Fotonica 2015 - Symposium
Si Photonics as enabling technology for
large scale applications
Marco Romagnoli, Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni,
Pisa, Italy
Photonic integration has reached a readiness level that allows commercial exploitation. In particular
Si Photonics, that may be considered as complementary to microelectronics, it is also the technology
for large scale manufacturing. Presently Si Photonics has been mainly developed for Datacom and
Telecom application, however Si Photonics shows a great potential for other spectral regions of
interest for different application fields.
The Symposium has the scope to present the state of the art of Si Photonics, new material
integration, as for instance graphene, and the possible extensions to various application fields as
sensors and biophotonics.
Details of the symposium
Date: May 88h, 2015, morning
Duration: two hours
15 minutes per speaker, with final panel discussion
Dries Van Thourhout, Ghent University and Interuniversity Microelectronic Center (IMEC), Belgium
Ivo Rendina, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
Guido Chiaretti , ST Microelectronics, Italy
Jean-Louis Gentner, III-V Labs, France
Alessandro Cavaciuti, Cisco Systems, Italy
Fotonica 2015 - Symposium

Si Photonics as enabling technology for large scale