: insidc the tire: is norm:llly :lchievccl b>'
locaring che sensing devic.: in che ri re ( ~lldlOlIgh srslellls Wilh Ih e senSOt' ill Ihe rilll
or o n rhe \,'ll\'(' ha ve b<>en d c vclopcd). This p l'css urc Illeas ure m e nr inrorm:Hion is
rh cn c'lfric d ro the driver ;l11d di splaycd in thc c;1bin of file C:H. Th c remore s cnsing
l110du le is compriscci ot " pressure scnsor, :1 signa I prOCessor, :1 nd :1n R FID cranspol1der, whi,h, whclI inlcrrug a led n:spunds Wilh ics identity, lirC!" prC!"ss ure, :!nd tempera·
Hlr<-. A te mperature sellsor is a lso 'requi,ed be~';l lls-e the sysrem has [O compensare
for p rcs sllre vari<lrions duc TO rcmpcr<l tllrc.
Vehicle Satety Inspection
Thi s s)'srem provides ,l warning lO drivers, gener,ned b }' in·car eq \l ipmenr, {har a
vch iclc sa fc ry insp-ccrion is requ ircd. SlIeh warn ings m,lY be gcner,ucd on ,111 clapse d
rime hasis, ,] miles d rivc n basis, or he C:lllscd by d:r r,] collected hy ,he vchid e
m:lnagen1t:nt systc:m w 111:: n :l potential S:!fcl}' prob le:m is ddected.
2.6 .1.29
Visibilily Enhilncer
This system lISe5 infr:lrcd or low ligh ! c:!mera rcchniqllcs to provide c nh anced
visibiliry of d'lrk o b jecrs, pers ons, .H1d 'tn im:l ls in rhl' l'oadw'lY ,lt nig h! via a he adHP display or c l1 hanced dis pl'lY 011 dl C drivc r's video sc rccn. Tbis s}'stCll1 111,1)" be
sllpporrcd hy :1 udihlc warnings.
2.6 IT5 Sé r"kés (or Vehic les <'l nd Thdr Occupanb
lri lroductlon lo IT5 Sérv lces and SuppOrting TechnologiéS
Infrastructure Based Wlreless ITS
Infr:1struc tu re ba se e! lTS ge nerali)" dl:scrih::s ITS ser viccs Ih a t a re p rovi de d IO thc
drin'r w ilho llt rwu · wa }' c oJtlJllunica tion . M;lJl Y ui the se sI:rvi ce s a Tl: lra n Sp::I TI:n c
lO rh d rive r, alrh oug h hl' w il l be Ill (' bendic ia r y. T r'l ffie sign a l rn ;1Jlage Jl1I?Jl r,
cotHro l ce n re r-co lH rol cen Te r co m m u n ic a ri o ns, a nd intorlll ari o n S)'STe m s a re r)' p i c~ 1
eX:1 mpl e s. Sllch sysTc m s m a}" m ;lr1:1gc Traffie flnws ;l nd cvcn redin ::cr t ra((ie, ;m d in
gene ra i Iheso: systt'ms havo: b::cn irnpl.:rne nled using eopper a nd (iber o pt ic c a bles
;lJ\d gt:n.:ra l cO Jnrnll n ica tiun s r.:drn u logy gt: Jl t: ri ~' sr;lnJ a r d,. SUJl1e u i the s.: sC<l nd rrrJs
a re r·ctl?l' red co in rh is boo l;, bm chc r'cader WllO is inreresro:>d in go:> n rie ITlre lccomlllll '
n icarion:> sra nc!a rcl$ is d ircc red ro w nrd s books on These sll b jecrs . Thi s a re., is roo
c omplex an d tno gene r ic t o be co\'crcd here. Ilo\'o'c\'cr, aspects o f s uch sta ndnrds
lha t aTe spccific:dl y aJ a ptcJ iur rrs 3re .:uven:d in se\'t:ra l ch a plers uf th is buuk .
T he l'r:l\'e le r b ecolll es <'Iw:! r :: 0 1' s udI sysli: Jll S 1Il 0S 1 usualI )' wllt:n (Ite r.:: is a visua l
in rc r facc . EX~JllpJe s hc re incl ude : { l ) va riabk m('~sage Si!!,ll S, wh ieb p r9vid e rCICV'Hl(
in for m :n ion ro rh e drivc r, h m :1 re pcrto r m c d h )' :1 co mpure r l'O :1 remore di ~p la y
screcn ll s ing iihcr optic or c oppl:r ca bl es; (2 ) •.1mp m anage m e nt, whe n: [r:t ffi c lig lns
c OJl trul en e.)' IO hi g h\v:1 ys; :md (3) " grt."t:n wave" Se l]lIem:eJ rra iiic ligh r upe r31ion
lO bo rh co ntr o l rra ffi c flo\\' a nd en cou rage co mpli anc.:: \\'icl1 pe('d li ln irs . A rri va i
a ncl dC p,lftllrC boa rd s a T s cari o n a m i <1 irpof'fs pro vi dc o rh er ex a rnpks .
Two t rcn d s in This a rca nrc worr h noting. T hc iirst is a rren d to li se wi rdcss
c ornmunica tions ior infra struc tllrl;' (- >in tr.l structll re c ornrnll n ica tion. G ene ra! ""ire ·
lt- ~s, uSll rtll)' lllicro w :rVl', ~tllll J ~lrJ s (Irt' USt·d io r slICIt s')'~tems wlt id l ;I re o frt:!1 ca rr ied
ovc r pu b lt c nenvor); s. Traff.c man ag.::rs arc in c reasi ngl)' usi ng dedie;Hed loea l :sys·
rerns ro c o llec r e rw iron rncn T'11 d a r" , a ll ei in s.o rne c"ses cO l11Jl1u n ica re WlTh re more
rr;l Hic si g n a ls. Slle h cornlllllnic,lIions a rc al so c Ollllllonly C3 rTicd o u t usi ng C.PRS
c d lular cm n mu n icntiuJls.
T bi: re is ;tlso ;:t ded ic a red micrù w avI: ba n d ;llloca red wir h in Emupe speci fie a Il)'
for i llt r <1S rrIl C lll reH in fr~s rru w re COllUllllJlie,lr ions ,H 64 IO 66 G Hz, <1 nd rlm l:; .
iorcsec n as ""rti c lI brl )' 'lppro pria rc to r ITS co m m llni c:l rions ro e nd in tra strucl'1l re
nodcs n r h etwcen no dcs. Th is b.lnd is 'H!j " cc n t to :l ban d a T 63 G Hz tha. is
d o:d i.: a led ior l'l'S. Hero: il is t'lwi s ioJlcd t b:ll 6 4 IO 66 CI-Il ",iII bt: used lo " et tbc
(,o Jl1rn \lll ic~1tioll CO rhe ro a ds id e, .m d 63 G H z w ill be II s.:d co ~'o rnn llln i ca r e ro/frorll
a r,.1 bc rwee n vch iclcs.
T hc scco nd , rc nd is TO c om tn Unic:tTC ro moh il c e gll ip mcnr usi ng wirclcss co mJllu,
nic:l tio Jts_ C urrt:ntl j', thi s is done llsi ng G PRS or 3 G cd lu b r c ommunica tions, but
ir is cnvis a ged rh ;H on ce inirasTfue wJ'('$ rh ,n Cll;l ble qU;l s i.,;;om irnl ou s eO lll lllll ni ca ·
li om ro/from vc h iclcs ;l re in pL1 CC, Tncsc will ;1150 b e .l b le lO be II scd fo r wi rclcss
in fmstn rc Tu rc-mohilc in fra strucrurc commu nic:! t ions .
Ex a mple s oi infra structun: based
fu IlO\\·.
ns Adilptive T mffic Signal Conlrol
Th is is " Traffic conrrol s}'s tc m rh ;l! c onri n UOllS I)' scnsc s ;,nd 1l1 0 n irors tra Uic co ndi·
l·ions :lnd a d jus.s thc timi ng oi Tr:tffie ligh ts rreco rd ing TO th t: :tema l tra ilÌc I0 3d .
2.6.2 .2
After Thert Vehicle Recovery
i\ ite r t hdc vehiclc rC'cm 'c ry sc rvict:s inclu dc!
Uscr·initiarcd d iH rcss call5;
Au rom'lTed thefr w ;l r ni ng ;
AurOl11;1 TCd vch icle inrr usion ,' nd srolcn \'ch icle m on iror ing;
Stol en vchicl c Tr:lck in g;
Remote vc hicl e immobiliza tion.
2.6 .2.3
Commerciai Vehicle Preclearance
'l'he cu mme rcia l w hicle p rcclea .anc c: scr vice " rotrp p rovid es ser vi ct:s tha! e Jl ablt:
commerc i;l l \'c h iclcs, ind ll d in g rrllck s ,' nd bu se.s, w h,1\'c c rcd e m i,l ls ~ nd orher
doc llme n ts, S;l iet)' st:1tus, ;Jn d wcig hts chcc kc d :! utom:! ti call}'.H nOTJ1ul fO" d spce ds_
A p r inc ipa l objt:c ti"c u f lhis s::rvict: is to esta b lish p rcdca ranccs with mi nim al
dis rll p ri un IO rhe \'.:h icl e jOUTll'::>' ~l!ld (rafiie fl o w . Exam p lès se r vièèS incluJ è:
• Weigh. in · Jllorio ll;
• N OllSTO p p recJe<lr,l ll cO:> j
• V chicle s'lte ry r cor'd s Jll on iro r'in!;.
Commerciai Vehic.le Adminislrative ProceSSe5
This sc rv lcc g roll p is cornplc J1lcn ra ry .o Ihe com merc i'l l ve h icl c p reclc:l ran cc se n ' icc
g rou p deseri bed ;J h o\'c. It en a hle s ha ulers :lJ1d sh ip pers to purchasc :! nn u;JI an d ad
hoc cn:JC:rHia !s, u sing CUllllllllll ica cions a mi CUmplltlT lechnulo" ic:s. Ex a mp!t: ser ·
\' i ~~.::s irl d lld ~ :
A urom,n cd creden ti ;ll fi li ng;
!\ll tom;1Tcd c om lllcrci , } \'e hicl c admi nisrr;ni on;
Au tom:1tcd bordcr crmsings .
Conlrol C enler Inforrniltion Shilring
Th is :sys r.:m pr o \' ides l'o r rh.: illitoma rcd sha rin g of rr'lffìe m 'll}'lgemenr, rra iiie IO'ld,
" nd i n.;ide llT dar" be rwe c n .1djaeenr rf<lffic m a n,' ge rncn Tcem ers, in ordef TO i m"f o \',~
pla nn ing , lo ad m a nagcm c nr, a od iJlcid enT m a nagcmcn r.
Corridor r mflic Milnagemenl-Surfilce Streel (Local Road) and
Freeway/ Highway
This is a tr:l ffi e m a na ge ment :systcm d csign cd to coord ina te llSagC of su rbcc s trecr
3 m] in:ew3}'lhigh wa y lrrr fiic J1l3nagemen t. \Vhe Jl tra ffi c congestion o ccurs on u ne
roaJw<l )', lr:!w l.:rs lypica ll y rt's pond b)' shif( in g IO :ln orher rom e, st'lec ring <l di fier ·
c nT l'o a d w a )' (fr('cwa)' \'erS II S slI rt"ee srrce r), " di usTÌn!; rh e it rr ip co 'lllOrhcr fi m e o f
elay, o r rem"i ning o n .heir cllucnr r()ll te a l1.1 Cll col!JlTcring s ig ni ficanr dc J.1 Ys. Th c.sc
disrllprions r :m ge in sca le, frt:que ncy, prcdicT;J hi lit}', and dura tion. Dcpe ndi ng OJl
fh e e ,Hlse , th ey l\;l vC rhe pote nt i a l TO a ffec r a Hu rnbe r o i rra n sp o rra rio H faci liti es o r
modcs . Co rrido I' rr,l ffi c [11,lll<lgC Il1Cn t i:> a ma n<1 gc ll1c lli cO niIo l rc ch n igu c TO cnCOUf '
,' ge or d iscourage c erm in d river de cisions .
ITS $crvièes for Vehlcles and Theii Occupan ts
]'ro:1crivc!y rn;ll1agil1[; :1nd coord il1aTin g the commi o f Tro1 ffic is ;1 Yi;lhle :1 nd
dfr:ctivC" s tT:1tr:gy to improvC" the safC"ty, ::fficiencj". ,md rd iahili"y oi ,r:1tTic on a nd
b~lw t'c n frc"w a }'s :l nd su rfm:o:: Sireets (minor ruads) w ilh in m'ban corriJors. Corri ·
dor n'aff, managcme m c m rcdu c(' 1'I';1 v('1 rimt's , impro\'t' rr;we l rel i'lbil iry, inCre 'l Si?
IT;lffic rhf'Ollghpllr, d cc re'l $oC c r;\shcs, a nd reduce rh e 1l11lllbcr of srops ,111(1 dcl'lYS
,lt rr'lffic sig na ls .
Achi"v inj; th"se res u lts n:quir" s an aggrC"ssi vC" tra fIi.: op<:r:ltions p rogra rn, strung
parlners hips uerwe en age m:ies, l:olllll1iul'Ie nr oi uecessa rr resoun:es ,md Sup pOrl,
dq>loyme nr o E tcc hnol ogy alld tr'lffic cO lltrol yste m s, developnWtH of opcr'Hioll <1 1
s·raregics allei cOlltrol plans, anel proac ri vc nl;1nage mcnr ,) nel contr ol o r tr,l ffic
wi th in freC"w 'lY corridors in mcrrnpolil'.ln ,uC"as. H sing f11:1 lla ged l,wc srmtegies,
:tltt'r nnte rolfting of tm ffi c, operat'iunrll stTrlr,,!;;ie s, coord inated l:ontrol plans, pi'o :!cliv(' ltla rragcmcnr a llei conrrol 01 traffie, aud ~- oord j n ;He d respo n se l'O cbang;ng
c onelirions offers Th e po te nti'll l'O ach ieve signi fic<lm ly grcater lise of rh e e x is ri llg
roa d w:1y C;lpad tr. \'{' irhin an ITS contcxt, thi s rcfcrs lO thc usc o r dara collccrcd
through cameras, sensors, probc vehiclC"s, nnd ,he ET3Il Smission of inforf11ation lO
V1\·15 si~n age aliti lTS equipp ed vehides.
D(ll(l Archiving
An a rch; ... cu d,li ,1 uscr service p ruvidcs an ITS historica l untrl 3 rchi\'(~ tor ali rdc:vrlnt
I1'.S d :lt:l nnJ i J1corpor a t ~s tht' p l:1l1n ing, S;'lfel)', o perarions, anJ r~senr('h cornrnuni ·
ric s imo ITS. Ir providcs . he dara colleetion, m;ll1iplil a ti oll , ,md dis5cminarion
fll ncrions
rhc'S c groups, ;lS rhe}' r'c l ~ r c (CI d;)r:,] generarcd by lTS.
Data Warehouse
A da r'l W'1fe bOIl SC servicc illTcgr;l[(:s rh e p li1nn ing, silfer)' , o pcl'<\ Ti o rl s, arld rcs c<lrch
cClllll11un irics imo ITS ;'llld proc cs ses dara pr oducrs for ;1 regioll a l ITS community.
ITS datrl w;'l rc house nunagC" mc:nt supports t!w rlTchiving and rctr ieva l of d :lt;'l
gcner:lIeu b}' olhc:r J'J'S nppl iC:lIiulls anJ o:nn b lr:: s l'J'S np plil:rlti uns Ihat lIS C :m:hivt'd
inforrna ri o n. Dedsion s upporr s >'slcr lls, predicrive in ronn;Hion, 'lll d performa nce
m Oll iwrill~ are sO llle ITS appli cadons nablcd by rrs itlform 'Hion m i1t1,lgeI1lCnr.
In :tcldi t ion , ITS clara \\':trchnusc s ysre ms C1n :lssist in rr:1nsponation p b nnin g,
rcst'nrch, .lml safe!y l11anagcmcrH activitic s.
Detection and Confirmation of Incident Pre'Sence
This servicc usc"s da trl garhered trom ITS source:s, camera f1lonitoring. a nd so 011,
lo sllpport confirmnliun of incid<:nl'S rlnJ iss ue: :tJvisorics tu r dc \':mt pa rti.:s; instiga l.: on · si le Illororisi a ~s i s ra rlct: re spollSO: :1 nd Iravele r as~ i s r;)llèe ; ;)lId pr ov ide inci ·
d CIH co cII'd in:l riorl 'wc! d C<lr" ll\ec.
Elcctronic Paymcnt Systcms-Infrastructure Onl}'
Electronic p<1yrne rH S)'STCIl1S e mpi o )' v'Hiou s c Ollll11ul1ic;lTiol1 all d c le ctron ie rcc hnologi es to facilitate commcrcC" hc twC"c ll drivers .md ,r'ansport:;tion agcl1cics, rypi-
Introduc!Ìon to ITS Servk es and $upporting
Te~hn ò,logle5
ca lly for the pu rpn5e of pa}'ing [Olis ;md [r'lnsi , Ll res. W'h ile Illost involve d irect
tTrlns;'lctions J,erwee n a ve hide nn d th" infrastrucrure:, or a pa}'mC"nt c 3rd in the
hanJ s o f a d rivCf" an d lhe infmsL.rul:ture (sr::e npproprintt" sll b s~è t iul1 bduw iur
d e r;l ils ), sOllle sc hernes, inc luc1ing rh e world's );lrges r congest ion pil yrnenr scllCrnc
{London), uril izc only infr'l struemrc Itle ans (vid eo c'lmer;l s) l'O colle.:. p<\}' l11e nr.
2 .6.2.11
Ernergency Management Systems
IT5 applic<ltioll s in em e rge rle}' m ,lna gcm cm in cl ude h az;lrdolls 111<H(:ri'lls l11all,lgcmcnt, rhe dcploymcn t of e lll c rgency mcdical se rvicc,> • •lnd large ;'ll1d slllall-sc,l le
cme rgC"l1cy n:spnnsc ;'lnd evnCUrlt;oll operations. (See appropriate subsr::ctions bd ow
for r::mergeul:')' ll1 a lla~t"menr sysrems rhal commlln;ca le dirè ctl )' w ilh c-mèrgC-ltc}'
vc-h idcs 'lnd vch ides ill\'olve d in rhe incidc-nr.)
This provides cc nrr'l iizc d mi1llagc men r o f viohHion c nfor;;cmcIlT Ilsi ng ITS dMa
ca pmrcd t'rom (usuaHy .1 comhin.nion ot) scnsor s a nd cameras ('lnd in rhe lururc
potcnti all y also frum other lTS-" CJuippcJ v!:' h ide s).
E:xalllplès indudc-:
• A('CéSS ('oluro[;
• High OC C Il p illl C)' ve h icle f<ld lirr uS;lge;
P'lrk ing r<,,!?llhHion c- Ilforcc m cnr;
• S pec~i limi, c n fo rcc l1lc lHj
S ign:ll en fo rcemcnt (c.g. , l'cd lig h, vioLHion)j
Emissi ons monitor; ng.
2 ,6,2,13
Freight Transport Fleet Management
At a multimodnllevd, commcrcinl !leet mnn:lgem"nt incluJt:s logistics nnu frt'ighl
11l:lllilge llle nr s )'Ste l'lls . (II a lso covers l'he use of utI[om a rie vehide loca tiull (AVL)
I O 'lchi c \'e 'l\HOm'Hic rre ighr curic r an d cOllt 'lin er 10c'lTion, ,1S \VeH il:; vehide-wco ntrol cclltercotlll1lUniC;lIions in orde r ro p rnvidc vehicle [o.::;U iOLl 'lnci other ST;lWS
inform,Hioll re rhe fl ecc opera tors dispatched. Fnr sC" rvices du! reguirc interacr;on
\\'ith lite "chicle, see thc npproprin tc: SUUH'CI;Olt belo\\'.) \Vith rcspt:ct to in (mstructllre b'l sed IT5 serl'ice p rovisi oll , th is in d lldes Ihe use o f d}'Il<l ll)ie di ~p ard \ing
:;ystCI11S ro improve rhc cffic ic ncy of .he f[e e r rn a n .l~eJ1lC IH p roccss . Th c sc se rvices
aTe implcl1lel1teci in conjullcrion \vith rhe rr:d fic' m :lI\agernent service group SCT\' icc:s.
This sC"r\'içc grnu p includes:
• Pn:trip iltt'ornution;
• IntcrmuJ:l1 terminrl ! cunditiolls.
Examp le services include:
• C ommerci 'll vch icl" ilec, rracking;
ITS Scrviccs lor Vehicles and Their Occupan15
• Commerci;l l \'ehidc flcct disp;Hching;
• Freighr conmin.:r trackillg,
Thi s servic'e gl'Ollp includes rl';Ul sacrions w ma inT;l in ~he !T5 infor ll1;1ri o n 'lboll[
:l shiprncllt from the rime u i I·he order br the consignor lo the reception of guods
by l'he cunsignee. l'Ile key 11'5 rr:lIlsac riulIS proviJ e regisrers of service proviJers
a nd e nable rhe goods lO be rr'lcked dUOllgholll IIHcr mod,11 jonrne)' .
This scr vice groul' COVCfS rhc cxch;1t1gc of informMion :1boll! , w nsporr o f goods
:1cross modes. This includes knowledge of where the unirs rrnnsporring the goods
:1 n: loe:lted, p[us the:ir conJitiun :md sla tus, as wdl :lS simibr iniurmatiun :lbullt
tll" vehidc rriwsporritlg {he uni!. lt is ;\lso possible ro [ocalo? SUbllllils ;llld pro\'ide
CllSTOIl1CrS wirh informarion ;lbour progrcss WiTh dw 1ll0VCIllCIlT o r .rhe goods.
EX:lmple seJ'l'ice~ include:
Vehiclc ,m d container a rrivaI iniurmatiol1 exch:1ngc fusers are flcct :1nd
inlerllloda i c:1rriers anJ nOll ~s)
Cusromcr freight information access ': users are cusl'Omc:rs :1I1d shippcrs);
!n!cr01od.1J cc nrcr façJl ir~' ll1all:1gcmcnT;
Imermodal vehi de and container cO[1[ro[;
Dangerolls good s J[)ovo?rn~m dar~l sharillg;
Dnngerous goocls mOVel11enT data rcgisrry;
D:lngerou ~ goods 1ll0VCIllCIH i1cCT coordin:lrinn;
Dallgerolls goods rno\,(' 111 C Il I p olicè/saiery coordillillioll.
Introduction to
Frecwaj'IArlerialfHighway Traffie Management
Arreria[ man;lgellle m sys t{'m s mana ge rraffie along arreri,l ! rO:ldways, clllp[oying
rcc hllologics sllch :15 rra fi ic d crcc ror~, 'fOlffic signals, ,1nd l'ariOU5 me;! I\S of co ml11unicating inform .ltion tn tr:1\'ders. These sysrems l11:tke use of iniorm:Hion collccted
by tr.Jfiie sun'eill:!nce de·.. ict's tU SInDolh the ilow uf Iraiiie along lravd corridors.
l'h.:)' ;)Iso JissellliJ w le impormlJ{ inform:l!ioil abOliI lr~lvel co ncl ilioJ1s ro tril\'elers
\'i;, \('chnologles sllch as d)'n:lmic v,\I'i;lhlc IIlc ssagc .signs :md high w,IY 'ld\'isory
ITS iUllcrions thar provide frcew:ly/arterial/highwa)' Inal1 ;lgemcllt systems
• 1'r<lffìe Sll f l'cill :l llCe sysTcms llsi ng dereclOr s :lnò l'ideo eqllipmeEH;
• 1'r"ffic ,:uJ1lrul lIlcasurt's un elllrance ramps using sellsu r J<lltl lo o p limiz<:
free \";l}' Iravel sp('eds :l!ld r~llllp mcter w ai! !illlCS;
Lane m:mageInei1t tu optimizc the dfccti\'e capacity uf ireew:t)'S a nd promote
Ihe use Di high -oc<:upallc)' cDlIll1luring lIludl."s;
• Spcci:11 e\'ent rransport;Hion man age ment s)'srems ro comfol rbe irnp:Kr o r
congc:stioll a t s!:1diums or con\'ention cenlers;
DYl1 a mic V.vIS l1l:1nagemcm.
Hazardous Materials .M onitoring and ""'lanagernent
The celllTal cuntru! iur Ihe moveml:nt oi haznrdous mntaials on the road netwo,k.
includes prelrip driver il uthei1l'ic:llion , rome pl il nning, a nd reSOLln::.: s lloc;Jriun;
p[anning and m:l nagemem of diffic u[r JHOVeme nrs; nOT ifk;Hioll of slow·movingl
widc Tr:1OSP0l'iS W tr:lVcler infofl1l:1rion :H!visorr sys.cms; :lnd li'l ison wirh dcp:lnmel1Ts fo r mainten:ll ncc oi nntion;ll securir)'. 1 b7.:udous ma tcrials rnon itoring ;md
m::lnagement servie<:s include:
1-h1z~1I'dous \'eh icle pre cle;1r:1l1cc ;
l "17~"rdous \'ehick routing data:
• Route guid :mce;
• Roure enfon::emenl';
l-!az<l l'dous \'e/lide ind dl."EH Ja[;\:
• Iss\1ing posr-incidenr inSifllctions ro drivCfS'
• 1..oc:1<i on ot vch icle;
• Nature oi lncident;
• Narure ui .::argo.
High Oeeupanc)' Vehicle Facility Management
This involves Th c organiz:Hion :md management o r high Occup:lncy vehiclc (l'IOV)
pro\'isions, including remote cniorcemcnt measures, dyn'lmic Lme nssignmenr, ;lnd
Iravde r advisory suppurt.
rrs 5ervices and Supportlng Tèchnòl09.ics
Highway Maintenance Management
ITS ~àn be med IO supporr higlm';l)' m ;l ìlHl."!l;H1Ce man,\ge meIH, ind uding rhe
d cp[oymc nr of portablc V},'IS ;1I1d dyn il lllÌ<:: Il pd;uin g of sig n;lgc, spced limi r 1ll:lIl:1gcmCIlT, on-si,c worker prorecTion, :lnd :lIso the use ot d;H;l from JTS sources to
predict and manage maintenance activities and to predict ,md :lyoid incid"nts.
Incident 1\.1anagem(Hl! Syslem.s
Incidem l1lanagement systems c:m reduce the etrects of incidcllt-rebted congestion
by decr.:asing the ·time: tu deleet incidenls, tht: lime ior respunding \'ehicles to
arrive, <lnd rhc rimo? re qu ired for trilffic ro rewrn ro nonnal condilions. Incide lH
Jll:1nag('nl<;nr sys rcms Illake lise o r a v<lrier)' of sllt'veilbnce Tcchno[ogics, otren
sharcd wi,h ITcewa}' :1nd arterial management sysrems,:ls we ll :lS enh:lIlCed communica tions a lld other technologies that bci/imre c()ordin:'lt<:d response to ineidents.
{5ee appropriate subseclions belo\\' fur inciJel\( management s}'stO:I1lS Ih:lI C()l1Il1lUlli C:1rc direcrly wirh emergcncy \'chiclcs.)
Intennodal Highway Junction Management
This invoJ\'cs frcigln il1icrmocla[ changc conncctioJ) poims (T}'pie.;,lly ro.Hl/fail bur
roadhir). Inrermoda[ connector.s are otlcn no! formally (1,ur oi ,1 st;1tc's high-
2 .6
ITS Servi<:es for Vchicles ~rld Tltei, Occupilnh
way s~'s rcrn. \Xiirh rcspecr !O infra$trucwre rrs, ,his i nvolves rne ma nage ment o i
tmffic f10ws :Ind intcrchange to/mJfrom intcrmod:d eha ngc points.
2 .6.2.20
parking Management
l'arkillg manageme nt ilH:ludes a varie ry of slr:lregies rh:!1 cm:ouragè mure dficienr
li se o r e xi sTing parkll1g i ~, cl liri cs , impro \'c rhc q Uil liTY o f sc rv...:e provided ro p<l rking
(;1c ilir)' nse rs, aod impro\'e p,lfking f;lCilirr desig n. P'l r king m ;lnngcm c m c,ln help
'lddress ;l wi de r:togl: of tmnsporrarinn problems ;lnd help 3chic ve 3 variery o f
lransporlation, bnd lise dcvdopm<:nt, economie, and c nvironlm:nt:ll objceli\'es.
ITS cali be II sed ro a ssiSI" p'lrkillg rnanagelllen t by rhe dYII:1lllic int e rcha ng<" 0 1 da ta .
ITS C<ln 'lss is t pa r king nwn agcrncllr, op,:ra ti o n <ln d de ploYJHcnt b), d il'ccr illTcr'lCriQn
wi.h ITS cqllippcd vcniclcs. (EX;ll11pJCS of lTS ,lssisted p<uking m:tILlgcmcnr which
in\'ol\'(: dircct inrer:tction with [TS eq llippecl vch icles are givc n in the a pprop ri:!t....
s~ctioll s of Ibis chapter, below.) Howt'vt'r,
assistam:c ior p3rk ing man 3!O<:mcnt
does rlOr h .w e ro wair unlll Vd li cl<" s a re ITS eq uippe d ; infr~l s rruclur.: b'lsed ITS is
alrc <1dy .,ssisring rhcsc opc r'H iolls. EX'lmp lcs of p'lfking m ~,n ;l gclll c nr straTcg ics
V1\·1S p:lrking assistance: Provid ing auromnticn ll r upd'lIcd id e nrific:l tion o r
3\"lilah lc p nrking pIaCC5, wgt'tht'r with road s ignag~ tu rhe parking facilities.
Dynamic sh a rc pnrking: The :Il1ncnriol1 ni PMking faci lities, by day or rime
ufda}', tu JiU",,,nt orgalliz:!lions bascd on rect"nt idcmified usng". This c"n
il!CreaSè dil'criv.; C<lr p'lrk c.,p aci! y by 20(:·{' IO 40':~{J (ViclOri~1 Polic)' Tra ns·
pOr'r In s riwrc ).
Dyn:!lTlie park ing Jclt1and managemt"nl: 1\·bking the mosl eonveuit"nt p ~rk ing spaces a\'"ibbl ~ ro ccrta in high<"r , v<llut! use'S, !ik e :
Ridcs ha rc: vchicl es;
Dynamic .1I1Qc ;lrion of spaces rescrved fQr dis;lb]cd pe(lple;
Drnamic ti mc rdatecl oecup'lncy (.:.g., 5hort-te,m shopp"r, in d,l)', re·sidenls a l night);
Time relar<"d derna nd pric ing;
1vlor'c fl c xiblc pr ic ing· Illcrhods w h ic h allo\\' moror is.s ro p.l}' for onl)' rhc
'lmounr 01' rime thcy park (whieh ma .kes "horrcr park ing periods reJ.H ively
Dynamic p :! rk and ride m a nagemenr;
Dyn:lmic InTerneT b ascd park ing pricing .lnd avaiLtbili,y (prerrip}.
Reversible Lane Management/CounterflowlTidal Flow
Thesc ;1I'C Tcrms used in di ffe renr pans o r rhe \Vorld to dcscri bc a ifaHie cOlur o I
s ystcm whert" th" cl irection o i traifie is ch a nged necording IO prev'l iling or expecced
rr ~lffic eOlld itions . This s}'st('m is r)'pic:1l1)' II scd {CI imp rovc rl'.,fti.:: fio\\' d uring ru sl!
hours. T ra ffic sign:1b are CQ!ltf(lllcd fr om ,l rr'l Uic c Olur o] cenTer o pcl'".ing lighTS
cl'rerna l VI\·!S and, in thc flltllrc, I1lcssages ro n's cquippd ve hiclcs.
Inlroduction lO ITS SèrVlc l':S and Supporling
TedH\{) loglc~
Respotlse to On-Site Inddent Information
This ITS fun eriQn llses ;1\'a il:1hlc dolt:l !O formn hnc a ppropriare responsc ;lcri0l15 ro
L'":lch icl enlified incidem and revise tho,e aet ions when nece-s5ar)' to minimizc inciclenr
impm:ls a nd post-event cffecis. T his iunclion includès lhe proposal ;1I1d iacilitation
o f rhe ;lppropri~lle s.c heduling of predicled incidems in order ro minirnize incideiH
porc llti~l, ine id e m imp;1crs, <lnd/or rhc l'CSOll f'':cS rc<]ni rcd (or ir1(;ident lll " n~lgcl11 c nr.
Specific Vehic!e Types Priority and Preemption
This savin' allow, ce nlral nmn3!O<:menr s>,sr"l1I contro! to provide rraiiic sigual
priorir>, ~,nd pr<"cmp rion for specific d<ls ses of "e hicles (e.g., eme rge nc}' s<"r\'ice
vch icles, pllblk uansir). Th is servi cc C,ln be ;"\ HCC TCd b y a numbc r of Tcchnologi~'5 , bllr
rhe dOll1irUlH rcchnologics nre ITS eOll1ll1unic;1tions cgll ippcd vehicles or vchicJes
eq uippe d wirlt .lil RFID mg, roge rh e r w ilh ITS beacon s or RFlD rea dl'rs a r rraffie
,;;olHrol signals. T he dam of al1 nppr o'l.;;h ing pri or' i ~' vchiclc cali ,,150 b" rclayed ro
V;"·! S signs both omsidc t bc veh iel e :tnd (111 rhc SCfecns of rrs cq uipped \'chi clcs,
a5 wcl! ::IS to tmffic contro! offiecrs h)' mC::lns of :wdi h l" or \'isu,,1 mess ages .
2.6 .2.24
Smfi1çe Slreel Tmffjç Millli1gemenl
Thi s pr ovides l'ca l-rimc accur a re informarion ro rhe generai publi c on individu'll
rre rial p r::rformanec. Thc provisi on oi rC;ll-rime d:tt:t ir(lm sensors, camer;lS, probe
data, and a communic:ltions Inckbone enablcs 'lgc:ncies to more ;lggn:ssi\·dy :tnd
acclll'ate!r respond EU unscbedu l"d lraffie eV~nts. This S)'sr~m will 1}'pic;;lIy incluJe
ari incidè nt del.:cr iorl ~ysre ll1 , arte ria l slIr\'cill'lIlce s}'srem, Tn, ffic cotHrol s)'stem,
'lnd infr'1STrUC Wrc lO link c,lch of rhc im f{ic m'lOagc l11c nr ccnrcrs in Th c rcgiol\. Ir
is often linkcd ro V!...[S de viccs or mher ITS componeot$ loea ted along th" sdeered
corridors lo incl ndl: mocl ifieacion oi driver b.:havior to improvc Imfiic Ilow.
<l Traffk Informiltlon
This sel·\'.ice provid es dr ive r infonn'lTion usi n g roadw'l)' cqu i pmcm including
dynarnic var j;lh lc llless;lge s igns or hig,hw:l )' acl \'isory radio hro;ldc;lstS. j\ \Vide
range o f inform,lI ion can h e di sseminarcd, inclllding rrnffic and ro:!d condirions,
closllre :llld deCOlir in rUrtliarion, incidenr infortn a rioll, e me rgency a!eres, anJ driver
adviso ncs . Th is st"r\'icc pro\'id e.s iniorm<ltion ro drivcrs ;lr spe cific eqni p ped loc.\TioJ1S on rhe rl) ~ld nc.work. CHef,,! pLlcemcnr of fhe ro'ldway c<]\lipmc nr providcs
thc inform'lrioo ,li points in the network ,vhere clrivers h'lVC reCours!: aod c,m tailor
their rOUles to account ior rhe n"w information. This sen'ice also includes the:
equipll1ellt and imerfaces th~H pw\'id e tr"f{ic inforltlil rion ir om <I Iraific manage ·
mCIIT cc nrcr TO rhe medi'l (for e X<lmpl e, vh, .1 direci info rlll;Jiion provision rrom .,
rrolffic l11:tn;lgcl1lern ccntc r or police stnrion ro radio or telcvi sioo compu ..::r systcllls ).
Tmnsit m3n:!gement, emergency management, and iniorm,ltion service provide rs.
A link ro rhe l11;J illTenanc<" ~,nd .;;onsrtucrion man ,'ge menr subsysrem will <lI so ., llow
the di ssemilw-ion o r rc,ll-tim infQrrnilTion on l'O ad/bridge c1Qsllfes d(l e TO rn,ùmcnnnec ancl consrrllc,ion .1ctiviries.
IT S $cl\,jccs ror Vchic lcs and TI d r Occupants
Traffie Monitoring
This i n vo l ve~ the use ot scnsor tcdmologr, u :Hn reeoru inl:\ anu tr:lIls fer, nn ù d a tn
s;lIl1phn g aud a nal ysis [Q m(";ISUT<' Ih .. P;lss;lge of v"h icles 011 rO:ld w a }'s . T raffic
11l 0 niiOrin~ is ;Hl csse mi a l compo ne llT for Tr;l ffì.;: 11),lllagclllc:n •.
Transit Ma nagement S}'!.tems
Infr:rstrueture b:lsed Irnnsi t ITS sc:n'ict's incl ude surveillnnct" :lnu eum mu nic;llions
such as a lltollla red w h icle Icx';Jriurl (AVL ) sysLo?llIS, cOlllp lll e r-ai Jed JiSp:llCh (CAD)
sysrems, ;ln d remOTe veh icle ;111d t.lciliry sll r vei ll;lI)çc 0;:;III1("r.1S, which cll,l b le [l';1I15i r
;1gcllcies to im pro"e rhe opcr'1Tion:11 cfficiency, s,1ic ty , 'In d scclI r i.y oi th c pllb[ jc
lr:1nspor! atioil s)'s tt'ms. (For lr:1l1sil l11:ll1agemellc s}'slt: ms Ih nt in vo lvt' eommUlliè;'l >
ri o ns wiTh rra nsi r \'e h ides, sei? (hc' ;lpp roprbTc su bsec rioll be low.) In fr;lsrnl cmre
b;l S d ff<1 ll si t sys rc ms 11 5 11 ;111)' .,150 inrerac, Wifh infrasTr uc wre b,l sed H.l\' Icr inforl11a tion s)"stCI11S co proyid e ;1 rr iva l all d dcp;1rturc info rm;1tion .
2.6.2 .28
Traveler Information-Infrastrueture Based
In fraSH\lCW rC oriented travclc r inform::lrioll "pp lk:ui o lls IlSC.l v,)ficry of rcch nolo g ies, inclllding Interne r W'c h si tes :lI1d tcle phonc hotl ilH:S , as well ,IS Ic:lcvisiol1,
ra diu, a n d \/.\ '15, to nllow llsers tu m 3k.: mo re informt"d dcci si ons rcg:l nl ing trip
u,:p:lrrurt"s, ro utt's, a llù 1Il0Jes of rr :l'o'eI.
2.6 .2 .29
Weather and Environmental Condilions Monitoring
Th is in,,0 lve5 the collection of illform:Hion rebted tu \\'e:l thcr :lnd olhe r cl1v iron111 c Il wl cOlld itiollS in orJer tu s uppurr cra l'ele r infurlllation sysct"rns (t'.g ., V\15 ,
r;ld io :l ler rs) . Thi s funo;: ri on inc luclcs:
AutomnteJ wenlher scnsors;
\X-'alèr levcllLidal mon ituring a mi predi':lion;
Seism ic mon iroring;
PolIlITion ltlonirorill S;
.. ho1bnchc, mudslide, bllen rock moniro rin g.
2.6 .2.30
Work Zone TraHie Management
Thcrt' a re a nu m hc. oi w ays !ha t ITS ca o assist wor k zon e tra mc m nn.1gemcnt..
rrS can hdp sceure the safety of wurkcrs :md tra vdt'rs in a work 1.Olle wh ilt:
i.lci lir.l rillg l.aHi.: flow rhroug h <l nJ a .ounJ rht' cOlls trucri o ll ;l re;l. Thi s is o flell
ac hi cvcd rh rough rhe tc mpo r,)f)' dc ploymc lH o f o rhe l" IT5 scrl'iccs , sllch ;J S elc:me llis
oi tf:1 Hic 111:J lla gcmcnt a nel incidell r m:lI1;Jge ll1ellt prog r.111ls. EX'lmples w here inrcr .1ctiollS with vchicles a re in'iolved are elescri bd in the nppropria te scctiol1 bdow.
Olht' r in fraslrue ture bascù
assisr:!I!.:t" tu wo rk zone traffie mnn:Jgernenl ind ude s:
• Port ablc ch:r llge abl e messa!;t' signs i1'CMS);
• Dynamic bile rnergc S)' StCJl1 . ;
• V.uinhle speed lil11its (according ro fra ific IO'ld or work zone activity).
Inlrod uction lo IT5 SètVlCCS and $upportlng Tèdmologlès
Véhldé/lnfrastructure IT5
In frasrrtlC flIfC based ITS S}' STCItlS requi rc il cOllllllll nic arion link bcrwccn rh e ill fr 'lsr rUcrUfe .1I1d t ne "enicle. E.'l.rly e1(;1mplcl' of suc,", s ysrcm s a re roll ro ad'i-decrro nic
ro :rd p ricing-nnd vehicu b r nccess control systems.
lt is worth 1I0lillg (ha I nmn)' vt'hicle ae>:esS .:onlrol sysrel1ls art" Ilor Ih::- su b jt'c l
o f iltly ITS or vc:hi cle spedfic sralld'lrd iza rioll o;:omlll im'e, bU I r;Hhe r b ll wirhitl
ge nc ric s r:1ll (bròs for RFID. TIH.-se cOOllllUnic.:uion s s;;lnda rds ;HC gen er'lll}' foullò
wirhin che purview oi ISOllF C JTC1 se') I WG4 (Iniorm a rinn T cchnology, :\uwmatie Idt"ntifiC:llion, Ibu io rrequc nc )" Ide nti fi cation). \X,' ithin rhis book, st:lI1dnrds
ior s\lch sys rems aro? iJèlllified i,I Sec[ion 7 .4.
GCJl cril l aspcc rs of allfom;Hic veh id c idc lHi fic;ltio n illld a llTO!llilric (rr.ln sporr
rd :n cd) cqllipl11e llt idcn rilì carion,:1s wel l .1S issues o r clecrron ic reg isrr;1tion ide nrific:rtion arc idc nritÌcd in Scaion 7.3.
S[ nndarJs conct"rrle J with dc.:tro nic wll int; (uflen known as ETC, AI~C, a nd
i\ Te) a re d \'eloped br lSOrr C 204 \VG 5/CEN T C2iS WG I , ami sllc h sys re ms
'1fC idcm ific d in 5ecrion 8.8.
It is wort h noting tha t in Europe (with Ihe: exce p tion o i It:dy) thert: is a
co,llesce ll ce a roulld Ih e ETSlICEN S(<1rlu tl.ds for EFC, a lici {ht'se sIanJ a rds are
widdy llsed in Ausrrali il i\ nd pa ("{ s of Asia; in Norrh Ame rica, 11o\\'c ve r, ib e re a re
no pr nperly de"cloped E n~ lETC srand :1rds a nò co nscgucntl}' rh e l11ilfk c r in thosc
countries has hecomc dominated by thrce commcrei;1l1y p roprieta ry systems th a t
n re noI inte:ropcrable. China curn:ndy usc:s severa I d iiferent s)"stems noJ is devdoping irs own na li o n;)1 sra ndard and J ;lp;ln and Korea h:lv(" Jlari oll,J l swndard s,
For c;HI}' ge ncra rion s}'sre l11.s, smnd a rds we re dcvcloped ,IS co mpiere, wh o lc
cln,cd ~ys te/1l ~ , ind udi ng the cOl11l11unic:n ions as pccrs- tne a ir interhce p rorocols.
Lnter work h"s sep:l ra led thc a pp lic:l tions from the ca rrier commun ic:l tion s, a nd
il is ellvisiolled Iila {, iII thc ìUl ure, suc), iee eo ll t:>:rioll Iransn.:tions, whctht:r ior
simple [0 11 colkc rion o r [\101' (' cOlll plex rO;l d p r icing and dCJIl <l ll d 1ll;ltlilge me nr
sysrc m s, wi ll be rr.1t1s;lc red nsing ,1 generiC vehicl c comll1lln iCilrio ns sysre m, per h;l ps
linkcd to a sm;1rt car<l or mhe r dc \-iec within the \"ch iclc.
In order lo po:rform man}' rrs so:rviees, :lS currendy cnv isioned, it is expecled
Ih ar v('h icles will be t"q llipptd WiLh one or more CO llill111nic3ti on S}'S lem rlt:ll uses on e:
or more w ird ess ,1\ r Itlferf,lce [O inte rilc r beTween rh e \"c h ide a nd rh e infraSTfl1Crurc:.
Ex,111lples (hm nor ,1 complecc IisT) of \"Chiclc-infri1~trllctll rc sc rvicc5 whcrc \vlP
is known ro h:: undcrway a re d::sc ri hed in this see tion. It shnuld be noted, howevc r,
thnt tht're is 110 :rbsolute const' nsu s as tu the exlenl ot m311 }" of the sen- ice:s, nur
of [hl' t1le<IIl S ot ilch ievi ng {hefll . For rhi s re.lson, rhe descri pti oJls ;l re g,e ner<l lized
<lJld no r spc.:ific, a nd scrvices m ighr c xisr ill mulT iple c;HCgOrìCS.
Vehicle/ lnfraslrlJclure
2 .6.3. 1.1 Infraslrncture lo On ·Boorcl Eq[Jipment
1.6.3. '/ .1. 1 AccidclI! Sile Adviso ry.
Atter a cr;1sh is re ported,c ither elcC!To n ically
by <In emergellcy cali message Ir 'lllsmissio ll, or by il fir s. responde r or PSAP, il
w ;1r ning is ,ra nsm ined from Th e ncarcst" in rl"<l st"rtIcrurc b ',lçon, from ;1 pOrT'lblc
0:=;1con carried by clì1crgcnc}' scrvices, o r, ii it is capa blc pnsr-cras h, frolì1 on:= or
2,6 ITS
(or Vchiclcs <lnd Their Occupanls
mo rc of the: 3(fecre:d veh ide:s, ro ,111 othcr vehidcs in rne arca, w;un in!) of rhe
proximitr Di the aeeident. The w arni ng is tr;msmitted into the vchicle nud io :md/or
\'iSlml J i~ pla )' \'ia ari
comlTItlll icatiol1s iLHt'ffacl:.
Inlroduclkm lo
Irs Servlces and $upporllng Technologics
systems usin g wi rclcs s commun icarioll s illStal lcd Oli tra ifjc inrcrsecrion s allei emergene}" ych icles, As rhe e mergency vehicle :1pproaehes :1 tf:1 Hic sign:1 l, it is recogni'l.ed
b}' che Ira Hi, sig na l contro lkr th roug h lighr, ra di o wa\'es, or sou nJ . 'l'hl' normal
g rel' n /rellow/red cycl c can cben be interrupcl?d reo c ha nge the light TO greetl.
2.6.3.'.'.2 Alli/llal Cros,çùlg Z Oll e III!o mra/io ll .
This is che pfo vi sio n of warn ings iO drivcrs :tt tarm crossin&-~ , hOl'sc trai l c ross in gsJhr idlewa)'S, ;1I1d so on, Tlle
inlofll1 3lioll is tr:lI1 SITIiltcd into tllI: \'eh icle 'llnl io :1 ml/or visun l disp1.1y via ;ln ITS
c Olllllluniealion s i nlt'rfac.:,
2,(;.3.' ./ .3 Ada/ltiv(! Dl'h,etraill Alanagamel/t-ln{mslfw:tul"<? As:sislad. (SC(? alsn
Sectio ll l, o. I A.)
Br ;lnr ic ip;lting ccruin driving si rU:1r ions, :111 on- ho;Hd systcm
cnn rccoml11l'nd hanJling str:lleg ics lo fhe driver ior such purposes ns imp ro\'ing
itlcl efficiency, a nd a clLH~ \'in g s;l fe t~' and p..:r form 'lnce imp rovcllll:llCS. By inc('r'lcring
wi rh ch" InfraSftllC WI'C, intoJ'll),nioll abou t u pcoming drivlIlg condi ti o ns, col hltcd
br sensor or probc \'ch iclc.s a nd rcportt-d to . he infr<ls-ructu rc, ca n he introd llccd
to the calclliarion models to iurcher il11pro\'e che dficienc)' of sllch syslel11s. Thc
inioflnation is tran smitted into Ihl' v.:h ide \'ia :m
communic :lti ollS inlerince,
Adapti~'e "leadliglll Aimil/g. (SOl' illso Sectiolt 2. 6.1. 8.)
Thi s is rh c
prm'i sion of infofn13 tion to veh iclcs for the purposc of c1ullgin g hc;,dl:lOlP scttings
IO adjust to ]oca l conJitions . Earl}' inst'lIltiatiolls an: ill- \'dli cle d"vice s controll"d
~ uld>' b )' in-vthicle· ~l'nsors , auci tho::so: art' a lrl'3J~' in che !1l:Jrkdpbèe-. D"vi<:es th at
a re IInd er devc lopmenr inrl'rac r wilh rbe in fr;lsrrucl\1re a nd/or orher vehi clt>s, a nd
in thcsc dc \'iccs the infonn.ni o n is tf;lIl smi tted co che \'ch iclc vin a n ITS commul1ic;l tions interface,
2.6.3 . .1.1 .-1
2.6.3 ..1.1.5 lJIill</ A-'l('}"~(' W.'(/ rnil/g,
This is rhl? pro\'isi o ll o i w'lrllings fr o m [ho:
infl'<l scl'\1ctll l'e ro drivcl's wh<.: l'c highw;lYS or hlncs mergc, T hcsc Jn-\'chìcl e cleclr on ic
sysrcms moniTOr rh e posi.ion of a \'c hi cle with ill " ro ad w,,)' lalle and W;l rn ;1 drive r
if it is unsa fe to change lanes or mcrg'" into a line oi traHic. Thcse S}'stt'I11S a re
rt' arward looking, ratl a r-baseJ s)'stems . They nss isl J ri\'Cfs who art' i llte ntioll a ll~'
cha ngnlg lan('s by dcrecll ng \'ehielcs in che driver's b hn d spoc. The w'lrning is
tr.lIl sll1irrcd ro rhe vch idc \'i;l ;111 ITS C0ll11lll1l1ica nons inrc rf'l cc .
2Ji,.1. ". 1.8 Em ergeI/ c)' VdJJde \'idi?O l{ epl'lY. This is th e provision oi vide o data
streaming to/(rom emergency vr:hicl"s to enable remote assis tallce to be pro\'ided
o:n rolile . This a lso iuvolves Ille repby of ,.dlido:: " bbc k box" Jata :II1J video lo
ass isc cmerge ncy rcsponse I(',un wi rl! Und('Ts t;ln d illg C;Hl~(', ;l CIlI;l l eve ne, il nd probable ill jllry conscqllcnccs of <In ;lccidcllt. c.mcrgcl/c)'
Vchiclc \Vamill~-fl'Om fl1(rastru ctl/rc.
Inira slruc[UTc
baseJ s>'s lem s, h;wing knowled ge oi Ihe sice o f all incide r\[ 'lllJ having be~ 1l not iiied
by ,In clllcrgcnc)' r('spon:;.c \'chiclc mo\'ing cowards rhe inc idcnr, ci th er bro;ldc;lSC
or notify \'eb icles rcgistercel by
beacon as bei ng with in its range nf the a p proach
of :!Il emergency \'chicle. Thc w:1rning is Irnnsmi tted into che veh iclo:: .1udio ;md/or
\'iSlml Jispla}' \'ia an l'I'S l:ommu n icHions inct'rl:lC<:'.
.ne Ext em al Specd LimitaliOI/. Thi s is che limira Tion 01 s p c~~ d cichcl'
co IOC31 road rcgll l:ltions or at h igh-risk points such as Ilcar schools or parks, The
limita ti on is achic\'eJ b}' tho:: rect'ipt of :1 message o\'er 3 n a ir intt'rlacc which
iusrrUcls cile tnginc: rnanago:ml'n l sys [ern tu contro] spe-o:J w a cerraill Ill:1 Ximllm. .1.11 fog
This is thc p rovi sion of w;lrn ings fro m chc in fr<lstrllcturc to drivers o f the presence of fog ;H o r a he.1d oi rhe ...-ch icl ", Such syslems m ay
b:: pro\'ideJ from :l co:: ntra l rcfer<:'ncr: to Ihe loc:ttion o f the vt'h icll' :md known
gro ullJ conJ ilion s al rh a l poinc Or a head of Ih;\( poinc, Or Illa)' cornprise 'l sdf·
concaioed ITS bt'o~lde;lsr rr;) n ~mi Tf (, l', or \'chìdc prese ncc sellslIlg tl\1I1Smin c r
insLlllcd rh roughollt the rO;Hl 'lnd/or in known fog zone ;lfC.1S where d uring foggy
conditions l11otorist.s 2re :l lerted of th" fot; zon e condirion :1henJ. T he w;lrning is
transmi ttcJ imo the v"hid" ;lUdio and/or vislIal Jispb)' \'i a a n 1"1'5 communic:l ti ons
Frea~ilIg/{ c)' Bridge \'i!aI'J/ÙIg ,
This is rhe prOVlSl on o r w:1 rnings
l'rom thc infrastructure to driv"rs of the p rcsence of ice on a b ridgo:: nhe nJ. Sue h
sysrems ma y bI'! proviJeJ from a cenrra l rell'renel' lo the lotation oi chI'! vehid.:
m,n ched IO information collecte,i from sellsors ili rh e bridge, or m a }' comprise ~1
sclf-co nrain cd ITS h ro;Hlc;Jsr rr;lnsm iHcr, or \'chid c prcsencc sCllsi ng Tr;ll1smi rrc r,
connected to sensors in the: bridge, ;md ;ltt:lched to (or in pl::!ce o f) :l n ;1ppropri;1rel)'
placed warning sign. The warning is uansmi llcd inlo Ih" \'ehicle a u Jio anJ/or
\,j S ll ~ll di s pl il>' via ,Hl ITS ('omrllun ica rions ioceriace.
2 Ji,:U ,L 11
2.6.3. ·' ,',6 Curvc S!Jc{.,d \Vamillg-llI{mslructurc 13ascd.
This is the pro\'ision
oi w 3rn int:s from che inirastruclurc W dri\'ers IO nd ap t une's spt'<::d tu cllr\'o: (bt'lltl)
eo ndic lOns. Thesc w<lrn ings m;lY be ad a p rive to cut t'enr weach er and tOild .:o ndirion s. C ur\'e spccd warning s}'src ms lise rO;1dside de recto rs ;l nd c lecTron ic w arn inl;
sig ns to w a rn drivcrs, rypically Ihosc in commercia i tru cks '1Od orh er he;wy \'chicles,
oi p otenli::dly Jangaous spccJs when :1pproaching curves on hig hw:1 p , The W:lTOing is cra nsmi(cI?d imo che v.:- hicle a udio ;1I1Mo. yjsua l di spla)' \'ia an ITS cOlllmuniea ·
rio ns inrerface.
rrt!e~il1g/Jc)' Road Sw face \l?a/'llillg.
This is th c pro\'ision of wart1ings from the in fra srructure co drivcrs oi the prcscnce oi i c~ on the ro3d , Such
sys rems nl;ly be provided rrom a ccnrra l retererl ' c IO th e locarion of che \'ehi d('
Illaichcd co infoflll:1Ci o n coll c.; rcd frOlli sc nso rs in che road, o r ma}' com prise ;l
sdf-conrai Il ed ITS hroadc'lsr .rallsmincr, or \'ch iclc prc:sc:nce scnsing tran smi tte r, 3
2. 6,3"' , 1.7 EmcrgelIc)' VeI;iclc SiglIa! l'ri!cm!Jlio ll,
T his is th e control of trniiic
sIg na I, ro give p riori r}' co f'Jllergenc}' vrhicles (obvj,ning Ih e rleed fo r e merge nc)'
\'chiclcs ro cross sign;l ls se t a r stop). Emc rgc ncy vehide prce mprion ;111 0 \\' 5 firc
trllcks :md 3/llblllances to inrcrvcne in the norl11al o pcr:ltion of tr.Ùfic control
2.6 ITS
for Vehicles arrd Thclr Occupants
cnnncctcd to sensors in th c road, and ;lttaclH:d IO (or in piace of) ;In ;lppropri;1Tcly
pbccd w :uning sign. Thc w a rning is tmnsmitte d into the vchiclc audio :md/or
"isua l display \'ia an
cumlTIunicatiuns inte rbcc:.
2.6.3./ .1.14 GNSS Corre,:tiolls. Thi s is rhe pro\'i sio n of scrviecs 1'0 pr o"idc
gre;1Ier accurac}' to C,NSS (GPS/C,:l lilco/C,1.0NASS) posirioning. Such ;lCCUr:lcy is
essential t'or coll ision avoiuanco:: anJ othcr sa iel)' critic'lJ se.:rvices.
2. 6.3. 1.1.15 HiI ~ardolls \'(Iantmg;; Re:; tnctl.'d Arca.
Thl?l'(, ;Ht' m1llrrp l"
.1ppro:lchcs ro s uch s iruat ions. One .lppr oach is thc pr ovis ion 01 w'l f nin gs frol11
the infr:1strucnrre to dri\'crs oi IIAZMAT "chicles when :1pproaehing n:stric.ed
.:tre.:a s. Sue h s)'srems may be.: pru\'ided [rom :1 eel1tm l rdercnee lO the Im::1tion u f
IIle v<:hicle 111:11.:hed (O knowll HAZMAT resrricred zones, or nln)' cOlllprise il
sc lf-c olliaincd ITS broadcasr rf .lIlSIllIITCr, 0 1' l'chide prc c nec scnsillg. r!'atls mirrcl',
insT:1l1cd 011 a HAZ~·Il\T res rriction sign lor in piace of) ro provide w :1rn ing W tbc
driwr. Thc warning is cr:m smilce.:d into the veh iclc audio :1l1d/or visu:!1 display "ia
a li ITS <:omlnunicaliuns inleri.:tce.
Allocher appro'l\:h is for J-lAZ1vIA T vehicl e~ CO ill lt'rm irtcllIl)', çon rinuollsly, or
011 commalld, (l'a ll smi r (wirh or wirhollr drivcr cOllsc m) rhe n ,li IIl'C of dl e 1-[/\ZMt\ T
C:1rgo, driver 'luchelltic:uion a l1d ide nriiic;lrioll, :lnd so 011. On reccipc of a sign a l
:! ppro:lchillg or in a HAZ!\·(AT restricted art'a fur that typt' Di m a terial, the driver
is wa rned by audiu an d/ur vistlal d ispby via ali ITS cU llllllunications illtcrLu:e, ur
po~s i bl y rhe vehicle is lI11mobillzcd a nd e mcrgcnc y/polic(' sU llllll o ned.
2.6.3. '1.1 . ' 6 Highway/Rail Collision "(/amillg.
T h is is thc prm'ision oi w:lrn ings
buth rund a nd mil Di potcmi:d cullisions :lI gr;tde {k:vd) crossings , or thc cOl1trol
of road/rail vehiclcs lo prt'\'<:lIt collisi olls a[ grade (lev..: l) ('russi llgs. T iro:: w<lrning is
rranslllirr"d imo rh e l'('hide " lId io ;lIId/or \'iS II;1 1 d isph,y l'ia " Il [TS com01u ll icario ns
2.6.3. /.1.'/ 7 H onu:/allC{ S ccll rity / dl'llti{rcativ lI al/c! Almwg('/IlclIl.
This involves
a rallge oi velllde ;1l\d porenri;1l1r occupallC idenlific.llion meas lIres tu SlIppOrt
n;Hiollal secmit)' a nd border crossi n~ idc nrifica ti o l1 ;111LÌ nwo.lgemcnr.
2.6.3 .'1.1.18 /lltdfigclI/ OIl·R.amp Mct crillg.
This inyolve.:s th<: d"vc!opmt:nt 01
Tamp lIlèle ring .md munitoring S)'sICl1ls tu adapt m un:: pn:ciseIy tu :re 1\(;1 I l'riliiie
fl o \\'s; bnn~ing ramI' Slgll;1l s on board lO vldc'o/aud io prese nra rioll; and <11" pOll'llIial
cx rCIlS IOll lO prc ve nr '·c h iclc. from enre ring the highway when l'he sig nal inòic:1res
2.6. 3 .1.1./ ~}
Ittteffige/il Tra!ft,; Llf:!/;rs.
T bis irn'olws rhe colkcrioll oi rr.lI'fic
inforrn ,Hi o ll frolll vc hicles ro cnab lc 11I0l'e inrelligc nr opc1'.1[iol1 of Tm ff ic lig,h rs ro
adapt ro tra ific tlows, .1Vcrage s pcc:ds, ;lIlÒ inc idenrs. In such sysrc llls, :,11 C!IS
communiC:He co che traffic lig hr usinl>;ln ITS cOJJ1l11l1nications inrerfacc borh thei r
spe.~ ific phhX' in rh e queue and rileir desri l1 .Hion "ddress. The tra{fic lighr cOl1lrol
5ysrcm d ecidcs which optiQn (i.c., whieh l:l ncs a re ro be pur on ~rccn ) is Qprim<11
to l11inimizc the long-term averngc w;liting rime um il :,11 cars 11:1\'e arrived :n .heir
Introduction lo IT$ Servìces (ind Supporting Tedmologb
dcsrin:lrion ;leldrcss. Thc tr:1ìfic lish t controlkrs soh'e this probJem by es til11aring
how long. it would ra kc ior a car to arrive 'H ils desrin a tion a ddress (for wh ic h the
Clr ma}' m:ed ro pas~ many Jifi.:n:nt rmific lighrs) ",hen currenrly lho:: li!;ht wuuld
be pur on g.ree n, 'l nd how lo ng ir wo u ld rake ii rhe liglll would be pm 011 red. The
diffcrem:c be rwccJl rhe w " iri n~ rime for rcd a l1d ibe \\"l iring rimc for grcel) is rh c
~p in for rhec:!i'. The tr;lt'fic lig hrconrmlIers set the lights in SUCh:l way to J1laxilllize
the :l\'erage g;;;n of :I11 cars stand in g befon: rhe crossing. \-';' a iting tirnes oi individuaI
.::a rs are used tu èUll1pLlte the IOllg terlll ;l\'erage \Vai lillg ril1lO::s usillg. d}'l1:lIui.::
programming a lgorirhm s.
2.6.3. 1. 1.20 /lItcrs cctiol! Collisirm-I1/(rastmctllre llascd W·amillg.
This is thc
pruvisiull uf w:1rnin!Os in ilialed by t he infmstrllclll,e lO \'ehiclcs approaching or at
illlersec lion s of pO lenl ial ~ollis i ons {<'spi?c i.llly ;lI blind inrerSeèriolls}.
Inf ...1STI'lICtllr., b" scd inrcrscc rion collìsioll 'Ivo id a ncc s}'s tcms usc road.sidc s('nsors, processors, anel w arni ng dcvices; roadside-vehicle eommunic;1rioll de ,' icc:s;
other ro:lds idc informatiol1al or w:lrn illg dcvices; and trariic sign :!ls to prm' ide
dri\'in!> assiSlance lo rnuturisls. The i n l er~eC lioll cullisil)1l avuid:lllce s}'Slcms c:m
be c!;1 ssified as eilher inftasrruc rure-oll l)' or <18 infrasrrllc ru re vellide coope rariv",
lnfl';lSTrucru l'C-O n l}' syslc ms rcly sok:lr o n l'o'lds idc wilrning dcv iccs ro communic;llc
wirh drivcrs. T hc warni ng is cra nsmim:d imo the vchielc aud i~ and/or visua l dispby
vi:!. :l n lTS communic;ttions interiaee.
2.6.3 .1.1.2/ Kecp Cleilr \Ilarl/il/g.
This is the provision o i wMllings co drivcrs
TO ,woid s pcci fie loC;lCiollS, whieh llla~' be bec,Hlsc al obst'lcics in the .. oad, d'lI11ilgc
to The TO:ld, congestion, TO:ld work, sral1ding water, high win ds, :lccident, spillage,
:lnd so un, Dr bec:lusc Di lue:ll rcgu b liolls. 'l'hc \\'arn illg is lrnnsmillt:J into lhe
\'ch icl ... <l udio ;indlo r l' isll al displa )' via il ll lTS CO())lllLIJl i.:a ri o Jl s inre rfa~·e .
2.(,.3. 1.1.22 te!,! TI/m i\ssistmlt-II1{rastl'llc/lIl'c Assistcd.
This is rhe provision
of ass is r:mec lO drivers who are turning Idt. This coul1tcrmc:!surc inl'oll'cs wo1rning
mutorisrs makin!> a IdI turn a l :l traffi.: Sigll:ll oi a potc:nri:ll cunflicl Wilh \'ehicles
ilpp roilehillg irom rh ... opposire direction (which causes .1 {Or;ll oi 192,000 crashe ~
p c r ye;lf in tbc Unircd Sr;1rcs (13Mr, 2001)) . Th c b;l Siç sc nsing rcq\lirc m c nrs MC
to idemi iy potenti;]1 eonfliets by clctermillin s rhc speed :llld the :lcceleration or
Jecderatiun rate 01' caeh vehiclc approachillg the intersection l'rom th", opposi te
direelion, illl:luding vehides c.wclltillg l'l!rough a lld right -tunl rnOl'enlenlS. Silllple
poinr m ('a~ ure lllenrs will nor b", su fficiclH, SIJl ce \'ehi cles can aSSlIJllC' \'ar io\ls f!"l ,ce ro'
[ics ;111<1 accdcration/deccle rationlsl'Opping movcmCIHS, p.lrt ic ll larly \Vh en oTher
ych iclcs are prcsenT. Thc clssisrallCC is tral1smittcd into thc vchicl.:: a udio a nd/or
visual JispIa)' "i:l :m
eommunieatiol1s interfact:.
2.6.3. 1.1.23 Lo!/! Bridge W'Irl/il/g.
l'bi s is dl(: pro ,'isio ll of w'lrl1 ings IO drivc r:s
lo\\' hrid ges; .h is is pro!':l"ly Il,:ltched IO vt: hi de chafaCteristic$. Tbc w:lrn il1g is
tTal1sm itted imo the \'ehicl" :llIdio a nd/or visu:l1 displa y "ia an ITS cOl11lllunic.nions
:11 .1.24 Lo!/! Parkillg Stru,:tUI'l? \'(!amùrg.
Th is is chc prm'isiOIl of warnings
drivers of heig.ht restrietiol1s in vehiclc p:uks; this is prohclhly marched to l'ehi clc
ITS Scrviccs for Vchkles arrd TI eir OCCUP,1r1ts
cb:l r'lClcri" ic,. The wMni ng is ,r:l l1slllirrcd imo -he vc hicle '"ldi o :lod/or visu:l 1
display via ,m ITS co mmu nications intcrbcc.
1.6 ..3 . '/. '/ .15 A,h'T~c Assista1I!.
Thi s is lhe pronsJ(m oi assista ncc: to drivers
lI1e rging imo lraffie lanes. Thc w:1rtli ng i~ Ir:lIls miCll'd iillU th l' v.:ll ic ll' audiu ,mdi
or visu<1 1 di spby vi:l ;\]1 lTS conHl1\lIlicalLons llHc rf:! ce.
2.(,.,l. '1 .1.26 Ol/-Hoard VMS Siglwgc:.
This is th c provision lO on-ho:Hd video
cn:cns of Il1cssagcs ITansmi lle J tu extc:rna l \'ar ia b le messagc signs, or thc rcplace111" '11 uf 'uch sign age b)· loc:1tion rdall'cl trlifil: illiofllla li o ll !O w hiclt:s frolli inir~ ­
srrucrurc commll nic;Hion poinrs. T he w~lrnin g is n'~lll s lllirr d inlO rhe vc lude a udio
" nd/o r vislI;\1 clispl <l)' \'i;\ <1 1\ lTS cOOlll1l1 nicnrio ns inrc rf:lc .
2. 6.3 . 'I . '1.17 J'c..h·slriall Crussillg III(ormaliulI.
This is tbc provi sio n o f intorm alioll lO dri,,~'rs a p p roadling peJeslria n .:ros ~ i ll l;:s, as wdl a:> the pr U\'isiol1lJf in iurrn:t don lO pr(lc t r i ~H l s ar crossings (espl'cla ll y v1slI;1 11 )', ;lllra ll y, ;ll1d m obilir)' impa irE'd
l'edcs rr ia n-;). T hc w a rni n!~ is rr;l nsrn irrcò i n\O tbc vc hi cle ;l Il cl io ::Ind/or vis u;! 1d isp lay
via a n ITS commu nic:ttio ns inrerface.
1.6.3. }. 1.1g l'edl!slriall Crussillg CV /llrul.
T hi s is "e!lidl: cOlltro l Cu pre \'en r
ve h i Ics fr o m c nrcring pedcsrrian cross in g wh ilc c' t to p("d cs rri :l n pr iol'ir)'/slOp
rra ffje, or alrc rtl<l livcl y wh ilc phy sic~l tl )' in lise by peelestri;l ns . Contro I is ,l chicv d
vi a all ITS commull ic:1 tion s intertace .
2. tS .. L ,}.1.29 l'edcsJrianlCbildrcll \'i/a miug .
Th is is th e pro\'ision ()f warnings ro
dri n- rs a l puints whl!rt: peJc slria lls , ..l nd particlIlarly cb ildrc:n, a n: likd )' lo :! pp::-:1r
in rhe roadw:1)' ~.: .g . , neM schoo) s ~lJl d ph1}'g rolln ds) . The wa ming is t ra nsmined
inro ,be vc hicle all (lio ;ll1d/of vi sll .\l d isplay \'ia ;In ITS commu ni '~HioIl S inrcrracc.
2.n.J . '1 .1.30 l'o st-Crash \V<iI'lIil1g . Th is is thc pro\'ision of w 'Hnings ro drivers
a pp ro:1l:hing th l' sill: of :t rl:cel1 t :1l:l:iJcnt. The w:1rn ing lS transmi ll cd ioto thc
velrido:: a udi o <l nd/or \' iSll ~l l di sp l;l)' " i:l a n ITS ':Ollllllllnic;nioIlS inrer1<lce .
2. 1 Rail RO'ld Cmssirlg \'i/ilmil/g.
Thi s is rhe pro ... isi ol1 of w ;lrn ings
from lhc in fra srrll chlre ro dr ivers of ra il cross ings (gl'ade erossings/lcvcl crnssin gs)
:1 1!t:ad. Su.:h s)'S tems m:1y be proviJc::J from :! centra i rcfercm:c IO Ihl' loca iun n f
d,e \,t'bicl.: m ;l rc hed ro knowlI erossi ngs, o r Illa)' co rnprise ;) self·eo11la inl'd lTS
broad c,l sr fI'~ln $ m i ncr, 0 1' vchicJc prcscncc sc nsi ng tr ansl1linc r, ins mll cd 011 ,l r;\ il
c ro$sing warning sig n (o r in pl:\ce of) lO providc warning oi thc crossing a bcad.
S)'Stl'ms may a lso detect the presence of :1 pproac hing tTains ro r'lisc rhe w:t rning
le v.:!, ;mJ tI1:ly pruviJe J:! la tu rrains where:: il 3pp::-ars a ca r is c::i thcr st:1tior13ry on
tlr e crossi ng, or li kel y ro ignare {he w'lrnings. Lue r syste m s l11 a)' fo rce \'ehicl Sto
, to p w h n rr:l ins :Ire a ppro;l ch ing. Tbc w'l rn in g is Tr:l llsmi ncd inro Th c \'ch iclc
:l lIdio ,md/o r \'isll:1 1 dis pb y vi a :111 ITS cornmunic;\tioIl 5 intcrt:1cc, alld in ,he brrer
case would direcd)' li n k IO wh icll: l:on tnJI s}' slems.
Introductlon to lTS SelVlcès and Supporting
rCll1i nder of thc f.1C i Ji ti c~ providcd ,u the r est afc a :lhe:ld . SlIeh in form a tion 11M)"
:1150 be bro 3de..l sr from an infr:1struetun: bcacon, tr:msmi rrcd onet· :1 vchiclt' is
regist ercJ, :m d m:1y bl' link"J wilh Iho: prm'isioll of cummen:i :;1 pu blicit)" iniurrn 3'
tion wh re rh e res r are,l offe rs co mlllen: i;l l services. T he norice is tm nsm i!1ed im o
Tll(: vc hid c andi o ,In d/o r vis\1;\ 1 di spl<l )" via <I n JT5 commll nic:1Tio ns inrc r f:h:c.
2.6.3 .1 .1.3.3 Right 'l'11m Assistmll-J1i(rastructllrc Assista /.
Th is is thc: pr<)\'isiol! o f assisla llc<: lO Jriwrs tllrn ing righI. S~ e " L.:it Tum Assisra ll t" a bo\'(," iII (bis
sE'c ri o n. Thc ;l ssi · t~lll CC da r:! is rra ll SmiHCd illlo the v h ic\c aud io a nd/o r \' iSU~ll
displn)' Vi;l :1 n ITS commllnic:uions im crbcc .
2.6.3 .1.1 .34 Rvad COl1ditiu1/ Wamill~-/II/mstrIlc/lIrc Assistcd.
Th is is lh.: pro ·
visioll a i warnings lO drive rs \Vhere rller.:' a r.:' ~ld \'e r se roaJ cond ìti o ns (e .g., ice,
tlood, obsmde in rO<1d, po rholc, spiJl ag{:, slIr f<1ce dcfo rm'll ion). Tbc w <lfn ing is
rr'lllsmi n ed im o th e \'eh ide .1IIdio :lnd/or visu:1 1 dispb)" \'j'l :ln JTS cOI11 'l1l1nic,lTions
intc rb ce. .1. 35 RollOI'cr W/.-rnriug.
Th is is rh e p rovision o f w;lrn ings lO dl'i \'e!s o i
r is k of vch icl c ro ll o \'c r (duc \O ",Ivc rsc c;lm bcr, cross w inds, ere .). Roilovcr warnin g
systcms Ilori fy d ri \'ers when they a re rr'lvcli ng roo fast fo r an 'lpproaching cu rve,
g i\'l:n thcir n:h iclc:' s op.:r:lting characrer is tics. l'h is function is primari))" targetcJ
to he,1\'}' !:\oods fl ll d high sideJ ,,~h i de s. T he waru int:; is !r a llsmitleJ ill!U th~ whid"
,n,di o a nd/o l' vi lIal dis pla y via a n lTS COOlI1lUn lCiUioll S inre r tace.
2 .6 ..1."/ . 1.3tS Se/mDI nus \'(-'amillg.
An ITS cO l11l11uni cCllions devicc on-hoard th e
bus a lt: rts appro..lching d rin:rs (in borh Jirectiuns ) 01' the impc:nJi ng d ang.:r sll r·
rOllllding tlle ve hi des . TnlllSlllission signa ls 11l;\ ~' be intelligentl>' progr~Hll li1 e d ;111 d
TI';ll1sm i!1rd in th c fO l'ward (pa ra ll el) <l nd/ol' l'c\'el'sc d irccdon o f rh c bus, or slI r ·
rOll n din g (up lO 360 ~ r:1d ills ) rh e hllS, as Il cedcd, ro alerr :1 ppro:lchi ng vch iclcs in
the vic in iry of th e potentia l J a ngc: r.
2.6.3. 1.1 .37 Sd .'Oo( ZOIiC \Varl/il/g .
This is rlr e pro \'ision of w:lrn ing,s ro drivers
in Th c proxi.m iry oi seh ool CIl TI':l Il CCS. T hc wMning is fI.'.\ll sllliTrc d imo rh c vc hid c
audio :l nd/or ViSU31 d isp la)' via :I n ITS comlllun ic:I tions intcrt:lec .
1.6.3 .1 .1.3 8 Sigli 1/1(o r'l/;.1lio /1 ( W(/mi/1~ ibsistmlcc) . T hi s is dll: ImJ1Sm iss io ll
o f ro,\d sig ns ro ill-\'ehicJe \' ideo/audio di splay . Thc wa ming is tra liSlll llTNI im o
Th e vc hiclc ;l u d io .In el/o r vislli\ 1 display vi a :\11 ITS cOl1l l11l1 niC;Hion s in rc rf<lcc.
2.6 . .3 .1.1 .39 SOS SC/"IIiccs-J1/lj'asJru clllrc A ssisted.
This is thl: provision 01' con·
lI('crio ns ro \'o::h i dc ~ frolll police a lld e m ergellcy ser \'ices for the lra nsllliss ion oi
voice .md/or d:\I:l commll nic;Hions. Thc w a l'll iilg is rr'l llsmiHcd im o th c l'~ hi de
:lIIdio :lnd/or visu:11 d ispl:1}' vi:1 :l n 1T5 cOllllllun icMioJls intcrf:1cc.
2.6 .3.1.1.'W Specd Limi, Ad/liso!")'. . 1.32 R est Area Abc:ad Ad/liso ry.
i\ sci f-COI1l'1ine d inr Il igc nr bc;lcon 1ll;\Y
bc insr.1l1cd on a sigl1 or t hc surtacc or side oi th e ro"d m provide :1 11 in-I'chi clc
Tèdmo l ogie~
Thi s is rh e pt'O visioll of wnrnings from rh e
infr:ls rrllcmrc ro dr ivcrs of locnl spced limirs <l nd spccific ,\ lI y ",hcn cxcccd ing Th o se
specd limit5. Such sptcms m:l}' bc provi dcd irom " ccnrra l rcicrcncc to rhc locarion
for Vchiclt!s alld TI dr OccupanLS
oi the vchiclc l11alched to knowll specd limirs, or l11a)' comprLse a sdf-conr"ined
ITS broad c:tsl trnnsmiltcr, or vchiclc pre:se:nce: sensing tr:t llsmiHer, inslalle:d 011 a
~p et:d limil sign (or in piace: uO tu pruvide rc:gublof)' or rt:culllllll"IIt1c:d spced
limi l (in-vehicle $ig lllng) ba sed on wea rhrr cOlldillons, ice, rain, or orher potelltia l
hn:l fd s. Th wa rn ing is tr'1nsl11irrcd imo .he v hicJe '1\1.1 io :1 11 Ilor vis\J:l1 elisplo1Y
vi:! ali ITS COOlIllUl1ic:!tiol1s inrcr bcc. J Sl'cL'd Limi! CUlllro/.
Tlr is is Ihe .:unlrol oi \'t'hièle sp~cJ tu prcvell[
dI(: "chicle from excecding rlle 10c<1 1 spe·..d limir. Thc c ontraI in srrncrlOIl i ' c-ff~cred
via :1n ITS c0I11Il111l1 ic:uions inrerf:tee. Stup Sigli Mal/L'mL'1I1 Assislmlcc-}lIfrastrI/cIIlJ'L' Assisled.
eounrerrne:asure illvolves wa rning 1l10rorlsrs leil\'illg frol1l à stop sigll rbar rheir
movcmc llT may co nfli ' r \Vilh ,,"mh.;'r ychicle. The vchi.;:le 1l10\'C Ill Il! cou ld be ld r
rurrl, ri ghr rum, or throllgh. {Thcse inc idcn rs C1USC :1 rotai 01.1112,000 crashes pe r
rear in the Unile:d States IIhrr, 200 '1J.) The basic 5cnsing rcquircmcnts aro: to
idelllify potcnlial cUlliliclS br dett:rmining tllt: spced, :lccdt'tarion, or dccclera ti un
1';11(' of cadI vchide a p proach ing rh(· inre rsec ,ioil and rh e discharge from rhe Stop
line for \'ch ides ,H srop-contr'ollcd a PPl'oachcs. The dara 'I llei w'Hn ings '1re rran srnirtcd imo chc "chicle via an ITS coml11unica,jons inrcrf;;cc and warninss are
displaycd llsing audio ;md/or "lsual Jispby. AJ Stop Sigli W~lmlllg.
This is the pro"ision of in·wlllclc w;1rn ings (CI
clrivel's ,'ppro:1ching stop sig ns. Ir invoh'cs rh c lJSC of rO;1ds ide cquipme nr Ih:Jr
clcrecrs appro:1ching vehicles :Jnd illurninalcs or othcrwisc highlighrs ro'1dsidc signs
lo "'3rn of a stup sigli bcing :!pproacht:d. Tht' wnrlling is transmitted imo the
".:Iride: a udiu all d/ur \'isu;11 di sp lay via al1 ITS ':UJ\llllllllk;llioIl S inrel'f;K' t·.
InlroduCllon lO IT$ Services and Supporling Tecimologks
conrrol poinr Ih,n "rc lI11likdr to stOp.,1 rhe intersection. Prclilllin3ry calclIl:nions
~\JggcSI, tor cxal1lplc, th:H a vchiclc travdi ng .10 mph ,l( ,1 poinr upstreaL11 trorn
thc line will vcry likcl)' be inca pa blc of strlpping in ti me (.H le.lsr withour :! sevcre
br:tk ing e\"cnr), olnd hel1ce can be idemified 3S .1 potenti:!1 violator.
Once: :t viublor is ident iiic:d, \\'3rn ings will be' conn:;'ed to thl" violalor :md
crlso ro orher Jrivers 011 :idj;lCl"IIr crpproaches lo rhe inrerse:criull. T lte \'iobror cOllld
be warned by: (I) warning signs :md lighrs 3ctivatt:J ollee {he pOlenli:!1 \'iolatiun
is derecred (e.g., "Stop Ahead" ",ami ng sign s could be used wirh " Ilashing ;,mber
lighr ro draw a rrelllioll lO rhe signs à lld cou ld be 10C,ltl' d on bOlh sides of rh~
road\',';I)' ro Lllcre"se rhe likcl ihood thar rh c dr ive r would rC;1d ily sce rhc w<1rlling);
{ 2} a w'Hlling light could h" incor por.ltcd dircerly in thc rr'1ffie signal d isplay irscl f,
,'ga in m dI'a\\' .nremioo ro rhc rraffic conrrol devicc (c.g., srrohc lig hts h3VC bceo
llsed to heighten thc conspicu i!)' of traiiic signa I dispbys ior rura) interscclions
where motorisrs m.l}' not cxpccr a sign'11); (.1) an intclligcnt rumhle srrip could be
;Jclivated tu warn thl" viohtur tu sluw down, and pussibly heightcn ;twarencss oi
lhe lle~J ro sto p a r rhe inrersecriorl; ;mJ (4 .) \'à ri;lble lIless;\ge sigll$ conld COli ve}'
Iht' w arning lO lhe dri\'er.
M010risrs on 'Idjaccill a ppl'o"c hes ,,150 need lO be "';Irned of rh e potc:nri<11
violarion '1Ild conflicr, and could be "';uned by: (I) w,lrn ing lig hrs acrivared ro
ind ica re ,I nceò for callrion "nd possibly to indie'He Ihc somee of rhe confl k r; (2)
<1n imclligcm ru mblc srrip " cri";1red ro ",arl1 thc orher rnororists IO slow do\\'n <1lld
proce<'d c'lmiollsly 'H thc inr('(sccrioll; ;lIld (3) il V~'IS 01' graphic d ispl"y sign lIsed
TO w.lm driyers of the pore nrial conflict with .he signal viot.Hor (hur rbese might
only be diccrive ani)' wherc .hcre is uffic iellt ,ime ior .h~ motorists lO cornprchcnd
lhc llless,lgc a nd rcspo nd). Thc w:ll'lling is t( '''lsmincd imo fhe \'e bicJc ""dio anel/or
"i sllal display vi 'l <1 11 ITS cOl11l11l1l1ic..1riol1s inrcrf,\ ·c. Tmffi c Sigllal Wiami/lg.
This is tlw l'rovision 01 warn illg~ ro drivcrs
apprnaching ol rmific signal. At ics sirnplest, ' 111 ITS communic3tiol1s linI. 'lSsocintcd
wieh dle: traiiic sigllal aJvisc~ a p proaching \"t:h iclt's (rcgrrrdiess oi dirt:clion) uf its
s t;llllS, ;l nd probabl)' rhe time to c!wnge of st'lHlS. The warn ing is eransmirred illlo
fh e \'e hiclc :1l1dio :1I1d/01' Vi511:11 displ a y via :1n ITS coml1mnicariolls inrerf'lcc.
In morc ad" ;'lIlced systems, sCllsors ma)' identif}' tlJ.H thc spced 01 an
appruaching "chicle IO lite intcrscction is outsidc the l1orm ... l rangt', and ITS COl11lml·
lIicHiollS lillk nssoci a h:: J wirl! the: rrnffic signal st'lIds ;) disiinci wnmillg signal lo
thc porellli.,ll)' violà ting velude allei acdv;lro::S rr:t ffi c signal c llforcernem o;:aI11Cr;IS.
2.(;. 6 Trm1-'it Vehicle D,Ifa Tra/ls/cr-Saj'et)'.
Trallsi r (i.e., puhl ic tmnspon) vch iclcs are incre"singly 1110nirorcd ror borh safcty '1I1d commcrcial reasons .
W' ith rc-spc:ct co s:lfcry, rrnnsir vehides :lre common lr monitorcd using on-hoélrd
video cameras, olnd rhe ITS link c:!n he: mcd TO l11:1n:lge and rmnsfcr vide o d:!!a
.md :Jutol11aric;1l1y mise '1lerrs whcn prohlcrns OCCUL Tmnsi r vchick priori!)' :l t
crossi ng, C:1l1 also he cxpcditcd usi ng ITS lcchl1olo!~ics. Vchicle pcrformance '1nd
m'1imcl1;1ncc iss\lcS C;1n '1 lso olwiare vchidc b reak{lowns (whieh C'1Jl be rhe C'llJSC
o f 3ecidcms eithcT d irccrly re:Lm:d to thc n rcakdown or indircctl)' rcl:ltcd as p:1SScngers sund :1round in rile ro:1d Sp ;lCC following :1 hl'e3kdown).
2.(,.. 3. '1.1 A .i Tmffic Signal Violatinn Wm'lIing.
This counterrneaSllrc im'olves:
r I) w:!Tning potcntia l viulntors 01 a traiiic signal to rccognizl" the control device:,
alld (l) warning nlUl"Or is rs 011 ;lJjacclH nppru~,ches of llle potenti;ll cOlltlÌl:I. Th.:
ta rgcr cr~,sbes rcfkcr ,,1lIs,,1 f"crors of "did nor see," "[ricd ro be,H rht~ lighr," or
" dclibcr,nc \·ioI3tion." (Thcse incidcnrs c.lllSC 2SS,OOfl cr'lshes per )'ear in rbe
Unired Starcs IBarr, 200 '11.)
Tbc ba Je sensing rt'quircm IIts ,lrC IO idc nrify potemi'll (v<-ry highly likel)')
\'io!;,rors by dcrermining ,he spccd ;1nd possibly :1lso rhe dcccicration l';\lC of e;,ch
vehicle nt:1 fixed localion. The proccssi ng S)'S,C I11 idcntifies vchicles at an upstrcan1
2.(.. W/or" Z Oll e \Vaming.
This is lhc provision of intor ll1ation lo drivof 'lpprnachi ng roadwork zones, incl llding rhe iclcnriiicMion of upcoll1ing
chanE;cs tn b nes :JV:1ii::lblc:, spcc:d limirs, ;1I1c1 orher rc:srrictions. \>Iu ltiplc: selfconr:lÌned inrclligenr bc:acons nu)' he inst:1lled in criticai .Jrcas .1S dcemcd appropriare [O provielc lor continued warnings 01 wor kers prcscnr in thc immcd i'1ie work
zoncs. The warn ing is rransm.irrcd imo rhe vch icle "lldio nnd/or \'iSlla l display via
ITS commullie:Hiolls inrerfacc. In thc furure, in-vch ick "lcrrs m.ly incl\ld~~ sdfconrrollcd ~pecd limit'lTion oi vehicle and aUtnnOOlOllS decderarion in such :1rcas.
IT5 $crvlccs for Vehiclt!s and Tllelr Occupants
2.(, ..>./. / .48 W1r()JJg- Way Driver Waming-ln(mstmc:turc t\ssistea'.
This is the
provision of warnings lO rhe road operalor, road lIser, am( oth"r road lIsers nf
n :hides tr,: t\'ding in the.- wrung din~l:liun un a conlro ll"J uirc:ctioll roadw:1Y. Typi c"llr. "1 digITil l c:tmera would conslaml)' obse rve [he Illororway xir. Thc movcmenrs
of rhe vchielcs driving p"sr 3re " llalyzed !rom rh c im"gcs. [f;l vchi clc dri\'cs opposirc
Ihe permirted d irecrion, rhe carnera would rr igger 311 "brm mess"ge to rhe rr"iiie
m:!n:1g.:mcm anJ informatiol! cente.-r, lo thc.· vio[:ning n:h icl.: itsdì (ii eC]uippL-d
wich IT5 cOllllllunicarions}, all d (o otller tra fiic p;lrlicipallls alici respoliSt' persullntl.
The waming is rr"llsmirr"d inro che venide alldio ,md/or visu;11 display Vi" i\IlITS
cOl11tnlln ic,nioos intcrf:1cc. On·Board Equipmel1t lo Infraslruclure
2,6.3. / .2. / Alltomatic Cm;5!7 Notiflcatioll.
This is '111 ,l\lroJllatrc s}"cem rbar
prol'i dcs dil.a norific,Hioll ro pll hl ic s'lfer)' a nswcring poinrs by mc,'n s or ,In}'
:}\'a ila hle wird"ss cOll1ll1unic:1rions mcdi:l Ih.H :! vehicl" lus cr:!shed, ,m d Ih 3r
pru\'iJc:-s coordin:tlcs :1nu other rc:k' v:1nt iniorl11aliun in a l11e.-ssage of st3ndan.lizt'd
d;'!!;! conc.:pts, nOI" lilllil"eJ illl~ngth.lnforJll'llioll is tra nslIlitred via ali [TS communi ·
cario ns inrcriace.
2.(, ..3./ .2.2 Tllilld Mag" \1;l'7 millg.
This is th" prm'ision of w.1I'nings from \'chiclo::s using lhe l'uad ndwork tu ochc:r \'ehides using Iho:: ro:!u no::twork to whe.-r"
lIighways Or la no:s lllergc. 5uch SrS1èl!l munitor Ihe pusition of orll.:r veh ieles
il pproaching il roadw;'!}' (;1I1 C in irom o r (he Jlloniwr i ll~ vcn iele ,md COtlllllIlIl IC.H(,
ro wam thc driver nf rhar \'chiclc whe,ncr il is 5"ic or IIn ~aic to ch" n!;;c l:!ncs o r
mergc inlo a lin:: of rr:1ffic. Thesc syst.el11s are forw.ud-Iook ing, usually radar-has::d
systt:ms. In iorl11:llion i~ tra nsmitrcd via an
cummunicatiullS interface.
2.(, ..ì."1.2.3 e Calf.
This is " posr-evc nr uscr-insri ga ted or :lumll'l:ttic S)'SlCI11 ,h:H
pro\'idc:'s notiiicalioll tu puhlic s"ict}, :ms\\'c!'ing poims, hy m~·:l ns (lf wircless comlllUlli"::l!ions, lhal :1 \'eltide has crasheJ, a mi thal pro vides ..:ourdinates anJ a defilled
minilllulll sc r of d am . SOll1e' cC:l ll syS [ lllS provide a \'oic(' Chil lllld comm ull ic<l lion
wi.h d,na '1trilcncd; othcrs ,1I'C cn visa~crI ro li se d'li" COllll11lll1ic,HiollS wi.n d:lc
possibility of voicc over lnrernet (VOIl' ). cC:111 s}'s tel11S use cellular communic:lriollS
lo lr3l1Smi! thcir rllt'ssagc:/en:rblc voic.: communicatiuns.
2.6.3./.2.4 IlI ddcllt Atappù;g (md W/ilmiug.
This 1$ Ihe colle, li o ll and colb rioil
of dil\:'\ from vehi cJcs fO assist in .he ll1,'pping and managemcnr of incirlelHs.
2.6.3." .2.5 /lItelligi.'lI/ Tra/;i·.: Ligh/ /'j'('cmIJ/i011 (or l'rio ril)' Vcbidcs.
:\ variant
or cmage.-tlcy v"hidc signal prct'lTIp liull (see :1 b uve) whe.c lhc prcernpliun is Ilor
limiled ro el1lerge ncy vehides, bUI ma }' l'rovide priorirr ro orlte!' derilled classes o r
\'chides, sllcn ~s public . ra llsporr " na high occlipallcy vchiclcs (HOV). IlItL'/'sccliol1 Co /lisiO/l Al'o jdal1cc.
ln tcrscction sa id)' has bcglln co
rc('clv.:' new anenrion from rr'lific cngin.:'ers, hllllun facrors specla li srs, alld orhers
who see rh.H emergin!; inrclligcnr s)'srcms o(fcr sign ific'll1\ potcmial for impro\'el11cnts Ifc rlis, 1999]. Crossi ng path crashcs a r interscctio!lS, ;1S ddined b~, Volpe
InlroduClion lo ITS ServrCcS and Supporling Technologies
[l3aIT, 2001 j, ilìvolvc one \'ehicle clltùng across rhc p.uh of :1norher, hmh iniri"ll)'
rravding from ..:i lh.:r pcrpendicubr or opposi le dir"ctiol!s, in stlch 3 \\'3)' rhal
Iher l:olliJe (sce "ln lerSt'ui o ll Collisiun: ln frast ruclure-Bast'd \X'arning" abovt', :mJ
" Illre rsecrion Collisio n: Vehid,,·Based \Xlarning"). Inforrll i\rion is rran~lllirrcel via
an ITS cOllll11 l1 nic.1Tiom inrerf.lCc. 7 llo'lerS('Clioll Collisioll-Ve/;ide·Based \l;' amillg.
Tbis is Ihe provi·
~ioll of warnings of po;;cmhl col li sio ns fl'Olll vehiclc:s ro rh e InfraSrr ll Crtll'C whe n
"ppro;1ching or ,,[ intcrscctiolls (cspeci"lIy al hl illd inrcfsecr ions). 5ueh sys rcllls :lrc
sa id to bo: "cooperative." Coo per:1rive systcms cnmmunica le in torma tion di,cctl)'
lo \'ehidt's anu uri\'ers. 'l'h" tnajor ;;uvantages oi ~'OLlp:::r:tliv" s)'stems lit: in lheir
.:ap'l biliries ro illlprove rh inrel'face ro rh e driver, anel hence ro \' irruilll)' enS\1re
[hM" w arning is n:ccived . Th is cO llld ,lI so r"kc 'hìvilllrage of rhe potemi'll ro cxcrr
conrrol ov.::r rile vehick, 'H kast in situations wherc ,he sptCIl1 C:l11 he con rirl11cd
as rdiable anJ the driver C.:lnnOI rcasonablr be expcctt'd to takc appropri'lIe actio!lS
gi\'en Ihe illlll1inelll haza rd alld .espollSe [illlt: a'/ni lable. lnfurlllarion is ltansmine.-d
vi;, a n lTS comm ll nic,ltions inrert.tce.
2 .6.3. 1. 2.8 Probe Dalil.
Probc dara is <lata colleçred by \'cbides 'lnd shared wirh
th e in fr~lsrrllcnlre for l'robe cbr'l lllill1,l gC l11CIlt (usllillly :,nonYlllollsl}') IlS illg '.111
IT5 comrllunic:ltinns intcrfacc. Prohc data can also hc E;athercd hy the cxrernal
monitorin!;; of thc mO\'t:rm:nt of vc:hicles (usually anon)'mouslr), ior t:xam p lo::, tu
ca tcuhlre :Iverage spE'ed ,md predi.:red Ir.wel cil1les [O particular poi nts eli rome.
T r"ffic In iorm,nion frOlll l'robe velllcles has grear porellria l for impl'Oving rhe
csiÌll1,nion "ccuraey oi traffie :siruarions, cspcci"ll}' where no .r" fiie dcrecrOfS il rc
inst31led. l'robe dal.l is fed imo st.HC cC]uarinns in l11acroscopic tr.,ftìc-flow modcls,
a nJ C3n bo:: combined with slaliunar)' dt'!ec(urs.
2. 63 .1,2 .V SOS Sal.'iccs.
This is Ihe provision of connt'cll0!lS from vehides to
ell1ergellcy se rvi.:es l'or lite Iransm lssioll or voie", ,md/or dm'l COllllllu ni.:arions. This
llla!, lise a ll 1TS CO!l1lllllll i.::ariolls ime rtilcc o r .::dl ular cOl11t1ll1 ni carioIlS. 10 Vehic/t'-BlIscd W/amillg.
Tilis is a ~cnel'Ì' rel'm co \'er ing " number
of scn'iees whe!'e " ych icle is thc origin:1ror of rh" W;1!'n in!,;. Inform'ltion is transmittcd vi:! an 11'5 comrllUniCalions interiacc.
Infraslructure-Vehicle Commerciai Services
2.6,3.2.1 InfraslnlCture lO On·Board Eq!lipment
2 .6.3 .1 .1 .1 Bo rdeT Ch'ilrilTlcc.
In · veltide equiplllt: lI r ClIl ':Ollllllu nicare Wilh ~us10111 5 chcck poinrs lO pl'cscl'ccn rrue k" for si\fcty rccol'ds, bordcr c1Ci\filnCC, and
proper cr"denri;l ls. This C;1n be initiarcd 0(1 the highw;1)', bdore .he trllck rcachcs
Ihe borde r control point In obviatc Ihe ne.-ed ior rt!al·lime clenr.l ncc .H the contro!
poinL, lhus rcJucing pror:essing Jo:l a}'s and 'lueLles a l lho:: horJer. 'l'he i1lform:rtion
is InlnSmilled via 'lJl ITS COllllllllll icalioll s illlt'l·b.:e. Coml't/(?ràa/ Sm·t,.'ice. Pa)'lIJclJ/s.
Com III erci" I ve niclcs ;lfC often s llb·
p'lymem dCrllands in ad di rion to [011 ,md road pricing. Thcsc ma)' be
for Vehicles arrd Tlteir Occupants
p'lym encs a t thc hord er, p;1rkillg, ;1 lld so ono Thc ,ldv;lnt;1ge o f us ing ITS s)'stcms
(or horder deora ncc is losr if the n:hiclc has lo stop tor the driver lO m;l.·e payments.
syslems, linkcJ tu paymcnl ca rJs or accoun(s, can a utom a lica!ly cXlrm:l pa)"
rllerH in rh e s,mIe m,lIUlt'T a$ ro,ld roll p'lyrnenr. Sllch P"ì'rllcnts do nor ,111 have to
be rc;! l-rimc TranS;lcrions (;15 wirh rolli ng'l ;1nd m;l}' be p ;lrT (lf preci ;l(:1 nce.
Orher commerciai ~ en'i ces fo r hoth commerciai and private .ra ffic ca n he
pro\'i dc:J usinI:; ITS cOl11l11unications s}'Stems: lor cxamplc, fud purchase, dri\'e
lhrou!!oh fooJ purchrJ s,,", alllusc:rnclll park en lr y, anJ parkiut;: c1m rgcs,
rrs Dril'ers Dail)' Lug,
ITS C ~lll be lIsed lO l:ol b le :lII d rr:lI1smir Jrivers
<hllly log c\ nd r;lchog raph inforrna rion. T11(' infor malion is rra nsrnirred vi,) an ITS
cOl1ll11uoicacions inrcrfacc. D/'iv(~r 'v'alù{a/ioll.
IT$ c:l n be lI scd fo r dr ivcr \';lli '; :uion wirhour
which the n~hidc wou ld he prevcntcd from operating. Th is n1;1y sirnpl}' work usi n!>
an occess smartcarJ, or mo}' l:omprJrt: data un a smnrtcnrd or centrai database
(using IT5 ':Onlllluuic;1riul1s lillk ) Iu vl'rii}' driver biotl1c,t,i<:s S U.::!I as tingerp,i[lr.
Thc inforllli1tioll is rr'lllsmined Vi'l ,Hl IT.5 COmllHlIlic ,HiOIlS inrcrt'lCc.
2.6 .. Elrbill/ad ROllie Guid11lla 1111,1 Nauigalin ll .
This is incrc'l sed positioning c;lpahil it)' due an incrcased number o f sc1 tcll iles, 3S envisagcd in the Ga lileo
prugram. Tu :lssu n: l:onlinuil)' oi lomlizntion in covc:rc:d or denSI! urbon en\'irun men ts, llllk s ro add iti o nal equipmenr sllc h as Odoillcl.:rs or gyroscopes ,Ire lISed .
Highe r powcr kvcls c m incd frol11 sOI rd liccs wili ;lllo\\, fo r bCTTcr pcncrr,)tion of thc
sig na l inside ,hl' vehick.
Dynamic inlegrntion of curn:nt rood trafiic infornulion cm be combined with
lhe slari~' geogrnphical nmp d ,H:! tu proviJ~ htS I rUll!es for l!te spt:cilì~ iourn~ r,
whi ch , eombined Wilh rh e techn ic,,1 impl'o\'emenr s lO .tcctu'ac>" provide enhanced
roure guid :lIlcc ;lnd n,l \'iga rion. The iniorm,nion i' rr')t1smirrcd \'i;l .1n [T$ cOlllm unications intcrt:,ce.
1.6.3. 2.1. 6 rrciJ::hf aliti fJecl Opera/iU/H.
Irrlrcd uction lo lT S Servìc'l:s ilnd Supporlirrg Technologies
goods m;1y ,liso be srored ,lt ce rt'l in points 'l long ;1 routc in ordt.:r IO optimizc
oper;;tions or to chc1nge to o diticrcm mode ot rra nsporr. The iunction includes
using ITS COIllI11Unil:Olions IO manage opcrariulis rcla (ing to lhe man agemenl or a
veh ide tleer ,1I1d hlllll'1Il mt'a lls tE'quired for goods Ir'1I1SpOr'l'Hion. This incl lldes
rh c planning <1 n d specifica,ioo of drivcr fi\ sks ,lnd vchicl c ll1 ;\ inrCIl'lncc.
National sccurity requircmenTs and the l11:ln;1!>cmenr or s;1fety ,md crnergcnc)'
scrvices may also be included so as tu enable l·h", provisiun ot iniormation linked
IO lite: !Tanspùrcarioll of haza rdolls gùods, T nH'el plalllling, roure gu id :mCè, :lIlel
p erfonn'lIl ce agai nsr p ian c ao ,liso be rnùniTOred and m,maged, an I TCchn iques
5llCh;1S snch ;15 wcig h-i n -monoo or drive r ,~ I crmcss rnoniroringc;1n be incorpor'lTed.
In some circumsmnces rt-gubtions can he: dcctronicc1lly e:ntorccd.
2,6.3.2 .1. ì I lIio tilll1l11 L'II t,
Irlfolai nmenr is II sed IO de scribe infoTlll,l[ion ,\nd
clllcrf<1inmenr SCT\'iccs, in chis scenario, from a sc rvicc providcr, \'ia ihc \'chicJc,'s
ITS commlln ic:1tion(s) link s, to t hc dri\'cr 'lnd p'lssengers of the vehicle. Inlm;)inmcnt mo)' indu de In ternet services, video, onlinc gomes, ;lnd tdevision and video
lo passengcr sut:ens, as well a s VOli', digil a l radio, and nlllsic Jownloads tu ali
Occup,lnts of the l'ehide, IlIteme! III-V'chic/c.
P;lft oi the generic iniota inl11cnt, rhe provision
of [ml'rnet SCT\'iccs on·bu;1nl is not only seen 3S desirablt: in c1 conn.:cted world,
bur ;lIso obviares Ihe neeel !O devtlop se rvices dep~nJènl 011 sp::cifi<: 1T$ h:chnolo'
g,ies. This is ,1 key parr of scpararing dw scrvices {rom rhe med ium ea rryulg rh ..
sCf\'iccs (as iu as poss ibl c). The Irncrnct is t.:n.lblcd Vi,l ;111 ITS cOll1 ll)lInic.ttio ns
2 ,6.3 ,2 , 1.9 l'l~trlllt Alcssaging.
An earl}' LIse of rbi s illllnioll is set' n as lhe provi.
sion of meS$'lJ.:cS lI sing che in-vch icle screen, eo nverrcd ro sy nthesizcd a udi o ;o
prcvcn r d river d is rr:1crion. Thcre is <leo,He ;1hollr rhis sc:rvicc , bowcver, bcc:llI se of
thc pos sibilil)' of disTr:Ktlng thl! driver. Tne infor matiol1 is tmnsmitted via ;}II ITS
communica!iuns i nrer f~Ke ur cdlubr commul1i~·a tions.
'l'his lunction Cu\'crs Ihrl!e dCll1en ls:
2.6.3 .2.1.10 jt/sl-il/- Time RC{Jail' Notificatioll-S4et)'.
Ruad in:ight tra llsport del11:lnd mallagement;
Ovcrnll .ood frt:i~hl lransporl su!,p ly mall ilg':lllelll;
• Pt'J'm,llH~ [)[ mall:lg.<:rrlclIlof indivldu a lsu).pl ).componenrsinorJerros.lrisfy
dClll a nd.
Tbis l:lsr delllem c;m he sptit inro iour high-Ievcl fllnctinos:
Org;ll1i7,e goods mo\'ement:
Manngc curic1!>c operatiol1s;
~.. lanage rcso urces;
• M :lI1age hubs .
Tnesc inncrions C;111 be slIpportcd using IT5 tcch nol ogies W pro\'ide tbc Jl1e,lI1S
oi mon;lging commerci;ll ;ln d opera tional ireighr tr;1n sporr opcrations . Ii ncce~S3r)',
Jusi- in-rim c rcp<1ir oOTificnrion is descrih:!d in tbc ne;.; t sectinn ;1S ;1 commerciai se rvice bctwcen \'ehiclc
user :l nd vehicle mainten:lnco: service providt:rlmonut'acturer. However, os more
nnd more of \'ehicle operarion is ~' oll1plHt:r comrullt'd, rhe pussi bilie}' oi che in~id el1 1
of safety cnrical sofrw,ue de icc rs increa ses. T ri1 d itiollall)' [hi s ha s led ro rh e co mnwrci;1l1y c mb'1rr'lss ing, 'I nd e;.;pcnsive, rccall of wholc modcl r;ll1gcs. Aucolllotive
1113nufacturcrs Cln me thc ITS communicarinns link to pro\'ide sc1icl)· criticai sottware upelntt:s, periorl11anl:e nnJ diicicncy upd a tes, allei lo proviJt: notificntion
wltere servi.:e \'isirs ilrt' reqlli red ,lnd ;lrrange lhese on CI jus l-in-tìme mod e.
2. O/)tinulJ SfN!ed i\dl'isol')'.
Tbis is tlle provisiol1 ot 'ldvicc from d:H;!
hcld wit hin the vehi cle and ;ldditiol1c11 dau and congesrion inform:Hiol1 col!ectcd
from the in rrasrr ucntre ro m'lximize f\l el eifk:ienc)' sec aga illsr driver provided
par,,,ncrcrs 'lnd des ired dC~iin;1rion 'lrriv;11 t;Hj;ets. Th is usuali)' comb ines s;nellirc
navig,u ion ;ln d congcstion intorm3tion for :l dctermined mute with iniorm;uion
IT 5
(or Vchic les a nd Their Occupanls
tronl th e cnginc rl1:1 n'l gcme nt sysrcm. T nc in tonl1:1rion is trnnsmitted vr 'l a n lTS
cornrnunicuinns i nterbce.
2 .6.3 .2 .1.1 2 l'arf.:il/R Spacc IdclI{i[icalionlNm·ip,aliolI.
Thi5 is rhe p rovi s io n o f
g ll i<l<lI1 ce (pro\'idcd via rhc infr,ISTrI1Cw rc) ro idcnr ify th e 1ll0Sf s lI Hablc ,lVailablc
p ;l r king, TO naviga Te ro rhe vchicle p :1rk, 'ln d sOl11Ctil11c S navig,tte 'lfoll nd t nc vc n icle
pa r k w fre e or re-served spaces . The iniorm:1tion is transmitte d vi a a n ITScormnunicalions inrerf:lce .
2J;.3.2. lo "/J Opi!J/ Ro,zd (Nn llarrier) T nllillg.
This is .he collection oi rO'ld
toll s without barrie rs un open toads . (CEN sta nd ard s alre;1dr e x ist to supp ort t his
s t't vi .:e . See x-c liuns -; .6.] nnJ ~.H, .1
Tb.: inform.Hion is tr,l IlSmi tTt' d via al1 ITS co rnrnllni carions ilH t' rf<lct'.
2J;..L2 .1.1 4 R el/tal Ca,. Pma ssùIg.
Th c check i ng i n ;1 od ma o f re nr 'l \ C:1 rs
n'q uires verific:1tiol1 of vehiclc ]D, mile:1g.:, :lnt! ftre! leve l. rrs communic 3tiol1s
rtle-d ia .:nn provi de- this d a la shortlr beiun: Iht' vehicl e r" ~lclt e s Ihe relUnt a rea, th us
spcl'ding {he n' turn p rocess , a nd rh e process ing of dar'l wirhin fh E' re m.,[ comp.ln)' .
ITS cOnl IlHl nic,-uio ns c.l n ;,[so be lI$cd ro ved i}' c beck ;1 nd w:1 sh proccdllrcs a nd
'ldvisc :llltor1l'1Tic all r whc n l11axim u m r,trget mi le a!;c is 'lchieve d :1 nd rh e vehicle is
due- ior rcplnccme nt,
2.6.3 .2. ·1.1 S R olJt.: CI/id,m cc.
Romc gu id"llcc is acn ic verl by ;111 o n-boMd p ro ccssor :1n d dispby, com h incd hy lr ian!;ubtion frnm lhre(: or more GNSS sa td l ites
(such a s GPS (NAVSTAR), GLONASS, ant! Ga lile o ). Thesc const a ntl y tra nsmitting
slg na ts a re rri allg u[ a ted by rhe on -board equiprnen r ro provid e I O~·,Hion . T he more
:;';Hc ll ife s ignals rh.H ~\r c visiblc, fh c hig hc r rbc accmacy. Thc ne w gcncr;) ri o n G'l l ik:o
:sysfcm cbims ,o be more precise th'l n oihcr sysrcm s llSc d fo r nO l1 l11il ir'try pu rpo5"".
On -bo,u d cquipmcm is thcrefore a p2.5sive radio rccc ive r :md processor with m ,lps
contained in rnemury.
2.r;..~.2.1. ·/ (, Trmzsit Vehicle Rl!jiw/illg .1I,,1al/agem ellt.
In ordcr rn p reven r thctr,
t r:msit (i.c., public trnn sport} "chicle rciuclin!; is all a dministr'"1!i\'dy hC:1v ily Sll p ",r\'isc:,j :mJ documen!t'd proce sso 'l'he ITS c0Il1111unica li ons lillk l::1i1 p.uv iJ é regulnr
lIpda res 0 11 co ns urnprion/mil':;lge d r iwH .Hl" e irhe r d irec r ITS cOr11r11l1nicatiorl s, or
R (7)]) linked to ]TS c n n he u ~ .::d to a u thorize, n,blse, and lne ;1S11r.:: rhe a lnount o f
iuc:l rdt'ased a lId fc ",t! this informatioll inlo n fuel m :m 3gement 3nd conlrol S}rSlctll,
2 .6.3 .2.1.1 7 Tr(/mi, \lelJ icJe Dma Trm/Sfer- Com lll C!rcilll.
Tr'l n s ir vehiclcs ;HI?
in c rc:ls in ~lr Illon itorcd for borh s:l ie r~' ;1l1r1 co mmerc ia i re:1s ons. S.,fery issnes ha ve
bC" lI dt'scrilx-J above. Vehide pe rform a llce alIJ J ri\'c: r b~h3vior , aJh.:rencc !O
lim e ra b les, pa ssenge j" in fo rma rio ll S)'S Il'tnS u pda le s, "n d pr ior il y a r cross in gs can
a l50 be pro\'iclc d u s ing al1 JTS commu nic;uions li nk (RFID in cilrl icr genc r.Hion
s ysrc l11s) . r-,,!ai ntc l1 ar1Cc opril1li;r,'Hion anel m ;1 inrcnance requesr and softwa re d ownlo:!d s can a lso be provide d us il1!; an ITS co mmu n ic :! tiolls lil1 k . 8 Vchic/c EmÌs$ions M OIIÌl orillg .
Early gCller<l fi o n on-road vc hicle
cmissions mOllitori ng initÌally mcd \'a llS with sensin!; equipmt'nt to re cord a nd
Inlroduclkm lo IT5 Scrviccs and $upporling
Tcdmo lo gl ,~~
phowg r'lph ofie ndc rs . Cu rren r gcncr,u inn s 'tre .e ndi ng to LI se f(l;1d~id c or overr<1 :1d rnonitoring combine cl with an R F ID t'lg in thc \'eniclc both to id.:ntify the
veh iclc 3Ccu ra ld )" :mJ a lso n:port lite da le of ils laSI sa fet}' and emiss ioll s ché ck
a nd ~"'<? r[ ifì c,Hio n.
2.6.3 .2.1.1 9 '/ideo D o wnlo'ld$.
P,H'[ of infor"il1tl1c nr, rh,: pl'o\' ision of vid eo
downlcuds to pn s sc nge rs in lhc rC'l r SC:1ts , who 'He o fren s ubrecr ro "a re w c rh e re
yet" srndrome, is scen br some as :1 mn jor dr ivcr fo r the p rovi5ion oi ITS service s
b~c;lus e veh ide o w ners m a)' be more li kd )' to ill\'csl in ITS commun ications eqllip '
me rlI in rheir v",hicles if t h is p{'ren ni a l problelll can l~ eased . High da ra .. ,\te ITS
com111un ic,HiollS li nks e a n be lI scd 10 downlo'ld \' id eos. l'oli hig l1\'I<1Y providc rs,
n1any of whorn pro\'ide specitic radio se rvice s ac cc-ss ihlc onl )' ro rhose who use the
lon road as p:l rt ot thei r va lue proposition to cncou rage us age of tne toll ro:!t!,
appe'H illlt'res{ed (O prov i,je vi,jeo's <1S l''ln' of rheir va lu"" p rop us il ion IO mad use rs. Yello!t' Page Sauù:e.; ( VÙ1 111-Vl]hidl] fnt<:m et).
Pari of i nio tai n ml:nt, rhl: provisi on oi rellow p2.!;e scrv iccs W,1 5 once 5ecn a s hei ng :1 specific ITS
s"'T\' ict' seClor. The pro\'ision ui such se rvice s via th e Internet m t:a ns (hat se n'ice
pruv ider s Cil rl be sep<lra red from medi " pro vision a nd rh us re duce rhe c Orllm erci~ll
r is ks of sc rvice provi s io ll. Gencr ic ye ll o w pagc scrvices, cornmonly ;l\'ai [ablc Otl
th e Inrernei, C.l n be hrou gh r imo th " vchicle vi " ;111 ITS commu n ic,Hions inrerface. On-Bo.'1rd Eqllipmcnl to Jn(rastnlcture
R(~I'i1 ir Norifica {ioll - Commercia l.
Itl-\'eh icl" dia g n usTics C;1I\ idemi!"), opc r,ning m,l lfuncrio l1s "lId poor perlofl1w ncc ,m d C;1n u sc th c
ITS comll1unicariol1s link ior sofrwa re updarcs, downlo:1d s, ,m d rep:1ir norificniol1
land b oo k in!;) on n just-i n- time basis. (See ;:tIso "Just-in-Time )tep:1ir Notitical ionSa iery" abow).
2.6.3 .2.2 .1 Jrlst-il1-T ìnw
Vehicle-to-Vehicle ITS
Thc p rovis ioll of \'(;hiclc-ro -vc hid c ITS ser viccs is \'c rr mnch in irs int;lncy, ,md ir
te nd s rn cc ntcr spcci ficaJly Oll two cOll1ll1lln ication <; to:.-ch nolog ics: COl1llll11nic'l rl On S
al 5.9 GHz a n d communications at 63 IO 64 GHz, both of which ha ve b.:.'<:n
a ll oca le,j . T he provisiollOf w hid ,,- IO -veh id e ITS st' n 'icè$ is p articuht rly , h:Jlleng ing,
bm some services , p;1l' Iicl1 l.1rly in rlle fi .:ld of co lli 5io n ,lVoid,l nce, ca nn o r be pr,lcl iC<l ([ Y prov id ed rbrough the infr'l srrucTu re.
Proponen rs o f ve hicle -m-vehid e cotlltllunicat ions 31so bdi cH: tilar m'lny oi the
scrvice s C:llvisnged to be proviJcd vi a Ih", in fr:! slructun: ca n e guali}' be provided
di rec rl y \'eh ide-ro ·w hide. Some even (ee l tha! mèsh ll e rwork s o f vehide s can obvia l(:
rhc m~ed ro h,)' llluch or rhe inrr"strn cT"lI re o fh e rwise e m·.is'lgcd .
linril l;1rge r volume t r i:1 b in rc.,1 rr;Jffic condiriO IlS h.w e r.,kcn p [ace, .he nex r
s r:1ge irom rechnical fcas ibi lit)' tria ls , the ca p 'lCity limits of 5 .9-Gl-lz te clmology for veb ic le- veh icle commu ll ìca ri o ns, a nd ~ b e tr'ln s m iss ioll limir;lTìollS or
63-GHz .cchno logy fo r vc hiclcH\'c hidc CO ll1lllllniCHions c;~ nn o t be fully c$ r;,blishcd. lt is pmba blc rlut bmh rcc h nologics , :1 nd :1 m ix o r ill fr'l srructure-ve hicl c,
ITS Sel·.. kes for Vehic:les arrd Thelr Occupirnts
vch idcHvchicle, ,md vchicleHin t rastructll rc-veh iclc mQclcs of oper;Hioll wi Il he
uSl:d in thc end_ )-Jowcvcr, thc provis ion 01 s t,md:1rds :lt :1n ca ri}' s tage, 3S soon :1S
tlll: must prob:tblc le chnic:1! ~olllliolls G in be agreed upon, is 'I:ssellli :d, anJ work
is .tlro?a dy \l'di a dvan ced.
\Virh r es pcç, ro cari)' ~enc r a rioll vchideHvehiclc se rviccs, rhese will mosTl)' be
driver :ld\' isory s ystcms. Indccd, \'chicle control s}'!<Terns using ..... eh iclcH \·ch iclc
COlTIlTIUniC,llions Gln onl)' be d 'tect ive when:l high proporliun of tlle \'chiclc popublioll is e qllipped Wilh .:orn pa lible ITS comll1Ul1icalio!1s e lJu ipment.
VehicieN Vehicie Silfety Services
2.6.4./.1 A{1f'ro:I<; IJÌtlg Emergellc)' \fchlc/c W'o1r11Jng-Vcbid(!-to- Vch ic/cI_
Emcrgency vehiclcs rr:w d ing ro inc id enr s i.es nse rh e ir ITS cOl1lll1unic:1rions sys rCll1 ,
proba h ly in broadc:lst 1l10de, co w:!rn :'I II n:hiclcs on singlc c:lrri:lgcw'ly roads :l nd
when approaching jun..:tions, or vehicles ahc:ld of thel11 on sep:lr:l teel c3rriago:w:I)'s,
of rheir approac h ilS ;l priorirized ve h id e . Tlle warning is rr:1Jlsrnirro?d imo ( h ",
vc hidc a udi o <1nd/ol' \'iS\l;l l displ:1Y via an ITS eOJ11I1Hl nic:1rion s inrcd'lcc.
2. 6.4.1. 2 E/illd Mer'ge Wrrming.
This is ille pwvisiol1 of warnings (from prE'ceding/adj acenr vc hicles) ro drivcrs whcre highw a)'s or l'l llCS Illcrge. Tbcsc in-vch idc
dectronic s)'stCI11S monitor rhe posirion of '1 vchiclc wirhin a roadw:ly lane a nd
W3rt1 :I driver if i'l" is uns:lic:: to cll:ll1gt: bnl:s or l11c:rgo: inlu aline of traHic. These
sysrE'l1ls a re rt'arwarJ -lookillg, radar- [,aseJ sysrerns . T IIO:)' a ssisr dri vers wlw are
inrc nrion'111)' c h,lnging lanes by de reering ve hiclcs In ibe dn\'Cr's bl i nd spo r a nd
p;155ing tbc inform;tTi on ro tolJowi n!; vehiclcs . Thc w .H ning is rra nsm irrcd inro rlle
vehidc a udio andior visua l dispJ:ty vi:l an ITS cmnmunicarions intedacc.
2.6.4./. 3 Blilld Spor n/a rnillg.
Coopcra tive drìving s ysre ms W<lrn vehiclcs ahe ad,
via a li ITS cOl1llllunica.ions inrerf::cc, of th cir .1ppro:1cb ro ovcn,1ke. The \v'lrning is
Imnsmill'eJ inlo rhe \'chi d ... a ud io :lnd/or visu:l 1 d isp lay via an
inrerf<1çe a nd in some case:> is highlighred by il fhlSh i.ng [con in rhe p,lSSCllgt't sido.>
wll1g 1l1l rrOr, so .h:H c ve n if th c \'çhid c is in ;1 blind s por, i.s <1ppro,'cb is m 'ld"
rrs .4 COOfJCTilTÌlliJ Adaf)tll,'e Cmise Control.
Ad'lprivc emise c ontrol is sunil;lr w convcl1tion'.l l cruise cO lu ro l in rh.H ir l1l'linrains rhe vchicle's prC5er spccd .
Cooperati .... " ad'lprive cruise control C,ln 'lurom,nically adjust spced in order ro
n1:linla in a proper dist:lnce bl:twccn \'ehides in lhe s:lme I:me by ,c ommunic3 l"ing,
lI s ing a li lTS cOll1l11unications link, wit!t rh ... pre.: .. ding vel1 ide. The
co mmnni c,Hions Itllk TO fil e ve hi d " in fl'Onr obr'l ins rdc\';\m informarioll (rom
rh'H vchicle cnncerning its spccd, acccle r'1fio n, dccekr:!rion, scr c['!l isc <, peed , 'll1d
incidence ot m;mu'll ovcrridc . If the IC:ld \'chiclc slows down, or ii 'lllo thcr objcct
is dc:rected , rhe sy:; rcm ~e nd s asign'll ro f!te engillc or brak illg s ~' sr(,111 ro decelera te.
Thcn, wh cl1 rhc ro,ld is clc:1f, thc systclll will rcaccc!cf;1 rc Thc \'ch icle back ro rhe
scr spced_
Inlroduction lo ITS Services and Supportlng Tedmologlcs
2.(;.4.1.5 C'-)()/'t!J'!ltil/{! Colfisio/l W'amillg_
Collisioll v.';lrning s ysrcllls 'l ssisr rhe
drive!" to rc:!d surrounding tra ffic b y w:!rning of the unrc:1sonablc :! pproach oi ,m
adi:lcenl w:hide. In ' ''chide s}'S ltms a~'hit'\'''' th is by lh", use oi discanee scnsing
r'ldar s a lld 'l \'ido?o screell 'l11d '1l1dio ,tle rr when il Vl'hicl e is approacb ing wo ra p ,dly,
ind icaring the dircctioll of .bc im r usion, .lnd poss ib ly Tne ,i rne ro il1lp;\cr <1nd spccd
o r ollcoming vchiclc. Cooperarive collisiol1 warn ing sp,el1)s collce. acclIr:He d :Ha
irom thc appro:lching vc hiclc 3nJ provide wamings, nor only lo thc d river, but l'o
lh e :lpp roac hing vch icle using <ln ITS ~' onllllllnic;i( i on;; linI.:. The obi"'~- ti\'é is ro
pre dicr rh reare n ing coll isì ons e;lr1y e nough {CI preven r Th e m (rom oc..::urring, <l J1d
by warning rh e drive!' re .'1 'e e \';1sivc ;lcriOIl_ \·(.'hel1 collision :wod,mce is Il o r
possihle, l'he d,ml'lge., cm be lirnil'ed l'O a mill imum b y rcduc ing rh" spccd ;1I1d
stopping dista nee. Latcr sptems m:ty invol ve 3utomatic.:dly stopp ing the vch icle.
The warning is Ir:111SmillCd inro tbe "chicll? <Indio ,md/or visual displ:ty \'i;l a n ITS
eOml1H1I1Ìcil\Ìons inrer bce.
2.6 .'1.1.6 Ciloperatil'c Giare Rcductio ll.
\Vhcn an ITS .:quipped vehicle detccts
t1wt an o.pproaching vehide h.:rs full he a d lights OI1 or inappropriatel)' positioncJ
head[igh(s, i r advises rhe ofiendillg \'ehiclo? of rhe problel1l. Ir is possiblo? ro ellvisage
s llbsc 'luenr gCl1cr'1Tion s}'srcms ;1\Hotn;llic" II)' rl'iggcl'ing hC<1dlighr dipping us ing O1n
ITS commun ications inr,e rbce.
2.6 .4. 1.7 Cooperalil,'c \f(~"idL' - Higlml aJ' Alltomatiol1 S)'slcm (Natu o l1il1g)- Jn[l'a stmerl/re' A ssistcd. (S(,e also .'Pliltool'tillg- Vehide Assls(cd " belo rt. . .)
This :;r ste m
is ,l nc xr gener;lrion \O 'ld,.l prive crniseconrrol, i n wh ich vch iclcs, comml1llic:Hing
w ir h cac\' othcr, forl11 dense pbroons at high speed.
\'(Iith thc support of d:l l:l co[[ccteJ \ 'Ì:l thc infmslructure, aecumtt: inter~' ar
spaciilg il) rlte pl;HOOIl is ,1cbiel'eJ b )' a lo[)girudin'll cOIHrol s )'srelll through rll':
\1 St' of t "dar ami r,\d io COl11l11uni.;,Hion berwccn CMS a 11d rhc facilllìcs of 'ldapTivc
cru ise conrro) (i.e ., e'lch coll'in rhe ph!rOO!l lI'es racla r [Cl l1le;1 SlIrC Ih c disr:1I1Ce ro
the prt.'ccding c:'I r). The mdio cOl11munic,nion systcm pro\'idcs e-:!ch C:ll' wich hroadcast or
eoml11unic:tcions belween vehides prov iding lhe veluci!>' anel accelcr':l '
tÌon or rhc pre~e ding C M a nd the l",,,d car Di the l'la 10011. Ali of rhe st' s ign;l ls :Ire
m c d by rhe longiwdi lw l fccdb;lCk cO rHroJ ~ys rcm ro con rin uou s ly de term in c (he
des ircd :lcccler:!rion ot cach C:!l'. Th c rhrorrJc or the br;lk c is then uscd to prO\' ide
the ucsired aecelcral'ion_ Knowledgt: of the dynamic bc: havior oi the throtrlc anJ
bra ke acrua lOrs ... nstrro:s tlI:lr rht'y are expt'rtl}' cO!ll'rolleJ so ch a l l'he Jòin:d m:cdera ti011 [S 'Khic:\'cd very 'lccurarely .
Sincc plawoning cnablcs vch iclcs re opcr;Hc much c10scr togcThcr rh.1n is possihle: under m'lnU'll dri\'ing conclirions, e-:!ch bn::: can Clfr)' :l t IC:lST rwicc as much
tmHic 3S it cm toJ:lY. This wi!! greatly reduce highw.1Y congestiono Al' dose sp:leing,
a ... rod}'n ~lm i c drag is ,l iso sigllific<llltlr ft'duct'd alld inel .:onsumption <'llld exha usr
c llli ssions afe IInprovc:d.
2. 6 .4.1.8 CI/n.'c SpCL'd Wamil1g-1/cIJide Hased.
This is the provision o f \\',lfl1illgs from pre ceding vehicles ro (Irlvers ro "dapr spel?d ro ClIT\'e (bend) cO lldir ions.
This m'l}' be ;l dapri\'e w ctlfl'ellT wca rber ,lnd [o'ld condiriol1s_ Vch iclc b'lsed CUl'W
spccd warning systcms use sigll;1ls from prcceding vchidcs l'o warn drivcrs, rypic:tl1y
ITS S~ I ... ic e~ for Vi:hic les a rrd Tileir Occupants
rh ose in co m mcrc ia l ,rllcks :11ld orbe r hea\'>, vc hicles, or potenrù!ly cb ngcro ll s
spc.:ds in a p pro ach w cu rv.: s on hig hwa}'S. Th" w'lTn in g is tr:lnsmittc d into the
\" ehid e a udiu :lIId/ ur \"islI al di spla}' via a ll l T S cUlTllTl ll nicati o llS inrer!ac e.
2 . 6.4. / .9 ['{ighway ," !erge A5Sis !~IIIt .
T b is is rhe pro\'is ion of w<lflli ngs from
prcced ing, adj:1cenr, a nd following veh icl es !O drive r:s where hig h\\':1)'5 o r L11le s
rne:rge. These in- v"hid" dectronie sys t<: ms mon itor the posì lion o f a ... ehide wìl h in
a rua JW<lr lane a ll d W;lrJI <l Jri Ve r il' ir is HlIsa fe lO d 13 ll gt' !a ll es Or Illerge iJ\ w a
Ii nc of rr-'lffic. Tl1 C w'lrn ing is rnlll sm ined inro lh e vehicle ,Indio a lld /or visua l
d ispl ay Vi'l :l 1l IT5 cO llllllu n ic;Hions inrc rL1ce.
lr1troductlon lo ITS
Se r.~cès
a nd Supporling
Tec h nò l0 9 i è~
p rovid c t be dcsi rcd ;lccclcra tion. Knowlcdgc o f ! hc dyna m ic beh:w ior o i rile t hrorrlc
,m d bm ke aetlla to rs ensures that thc)" ,tre e:xpenl}' controlled so t h,n the: de:si re:d
accele: ra liun is: aeh i :: ~'e J ver}' m:cu ra ldy.
Since p la rooning ena bles "e hicl t's ro opera re mu ch closer rogerher rha n is possi·
blc u nd cr m a n u,ll d ri\'ing cond iri ons, c.l ch hmc Cilil caft'y a r blst rWlçç ,15 Jl1\l cb
tra Hic as it ea n rod'l Y. This \ViI[ grea rl }' reduce hig hw:!}' congestiono /\t cl ose sp;lcing
acrud)'nam ìc d m!:; is a lso sign ificantl y n:cl uc"d, :lI1J fll d co ns umpt ìon a nd <:xha llst
t: missìoll S a r<: impro\'eJ.
2.6 .4. 1.14 Pl'ccnuh StJI1$il/g-VchideH VtJ!Jidl!- Assiste,i. (SeI!- a/so " Preo 'ash Se)lsing -lll- V'chic/e" ab o/fc.)
2. 6.4. '/ . J O Lall e e /Hm gc Assis/alIf.
,(,his is thc: pro\'isi o ll o f a ssista n.:.: from p re·
<.'t'di rlg, a dj a':': llf, a lld tollowin g vehides ro assist v(' hid es l'O c h:lllge hllle:. T h"
ass ist:ln cc is rra nsm ined im o Th e v(:bide a u d io :ll1d/or vi \[al disphlYS via a n lTS
cOll1ll1U n iCHlollS inre rfacc.
Prccr nsh se ming fu nctio nali ty is de iined in illnctiona l
steps l'haI r"qu ire: a incr" :J sil1!:; si luatiu n :Jnal p is performance :md a !:;rowing amounl'
o f <lpplka riorl e ffo rr. E,ICh f1l1\c ri o l1,11 step rna kes ir Il.:-.:e ssa r y ro ddine r!te appro·
priare m ngc or vie w, rh e vin ua l b arr ie l·. lr is Soubìen IO variom: çon sn';l im s ,ln d rh e
co nfi gu rati o ns possi hJ c wirn p recra sh scnsing. Prccr'l sh sells ing technology uscs
pLnform ra da r se:nsors desig n ed t'o r tht: iu nniona l integ ra ti o n oi possiblt: fllnctions
Ihal rd y on St'llsor inior rn a l'iun irom lht: cl o~e su rroll n Jin gs oi Ihe veh icle.
T he m.l in tOC li S or precras h se nsing is TO hd p pass ive safcI )' de vi ces in p rore·ç ri ng
th c p,ISS ngcr in :111 c r:lsb siwa ri o ns. Thus, p"ss i \'(~ safc ry d evi çc s wi ll no lo nge l' be
lim ited lO airh'l gs, scathel ,s, 'lnd active head resrs , h ut will lISe ve hiclcH\'c hi c!e
commu nications via an rrs ai. in t<:r bct:, ne:w restr;; int s)'St"ms, and au tomatic
bra k" à n J srè'e ring aCli vari oll a s wdl. T h" l::Juer dè ,'i.:ts, tra J iliona llr b"ing <1ctivt:
~ ,lfe ry devices ",he,,.e rh e/' c is dri\'er imeracrion , wi ll b l'~o me more ,1I1d m ore pa rrÌ<lll y
:lIIro rna ted TO co mpensare fo r dcfic irs in hu ma n (e,lcrio Il S.
2. 6.4. L J 1 Lc/i 'l'um Assis/alll~ \lchiclc Assis!cd.
T his ìs Ih t' pro visiun o i assis o
ra nee lO drive rs mrning ll' ir fro m o rh er veh ic les in t ht' ,'icinil}' . Th i> counrerme a Sli te
in \'ol ves \\',trn ing m oro ris rs ma kìng :1 lcfr Tur n :n ,l rr:lffic signa l of ,) pOTenTia l
con fl ic t with ...e hicles :l pproachin ~ frOI11 rh e o ppm ire directio n (w h ich Cluse s a
lo!aI of l ~n , o oo cra she-s per )'ea r in the Uni , ,,J Statt:s IBarr, 200'1J). D at a is c o llecr::d
dir.:c tl y tr si ng \'e hi d,,~-n' dl i cl e cO n1l11l1 n ica lioils ro assisI' bas ie sensi llg co id ell li i~'
pore nrial ~o nt1i ~ r s b y dCTcrm ining (he spe.:d a nd fh e acce lem ri o n o /' decele /'a,ion
r:HC o f c:l ch veh icl e :lpproaeh ing rh e inrC l'seCTi o n from Tbe opposi re direc rioll,
ind ud ing ych icl "s cxecuring tbrnug h ,m d r igh r-rurn rnovt: rnents. Si m ple po in t Il1 C;l su rernt:n ts w illnot be su f(icie:nl'. s inc ~ \'<: hicle s can assume: vnri o us Ir:J jecl orie s a nd
~l cc el er,tli o n/de cde r"l io n/s !'ùpp i ng Ill o \' elllen r~, p arl icu Llrl)' wh.::n o th er "c: hid.:s a re
present. T he ve hiel e·ve h iele COnUlll)n ic.lti o ns '1I'C ,l ch ievcd " ia a n lT5 ..:ommu lli :1rinns inrerf;lcc.
Thesc:: :i re wa rnin gs p ro\'iJeJ tu n"nrb y v<:h icles
dI,l( rhe w hid e ha s be':-Il debili ra red/J arnageJ by 'l re.:e nr crash eve nto T he)' 111<1)'
inchlde ,l rcq ues r ro pass on messa g,cs ro emcrgency scrvices . Thc intofllla ri o n is
rr'l nsmi tred Yi :! :ln ITS comll1u n ica ti ons inrerLlcc.
2 .6.4././ 2 M ('r~w A ssislall/.
2. 6 .4 .1.16 Kigb/ 'lìtn: A ssisltl1lt- \'ehiclc Assisled.
Th is is lh.: pro\'is ioll u l assisl:Jnc.: lo d r i ~' e:r s mergi ng
inl O tl';l ffl C lanes lls ing in rorUl.Hio n rrans fc r rc'd from adjace nr vc hicles. T he in fornl,l'
ri o n is rr;l llsm im :d Vi'l ;'In IT5 cOJllJllUn ic:Hions inrc:rf<lcc.
2.6.4. 1.15 j'u sl·Cm s!J W/am il1g.
Th is is rhe pruvisi o ll of a ssiso
lan c,," ro c1" i\'e rs wnli ng rig hI by rece ipr o f dara rrom 'ld ja.:e ll[ vchicles . Sce L efl
TlI m As.sistallt il bo ve. The ass isr'l ncc d Ma is rr,l l1S mirre d imo The vchid c a udio
'ln d/or vis u:1 1 d ispb)' vi a a n ITS com lllu n ica rionsi lltc rface . 3 /'Jal(J(J/lillg- Vch id e Assistc d. (Se I: ;l Iso Cuo /Jc mlille \'clJiclc .J-liglm.'ay
A lIl um a/ivlI S ystcm (l'/irl oo llillg) · lll[rastructll/'c Assisled abo \'e .)
T his s)'srem is
a m:xI gl' nc r'l, io n ro a da p tivc o.: rui se contr ol, in wh ic h vc hiclcs, eOllllll u nic ,Hi ng
wi .h e:lch orher usi ng ;I n IT5 co mnlllnic ;ui o ns :lÌr inrcrfacc fo rm den se pl:lToo ns
,H hig h spced by us in g veh iclc-vchiclc co mrnun ìca tioll s nsì ng an fTS ,IiI' ilHc riace.
Ac eura l.: in l<:rc:u spaci ng in t he: p!al'oo n is a ch ie\'<: d by :1 lun!:;ilu d ina l cOlltrol
sys relll lhro uglt lhe US(' o f r ~ld a r a nd raJ io COllllll\lI lie,l!ioll berwet: H ca rs, as well
as ad:1 pri\'c crllis co nr ro l (i.c ., each car in Ih e p latoo n uscs ra da r ro Illcasu rc rhe
di st,tncc ro th e preced ing c,n). Th c r,ldio cOl11l11 ll ll ic u iOIl sysrc m pro\'id cs c;lch Cl t'
wi rh brcu dca st o r ITS communic a ,ions b-c t\vcen vchicl cs pro\'idi ng t he velocit}' a nd
,lccelera ri o n o i rhe preced ing ca r "nd rll e le ad CM o f Ihe pl 'Hoon . Ali o i rhese sig na Is
M C lIScd br rh c: lo ngirud ina l fee d b ack cO IHm l sysrc m ro c on ri nllo ll sly dc rcrmi ne
The de sired accelera tio n of e:lch C OlI'. T he throttle or ,hc hr:l ke is rh e n IIse d ro
2.6 .4. -l . j 7 Rvad CUlUli/io}! \'(Iamillg - \'chide Assisted .
T his is (he prù~' isioll o i
w<1I' ni ngs from neil r by \'ehicles CO d rivers wh c:re , he r <.11'(' acl wrse roa d co nd irio ns
(c.g., ice, fl ood , o bsr:lde in road, porhole, spill ,)ge, slI rfacç: dcfo rm,Hion) . Tlw
w 3rning is tmnsmitte d im o th e vch icle audio a nd/or \'i sl1:l1 displa y via :;n ITS
com mll nic :l cions intertace:.
2.6 .4.1.1 8 ROild Fea ftlr e Notìficatioll . T h is is ìn fo rJll<l fi o ll sen r \' hl a n rT S w hiCl eH\'chi cle com m llil icari o ns ncrwor k fo fo ll owi ng vch iclcs o r 'lbnorn,,11 1'0,ld ie,l111 rt:s heing a p p roached. Th is ma )' incl ude permanent fea tllres such as pa rricubrl y
severe bend s w!t ere no in frasrtucru rc b,lsed warllln g ha s bee n receì ved, road ddo r·
m,lTi on ,l n d da m,l gc, or re mp or,ll'y fC:1w rcs stl ch :15 :111 obs r'ld c 0 11 fh e 1'0'ld , ice,
or ilood . The IDc3 tion Dr rhe evcm is tra nsm itt,ed ;lnd thc di stanec from thc evcnr
ITS Scrvlccs ror Vchiclcs arra TI cl; Occupants
Inlrod uctlon lo
rrs SCrvlCCS and Supporlirrg Tcclmologic~
and , ime ro reaeh rhe cve nt calclll'Hcd. Thc reccivcd rnes~,'gc $ounds :1 finr ,.leH
intorming du: drivt:r of Ihe upeoming cvcnr, dist:H1CC to evcnr, ::md rime to evcnt,
a udi b ly or via Ihl:" Jrivcr's video "nl:"cn, ,md proviJl's a scconJ :1uJib!e1visu:l1
w'lrning IIi SI bcfore rh e lo,-' ilriorl of thl' cvcm IS re"lched.
thc viobring vchiclc itsdi (or ro thc drivcr vi,; audio/video display), co the tr:1 ific
control l'enter, and lO nCClrb)' traffico Thc w:1rning is tran smittcd bc:twccn vchicles
vi;; an
communica lions illleri.J.cc.
2.(,A. ·/ , ·19 SOS Serllices-Vebic/e Assisterl.
Thi$ i5 thc provision of co nncc tions
IO vehiclcs from pulice a nd emergency service vchiclt's {o r the t r a nsmissioll of voicc
a rrd/or Jala cOIl1ItlUniCalions; or Ihl:' jorwarJing oi such COlllllltmic<lriollS from
other ve hi cles wirhin the localiry. Th e w<ltning is rr'lnsmrrr",d imo rhl' ve hid", a udio
a nd/or visllal display via a n ITS cOOlmun icarions inrcrfacc _ Stoll Si};11
AssiS/.{11Icc- \'chic!c ilssistcd. (See :l Iso StOJl Sigl1
/1.-101'1:111('11/ AssislmICl'-II1{mstmelllrc l bs/sled abow.)
This COlltHèrmcasme
in\'olvl's warnin~ moron scs IC<lving a stop sigli rhar rh cir movcmerH m.l}' confli<.:r
wi.h allorher vchiclc_ Thc suojcct vch iclc mo\'cll1cnt could be Idr rurn, righr ru m,
or t hrough . (-nusing " rotai oi 361,000 crashes per y~ar in the Unircd Srar"s (lhrr,
MO/l cmclI l
D:U'l from adjac{'nr whi.:les is llsed co idenrify porenri al conflicrs b}' de(ermini"g
th e pecd, ;lccelcr;lriol1, or decdcr,Hion r.nc ofc,lch \'eh iclc " ppr o<1c hi ll~ rhe inrcl'scction aucl thc discharge from the srop line for \'ehiclc."S ,lt stop-co nrrollcd 'lpproaches.
'l'he dac<l is trnnsmitreJ into che vehicle :1udio and/or visu:11 dispby vi:l :In ITS
COnllllllllic<ltiuns intt:rfm:e.
Vehide.:-·Nehicle Commerciai Services
Sueh scrvices Ill"}' include fOlite oprimization, sll:1ring of inforrl1"rion w jth 'llld
betwttn drin:rs, ,md eulbrion and iorwa rdi ng oE fl<:t:I' management in lorma rion.
2.6 .5.1
Off-Trip Servlces
Pretrip Di'narnic In-Vehicle Route Guidance and Navigation
ProgrCl m mi nglSetllp
This involvcs rh e progr<lmming or " rri p l' ome p ri or IO th e st<lr r or rbe rnp. Th",
prcrril' tr;lvd inform;Hion li SCI' 5cf"ice ;ll1o\Vs tr;1velcrs w ,leC'ss ;1 completc r,lngc
of rc,~d-rime mulrimocbl tr,msporrarion inform 3tion ,11 home, work, :md orhcr
m:ljo, si tes where trips originate. Inform:1 tion on rU:ld nelwork conditions, incidenrs, weitther, aud Iran si l se rvice s, ar.:- cOllveyed through rhese S)'Slellls ro provido"
rnwelers w irll rhe hlT~r concli rions .md opp0l'nlniries in ol'der TO pian rheir tr il vd.
B:;.scd on t h is inform,nion, the tt';l\'cler C:ln SCICCi rhe best c!e p'1[mre rime, roure,
"nd modes oi [T3\'d, or perh.lps decide nor to makc the rrip ,lt " IL
2_6-4 .1.21 h ?hide A/e/'t.
This ,, !c rrs drivcrs ro thc prcscnCL; oi vchides moving
too fast ,]t blind inrcr~ cctions. For cX:lmplc, if ,hc sysrem dcrermines tI,.,t a GlT is
appro<lching a drivl:'r tuo fast fTOm che !eh,:1n :1udible " Iert will sOllnd :!I1d :1 \'oice
recordill!j will c:111 DlH: "Cl. ,lpproach ilig from Idr" Or simibr. At tbe s,Ime l imo:,
;In image of a n .lpproac h i ll ~ vehide w ill apI'C<lr 011 rhe drivc,r'5 n<\\'igarion sc reen.
Thc !>}'s rem may " iso a lert ;1 driver whcn it dctccts th:H ne or shcis a ppro:1chi ng
" stop sig n or l'ed trafiie light too bst.
2.6.4. 1.2 2 Visibility E,rimI/CC/,- Vehicle Assisled. (Se", 'l lso 111- Vd,ide Visibilif)'
E I1/NJI /<:cr :l bovc.)
Thi $ is .1 sys relll rh.H lISCS informarion from nC<1 l'by "c hiçJcs,
collcctcd \' ia al1 ITS ilir intcriacc, togcrhcr wi,h in-vchicle in fr:lfed or low lig hr
C:llller!! tc:chniques to pro\'ide enhanced visibi !itr ot dark objeets, pc:rson s, "nd
a nimals in lite: wadw:1y :Il nighr \'i3 [J IU:J d-up disph)' or c:nk1!u:c:J J isph>' 011 rhe
driver's vi eleo sc reen . This m 'l}' be supported by ;llldible warnings.
2- W/,.Ol1g- Way Drive,. Wamillg-Vc/'idc Assisted. (Sec ,l is o \Vl'Ol1g- \\'la)'
Dri!!cr \Vanli1/g-111{rastrllctllrc Assisted :lbove.i
Thc e ar" wa rnillgs irom \'chicleS, cr,lII smiHed vi;) a li ITS ~' ollilnu[\icarw[\s inrerf:K'(', IO uff('nders, lO Ihe rO'lel
0l'"r:1Ior, alici other roa d lIscrs o f VClllC!c ' rr'lVcling in rh e wro ng direcnon on ,l
cOlHroll"d dirccrion c:lrriage \\';ly_
\Vhen thc navig3t ion sysccm of a vehide iden ti fics th,H che \'chiclc is tl'.poding
011 ;1 conrrolled dir cnon carri"geway or o lle-w,,}' rO;ld, a nd ve hici sellsors or
C;1 tl1eraS decccr ;lllochc r vch iclc driving opposi re co fh e pcrmiHcd dirccrion, Of rbe
driv!::r is prncecding in chc wrong di rection to tlut pcrl11irrcd , a w a rning is sent ro
Pretrip Irllègriltèd Multlmodal Trip Guìdancè
This is lhe provision of route suid:tnee "dv ice from thc inir:!stTucture \'ia b nd
linI:' or ITS :lir inte rhcc to 3ccou nt iur rO:1d lise, ro:!d conditioll, :lnd cOllgestiun
infoflrl3lioll. The p rel,ip Irav el inform:tlioil USèr se rvice allows rr;lvelers W (ICCC:SS
,l comp!c re r.ltlge Or re,ll-rime rnul,imod ,, 1 t ra nsporrario n intorllla tion ar home,
work, and orher n1:1jor si rcs w"efe trips originare l'O cnablc ll1ulrimodal fou.es co
be planned.
2.6 .5.3
Pretrip Pedèstri"n or Bkyde Route Guldancè
This is rhc provi iOf) of
line, cdlllbr, or wird"ss
cOlIgesrioll infonnariou,
(bic ycl e or pedestri'Hl in
2 .6.5.4
l'ome guidancc 'ld\·i.:c ( 1'0111 .he ;nfr<1sTrucwre Vi,l b lld
b roadband to <lccount t'or r()ac! uso:, rO:lJ cundition, and
"dapted IO rh.:- spe('iJ I uèed s or che mod..: or rrallsp0rt
rh i l:" se.l.
Trip Planning: Current Utilization Levels trom Public Transport
Information Systems
che pro\'ision of cm renr urilizarioll le ve ls irom public rransporr il1 torm arion
~y5tems, !)<:r tr ip, ro thc imcnding rt"lvckr. from rhe infr"strucwrc \-;., lanci lin e,
cdlubr, or wirde ss hro3d ban d.
Scrvlccs te Pubi le Tr,lItsp o rt Uscrs and Pcdcstrlans
Services to Public Transport Users and Pedestrians
Dynarnic Rldesharing
A ride f1l:Jtchin~ auJ rcser\':J !ion uSt:r scrvice pro\'ides n:al- lime rid" motching
iniorlllalion alld reser\':Ll io ns lO rr<1\'ders in rhei, hOllles , o ifices, or o lhcr loealiolls,
a nd assists rr,lnspon;lfion provid cl's wirh vc hìd c assignmenrs nlld sc hcd u ling. Tlw
USCI' scn 'ice providcs one oi rhe: h;lSic lool s ior altcrinl:; thc n'avel bcll;wior o r
ind ivi cl uals who drive alone tl uring co ngested periods.
l'or p ublic tr:lI1sit, roule tlevio ti on schemes, where n:h ides woultl lcol'l:: o fixt'J
rou re for ,I shOrI di sranC'e lO l'lck up o r Jisdlarge p;l sse ngers, ;H e ,1I1Orh",r a pp roach
employecl ro imp rovc rh e s n 'ice. Vch iclcs providing rh ìs se J'vkc c nn incl ude sm,l ll
buses, tax ic;lbs, or orhcr sm;l l1 , sh:Jred-ride veh iclcs.
Emergency Call1Mayday Alerl for Public Transporl
~'Ia)'da}' re quests from tra vd crs, drive:rs, ami tran sit \'ehicle opcmrors are p.1Ssed
lo lh", em",rgen~'~' syslem operotor u si n~ on l'J'S or olher communicorions lin k.
The process Ir\\'ol ... es acknowled gm('1It or rhe ('l1lergenc)' reqncs r from lhe sys re m
opera roJ', whieh 15 passed on ro . he requcSiO r. Th is pro<.:ess inpllls p roccss ing
par:l llle,crs for biomerric im:1ge m;1tch ing :1I1a lysis tTom th e "ysrcl11 Oper;HOI', and
OLltpLUs thoso: paramr:lers ro :!I1orher processo T hat pro -"ss in ru m provi cles im:1ge
1Il ~ lch i lig n:suhs to this proccss, which an' lhen returneJ lo the s)'stem Oper:I10L
Intrusion Detection
Il1lru ~lOn
tlcreC'{i on (or morioll dC'[('c rioll) :l1 rr'lIl sit fa~' i l i,i" s (e ,g., ll'ansi l )'ards a lld
sho ps) l'c lIlOICly monHors se l1sor d ala o l/ ce red in sc"m(' arc;! , illc/ liding rhosc
ircquen red hy rr;lvc:!ers (rra nsi t $IOP5, resr are:;lS, p;Hk :l llel ride lors, mod a l inrerchang" faciliti",s, on-[,o.lfd tr:msit v~· h icles) a nd thos c ryp ic'llir :3\V:1}' from tr!l \'ders
(IUllllds, bridges, 1'0:Jdway in frostrlll:lurd. St'llsor tinto c:Jn olso L"<:' co lkc letl irom
o lher e lllerge nc )' cent('rs. T he proc('ss rcrurns co l/ eC[cd SCll sor da la (m w and p rocesscd) ro Ihose celllers. The typcs of sensor d ,H'l include rhre.H sc nsors (slIc h .15
chemic;ll, hiologica l, explosives, ;md r.ld iologic:l I), ohjcc r dercction sensors (-'lIch
as mel:l l JelCC IOI'S), lllorioll :l nci illlrusion se nso l'S, and illir;l srrllC'lurt' inregriry
" '" S0I'S. In addiriol1 [O 1'<1 \V sensor inpllls, Tbi s process a lso rccc ivcs dara prcp l'oce-ssed
in thc fiel e! , ;lnd providcs add irional proccss iO\! if d irccted hr procc s~ i J1::' par;101e lcrs
esrahl ished by cenlcr pcrsonnd. Thc prm:c:-ss can input threo! iniorm,ltion trom
iid J an:d}'sis funclions onJ , IO~r:lhcr Wilh its OWIl processi n!;, iJemiiy pOlcnt i;; 1
rh reals a nd verify thos{' Ibre<1 IS by r.:orretHing .:ollecrt'd d;lra. The p ro.:ess omp uls
idcnri fied rhrc;Hs ro mh cl' p l'ocesses for ourpur iO CeI1 ICI.' pCl'so nn cl .md ro SUppOH
tu rrbe l' thl'C:H :l 11;llrsis.
Paratransit Fleet Dispalch
P.1r:1 rr'lI1Sir is ,m <lIrCrI1,1Tivc modc 01' flexihlc p:lsscngcr Ir'lns porr,HiOll rh<1r dO<' 5
nor iollo\'.' fix ed routes or schcdulcs. Typically vans o r m ini-huscs :lre IIsd IO
InlreduclJon lo fTS ScrvlCcs and Supporllng
provide parnrransi r servicc, bu r orhcr imporra n- providcrs incl ude: sh:1 re: T:1xis alld,
in p a rts or Asia, "j irnc)'s" :md " Tuk-TlIks. " I\uarr., nsi t scr\' icI:s maI' V,HY considerobly on lite Jq,re", or n",xibili ry the)' pruvitle rh",ir ~: lI S lome rs. Al lheir simplesr Ihe)'
nl<iy co nsisr of a , ax i or SIll,lll b us th a r will run a long ,l more or less ddined l'ome
'lll d rhc n srop Te pic k up o r disd l<ugC p.1S cngc rs on requ cST. AT Thc orhc l' end of
Th e speccrum is fully dema nd-re-'po nsive lr:lI1Sporr: the Illosr f/exi hle p'l r:nr:msir
s ~' s rems oHr:r on-demand call-up door·to-door seniCt: irum any origin lo :m}'
destillativn in ;1 ser\'ice area . l'ara lmll si l Scrvices ort' nonnall)' opera l",J by Pllblic
tr.lIl Sl r 'lgencies, co mmuniry g roups, or nor- for -pl'Ofir co rpora nons, and fOI'-pro f.r
privarc comp:1 ll i~ or oper:Hofs.
Such s)'srcms :i re optimized h)' sophisticarcd ccnrr'll pI::.nning and m :lI1agement.
Trpic:dly use:rs cali in b), p hone an J Ihe: centro l control lm:ates rhe best un iI tu
r(>s pon d . This is more complicilred rha n simple shllreci ride taxis, h:.>cause rlle
desrin ;) rlons will d iffel' more slgnific;! llT ly, nnd so dficicll 'Y 15 ~<l i n cd by silllulrnneOll-' mu lrìdcsrin !l tioll ronting.
Public Transport Fares Management
This is the: managemenl' oi {nre collection by Lue (bn sis of chorge) C:llegory and
pa )'trIerJ( r)' pc, 3S wel l :lS rhe uSC of ITS/IT/ICT lO efii.:iend y nlanage trafiic fluws
<lnd co l/ ecr r<H'c s. Th is il1cllld es man<lgcmelll of f.. re f"res ilcco rd ing ro demal1d
Icvc ls ;l cross .hc d!!)' , or 011 parriclIl;1f da)'S, or long-tcrm price m,l n.1ge m cm ro
c:ncourage/discollrage usagc p:Hterns.
Public Transport Service Dispateh
This pro\'iJes pOlenli ;;1 solur iolls ro d isp:llchers OIlJ operators tu optimizc se!'\'ie.:
di sp arc h il nd [O fac ilirare q uic k respo ns,cs ro ser\'ice deb ys, a$ we l/ as lO forecilsr
se[\'icc dchlYS.
Public Transport Sehcduling Scrviccs
This service m'l im'1 ins If al1spnrra,ioll schcd ll lcs '\Ild ,1ss urcs rrallsfe r conncerions
from veh icl" ro vchiclc !l nd hctwecn modcs. Th is cm he cou " Ied w ith rr'l fiic comrol
services tu faci litolr: :J quick re~ponse to sr:rvice dd!lys.
2.7.8 Public Transport Service Planning
l'ublic lT:mspurtotion serl'ice planning outonutes rhe operotions, phnning, :lnJ
subseque ntl)' rbe manage ment funcriolts of pllulic [ra nsir syslell1S, Il pro\'ides rea lrime .:ompuler illla lysis of vehicl t's .Inel fa d liri s ro imp rovc rr;lnsir operinions a nd
ma inrcnal1ce:. T h is service hdps ,o ma inrain !f;ll1spof\arion 5cbednlcs ;l nd ;155ure:
trnnsicr connections hom vch icle to \'chiclc ,md hetwccn motles Se,,'icr: sc ho:dulcrs
will h,,"e lime l}' (hn;) ro 'ldju sI rrip s. P,,'rsonnd 111 il n"gc' 111 e n l can be < nh ,)l1ced
wirh rh e 'lllrettn,Hic recor{!i ng ,mci verific,1tiol1 01' opcr;1ting anel 1l),1inTe na n<.:c T.1Sk
Scr ... icc~ lo Publlc Twnsport UScrS und Pedcslrlans
2.7.9 Publlc Transport Survelllance
Oncoming vchide adv;lncc w:1rn in g (fn r jUllcrinn wirhour sign;lls);
• ln·vehicle si~n age and warning S}'stems.
Thesl' :lR' sprems that monitor the environment in tmnsit bcililies, tr;1I1sil slatiuns,
l':\r king 101S, bus Stops, ,IIHI oo·board rr:lllsir \'ehicks, a nd wbich gene ra le ab rms
(cirher a uwm a ric'1J1r or rnanually) wh(:n necess" ry. Th c s{'f\'ice <lIso pro\' idcs sys '
tcrn ~ rh :u mnn itor kcy infr;lstnrcturc nl tr;lnsit (r:1il tr :1cb, h rid gcs, runnd s, bus
Public Transport Vehkle Flcct Trac:king
2.7.14 Travel Services Information-Dedicated Location
This servicc provides navel scrviccs in form:1rioll spcc ific
(c.g., rr;l in sr,Hion, sporrs a rcna).
Public Transport Vehicle Intemal Systems Monitoring
This scrvicc in\'ol\'cs, for cxamplc, lllCilsurnllCnt <lnd reponing of tire prcss urcs,
the idcnri,y of toweel rrn iJcrs, suspen~ i on r:J ising/low c rìng ior improvcd acccss,
cngincdlÌcicncy and temperature, shock and vibration sensing, use ot sigllnl priori tiznlioll.
Safety Enhancements for Vulnerable Road Users
Pcd<11 crd im;
PcdcsTriall ;
Srnart pcdcstr ian crossings (e.g ., 'lurol11:lric w :l rning of pcdcsrrians fo r drivers, prolon3ing crnssing rimcs for elde r ly uscrs , :md ch;lIlging pcdc-o~tri nn
Smart pcde srri :l n cro ' sings (c.g.; prolong in1\ c rossill1\ tim es for d dcrly .lnd
dìsahl cd us crs);
• Vchiclc prcsencc detcction (eirher IO rhe .... ch icle or from rhe \'chi cle ro the
ped estri:lIl);
Aurorll<l lic ad\'ice ro driv('rs by di sablc-d rO;ld uscrs (c.g., pl'escncc? of wheel
c h,ùr) ;
Inrcfsccrion monitor' ing of speCi;l li7.cd con\'cyances (c. g., wh=lch;l irs , C;1fts);
Driver wnrllillg~ iur speci::J [izc:d COII\'e}'alH:es;
Chu ìficarion of righr of W;l}' rulcs;
Onboard cc ho or w ;lrning s igl15;
Idell!ification or thc: presellce of oncoming vehicles by aural or !nctilc m<,nns;
Warning of imllllllCrH signal ph;lSC ch.lnge ;
Signal display .ld\'ancc warning;
,l pill'fiçular IO-;;;1nOll
Trilvel Servlces Inforrnatlott-Personallnterac:tlve
The lra veler s.:n'ices iniormnliol1 lIser s~no ict' pto\OiJc,; :l business directory (or
}'('lIow p,lges) or infonnat ioll on Irilvel'relalc?d s('rvices ;ln<l faci liries (e .g., the lo,-a'
Tiol1, o pcraTlng hour5, il nd ;1va il:lbi liry of tood , lodging, pM ' ing, a uto rc p'l ir, nos pita ls, :md police faci lities). Trnvcler services iniorrnation wonld be ::1cccssible irom
lite home, oftic .. , or orha plIblt.: loca rion s IO help pian rrips, arid ir would :l Iso bl'
.1,..lil:1hlc en rnnte. Thc servicc includcs nm onlr the !ravdc-r scrviccs intorm:lrion,
but the capabi lit}, I"u 1113ke reser\'ations ior nUII}" oi the tr;Iveler serviccs.
Pc rson.l lilcd pu b lic rransir liSC I" sc r\' ice supporrs flcxiblr romcd rr.ll1Sir \'chìcks.
Sm;lJ1, l'nhlicly or privatcly oper;1tcd vchiclcs prnvide on-demand rOllring \O pick
IIp passengers who ha\'e regnl'"Sted servicc and dcliver them to their destinations.
This service group cove rs the application oi ITS functiona lit)' to the enhanccment
or sa ier)' le vds for villn<:'rable road n,er groups (parliclllarly rhc dderly or disableJ,
as well as road mainrcnance wOl"ke rs). Uscr grol1pS a uel crVI.: e func tion s include;
SUent Alarlll
This is the provisi on 01 si lent abrms vi::1 ;I n ITS air interbce or other menns,
inclmhng rh e pro\' ision o( [oc;1\ioo i nfo rm<1t ioll. Thi s invo lvcs rhe silc nt acriv.HIOI1
of video c.lI11er;1S anel rhe iranSlllis$ion of im;1gcs, ;;1nd includc-s sysrel1lS on hO~H"
publi,-' rr:llIsi r \'ehid.:s (bus, '3ilcar) fur \'iJ.:o, a udio I, incillu int:; oL°O\'erlmicropholles
Ihar can be rrigg l'ed by rhe transi< vehicle oprraror), alld e vern rc?cordlng (i.e.,
hlack ho:-:), as wel l as ourputs to rnoniwr ::Jcti\' iti c:s, incidenrs, and potentin l threa ts.
Thesr: s)'Stems nnd seilsurs are normali}' rnunitorcJ b}' centml disp3cch.
This s('!'vicc? monilor s Ih e: loca ri o n of rran si. vehidcs, idcnlifics dc? \'i.Hions from rhc
s chcdulc, ;lnd oHcrs porcnrial 501Ilt i on'~ m di s l':nchcrs anel opcr;!tors. T h is sc rv icc
hclps to rna intain rransport:n ion schedules and assu rc rr:l n sier connecrions from
\'ehid", to "o:hide and bO:l ween modes ami can b<:' cunp!t:d with tr:lfiic control
servi.:es ro Ll.:il i l~lll' qui.:k responses ro se r vi.:e dd;lYS.
Inlrod ucllon lo ITS ScrvlCcS :-md SupporUng Tcdmo loglcs
Technology in Evolution
ror ll1:1ny or the se n ' jccs hrictl y dcscrihcd ;lhovc , it ma}' sccrn TO hc ron snOl1 m
be cOllsidcring srand ardiza tion-in d~'ed, it mn}' scem ton soon ..,\'ell ro id..,ntity
wh ic b will need ' r;'rl<brd s o \'I;' hete work is known ro bE' ongoing or co mple red, Il
h:1s occn idcn rìfied in p;1rcl1thes is. I-Iowc\'cr, much of rhe contC!H of these s(: rvices
are in conceptua l design, resc:arch, ur prcliminary tests. It nu)" bo;: cunsiJered th.:!!,
<1 ira [he fin a liw li o n of lht' communic:1ltons plalfonns(s) ro Sllpp orr ITS, rbese
,ue.1S w ill fnrm rhc hu lk of ITS s!;l m Llrdiz;ltion in rhe yc:us co cnme.
In order to enn b l" such sr:rvices tu be dc\'cloped nnd pruvided, sland a rdized
lTS cOll1llllrni~' :J! i ollS illle rfa ces :'lI1d [heir bthavior mU SL firs l be ddint'd alld "futllre '
l'rnofe"" ;l S f:ll' a~ pnssiblc {hcC:lIlSC thc lon g lc;ld ril11 es for the dc\'d opme n r .111d
implemcntatioll of some of these technologies will e::l:cced the: lifc:s p:l ll of man)"
currenr lel ccom n\\1tliC;HiollS t('chl1ologics), .111d m..-.rhod s ro ne rwork beTWC('tl inr\.'r·
f,lces nccd ro hc dcfined ;l nd prove d . Th is w o rk forms .he core oi rn a ny currenr
IT.s standardiza tioll activities, 3nJ releV:1n l st::md nnliz3tion \\'o,k is describ"d in
Ch .lpler 4,

Introduction to IT5 5ervices and Supporting Technologies