MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
Ilaria Bartolini (1), Cecilia Luzzi (2), Marco Patella (1), Angelo Pompilio (3) and Cesarino Ruini (3)
(1) DEIS, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, {i.bartolini, marco.patella}@unibo.it
(2) Liceo Musicale of Arezzo, Arezzo, Italy, [email protected]
(3) DISMEC, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, [email protected]
(4) MUSPE, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, [email protected]
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
is producing
MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF DIGITAL CONTENT books, photos, maps, audio, films, and archival records from Europe’s libraries, archives, museums and audio‐visual collections
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
WIDESPREAD ACCESS TO DIGITAL COLLECTIONS compromised by confusing standards and changing technologies
poorly developed search and display functions MIMESIS Multimedia Interoperable Model of poEtry and muSIc Sources MIMESIS APPROACH
enable all users to explore digitized cultural resources
with a semantic‐based method built on recent definitions of ontologies for cultural heritage
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
World Digital Library (WDL)
Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe (MICHAEL)
Europeana provide access to individual libraries, archives and museums
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
Other collections within the Web sites of national cataloguing organizations:
of the Italian Public Libraries
of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France of the British Library ‐ Münchener Digitalisierungs Zentrum of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ‐
of the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigationes Científicas
Early European Books
Early English Books Online
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
International Council for Museums‐
International Committee on Documentation (ICOM‐CIDOC)
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) describes concepts and relationships used in cultural heritage documentation
FRBR model originally designed as an entity‐relationship model by a study group appointed by the IFLA FRBRoo object‐oriented version of FRBR, harmonized with CIDOC CRM MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
Work is a distinct intellectual or artistic creation
is realised through
Expression is an intellectual or artistic realization of a work
is embodied in
Manifestation is the physical embodiment of an expression of a work
is exemplified by
Item is a single exemplar of a manifestation
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
Work Canzoniere by Francesco Petrarca
Musica nova by Adrian Willaert
Expression Canzoniere edited by Pietro Bembo in 1501
Musica nova published in 1559
Manifestation Le cose volgari di messer Francesco Petrarcha, Venezia, Aldo Manuzio, 1501
Musica nova, Venezia, Antonio Gardano, 1559
Item Le cose volgari di messer Francesco Petrarcha in Perugia, Biblioteca Augusta, shelfmark ALD 55
Musica nova in Bologna, Museo internazionale della Musica, shelfmark V.13
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
Projects that apply semantic technology to the field of music
Music Ontology
• Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval
• Provides access to over 2.9 million bibliographic records for fiction books, eBooks, and audio materials described in WorldCat
• Provides concepts and properties for describing music in the semantic Web vocabulary, for linking a wide range of music‐related information in sharing systems
• Developed a digital music library software system which provides online access to streaming audio and scanned score images
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
MIMESIS Multimedia Interoperable Model of poEtry and muSIc Sources APPROACH
applied to RePIM Repertorio della Poesia Italiana in Musica a digital archive of poetry and music from 1500 to 1700
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
Repertorio della Poesia Italiana in Musica 1500‐1700 (RePIM) 3,500 1,500 musical sources
literary (poetry) sources
1,300 66,000
musical settings
analytical description contents of poetry sources
1,300 poets
13,000 texts set to music
texts identified in literary sources
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
MIMESIS approach will permit researchers to trace the tradition of sixteenth to eighteenth century poetic texts set to music: for each “work” (abstract work), the model will allow for the identification of its morphological anatomy and its tradition horizontal scan
the articulation in parts, sections, stanzas, quatrains, tercets, etc.
chronological scan
that is, the different versions and forms the work has assumed over time
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
Giovan Tommaso Cimello, Libro primo de canti
a 4 voci, Venezia, 1548 (NV 0578)
Il primo libro de madrigali de diversi autori
(RISM 154217)
Chi volesse saper che cosa è Amore,
canti di voi le lodi:
io non so dir parole.
Apri la porta o mori,
Deh, dolce pastorella,
che giova saettar un che si more,
perché più acerba sei e più rubella,
proverbio “ama chi t’ama” è fatto antico,
che dolce più, che più giocondo stato,
m'alcun non può saper da chi sia amato.
Chi volesse saper che coss'è amore |e com'apunto se diping'o scriva (A. Willaert)
Canti di voi le lode | chi vostri sguardi e pensier vostri gode (H. Naich)
Io non so dir parole | né tanto ninfeggiar né far l'amore (D. Ferrabosco)
Apri la porta ormai | dolce mia pastorella (Yvo)
Deh dolce pastorella | vaga leggiadra e bella (Yvo)
Che giova saettar un che si more | o iniquitoso e dispietato arciero (H. Naich)
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
Descriptive data contained in RePIM
Names and professional details of the poet, composer, dedicatee, editor, etc.; descriptions of each abstract work, understood as the intellectual or artistic creation free from material entities, and of all its particular manifestations (the various versions of the text); bibliographic descriptions of the poetic and musical collections to which the various manifestations of the work belong; references to single examples of the various manifestations, and to the contents themselves (digital images of sources, transcriptions of the poetic texts, musical texts, audio files in MIDI and MP3 formats); list and description of the various libraries in which single examples from the poetic and musical collections are conserved; bibliographic and discographic information
MIMESIS A Semantic‐based Approach for a Digital Library of Poetry in Music
With this repertory it will be possible to query numerous digital collections at the same time, and access the content on the Web. This will represent a huge step forward in the state‐of‐the‐art. This project will develop scalable semantic‐based algorithms and techniques for exploiting massive distributed repositories and analyzing large volume data streams for actionable knowledge. In particular, it will support semiautomatic semantic annotation of heterogeneous media forms: video, audio, images, etc. The library will explicitly address interoperability with other European initiatives, and in particular with Europeana. All the content and the metadata created in the project will be accessible as well through the Europeana portal.
Projects from the area of lyric poetry studies and musical and cultural heritage
Biblioteca Italiana (BibIt) Liberliber (Progetto Manuzio) Antologie della Lirica Italiana (ALI) of the University of Pavia Antologie di rime del Cinquecento University of Torino project
The Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna DIAMM (Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music) Digital images of musical sources
Digital images of literary sources
Transcriptions of the poetic texts
Le cose volgari
di Messer Francesco Petrarca
Venezia, Aldo Manuzio, 1501
Uoi; ch’ascoltate in rime sparse il suono
Di quei sospiri, ond’ io nudriua il core
In sul mio primo giouenile errore,
Quand’era in parte altr’ huom da quel, ch’ i sono;
Del uario stile, in ch’ io piango et ragiono
Fra le uane speranze e’l uan dolore;
Oue sia, chi per proua intenda amore,
Spero trovare pieta, non che perdono.
Ma ben ueggi’ hor, si come al popol tutto
Fauola fui gran tempo: onde souente
Di me medesmo meco mi uergogno:
Et del mio uaneggiar uergogna è’l frutto,
E ’l pentirsi, e ’l conoscer chiaramente
Che quanto piace al mondo è breue sogno.
Modern edition of musical texts
Recordings, audio files, CD
Iconographic sources
Claudio Monteverdi
Zefiro torna
Sesto libro di madrigali, 1614
Thank you for your attention! 
For technical details, please contact Ilaria Bartolini DEIS, University of Bologna [email protected]

MIMESIS A Semantic-based Approach for a Digital Library of