Oggi è il dieci febbraio, duemilaquindici
Scrivete la forma di “su”
______________________ sedia
______________________ banchi
______________________ lavagna
______________________ finestre
______________________ alberi
______________________ computer
SWBAT utilize the preposition “su”, acquire the
vocabulary in the bathroom and office and
practice prepositions to describe where items
are in relation to other furniture.
 Write 10 sentences describing where the cat is in
relation to the furniture using prepositions of
place- due tomorrow
 Quiz Thursday on rooms in the house and
outside vocabulary, furniture in living room and
SWBAT utilize the preposition “su”, acquire the
vocabulary in the bathroom and office and
practice prepositions to describe where items
are in relation to other furniture.
SWBAT utilize the preposition “su”, acquire the
vocabulary in the bathroom and office and
practice prepositions to describe where items
are in relation to other furniture.
Il lavandino
•The sink
Lo specchio
•The mirror
La doccia
•The shower
La vasca
•The bathtub
La toilette
•The toilette
La scrivania
•The desk
La sedia
•The chair
La pianta
•The plant
Il computer
•The computer
Il portatile
•The laptop comouter
•The clock
SWBAT utilize the preposition “su”, acquire the vocabulary in the bathroom and office and
practice prepositions to describe where items are in relation to other furniture.
SWBAT utilize the preposition “su”, acquire the
vocabulary in the bathroom and office and
practice prepositions to describe where items
are in relation to other furniture.
Ascoltate bene!
SWBAT utilize the preposition “su”, acquire the
vocabulary in the bathroom and office and
practice prepositions to describe where items
are in relation to other furniture.
