Marginality and integration, geographic position and
anthropological identity, dimension of the existence and
unlimited cultural repertoire: dimension of the existence. A
problematic matter insufficiently studied within the process of
the European Union development which becomes a crosscurricular didactic action.
Marginalità ed integrazione , collocazione geografica ed
identità antropologica, dimensione dell’esistenza e sconfinato
repertorio culturale . Un ambito problematico poco studiato nel
processo di sviluppo dell’Unione che diventa percorso
didattico multidisciplinare.
The whole project actions implies the involvement, into the
curricula of the partner schools, of actions and products that
collectively will be produced:
1.Project Theme : Diversity and intercultural
Anthropological researches for the knowledge and understanding of
the European cultural diversity and its value (using techniques of
qualitative surveying) Acquisition of knowledge and reflection on
the own’ insularity’ finalized to the remove obstacles that are
opposed to integration
the ‘ distance’ like resource of elaboration of life styles, antidote
to the total homologation), for a positive, globalization respective
of specificity, originality, styles of life, aspirations
Insularity like ideal place for incubation of biodiversities (not only
in biological sense, but also anthropological and cultural) . Analysis
of the ‘ distance’ like cultural diversities that mutually harbour
itself .Insularity like obstacle to remove in favor of the
integration for the free circulation of the people, ideas,
expectations. Insularity like metaphor, useful to define social
enclave, ethnic, religious, economic, linguistic presents in the
metropolitan areas and in the various territories of Europe
Insularity as ‘ travel ‘ like metaphor of the discouragement of the
Didactic modules of anthropological surveying (use
of the technique of the interview)/didactic
Modules on the cultural topics connected (the’
travel’ /the territories…)
Exchanges of pupils ( among the schools
involved /hospitality in family/cost of the travel
partially supported from the local
Administrations) finalizes to a directed
intercultural dialogue on the project topics .
The activities of students exchange will be
planned during the first year of activity, after
the first project meeting
2.Theme :
Analysis of the European linguistic diversity and
its value
Minority languages and valorization ( linguistic analyses of `the insularity' in
the geographical contexts, including the cultural enclaves, linguistic , socio economic.)
History of local linguistic crossing , linguistic sedimentation, exogenous the
endogenous contributions , permanence, contaminations produced through
dominations, travels….the professions of the sea (the specialistic languages:
the language of the professions of `the sea'); the emigrations.
Coordinating the Action CLIL with the project objects in the partner
Analysis of local the linguistico patrimony (/dialetti/ language): production of a
`book' of linguistica survival in ciascuna of the schools partner (also plurilingue
not excluding the use of the dialetti local), finalized also to the exchange
activities students (support CLIL)
3.Project theme :
Acquisition of the necessary competences for a
development of active European citizenship
Survey on necessary competences for Life skills ( WHO 1993)
Reading of the life skills from the point of view of the ‘ European citizenship'
Bending of the analysis of the life skills for the European dimension, read through the
analysis of the insular dimension of life , with particular attention dynamics favoring
their development and causing their disadvantage Exercise of the active citizenship (in
insular dimension): survey on the problematic points that hinder the full exercise of the
active citizenship (Public Trasports / geografival connections /TIC availability…)
Survey on the more important things for which I can myself be felt European citizen
What must make Europe in order makes that I feel European citizen , even if living so
What can I make in order to help Europe to produce the sense of belongings also
from my so far angle
Products of analysis of surveyings
Guide to the definition of the own island ( force points/weakness points /
Vademecum of good practices for an active European citizenship in geographically far and
isolates territories
4.Project thematic
Exploration of models of knowledge , dialogue bases
on the TIC ( in order to remove geographic factors
of isolation and marginalization)
Recognition ( shared among partner schools ) on TIC
available in the partner schools / research on
possible shared strategies
Shared realization of blog ` the island that isn’t…'
(in which all the students can insert their proposes /
experiences/…. )
5. Project theme
Analysis of the pedagogical methodologies and the
introduction of innovation in the scholastic
management in the situation of geographic isolation
linked to `the insularity'
Survey on competences for the life (Life skill - the WHO 1993)
Reading the life skills in the optical of the development of `the
European citizenship', read through the point of view of the insular
dimension of life, with particular attention to dynamics helping
their development and dynamics causing disadvantage for the
insularity life
Development of the curricular taxonomies
6. Project theme:
Development of the learning (also in the dimension of the education for
the adults, present in some of the scholastic Institutions in the
partnership), of the pedagogical solutions and the innovative praxes based
on the TIC (irreplaceable instrument in case of `distance and/or
geographic marginalization (Insularity)
Activation of equipment and operation TIC, to contribute to overwhelm
the disadvantage
7 Project theme
Quality and European dimension of the teachers training in
geographic context of ‘ insularity ' (also in metaforic sense)
Survey exploring social, geographic, cultural, professional identity
of the teachers operating in islands (also in metaforic sense `')
Survey on the way of training for teachers in perspective of
work in geographic context (or metaforic) of insularity,
marginalisation, (supports to the training /incentives….)
Panoramic of the relative legislation for the teaching training and
the contributions to the formation and the incentives offers from the
school systems (comparative study) in matter of teaching in
geographic (or social) disadvantaged realities.
The project engages European schools on a topic `classic' of the West,
deep-seated in the omeric myth of migrans Ulisse, through the entire
physical and cognitive universe, towards its lost island.
The radication, `the belongings', the unrepeatable identity of the `insular'
dimension is metaphors of the archipelago of the thousand cultures,
religions, languages that constitute Europe, defying it to the
harmonization of its plural identities. The topic crosses its history,
nourishing scientific utopies and anthropological archetypes; so much wealth
of scientific reflection, philosophical and literary inspiration moves from one
objective physicist-geographic connotation of the insularity, separated,
unattainable place: one category of the spirit implying the metaphor of the
travel, adventurous for the same nature of the liquid element to furrow,
generator of isolation; anthropological, sociological, economic topic that the
plan places to the pedagogical attention of the European educational
Insularity concept of the soul, identity primitive, irrenounceable, linked
simultaneously to a splendid and cruel destiny : some schools partner live
fascination and problems of the insular dimension ; the metaphor of the
island connotes however also contexts characterizes from analogous
processes of separation, marginalization, reading, landing and escape
Didactic proposal is to construct, in synergy, insular and continentals
schools, one net of educational modules on the thousand assonances of the
insularity concept.
Il progetto impegna scuole europee su un tema ‘classico’ dell’ Occidente,
radicato nel mito omerico di Ulisse migrante, attraverso l’intero universo
fisico e cognitivo, verso la sua perduta isola. Il radicamento, la
‘appartenenza’ , la irripetibile identità della dimensione ‘insulare’ sono
metafore dell’arcipelago delle mille culture, religioni, lingue, vissuti che
costituiscono l’Europa, sfidandola alla armonizzazione delle sue identità
Il tema ne attraversa la storia , nutrendo utopie scientifiche e archetipi
antropologici ; tanta ricchezza di riflessione scientifica, ispirazione
filosofica e letteraria muove da una oggettiva connotazione fisicogeografica della insularità, luogo separato, irraggiungibile : una categoria
dello spirito implicante la metafora del viaggio, avventuroso per la natura
stessa dell’elemento liquido da solcare, generatore di isolamento ; tema
antropologico, sociologico, economico che il progetto pone alla attenzione
‘pedagogica‘ dei sistemi scolastici europei. Insularità concetto
dell’anima,identità primigenia, irrinunciabile, connotativa di un destino
splendido e crudele al contempo : alcune scuole partner vivono
e problematicità della dimensione insulare ; la metafora dell’isola connota
tuttavia anche contesti caratterizzati da analoghi processi di
separatezza, emarginazione, difficoltà di lettura , di fuga e di approdo.
Proposta didattica è costruire, in sinergia, scuole isolane e continentali,
una rete di percorsi formativi sulle mille assonanze del concetto di

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